The Little Church in the Pines
April 14, 2024
Sermon by: Pastor Tom
I chose this today for two reasons: first, I was asked to do so, and second, I have yet to speak on the subject before this, though I have, of course, spoken of it many times during sermons. So, I have taken on the challenge.
The time I had the personal waking vision of heaven, I never got further than the edge, so to speak, but that was impressive in that #1, I got to see Jesus, and #2, the colors. We think white is white here…, but it is indescribably white there, as blue is far richer than our blue sky. The colors seemed to be radiating light themselves. Stunning.
Some have reported having been there and come back…and given my own experience, who am I to say they haven't? However, rather than taking their descriptions into account here, again, I think it best to stick to Scripture.
Heaven, Heavens, and Heavenly are mentioned over 557 times in the Bible, so there was no need to go anywhere else to speak on them, though I have used some commentaries and word studies, all focusing on Scripture itself.
On a far different note, yet the same subject.
There have been countless religious, secular, and even romantic songs written about heaven.
Here is a romantic one sung and danced by Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers:
Heaven, I'm in heaven,
And my heart beat so that I can hardly speak,
And I seem to find the happiness I seek,
When we're out together, dancing cheek to cheek!
I remember seeing it on film…..
Here is a Christian one……..
We will sing one at the end of the service.
When we reach heaven, we'll sing and shout the victory in just one line.
Do any of you have what you would consider a firm opinion on what you believe heaven is like?
I don't know if you will by the time I finish, but perhaps you will at least gain more understanding than you do. I did.
Now imagine the disciples and Jesus all together in the Upper Room. He begins to tell them what lay before Him soon.
The disciples are distressed…..He goes on to say that one of them will betray Him and another will deny he even knew him.
As they murmur among themselves, asking who among us could do these things…Jesus says to them and today to us, "Let not your heart be troubled. Heaven is the KEY."
According to an April 24, 2000, Washington Post of all papers article, 88% of all Americans believe in a literal place called
heaven, and important statistic because imagine what our society would be like if we didn't believe in heaven….
A society that didn't believe would be obsessed with youth. It would spend millions of dollars trying to look, act, and try to stay young, through plastic surgery, diets and exercise, ad-Infinium. Crime would soar without fear of an eternal judgment. Theology that would become based on here and now only so, therefore, let go of much of what Jesus taught about how we are to live, morality, laws, justice, standards of living, etc., even theology that based itself on the here and now prosperity and self-worship. Ours is the first generation to teach that, materially, one can have heaven on earth.
Pastors today have tremendous pressure to "teach to the times" to scratch where it itches. Few want to hear about heaven. This lifestyle caused a classic English minister to say, "While everyone is preaching to the times, may not one pastor, please stand out and speak for eternity."
Some pastors are preaching themselves out of the very position God has called them to by the congregations that they have been called to shepherd.
Cultural relevancy has become the New Gospel, its new foundation on which to build a new and godless culture…full of all the right words but without the heart and soul of Jesus Christ.
Let's look at all the people, including Albert Einstein and his theory of relativity. For in heaven, there is no past, present, or future but a continual now. According to Einstein, it is proven that time stops when one travels at the speed of light, and he validated that because God Himself is light (1 John 1:5) in His presence, time ceases.
Time is often our biggest frustration here on earth…there will be no frustration, no please, give me just one more minute, day, hour, week, month or year so I can accomplish all that I want to.
Most people have the idea that heaven is sort of like a long, Sunday afternoon nap…plucking a few strings on a harp, eating a grape or two and then, lounging around on a white cloud. Not true, for in heaven you will experience to the fullest extent the desires of your heart.
Perhaps you LOVE music….we know there are choirs in heaven, and either you can be a part of one or even perhaps be a director and write songs for them.
Maybe you love gardening, I saw myself the grass was greener on the other side…and guess what? No weeds Ancil.
Also, you might be a people person. The people you know here you will know there…for "when we all get together, we'll sing and shout the victory! If you remember, with our new reconstituted bodies not only will we recognize each other, but there will be no more sorrow, no more tears, disease, deformities, if you are bald now you and I will have a full head of hair…attested again by my own waking vison where when I saw dad…who looked 25, completely bald he had a full head of black hair…and mom who was quite overweight, had her youthful figure back…both looking radiant.
Also…as I shared last week….after the resurrection in Jesus new body…He sat on the beach with His disciples and at freshly caught fish and bread….He also in this body, walked through walls and would both appear and disappear as evidenced when the disciples were gathered together, Thomas now with them who was not when He last appeared to them…Thomas said he would not believe unless he could put his fingers in the holes in Jesus' hands and put his hand in Jesus' side. Suddenly Jesus was in the midst of them and offered to Thomas His hands and His side to prove to him His resurrected body…and Thomas, now believed and said, My Lord and My God.
We all have questions with our whys. Why do bad things happen to good people…why did my child drown…why did our house burn to the ground….Now, what I am going to say next is a personal opinion. That it really won't matter once we are there….so free and full and rich will it be…just to be in the presence of our Lord and God that we will have laid aside all our questions…and look to the moment, feeling it fully, being at peace, true peace for the first time in our existence….that we simply lay all our questions and burdens down.
Psalm 139 tells us that all our days are written in a book. Could it be that the book is what science now calls the DNA genetic code, the strand wherein is packed all of one's characteristics, appearance, and entire being? So much information is crammed into the DNA genetic code that it would fill volumes in our encyclopedia. With that in mind, could it be that even if a baby is aborted or dies prematurely, his or her genetic code will be fully alive and real in heaven?
Hang on…..Jesus said. "It's not ever yet, for the first will be last; the last will be first; and the score will be settled.
I believe we will be surprised on many occasions as to who we will find there….for remember Jesus' is the judge…not you and I, and His judgment will be fair and will have more to do with the heart of the individual than at times our errant acts….for He knows the causation…
Heaven will be a place of wholeness…compelling thought-provoking environment….great beauty….all encompassed in TRUE LOVE, NOT CONDITIONAL….
So far I have except for my own experience of the intensity of colors, not speaking of heaven's description.
One very important fact we must remember above all else it is the dwelling place of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit….and that they are HOLY, therefore it is not just a place, but THE PLACE…..
The Bible is filled with descriptions of heaven, but John during his imprisonment on the Isle of Patmos, brings us through his many visions…a true REVELATION through what he experienced and saw, giving us the most detailed and vivid imagery of what heaven is like.
In it, he describes the NEW heaven and NEW earth that will be created when this one passes away.
The physical description includes the new city Jerusalem made of pure gold, walls adorned with precious jewels, and gates of pearls. with streets of transparent glass, and a river of life flowing from the throne of God Himself.
It is written the size to be 1400 miles in length, width and height. It also has a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb, Jesus Christ.
It has no need for a sin or moon, for the glory of God illuminates it.
It is written that the Tree of Life on both sides of the river, which bears twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit consistently.
The leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.
The city is described as a city of great beauty and glory.
The Throne of God is described as being surrounded by a rainbow that looks like an emerald.
From the throne coms flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder.
There is a multitude of angels…..then the saints. US!
Heaven is not just a place of peace and rest, but activity, Part of that activity is worship and also of service in God's Temple.
Heaven is the place where Sin and Satan no longer exist, no more curse, no night or day….no moon or sun.
There will be perfect peace, joy, and love.
John, in Revelation 22:4 says, "They will see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads.
This verse shows that believers show that believers will have a one-on-one personal relationship with God being marked as His own.
As I was finishing this up…..I decided to do what I said I wasn't going to do and look for a testimony of someone who had an experience of heaven.
As I write this I come across Margaret. I would say she was in her late 50s or early sixties. She was in her doctor's office undergoing an exam, when she had a sudden huge increase in her blood pressure….immediately concerned the doctor began to work on her and called for an ambulance...for a hospital was nearby….and they rushed her to it…
In the emergency room, her heart stopped….at that moment she said, "I found myself….looking down at my own body, and saw my husband in the corner of the room with a stricken face…and all those who were working to resuscitate me…the next thing I knew was I was met by an angel."
Immediately following that I became aware that everywhere I looked the colors were vibrant…and there was a beautiful stream, trees, fields of flowers, tall waving grass…..and the scent of all of them together was incredibly beautiful….
Then I began to see people coming toward me. My mother and father, others that I had known, all, came to greet and welcome me.
Behind them, I saw a brilliant light…so bright that I could not bear to look at it…but I felt a powerful, wonderful love emanating from the light, and I knew it was my heavenly Father….
8.I then saw something that puzzled me…it was a toddler running through the grass, laughing and joyous….again, still puzzled Jesus now there, told me this was the baby I lost shortly after he was born…looking at him in wonder, my happiness was so great that I cried tears of JOY….
At this time the Lord said to me….this was a gift…and that I would be going back to my body and life…to share what I saw, heard and felt….and I did….I am now often called to tell what happened to me….to give others encouragement not only for themselves but for those they have lost or who are dying….
As it turns out, Margaret was legally dead for eleven minutes….
She remembers entering back into her body….hearing voices and feeling pain from those who had continued to work on her body and heart….then, seeing the look on her husbands face…at the moment the monitor showed her heart beating…and her gasp as she took that first breath.
Dead…eleven minutes with no brain damage…but a sore chest.
Hebrews 13:5….Be content with what you have and where you are….because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."
Having seen my parents in heaven….I too was joyous….and that I did, has carried me through some rough times…..times that I have held on to hope…for myself, and for those that I too love and care for. I had the privilege of praying with my mother several months before she died from stomach cancer….while visiting her in Pennsylvania….where she lived and I was raised.
Revelation 21:4: He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.
I hope this has encouraged you….and given you a measure of hope for what lies ahead…for though we try to live fully the lives we have here are on earth….they are but dust in the wind compared to the one that lies ahead…..Hallelujah
April 14, 2024
Sermon by: Pastor Tom
I chose this today for two reasons: first, I was asked to do so, and second, I have yet to speak on the subject before this, though I have, of course, spoken of it many times during sermons. So, I have taken on the challenge.
The time I had the personal waking vision of heaven, I never got further than the edge, so to speak, but that was impressive in that #1, I got to see Jesus, and #2, the colors. We think white is white here…, but it is indescribably white there, as blue is far richer than our blue sky. The colors seemed to be radiating light themselves. Stunning.
Some have reported having been there and come back…and given my own experience, who am I to say they haven't? However, rather than taking their descriptions into account here, again, I think it best to stick to Scripture.
Heaven, Heavens, and Heavenly are mentioned over 557 times in the Bible, so there was no need to go anywhere else to speak on them, though I have used some commentaries and word studies, all focusing on Scripture itself.
On a far different note, yet the same subject.
There have been countless religious, secular, and even romantic songs written about heaven.
Here is a romantic one sung and danced by Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers:
Heaven, I'm in heaven,
And my heart beat so that I can hardly speak,
And I seem to find the happiness I seek,
When we're out together, dancing cheek to cheek!
I remember seeing it on film…..
Here is a Christian one……..
We will sing one at the end of the service.
When we reach heaven, we'll sing and shout the victory in just one line.
Do any of you have what you would consider a firm opinion on what you believe heaven is like?
I don't know if you will by the time I finish, but perhaps you will at least gain more understanding than you do. I did.
Now imagine the disciples and Jesus all together in the Upper Room. He begins to tell them what lay before Him soon.
The disciples are distressed…..He goes on to say that one of them will betray Him and another will deny he even knew him.
As they murmur among themselves, asking who among us could do these things…Jesus says to them and today to us, "Let not your heart be troubled. Heaven is the KEY."
According to an April 24, 2000, Washington Post of all papers article, 88% of all Americans believe in a literal place called
heaven, and important statistic because imagine what our society would be like if we didn't believe in heaven….
A society that didn't believe would be obsessed with youth. It would spend millions of dollars trying to look, act, and try to stay young, through plastic surgery, diets and exercise, ad-Infinium. Crime would soar without fear of an eternal judgment. Theology that would become based on here and now only so, therefore, let go of much of what Jesus taught about how we are to live, morality, laws, justice, standards of living, etc., even theology that based itself on the here and now prosperity and self-worship. Ours is the first generation to teach that, materially, one can have heaven on earth.
Pastors today have tremendous pressure to "teach to the times" to scratch where it itches. Few want to hear about heaven. This lifestyle caused a classic English minister to say, "While everyone is preaching to the times, may not one pastor, please stand out and speak for eternity."
Some pastors are preaching themselves out of the very position God has called them to by the congregations that they have been called to shepherd.
Cultural relevancy has become the New Gospel, its new foundation on which to build a new and godless culture…full of all the right words but without the heart and soul of Jesus Christ.
Let's look at all the people, including Albert Einstein and his theory of relativity. For in heaven, there is no past, present, or future but a continual now. According to Einstein, it is proven that time stops when one travels at the speed of light, and he validated that because God Himself is light (1 John 1:5) in His presence, time ceases.
Time is often our biggest frustration here on earth…there will be no frustration, no please, give me just one more minute, day, hour, week, month or year so I can accomplish all that I want to.
Most people have the idea that heaven is sort of like a long, Sunday afternoon nap…plucking a few strings on a harp, eating a grape or two and then, lounging around on a white cloud. Not true, for in heaven you will experience to the fullest extent the desires of your heart.
Perhaps you LOVE music….we know there are choirs in heaven, and either you can be a part of one or even perhaps be a director and write songs for them.
Maybe you love gardening, I saw myself the grass was greener on the other side…and guess what? No weeds Ancil.
Also, you might be a people person. The people you know here you will know there…for "when we all get together, we'll sing and shout the victory! If you remember, with our new reconstituted bodies not only will we recognize each other, but there will be no more sorrow, no more tears, disease, deformities, if you are bald now you and I will have a full head of hair…attested again by my own waking vison where when I saw dad…who looked 25, completely bald he had a full head of black hair…and mom who was quite overweight, had her youthful figure back…both looking radiant.
Also…as I shared last week….after the resurrection in Jesus new body…He sat on the beach with His disciples and at freshly caught fish and bread….He also in this body, walked through walls and would both appear and disappear as evidenced when the disciples were gathered together, Thomas now with them who was not when He last appeared to them…Thomas said he would not believe unless he could put his fingers in the holes in Jesus' hands and put his hand in Jesus' side. Suddenly Jesus was in the midst of them and offered to Thomas His hands and His side to prove to him His resurrected body…and Thomas, now believed and said, My Lord and My God.
We all have questions with our whys. Why do bad things happen to good people…why did my child drown…why did our house burn to the ground….Now, what I am going to say next is a personal opinion. That it really won't matter once we are there….so free and full and rich will it be…just to be in the presence of our Lord and God that we will have laid aside all our questions…and look to the moment, feeling it fully, being at peace, true peace for the first time in our existence….that we simply lay all our questions and burdens down.
Psalm 139 tells us that all our days are written in a book. Could it be that the book is what science now calls the DNA genetic code, the strand wherein is packed all of one's characteristics, appearance, and entire being? So much information is crammed into the DNA genetic code that it would fill volumes in our encyclopedia. With that in mind, could it be that even if a baby is aborted or dies prematurely, his or her genetic code will be fully alive and real in heaven?
Hang on…..Jesus said. "It's not ever yet, for the first will be last; the last will be first; and the score will be settled.
I believe we will be surprised on many occasions as to who we will find there….for remember Jesus' is the judge…not you and I, and His judgment will be fair and will have more to do with the heart of the individual than at times our errant acts….for He knows the causation…
Heaven will be a place of wholeness…compelling thought-provoking environment….great beauty….all encompassed in TRUE LOVE, NOT CONDITIONAL….
So far I have except for my own experience of the intensity of colors, not speaking of heaven's description.
One very important fact we must remember above all else it is the dwelling place of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit….and that they are HOLY, therefore it is not just a place, but THE PLACE…..
The Bible is filled with descriptions of heaven, but John during his imprisonment on the Isle of Patmos, brings us through his many visions…a true REVELATION through what he experienced and saw, giving us the most detailed and vivid imagery of what heaven is like.
In it, he describes the NEW heaven and NEW earth that will be created when this one passes away.
The physical description includes the new city Jerusalem made of pure gold, walls adorned with precious jewels, and gates of pearls. with streets of transparent glass, and a river of life flowing from the throne of God Himself.
It is written the size to be 1400 miles in length, width and height. It also has a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb, Jesus Christ.
It has no need for a sin or moon, for the glory of God illuminates it.
It is written that the Tree of Life on both sides of the river, which bears twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit consistently.
The leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.
The city is described as a city of great beauty and glory.
The Throne of God is described as being surrounded by a rainbow that looks like an emerald.
From the throne coms flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder.
There is a multitude of angels…..then the saints. US!
Heaven is not just a place of peace and rest, but activity, Part of that activity is worship and also of service in God's Temple.
Heaven is the place where Sin and Satan no longer exist, no more curse, no night or day….no moon or sun.
There will be perfect peace, joy, and love.
John, in Revelation 22:4 says, "They will see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads.
This verse shows that believers show that believers will have a one-on-one personal relationship with God being marked as His own.
As I was finishing this up…..I decided to do what I said I wasn't going to do and look for a testimony of someone who had an experience of heaven.
As I write this I come across Margaret. I would say she was in her late 50s or early sixties. She was in her doctor's office undergoing an exam, when she had a sudden huge increase in her blood pressure….immediately concerned the doctor began to work on her and called for an ambulance...for a hospital was nearby….and they rushed her to it…
In the emergency room, her heart stopped….at that moment she said, "I found myself….looking down at my own body, and saw my husband in the corner of the room with a stricken face…and all those who were working to resuscitate me…the next thing I knew was I was met by an angel."
Immediately following that I became aware that everywhere I looked the colors were vibrant…and there was a beautiful stream, trees, fields of flowers, tall waving grass…..and the scent of all of them together was incredibly beautiful….
Then I began to see people coming toward me. My mother and father, others that I had known, all, came to greet and welcome me.
Behind them, I saw a brilliant light…so bright that I could not bear to look at it…but I felt a powerful, wonderful love emanating from the light, and I knew it was my heavenly Father….
8.I then saw something that puzzled me…it was a toddler running through the grass, laughing and joyous….again, still puzzled Jesus now there, told me this was the baby I lost shortly after he was born…looking at him in wonder, my happiness was so great that I cried tears of JOY….
At this time the Lord said to me….this was a gift…and that I would be going back to my body and life…to share what I saw, heard and felt….and I did….I am now often called to tell what happened to me….to give others encouragement not only for themselves but for those they have lost or who are dying….
As it turns out, Margaret was legally dead for eleven minutes….
She remembers entering back into her body….hearing voices and feeling pain from those who had continued to work on her body and heart….then, seeing the look on her husbands face…at the moment the monitor showed her heart beating…and her gasp as she took that first breath.
Dead…eleven minutes with no brain damage…but a sore chest.
Hebrews 13:5….Be content with what you have and where you are….because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."
Having seen my parents in heaven….I too was joyous….and that I did, has carried me through some rough times…..times that I have held on to hope…for myself, and for those that I too love and care for. I had the privilege of praying with my mother several months before she died from stomach cancer….while visiting her in Pennsylvania….where she lived and I was raised.
Revelation 21:4: He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.
I hope this has encouraged you….and given you a measure of hope for what lies ahead…for though we try to live fully the lives we have here are on earth….they are but dust in the wind compared to the one that lies ahead…..Hallelujah
The man, Jesus!
Sermon by: Pastor Tom Shanor
PO Box 292
Have you ever given thought to this? If you had been alive In Jesus time and one of His followers. Not a disciple, but an ordinary person (of course the disciples were ordinary too) but one of those many who were so taken up by His personality, persona, teachings, and of course the occasional miracle, having left your home and lifestyle to become an itinerant follower of His. What you would have seen and heard. And had you had the skill of writing, taking notes for yourself. A rather hard thing to do in those days, but let’s say it is possible.
I had desired prior to arriving at this subject to talk about today wanting to keep the next several Sunday’s informative but also a bit upbeat.
While doing research, I accidentally came across an editorial (surprise) when I sat to write this, as I had determined to do so ahead of when I found the article, and so some of it I incorporated into my sermon today.
One of the questions is, who was the Man Jesus?
His personality, including the ways he perceived people and events, how He expressed Himself, using body language, facial expressions, voice and inflections. These of course we have no idea, but In the movie, (The Passion) the little I have seen of it…. the actor playing Jesus did a wonderful job in capturing what might have been how His followers and the crowds would have seen and heard Him.
What I am going to voice next as I researched a variety of circumstances in the New Testament…. I came up with 15 aspects of His personality, which of course do not fully capture who He was.
I perceive Him as….
· COMPASSIONATE TO ALL, and with His passion to reveal both Himself and God the Father to the masses, therefore JESUS WAS INCLUSIVE, for no one was to be left out of the message (THE GOSPEL)
· He is also……according to Scripture,
· And last but by no means the least…HE WAS KIND
There are more I could have used, for He is in personality and spiritually, was and is the summation of God His Father, and ours.
In the first aspect of His personality, He as I said above was and is COMPASSIONATE AND INCLUSIVE, and is seem on several occasions. you would have seen where He spent a lot of time around the dinner table. Many of His most frequently quoted messages and standout stories happened while sharing a meal with others. If then, you would have looked closely, often the company around Him was diverse, therefore inclusive, remarkably so given the religious laws in the Jewish world for separation from both sinners and Gentiles. All those outside Judaism.
Mark 213. “Then He went out again by the sea; and all the multitude came to Him and He taught them. Vs. 14. As He passed by, He saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax office. And He said to him, FOLLOW ME,” So he arose and followed Him. 15, Now it happened, as He was dining in Levi’s house, that many tax collectors and sinners also sat together with Jesus and His disciples; for there were many….and they followed Him.
16. And when the Scribes and Pharisees saw Him eating with the tax collectors and sinners, they said to His disciples, “how is it that he eats and drink with tax collectors and sinners? 17. When Jesus heard it, He said to them.
“Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinner, to repentance.”
He shared meals with the outcasts. He even spent time with the self-righteous religious elite as well.
He deeply and simply cared for all people, even those who had broken every rule of law, and were seen as unclean.
He even dined at the tables of the wealthy, whose riches were often won with lies and through corruption. But even then, some of these men gave up lives of comfort, and become one of the itinerate I spoke of earlier.
He crossed racial and religious boundaries to the shock many around Him. He invited everyone, no matter who or what they were, to share a meal during His preaching at the Sermon on the Mount.
When asked why He did so, He replied. “I came into the world, to testify to the TRUTH. Everyone on the side of TRUTH listens to Me.’
He was indeed a radical of radicals, which of course became part of the reasons for Him being crucified. No one even considered up until then embracing ALL of humanity.
The religious do-rights of course began to whisper behind His back. They called Him (the friend of sinners). Amen and Amen to that.
It was supposed to be an insult, but Jesus wore it proudly. He was a friend to everyone…even the self-righteous.
What better concept to win someone to your side…and my friends here today, it is still a good and wonderful way to get to know people. Even non-believers.
This ties into the song that I read to you over a month ago, called “WE WILL BREAK DIVIDINGS WALLS” which is exactly what JESUS WAS ALL ABOUT…. the song of which I will read to you again now, since it dovetails so beautifully into what I am sharing about Jesus……. where He called us His friends.
Today…in our country, there exists division and strife, hypocrisy and downright meanness….as during my 78 years I have never seen before, and it is painful and causes pain.
We encounter people who call themselves Christians, followers of Jesus Christ, taking His open invitation to all…and turning it into an exclusive club, while outside their circles are those in need of His LOVE, GRACE, MERCY AND EVEN CARE.
What would this broken world look like if we Christians emulated just this aspect of His personality….and where it became the norm for us, and really today if we did this and could see into the spiritual realm, we just might see Jesus sitting among us smiling and shaking His head in the affirmative, pleased by out outreach.
In some small but good way…. both our Community focused BBQ’s, and our Annual Pancake Breakfast yesterday, are just such an outreach.
Sometimes strangers sit with us….and our LDS friends and neighbors, with whom I believe in the past several years we have broken down some walls of division in fellowship, with open arms and hearts.
RADICALLY INCLUSIVE…that has to be us. Although, we don’t live in an area with a great deal of racial or ethnic diversity, we do live in an area with those who are at times in need…and we even there have reached out…and need to keep an eye and ear open for those who can use our help.
I am reminded of one of our visitors last Sunday, Preston, when I met him at the door, asking me if sinners were allowed in. I responded, not only allowed but welcomed as we shook hands as old friends, warmly and firmly.
(John 1:35-51, John 15:5)
His words were direct and simple, “I have called you, My friends.”
These words capture the essence of John’s depiction of the Jesus’ relationship with the disciples, and since we too are His disciples, us! He too is our Friend…spelled with a capital F.
The relational element He had with them and now with us is critical.
Upon our accepting Jesus as our Savior, Lord and God, there are multiple elements that come into play, but foremost is as I said above, the relationship we can build with Him.
A real and viable, and intimate and loving friendship.
In all the religions of the world…. none offer to their followers the closeness and intimacy of a personal relationship that He offers to us.
The disciples were not just buddies basking in the radiance of Jesus’ friendship, but also His workers, in bringing the Gospel to the world….as we too are to do.
I spoke last week of the way we live our lives or are supposed to live our lives, in what I call Lifestyle Evangelism to our neighbors, our relatives and even strangers.
Give this some real thought and be thankful that you have been chosen to do a great thing.
It is precisely this double connection between friendship and labor, that holds the key as to how this interactive friendship works as John relates. Our lifestyle evangelism work, and works…producing, or is supposed to produce good fruit.
Here is a setting we might have found ourselves in as a noted follower.
It’s been a long day of listening to Jesus teach, hot and dry. The crowds were large creating a lot of dust. One of the things you were assigned to by the disciples, was to make sure if anyone fainted or it looked like things might get out of hand…you and a few others would step in to take care of what needed to be done.
Jesus has dispersed the crowd, everyone from the town is heading home, thinking and pondering all they heard that day.
The sun had set, as the night air was already cooling as it often does in the desert. Those who were serving like yourself, along with the disciples, were preparing to sit around a fire that was being made…. ready to share a cold dinner of barley bread, cheese, grapes, honey, leeks….
As the meal was progressing…. this time of intimacy was always looked forward to by everyone. As usual, Jesus, no longer having to speak loudly to be heard…would continue teaching...and occasionally some event or events of the day would be discussed…. perhaps something humorous that had occurred would be laughed over by all…including the Lord…and discussed was the attitude of the people overall…. the healings that took place…the tears of gratefulness, and a quiet reverence as the evening was coming to a close…would settle over the gathering. A Psalm would be sung…a stringed instrument, similar to a dulcimer, might be played. God
was certainly worshiped and spoken of in reverential voices…. all with a grateful heart considering themselves blessed…for being able to be a part of what God was doing though this Man, this prophet and teacher and friend.
It wasn’t yet common yet for Jesus to be spoken openly among the crowd as the Messiah. But many were thinking…”is this the Messiah? Yet, this gathering had heard Him say so, talked among themselves of it……hoped and prayed it was so, and therefore saw themselves as blessed.
These next Scriptures…illustrate one of my favorite stories as a little boy.
Luke 19:1- 10 READ
They had never met…. yet Jesus called Zacchaeus’s name…their verbal exchange happened so quickly and spontaneously…there was no time for anyone to have said to Him that’s Zacchaeus….
Zacchaeus…certainly knew who Jesus was…and yearned in his heart to hear Him speak and see Him up close.
His deepest yearning was now met….in a way he could not have imagined or hoped…the LORD was not only called Him by name but was going to stay in his home, eat his food…sleep in his house.
The beautiful thing is, He knows us all by name….
Have each of you responded….by simply saying…yes Lord…I hear you calling me in my spirit…in my heart….and yes, Lord, I accept your call.
John 10:9-16 READ
Sermon by: Pastor Tom Shanor
PO Box 292
Have you ever given thought to this? If you had been alive In Jesus time and one of His followers. Not a disciple, but an ordinary person (of course the disciples were ordinary too) but one of those many who were so taken up by His personality, persona, teachings, and of course the occasional miracle, having left your home and lifestyle to become an itinerant follower of His. What you would have seen and heard. And had you had the skill of writing, taking notes for yourself. A rather hard thing to do in those days, but let’s say it is possible.
I had desired prior to arriving at this subject to talk about today wanting to keep the next several Sunday’s informative but also a bit upbeat.
While doing research, I accidentally came across an editorial (surprise) when I sat to write this, as I had determined to do so ahead of when I found the article, and so some of it I incorporated into my sermon today.
One of the questions is, who was the Man Jesus?
His personality, including the ways he perceived people and events, how He expressed Himself, using body language, facial expressions, voice and inflections. These of course we have no idea, but In the movie, (The Passion) the little I have seen of it…. the actor playing Jesus did a wonderful job in capturing what might have been how His followers and the crowds would have seen and heard Him.
What I am going to voice next as I researched a variety of circumstances in the New Testament…. I came up with 15 aspects of His personality, which of course do not fully capture who He was.
I perceive Him as….
· COMPASSIONATE TO ALL, and with His passion to reveal both Himself and God the Father to the masses, therefore JESUS WAS INCLUSIVE, for no one was to be left out of the message (THE GOSPEL)
· He is also……according to Scripture,
· And last but by no means the least…HE WAS KIND
There are more I could have used, for He is in personality and spiritually, was and is the summation of God His Father, and ours.
In the first aspect of His personality, He as I said above was and is COMPASSIONATE AND INCLUSIVE, and is seem on several occasions. you would have seen where He spent a lot of time around the dinner table. Many of His most frequently quoted messages and standout stories happened while sharing a meal with others. If then, you would have looked closely, often the company around Him was diverse, therefore inclusive, remarkably so given the religious laws in the Jewish world for separation from both sinners and Gentiles. All those outside Judaism.
Mark 213. “Then He went out again by the sea; and all the multitude came to Him and He taught them. Vs. 14. As He passed by, He saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax office. And He said to him, FOLLOW ME,” So he arose and followed Him. 15, Now it happened, as He was dining in Levi’s house, that many tax collectors and sinners also sat together with Jesus and His disciples; for there were many….and they followed Him.
16. And when the Scribes and Pharisees saw Him eating with the tax collectors and sinners, they said to His disciples, “how is it that he eats and drink with tax collectors and sinners? 17. When Jesus heard it, He said to them.
“Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinner, to repentance.”
He shared meals with the outcasts. He even spent time with the self-righteous religious elite as well.
He deeply and simply cared for all people, even those who had broken every rule of law, and were seen as unclean.
He even dined at the tables of the wealthy, whose riches were often won with lies and through corruption. But even then, some of these men gave up lives of comfort, and become one of the itinerate I spoke of earlier.
He crossed racial and religious boundaries to the shock many around Him. He invited everyone, no matter who or what they were, to share a meal during His preaching at the Sermon on the Mount.
When asked why He did so, He replied. “I came into the world, to testify to the TRUTH. Everyone on the side of TRUTH listens to Me.’
He was indeed a radical of radicals, which of course became part of the reasons for Him being crucified. No one even considered up until then embracing ALL of humanity.
The religious do-rights of course began to whisper behind His back. They called Him (the friend of sinners). Amen and Amen to that.
It was supposed to be an insult, but Jesus wore it proudly. He was a friend to everyone…even the self-righteous.
What better concept to win someone to your side…and my friends here today, it is still a good and wonderful way to get to know people. Even non-believers.
This ties into the song that I read to you over a month ago, called “WE WILL BREAK DIVIDINGS WALLS” which is exactly what JESUS WAS ALL ABOUT…. the song of which I will read to you again now, since it dovetails so beautifully into what I am sharing about Jesus……. where He called us His friends.
Today…in our country, there exists division and strife, hypocrisy and downright meanness….as during my 78 years I have never seen before, and it is painful and causes pain.
We encounter people who call themselves Christians, followers of Jesus Christ, taking His open invitation to all…and turning it into an exclusive club, while outside their circles are those in need of His LOVE, GRACE, MERCY AND EVEN CARE.
What would this broken world look like if we Christians emulated just this aspect of His personality….and where it became the norm for us, and really today if we did this and could see into the spiritual realm, we just might see Jesus sitting among us smiling and shaking His head in the affirmative, pleased by out outreach.
In some small but good way…. both our Community focused BBQ’s, and our Annual Pancake Breakfast yesterday, are just such an outreach.
Sometimes strangers sit with us….and our LDS friends and neighbors, with whom I believe in the past several years we have broken down some walls of division in fellowship, with open arms and hearts.
RADICALLY INCLUSIVE…that has to be us. Although, we don’t live in an area with a great deal of racial or ethnic diversity, we do live in an area with those who are at times in need…and we even there have reached out…and need to keep an eye and ear open for those who can use our help.
I am reminded of one of our visitors last Sunday, Preston, when I met him at the door, asking me if sinners were allowed in. I responded, not only allowed but welcomed as we shook hands as old friends, warmly and firmly.
(John 1:35-51, John 15:5)
His words were direct and simple, “I have called you, My friends.”
These words capture the essence of John’s depiction of the Jesus’ relationship with the disciples, and since we too are His disciples, us! He too is our Friend…spelled with a capital F.
The relational element He had with them and now with us is critical.
Upon our accepting Jesus as our Savior, Lord and God, there are multiple elements that come into play, but foremost is as I said above, the relationship we can build with Him.
A real and viable, and intimate and loving friendship.
In all the religions of the world…. none offer to their followers the closeness and intimacy of a personal relationship that He offers to us.
The disciples were not just buddies basking in the radiance of Jesus’ friendship, but also His workers, in bringing the Gospel to the world….as we too are to do.
I spoke last week of the way we live our lives or are supposed to live our lives, in what I call Lifestyle Evangelism to our neighbors, our relatives and even strangers.
Give this some real thought and be thankful that you have been chosen to do a great thing.
It is precisely this double connection between friendship and labor, that holds the key as to how this interactive friendship works as John relates. Our lifestyle evangelism work, and works…producing, or is supposed to produce good fruit.
Here is a setting we might have found ourselves in as a noted follower.
It’s been a long day of listening to Jesus teach, hot and dry. The crowds were large creating a lot of dust. One of the things you were assigned to by the disciples, was to make sure if anyone fainted or it looked like things might get out of hand…you and a few others would step in to take care of what needed to be done.
Jesus has dispersed the crowd, everyone from the town is heading home, thinking and pondering all they heard that day.
The sun had set, as the night air was already cooling as it often does in the desert. Those who were serving like yourself, along with the disciples, were preparing to sit around a fire that was being made…. ready to share a cold dinner of barley bread, cheese, grapes, honey, leeks….
As the meal was progressing…. this time of intimacy was always looked forward to by everyone. As usual, Jesus, no longer having to speak loudly to be heard…would continue teaching...and occasionally some event or events of the day would be discussed…. perhaps something humorous that had occurred would be laughed over by all…including the Lord…and discussed was the attitude of the people overall…. the healings that took place…the tears of gratefulness, and a quiet reverence as the evening was coming to a close…would settle over the gathering. A Psalm would be sung…a stringed instrument, similar to a dulcimer, might be played. God
was certainly worshiped and spoken of in reverential voices…. all with a grateful heart considering themselves blessed…for being able to be a part of what God was doing though this Man, this prophet and teacher and friend.
It wasn’t yet common yet for Jesus to be spoken openly among the crowd as the Messiah. But many were thinking…”is this the Messiah? Yet, this gathering had heard Him say so, talked among themselves of it……hoped and prayed it was so, and therefore saw themselves as blessed.
These next Scriptures…illustrate one of my favorite stories as a little boy.
Luke 19:1- 10 READ
They had never met…. yet Jesus called Zacchaeus’s name…their verbal exchange happened so quickly and spontaneously…there was no time for anyone to have said to Him that’s Zacchaeus….
Zacchaeus…certainly knew who Jesus was…and yearned in his heart to hear Him speak and see Him up close.
His deepest yearning was now met….in a way he could not have imagined or hoped…the LORD was not only called Him by name but was going to stay in his home, eat his food…sleep in his house.
The beautiful thing is, He knows us all by name….
Have each of you responded….by simply saying…yes Lord…I hear you calling me in my spirit…in my heart….and yes, Lord, I accept your call.
John 10:9-16 READ
The Little Church in the Pines
2100 South Big Springs Road
P.O. Box 292
Island Park, Idaho 83429
Pastor Tom A. Shanor
~ . ~
"Is it too Good to be True?"
John 14:6
Jesus said, “ I am The Way, The Truth and the Life. No one can come to the Father
except through Me.”
We Christians are often criticized for claiming that Jesus is the only way to
God. After all, there are currently several billion non-Christians in the
world. Are we truly so narrow minded and bigoted that we think these
people will be excluded from heaven, just because they happened to be
born in the wrong country or have been taught the wrong religion?
A Jewish Rabbi, by the last name of Boteach summed up the feelings of
many when he said. “I am absolutely against any religion that says one
faith is superior to another. I don’t see how that is anything different than
spiritual racism. It’s a way of saying that ‘we’ are closer to God than you,
and that’s what often leads to hatred, schism, wars and more.
Those who make such objections have a point. If, and this is a big IF, if
indeed Jesus is merely one more religious teacher out of countless others, then His claim would be absurd. Asked, how can one person have a monopoly on the truth or proclaim His is the only “way” to God? Well, all
of that depends on who He is, and that which backs up His statements of
self, but in His case…His claims are backed by Holy Scripture going back
several thousand years, and the results which followed not only His claims
but evidence that permits a verdict of affirmation.
There is that in regards to the question, and there is more to this question
that requires delving deeper into it, for it is only a part of what the question
contains that requires more than one answer…but many. After all, as I
mentioned last week, all human beings are finite and fallible, while God is
infinitely greater than our minds can even begin to comprehend, eternal,
including the great mystery of what we call the Trinity.
But, backing up a bit in regards to our claiming and siding with Jesus in His
statement that all human beings are to come to God the Father through
Himself, Jesus Christ…..if You asked a Muslim, a Hindu, a Buddhist, or an
Orthodox Jew if their religion was the only true religion in the world, what
would their answer be? It would be an affirmative YES, and yet, when we
Christians believe and affirm that Christianity is, according to Jesus’ own
words on multiple occasions, we are the bigoted, narrow minded and
prejudiced ones, but, these other major religions can say they are the one
true religion and not be accused as we are, of all the adjectives I used
So, if Jesus, is in fact, God Himself, being a part of what again, we call
the Holy Trinity, that puts His claim in an entirely different light, and we
who believe He is in fact who He says He is….is vital to the depth and truth
of our own personal faith, and The Church He said He came to build, and
also referring back to His statement, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life,
and no one can come to the Father, except through Me.”
Remember, all Scripture is “God breathed and profitable for teaching, for
reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the person of
God may be competently equipped for every good work. 2 nd Timothy 3:16-
Through Jesus statements of self-affirmation…we Believers find His words,
words of Hope. With that hope should never be pride of arrogance…..and
prejudice, but, we should be driven to our knees to pray for the world and
the salvation of all her people.
The Jews were perhaps the most religious people on earth. They
worshiped and worship the God revealed in the same Bible that you and I
read and use, as our guide to living a godly life, only of course in our Bible,
is the New Covenant…or better known as the New Testament, in tandem
with the Old Testament which verifies the fulfilling all the Prophets of old
testified about Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Savior of the World, not just
the Jews.
When Jesus made this claim, He added, “if you really know Me, you will
know My Father as well. From now on, you do know Him and have seen
Jesus was not displaying arrogance, nor was He trying to foster “spiritual
racism,” as stated by the Rabbi, but He was simply stating the truth which
is why, when He was lifted up to heaven after His resurrection in front of the
disciples who accompanied Him, He said to them, in Matthew 28:19-20 “Go
therefore into all the world , not just the Israel….and make disciples of all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and
teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And
remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” His being the
Christ…was and is to be recognized and accepted by all of humanity.
He did not go all that He endured for the few, but for all who would call
upon His name and be saved….beginning of course li with His
miraculous birth…His ministry until the age of 33, His life, death and
resurrection. He did this out of love for all of humanity.
Paul says in 2 nd Corinthians 5: “And God has given to (US) through Jesus,
the task of reconciling others to Him.” Beginning with His disciples…and
passed on to us we every Human Beings are to live our lives in what I call
Lifestyle Evangelism, simply said…how we live our lives daily should draw
other to the Christ within us, and sharing our own testimony with them of
Him, and how He changed and is changing our lives for the better, and we
are not to be silent, but to give them the opportunity to come to Him also.
Of course, there are those called to preach, teach, evangelize, minister, as
priests, pastors, missionaries, etc., for to be CALLED is more than choosing an occupation, for to be called is to accept and fulfill a God-given purpose ordained by God Himself.
Please, again, remember, beginning with the basics, in that there is only
one God…as is stated in many places, but let’s start with Isaiah.
Isaiah 45:5-12
“I am God, the only God there is. Besides Me there are no real gods. I
have no god-rivals.” I AM the beginning and the end, and He, the only God,
became by design and choice, a man in the person of Jesus Christ, and as
Jesus walked this earth, He showed us what He, God. is really like and
gives us the opportunity by choice to truly KNOW Him, in as far as we can
comprehend. We could wait for another god to show up, but there is no
Now going back again….about our spiritual racism and narrow mindedness
as to being members of the one true religion, Paul says this about the
unbelievers in the world we are concerned about who have never heard of
(in the right way or means) in regard to what the Rabbi said of other
religions, though not stated specifically in these words,
Paul responds to the question of those who have never heard of Jesus
Christ, “It is not my business to judge those outside the church, but God will
judge them, according to the way they lived their lives, with that which God
planted in the hearts of all men, which is the knowledge of right and wrong.”
So, unbelievers will face what is called a fair judgement, as Scripture says,
when standing before God, as the Lamb’s Book of Life is opened in their
case, and they are judged according to their works and their choices of
actions in choosing right or wrong. This is also found in Revelation 20
which speaks of the full and different spectrums of judgements for both
Believers and non-believers, if you care to read it.
Another part of the question; is Salvation and Eternal Life too good to be
true through the act of Jesus Christ upon the cross?
All of the above…is tied into hope and faith….and now I ask this question,
does any human emotion run as deep as hope?
Love is deep but can be shattered, broken, betrayed, lost. I believe
through experience that having experienced broken love, there can remain
a thread of hope, but what kind of hope?
Is it a passive hope, an aggressive hope, a worried or anxious hope….or a
faith-filled assured hope? All I can say, (in my opinion) is that, if our hope is
in Jesus Christ…it is then an assured hope., where we are told “all things
work together for good for those who love Him, who have been called
according to His purpose,” but if our hope is in hope itself…it is a lost hope.
This is where faith and hope are interwoven into one strong thread.
To my way of thinking….and understanding, this is a promise, and having
now established all that I have prior…I now want to talk about the guts of
this promise alone….and how we should view and proceed in living out our
daily lives where no matter how our day unfolds….hoping this should
encourage us, or perhaps you view this as just a “pie in the sky” statement.
This verse should bring comfort, direction, and hope to each and all of us
every day.
In our times of great trial and pain…quoting Philip Yancey in his book
“Disappointment With God, ” “God weeps with us so that we may one day
laugh with Him”
When I think of the prophets and their prophecies regarding Jesus that
were so right on…there are other prophecies that are meant to build HOPE
in us, especially in difficult times.
On the new heaven and new earth are spoken of in both Isaiah and
The New Heaven and New Earth will be God resetting and recreating the
heavens and the earth, where sin and the effects of sin will no longer be
present. The enemy of both God and us will have been destroyed forever.
We will enjoy the beauty of God’s Presence in all His glory and the beauty
will be beyond anything we can imagine today….and we are also
told….that animals will be there where the wolves and lambs will feed
together in the same field, and a lion and the lions grace in peace along
side the wolves and lambs….and that there will be no more death, pain or
tears, for ALL will be made new and during the reset, will once again be
back to the original plan of Creation.
Or goal should be to live fully in right choices today and to worship God and
His Son…with vibrancy, depth, passion and love.
When I say this….and you respond in your mind, what is your reaction?
Do you believe it….is it real to you or is there a part of you that
responds….it sounds like a fairy tale….it is too difficult to grasp or
understand…do you question it all?
If you fully believe the first part of who Jesus is….in His fullness, and who
together, He, God the Father and the Holy Spirit are, then why not open
your mind and spirit to this second part of God’s plan….where our JOY will
be full and our hearts (remember the new bodies) will still see, hear, think,
feel and be without the pain of aging, harm or death. We will be as He is….
This is the guts of the promises of God, as LOVE is at the CORE OF
Philip Yancey also said in his book, “I see the Old Testament as one long
record of God’s concessions to be with His people. He went to the extreme
in His Son being the means by which we can enter and become all that He
has for us.
Next week I want to speak on DRAWING CLOSER TO THE SON, ON
Please remember that Jesus Christ is at the CORE of our HOPE, not hope
itself….and in the fulfilment of all that has been promised us…though Him
and because of Him. Our LORD.
2100 South Big Springs Road
P.O. Box 292
Island Park, Idaho 83429
Pastor Tom A. Shanor
~ . ~
"Is it too Good to be True?"
John 14:6
Jesus said, “ I am The Way, The Truth and the Life. No one can come to the Father
except through Me.”
We Christians are often criticized for claiming that Jesus is the only way to
God. After all, there are currently several billion non-Christians in the
world. Are we truly so narrow minded and bigoted that we think these
people will be excluded from heaven, just because they happened to be
born in the wrong country or have been taught the wrong religion?
A Jewish Rabbi, by the last name of Boteach summed up the feelings of
many when he said. “I am absolutely against any religion that says one
faith is superior to another. I don’t see how that is anything different than
spiritual racism. It’s a way of saying that ‘we’ are closer to God than you,
and that’s what often leads to hatred, schism, wars and more.
Those who make such objections have a point. If, and this is a big IF, if
indeed Jesus is merely one more religious teacher out of countless others, then His claim would be absurd. Asked, how can one person have a monopoly on the truth or proclaim His is the only “way” to God? Well, all
of that depends on who He is, and that which backs up His statements of
self, but in His case…His claims are backed by Holy Scripture going back
several thousand years, and the results which followed not only His claims
but evidence that permits a verdict of affirmation.
There is that in regards to the question, and there is more to this question
that requires delving deeper into it, for it is only a part of what the question
contains that requires more than one answer…but many. After all, as I
mentioned last week, all human beings are finite and fallible, while God is
infinitely greater than our minds can even begin to comprehend, eternal,
including the great mystery of what we call the Trinity.
But, backing up a bit in regards to our claiming and siding with Jesus in His
statement that all human beings are to come to God the Father through
Himself, Jesus Christ…..if You asked a Muslim, a Hindu, a Buddhist, or an
Orthodox Jew if their religion was the only true religion in the world, what
would their answer be? It would be an affirmative YES, and yet, when we
Christians believe and affirm that Christianity is, according to Jesus’ own
words on multiple occasions, we are the bigoted, narrow minded and
prejudiced ones, but, these other major religions can say they are the one
true religion and not be accused as we are, of all the adjectives I used
So, if Jesus, is in fact, God Himself, being a part of what again, we call
the Holy Trinity, that puts His claim in an entirely different light, and we
who believe He is in fact who He says He is….is vital to the depth and truth
of our own personal faith, and The Church He said He came to build, and
also referring back to His statement, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life,
and no one can come to the Father, except through Me.”
Remember, all Scripture is “God breathed and profitable for teaching, for
reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the person of
God may be competently equipped for every good work. 2 nd Timothy 3:16-
Through Jesus statements of self-affirmation…we Believers find His words,
words of Hope. With that hope should never be pride of arrogance…..and
prejudice, but, we should be driven to our knees to pray for the world and
the salvation of all her people.
The Jews were perhaps the most religious people on earth. They
worshiped and worship the God revealed in the same Bible that you and I
read and use, as our guide to living a godly life, only of course in our Bible,
is the New Covenant…or better known as the New Testament, in tandem
with the Old Testament which verifies the fulfilling all the Prophets of old
testified about Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Savior of the World, not just
the Jews.
When Jesus made this claim, He added, “if you really know Me, you will
know My Father as well. From now on, you do know Him and have seen
Jesus was not displaying arrogance, nor was He trying to foster “spiritual
racism,” as stated by the Rabbi, but He was simply stating the truth which
is why, when He was lifted up to heaven after His resurrection in front of the
disciples who accompanied Him, He said to them, in Matthew 28:19-20 “Go
therefore into all the world , not just the Israel….and make disciples of all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and
teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And
remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” His being the
Christ…was and is to be recognized and accepted by all of humanity.
He did not go all that He endured for the few, but for all who would call
upon His name and be saved….beginning of course li with His
miraculous birth…His ministry until the age of 33, His life, death and
resurrection. He did this out of love for all of humanity.
Paul says in 2 nd Corinthians 5: “And God has given to (US) through Jesus,
the task of reconciling others to Him.” Beginning with His disciples…and
passed on to us we every Human Beings are to live our lives in what I call
Lifestyle Evangelism, simply said…how we live our lives daily should draw
other to the Christ within us, and sharing our own testimony with them of
Him, and how He changed and is changing our lives for the better, and we
are not to be silent, but to give them the opportunity to come to Him also.
Of course, there are those called to preach, teach, evangelize, minister, as
priests, pastors, missionaries, etc., for to be CALLED is more than choosing an occupation, for to be called is to accept and fulfill a God-given purpose ordained by God Himself.
Please, again, remember, beginning with the basics, in that there is only
one God…as is stated in many places, but let’s start with Isaiah.
Isaiah 45:5-12
“I am God, the only God there is. Besides Me there are no real gods. I
have no god-rivals.” I AM the beginning and the end, and He, the only God,
became by design and choice, a man in the person of Jesus Christ, and as
Jesus walked this earth, He showed us what He, God. is really like and
gives us the opportunity by choice to truly KNOW Him, in as far as we can
comprehend. We could wait for another god to show up, but there is no
Now going back again….about our spiritual racism and narrow mindedness
as to being members of the one true religion, Paul says this about the
unbelievers in the world we are concerned about who have never heard of
(in the right way or means) in regard to what the Rabbi said of other
religions, though not stated specifically in these words,
Paul responds to the question of those who have never heard of Jesus
Christ, “It is not my business to judge those outside the church, but God will
judge them, according to the way they lived their lives, with that which God
planted in the hearts of all men, which is the knowledge of right and wrong.”
So, unbelievers will face what is called a fair judgement, as Scripture says,
when standing before God, as the Lamb’s Book of Life is opened in their
case, and they are judged according to their works and their choices of
actions in choosing right or wrong. This is also found in Revelation 20
which speaks of the full and different spectrums of judgements for both
Believers and non-believers, if you care to read it.
Another part of the question; is Salvation and Eternal Life too good to be
true through the act of Jesus Christ upon the cross?
All of the above…is tied into hope and faith….and now I ask this question,
does any human emotion run as deep as hope?
Love is deep but can be shattered, broken, betrayed, lost. I believe
through experience that having experienced broken love, there can remain
a thread of hope, but what kind of hope?
Is it a passive hope, an aggressive hope, a worried or anxious hope….or a
faith-filled assured hope? All I can say, (in my opinion) is that, if our hope is
in Jesus Christ…it is then an assured hope., where we are told “all things
work together for good for those who love Him, who have been called
according to His purpose,” but if our hope is in hope itself…it is a lost hope.
This is where faith and hope are interwoven into one strong thread.
To my way of thinking….and understanding, this is a promise, and having
now established all that I have prior…I now want to talk about the guts of
this promise alone….and how we should view and proceed in living out our
daily lives where no matter how our day unfolds….hoping this should
encourage us, or perhaps you view this as just a “pie in the sky” statement.
This verse should bring comfort, direction, and hope to each and all of us
every day.
In our times of great trial and pain…quoting Philip Yancey in his book
“Disappointment With God, ” “God weeps with us so that we may one day
laugh with Him”
When I think of the prophets and their prophecies regarding Jesus that
were so right on…there are other prophecies that are meant to build HOPE
in us, especially in difficult times.
On the new heaven and new earth are spoken of in both Isaiah and
The New Heaven and New Earth will be God resetting and recreating the
heavens and the earth, where sin and the effects of sin will no longer be
present. The enemy of both God and us will have been destroyed forever.
We will enjoy the beauty of God’s Presence in all His glory and the beauty
will be beyond anything we can imagine today….and we are also
told….that animals will be there where the wolves and lambs will feed
together in the same field, and a lion and the lions grace in peace along
side the wolves and lambs….and that there will be no more death, pain or
tears, for ALL will be made new and during the reset, will once again be
back to the original plan of Creation.
Or goal should be to live fully in right choices today and to worship God and
His Son…with vibrancy, depth, passion and love.
When I say this….and you respond in your mind, what is your reaction?
Do you believe it….is it real to you or is there a part of you that
responds….it sounds like a fairy tale….it is too difficult to grasp or
understand…do you question it all?
If you fully believe the first part of who Jesus is….in His fullness, and who
together, He, God the Father and the Holy Spirit are, then why not open
your mind and spirit to this second part of God’s plan….where our JOY will
be full and our hearts (remember the new bodies) will still see, hear, think,
feel and be without the pain of aging, harm or death. We will be as He is….
This is the guts of the promises of God, as LOVE is at the CORE OF
Philip Yancey also said in his book, “I see the Old Testament as one long
record of God’s concessions to be with His people. He went to the extreme
in His Son being the means by which we can enter and become all that He
has for us.
Next week I want to speak on DRAWING CLOSER TO THE SON, ON
Please remember that Jesus Christ is at the CORE of our HOPE, not hope
itself….and in the fulfilment of all that has been promised us…though Him
and because of Him. Our LORD.
The Little Church in the Pines
AUGUST 6, 2023
Pastor Tom A. Shanor
~ ~
Matthew 6:9-13
“Jesus said, ‘This then, is how you should pray. Our Father in heaven holy be Your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.” Amen
Prayer in the simplest explanation is a conversation you (we) have with God. Our conversations may differ (which I will explain shortly) when it comes to our motivation, meaning and purpose. Hence, we find there are a variety of prayers as examples in the Bible. In our own prayer times with God through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ our motivation has and will change, depending on that which we are seeking Him for. We will look at examples on how to pray, to develop our personal prayer lives, and to allow prayer to nourish our relationship with both our Father and Jesus, His Son.
Too often, prayer is one of the least used tools for both personal spiritual growth as well as effective in that which we both hope and desire. An untapped resource, and unexplored continent within us where untold blessings remain to be found.
Colossians 4:2
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.
This is a need Paul is asking the Colossians church to get on their knees and pray for.
Vs. 3
And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. 4. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.
F.B. Meyer, the author of a great little book, “The Secret of Guidance” said, “The great tragedy of the Christian life is NOT unanswered prayer, but un-offered prayer.”
He goes on to say, “instead of it being something we do every day, like breathing and walking and talking, it seems to have become like one of those glass covered boxes on the wall that says, “break in case of emergency.” It is too true that so very often we pray more often and more earnestly when a crisis of some kind comes into our life.
I read story of a man who encountered trouble while flying his personal airplane. He called the control tower and said in a bit of a panic saying, “pilot to tower, I’m 300 miles from the airport, six hundred feet above ground, and am running out of fuel, descending rapidly. Please advise. Over.” “Tower to pilot,” the dispatcher began, “repeat after me: ‘OUR FATHER, WHO ART IN HEAVEN…”’
Luke 11:9 is where we find the promise that says, “ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you.”
Each of those verbs are in the present tense. ASK, SEEK, KNOCK….
Keep on asking, keep on knocking, keep on seeking…KEEP ON, KEEP ON, KEEP ON. Do not give up…it is not that God is hard of hearing…it is that sometimes it is a test of faith, and other times…we are asking in and for the wrong reasons, and other times…it just isn’t the time for the answer, as well as times when the answer isn’t the one we want, and that in itself is the answer.
There is a difference between a persistent prayer and a long prayer. A person who is persistent in prayer does not necessarily have to pray for a long time. Persistence means not giving up.
Some of us quit because we don’t believe prayer will make a difference…. going by feelings instead of pursuing in faith apart from what we feel. We are not to live by our feelings but to live by the commandments of our Lord who tells us to pray without ceasing.
George Mueller…who was both an evangelist and responsible for starting orphanages all over
England…by praying…for finances, buildings, people, etc., was known as one of the greatest prayer warriors of all times, had this to say about persistence in prayer.
“It is a common temptation of Satan to make us give up praying,” when it seems to become work and we haven’t received and answer in a timely fashion…the truth is that, in order to persist in prayer, we simply do that (persist) and if we do so…we will find a spirit of prayer coming on us as we devote ourselves to it. This is when we have passed the go line and answers will come in the least expected ways, though the least expected people and events.
Now…are there different ways to pray? OF COURSE, THERE ARE…………………….
Just as there are different reasons to pray!
Physically, of course on our knees, on our feet, in a room behind closed doors, in a chair, in a valley, on a mountain top. A car, a boat, a plane, anywhere, any time. None of these really matter, what matters is how Jesus used a parable to explain it is the condition of our heart and humility.
Matthew 6:5-6
“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received the reward in full (that is, the recognition they seek)
But when YOU pray, to into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”
The Bible is full of robust prayers, whispered prayers, worshipful prayers, pleading prayers, joyful prayers, intercessory prayers, thankful prayers and many more.
Whatever kind of prayer we bring to God, let it be sincere, authentic, for by doing so…. we will develop a deeper personal relationship with Him.
There is what is called a prayer of WORSHIP OR ADORATION.
This prayer is focused on worshiping the Lord out of deep love, respect and admiration. Prayers such as these come from a place of genuine, authentic awe of who the Lord is, and all that He does.
Psalm 148:13 “Let them praise the name of the Lord, for His name alone is exalted; His splendor is above the earth and the heavens.”
Next is a PRAYER OF CONFESSION………………………………
Confessing our sins is a significant way to pray as followers of Jesus. Often, Jesus called those He interacted with to confess their sins and to sin no more. THE WOMAN AT THE WELL.
“Then I acknowledged my sin to You and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,’ AND…You forgave the guilt of my sin”) Psalm 32:5). King David.,
There is what is called a PRAYER OF VOWS OR PROMISE
Praying a promise to the Lord is a prayer that we may pray when we are making a life-changing commitment where we need God’s strength and guidance to fulfill. As an example. We vow or promise never to drink another alcoholic beverage…because once we do…it’s all over, and the effect it has on those we love is disastrous. Another term is pledge to God, just as we see in Hannah’s vow, should be followed through…and before making such a pledge or vow…we need to think through our decision.
Example…In her deep anguish Hannah prayed to the LORD, weeping bitterly. And she made a vow, saying, Lord Almighty, if you will only look on your servant’s misery and remember me and not forget your servant but give me a son, then I will give him up to the Lord for all the days of his life.1 Samuael 1:10-11
Many of us need this prayer in our busy lives. Prayers of silence draw us away from prayers filled with words, and into a place where we quiet ourselves down and reflect. These types of silent prayers provide us needed time to reflect on God’s goodness. This type of prayer is valuable to how we learn to hear from the Lord and allow Him to sit and meditate “beside the still waters”.
These times can be restorative and can achieve in us an inner peace and contentment far beyond anything else we can do.
Jesus often would do this, sometimes going into the desert to be alone with His Father, or to the Olive Grove on the mount to find restoration as during His ministry He was always giving, when not being confronted by the religious leaders. You should try this type of prayer sometime when frazzled and overwhelmed.
How about prayer for HELP FOR DELIVERANCE………………….
When you are facing challenges, hardships, oppression or depression, we can pray for a breakthrough. We pray this prayer for help because God is the One who can aid us in ways no one else can.
“Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and He delivered them from their distress.” Psalm 107:6
This prayer combined with the one for REFLECTION AND RESTORATION can be one powerful tool on a very personal level.
Right now, as I look around, I know some of you that are going through some really hard things, and some for quite a while. It is our role and place in the body to lift-up to heaven you and your challenges, your struggles. This type of prayer can be met on several levels of those in need.
We may not see dramatic results and then again, we may, but every prayer lifted-up will in some way, help those for whom we pray.
Deliverance comes in a variety of manifestations.
Colossians 1:9
We have not stopped praying for you since the first day we heard about you.
The last I want to speak of today is called A PRAYER OF BLESSING
Prayers of Blessing are often said for someone who is moving, even if to another church. Someone starting a new job, or new graduates. We pray blessings over newlyweds, newborns, or even over a new home, and the list goes on.
Prayers of blessings are found throughout Scripture and are powerful ways to ask for God’s best to be poured out.
Let’s say someone is no longer satisfied, or feels their needs are not being met in this church. Instead of grumbling and causing disruption to the rest of the body who find it otherwise, it would be best if they come to leadership with their decision to go elsewhere. If after a discussion they still decide to leave, it would be great if they would permit leadership and the congregation to be able to pray over them and with them that they may find what they are looking for…instead of just never showing up again.
That too is a prayer of GRACE.
These are just several illustrations…of the meaning of, and power of prayer.
In the booklet OUR DAILY BREAD…. I am going to finish by reading from it…. the results of a reluctant prayer…. but who in spite of her or his negative feelings…. KEPT ON PRAYING….and the results of being obedient to do so.
I PRAY, may God’s blessings and love be upon you. Each and every one of you. Not only today…but tomorrow and every day. To give you strength, comfort, health, love and JOY, and especially His generous GRACE. Amen
AUGUST 6, 2023
Pastor Tom A. Shanor
~ ~
Matthew 6:9-13
“Jesus said, ‘This then, is how you should pray. Our Father in heaven holy be Your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.” Amen
Prayer in the simplest explanation is a conversation you (we) have with God. Our conversations may differ (which I will explain shortly) when it comes to our motivation, meaning and purpose. Hence, we find there are a variety of prayers as examples in the Bible. In our own prayer times with God through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ our motivation has and will change, depending on that which we are seeking Him for. We will look at examples on how to pray, to develop our personal prayer lives, and to allow prayer to nourish our relationship with both our Father and Jesus, His Son.
Too often, prayer is one of the least used tools for both personal spiritual growth as well as effective in that which we both hope and desire. An untapped resource, and unexplored continent within us where untold blessings remain to be found.
Colossians 4:2
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.
This is a need Paul is asking the Colossians church to get on their knees and pray for.
Vs. 3
And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. 4. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.
F.B. Meyer, the author of a great little book, “The Secret of Guidance” said, “The great tragedy of the Christian life is NOT unanswered prayer, but un-offered prayer.”
He goes on to say, “instead of it being something we do every day, like breathing and walking and talking, it seems to have become like one of those glass covered boxes on the wall that says, “break in case of emergency.” It is too true that so very often we pray more often and more earnestly when a crisis of some kind comes into our life.
I read story of a man who encountered trouble while flying his personal airplane. He called the control tower and said in a bit of a panic saying, “pilot to tower, I’m 300 miles from the airport, six hundred feet above ground, and am running out of fuel, descending rapidly. Please advise. Over.” “Tower to pilot,” the dispatcher began, “repeat after me: ‘OUR FATHER, WHO ART IN HEAVEN…”’
Luke 11:9 is where we find the promise that says, “ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you.”
Each of those verbs are in the present tense. ASK, SEEK, KNOCK….
Keep on asking, keep on knocking, keep on seeking…KEEP ON, KEEP ON, KEEP ON. Do not give up…it is not that God is hard of hearing…it is that sometimes it is a test of faith, and other times…we are asking in and for the wrong reasons, and other times…it just isn’t the time for the answer, as well as times when the answer isn’t the one we want, and that in itself is the answer.
There is a difference between a persistent prayer and a long prayer. A person who is persistent in prayer does not necessarily have to pray for a long time. Persistence means not giving up.
Some of us quit because we don’t believe prayer will make a difference…. going by feelings instead of pursuing in faith apart from what we feel. We are not to live by our feelings but to live by the commandments of our Lord who tells us to pray without ceasing.
George Mueller…who was both an evangelist and responsible for starting orphanages all over
England…by praying…for finances, buildings, people, etc., was known as one of the greatest prayer warriors of all times, had this to say about persistence in prayer.
“It is a common temptation of Satan to make us give up praying,” when it seems to become work and we haven’t received and answer in a timely fashion…the truth is that, in order to persist in prayer, we simply do that (persist) and if we do so…we will find a spirit of prayer coming on us as we devote ourselves to it. This is when we have passed the go line and answers will come in the least expected ways, though the least expected people and events.
Now…are there different ways to pray? OF COURSE, THERE ARE…………………….
Just as there are different reasons to pray!
Physically, of course on our knees, on our feet, in a room behind closed doors, in a chair, in a valley, on a mountain top. A car, a boat, a plane, anywhere, any time. None of these really matter, what matters is how Jesus used a parable to explain it is the condition of our heart and humility.
Matthew 6:5-6
“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received the reward in full (that is, the recognition they seek)
But when YOU pray, to into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”
The Bible is full of robust prayers, whispered prayers, worshipful prayers, pleading prayers, joyful prayers, intercessory prayers, thankful prayers and many more.
Whatever kind of prayer we bring to God, let it be sincere, authentic, for by doing so…. we will develop a deeper personal relationship with Him.
There is what is called a prayer of WORSHIP OR ADORATION.
This prayer is focused on worshiping the Lord out of deep love, respect and admiration. Prayers such as these come from a place of genuine, authentic awe of who the Lord is, and all that He does.
Psalm 148:13 “Let them praise the name of the Lord, for His name alone is exalted; His splendor is above the earth and the heavens.”
Next is a PRAYER OF CONFESSION………………………………
Confessing our sins is a significant way to pray as followers of Jesus. Often, Jesus called those He interacted with to confess their sins and to sin no more. THE WOMAN AT THE WELL.
“Then I acknowledged my sin to You and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,’ AND…You forgave the guilt of my sin”) Psalm 32:5). King David.,
There is what is called a PRAYER OF VOWS OR PROMISE
Praying a promise to the Lord is a prayer that we may pray when we are making a life-changing commitment where we need God’s strength and guidance to fulfill. As an example. We vow or promise never to drink another alcoholic beverage…because once we do…it’s all over, and the effect it has on those we love is disastrous. Another term is pledge to God, just as we see in Hannah’s vow, should be followed through…and before making such a pledge or vow…we need to think through our decision.
Example…In her deep anguish Hannah prayed to the LORD, weeping bitterly. And she made a vow, saying, Lord Almighty, if you will only look on your servant’s misery and remember me and not forget your servant but give me a son, then I will give him up to the Lord for all the days of his life.1 Samuael 1:10-11
Many of us need this prayer in our busy lives. Prayers of silence draw us away from prayers filled with words, and into a place where we quiet ourselves down and reflect. These types of silent prayers provide us needed time to reflect on God’s goodness. This type of prayer is valuable to how we learn to hear from the Lord and allow Him to sit and meditate “beside the still waters”.
These times can be restorative and can achieve in us an inner peace and contentment far beyond anything else we can do.
Jesus often would do this, sometimes going into the desert to be alone with His Father, or to the Olive Grove on the mount to find restoration as during His ministry He was always giving, when not being confronted by the religious leaders. You should try this type of prayer sometime when frazzled and overwhelmed.
How about prayer for HELP FOR DELIVERANCE………………….
When you are facing challenges, hardships, oppression or depression, we can pray for a breakthrough. We pray this prayer for help because God is the One who can aid us in ways no one else can.
“Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and He delivered them from their distress.” Psalm 107:6
This prayer combined with the one for REFLECTION AND RESTORATION can be one powerful tool on a very personal level.
- Another is when we pray for someone else or a situation that needs intervention…called A PRAYER OF INTERCESSION
Right now, as I look around, I know some of you that are going through some really hard things, and some for quite a while. It is our role and place in the body to lift-up to heaven you and your challenges, your struggles. This type of prayer can be met on several levels of those in need.
We may not see dramatic results and then again, we may, but every prayer lifted-up will in some way, help those for whom we pray.
Deliverance comes in a variety of manifestations.
Colossians 1:9
We have not stopped praying for you since the first day we heard about you.
The last I want to speak of today is called A PRAYER OF BLESSING
Prayers of Blessing are often said for someone who is moving, even if to another church. Someone starting a new job, or new graduates. We pray blessings over newlyweds, newborns, or even over a new home, and the list goes on.
Prayers of blessings are found throughout Scripture and are powerful ways to ask for God’s best to be poured out.
Let’s say someone is no longer satisfied, or feels their needs are not being met in this church. Instead of grumbling and causing disruption to the rest of the body who find it otherwise, it would be best if they come to leadership with their decision to go elsewhere. If after a discussion they still decide to leave, it would be great if they would permit leadership and the congregation to be able to pray over them and with them that they may find what they are looking for…instead of just never showing up again.
That too is a prayer of GRACE.
These are just several illustrations…of the meaning of, and power of prayer.
In the booklet OUR DAILY BREAD…. I am going to finish by reading from it…. the results of a reluctant prayer…. but who in spite of her or his negative feelings…. KEPT ON PRAYING….and the results of being obedient to do so.
I PRAY, may God’s blessings and love be upon you. Each and every one of you. Not only today…but tomorrow and every day. To give you strength, comfort, health, love and JOY, and especially His generous GRACE. Amen
The Little Church in the Pines
4100 South Big Springs Loop Road
P.O. Box 292
Island Park, Idaho 83429
July 23rd, 2023
Pastor Tom Shanor
The 23rd Psalm
This Psalm of King David’s is poetic, beautiful, and a love letter from God written through David, both Shepherd and King. for David you see, had a deep love of God and a heart for God….and like you and I, he was not perfect, and in fact sinned grievously in having Bathsheba’s husband killed in battle, so he could have her as his own.
David coming to recognize his sins of not just this situation, but others also, humbled himself before God….in a meaningful prayer that came from his heart.
Create in me a clean hear, O God;
and renew a right spirit within me.
Cast me not away from the]y presence O LORD
and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me.
Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation;
And renew a right spirit within me.
His Joy of the LORD was the mainstay of David’s heart, reflected not only in this prayer…. but in the deep and intimate relationship they shared on an ongoing basis.
God though, did not prevent David from enduring hardships and adversity, for it was through these very rough things and situations as an example when being pursued by Solomon, running and hiding is damp caves… that humbled the king, and brought him to his place of repentance and then reconciliation.
The intimacy God and David shared comes out prophetically as David writes this song of praise and promise. And as in the case of such writings they are to be an example to us as well.
David, before being anointed as king, was a mere shepherd…..and understood personally and deeply that role, for He sees God as not another shepherd, but the Shepherd of all who love and follow Him, but not only Himself but His Son as our Shepherd also, in union with Him….remember too that scripture has Jesus referred to as being our Shepherd, as the One to whom we turn to and sometimes even run to, in our own times of need for solace and comfort. Remember, that a shepherd actually carries a lamb who is rebellious (a wanderer or runaway) around his neck…talking to it, therefore creating bond that will never be broken….as the lamb comes to depend and adore his shepherd…that too is us…when we leave the flock…being rebellious…obstinate and sometimes too independent for our own good.
This Psalm is one of the most widely known and loved scriptures in the Bible, often memorized and repeated all over the world in all nations. It is known as the Universal Psalm, the Pearl of Psalms.
As our LORD is known as the King of Kings
Are you a child of God? Then you can read the 23rd Psalm and apply those words personally to yourself. His flock are those who follow Him as Jesus Said in John 10:27, “My sheep hear My voice, and I KNOW THEM, and they who KNOW Me and follow Me, and no one but Me. You, we are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
John 10:11 reads…He is the “Good Shepherd, who gives His life for His sheep.”
This picture of the Divine Shepherd leading His flock fills the first four verses of Psalm 23. David’s memory of the past fills his mind here as he writes, though a king now, he remembers those days with fondness, practicing his sling shot until he became and expert, days and nights alone sleeping lightly, in case a wolf or mountain lion attempted to infiltrate the flock, and carry one or more off to kill and eat. David sees himself as a wanderer moving away from God, and how God kept calling for Him in David’s own heart, soul and spirit, just as He does for us when we wander off or even deliberately disobey Him. In this mode both our present and future is at stake….God reminds us of what was, what is, and what can be….if we just listen to the gentle and loving voice of our Shepherd Jesus Christ, as He speaks to us through His written Word, or the still small quiet, but relentless voice of His Holy Spirit through our conscience.
The other part of the picture in these four verses, gives the different methods that God uses in leading His flock; or, we might say, the various manifestations through which He leads us, are described in order. There are three: REST, WORK, and SORROW.
Rest in the past; (for the past choices has brought us to where we are today, some not to be repeated….and we are to work and live fully in the present; for the fear and sorrow comes to all of us in the valley of shadow…yet to come. That last walk on this earth.
The Psalmist puts rest and refreshment first, because this is the way God deals with us often. His blessings span our years. (Think about it) for when we look back over life, the trials (where we learn our most valuable life lessons) have brought us to today…and the LOVE we have experienced, both giving and receiving from our LORD and those dearest to us, outweighs the trials and sorrows.
Psalm 30:5 “Weeping may endure for a night, but JOY comes in the morning.”
You and I who know Him, cannot rest in our mind and heart until the weight of a guilty conscience is removed. For God heals the troubled soul when we confess, as we are forgiven. And there is no sin that will not be forgiven when genuine repentance is asked for. When we are then united with Him in spiritual communion, our heart finds a deep rest, and satisfaction like no other. Then, as we read the Rhema Word of God when spoken, bring fresh revelation, and these words are the words of Jesus…the thirsty soul drinks deep from the cool, still waters.
As an addendum here, David wrote this Psalm during a time of personal and deep spiritual renewal.
Verse 3
The restored soul is then led on to another stage in God’s plan for life…for His name’s sake.”
This says, God lead us into work, into service for Him by doing the works that He put in place for us to do. Remember, He sees the beginning and the end…for He is the Alpha and the Omega, Himself…the Beginning and the End. The only God, as He states these words Himself written in our Scriptures.
Exodus 34:14 “For you shall worship no other god (little ‘g’ ) for the LORD whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. Revelation 22:13 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the FIRST AND THE LAST, the Beginning and the End”
I spoke of this not long ago…. where Jesus in talking to Philip says in response to Philip asking Jesus to show him the Father, and Jesus' response…have I not been with you this long Philip and yet you do not know Me. For when you seem Me…. You see the Father.
God in all these words and applications…go far beyond which our finite minds can comprehend…for God is also a mystery, for we cannot grasp the magnitude and complexity of God, and nor are we supposed to….
This rest I now speak of is this…”.in green pastures and refreshment by the still waters” …. are for this reason….to fit us for His work.
This is in reference to our everyday lives. It does not mean entering full time ministry, unless it does …but for most of us, to see God in everything and everyone…and ministering to the needs of people, and even animals and the natural world on and in which we live. He meets us where we are and leads us to where we are to go…. just as He led me here, and to the other four areas in the country where my family and I started new churches. We, in our rest…can therefore hear the still quiet words of His voice…through His word, through our circumstances, and even from those around us. Taking time to listen is a major key.
In the Gospel plan, works do not precede rest, but follow rest. The restoration of the soul comes first; then the works of righteousness follow. We are NOT saved by our works, but we are His workmanship…but works made ready by Him and His will for us, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10)
Here is a fact. All Ten Commandments…. not five or eight of them…are repeated in principle in the New Testament and are taught by both Christ and the Apostles which back up and integrate with this Psalm. The Good Shepherd leads His sheep in paths of righteousness to the very gates of the city of heaven, and then into eternity with all that awaits us. Revelation 22:14 says, “Blessed are they that follow His commandments, that they may have the right to the Tree of Life and may enter in through the gates into the city.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: WHY? Because God is with us…for Thou art with me: Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me”
Our Shepherd does not always keep us from sorrow as I have already spoken of…but He is with us in sorrow. Remember Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, being thrown into the intensely hot furnace…because they stood by their beliefs and conscience…not being burned in the fire, but the form of a Fourth walked with them in the flames. That was the LORD.
When Paul stood before Nero, He was not alone. In 2 Timothy 4:16-17, he says: “At my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me! Notwithstanding, the LORD stood with me and strengthened me.”
Life, no matter how long we live is transitory…and over before we realize it…unexpectedly, we may come to the deepest, darkest valley of all…the valley of shadow and death. But even there and then, the Good Shepherd is with us, and we need not fear it. His love, law and gospel, contribute to both our correction and comfort in all things and at all times.
We may not always be able to see or understand, but we are told that “all things work together for good to them that love God” Romans 8:28. We may not know “why’ of many of our experiences, but the KNOW that Jesus knows, and that is sufficient.”
A father was holding his little blind daughter on his knee, when a friend who had called on him took her into his arms. The little girl did not cry or resist. The father surprised, asked, “Aren’t you afraid honey? You don’t even know who is holding you.”
No…was her quick reply, “I don’t know, but you do daddy.” She didn’t have to know, for if her father let her be held, she knew it was all right. Her faith in her dad was enough.
In these last two verses of the 23rd Psalm we read: “Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou annointest my head with oil, my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the LORD FOREVER. Vs’s 5-6
Remember, the sheep are people. We gather around the Lord’s table as in the last supper as the disciples gathered around the table…here in this world we do so in our celebration called COMMUNION, perhaps the most meaningful gathering we have. Today, when we come to the table, though we are not sitting around it, we will be doing exactly that which the disciples themselves did…with Jesus at the center of their gathering. It is a time for us to lay aside any thought that it is the table of the church that we see here…but His table…all our eyes are focused on Him as we are enrapt at the words He is speaking to us…and though they at that time did not fully understand….the reality of that came to them….and brought back to their minds this time they spent with Him…the most intimate and beautiful time they had ever spent together.
Meditate on the words in this Psalm. ”Thou preparest a table before me.” The LORD prepares it; it is His to prepare, but it is for us!
The LORD supplies all our needs…not our wants, but our needs even in the presence of our enemies. Now it is more than rest or work, for with it comes conflict. He provides for us here in this world…but this is just a prelude to the one to follow, and the one David writes about here… the one to follow.
The day is coming, the day is coming, do you hear me? The day is coming when the Good Shepherd will call all of us to the great feast in His kingdom to come.
There, it will not matter what we will wear, what we do…. for we have passed the test…and though each of us is special to us and knows each one of us by name…. we are equally loved, and we will sit with Him as one.
All our enemies will be gone…and no new ones will ever come along. Be they person, disease, rejection, hatred, jealousy, gossip, unkindness, overreaching government, and more. But there will be celebration and JOY forever more.
Revelation 7:16-17
“They (we) shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore; neither shall the sun light on them, not any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.”
The sheep of the Lord’s pasture will be the distinguished guests.
The next sentence…. reads, “My cup runneth over.” God’s blessing here (our Salvation) and the hereafter, is more than we are capable of conceiving of…so other worldly and beautiful, heavenly…beyond our comprehension, and these words thrill me…”
Goodness and mercy…which I spoke of last week, will follow us all the days of our lives with Him.
As an ancient shepherd led his sheep, his two sheep dogs guarded the rear to keep straying sheep in the path of the shepherd and draw attention to the wounded and lost if that occurred. So, through life, like two angels of God, goodness and mercy will follow us and encamp about us. Then WE shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever and ever. Amen
Today…. I desired to bring you a message of hope, a message of the LORD’s love for all of us….
There is a mixture here of reality…. of mystery and of promise. Some of it hard for us to comprehend perhaps…but that doesn’t lessen the present and future reality of all of it.
The past is brought forward…the present is so vitally important to tomorrow…our future, and where we will spend it.
It is a personal choice…for each and every one of us……
That is the greatest reality we are faced with…. who will you choose to follow…. for there are only two destinations and two beings to follow.
The three in One God…. or God’s and our enemy…Satan.
Brought to you by Shepherd and King…. David
4100 South Big Springs Loop Road
P.O. Box 292
Island Park, Idaho 83429
July 23rd, 2023
Pastor Tom Shanor
The 23rd Psalm
This Psalm of King David’s is poetic, beautiful, and a love letter from God written through David, both Shepherd and King. for David you see, had a deep love of God and a heart for God….and like you and I, he was not perfect, and in fact sinned grievously in having Bathsheba’s husband killed in battle, so he could have her as his own.
David coming to recognize his sins of not just this situation, but others also, humbled himself before God….in a meaningful prayer that came from his heart.
Create in me a clean hear, O God;
and renew a right spirit within me.
Cast me not away from the]y presence O LORD
and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me.
Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation;
And renew a right spirit within me.
His Joy of the LORD was the mainstay of David’s heart, reflected not only in this prayer…. but in the deep and intimate relationship they shared on an ongoing basis.
God though, did not prevent David from enduring hardships and adversity, for it was through these very rough things and situations as an example when being pursued by Solomon, running and hiding is damp caves… that humbled the king, and brought him to his place of repentance and then reconciliation.
The intimacy God and David shared comes out prophetically as David writes this song of praise and promise. And as in the case of such writings they are to be an example to us as well.
David, before being anointed as king, was a mere shepherd…..and understood personally and deeply that role, for He sees God as not another shepherd, but the Shepherd of all who love and follow Him, but not only Himself but His Son as our Shepherd also, in union with Him….remember too that scripture has Jesus referred to as being our Shepherd, as the One to whom we turn to and sometimes even run to, in our own times of need for solace and comfort. Remember, that a shepherd actually carries a lamb who is rebellious (a wanderer or runaway) around his neck…talking to it, therefore creating bond that will never be broken….as the lamb comes to depend and adore his shepherd…that too is us…when we leave the flock…being rebellious…obstinate and sometimes too independent for our own good.
This Psalm is one of the most widely known and loved scriptures in the Bible, often memorized and repeated all over the world in all nations. It is known as the Universal Psalm, the Pearl of Psalms.
As our LORD is known as the King of Kings
- The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want.
Are you a child of God? Then you can read the 23rd Psalm and apply those words personally to yourself. His flock are those who follow Him as Jesus Said in John 10:27, “My sheep hear My voice, and I KNOW THEM, and they who KNOW Me and follow Me, and no one but Me. You, we are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
John 10:11 reads…He is the “Good Shepherd, who gives His life for His sheep.”
This picture of the Divine Shepherd leading His flock fills the first four verses of Psalm 23. David’s memory of the past fills his mind here as he writes, though a king now, he remembers those days with fondness, practicing his sling shot until he became and expert, days and nights alone sleeping lightly, in case a wolf or mountain lion attempted to infiltrate the flock, and carry one or more off to kill and eat. David sees himself as a wanderer moving away from God, and how God kept calling for Him in David’s own heart, soul and spirit, just as He does for us when we wander off or even deliberately disobey Him. In this mode both our present and future is at stake….God reminds us of what was, what is, and what can be….if we just listen to the gentle and loving voice of our Shepherd Jesus Christ, as He speaks to us through His written Word, or the still small quiet, but relentless voice of His Holy Spirit through our conscience.
The other part of the picture in these four verses, gives the different methods that God uses in leading His flock; or, we might say, the various manifestations through which He leads us, are described in order. There are three: REST, WORK, and SORROW.
Rest in the past; (for the past choices has brought us to where we are today, some not to be repeated….and we are to work and live fully in the present; for the fear and sorrow comes to all of us in the valley of shadow…yet to come. That last walk on this earth.
The Psalmist puts rest and refreshment first, because this is the way God deals with us often. His blessings span our years. (Think about it) for when we look back over life, the trials (where we learn our most valuable life lessons) have brought us to today…and the LOVE we have experienced, both giving and receiving from our LORD and those dearest to us, outweighs the trials and sorrows.
Psalm 30:5 “Weeping may endure for a night, but JOY comes in the morning.”
You and I who know Him, cannot rest in our mind and heart until the weight of a guilty conscience is removed. For God heals the troubled soul when we confess, as we are forgiven. And there is no sin that will not be forgiven when genuine repentance is asked for. When we are then united with Him in spiritual communion, our heart finds a deep rest, and satisfaction like no other. Then, as we read the Rhema Word of God when spoken, bring fresh revelation, and these words are the words of Jesus…the thirsty soul drinks deep from the cool, still waters.
As an addendum here, David wrote this Psalm during a time of personal and deep spiritual renewal.
Verse 3
The restored soul is then led on to another stage in God’s plan for life…for His name’s sake.”
This says, God lead us into work, into service for Him by doing the works that He put in place for us to do. Remember, He sees the beginning and the end…for He is the Alpha and the Omega, Himself…the Beginning and the End. The only God, as He states these words Himself written in our Scriptures.
Exodus 34:14 “For you shall worship no other god (little ‘g’ ) for the LORD whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. Revelation 22:13 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the FIRST AND THE LAST, the Beginning and the End”
I spoke of this not long ago…. where Jesus in talking to Philip says in response to Philip asking Jesus to show him the Father, and Jesus' response…have I not been with you this long Philip and yet you do not know Me. For when you seem Me…. You see the Father.
God in all these words and applications…go far beyond which our finite minds can comprehend…for God is also a mystery, for we cannot grasp the magnitude and complexity of God, and nor are we supposed to….
This rest I now speak of is this…”.in green pastures and refreshment by the still waters” …. are for this reason….to fit us for His work.
This is in reference to our everyday lives. It does not mean entering full time ministry, unless it does …but for most of us, to see God in everything and everyone…and ministering to the needs of people, and even animals and the natural world on and in which we live. He meets us where we are and leads us to where we are to go…. just as He led me here, and to the other four areas in the country where my family and I started new churches. We, in our rest…can therefore hear the still quiet words of His voice…through His word, through our circumstances, and even from those around us. Taking time to listen is a major key.
In the Gospel plan, works do not precede rest, but follow rest. The restoration of the soul comes first; then the works of righteousness follow. We are NOT saved by our works, but we are His workmanship…but works made ready by Him and His will for us, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10)
Here is a fact. All Ten Commandments…. not five or eight of them…are repeated in principle in the New Testament and are taught by both Christ and the Apostles which back up and integrate with this Psalm. The Good Shepherd leads His sheep in paths of righteousness to the very gates of the city of heaven, and then into eternity with all that awaits us. Revelation 22:14 says, “Blessed are they that follow His commandments, that they may have the right to the Tree of Life and may enter in through the gates into the city.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: WHY? Because God is with us…for Thou art with me: Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me”
Our Shepherd does not always keep us from sorrow as I have already spoken of…but He is with us in sorrow. Remember Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, being thrown into the intensely hot furnace…because they stood by their beliefs and conscience…not being burned in the fire, but the form of a Fourth walked with them in the flames. That was the LORD.
When Paul stood before Nero, He was not alone. In 2 Timothy 4:16-17, he says: “At my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me! Notwithstanding, the LORD stood with me and strengthened me.”
Life, no matter how long we live is transitory…and over before we realize it…unexpectedly, we may come to the deepest, darkest valley of all…the valley of shadow and death. But even there and then, the Good Shepherd is with us, and we need not fear it. His love, law and gospel, contribute to both our correction and comfort in all things and at all times.
We may not always be able to see or understand, but we are told that “all things work together for good to them that love God” Romans 8:28. We may not know “why’ of many of our experiences, but the KNOW that Jesus knows, and that is sufficient.”
A father was holding his little blind daughter on his knee, when a friend who had called on him took her into his arms. The little girl did not cry or resist. The father surprised, asked, “Aren’t you afraid honey? You don’t even know who is holding you.”
No…was her quick reply, “I don’t know, but you do daddy.” She didn’t have to know, for if her father let her be held, she knew it was all right. Her faith in her dad was enough.
In these last two verses of the 23rd Psalm we read: “Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou annointest my head with oil, my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the LORD FOREVER. Vs’s 5-6
Remember, the sheep are people. We gather around the Lord’s table as in the last supper as the disciples gathered around the table…here in this world we do so in our celebration called COMMUNION, perhaps the most meaningful gathering we have. Today, when we come to the table, though we are not sitting around it, we will be doing exactly that which the disciples themselves did…with Jesus at the center of their gathering. It is a time for us to lay aside any thought that it is the table of the church that we see here…but His table…all our eyes are focused on Him as we are enrapt at the words He is speaking to us…and though they at that time did not fully understand….the reality of that came to them….and brought back to their minds this time they spent with Him…the most intimate and beautiful time they had ever spent together.
Meditate on the words in this Psalm. ”Thou preparest a table before me.” The LORD prepares it; it is His to prepare, but it is for us!
The LORD supplies all our needs…not our wants, but our needs even in the presence of our enemies. Now it is more than rest or work, for with it comes conflict. He provides for us here in this world…but this is just a prelude to the one to follow, and the one David writes about here… the one to follow.
The day is coming, the day is coming, do you hear me? The day is coming when the Good Shepherd will call all of us to the great feast in His kingdom to come.
There, it will not matter what we will wear, what we do…. for we have passed the test…and though each of us is special to us and knows each one of us by name…. we are equally loved, and we will sit with Him as one.
All our enemies will be gone…and no new ones will ever come along. Be they person, disease, rejection, hatred, jealousy, gossip, unkindness, overreaching government, and more. But there will be celebration and JOY forever more.
Revelation 7:16-17
“They (we) shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore; neither shall the sun light on them, not any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.”
The sheep of the Lord’s pasture will be the distinguished guests.
The next sentence…. reads, “My cup runneth over.” God’s blessing here (our Salvation) and the hereafter, is more than we are capable of conceiving of…so other worldly and beautiful, heavenly…beyond our comprehension, and these words thrill me…”
Goodness and mercy…which I spoke of last week, will follow us all the days of our lives with Him.
As an ancient shepherd led his sheep, his two sheep dogs guarded the rear to keep straying sheep in the path of the shepherd and draw attention to the wounded and lost if that occurred. So, through life, like two angels of God, goodness and mercy will follow us and encamp about us. Then WE shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever and ever. Amen
Today…. I desired to bring you a message of hope, a message of the LORD’s love for all of us….
There is a mixture here of reality…. of mystery and of promise. Some of it hard for us to comprehend perhaps…but that doesn’t lessen the present and future reality of all of it.
The past is brought forward…the present is so vitally important to tomorrow…our future, and where we will spend it.
It is a personal choice…for each and every one of us……
That is the greatest reality we are faced with…. who will you choose to follow…. for there are only two destinations and two beings to follow.
The three in One God…. or God’s and our enemy…Satan.
Brought to you by Shepherd and King…. David
The Little Church in the Pines
Island Park, Idaho 83429
July 16, 2023
I Desired Mercy and Not Sacrifice
Hosea 6:6 (KJV)
“For I desired MERCY, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of the God more than burnt offerings.”
I am going to first attempt to put this into the actual context…and event that took place where Jesus alluded to. Well, here goes.
Tax collectors and other outcasts had gathered in Matthew’s house for a feast. In the center of the hubbub, Jesus and his followers reclined at the dinner table.
Noticing Jesus’s presence among such riffraff, the good old fault finders..the Pharisees scoffed. How could Jesus even consider Himself a rabbit and eat dinner with such a disreputable bunch? So they pulled a few of His Jesus’s converts aside and huffed. “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”
(Matthew 9:10)
Overhearing their question. Jesus responded. “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick” (vs. 12). The religious leaders’ blindness, the self-righteous, always see on the surface…unable to comprehend what is right in front of them…both the reason for being with those who not only need truth…but to actually sit and meet or talk with them on a level they can understand and need.
Then Jesus astonished the Pharisees. He said to them, “GO and learn what this means. 1. I desire mercy, not sacrifice” (Vs 13). He was as I read above, quoting my opening verse from the prophet Hosea, who, centuries earlier, had condemned the Jews for attempting to excuse their idolatry and their oppression of the poor by offering the prescribed animal sacrifices.
God always values MERCY over Sacrifices.
How could He otherwise reveal God’s love to these people, unless He hung out with them. The RELIGIOUS…it appears…cannot see past the surface, so caught up in performance and appearing to have it all together…condemning instead of godly love and MERCY in action.
The Pharisees looked around Matthew’s house and saw nameless ‘tax collectors’ and ‘sinners.’ Jesus saw people He cared about, people He wanted to hang out with. Please remember this if you remember nothing else from this morning. Everything is personal with Jesus…above all else, it is about a relationship. Yours and His…as one. He knows each of us by name. X2
He said, “Love one another as I have Loved you.” (John 13:34)
Anytime we reach out to help, motivated not by the adulation we might receive…but because our motivation is our love for the Father, and for Jesus….being a genuine servant as we are all called to be, emulating the LORD Himself, as illustrated.
In being filled with the knowledge of God…more than the show and ritual of a sacrifice…God desires from all who know Him, and are filled with the knowledge of Him, and to exhibit that knowledge in us through MERCY we are to exhibit toward one another, are, strangers, enemies, friends, coworkers, and ALL human beings, which is also reiterated in the New Testament by Jesus where He tell the illustration/parable of the Good Samaritan.
The priest, the lawyer, all who should know and shown the Grace and Mercy of God towards those who have been abused…should have known better.
Webster’s Dictionary…describes MERCY as “compassion or forbearance”
The opposite of doing good in His name instead of what we can receive from doing so..might be summed up this way. “ Aren’t I something, helping out this person who’s less fortunate than I am?”
Pride is a sin…for with it we put ourself before God..and as an example…PUTIN…who’s pride is killing hundreds of thousand to prove to himself He is a warrior and leader..but one who sends others into war to be killed, while he sits in his office all blustery and in PRIDE which will eventually be the death of him.
Micah 6:8
I am going to incorporate into this from Hosea, this verse from Micah.
“He has shown thee, O man,
what is good; and what does the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to LOVE MERCY, and to walk HUMBLY with thy God.
Join with me in a prayer please….
Lord, hear our prayer…open our ears that we might hear, open our eyes that we might see into Your spiritual realm…help us O Lord our God…to recognize, that instead of pointing our finger and wagging our tongue in judgement of others, we should be offing both grace and mercy…for none of us is perfect. Only You God, and Your Son Jesus Christ…are perfect.
Let us first check within ourselves before we ever, ever pronouncement judgement on someone else.
You said Jesus…who ever of you is without sin, cast the first stone.
It is our place in this life in Jesus Christ to be humble in our approach to God, to our loved ones, our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. To our enemies and to the unsaved, especially as we represent to the world around us, Jesus Christ, in what we both do and say.
You see, we are all too often are consumed by what we “perceive” as to be another person’s faults/sins, and what appears to be their obvious weaknesses that we often fail to correctly see where WE are in our own fault finding and where we are coming from. So, Lord, give us Your Holy Spirit to reveal, convict and set us free from the traps of our own self-righteousness and judgement.
Being humble does not mean feigned meekness and especially not weakness, for we are strong in the power of His might. Ephesians 6:10 “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and the power of His might.”
It doesn’t mean walking with our heads down and eyes averted…it also doesn’t mean using the power of His might in us to aggressively go at someone. In truth and knowledge, going to back to Hosea 6:6, where God entreats us to acquire and apply HIS knowledge in every situation, we find ourselves in. In being able to, this means we have sought Him, His written Word, His Spirit, His attitude…and in showing no anger or spiritual pride, or simply coming at someone with attitude…instead, we are to approach people and situations as if Jesus were standing right there with us, for He is, as by His Spirit He lives in us.
Luke 18:9-14 is a perfect illustration to bring into this sermon.
In this parable Jesus was talking directly to those who trusted in their own self-righteousness, and because of it, they carried within themselves and on their shoulders, a continual “attitude” which religious people all too often carrying…meaning they think they are better than the people they are talking to or being surrounded by, perhaps, even in their own churches.
A man or woman who walks with God, through His Son Jesus Christ, and led by His Holy Spirit…KNOWS that his or her right-ness is founded ONLY in his or her one-on-one relationship with Jesus Christ and definitely not in his or her good works, for that often adds to their puffed up opinion of themselves.
We are to look down on NO ONE…for Scriptures says to esteem or hold up others- more highly than we do ourselves.
That’s a tough one….for who can have better opinions for be more right than we are! WHO?
I am not wanting to belabor this too much or too long, BUT, once this lesson is learned and lived out, our lives and the lives of those we encounter will please both ourselves and the Lord.
ATTITUDE….is critical in our lives as Christians.
You fail, I fail, we all fail, but when we do, it is to be a time of honest and genuine assessment with ourselves and with God…and seek Him as to the way we are to rectify and approach that failure and to make it good.
We are NOT to be (religious) people…we are to be God’s people, His children, reflecting an image of Jesus Himself to others. We are to KICK OUT….attitude…and walk in Love, Grace, Mercy and compassion, forgiveness and restoration…all cloaked in humility. I have often described humility as controlled strength…as Jesus Himself often exhibited.
In tandem with Salvation…my favorite word is GRACE. “The FREE and unmerited favor of God…as manifested in the Salvation and restoration of we sinners….with the bestowal of BLESSINGS…another great word full of promise. I said the word unmerited…which means…we have not and cannot earn it…it is FREE FOR ALL ACCEPT our Lord Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God.
Amazing isn’t it! AMAZING GRACE…how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me…I once was lost, but now am found, was blind…BUT NOW I SEE.
God said and says; “I will have mercy on her who had not obtained mercy: the I will say to those who were not My people, you ARE My people! And they will say in return…YOU ARE MY GOD!
C.S. Lewis, attending a conference, but having arrived late he heard a debate going on as to what set Christianity apart from all other religions.
Some said…Christ’s resurrection from the dead.
Others…all the good that has come from Christianity to the world.
Others…it being the largest organized religion on the planet.
Others..threw in their opinions, and Lewis, having hear enough, go their attention and stated firmly and quietly, one word, and that word quietly spoken…both quietly and reverently stopped the debate as all agreed.
King James Version
The MERCY God showed to then, we Gentiles who were not originally the (chosen) and special people set apart (humbly) for the Glory of God…by MERCY AND GRACE…now are. Those who believe in, adhere to and Love Jesus, scripture says, we are now His people…and we are through the trials, and joys of life…ARE BEING MADE INTO THE IMAGE OF JESUS CHRIST, and as Jesus showed us this great mercy…we are to be equally MERCIFUL….to all people…because…WE ARE TO BE LIKE HIM.
The word MERCY occurs over 250 times in the Bible…and is one of the nine fruits of the Spirit, so let’s not tread on the GRACE and MERCY given to us freely, but reach out and embrace them….as part of our on-gong development as Christians.
Remember this…Jesus said, that we are to be in the world, but not of it…meaning our values and ideals are to be moral, pure, right and incorruptible. That truth can be seen objectively, as eternal and inseparable from God’s character.
Being blessed by God does not mean we are better…for we are all saved only by GRACE.
It cost Jesus Christ His life to bestow these gifts on us…and so we should humbly and with gratitude of heart, embrace and pull them into the depths of our heart, mind and soul.
He call us into a deeper spiritual walk and maturity.
We should leave here today…saying…”we can do all things through Christ…who enables and strengthens us.”
For the day of our salvation…as is every day…for His MERCIES are NEW EVERY MORNNG…GREAT IS YOUR FAITHFULNESS O LORD….
I will finish with this….
Ephesians 2 READ
THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU, as we now take our first step to COMMUNION. As you will hear Jesus Himself tell us both what to do and why we do it.
Island Park, Idaho 83429
July 16, 2023
I Desired Mercy and Not Sacrifice
Hosea 6:6 (KJV)
“For I desired MERCY, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of the God more than burnt offerings.”
I am going to first attempt to put this into the actual context…and event that took place where Jesus alluded to. Well, here goes.
Tax collectors and other outcasts had gathered in Matthew’s house for a feast. In the center of the hubbub, Jesus and his followers reclined at the dinner table.
Noticing Jesus’s presence among such riffraff, the good old fault finders..the Pharisees scoffed. How could Jesus even consider Himself a rabbit and eat dinner with such a disreputable bunch? So they pulled a few of His Jesus’s converts aside and huffed. “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”
(Matthew 9:10)
Overhearing their question. Jesus responded. “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick” (vs. 12). The religious leaders’ blindness, the self-righteous, always see on the surface…unable to comprehend what is right in front of them…both the reason for being with those who not only need truth…but to actually sit and meet or talk with them on a level they can understand and need.
Then Jesus astonished the Pharisees. He said to them, “GO and learn what this means. 1. I desire mercy, not sacrifice” (Vs 13). He was as I read above, quoting my opening verse from the prophet Hosea, who, centuries earlier, had condemned the Jews for attempting to excuse their idolatry and their oppression of the poor by offering the prescribed animal sacrifices.
God always values MERCY over Sacrifices.
How could He otherwise reveal God’s love to these people, unless He hung out with them. The RELIGIOUS…it appears…cannot see past the surface, so caught up in performance and appearing to have it all together…condemning instead of godly love and MERCY in action.
The Pharisees looked around Matthew’s house and saw nameless ‘tax collectors’ and ‘sinners.’ Jesus saw people He cared about, people He wanted to hang out with. Please remember this if you remember nothing else from this morning. Everything is personal with Jesus…above all else, it is about a relationship. Yours and His…as one. He knows each of us by name. X2
He said, “Love one another as I have Loved you.” (John 13:34)
Anytime we reach out to help, motivated not by the adulation we might receive…but because our motivation is our love for the Father, and for Jesus….being a genuine servant as we are all called to be, emulating the LORD Himself, as illustrated.
In being filled with the knowledge of God…more than the show and ritual of a sacrifice…God desires from all who know Him, and are filled with the knowledge of Him, and to exhibit that knowledge in us through MERCY we are to exhibit toward one another, are, strangers, enemies, friends, coworkers, and ALL human beings, which is also reiterated in the New Testament by Jesus where He tell the illustration/parable of the Good Samaritan.
The priest, the lawyer, all who should know and shown the Grace and Mercy of God towards those who have been abused…should have known better.
Webster’s Dictionary…describes MERCY as “compassion or forbearance”
The opposite of doing good in His name instead of what we can receive from doing so..might be summed up this way. “ Aren’t I something, helping out this person who’s less fortunate than I am?”
Pride is a sin…for with it we put ourself before God..and as an example…PUTIN…who’s pride is killing hundreds of thousand to prove to himself He is a warrior and leader..but one who sends others into war to be killed, while he sits in his office all blustery and in PRIDE which will eventually be the death of him.
Micah 6:8
I am going to incorporate into this from Hosea, this verse from Micah.
“He has shown thee, O man,
what is good; and what does the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to LOVE MERCY, and to walk HUMBLY with thy God.
Join with me in a prayer please….
Lord, hear our prayer…open our ears that we might hear, open our eyes that we might see into Your spiritual realm…help us O Lord our God…to recognize, that instead of pointing our finger and wagging our tongue in judgement of others, we should be offing both grace and mercy…for none of us is perfect. Only You God, and Your Son Jesus Christ…are perfect.
Let us first check within ourselves before we ever, ever pronouncement judgement on someone else.
You said Jesus…who ever of you is without sin, cast the first stone.
It is our place in this life in Jesus Christ to be humble in our approach to God, to our loved ones, our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. To our enemies and to the unsaved, especially as we represent to the world around us, Jesus Christ, in what we both do and say.
You see, we are all too often are consumed by what we “perceive” as to be another person’s faults/sins, and what appears to be their obvious weaknesses that we often fail to correctly see where WE are in our own fault finding and where we are coming from. So, Lord, give us Your Holy Spirit to reveal, convict and set us free from the traps of our own self-righteousness and judgement.
Being humble does not mean feigned meekness and especially not weakness, for we are strong in the power of His might. Ephesians 6:10 “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and the power of His might.”
It doesn’t mean walking with our heads down and eyes averted…it also doesn’t mean using the power of His might in us to aggressively go at someone. In truth and knowledge, going to back to Hosea 6:6, where God entreats us to acquire and apply HIS knowledge in every situation, we find ourselves in. In being able to, this means we have sought Him, His written Word, His Spirit, His attitude…and in showing no anger or spiritual pride, or simply coming at someone with attitude…instead, we are to approach people and situations as if Jesus were standing right there with us, for He is, as by His Spirit He lives in us.
Luke 18:9-14 is a perfect illustration to bring into this sermon.
In this parable Jesus was talking directly to those who trusted in their own self-righteousness, and because of it, they carried within themselves and on their shoulders, a continual “attitude” which religious people all too often carrying…meaning they think they are better than the people they are talking to or being surrounded by, perhaps, even in their own churches.
A man or woman who walks with God, through His Son Jesus Christ, and led by His Holy Spirit…KNOWS that his or her right-ness is founded ONLY in his or her one-on-one relationship with Jesus Christ and definitely not in his or her good works, for that often adds to their puffed up opinion of themselves.
We are to look down on NO ONE…for Scriptures says to esteem or hold up others- more highly than we do ourselves.
That’s a tough one….for who can have better opinions for be more right than we are! WHO?
I am not wanting to belabor this too much or too long, BUT, once this lesson is learned and lived out, our lives and the lives of those we encounter will please both ourselves and the Lord.
ATTITUDE….is critical in our lives as Christians.
You fail, I fail, we all fail, but when we do, it is to be a time of honest and genuine assessment with ourselves and with God…and seek Him as to the way we are to rectify and approach that failure and to make it good.
We are NOT to be (religious) people…we are to be God’s people, His children, reflecting an image of Jesus Himself to others. We are to KICK OUT….attitude…and walk in Love, Grace, Mercy and compassion, forgiveness and restoration…all cloaked in humility. I have often described humility as controlled strength…as Jesus Himself often exhibited.
In tandem with Salvation…my favorite word is GRACE. “The FREE and unmerited favor of God…as manifested in the Salvation and restoration of we sinners….with the bestowal of BLESSINGS…another great word full of promise. I said the word unmerited…which means…we have not and cannot earn it…it is FREE FOR ALL ACCEPT our Lord Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God.
Amazing isn’t it! AMAZING GRACE…how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me…I once was lost, but now am found, was blind…BUT NOW I SEE.
God said and says; “I will have mercy on her who had not obtained mercy: the I will say to those who were not My people, you ARE My people! And they will say in return…YOU ARE MY GOD!
C.S. Lewis, attending a conference, but having arrived late he heard a debate going on as to what set Christianity apart from all other religions.
Some said…Christ’s resurrection from the dead.
Others…all the good that has come from Christianity to the world.
Others…it being the largest organized religion on the planet.
Others..threw in their opinions, and Lewis, having hear enough, go their attention and stated firmly and quietly, one word, and that word quietly spoken…both quietly and reverently stopped the debate as all agreed.
King James Version
The MERCY God showed to then, we Gentiles who were not originally the (chosen) and special people set apart (humbly) for the Glory of God…by MERCY AND GRACE…now are. Those who believe in, adhere to and Love Jesus, scripture says, we are now His people…and we are through the trials, and joys of life…ARE BEING MADE INTO THE IMAGE OF JESUS CHRIST, and as Jesus showed us this great mercy…we are to be equally MERCIFUL….to all people…because…WE ARE TO BE LIKE HIM.
The word MERCY occurs over 250 times in the Bible…and is one of the nine fruits of the Spirit, so let’s not tread on the GRACE and MERCY given to us freely, but reach out and embrace them….as part of our on-gong development as Christians.
Remember this…Jesus said, that we are to be in the world, but not of it…meaning our values and ideals are to be moral, pure, right and incorruptible. That truth can be seen objectively, as eternal and inseparable from God’s character.
Being blessed by God does not mean we are better…for we are all saved only by GRACE.
It cost Jesus Christ His life to bestow these gifts on us…and so we should humbly and with gratitude of heart, embrace and pull them into the depths of our heart, mind and soul.
He call us into a deeper spiritual walk and maturity.
We should leave here today…saying…”we can do all things through Christ…who enables and strengthens us.”
For the day of our salvation…as is every day…for His MERCIES are NEW EVERY MORNNG…GREAT IS YOUR FAITHFULNESS O LORD….
I will finish with this….
Ephesians 2 READ
THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU, as we now take our first step to COMMUNION. As you will hear Jesus Himself tell us both what to do and why we do it.
The Little Church in the Pines
Island Park, Idaho
This is the day! Today!
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
Psalm 118:24
This day, today, [in which God has saved me] is the day that the Lord has made: Let us…rejoice and be glad in it.
As a prelude to today’s sermon, I want to point out to you that in offering worship to God, there is no set style or manner of doing so for all of Christendom and, in fact, there is a great variety of ways…. perhaps beginning with a solemn service…to an exuberant JOY filled service where there may be dancing, banner waving…shouts of Hosanna, etc., and all in between.
My goal this morning is to help broaden our understanding of what manner of worship pleases God….and whether the worship we offer Him, if any, or the above and more, is dependent on one thing alone. Pay attention please. Is our worship service and expression, genuine .and coming from the heart, or is it (as it is for some) for show. If either exuberant or solemn…or is it because what is being offered by us, is the way we have always done it.
Something to think about………
Now, on with the message. The one thing we know about life in being alive, and waking up in the morning if we do? (smile) is how we know we have another day, for that day, today is what we know we have… for now, and really at least for that moment. So uncertain is life.
So, in knowing this….we can make a choice to REJOICE that God has chosen to give us another new morning, another new day, and not only to REJOICE in Him, and the gift of that day before us, but in REJOICING WE ARE TO BE GLAD….Though, there is a possibility depending on what happened yesterday, or further back, we could be mourning something that has deeply affected us, but if we believe God is with us, and knows all that is going on in our sorrow, remember that the verse also say this, to ALWAYS REJOICE in even difficult times.…and, there is a verse that to me parallels this verse, and which in time God says, will minister to us in a profound and internally touching way, with His love, and His presence, bringing to us understanding and healing, as He did with Daivid …for this verse is a promise fulfilled for David, and for us…………and it is:
Psalm 30:11
“You, Oh God, have turned my mourning into dancing; You have removed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, there’s that word again.
It is at that time in our sorrow or uncertainty, we can make a choice, a choice to go into His always open arms and believe…. that all things work together for good, to those that are called and live according to His will, or NOT.
When we choose to do so, He will meet us, and we will see this promise fulfilled.
In the previous verses of the first one I read, it emphasizes that David is reminded that any strength and relief, and eventual JOY he experiences, has one source…GOD…David here is in the process of praying to God to remove his personal sorrow…praying “Hear me O LORD, AND HAVE MERCY, and as he repents of his sin, his failure, repenting of how his sin not only adversely affected himself…but also, the people of Israel, he waits upon the LORD. Never try to get ahead of God…waiting is often critical to hearing God answer.
As God hears David’s genuine repentance…. God is moved and responds in forgiveness and love to David’s prayer.
Repentance…. always brings us closer to GOD, and is what we are called to do though Jesus, His Son. The burden of sin we are carrying, is immediately lifted off of our mind, heart, emotions, soul and spirit, freeing us to hear God’s Spirit speak in His till quiet voice.
Now, the verse I first quoted continues with these words.
To the end that my glory may sing praise to You and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks unto You forever.”
Following repentance...comes an offering of thanks.
This particular reason for David’s mourning and necessary repentance, was not because of a loss in his life…except for the loss of peace he no longer had, being disconnected from God by His sin, but mostly for being disobedient to God…and reaping the consequences of his choice to sin, which is sometimes the case with us…our own sins, will at times result in others being affected, especially those closest to us, depending on what it or they are.
We…need to be careful….as to the choices we make and as in David’s case here, was not by neglect or accident, but deliberate.
David wanted what David wanted, and then got what David didn’t want. Repercussions that went far beyond himself.
He goes on to say, after his genuine repentance.
Oh, how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear and revere You, O God. Which You have prepared for those who trust in You.
And I will add to that…. in ALL things.
Be of good courage…and love the LORD, all of you, His saints!
For the LORD preserves the faithful, be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, ALL YOU WHO HOPE IN THE LORD!
Hear David as he cries out….to God
Psalm 51:10-12
Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew a right spirit within me.
Cast me not away from Thy presence O God,
Take not Thy Holy Spirit from me,
Restore unto me, the Joy of Thy salvation,
And renew a right spirit within me.
This is such a beautiful prayer of genuine repentance…
In going back to Psalm 11:30, there are often four things we do needlessly. #1. We fail to recognize and live fully in today. #2. We also too often carry yesterday's mistakes and unforgiven sin into today. Needlessly, not realizing the weight we carry, because we fail to recognize or ignore our actions or thoughts as sin…. having therefore having not offered genuine repentance. #3. ties into the first…causing us NOT to be able to fully live in THIS DAY, TODAY. #4 We too often live instead for tomorrow to escape today, because we think tomorrow will be a better day than the one, we know we have. Please listen, it is also involving our attitude in each day we have, but our attitude is a choice over which we do have the power within us to change…. we may have to work at it, but that is another sermon.
Let’s now look at the word REJOICE. Most of us have little problem with being glad, but REJOICE…for the more stoic of us this might be a bit of a problem, ummmm, not might, but is usually a more than a bit of a problem. Especially as Ken Watts (most of you know Ken) is often says to me about himself and the denomination He is a part of rejoicing he says…. “Especially with the frozen chosen” …. (These are his words not mine) because He claims to be a backsliding Presbyterian, and saying “we don’t do those sorts of things. Don’t push us he says.”
The dictionary describes REJOICING this way…REJOICING, IS TO EXPRESS GREAT JOY OR DELIGHT, expressed as David did, as he “danced before the LORD (as a single example) in bringing the ARK of the COVENANT back to Jerusalem. In expressing his great JOY, Michael his wife, looked down on him from a roof top, embarrassed and angry with him as she said, he is making a fool of himself. Well, the LORD was displeased by her, and because of her reaction and words, there were consequences with her that followed.
Then there are, as an example, the charismatic churches…where people not only clap, but lift their hands in JOY and Worship, sometimes dance and as I noted earlier…. wave banners, also expressing at times what is called Holy Laughter.
A less expressive example that I remember well in the Methodist Church I pastored in Florence, Oregon…two little sisters ages, 7 and 5, would, when the hymn was joyous, move from their pew into the center aisle and dance…and it was so spontaneous and delightful for the whole church, except for one old gentleman (my age)…who would just look at them and frown, and on occasion voicing to me (fortunately not to the girls) and others, how it was not proper and should be stopped. Never did though. The Lord was blessed as were the rest of us.
In religion…we often relegate God to our confining box of how we think worship ought to be expressed…because mostly, other more expressive worship makes some of us, the word might be, uncomfortable, and God forbid, we be uncomfortable in a church service, because we are unable to see that God has many dimensions, and many facets of His personality…and yes, God has a personality as reflected clearly throughout the Bible sometimes expressing very human like emotions…since were given them in the first place by Hm.
We as individuals see God in a variety of ways. Some of us are comfortable with God as the great benevolent Grandfather in heaven, others as a wise wizard archetype, others as a puppeteer, or a stern frowning taskmaster, ready to lash out and smack us on the back of the head for every wrong we do. Still others see God as an absentee landlord, (this was Einstein) who created the world and then went off to a celestial Acapulco to rest, checking back in once in awhile to see what we have been up to…and then going back in disgust at what He sees.
But…. Here is a description of just who He really is we can get a solid handle on…which we find in a discourse between Phillip and Jesus in John 14:9 when Phillip asks Jesus to reveal the Father to him.
Use voice inflections. (a sigh) He says… “Have I been with you all this time Philip, and yet you still don’t know who I am? Anyone who has seen Me…. has seen the Father. So, why are you asking me to show Him to you. The two are one and the same, yet separate. A beautiful mystery…of course we have to include the creative person of the Holy Spirit.
Charles Spurgeon, a famous minister/evangelist and author said, “There is a marvelous medicinal power in JOY, of course comes from the word REJOICE. Most medicines are distasteful; but this which is best of all medicines, is sweet to the taste, and comforting to the heart.
Here is the bottom line to all of this….IT SHOULD BE OUR GOAL TODAY AND EVERY DAY THAT WE ARE GIVEN….”TO PLEASE THE LORD OUR GOD,” in as many ways possible. Being a people of JOY…laughter, heart-felt worship, loving His WORD, His Son and each other…expressed not only in our voices but in our actions and deeds…forgiving, restoring, helping, loving…one another as Christ loves us. Never holding grudges and be kind, patient, gentle, understanding, of which Jesus was all these and more, and remember in seeing and knowing Jesus, we are introduced to the wonderful revelation of knowing our Father, who art in Heaven.
To finish I am going to read Isaiah 55, verses 6-12.
“Seek the Lord while He may be found; call Him while He is near.
Let the wicked forsake their ways,
And the unrighteous their thoughts.
Let them turn to the LORD, and He will have mercy on them,
And to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.
For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Neither are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD.
As the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.
As the rain and the snow come down from heaven,
And do not return to it without watering the earth and make it bud for the sower and bread for the eater,
So, I my WORD that goes out from My mouth:
It will not return to Me empty,
But will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
With this we will sing a hymn and then share in Communion
Someday…. the world and the universe will sound with JOY at the great coming of THE DAY OF THE LORD
When He returns for His own…
Those who rejoice in the name and person of the LORD Jesus Christ.
Island Park, Idaho
This is the day! Today!
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
Psalm 118:24
This day, today, [in which God has saved me] is the day that the Lord has made: Let us…rejoice and be glad in it.
As a prelude to today’s sermon, I want to point out to you that in offering worship to God, there is no set style or manner of doing so for all of Christendom and, in fact, there is a great variety of ways…. perhaps beginning with a solemn service…to an exuberant JOY filled service where there may be dancing, banner waving…shouts of Hosanna, etc., and all in between.
My goal this morning is to help broaden our understanding of what manner of worship pleases God….and whether the worship we offer Him, if any, or the above and more, is dependent on one thing alone. Pay attention please. Is our worship service and expression, genuine .and coming from the heart, or is it (as it is for some) for show. If either exuberant or solemn…or is it because what is being offered by us, is the way we have always done it.
Something to think about………
Now, on with the message. The one thing we know about life in being alive, and waking up in the morning if we do? (smile) is how we know we have another day, for that day, today is what we know we have… for now, and really at least for that moment. So uncertain is life.
So, in knowing this….we can make a choice to REJOICE that God has chosen to give us another new morning, another new day, and not only to REJOICE in Him, and the gift of that day before us, but in REJOICING WE ARE TO BE GLAD….Though, there is a possibility depending on what happened yesterday, or further back, we could be mourning something that has deeply affected us, but if we believe God is with us, and knows all that is going on in our sorrow, remember that the verse also say this, to ALWAYS REJOICE in even difficult times.…and, there is a verse that to me parallels this verse, and which in time God says, will minister to us in a profound and internally touching way, with His love, and His presence, bringing to us understanding and healing, as He did with Daivid …for this verse is a promise fulfilled for David, and for us…………and it is:
Psalm 30:11
“You, Oh God, have turned my mourning into dancing; You have removed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, there’s that word again.
It is at that time in our sorrow or uncertainty, we can make a choice, a choice to go into His always open arms and believe…. that all things work together for good, to those that are called and live according to His will, or NOT.
When we choose to do so, He will meet us, and we will see this promise fulfilled.
In the previous verses of the first one I read, it emphasizes that David is reminded that any strength and relief, and eventual JOY he experiences, has one source…GOD…David here is in the process of praying to God to remove his personal sorrow…praying “Hear me O LORD, AND HAVE MERCY, and as he repents of his sin, his failure, repenting of how his sin not only adversely affected himself…but also, the people of Israel, he waits upon the LORD. Never try to get ahead of God…waiting is often critical to hearing God answer.
As God hears David’s genuine repentance…. God is moved and responds in forgiveness and love to David’s prayer.
Repentance…. always brings us closer to GOD, and is what we are called to do though Jesus, His Son. The burden of sin we are carrying, is immediately lifted off of our mind, heart, emotions, soul and spirit, freeing us to hear God’s Spirit speak in His till quiet voice.
Now, the verse I first quoted continues with these words.
To the end that my glory may sing praise to You and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks unto You forever.”
Following repentance...comes an offering of thanks.
This particular reason for David’s mourning and necessary repentance, was not because of a loss in his life…except for the loss of peace he no longer had, being disconnected from God by His sin, but mostly for being disobedient to God…and reaping the consequences of his choice to sin, which is sometimes the case with us…our own sins, will at times result in others being affected, especially those closest to us, depending on what it or they are.
We…need to be careful….as to the choices we make and as in David’s case here, was not by neglect or accident, but deliberate.
David wanted what David wanted, and then got what David didn’t want. Repercussions that went far beyond himself.
He goes on to say, after his genuine repentance.
Oh, how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear and revere You, O God. Which You have prepared for those who trust in You.
And I will add to that…. in ALL things.
Be of good courage…and love the LORD, all of you, His saints!
For the LORD preserves the faithful, be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, ALL YOU WHO HOPE IN THE LORD!
Hear David as he cries out….to God
Psalm 51:10-12
Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew a right spirit within me.
Cast me not away from Thy presence O God,
Take not Thy Holy Spirit from me,
Restore unto me, the Joy of Thy salvation,
And renew a right spirit within me.
This is such a beautiful prayer of genuine repentance…
In going back to Psalm 11:30, there are often four things we do needlessly. #1. We fail to recognize and live fully in today. #2. We also too often carry yesterday's mistakes and unforgiven sin into today. Needlessly, not realizing the weight we carry, because we fail to recognize or ignore our actions or thoughts as sin…. having therefore having not offered genuine repentance. #3. ties into the first…causing us NOT to be able to fully live in THIS DAY, TODAY. #4 We too often live instead for tomorrow to escape today, because we think tomorrow will be a better day than the one, we know we have. Please listen, it is also involving our attitude in each day we have, but our attitude is a choice over which we do have the power within us to change…. we may have to work at it, but that is another sermon.
Let’s now look at the word REJOICE. Most of us have little problem with being glad, but REJOICE…for the more stoic of us this might be a bit of a problem, ummmm, not might, but is usually a more than a bit of a problem. Especially as Ken Watts (most of you know Ken) is often says to me about himself and the denomination He is a part of rejoicing he says…. “Especially with the frozen chosen” …. (These are his words not mine) because He claims to be a backsliding Presbyterian, and saying “we don’t do those sorts of things. Don’t push us he says.”
The dictionary describes REJOICING this way…REJOICING, IS TO EXPRESS GREAT JOY OR DELIGHT, expressed as David did, as he “danced before the LORD (as a single example) in bringing the ARK of the COVENANT back to Jerusalem. In expressing his great JOY, Michael his wife, looked down on him from a roof top, embarrassed and angry with him as she said, he is making a fool of himself. Well, the LORD was displeased by her, and because of her reaction and words, there were consequences with her that followed.
Then there are, as an example, the charismatic churches…where people not only clap, but lift their hands in JOY and Worship, sometimes dance and as I noted earlier…. wave banners, also expressing at times what is called Holy Laughter.
A less expressive example that I remember well in the Methodist Church I pastored in Florence, Oregon…two little sisters ages, 7 and 5, would, when the hymn was joyous, move from their pew into the center aisle and dance…and it was so spontaneous and delightful for the whole church, except for one old gentleman (my age)…who would just look at them and frown, and on occasion voicing to me (fortunately not to the girls) and others, how it was not proper and should be stopped. Never did though. The Lord was blessed as were the rest of us.
In religion…we often relegate God to our confining box of how we think worship ought to be expressed…because mostly, other more expressive worship makes some of us, the word might be, uncomfortable, and God forbid, we be uncomfortable in a church service, because we are unable to see that God has many dimensions, and many facets of His personality…and yes, God has a personality as reflected clearly throughout the Bible sometimes expressing very human like emotions…since were given them in the first place by Hm.
We as individuals see God in a variety of ways. Some of us are comfortable with God as the great benevolent Grandfather in heaven, others as a wise wizard archetype, others as a puppeteer, or a stern frowning taskmaster, ready to lash out and smack us on the back of the head for every wrong we do. Still others see God as an absentee landlord, (this was Einstein) who created the world and then went off to a celestial Acapulco to rest, checking back in once in awhile to see what we have been up to…and then going back in disgust at what He sees.
But…. Here is a description of just who He really is we can get a solid handle on…which we find in a discourse between Phillip and Jesus in John 14:9 when Phillip asks Jesus to reveal the Father to him.
Use voice inflections. (a sigh) He says… “Have I been with you all this time Philip, and yet you still don’t know who I am? Anyone who has seen Me…. has seen the Father. So, why are you asking me to show Him to you. The two are one and the same, yet separate. A beautiful mystery…of course we have to include the creative person of the Holy Spirit.
Charles Spurgeon, a famous minister/evangelist and author said, “There is a marvelous medicinal power in JOY, of course comes from the word REJOICE. Most medicines are distasteful; but this which is best of all medicines, is sweet to the taste, and comforting to the heart.
Here is the bottom line to all of this….IT SHOULD BE OUR GOAL TODAY AND EVERY DAY THAT WE ARE GIVEN….”TO PLEASE THE LORD OUR GOD,” in as many ways possible. Being a people of JOY…laughter, heart-felt worship, loving His WORD, His Son and each other…expressed not only in our voices but in our actions and deeds…forgiving, restoring, helping, loving…one another as Christ loves us. Never holding grudges and be kind, patient, gentle, understanding, of which Jesus was all these and more, and remember in seeing and knowing Jesus, we are introduced to the wonderful revelation of knowing our Father, who art in Heaven.
To finish I am going to read Isaiah 55, verses 6-12.
“Seek the Lord while He may be found; call Him while He is near.
Let the wicked forsake their ways,
And the unrighteous their thoughts.
Let them turn to the LORD, and He will have mercy on them,
And to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.
For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Neither are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD.
As the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.
As the rain and the snow come down from heaven,
And do not return to it without watering the earth and make it bud for the sower and bread for the eater,
So, I my WORD that goes out from My mouth:
It will not return to Me empty,
But will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
With this we will sing a hymn and then share in Communion
Someday…. the world and the universe will sound with JOY at the great coming of THE DAY OF THE LORD
When He returns for His own…
Those who rejoice in the name and person of the LORD Jesus Christ.
The Little Church in the Pines
Island Park, Idaho
"Morning Has Broken”
You are a miracle….
Genesis 1:5
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
And God said,
“Let there be light,” and there was light,”
God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day” and the darkness He called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning ~ the first day.
Morning to me…is the most sweet and wonderful time of the day. With the coming of morning…..that starts with pre-dawn light, and the darkness first begins to recede In the clear sky one can still see the Morning Star (Venus) quite clearly. Jesus is called the bright and Morning Star. The first we see in the evening sky and the last to recede in the Morning, before the coming of the rising of the Sun, pouring its life-giving rays upon this magnificent orb in the vastness of the Universe. A spectacular creation like no other, majestic, light and water filled, teeming with life of such a variety to astonish if but take the time to reflect in the morning light of all that covers and fills this place we call home.
Those who do such things as I am about to share, the mathematics of the chances of earth as it is even existing as it does, are one in seven hundred quadrillion, given that there are an estimated 100 billion planets in the knows universe. There are nine zeros in a billion, and 15 zeros in a quadrillion. So therefore, in this estimated billion, the earth should not even exist.
And yet, here it is and here we are!
Whether you know it or not, each one of us is a miracle according to science. It is estimated that the probability of your existence is the probability that two million people will sit together to play a game of dice with trillions of faces. Each rolls the dice and they all come up with exactly the same number is 550 billion, 343 million, 279 thousand.001 that you and I even exist.
All to say You and I are a miracle…here is one more example. Imagine that there is a lifebuoy thrown somewhere in an ocean, and there is only ONE turtle in its vastness swimming underwater (somewhere). The probability that you will appear on earth just as you are and exist as you do, is as small as the probability that that turtle will stick its head out of the water in the middle of this lifebuoy, in a single attempt. The estimated chances are 1/700 trillion.
Each of us is a true miracle…so unlikely in our personal uniqueness as we are, is almost impossible, and yet…here we are!
It all began in the mind of God, who desired more than angels, but desired beings who would by their own free-will, choose to want to both acknowledge their God and creator and, in and the deepest sense be companions.
What began in the heart and thoughts of God, began noted in Genesis also. Genesis 1:26, Then God said, “Let us, and who is us, but the eternal Father, Son and Holy Spirit. “Let us make human beings” in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish int eh sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along on the ground.” So, God created human beings in His own image. In the image of God, He created them; male and female He created them.
Listen closely to these words. Then God blessed them, and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish of sea (go for it fishermen, or fisherwomen) the birds in the sky, and the animals.
WE are each a miracle. When you consider all those who lived before us…and here we are…with consciousness and awareness, each of us are here, now…. a miracle. We need to remember this, when we have trouble finding value in ourselves.
In what ways are we made in God’s image? God obviously did not create us exactly like Himself… and never would we become like Him in this life or the one to follow, because God has not physical body. God is Spirit. Instead, we are reflections of God’s glory when we live in the fullness of His Son. Our reason, and creativity, speech, and self-determination is in the image of God. We have been given the goal to reflect His character in our love, patience, forgiveness, kindness, and faithfulness.
Knowing…and I mean KNOWING that we are made in
God’s image and thus share many of His characteristics provides a solid basis for our self-worth. Our worth is not based on our possessions, achievements, physical attractiveness or how many are aware of who we are.
Criticizing or down grading ourselves is criticizing what God has made and the abilities He has given us. Knowing we are a person of worth in His eyes should lift us out of even the poor choices we make, the mistakes we make, the sins we commit. I want you to say, with me. “I AM VALUABLE IN GOD’S EYES”
And when He told us in His word to reign over the earth and all that is in it, He expected and expects us to take sound responsibility for how we use the resources He has given us, in that we are not to be careless and wasteful as we fulfill His charge. God was careful in His planning to see that our every need would be fulfilled, but holds us ultimately responsible as to our caretaking, not only of our resources and environment…but the bodies He has given us, so as to not overuse and overindulge.
Moderation avoids extremes, exercises restraint, and is related to good old “self-control”. Moderation is a good thing, but living a life of moderation is an uphill battle in today’s world. The Bible teaches that excess doesn’t work so well, and if we pay attention to what the WORD tells us…it helps us understand how and why we should live in moderation.
OUR LIVES ARE A MIRACLE….YOU ARE A MIRACLE….we may not be the brightest and best….on the scale of intellect, looks, giftings, etc., but God in His wisdom, if we follow HIM, BELIEVE IN HIM, LOVE HIM, WORSHIP HIM, GIVE HIM HIS DUE CREDIT, TRUST HIM, will help us through all that life brings our way. We may not understand all that happens to us…but if we have enough faith, we can persevere in and through it with His help and grace and grit.
EVERY MORNING IS NEW MORNING…PRECEDING A NEW DAY. A day in which we will have choices to make concerning the least of things to sometimes great things, and seemingly overwhelming things.
It began for us in what the Bible calls the fifth morning of Creation. A morning radiant in pure light…where water ran pure, trees, scrubs, flowers were creating an paradisical environment, perfect for us, human beings to flourish and grow.
We don’t know how long Adam and Eve lived in this paradise before the FALL…but we know it came, putting an end to that which had such a radiant, light and life filled beginning, but when it happened it came with huge consequences that affected not only humans, but all of creation. From the mite to the mightiest.
And so... life went on, and on….and the light of that first day dimmed over the eons…so much so that catastrophic events, wars, death, droughts, floods….and continues to this day.
YET…God never lost His deep love for those whom He created, because here we sit today…. redeemed by His great plan of redemption. His Son….
I sometimes am overwhelmed by both His Love and His Grace.
The first part of Creation included that first morning when all was perfect. The second part of His plan took effect with the birth, life and death of His Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Humanity had reached such a level of darkness and despair that there was only one way out of it that sin be conquered and overcome…by one great and final sacrifice…the One closest to His heart…His to be…only begotten Son.
He who descended from heaven…to take on the body of a human in order to experience what it is like for us, in a life and planet still beautiful in many ways…but One who was a greater light than the light that fell on earth that first morning…had to come to begin to right the great wrong that was done, and the results perpetuated for a time upon all mankind.
After the darkness of, that horrific day and night…a new form of , light has come into the world, with the ability to transform once again a then fallen world, but this time….the light would shine from within than from above, as individual human beings given the free-will to choose…whom from that day on, when He rose…and entered physically an ALTOGETHER NEW Being…into THE NOW SECOND MORNING of a NEW DAY FOR HUMANITY….that bring us to the song we sang just before the sermon…listen please to the words as I read them….
Imagine you are watching from a distance yourself on the edge of the garden…..
Morning is breaking, like the first morning
Blackbird is speaking, like the first bird,
Praise in the singing praise for the morning.
Praise for them springing fresh from the WORD
Sweet is the rain’s new fall sunlit from heaven
Like the first dew-fall…on the first grass
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
Sprung in completeness, where HIS FEET PASS
Mine is the sunlight! Mine is the morning,
Born of the one light Eden saw play!
Praise with elation,
Praise every morning,
In the form of a man…. God…brighter than the light He Himself created…. a light that pierces to the core of darkness, and shatters it with a resounding HALLELUIJAH…HALLELUIAJAH
In the song I read the words…Re-Creation the first day.
Re Creation aligns with Re Birth…. a new chance of a new life, transformed by the Light and Power of God….is available for every individual in the world…as Jesus said: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to OBEY everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always…to the very end of the age.
Island Park, Idaho
"Morning Has Broken”
You are a miracle….
Genesis 1:5
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
And God said,
“Let there be light,” and there was light,”
God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day” and the darkness He called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning ~ the first day.
Morning to me…is the most sweet and wonderful time of the day. With the coming of morning…..that starts with pre-dawn light, and the darkness first begins to recede In the clear sky one can still see the Morning Star (Venus) quite clearly. Jesus is called the bright and Morning Star. The first we see in the evening sky and the last to recede in the Morning, before the coming of the rising of the Sun, pouring its life-giving rays upon this magnificent orb in the vastness of the Universe. A spectacular creation like no other, majestic, light and water filled, teeming with life of such a variety to astonish if but take the time to reflect in the morning light of all that covers and fills this place we call home.
Those who do such things as I am about to share, the mathematics of the chances of earth as it is even existing as it does, are one in seven hundred quadrillion, given that there are an estimated 100 billion planets in the knows universe. There are nine zeros in a billion, and 15 zeros in a quadrillion. So therefore, in this estimated billion, the earth should not even exist.
And yet, here it is and here we are!
Whether you know it or not, each one of us is a miracle according to science. It is estimated that the probability of your existence is the probability that two million people will sit together to play a game of dice with trillions of faces. Each rolls the dice and they all come up with exactly the same number is 550 billion, 343 million, 279 thousand.001 that you and I even exist.
All to say You and I are a miracle…here is one more example. Imagine that there is a lifebuoy thrown somewhere in an ocean, and there is only ONE turtle in its vastness swimming underwater (somewhere). The probability that you will appear on earth just as you are and exist as you do, is as small as the probability that that turtle will stick its head out of the water in the middle of this lifebuoy, in a single attempt. The estimated chances are 1/700 trillion.
Each of us is a true miracle…so unlikely in our personal uniqueness as we are, is almost impossible, and yet…here we are!
It all began in the mind of God, who desired more than angels, but desired beings who would by their own free-will, choose to want to both acknowledge their God and creator and, in and the deepest sense be companions.
What began in the heart and thoughts of God, began noted in Genesis also. Genesis 1:26, Then God said, “Let us, and who is us, but the eternal Father, Son and Holy Spirit. “Let us make human beings” in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish int eh sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along on the ground.” So, God created human beings in His own image. In the image of God, He created them; male and female He created them.
Listen closely to these words. Then God blessed them, and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish of sea (go for it fishermen, or fisherwomen) the birds in the sky, and the animals.
WE are each a miracle. When you consider all those who lived before us…and here we are…with consciousness and awareness, each of us are here, now…. a miracle. We need to remember this, when we have trouble finding value in ourselves.
In what ways are we made in God’s image? God obviously did not create us exactly like Himself… and never would we become like Him in this life or the one to follow, because God has not physical body. God is Spirit. Instead, we are reflections of God’s glory when we live in the fullness of His Son. Our reason, and creativity, speech, and self-determination is in the image of God. We have been given the goal to reflect His character in our love, patience, forgiveness, kindness, and faithfulness.
Knowing…and I mean KNOWING that we are made in
God’s image and thus share many of His characteristics provides a solid basis for our self-worth. Our worth is not based on our possessions, achievements, physical attractiveness or how many are aware of who we are.
Criticizing or down grading ourselves is criticizing what God has made and the abilities He has given us. Knowing we are a person of worth in His eyes should lift us out of even the poor choices we make, the mistakes we make, the sins we commit. I want you to say, with me. “I AM VALUABLE IN GOD’S EYES”
And when He told us in His word to reign over the earth and all that is in it, He expected and expects us to take sound responsibility for how we use the resources He has given us, in that we are not to be careless and wasteful as we fulfill His charge. God was careful in His planning to see that our every need would be fulfilled, but holds us ultimately responsible as to our caretaking, not only of our resources and environment…but the bodies He has given us, so as to not overuse and overindulge.
Moderation avoids extremes, exercises restraint, and is related to good old “self-control”. Moderation is a good thing, but living a life of moderation is an uphill battle in today’s world. The Bible teaches that excess doesn’t work so well, and if we pay attention to what the WORD tells us…it helps us understand how and why we should live in moderation.
OUR LIVES ARE A MIRACLE….YOU ARE A MIRACLE….we may not be the brightest and best….on the scale of intellect, looks, giftings, etc., but God in His wisdom, if we follow HIM, BELIEVE IN HIM, LOVE HIM, WORSHIP HIM, GIVE HIM HIS DUE CREDIT, TRUST HIM, will help us through all that life brings our way. We may not understand all that happens to us…but if we have enough faith, we can persevere in and through it with His help and grace and grit.
EVERY MORNING IS NEW MORNING…PRECEDING A NEW DAY. A day in which we will have choices to make concerning the least of things to sometimes great things, and seemingly overwhelming things.
It began for us in what the Bible calls the fifth morning of Creation. A morning radiant in pure light…where water ran pure, trees, scrubs, flowers were creating an paradisical environment, perfect for us, human beings to flourish and grow.
We don’t know how long Adam and Eve lived in this paradise before the FALL…but we know it came, putting an end to that which had such a radiant, light and life filled beginning, but when it happened it came with huge consequences that affected not only humans, but all of creation. From the mite to the mightiest.
And so... life went on, and on….and the light of that first day dimmed over the eons…so much so that catastrophic events, wars, death, droughts, floods….and continues to this day.
YET…God never lost His deep love for those whom He created, because here we sit today…. redeemed by His great plan of redemption. His Son….
I sometimes am overwhelmed by both His Love and His Grace.
The first part of Creation included that first morning when all was perfect. The second part of His plan took effect with the birth, life and death of His Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Humanity had reached such a level of darkness and despair that there was only one way out of it that sin be conquered and overcome…by one great and final sacrifice…the One closest to His heart…His to be…only begotten Son.
He who descended from heaven…to take on the body of a human in order to experience what it is like for us, in a life and planet still beautiful in many ways…but One who was a greater light than the light that fell on earth that first morning…had to come to begin to right the great wrong that was done, and the results perpetuated for a time upon all mankind.
After the darkness of, that horrific day and night…a new form of , light has come into the world, with the ability to transform once again a then fallen world, but this time….the light would shine from within than from above, as individual human beings given the free-will to choose…whom from that day on, when He rose…and entered physically an ALTOGETHER NEW Being…into THE NOW SECOND MORNING of a NEW DAY FOR HUMANITY….that bring us to the song we sang just before the sermon…listen please to the words as I read them….
Imagine you are watching from a distance yourself on the edge of the garden…..
Morning is breaking, like the first morning
Blackbird is speaking, like the first bird,
Praise in the singing praise for the morning.
Praise for them springing fresh from the WORD
Sweet is the rain’s new fall sunlit from heaven
Like the first dew-fall…on the first grass
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
Sprung in completeness, where HIS FEET PASS
Mine is the sunlight! Mine is the morning,
Born of the one light Eden saw play!
Praise with elation,
Praise every morning,
In the form of a man…. God…brighter than the light He Himself created…. a light that pierces to the core of darkness, and shatters it with a resounding HALLELUIJAH…HALLELUIAJAH
In the song I read the words…Re-Creation the first day.
Re Creation aligns with Re Birth…. a new chance of a new life, transformed by the Light and Power of God….is available for every individual in the world…as Jesus said: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to OBEY everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always…to the very end of the age.
The Little Church in the Pines
Island Park, Idaho 83429
Sermon by; Pastor Tom Shanor April23, 2023
Philippians 2: 5-7 Berean Study Bible
“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus; who existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to take advantage of…. but humbled Himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in human likeness.”
These verses are most often used when speaking of the INCARNATION of Christ, coming in the form of a human, as a baby.
But…it also fits very well into His place in His history as a man, so as to know first-hand, what it was to be a human by having not only the likeness, but also literally the flesh, bones, heart, etc. in order to be able to touch, feel the wind and the heat, the cold and rain, the dust in His lungs and the grass under His feet. To become exhausted and exhilarated, to laugh and to cry. To be angry and to feel JOY. To be loved and to be hated. To ultimately be rejected and killed, while the whole time preaching and exhibiting love…..even to those who in time would kill Him.
This metaphorical story by Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard tells the story of a powerful king who falls in love with a lowly peasant maiden, having seen her on one of his kingly outings to be seen among His people.
The maiden is unaware of the king falling in love with her upon first sight, and the king is so deeply smitten and worried. Knowing as he does that love is built, and stands on a strong and mutual foundation of equality, (that is quite a statement just made) x2, He asks himself, how can this vast gap between us be bridged?
He does not want to overwhelm her and have her come to love him simply because of his importance and position, and by revealing his love for her in all its’ depth. Nor would elevating her immediately to royal status work, for he knew not what her reaction might be, for she may already be in love to another man.
The only possible solution to the king’s problem is remarkably simple to him, but in the eyes of those in his court, insane. Since the union could not be brought about through her elevation, it must be attempted by him to descend. The king in his own mind, (now keep in your mind, that this is all about His deep and abiding love for this ordinary, yet extraordinary woman) he MUST dressed in peasant’s attire and demeanor, enter her world completely and attempt to win her love.
Only then can he be sure that she (by her free will and choice), will return her love for his love, because of his humility, and showing His love also by His actions and sacrifice, by leaving His exalted position, He hopes she will see with clarity, the reasons for loving him in return, and desiring with her whole heart, mind and soul…to follow him wherever He takes her…to live her life with and for Him as he would do the same in return for her. Jesus Christ and His Church…the bride of Christ…of which He said…the gates of Hell and all that would be thrown at it by both man and Satan, would withstand….and stand, never, never to be taken down or destroyed, though the multitude of choices and decisions by man would attempt to do that very thing.
This is the unfathomable nature of true love…Christ’s love for His own Creation….to descend to our level….to become like us….in the process of showing us how to become like Him.
It is also akin to His transfiguration…..not in that we become gods, but that we can become in essence, through our own transfiguration, like God, by dying to self be remade into the likeness of the Son of God….how? by believing in Him….we then take on His nature, relegating our ego to that of a servant, dying to selfishness, no longer putting ourselves first…to be born again in His image….to put on the new self….the spiritual self through His Word and the power of the Holy Spirit, becoming instead as one that possesses, professes and exhibits His qualities found in Galatians 5. The same qualities He exhibited all throughout His life and ministry, those being the Fruit of the Spirit, and before I read these…and while I read them, looking both within and without as to whether You and I have these as our first responsive nature, when happenings, people and times run contrary to exhibiting them. What is our first response to adultery, sorcery, hatred, contentions, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murder, drunkenness, revelries and the like, of which we are told beforehand, just as we were told, of those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God, but these behaviors instead….are to be manifested in us……first and foremost, they being Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control, for against such there is no law….these are the keys to the kingdom within us…and once within us…we will help to change the world, by being examples to all the world, but especially to the world we live in every day….here, in Island Park….of Jesus within us, for IF we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us NOT become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.
The dynamics of LENT AND EASTER…came and comes through God’s choice, to reduce, to diminish, to descend to the level of humanity for mysterious and obvious, practical reasons that, lie at the heart of our faith in the birth, life, death, resurrection and coming again of Jesus the Christ, the Savior and King, which no longer is a mystery but became evident to the world through His elevation on the CROSS, as he descended into the grave, to rise TRIUMPHANT OVER DEATH, by turning the world right side-up, after many thousands of years of being upside down, and as in all things human….as is often the case, takes a long time to get through to us. It will also take, as we are familiar with Jesus’ own prophecies, as well as the book for Revelation…things are going to have to get a whole lot worse before the RESTORATION comes.
I too have said this before. The most sung about, the most sought after, the most needed….the most elevating…the most fulfilling emotion man can experience is LOVE.
I have also read the word to this song before….
What the world needs now, is love sweet love,
No, not just for some, but for everyone……..everyone.
We need to consider this one thing very seriously, which was spoken by one Marilynne Robinson….
“What if we accept God’s love for humanity, a love so great that it caused God to become human, as a sign that we are worth it? All of us…from the least to the greatest. Love for all and all in One…THE One, the ONLY ONE.” THE GREAT I AM.
To properly value this pledge of fervent LOVE, the OVERALL INCARNATION.THE TRANFIGURATION.THE RESURECTION. AND LAST HIS COMING AGAIN for the Church and to set up a 1000-year reign…. We must see the world as deserving of what I just said, and so I ask you this question.
What did or if you are not a believer in the totality of who Jesus is, what would tip the balance toward accepting the truth of the Gospel, which includes all the afore mentioned personification of His deity?
Would He have to appear before you as He appeared to His disciples, where He showed the wounds in His hands, feet and side.
Would He have to perform some miracle as those watching Him die on the cross, saying “if You is the Son of God, come down off that cross and we will believe!
What would it take…but for those of you who do believe in His divinity, what for you did it take?
Do you remember the General of WWII, an intellectual who set about to discredit Christ and therefore Christianity, visiting libraries around the world, reading all he could read to write his treatise to finally expose the falseness of our faith, only to find himself on his knees, accepting Christ as His Lord and Savior
What would it take? I ask you?
He descended…to be born, live, die and RESURRECTED simply and inexplicably because of His love you each of us…. and the entire world.
His adopted humanity was to taste and eat and digest our lives to understand … our experiences more fully our drudgery, our excitement, our Joy, and sorrow….and He did. In His travels He did not create bread out of nothing for Himself when He was hungry, nor make wine out of water for Himself…or create a comfortable bed out of the air so He would not have to sleep on the ground…no, He chose to live like and with His disciples, never elevating Himself and His needs above theirs.
In his Divinity School Address, Ralph Waldo Emerson suggests that (we) should accordingly consider Jesus in this way, a new way, and he said this to those listening intently to Him speak….” Alone in history he estimated the greatness of man. One man…was true to what is in you and me. He saw that God incarnates Himself in man, and evermore goes forth anew, to take possession of His World. He said, in this jubilee of sublime emotion, ‘I AM
DIVINE,’ and through Me, God acts, through Me, God speaks. Would You see God, see Me, or see yourself…for God is in your very being from the very beginning of creation…otherwise, you would not exist. Jesus is the only soul in history, who appreciates the worth of man…so much so, that He died to redeemed man from himself, and to bring him into the divine.
We would do well to remember in the midst of our daily lives, how quickly, without Him (using Hitler and Naziism as an example) how quickly mankind can fall into apathy, depravity and become evil human beings capable of the worst of sin…. today, we can look at Ukraine, look at Chad and Lori Vallow, in what they did to their own children, coyotes as they are called, selling children, even babies into sex slavery….and the list goes on. Why God doesn’t just give this ole earth a kick into oblivion, is because He through His Son, sees we are redeemable… He looks at us through the eyes of Jesus.
In summation… “so let us say Christ entered the world as essential and complete truth, cosmic truth is far beyond our capability to comprehend, let alone understand….BUT….IN FAITH, BELIEVING, He, Jesus, came to us in a form accessible and believable to us, God in the body of a man………and the He should do so is an one of those absolute statements…..OF OUR VALUE TO HIM, which we by our ego and behaviors….we often obscure.
When we give it thought…. because of Christ……it is possible to recognize the human dignity He originally created us, to become a deep and abiding reality. WE are sacred to Him, and therefore should lay claim to all that He enables us to be.
Our most creative thoughts, our best ideas, our most generous impulse, our kindest deed, our sweetest words, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, just, pure, pleasing, excellent….and worthy of praise can come from Him…. through us….to the ugliest and worst of humankind… make a difference for good, our Utmost for His Highest…all because He loves us, and we in turn love Him.
Island Park, Idaho 83429
Sermon by; Pastor Tom Shanor April23, 2023
Philippians 2: 5-7 Berean Study Bible
“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus; who existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to take advantage of…. but humbled Himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in human likeness.”
These verses are most often used when speaking of the INCARNATION of Christ, coming in the form of a human, as a baby.
But…it also fits very well into His place in His history as a man, so as to know first-hand, what it was to be a human by having not only the likeness, but also literally the flesh, bones, heart, etc. in order to be able to touch, feel the wind and the heat, the cold and rain, the dust in His lungs and the grass under His feet. To become exhausted and exhilarated, to laugh and to cry. To be angry and to feel JOY. To be loved and to be hated. To ultimately be rejected and killed, while the whole time preaching and exhibiting love…..even to those who in time would kill Him.
This metaphorical story by Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard tells the story of a powerful king who falls in love with a lowly peasant maiden, having seen her on one of his kingly outings to be seen among His people.
The maiden is unaware of the king falling in love with her upon first sight, and the king is so deeply smitten and worried. Knowing as he does that love is built, and stands on a strong and mutual foundation of equality, (that is quite a statement just made) x2, He asks himself, how can this vast gap between us be bridged?
He does not want to overwhelm her and have her come to love him simply because of his importance and position, and by revealing his love for her in all its’ depth. Nor would elevating her immediately to royal status work, for he knew not what her reaction might be, for she may already be in love to another man.
The only possible solution to the king’s problem is remarkably simple to him, but in the eyes of those in his court, insane. Since the union could not be brought about through her elevation, it must be attempted by him to descend. The king in his own mind, (now keep in your mind, that this is all about His deep and abiding love for this ordinary, yet extraordinary woman) he MUST dressed in peasant’s attire and demeanor, enter her world completely and attempt to win her love.
Only then can he be sure that she (by her free will and choice), will return her love for his love, because of his humility, and showing His love also by His actions and sacrifice, by leaving His exalted position, He hopes she will see with clarity, the reasons for loving him in return, and desiring with her whole heart, mind and soul…to follow him wherever He takes her…to live her life with and for Him as he would do the same in return for her. Jesus Christ and His Church…the bride of Christ…of which He said…the gates of Hell and all that would be thrown at it by both man and Satan, would withstand….and stand, never, never to be taken down or destroyed, though the multitude of choices and decisions by man would attempt to do that very thing.
This is the unfathomable nature of true love…Christ’s love for His own Creation….to descend to our level….to become like us….in the process of showing us how to become like Him.
It is also akin to His transfiguration…..not in that we become gods, but that we can become in essence, through our own transfiguration, like God, by dying to self be remade into the likeness of the Son of God….how? by believing in Him….we then take on His nature, relegating our ego to that of a servant, dying to selfishness, no longer putting ourselves first…to be born again in His image….to put on the new self….the spiritual self through His Word and the power of the Holy Spirit, becoming instead as one that possesses, professes and exhibits His qualities found in Galatians 5. The same qualities He exhibited all throughout His life and ministry, those being the Fruit of the Spirit, and before I read these…and while I read them, looking both within and without as to whether You and I have these as our first responsive nature, when happenings, people and times run contrary to exhibiting them. What is our first response to adultery, sorcery, hatred, contentions, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murder, drunkenness, revelries and the like, of which we are told beforehand, just as we were told, of those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God, but these behaviors instead….are to be manifested in us……first and foremost, they being Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control, for against such there is no law….these are the keys to the kingdom within us…and once within us…we will help to change the world, by being examples to all the world, but especially to the world we live in every day….here, in Island Park….of Jesus within us, for IF we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us NOT become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.
The dynamics of LENT AND EASTER…came and comes through God’s choice, to reduce, to diminish, to descend to the level of humanity for mysterious and obvious, practical reasons that, lie at the heart of our faith in the birth, life, death, resurrection and coming again of Jesus the Christ, the Savior and King, which no longer is a mystery but became evident to the world through His elevation on the CROSS, as he descended into the grave, to rise TRIUMPHANT OVER DEATH, by turning the world right side-up, after many thousands of years of being upside down, and as in all things human….as is often the case, takes a long time to get through to us. It will also take, as we are familiar with Jesus’ own prophecies, as well as the book for Revelation…things are going to have to get a whole lot worse before the RESTORATION comes.
I too have said this before. The most sung about, the most sought after, the most needed….the most elevating…the most fulfilling emotion man can experience is LOVE.
I have also read the word to this song before….
What the world needs now, is love sweet love,
No, not just for some, but for everyone……..everyone.
We need to consider this one thing very seriously, which was spoken by one Marilynne Robinson….
“What if we accept God’s love for humanity, a love so great that it caused God to become human, as a sign that we are worth it? All of us…from the least to the greatest. Love for all and all in One…THE One, the ONLY ONE.” THE GREAT I AM.
To properly value this pledge of fervent LOVE, the OVERALL INCARNATION.THE TRANFIGURATION.THE RESURECTION. AND LAST HIS COMING AGAIN for the Church and to set up a 1000-year reign…. We must see the world as deserving of what I just said, and so I ask you this question.
What did or if you are not a believer in the totality of who Jesus is, what would tip the balance toward accepting the truth of the Gospel, which includes all the afore mentioned personification of His deity?
Would He have to appear before you as He appeared to His disciples, where He showed the wounds in His hands, feet and side.
Would He have to perform some miracle as those watching Him die on the cross, saying “if You is the Son of God, come down off that cross and we will believe!
What would it take…but for those of you who do believe in His divinity, what for you did it take?
Do you remember the General of WWII, an intellectual who set about to discredit Christ and therefore Christianity, visiting libraries around the world, reading all he could read to write his treatise to finally expose the falseness of our faith, only to find himself on his knees, accepting Christ as His Lord and Savior
What would it take? I ask you?
He descended…to be born, live, die and RESURRECTED simply and inexplicably because of His love you each of us…. and the entire world.
His adopted humanity was to taste and eat and digest our lives to understand … our experiences more fully our drudgery, our excitement, our Joy, and sorrow….and He did. In His travels He did not create bread out of nothing for Himself when He was hungry, nor make wine out of water for Himself…or create a comfortable bed out of the air so He would not have to sleep on the ground…no, He chose to live like and with His disciples, never elevating Himself and His needs above theirs.
In his Divinity School Address, Ralph Waldo Emerson suggests that (we) should accordingly consider Jesus in this way, a new way, and he said this to those listening intently to Him speak….” Alone in history he estimated the greatness of man. One man…was true to what is in you and me. He saw that God incarnates Himself in man, and evermore goes forth anew, to take possession of His World. He said, in this jubilee of sublime emotion, ‘I AM
DIVINE,’ and through Me, God acts, through Me, God speaks. Would You see God, see Me, or see yourself…for God is in your very being from the very beginning of creation…otherwise, you would not exist. Jesus is the only soul in history, who appreciates the worth of man…so much so, that He died to redeemed man from himself, and to bring him into the divine.
We would do well to remember in the midst of our daily lives, how quickly, without Him (using Hitler and Naziism as an example) how quickly mankind can fall into apathy, depravity and become evil human beings capable of the worst of sin…. today, we can look at Ukraine, look at Chad and Lori Vallow, in what they did to their own children, coyotes as they are called, selling children, even babies into sex slavery….and the list goes on. Why God doesn’t just give this ole earth a kick into oblivion, is because He through His Son, sees we are redeemable… He looks at us through the eyes of Jesus.
In summation… “so let us say Christ entered the world as essential and complete truth, cosmic truth is far beyond our capability to comprehend, let alone understand….BUT….IN FAITH, BELIEVING, He, Jesus, came to us in a form accessible and believable to us, God in the body of a man………and the He should do so is an one of those absolute statements…..OF OUR VALUE TO HIM, which we by our ego and behaviors….we often obscure.
When we give it thought…. because of Christ……it is possible to recognize the human dignity He originally created us, to become a deep and abiding reality. WE are sacred to Him, and therefore should lay claim to all that He enables us to be.
Our most creative thoughts, our best ideas, our most generous impulse, our kindest deed, our sweetest words, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, just, pure, pleasing, excellent….and worthy of praise can come from Him…. through us….to the ugliest and worst of humankind… make a difference for good, our Utmost for His Highest…all because He loves us, and we in turn love Him.
The Little Church in the Pines
Island park, Idaho
Pastor Tom A. Shanor
Come as You Are
Last week, I put together a scenario where we found Jesus sitting up on the stone slab, that His body had lain for three days and three nights….and as He reentered His body…..He lay there, reflecting on the past several days and nights. The time He and His Father had just spent together communicating, in whatever manner the chose.
I had a dream one night where Jesus and I talked simply by thinking. It was rather marvelous.
Now, after His reflecting….He became very aware of what was to come next, and as He sat up…the stone rolled away from the entrance, and early morning light flooded His once dark tomb.
The outside morning beckoned Him to come….to enjoy the beauty of His own Creation, before the rest of His journey was to take place.
And so….He stood, and silently walked into the radiant morning light, feeling the warmth of the sunlight from heaven, on His face and arms. The scent of fresh dew on the grass beneath His feet…as the hymn we just heard describe. The garden wet from the night’s dew, on the fresh grass.
The same sun that shone on Eden, shone here too. Morning’s first light. The light of Creation from this one star in billions, bringing with it, as light warmed the flowers and grasses, the sound of insects whirring…Morning had broken like the first morning.
New life…as in each Spring….the freshness of that original first morning….springs to life once again in the radiance of His glorious light.
His is the sunlight…His is the morning…come to life, as He has come back to life. Bringing with His RESURRECTION….a new and fresh start for all of mankind, if they so choose.
Never more accurately spoken in the words….Mine, HIS, is the sunlight, His is the morning…born of the one light Eden saw play, praise for the morning, praise for the evening, born of the ONE LIGHT as Eden saw play. As He is the WORD OF God….fresh from the WORD…fresh, anew and vibrant…alive, the very WORD of God Himself.
Paralleling….The Song of Solomon (which by the way, is said to be an allegory, a love story of Christ and His Church, Us…….with these words, because winter as spoken here is where most living things go dormant and some seem to die….but with roots going deep…wait patiently for the warmth of the Spring Sun, to once again bring them out of the seeming death they suffered… in winter…death comes, as in Spring life…comes back….and as death came to He who now stands in this dew covered garden, radiant as He never was while in His human body, except at His Transfiguration….which was just a forerunner of what was to come.
Arise….See! lo the winter is past, the (rain) snow is over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of the doves (the blackbird has spoken, like the first bird) is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit…the fruit of a new beginning. The blossoming vine (Jesus is called the Vine) spreads its, His fragrance all over the land..arise, come.
As He says to us…come, all you are weary and heavily burdened, come, and I will come you rest. Come…unto Me.
This last line….is such a powerful and beautiful one….no religious cloak to have to wear….no false piety….no fear that you aren’t good enough…no one is, but by GRACE you are saved…no fear of rejection…for all who come to Him are welcomed into the fold…the family of God…it doesn’t matter your heritage, blood line, wealth, what you have accomplished, what you haven’t accomplished, all that you need is a heart and mind seeking Jesus in honesty and humility.
No prepping….no need for fine clothing..,,,,Sunday’s best. Whatever that is!
THE PRICE HAS BEEN PAID…just be genuine, real, authentic in recognizing your need for Jesus.
John 11:25 Jesus said to her, “I am the RESURRECTION and the LIFE. They who believes in Me will live, even though they die.”
This was in response to Martha’s query about Lazarus, in regard to his death. She recognized that one day He would live again, but Jesus had much more in store for Lazarus, Mary and Martha, Much more… Lazarus was to come back to life…through the power of the One, who was with her in her grief.
This miracle was but one of four in the New Testament raised from the dead….themselves resurrected. Lazarus was the one that really upset the religious leaders, for not only did they plot to put Jesus to death, but Lazarus as well.
The others were the son of Nain’s widow Luke 7:14-15, where Jesus had compassion on her as this was her only son, her only means of support.
The second was Jarius’s daughter, Luke 8:52-55 Where He was laughed at prior to the miracle….and they laughed no more.
Then came Lazarus, the third….but this power given by the Holy Spirit, the very power Jesus used not only in raising the dead, but His Power to raise Himself….the Spirit of the trinity, the Triune God as passed down to His followers……
For we find Peter in the book of ACTS, getting down on his knees and praying…saying ‘Tabitha, get up.” She opened her eyes, and seeing Peter she sat up.
Then Paul…preaching for a very long time….a man named Eutychus…in Acts 20:9…seated in a window fell asleep while (this is a direct quote) Paul talked on and one, feel asleep , fell to the ground from the third story and was picked up dead. Paul went down, threw himself on the young man and put his arms around him. “Don’t be alarmed, “ he said, he is no longer dead…he’s alive.”
THE POWER OF THE RESURRECTION…THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT…the same Spirit…that Jesus told the disciples to wait in Jerusalem…for, the Power from on High…is a great and powerful gift….
There are 10 signs in the New Testament of the Resurrection of Jesus.
There were direct Messianic prophecies, and allusions and indirect references as well. Some were as to the person of Jesus, others to the events that would transpire. Some were but foreshadows, such as Jesus would offer “good news” for the brokenhearted, the bruised, the forsaken, the outcasts, etc.
9. The life, death and resurrection of Jesus took place in the context of a world view that is unsurpassed in it’s breadth, depth, coherence, consistency and emotional and even rational power.
10. God promised Isaac the whole world would be blessed by his descendent….Genesis 28:13 14. That descendent is Jesus Christ.
Listen…I could have gone on and on with what I have discovered in attempting to put this there are so many written alliances, parallels, metaphors, allegories, etc…that speak of Jesus in the Old Testament as to fill a book…..
Oh, it already exists….it is called the Bible.
15 WORDS…encapsulates it all.
To that….I say…AMEN AND AMEN…SO BE IT!
Island park, Idaho
Pastor Tom A. Shanor
Come as You Are
Last week, I put together a scenario where we found Jesus sitting up on the stone slab, that His body had lain for three days and three nights….and as He reentered His body…..He lay there, reflecting on the past several days and nights. The time He and His Father had just spent together communicating, in whatever manner the chose.
I had a dream one night where Jesus and I talked simply by thinking. It was rather marvelous.
Now, after His reflecting….He became very aware of what was to come next, and as He sat up…the stone rolled away from the entrance, and early morning light flooded His once dark tomb.
The outside morning beckoned Him to come….to enjoy the beauty of His own Creation, before the rest of His journey was to take place.
And so….He stood, and silently walked into the radiant morning light, feeling the warmth of the sunlight from heaven, on His face and arms. The scent of fresh dew on the grass beneath His feet…as the hymn we just heard describe. The garden wet from the night’s dew, on the fresh grass.
The same sun that shone on Eden, shone here too. Morning’s first light. The light of Creation from this one star in billions, bringing with it, as light warmed the flowers and grasses, the sound of insects whirring…Morning had broken like the first morning.
New life…as in each Spring….the freshness of that original first morning….springs to life once again in the radiance of His glorious light.
His is the sunlight…His is the morning…come to life, as He has come back to life. Bringing with His RESURRECTION….a new and fresh start for all of mankind, if they so choose.
Never more accurately spoken in the words….Mine, HIS, is the sunlight, His is the morning…born of the one light Eden saw play, praise for the morning, praise for the evening, born of the ONE LIGHT as Eden saw play. As He is the WORD OF God….fresh from the WORD…fresh, anew and vibrant…alive, the very WORD of God Himself.
Paralleling….The Song of Solomon (which by the way, is said to be an allegory, a love story of Christ and His Church, Us…….with these words, because winter as spoken here is where most living things go dormant and some seem to die….but with roots going deep…wait patiently for the warmth of the Spring Sun, to once again bring them out of the seeming death they suffered… in winter…death comes, as in Spring life…comes back….and as death came to He who now stands in this dew covered garden, radiant as He never was while in His human body, except at His Transfiguration….which was just a forerunner of what was to come.
Arise….See! lo the winter is past, the (rain) snow is over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of the doves (the blackbird has spoken, like the first bird) is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit…the fruit of a new beginning. The blossoming vine (Jesus is called the Vine) spreads its, His fragrance all over the land..arise, come.
As He says to us…come, all you are weary and heavily burdened, come, and I will come you rest. Come…unto Me.
This last line….is such a powerful and beautiful one….no religious cloak to have to wear….no false piety….no fear that you aren’t good enough…no one is, but by GRACE you are saved…no fear of rejection…for all who come to Him are welcomed into the fold…the family of God…it doesn’t matter your heritage, blood line, wealth, what you have accomplished, what you haven’t accomplished, all that you need is a heart and mind seeking Jesus in honesty and humility.
No prepping….no need for fine clothing..,,,,Sunday’s best. Whatever that is!
THE PRICE HAS BEEN PAID…just be genuine, real, authentic in recognizing your need for Jesus.
John 11:25 Jesus said to her, “I am the RESURRECTION and the LIFE. They who believes in Me will live, even though they die.”
This was in response to Martha’s query about Lazarus, in regard to his death. She recognized that one day He would live again, but Jesus had much more in store for Lazarus, Mary and Martha, Much more… Lazarus was to come back to life…through the power of the One, who was with her in her grief.
This miracle was but one of four in the New Testament raised from the dead….themselves resurrected. Lazarus was the one that really upset the religious leaders, for not only did they plot to put Jesus to death, but Lazarus as well.
The others were the son of Nain’s widow Luke 7:14-15, where Jesus had compassion on her as this was her only son, her only means of support.
The second was Jarius’s daughter, Luke 8:52-55 Where He was laughed at prior to the miracle….and they laughed no more.
Then came Lazarus, the third….but this power given by the Holy Spirit, the very power Jesus used not only in raising the dead, but His Power to raise Himself….the Spirit of the trinity, the Triune God as passed down to His followers……
For we find Peter in the book of ACTS, getting down on his knees and praying…saying ‘Tabitha, get up.” She opened her eyes, and seeing Peter she sat up.
Then Paul…preaching for a very long time….a man named Eutychus…in Acts 20:9…seated in a window fell asleep while (this is a direct quote) Paul talked on and one, feel asleep , fell to the ground from the third story and was picked up dead. Paul went down, threw himself on the young man and put his arms around him. “Don’t be alarmed, “ he said, he is no longer dead…he’s alive.”
THE POWER OF THE RESURRECTION…THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT…the same Spirit…that Jesus told the disciples to wait in Jerusalem…for, the Power from on High…is a great and powerful gift….
There are 10 signs in the New Testament of the Resurrection of Jesus.
- There are four ancient biographies for us to read. All written by eyewitnesses, who when faced with death by execution or recant, all but one of the 12 chose death, rather than deny their Lord….and the truth He spoke, died, and rose again. We know that people will die for a cause, but these men died for a set of facts as well as the person of Jesus.
- There is another book written by John…the book of Revelation, that testifies not only Jesus resurrection, but His coming again in glory, along with the many events to come prior to this coming again.
- Historical evidence shows that: the grave was empty; the grave clothes were neatly left sitting on the sone slab. The stone was rolled away and the Roman guards were beside themselves with fear and trembling. No one ever claimed to steal Jesus’ body as the religious leaders said they would.
- There are (not counting Paul), eleven recorded times that Jesus appeared to people, proving He was resurrected. These appearances were to : men and women, individuals, couples, groups, and at least one crowd. The appearances were inside and outside, in different locations, and at different times of the day. He was physically touched by Thomas and others, audibly heard, visually seen, and He even ate food in the presence of witnesses.
- None of these witnesses were fully convinced that Jesus would rise form the dead before He actually did. All of them knew him before His death, so they knew He was the very same Jesus who died before their eyes on the cross.
- An explosion of growth came as Peter testified before what became a crowd of thousands of who and what Jesus was, and that they stood in danger of judgment for what the crowd, many of them who had called for His death. They too, most of them had already heard the rumors of His having been resurrected and seen in a variety of places, times and events. This crowd, (knowing the possibilities of their being judged and punished by the religious leaders and civil leaders, chose that day to override their own fears of persecution and say yes to His being the Messiah…the SAVIOR, THE SON OF GOD.
- Add to these the prophecies given over the centuries leading up to this event, that just such a Messiah would come from God, and die and rise. Jesus Himself prophesied of the events prior to them happening. A body of writings called the Bible, of both the Old Covenant and New Covenant that have proved time and time again over the millennia to be wise, insightful, verifiable, historical, and accurate, in regard to the plight of we humans and our history.
- A scholar named Alfred Edersheim found 456 Old Testament verses referring to the Messiah and His times. Conservatively, Jesus fulfilled at the least 300 prophecies in His earthly ministry.
There were direct Messianic prophecies, and allusions and indirect references as well. Some were as to the person of Jesus, others to the events that would transpire. Some were but foreshadows, such as Jesus would offer “good news” for the brokenhearted, the bruised, the forsaken, the outcasts, etc.
9. The life, death and resurrection of Jesus took place in the context of a world view that is unsurpassed in it’s breadth, depth, coherence, consistency and emotional and even rational power.
10. God promised Isaac the whole world would be blessed by his descendent….Genesis 28:13 14. That descendent is Jesus Christ.
Listen…I could have gone on and on with what I have discovered in attempting to put this there are so many written alliances, parallels, metaphors, allegories, etc…that speak of Jesus in the Old Testament as to fill a book…..
Oh, it already exists….it is called the Bible.
15 WORDS…encapsulates it all.
To that….I say…AMEN AND AMEN…SO BE IT!
The Little Church in the Pines
April 9, 2023
Easter Service
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
And Jesus returned in the power of the Holy Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of Him through all the region round about. And He taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all.
And He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up; and, as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up to read. And there was delivered unto Him the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written, The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He hast anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, (literally and spiritually) to set a liberty those that are bruised, (bruised emotionally, physically, and spiritually by the religious leaders of the LAW) and to preach the acceptable year of the LORD. And He closed the book, and He gave it again to the Rabbi and sat down. And the eyes of all that were in the synagogue were fastened on Him. And He said to them. This day is this Scripture has been fulfilled in your ears. And all were witness to His words, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of His mouth.
He spoke then and speaks today through His written word and us. His words then and now, 1,993 years later still are meant for the brokenhearted, for deliverance, give sight to the blind, and to set at liberty those that are bruised…..all through the Gospel delivered once and for ALL, during His three years of ministry…and His death on the CROSS….HIS RESURRECTION….AS UP FROM THE GRAVE HE AROSE…WITH A MIGHTY TRIUMPH OVER HIS FOES; HE AROSE A VICTOR FROM THE DARK DOMAIN, AND HE LIVES FOREVER WITH HIS SAINTS TO REIGN! HE AROSE, HALLELUIJAH! CHRIST AROSE!
He is not as Ghandhi said, a good man and teacher. As others have said, a man of peace, but not the Son of God. Today, the majority of Americans think this same thing. “Jesus is a Great Teacher yet reject His claims to be God.”
What do you think?
Here are words from another hymn that tell us who He is.
I serve a RISEN SAVIOR, He’s in the world today; I KNOW that He is LIVING, whatever men may say:
I SEE His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer, and just the time I need Him He’s always near.
In all the world around me, I see His loving care, and though my heart grows weary, I never will despair.
I know that He is leading through all the storm blast, the day of His appearing will come at last.
Rejoice, Rejoice O Christian, lift up your voice and sing, Eternal hallelujahs to Jesus Christ the King.
The HOPE of all who seek Him, the Help of all who find, none other is so loving, so good and kind. He walks with me and talks with me, along life’s narrow way, you ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart.
I have had people say to me in regards to the Holy Spirit, that “unless you speak in tongues you are not filled with the Spirit” and in return I say to them…. the sign of being filled with the Spirit is a changed life…because when we receive Jesus as our LORD and Savior, we at that moment become filled with the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit.
For centuries there are those who have searched and researched for evidence to prove not only that Jesus existed, evidence outside of the Bible…and of course there is, but also evidence that He was resurrected, and though I think looking for and finding evidence is good…it is not necessary for me, because I know that He knows me and I know Him as He has shown me personally in multiple ways and times, by what He has done in and for me.
To me…. a changed life is the obvious and real evidence….and all that I need to affirm He is who both the Old Testament and New Covenant says He is.
A change life….
A young man in his teens took a seat with others of his peers in the new church he was attending. It was time to share as they often did with each other what they had been through the past week. His name was William…he wanted to share, so he quietly bowed His head, breathed a silent prayer, then spoke.
“Some people don’t’ let me forget I’ve been in jail.” “Sometimes, I’m the one who doesn’t let me forget all the bad things I’ve done.” He held up his Bible, smiling. “But…God says He’s given me a new life. And then said, and He’s offering the same gift to you and to everyone.”
Many suffer from self-abuse…and outside abuse, family abuse, friend abuse…these are the (bruised) among us, or are us. We struggle to feel forgiven, accepted because all too often our past haunt us. Through His resurrection…he broke the chains that find us.
The Apostle Paul, who considered himself the worst of sinners (1Timothy 1:12-17), affirmed that believers in Jesus Christ need to stop seeing people and Christ from “a human point of view” (2 Corinthians 5-16) As a “new person” or “new creation” who’ve been reconciled to God through Jesus death and resurrection our sins are no longer counted against us. We have a new identity…reconstituted…made new in Christ.
Our problem often is that we focus on our old insufficiencies and failures…. for the enemy of both God and us…loves to bring them back up to pull us down. God through Christ gave us the Holy Spirit to rely on to bring us back up…to our position in Christ as complete and total successes. WE are called THE REDEEMED OF THE LORD!
What I am about to say now has fallen out of favor, but it was a phrase that Billy Graham probably used the most often in his evangelistic services. That phrase that comes straight from Jesus Himself is this. NIV reads, “Jesus replied to the question, “what must I do to be saved?” “Very truly I tell you, no one cand see the kingdom of God unless they are ‘born again.’”
In Billy’s 58 years of serving Jesus…. he never backed down from this simple phrase…and in those 58 years, over 210 million men, women and children became believers and followers of the RISEN CHRIST. How many people have you and I brought to Him? Is it no longer important? Why are we here today…to honor our religion or to honor and worship our Lord? In the process of following Him and emulating Him….and being like Him…without being an evangelist, people should want to know what it is about us…. they perhaps like and even admire. Is it Jesus in us…. or because of our charismatic personalities, good taste in clothes, worldly success, our work ethic…and I am not saying those can’t be a part of why they do…if they do…but in our essence…in our heart…ultimately it should be Jesus in us. The RESURRECTED AND RISEN JESUS.
Here is what come notable Christians have said about Jesus & the Cross.
Max Lucado
The cross is the universal symbol of Christianity…
“One beam horizontal, the other vertical…. One represents the width of His love; the other the height of His holiness…where God forgave His children without lowering His standards.”
Ann Graham Lotz
If Jesus forgave those who nailed Him to the CROSS, and if God forgive you and me, how can you without your forgiveness from someone else?
Marvin Williams
In His death on the cross, Jesus took all our wrongdoing on Himself and offered us His forgiveness. Because He took it upon Himself…. we don’t have to suffer the punishment we deserve.
Today’s sermon…. a very basic one I know…. purpose, is to keep us aware of:
#1. To fully realized the cost to Jesus, and as we celebrate His RESURRECTION, we fully understand the reason we do celebrate…. far beyond colored eggs, jelly beans, marshmallow peeps and chocolate rabbits.
#2. To understand the POWER behind His RESURRECTION and that the same power is available to us to live victorious Christian lives…out of love for Him and our thankfulness, by offering Him ourselves and our worship.
#3. To understand and put into our lives all the benefits that come from being His disciple….as He says to all His disciples…” go ye into all the world making disciples of all nations and peoples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to OBEY everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you ALWAYS, to the very end of the age.
April 9, 2023
Easter Service
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
And Jesus returned in the power of the Holy Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of Him through all the region round about. And He taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all.
And He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up; and, as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up to read. And there was delivered unto Him the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written, The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He hast anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, (literally and spiritually) to set a liberty those that are bruised, (bruised emotionally, physically, and spiritually by the religious leaders of the LAW) and to preach the acceptable year of the LORD. And He closed the book, and He gave it again to the Rabbi and sat down. And the eyes of all that were in the synagogue were fastened on Him. And He said to them. This day is this Scripture has been fulfilled in your ears. And all were witness to His words, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of His mouth.
He spoke then and speaks today through His written word and us. His words then and now, 1,993 years later still are meant for the brokenhearted, for deliverance, give sight to the blind, and to set at liberty those that are bruised…..all through the Gospel delivered once and for ALL, during His three years of ministry…and His death on the CROSS….HIS RESURRECTION….AS UP FROM THE GRAVE HE AROSE…WITH A MIGHTY TRIUMPH OVER HIS FOES; HE AROSE A VICTOR FROM THE DARK DOMAIN, AND HE LIVES FOREVER WITH HIS SAINTS TO REIGN! HE AROSE, HALLELUIJAH! CHRIST AROSE!
He is not as Ghandhi said, a good man and teacher. As others have said, a man of peace, but not the Son of God. Today, the majority of Americans think this same thing. “Jesus is a Great Teacher yet reject His claims to be God.”
What do you think?
Here are words from another hymn that tell us who He is.
I serve a RISEN SAVIOR, He’s in the world today; I KNOW that He is LIVING, whatever men may say:
I SEE His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer, and just the time I need Him He’s always near.
In all the world around me, I see His loving care, and though my heart grows weary, I never will despair.
I know that He is leading through all the storm blast, the day of His appearing will come at last.
Rejoice, Rejoice O Christian, lift up your voice and sing, Eternal hallelujahs to Jesus Christ the King.
The HOPE of all who seek Him, the Help of all who find, none other is so loving, so good and kind. He walks with me and talks with me, along life’s narrow way, you ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart.
I have had people say to me in regards to the Holy Spirit, that “unless you speak in tongues you are not filled with the Spirit” and in return I say to them…. the sign of being filled with the Spirit is a changed life…because when we receive Jesus as our LORD and Savior, we at that moment become filled with the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit.
For centuries there are those who have searched and researched for evidence to prove not only that Jesus existed, evidence outside of the Bible…and of course there is, but also evidence that He was resurrected, and though I think looking for and finding evidence is good…it is not necessary for me, because I know that He knows me and I know Him as He has shown me personally in multiple ways and times, by what He has done in and for me.
To me…. a changed life is the obvious and real evidence….and all that I need to affirm He is who both the Old Testament and New Covenant says He is.
A change life….
A young man in his teens took a seat with others of his peers in the new church he was attending. It was time to share as they often did with each other what they had been through the past week. His name was William…he wanted to share, so he quietly bowed His head, breathed a silent prayer, then spoke.
“Some people don’t’ let me forget I’ve been in jail.” “Sometimes, I’m the one who doesn’t let me forget all the bad things I’ve done.” He held up his Bible, smiling. “But…God says He’s given me a new life. And then said, and He’s offering the same gift to you and to everyone.”
Many suffer from self-abuse…and outside abuse, family abuse, friend abuse…these are the (bruised) among us, or are us. We struggle to feel forgiven, accepted because all too often our past haunt us. Through His resurrection…he broke the chains that find us.
The Apostle Paul, who considered himself the worst of sinners (1Timothy 1:12-17), affirmed that believers in Jesus Christ need to stop seeing people and Christ from “a human point of view” (2 Corinthians 5-16) As a “new person” or “new creation” who’ve been reconciled to God through Jesus death and resurrection our sins are no longer counted against us. We have a new identity…reconstituted…made new in Christ.
Our problem often is that we focus on our old insufficiencies and failures…. for the enemy of both God and us…loves to bring them back up to pull us down. God through Christ gave us the Holy Spirit to rely on to bring us back up…to our position in Christ as complete and total successes. WE are called THE REDEEMED OF THE LORD!
What I am about to say now has fallen out of favor, but it was a phrase that Billy Graham probably used the most often in his evangelistic services. That phrase that comes straight from Jesus Himself is this. NIV reads, “Jesus replied to the question, “what must I do to be saved?” “Very truly I tell you, no one cand see the kingdom of God unless they are ‘born again.’”
In Billy’s 58 years of serving Jesus…. he never backed down from this simple phrase…and in those 58 years, over 210 million men, women and children became believers and followers of the RISEN CHRIST. How many people have you and I brought to Him? Is it no longer important? Why are we here today…to honor our religion or to honor and worship our Lord? In the process of following Him and emulating Him….and being like Him…without being an evangelist, people should want to know what it is about us…. they perhaps like and even admire. Is it Jesus in us…. or because of our charismatic personalities, good taste in clothes, worldly success, our work ethic…and I am not saying those can’t be a part of why they do…if they do…but in our essence…in our heart…ultimately it should be Jesus in us. The RESURRECTED AND RISEN JESUS.
Here is what come notable Christians have said about Jesus & the Cross.
Max Lucado
The cross is the universal symbol of Christianity…
“One beam horizontal, the other vertical…. One represents the width of His love; the other the height of His holiness…where God forgave His children without lowering His standards.”
Ann Graham Lotz
If Jesus forgave those who nailed Him to the CROSS, and if God forgive you and me, how can you without your forgiveness from someone else?
Marvin Williams
In His death on the cross, Jesus took all our wrongdoing on Himself and offered us His forgiveness. Because He took it upon Himself…. we don’t have to suffer the punishment we deserve.
Today’s sermon…. a very basic one I know…. purpose, is to keep us aware of:
#1. To fully realized the cost to Jesus, and as we celebrate His RESURRECTION, we fully understand the reason we do celebrate…. far beyond colored eggs, jelly beans, marshmallow peeps and chocolate rabbits.
#2. To understand the POWER behind His RESURRECTION and that the same power is available to us to live victorious Christian lives…out of love for Him and our thankfulness, by offering Him ourselves and our worship.
#3. To understand and put into our lives all the benefits that come from being His disciple….as He says to all His disciples…” go ye into all the world making disciples of all nations and peoples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to OBEY everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you ALWAYS, to the very end of the age.
The Little Church in the Pines
Island Park, Idaho
February 19, 2023
“How the New Testament was Created”
Pastor Tom A. Shanor
Now…you do not have to raise your hand in answer to this question unless you want to. How many of you would consider yourself to have been a good student all through your academic years?
Most of all did you enjoy history…let us say, American history? Knowing the background and history00 of what formed and continues to form our nation.
There are people who are curious about how things work, and to understand the history of how something came into being and whether it could be relied upon….because of the research or foundation on which it is built, and or the reliability of the person who conceived of, then researched, designed and then built upon all that knowledge and interacting possibilities as to how this thing or creation would react in relations to other devices or creations.
Religion…of which there are estimated 4,300 religions, not denominations, but different religions in the world according to Adherent, a non-religious organization that keeps track of the ebb and flow of religions.
Some of these religions have specific similarities and others are extremely far apart from any other religion. Some are benign, and others are extremely aggressive and demanding. Some are downright frightening in their belief and demands on its adherents.
There are many of, both sects and cults under the umbrella of Christianity. Some come close to orthodox Christianity, and some have added and deleted in some instances many of the main tenants of the faith as to be under the category of a cult. Most cults have one very central underlying similarity…and that is deep control by many rules and requirements if you are to receiving any benefits. both on earth in their religion to achieve the earned position of working their way to heaven, or paradise, or whatever celestial place awaits them.
C.S. Lewis, once attending a conference of several different Christian denomination entered the meeting during an ongoing discussion as to what unique virtue or point of doctrine, set Christianity apart from all the other religions of the world.
Good ole Lewis quickly entered the discussion as he was wont to do, and said, “there is one thing and one alone that sets Christianity apart from all the other religions in the world.” My question to you sitting here I ask you…. What is the answer?
Before Jesus…even in Judaism, GRACE was not a major doctrine of their beliefs. GRACE (just so you know) …IS, “the free and unmerited or earned favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings,” purchased for us by the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Lamb of God who took and takes away the sin of the world.
CHRISTINAITY STANDS APART FROM THEM ALL…WITH THIS ONE VIRTUOUS GIFT….and we, you and I need to remember this and be grace-filled and graceful people.
How do we learn this….and all the other virtues and graces that we have in our faith in Jesus…. we learned them through the teachings of Jesus, and the letters written by those who walked with Him (His disciples, and by two others. One who met Him on the road to Damascus. Paul….and the physician Luke, both the most educated of the writers, though in two completely different areas. These teachings of Jesu and Paul, all are contained in our New Testament, the second part of the Bible.
If…we want to understand something well we need to study it, and that includes its’ foundational background. The living history of its beginning, journey, and final formation.
So…now for the history lesson.
The New Testament is also referred to as the New Covenant.
Covenant in this sense means, “an agreement which brings about a relationship of commitment between God and the followers of Jesus Christ.”
It is easy to forget that the earliest Christians did not have the New Testament…they, from the letters of Paul, Peter, James, Jude, Hebrews, Corinthians, Colossians, and others would become part of it.
The Gospels were not written until later still, probably in the 70s-90s AD. Until then, the stories and teachings of Jesus were mostly verbal, told from the disciples themselves and others carrying them with them wherever they went. One of the remarkable things is how similar the Gospels are…considering this. That is why there are some things mentioned in one that is not in another, because each of the Gospel writers sometimes would recall things that another did not or perhaps was not present at that time.
Thus, it was a generation or two of these new Believers thus managed without an actual written record of Jesus.
This next question comes up then. How did the individual letters and gospels come to be regarded and accepted as Holy Scripture?
Surprisingly, there were a good many (so called) gospels beside the four we revere, but they were all much later in origin than the canonical ones, the sole possible exception being a Gospel called the Gospel of Thomas. This book is one that contains a collection of Jesus’ saying that includes some not now in the New Testament. There are also other letters and apocalypses…that is, books purporting to offer revelations from Godin the same way as the Book of Revelation-claiming to come from various apostles, but they are also from the late second century at the earliest, hence, could not be written by the apostles at all. These were men who claimed revelation…. attempting to be seen as prophets and leaders worthy of reverence. In some ways this still goes on today.
Hence. The importance of reading and following the canonized, meaning, writings sanctioned by early church authorities…as to be genuine and revered.
This having been done at large gatherings of official leaders of the church…coming together just for this purpose to compare, study and sort through, under the guidance of the Teacher, the Holy Spirit of God all the known documents then available. Meticulous and thorough in all their documentation, never in a hurry…but seeking truth and doubling down on what they would agree and disagree on.
The turning point at which our present New Testament books ceased to be occasional writings and became Scripture, was really in the second century. By the time a man named Justin Martyr, and another names Irenaeus came along…. We find extensive quotations from New Testament books.
From that point on…. the mid 200’s it was fairly settled as to what was genuine and what was not.
The turning point for the Christian faith came in the second half of the fourth century, when ‘orthodox’ bishops poured over all existing documents in their possession, discarding those which were heretical. This was done at specific councils that met for this purpose. At Laodicea in 363 A.D.
It was in 367 that a list was circulated by one Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, which finally established the content of the New Testament we have today.
Arriving at this last time the collection of books and letters, which listed exactly those that then and now, form the New Testament, as the only ones to be accepted and believed, complete as to the TRUTHS of the life of Jesus Christ, the long-awaited Messiah, fulfilled.
I have not spoken of the book of ACTS yet, so will now.
Luke as perhaps I mentioned earlier….is believed to be its author.
Much of ACTS is first-hand knowledge that came from those who were present that amazing day…. Peter of course being the main person of focus, who became the top guy in the newly formed church.
Jesus Christ said this about the formation of an established church in Matthew 16, which ties Peter as we see in the book of acts rising to the position spoken of by Jesus.
He said to them….” But who do you say that I am?”
Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and, on this rock, I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, and the gates of hell SHALL NOT PREVAL AGAINST IT!”
The church established that day would never be defeated or replaced…. JESUS said so, and what He said STANDS TO THIS DAY.
The Gospel that Jesus brought us, the one and only Gospel, the One True Church….is still standing the test of time, though there have been more than several who have tried to replace it, and some even destroy it. There is no new Gospel, no new revelation, for as Jesus said with His final words on the cross.
Revelation 22:18-19
I, (John) testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part of the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book.
Deuteronomy 4:2
You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.
Proverbs 30:6
Do not add to His words, or he will reprove you, and you will be proven a liar.
Proverbs 30:5-6
Every word of God is tested; for He is shield to those who take refuge in Him. Do not add to His words or He will reprove you, and you will be proven a liar.
Deuteronomy 12:32
“Whatever I have commanded you, you shall be careful to do: you shall not add to nor take away from it.”
For those who would attempt to change the Gospel or pervert it, Jesus said this…” You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures nor the power of God.”
All that we need to know about God and His Son and His Spirit is written on these pages….
WE UPON HIS DEATH, ENTERED INTO THE TIME PERIOD CALLED THE TIME OF GRACE…. unearned, undeserved favor. Our work is simply believing…and in believing we desire to please God by our choices and behaviors…. not for any higher place in His favor and or higher place in heaven…for all that comes simply from believing and living for Jesus as written once and for all in the New Testament.
Island Park, Idaho
February 19, 2023
“How the New Testament was Created”
Pastor Tom A. Shanor
Now…you do not have to raise your hand in answer to this question unless you want to. How many of you would consider yourself to have been a good student all through your academic years?
Most of all did you enjoy history…let us say, American history? Knowing the background and history00 of what formed and continues to form our nation.
There are people who are curious about how things work, and to understand the history of how something came into being and whether it could be relied upon….because of the research or foundation on which it is built, and or the reliability of the person who conceived of, then researched, designed and then built upon all that knowledge and interacting possibilities as to how this thing or creation would react in relations to other devices or creations.
Religion…of which there are estimated 4,300 religions, not denominations, but different religions in the world according to Adherent, a non-religious organization that keeps track of the ebb and flow of religions.
Some of these religions have specific similarities and others are extremely far apart from any other religion. Some are benign, and others are extremely aggressive and demanding. Some are downright frightening in their belief and demands on its adherents.
There are many of, both sects and cults under the umbrella of Christianity. Some come close to orthodox Christianity, and some have added and deleted in some instances many of the main tenants of the faith as to be under the category of a cult. Most cults have one very central underlying similarity…and that is deep control by many rules and requirements if you are to receiving any benefits. both on earth in their religion to achieve the earned position of working their way to heaven, or paradise, or whatever celestial place awaits them.
C.S. Lewis, once attending a conference of several different Christian denomination entered the meeting during an ongoing discussion as to what unique virtue or point of doctrine, set Christianity apart from all the other religions of the world.
Good ole Lewis quickly entered the discussion as he was wont to do, and said, “there is one thing and one alone that sets Christianity apart from all the other religions in the world.” My question to you sitting here I ask you…. What is the answer?
Before Jesus…even in Judaism, GRACE was not a major doctrine of their beliefs. GRACE (just so you know) …IS, “the free and unmerited or earned favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings,” purchased for us by the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Lamb of God who took and takes away the sin of the world.
CHRISTINAITY STANDS APART FROM THEM ALL…WITH THIS ONE VIRTUOUS GIFT….and we, you and I need to remember this and be grace-filled and graceful people.
How do we learn this….and all the other virtues and graces that we have in our faith in Jesus…. we learned them through the teachings of Jesus, and the letters written by those who walked with Him (His disciples, and by two others. One who met Him on the road to Damascus. Paul….and the physician Luke, both the most educated of the writers, though in two completely different areas. These teachings of Jesu and Paul, all are contained in our New Testament, the second part of the Bible.
If…we want to understand something well we need to study it, and that includes its’ foundational background. The living history of its beginning, journey, and final formation.
So…now for the history lesson.
The New Testament is also referred to as the New Covenant.
Covenant in this sense means, “an agreement which brings about a relationship of commitment between God and the followers of Jesus Christ.”
It is easy to forget that the earliest Christians did not have the New Testament…they, from the letters of Paul, Peter, James, Jude, Hebrews, Corinthians, Colossians, and others would become part of it.
The Gospels were not written until later still, probably in the 70s-90s AD. Until then, the stories and teachings of Jesus were mostly verbal, told from the disciples themselves and others carrying them with them wherever they went. One of the remarkable things is how similar the Gospels are…considering this. That is why there are some things mentioned in one that is not in another, because each of the Gospel writers sometimes would recall things that another did not or perhaps was not present at that time.
Thus, it was a generation or two of these new Believers thus managed without an actual written record of Jesus.
This next question comes up then. How did the individual letters and gospels come to be regarded and accepted as Holy Scripture?
Surprisingly, there were a good many (so called) gospels beside the four we revere, but they were all much later in origin than the canonical ones, the sole possible exception being a Gospel called the Gospel of Thomas. This book is one that contains a collection of Jesus’ saying that includes some not now in the New Testament. There are also other letters and apocalypses…that is, books purporting to offer revelations from Godin the same way as the Book of Revelation-claiming to come from various apostles, but they are also from the late second century at the earliest, hence, could not be written by the apostles at all. These were men who claimed revelation…. attempting to be seen as prophets and leaders worthy of reverence. In some ways this still goes on today.
Hence. The importance of reading and following the canonized, meaning, writings sanctioned by early church authorities…as to be genuine and revered.
This having been done at large gatherings of official leaders of the church…coming together just for this purpose to compare, study and sort through, under the guidance of the Teacher, the Holy Spirit of God all the known documents then available. Meticulous and thorough in all their documentation, never in a hurry…but seeking truth and doubling down on what they would agree and disagree on.
The turning point at which our present New Testament books ceased to be occasional writings and became Scripture, was really in the second century. By the time a man named Justin Martyr, and another names Irenaeus came along…. We find extensive quotations from New Testament books.
From that point on…. the mid 200’s it was fairly settled as to what was genuine and what was not.
The turning point for the Christian faith came in the second half of the fourth century, when ‘orthodox’ bishops poured over all existing documents in their possession, discarding those which were heretical. This was done at specific councils that met for this purpose. At Laodicea in 363 A.D.
It was in 367 that a list was circulated by one Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, which finally established the content of the New Testament we have today.
Arriving at this last time the collection of books and letters, which listed exactly those that then and now, form the New Testament, as the only ones to be accepted and believed, complete as to the TRUTHS of the life of Jesus Christ, the long-awaited Messiah, fulfilled.
I have not spoken of the book of ACTS yet, so will now.
Luke as perhaps I mentioned earlier….is believed to be its author.
Much of ACTS is first-hand knowledge that came from those who were present that amazing day…. Peter of course being the main person of focus, who became the top guy in the newly formed church.
Jesus Christ said this about the formation of an established church in Matthew 16, which ties Peter as we see in the book of acts rising to the position spoken of by Jesus.
He said to them….” But who do you say that I am?”
Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and, on this rock, I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, and the gates of hell SHALL NOT PREVAL AGAINST IT!”
The church established that day would never be defeated or replaced…. JESUS said so, and what He said STANDS TO THIS DAY.
The Gospel that Jesus brought us, the one and only Gospel, the One True Church….is still standing the test of time, though there have been more than several who have tried to replace it, and some even destroy it. There is no new Gospel, no new revelation, for as Jesus said with His final words on the cross.
Revelation 22:18-19
I, (John) testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part of the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book.
Deuteronomy 4:2
You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.
Proverbs 30:6
Do not add to His words, or he will reprove you, and you will be proven a liar.
Proverbs 30:5-6
Every word of God is tested; for He is shield to those who take refuge in Him. Do not add to His words or He will reprove you, and you will be proven a liar.
Deuteronomy 12:32
“Whatever I have commanded you, you shall be careful to do: you shall not add to nor take away from it.”
For those who would attempt to change the Gospel or pervert it, Jesus said this…” You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures nor the power of God.”
All that we need to know about God and His Son and His Spirit is written on these pages….
WE UPON HIS DEATH, ENTERED INTO THE TIME PERIOD CALLED THE TIME OF GRACE…. unearned, undeserved favor. Our work is simply believing…and in believing we desire to please God by our choices and behaviors…. not for any higher place in His favor and or higher place in heaven…for all that comes simply from believing and living for Jesus as written once and for all in the New Testament.
The Little Church in the Pines
Island Park, Idaho
Pastor Tom A. Shanor
________ <> _______
Colossians 1:15-20
In the book of Colossians, Paul is writing to the Colossians Church, which is going through some difficult times doctrinally. It seems that among those who make up the leadership of the church, some have gotten away from the central truths that were taught to them, causing dissension and serious difficulties, dividing the church.
It is curious to think of this situation and how quickly error manifests itself, not just in the Colossian Church but in many of the new churches that have sprung up after Pentecost. Wolves in sheep's clothing, so to speak, who are desirous of attention and wanting to be leaders themselves, have already found their way into the fold. All you need to do to see this is read the Book of Revelation, where Jesus has instructed John to write to the churches throughout the diaspora. In other words. the church that began after the day of Pentecost.
This is one of the churches where, because of Paul's imprisonment, he had not been to this location or met with these people in person. We are not told who began the work. Still, Paul being Paul, is determined to correct the errors by way of his authority and position called by Jesus as an Apostle. The letters he writes to them point out very clearly what doctrine they are to follow to remain faithful to the doctrine of Christ, thereby living out the Central Truth of what came to be known as Christianity.
As a side note, in believers being called Christians, it was in Antioch that Paul and Barnabas came to teach a large and growing church. In that church, believers were first given the name Christians, not so named by themselves but by the unbelievers around them, who watched this fledgling church multiply. In fact, at first, the Believers rejected the name, not liking it, but as we know, it stuck. The word itself appears only three times in the entire New Testament.
In first Peter 4:16, they are instructed by Peter, who tells them not to be ashamed if they suffer because the name has been applied to them since it carries the name of Jesus Christ.
Also, we read this in Acts 26:28, where it is recorded that Herod Agrippa says satirically to Paul, "In a short time you think to make me a Christian!".
Now back to Colossians….in verses 12-14, Paul lists five benefits God gives all believers through Christ:
Most people, and even some Christians, cringe regarding the blood of Christ being spoken of as it is and its value and importance.
Blood is spoken of often because blood represents life. Life as we know it on earth when it comes to humans and mammals, when eliminated, is almost instant death.
The animal sacrifices the Jews used to represent forgiveness of their sin and their forgiveness through the shedding of blood had long been established in the Old Testament. Again, blood represents life, and giving of one's life is the greatest sacrifice one can provide for another.
This long establishment of animal sacrifices and the shedding of blood was a forerunner pointing to the greatest of all sacrifices, where God demanded a sacrifice to atone for all human sin, a way to come to Him and a way to, as later came to light eternal life.
Also, before the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt back to their homeland, where lambs (also representing Jesus, who is called the Lamb of God) as the blood of the slain sheep, were placed over the doors of the homes of the Jews so that the angel of death would not visit the house where it was placed if not there, the firstborn son in that house would die. Again Jesus is not only the only begotten Son of God but the firstborn and only-born Son, another parallel.
Exodus 12:29 "And that night at midnight, the LORD struck down all the firstborn sons in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn son of the prisoner in the dungeon. Even the firstborn of their livestock were killed.
There are hundreds of prophecies and parallels throughout the Old Testament that point to the coming of Christ, and vital to His coming was His sacrifice on the cross of the atonement for all the sins of humankind.
Verse 1:13 in Colossians still refers to being rescued from the domain of the kingdom of darkness.
Though I have seen it in part just a small snippet, which is enough, let me tell you. The Colossians feared the unseen forces of darkness, but Paul says that true believers have been transferred from darkness to light, from slavery to freedom, from guilt to forgiveness, and from Satan's power to God's power. We have been rescued from a rebel kingdom (established when Satan rebelled in heaven, taking 1/3 of the angels with him, thereby establishing on earth and in the air the earth and under the earth and unseen kingdom of darkness.
Verses 15 and 16, for through Him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we4 can't see, such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through Him (Jesus) and for Him.
It is stated here that not only is Jesus equal to God. Philippians 2:6, he is God John 10:30,38, 12:45 as the visible image of the invisible God!
He is the exact representation of God. He not only reflects God, but He reveals God to us John 1:18; 14:9: as supreme over all creations, He has all the authority and priority. He came from heaven, not from the dust of the earth, even though during His sojourn here, he had an earthly body, and He is Lord of all.
There are those among us that work to diminish not only His teachings but His person, His role, and His position. Once that is started, it begins to break down the CENTRAL TRUTHS OF all I spoke. Then when this begins, it is the mind and hands of those doing so, and where it takes them, and those who follow them is into the very darkness that Jesus rescued us from. Into sectarianism, even cults, like the little Dutch boy who saved the village by keeping his finger in the hole in the dike. He discovered the whole TRUTH OF THE CENTRALITY OF CHRISTIANITY would be in danger of no longer being able to stand against the wiles and schemes of the enemy of God in Christ.
Listen to the rest of these verses.
17. He existed before anything else
18. Christ is also the head of the church, which is his body. He is the beginning, supreme over all who rise to form the dead. So, he is first in everything.
19. For God in all His fulness was pleased to live in Christ.
Verse 20….one of the most powerful of all Scripture…….
“and through Him… (His Son Jesus Christ). God reconciled EVERYTHING to Himself!
Now as we come to the table of the Lord, let us come with a perhaps more profound knowledge of the character of Jesus and be grateful for all that we just heard that He did for us and for anyone who feels the Holy Spirit saying, come to me all you who are heavy laden and "I" will give you rest.
Island Park, Idaho
Pastor Tom A. Shanor
________ <> _______
Colossians 1:15-20
In the book of Colossians, Paul is writing to the Colossians Church, which is going through some difficult times doctrinally. It seems that among those who make up the leadership of the church, some have gotten away from the central truths that were taught to them, causing dissension and serious difficulties, dividing the church.
It is curious to think of this situation and how quickly error manifests itself, not just in the Colossian Church but in many of the new churches that have sprung up after Pentecost. Wolves in sheep's clothing, so to speak, who are desirous of attention and wanting to be leaders themselves, have already found their way into the fold. All you need to do to see this is read the Book of Revelation, where Jesus has instructed John to write to the churches throughout the diaspora. In other words. the church that began after the day of Pentecost.
This is one of the churches where, because of Paul's imprisonment, he had not been to this location or met with these people in person. We are not told who began the work. Still, Paul being Paul, is determined to correct the errors by way of his authority and position called by Jesus as an Apostle. The letters he writes to them point out very clearly what doctrine they are to follow to remain faithful to the doctrine of Christ, thereby living out the Central Truth of what came to be known as Christianity.
As a side note, in believers being called Christians, it was in Antioch that Paul and Barnabas came to teach a large and growing church. In that church, believers were first given the name Christians, not so named by themselves but by the unbelievers around them, who watched this fledgling church multiply. In fact, at first, the Believers rejected the name, not liking it, but as we know, it stuck. The word itself appears only three times in the entire New Testament.
In first Peter 4:16, they are instructed by Peter, who tells them not to be ashamed if they suffer because the name has been applied to them since it carries the name of Jesus Christ.
Also, we read this in Acts 26:28, where it is recorded that Herod Agrippa says satirically to Paul, "In a short time you think to make me a Christian!".
Now back to Colossians….in verses 12-14, Paul lists five benefits God gives all believers through Christ:
- He has enabled us to share in our inheritance through Christ. Corinthians 5:21 "For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, "so that we could be made right with God through Christ."
- He has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness….
- He has brought us into His eternal kingdom. Ephesians 1:5-6 God decided to adopt us into His own family by bringing us to Himself through Jesus Christ. This is what He wanted to do, and it gives Him great pleasure.
- He purchased our freedom from sin and judgment with His own blood. Hebrews 9:12 "With His own blood…not the blood of goats and calves…He entered the Most Holy Place once and for all time and secured our redemption forever. "
- He has forgiven all our sins. Ephesians 1:7 He is so rich in kindness and grace that He purchased our freedom with the blood of His Son and forgave our sins. 8. Showing us wisdom and understanding.
Most people, and even some Christians, cringe regarding the blood of Christ being spoken of as it is and its value and importance.
Blood is spoken of often because blood represents life. Life as we know it on earth when it comes to humans and mammals, when eliminated, is almost instant death.
The animal sacrifices the Jews used to represent forgiveness of their sin and their forgiveness through the shedding of blood had long been established in the Old Testament. Again, blood represents life, and giving of one's life is the greatest sacrifice one can provide for another.
This long establishment of animal sacrifices and the shedding of blood was a forerunner pointing to the greatest of all sacrifices, where God demanded a sacrifice to atone for all human sin, a way to come to Him and a way to, as later came to light eternal life.
Also, before the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt back to their homeland, where lambs (also representing Jesus, who is called the Lamb of God) as the blood of the slain sheep, were placed over the doors of the homes of the Jews so that the angel of death would not visit the house where it was placed if not there, the firstborn son in that house would die. Again Jesus is not only the only begotten Son of God but the firstborn and only-born Son, another parallel.
Exodus 12:29 "And that night at midnight, the LORD struck down all the firstborn sons in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn son of the prisoner in the dungeon. Even the firstborn of their livestock were killed.
There are hundreds of prophecies and parallels throughout the Old Testament that point to the coming of Christ, and vital to His coming was His sacrifice on the cross of the atonement for all the sins of humankind.
Verse 1:13 in Colossians still refers to being rescued from the domain of the kingdom of darkness.
Though I have seen it in part just a small snippet, which is enough, let me tell you. The Colossians feared the unseen forces of darkness, but Paul says that true believers have been transferred from darkness to light, from slavery to freedom, from guilt to forgiveness, and from Satan's power to God's power. We have been rescued from a rebel kingdom (established when Satan rebelled in heaven, taking 1/3 of the angels with him, thereby establishing on earth and in the air the earth and under the earth and unseen kingdom of darkness.
Verses 15 and 16, for through Him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we4 can't see, such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through Him (Jesus) and for Him.
It is stated here that not only is Jesus equal to God. Philippians 2:6, he is God John 10:30,38, 12:45 as the visible image of the invisible God!
He is the exact representation of God. He not only reflects God, but He reveals God to us John 1:18; 14:9: as supreme over all creations, He has all the authority and priority. He came from heaven, not from the dust of the earth, even though during His sojourn here, he had an earthly body, and He is Lord of all.
There are those among us that work to diminish not only His teachings but His person, His role, and His position. Once that is started, it begins to break down the CENTRAL TRUTHS OF all I spoke. Then when this begins, it is the mind and hands of those doing so, and where it takes them, and those who follow them is into the very darkness that Jesus rescued us from. Into sectarianism, even cults, like the little Dutch boy who saved the village by keeping his finger in the hole in the dike. He discovered the whole TRUTH OF THE CENTRALITY OF CHRISTIANITY would be in danger of no longer being able to stand against the wiles and schemes of the enemy of God in Christ.
Listen to the rest of these verses.
17. He existed before anything else
18. Christ is also the head of the church, which is his body. He is the beginning, supreme over all who rise to form the dead. So, he is first in everything.
19. For God in all His fulness was pleased to live in Christ.
Verse 20….one of the most powerful of all Scripture…….
“and through Him… (His Son Jesus Christ). God reconciled EVERYTHING to Himself!
Now as we come to the table of the Lord, let us come with a perhaps more profound knowledge of the character of Jesus and be grateful for all that we just heard that He did for us and for anyone who feels the Holy Spirit saying, come to me all you who are heavy laden and "I" will give you rest.
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Little Church in the Pines
Island Park, Idaho
Pastor Tom Shanor
Year-Round Pastor
Blessed Are………
…..This discourse to come…follows on the heels of Jesus choosing Simon,
renamed by Jesus, Peter. Also, Andrew, Peter’s brother.
Jesus words to Peter and Andrew were, “Come, follow me, and I will show
you how to fish for people.” Their response was immediate, for they
dropped their nets right where they were, and followed Him. Shortly after,
while walking along the shore they came across two other fishermen, who
also happened to be brothers, James and John.
The two brothers were sitting in a boat when Jesus called to them. Like
Peter and Andrew, they immediately dropped the nets they were repairing,
got out of the boat and followed Jesus, leaving behind I’m sure, a rather
confused father whose name was Zebedee. Whether Jesus and these two
had previous encounters we are not told, but perhaps His magnetism and
authority captured their spirits, minds and hearts immediately, and their
lives like those of Peter and Andrew would never of course be the same, as
it also would not be for the other disciples to come.
You’ll note that that didn’t make excuses about why it wasn’t a good time
for them. They left at once. Jesus calls each of us to follow Him, perhaps in
a different way, but a call it still is. The call to a new life…centered in Him,
leaving the old life with its ways behind us, moving forward led by His Spirit
and His Words.
We are told that soon afterwards, Jesus began traveling throughout Galilee
teaching in their synagogues and announcing the Good News of the
Kingdom of God. From that time on His ministry exploded, where large
crowds began to follow Him wherever He went. Quoted here… “people
from Galilee, the Ten Towns, Jerusalem, from all over Judea, and from
east of the Jordan River.
The time has arrived for Him to teach what I call the core principles of
living, by noting very important qualities that would serve not only those
listening during those several days of teaching, but all, including those
down through the years to come, and you and I today.
And seeing the multitudes, multitude means “a mass of ordinary people
without power or influence. Simple, everyday ordinary people, seemingly
beyond counting. He went up on a mountain, and when He was seated His
disciples came to be with Him.
Then He opened His mouth and taught them, saying:
heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. “
His focus was the multitude….and His disciples. I can see them in the
warm arid air….sun beating down on them….and on Him. An unnatural
quiet….the air filled with expectation. Perhaps some of those there that day
had been healed by Him. Those who heard rumors…some who simply followed the crowd…who knows why they came but each was a personal choice.
Each expectant….
Perhaps in this multitude of people….you can find yourself. If not in one of
the seven listed here, but in our own personal category, or even perhaps if
not you, someone you know that needs a word, and act of kindness, a word
of wisdom, financial or physical help. A pat on the back….a word of
encouragement to bring peace.
Speaking to the poor
Those in mourning
Religious leaders and those hungry for God
Those in need of a loving word, to show mercy to them.
Those whose main goal in life was to KNOW God as deeply as possible,
seeking words that would take them deeper.
The mediators, the one’s who always got in the middle of difficult situations
between people…to mediate peace.
Lastly, for those who were persecuted and suffered because of their faith,
then, and as we find out, in the future. Many, including the disciples sitting
there…all but one who would one day be executed for their faith in this man
about to speak. Little did they know, little did they know what would one
day come their way, and for those who one day would read these words
knowing that perhaps they too would suffer persecution, even death.
BLESSED ARE…..blessed means “endowed with divine favor and
protection, which brings pleasure or relief as a welcome contrast to what
one has previously experienced.
Did you find yourself here….or are you just happy and content to hear
Jesus speaks to others…with such depth of love and concern.
I AM GOING TO FOCUS HERE A BIT ON PEACE, for peace can inhabit
each of the people in each of their so-called categories. If so…in each of
them, whether it be mercy, seeking purity, those in mourning, the religious
leaders, certainly those who take on the role of mediation…need the peace
of the Lord that passes all understanding. Peace. Sweet Peace. The peace
that only the Spirit of God can give us…you know, the one passes all
understanding and can be maintained in the midst of any of these
Let’s all take a moment…to seek His peace right now, by following my
simple directions.
No matter what preceded your journey here today and perhaps even your
journey here….was not the best….anyway. Back to peace.
1. Move your shoulders around a little…
2. Take a couple of deep breaths, leaving the air out slowly.
3. Still the crowded thoughts in your mind….
4. And smile….now look at each other.
ARE YOU? Or, do you stand on the periphery when something happens.
Or, even within you….when let’s say you are faced with making a decision
for either yourself or someone else. If it is between people, there is a good
word to interject here.
Jesus prioritizes the ministry of reconciliation deeply and often, doing so in
this statement, Blessed are. This is the birthright and birth-assignment of
God’s sons and daughters. Peace is often not easily won….prayer, hope,
mediation and actually getting involved is vital. It obviously came at a great
cost to Jesus. “My peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not
give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do
not be afraid.”
The only way we can become a peacemaker like Him, is to be like
Him….putting into practice the things that he emulated for us. Walk in step
with Him, allowing the Holy Spirit to empower us and pour the LOVE of
God into OUR hearts before we attempt to assist others.
As the church…we are called to unity…not only that peace is continually in
our midst…but that we by doing so are an example to those in our own
community and beyond.
Jesus said, “I must be about my Father’s business.” Luke 2:49
His last will and testament was, as I quoted above, “Peace I leave with you,
My peace I give to you.’
What we do with His peace available to us…is simply up to us!
Peace is the result of be a forgiving person, filled with His Spirit. When
peace rules in our hearts (Colossians 3:15) we CAN BE PEACEMAKERS.
If within us we have erected walls of difference.. .and walls of
indifference….we MUST break those down before we can be the
peacemakers that Jesus desires we be.
In our world where people and groups and races, and opinions exists as
large and far apart as the galaxies…..our CALLING is to ACTIVELY AND
DELIBERATELY as individuals and the church to resolve conflicts…not
having any of our own.
The number one thing to do is pray…the second is LISTEN. One of the
most very difficult things we can do…and I really mean LISTEN, before we
It is our CALLING TO LISTEN IN LOVE…. and care for those on both sides
of any one issue, even one a divisive as abortion as an example.
further… to the point when there is no listening to each other….so full are
we of our own thoughts and opinions.
There is a third side to every divisive issue…that is God’s side, the side of
PEACEMAKING if I can say it this way, means going into the family
business….the business of being God’s family.
Here is a deeper description of being Believers, family business.
These are Jesus words…..
Matthew 5:13-16.
“You…are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be
seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled
underfoot by men.
You…are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.
My words here….unless all the lights are extinguished.
Nor, does anyone light a lamp and put it under something, but on a
lampstand, and it then gives light to all who are in that room.
Not to highlight us individually, that we are praised, but that those who
receive it and those who see it, may know that it is Jesus in us….as the
All praise and honor to HIM…..Amen.
Island Park, Idaho
Pastor Tom Shanor
Year-Round Pastor
Blessed Are………
…..This discourse to come…follows on the heels of Jesus choosing Simon,
renamed by Jesus, Peter. Also, Andrew, Peter’s brother.
Jesus words to Peter and Andrew were, “Come, follow me, and I will show
you how to fish for people.” Their response was immediate, for they
dropped their nets right where they were, and followed Him. Shortly after,
while walking along the shore they came across two other fishermen, who
also happened to be brothers, James and John.
The two brothers were sitting in a boat when Jesus called to them. Like
Peter and Andrew, they immediately dropped the nets they were repairing,
got out of the boat and followed Jesus, leaving behind I’m sure, a rather
confused father whose name was Zebedee. Whether Jesus and these two
had previous encounters we are not told, but perhaps His magnetism and
authority captured their spirits, minds and hearts immediately, and their
lives like those of Peter and Andrew would never of course be the same, as
it also would not be for the other disciples to come.
You’ll note that that didn’t make excuses about why it wasn’t a good time
for them. They left at once. Jesus calls each of us to follow Him, perhaps in
a different way, but a call it still is. The call to a new life…centered in Him,
leaving the old life with its ways behind us, moving forward led by His Spirit
and His Words.
We are told that soon afterwards, Jesus began traveling throughout Galilee
teaching in their synagogues and announcing the Good News of the
Kingdom of God. From that time on His ministry exploded, where large
crowds began to follow Him wherever He went. Quoted here… “people
from Galilee, the Ten Towns, Jerusalem, from all over Judea, and from
east of the Jordan River.
The time has arrived for Him to teach what I call the core principles of
living, by noting very important qualities that would serve not only those
listening during those several days of teaching, but all, including those
down through the years to come, and you and I today.
And seeing the multitudes, multitude means “a mass of ordinary people
without power or influence. Simple, everyday ordinary people, seemingly
beyond counting. He went up on a mountain, and when He was seated His
disciples came to be with Him.
Then He opened His mouth and taught them, saying:
- Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
- Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
- Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth
- Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall
- be filled.
- Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy.
- Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
- Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.
- Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is
- the kingdom of heaven.
- Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of
- evil against you falsely for MY sake.
heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. “
His focus was the multitude….and His disciples. I can see them in the
warm arid air….sun beating down on them….and on Him. An unnatural
quiet….the air filled with expectation. Perhaps some of those there that day
had been healed by Him. Those who heard rumors…some who simply followed the crowd…who knows why they came but each was a personal choice.
Each expectant….
Perhaps in this multitude of people….you can find yourself. If not in one of
the seven listed here, but in our own personal category, or even perhaps if
not you, someone you know that needs a word, and act of kindness, a word
of wisdom, financial or physical help. A pat on the back….a word of
encouragement to bring peace.
Speaking to the poor
Those in mourning
Religious leaders and those hungry for God
Those in need of a loving word, to show mercy to them.
Those whose main goal in life was to KNOW God as deeply as possible,
seeking words that would take them deeper.
The mediators, the one’s who always got in the middle of difficult situations
between people…to mediate peace.
Lastly, for those who were persecuted and suffered because of their faith,
then, and as we find out, in the future. Many, including the disciples sitting
there…all but one who would one day be executed for their faith in this man
about to speak. Little did they know, little did they know what would one
day come their way, and for those who one day would read these words
knowing that perhaps they too would suffer persecution, even death.
BLESSED ARE…..blessed means “endowed with divine favor and
protection, which brings pleasure or relief as a welcome contrast to what
one has previously experienced.
Did you find yourself here….or are you just happy and content to hear
Jesus speaks to others…with such depth of love and concern.
I AM GOING TO FOCUS HERE A BIT ON PEACE, for peace can inhabit
each of the people in each of their so-called categories. If so…in each of
them, whether it be mercy, seeking purity, those in mourning, the religious
leaders, certainly those who take on the role of mediation…need the peace
of the Lord that passes all understanding. Peace. Sweet Peace. The peace
that only the Spirit of God can give us…you know, the one passes all
understanding and can be maintained in the midst of any of these
Let’s all take a moment…to seek His peace right now, by following my
simple directions.
No matter what preceded your journey here today and perhaps even your
journey here….was not the best….anyway. Back to peace.
1. Move your shoulders around a little…
2. Take a couple of deep breaths, leaving the air out slowly.
3. Still the crowded thoughts in your mind….
4. And smile….now look at each other.
ARE YOU? Or, do you stand on the periphery when something happens.
Or, even within you….when let’s say you are faced with making a decision
for either yourself or someone else. If it is between people, there is a good
word to interject here.
Jesus prioritizes the ministry of reconciliation deeply and often, doing so in
this statement, Blessed are. This is the birthright and birth-assignment of
God’s sons and daughters. Peace is often not easily won….prayer, hope,
mediation and actually getting involved is vital. It obviously came at a great
cost to Jesus. “My peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not
give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do
not be afraid.”
The only way we can become a peacemaker like Him, is to be like
Him….putting into practice the things that he emulated for us. Walk in step
with Him, allowing the Holy Spirit to empower us and pour the LOVE of
God into OUR hearts before we attempt to assist others.
As the church…we are called to unity…not only that peace is continually in
our midst…but that we by doing so are an example to those in our own
community and beyond.
Jesus said, “I must be about my Father’s business.” Luke 2:49
His last will and testament was, as I quoted above, “Peace I leave with you,
My peace I give to you.’
What we do with His peace available to us…is simply up to us!
Peace is the result of be a forgiving person, filled with His Spirit. When
peace rules in our hearts (Colossians 3:15) we CAN BE PEACEMAKERS.
If within us we have erected walls of difference.. .and walls of
indifference….we MUST break those down before we can be the
peacemakers that Jesus desires we be.
In our world where people and groups and races, and opinions exists as
large and far apart as the galaxies…..our CALLING is to ACTIVELY AND
DELIBERATELY as individuals and the church to resolve conflicts…not
having any of our own.
The number one thing to do is pray…the second is LISTEN. One of the
most very difficult things we can do…and I really mean LISTEN, before we
It is our CALLING TO LISTEN IN LOVE…. and care for those on both sides
of any one issue, even one a divisive as abortion as an example.
further… to the point when there is no listening to each other….so full are
we of our own thoughts and opinions.
There is a third side to every divisive issue…that is God’s side, the side of
PEACEMAKING if I can say it this way, means going into the family
business….the business of being God’s family.
Here is a deeper description of being Believers, family business.
These are Jesus words…..
Matthew 5:13-16.
“You…are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be
seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled
underfoot by men.
You…are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.
My words here….unless all the lights are extinguished.
Nor, does anyone light a lamp and put it under something, but on a
lampstand, and it then gives light to all who are in that room.
Not to highlight us individually, that we are praised, but that those who
receive it and those who see it, may know that it is Jesus in us….as the
All praise and honor to HIM…..Amen.
Little Church in the Pines
"What the World Needs Now"
4th Sunday of our Advent Journey
Sermon by: Pastor Tom Shanor
December 18, 2022
Sometimes I enjoy listening to music made popular from my high school days in the early sixties, which was the case last week.
The one I am about to mention that I came across is in this sermon, though actually came a few years after my graduation, which was on my 18th birthday in 1963.
In 1965 Burt Bacharach wrote the music to lyrics written by Hal David and first sung by English singer Jackie De Shannon.
That song is “What the World Needs Now is Love Sweet Love….and it is, if you listen closely, the writer talking to the Lord and stating his opinion as to what the world needed then….and it remains the same now.
Here are the lyrics….and following the sermon, or in the middle, I haven’t decided yet…will have you hear the song, and if you want, to sing along. We did this once before several years ago with the song “Don’t Worry Be Happy.” Actually, it was about this time of year because all my kids were here, and my son-in-law Clint thought (in the beginning) what is he doing? He is now a Chaplin in the Army for the 101st Airborne in Romania.
Anyway, when I heard it, it struck me immediately it belonged in today’s message…there are countless people whose deepest desire is simply to LOVE, and be LOVED and since I am speaking on LOVE today, I thought it would both appropriate and fun to tie this into the message. As true as it was then…it is today.
We are made by God to LOVE AND BE LOVED….as our Lord exemplified in all that He said and did.
Here are the lyrics….
What the World Needs Now is Love Sweet Love
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It’s the only thing there is just too little of
What the world needs now is love sweet love
No, not just for some….but for EVERYONE
LORD…we don’t need another mountain
There are mountains and hillsides enough to climb.
There are oceans and rivers
Enough to cross, enough to last till the end of time
What the world needs now, is love sweet love
It’s the only thing, there is just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
No, not just for some, but for EVERYONE
Lord, we don’t’ need another meadow
There are cornfields and wheat fields
Enough to grow
There are moonbeams and sunbeams
Enough to shine
O LISTEN LORD, if you want to know
What the world needs now, is love sweet love
No not just for some, but for EVERYONE
EVERYONE….EVERYONE…..needs love, but not everyone receives love or even has the chance to give love. Sadly…..
What did Jesus say about love…..”LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind…and your neighbor as yourself.
The core of all He taught and said….emanates always from this aspect of God’s personality. Sometimes it is hard to grasp this when going through difficult times….but know, LOVE is the bedrock of who God and Christ in God are.
It’s time for a lovely illustration of the meaning and potential depth of love.
It was a busy morning, about 8:30, when an elderly man in his 80’s arrived to have stitches removed from his thumb at the clinic.
He, without being rude, said to the nurse he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:15 a.m. close by.
The nurse took his vital signs and had him take a seat knowing it would be over an hour before someone would be able to see hm. She said, “I saw him looking repeatedly at his watch and since she was not busy at the desk, decided to evaluate the wound and stitches.
On her examination she found it to be healed, so she talked to one of the doctor’s, got the approval and needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound. While taking care of him, she asked him if he had another doctor’s appointment since he was in such a hurry.
The elderly man said to her, that “no” but that he needed to go to the nursing home adjacent to the clinic to eat breakfast with his wife.
She inquired as to his wife’s health. He told her that she had been there for quite a while and that she was suffering with Alzheimer’s. As they talked, she asked him if he would be upset if he was a bit late.
He replied that she no longer knew who he was, and that she had not recognized him for the last five years.
The nurse was surprised, and asked him, “and you still go every morning, even though she doesn’t recognize who you are?” He smiled as he patted her hand and said, “She doesn’t recognize me anymore, but I still know who she is.”
She, his wife is just one of the EVERYONE’S who needs love..
Look at an infant now….this woman once had been as we all once were….born as Jesus….a human baby.
Those of us who raised our children from infancy on….there are several ways they communicate. Crying….#1, fussing #2…arms & legs flailing…#3 red face from either holding their breath or crying so hard…they are flushed.
What are they asking for, or rather demanding?
1. Food would be first
2. Diaper uncomfortable
3. Tummy ache (have to burp
4. Have gas
5. Pain from some source unknown
6. Need held/comforted
What does mom or dad do first?
Pick him or her up and ask what is wrong….as if they understand, but, just hearing mom’s or dad’s voice often quiets them down right away.
The first thing we do after picking them up is not yell at them, but start talking in a soft, soothing, loving voice. They feel our love by touch and by words…oh, and giving them food or changing their diaper. LOVE manifests itself in many ways…and some of them are, well, obvious and others not so. But touch, not only for little ones but for us too…
The right kind of touching and holding is love at its best.
Love can be seen in a look, a gesture, a word.
Here are some of the other manifestations of love.
1. Listening to the person of our focus at that moment.
2. Offering support if needed be it emotional, physical or material….from whatever the world has done to them as they confide in you, a burden begins to be lifted, and you can see the tension leave their face…and their shoulders come up a bit higher.
3. Believe in them….until proven if it happens they are not being honest and sincere. Time will tell, and a lesson learned.
4. Encourage them in whatever way you believe is best.
Treat them as you would have others treat you in similar circumstance…always.
1 Corinthians 13:1-13 READ
As I said early on….in this world there are those born who have never known love….and I wish it were not so.
What is that old saying?
It is better to have loved and lost(that love) for any number of legitimate reasons, than to have never loved at all.
Once we have tasted love..we are changed. But because we love someone….also doesn’t mean all will necessarily go smoothly, but even there is it comes to an end…does not mean it won’t come again. There is risk involved in loving someone or even something.
Once a baby feels the warmth, hears the voice and feels the comfort of love….they too will never be the same, even if they cannot grasp the understanding of it in words….their little beings need it when they don’t have it and want it.
Another wonderful manifestation of a love language is music….be it instrumental only, or with words, as in the song I started out with in this message.
There are more songs written about love than about any other subject.
AND SPEAKING OF MUSIC….Larry…I’m reminded of your sister with Alzheimer’s…and the place music has in her life at this stage. EXAMPLE….
Let’s hear the song now…..and as in Don’t Worry be Happy, sing along. VIDEO. PLAY.
GOD IS THE ORIGIN, ESSENCE AND SUMMATION OF LOVE, and all the outflow of events and people that manifest love.
The greatest gift…is LOVE, brought to us by the One, who with the most humble begging on earth….sought to express that love in the end in the most horrendous and brutal endings.
1 John 4:19 we love each other because He first loved us.
John 15:9 – 17. This is My commandment…not suggestion or even why we should, but just plain and simple…”love each other.”
In the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible love is mentioned 898 times.
There are four distinct types of Biblical love.
1. Phillia Love…As love that is not romantic. This love is usually shared between those we are close to, family and or friends.
2. Eros Love…A love that is romantic.
3. Philautia Love….is a love and respect we should have for ourselves, and the Holy Spirit who lives within us.
4. Mania Love…This is a love in which we are obsessed. This love that leads to false spiritual truths….and is often done by putting things on a pedestal….stronger and higher than our love for truth and God.
The Greeks have three words for love.
1. Eros, Agape, and Phileo
2. Agape is the highest and deepest form of love. unconditional love.
3. Eros is more sexual and romantic.
4. Phileo love is a friendship based on love.
In our youthful years….eros is at times off the charts, but as we mature and come into a deeper understanding of life, we more deeply value Agape love…and find that love can be shown in so many wonderful ways, both little and big. This love is a union of souls…two souls created by God who in coming together as in the wedding vows spoken…through the good and the difficult, seeking each other out for counsel, opinions and unified decisions. Equal in stature before God, because they have become truly ONE. That love takes time, takes forgiveness, takes listening, takes choosing our words before speaking at times, takes loving that other person more than we love ourselves.
And remember this from the song….EVERYONE NEEDS LOVED AND DURING THIS LIFE EVERYONE IS LONGING FOR LOVE, though many say they aren’t….down deep inside EVERYONE IS.
BUT FIRST…LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, MIND AND STRENGTH…and He will give you the desires of your heart. That is the desires that line up with His truths and teachings. His life and His love as an example to us.
Unconditional love is amazing….and we at times say God loves us unconditionally, but I do not find that anywhere written, but it sounds good.
The condition for eternal life…and salvation is believing in the Lord Jesus Christ whose birth we celebrate even today.
The conditions for a good life…lie in again, the teachings and commandments of Jesus. And a truly good life….is not measured by our material success but by our humility and grace, and kindness, and mercy and justice….and LOVE, the greatest gift
"What the World Needs Now"
4th Sunday of our Advent Journey
Sermon by: Pastor Tom Shanor
December 18, 2022
Sometimes I enjoy listening to music made popular from my high school days in the early sixties, which was the case last week.
The one I am about to mention that I came across is in this sermon, though actually came a few years after my graduation, which was on my 18th birthday in 1963.
In 1965 Burt Bacharach wrote the music to lyrics written by Hal David and first sung by English singer Jackie De Shannon.
That song is “What the World Needs Now is Love Sweet Love….and it is, if you listen closely, the writer talking to the Lord and stating his opinion as to what the world needed then….and it remains the same now.
Here are the lyrics….and following the sermon, or in the middle, I haven’t decided yet…will have you hear the song, and if you want, to sing along. We did this once before several years ago with the song “Don’t Worry Be Happy.” Actually, it was about this time of year because all my kids were here, and my son-in-law Clint thought (in the beginning) what is he doing? He is now a Chaplin in the Army for the 101st Airborne in Romania.
Anyway, when I heard it, it struck me immediately it belonged in today’s message…there are countless people whose deepest desire is simply to LOVE, and be LOVED and since I am speaking on LOVE today, I thought it would both appropriate and fun to tie this into the message. As true as it was then…it is today.
We are made by God to LOVE AND BE LOVED….as our Lord exemplified in all that He said and did.
Here are the lyrics….
What the World Needs Now is Love Sweet Love
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It’s the only thing there is just too little of
What the world needs now is love sweet love
No, not just for some….but for EVERYONE
LORD…we don’t need another mountain
There are mountains and hillsides enough to climb.
There are oceans and rivers
Enough to cross, enough to last till the end of time
What the world needs now, is love sweet love
It’s the only thing, there is just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
No, not just for some, but for EVERYONE
Lord, we don’t’ need another meadow
There are cornfields and wheat fields
Enough to grow
There are moonbeams and sunbeams
Enough to shine
O LISTEN LORD, if you want to know
What the world needs now, is love sweet love
No not just for some, but for EVERYONE
EVERYONE….EVERYONE…..needs love, but not everyone receives love or even has the chance to give love. Sadly…..
What did Jesus say about love…..”LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind…and your neighbor as yourself.
The core of all He taught and said….emanates always from this aspect of God’s personality. Sometimes it is hard to grasp this when going through difficult times….but know, LOVE is the bedrock of who God and Christ in God are.
It’s time for a lovely illustration of the meaning and potential depth of love.
It was a busy morning, about 8:30, when an elderly man in his 80’s arrived to have stitches removed from his thumb at the clinic.
He, without being rude, said to the nurse he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:15 a.m. close by.
The nurse took his vital signs and had him take a seat knowing it would be over an hour before someone would be able to see hm. She said, “I saw him looking repeatedly at his watch and since she was not busy at the desk, decided to evaluate the wound and stitches.
On her examination she found it to be healed, so she talked to one of the doctor’s, got the approval and needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound. While taking care of him, she asked him if he had another doctor’s appointment since he was in such a hurry.
The elderly man said to her, that “no” but that he needed to go to the nursing home adjacent to the clinic to eat breakfast with his wife.
She inquired as to his wife’s health. He told her that she had been there for quite a while and that she was suffering with Alzheimer’s. As they talked, she asked him if he would be upset if he was a bit late.
He replied that she no longer knew who he was, and that she had not recognized him for the last five years.
The nurse was surprised, and asked him, “and you still go every morning, even though she doesn’t recognize who you are?” He smiled as he patted her hand and said, “She doesn’t recognize me anymore, but I still know who she is.”
She, his wife is just one of the EVERYONE’S who needs love..
Look at an infant now….this woman once had been as we all once were….born as Jesus….a human baby.
Those of us who raised our children from infancy on….there are several ways they communicate. Crying….#1, fussing #2…arms & legs flailing…#3 red face from either holding their breath or crying so hard…they are flushed.
What are they asking for, or rather demanding?
1. Food would be first
2. Diaper uncomfortable
3. Tummy ache (have to burp
4. Have gas
5. Pain from some source unknown
6. Need held/comforted
What does mom or dad do first?
Pick him or her up and ask what is wrong….as if they understand, but, just hearing mom’s or dad’s voice often quiets them down right away.
The first thing we do after picking them up is not yell at them, but start talking in a soft, soothing, loving voice. They feel our love by touch and by words…oh, and giving them food or changing their diaper. LOVE manifests itself in many ways…and some of them are, well, obvious and others not so. But touch, not only for little ones but for us too…
The right kind of touching and holding is love at its best.
Love can be seen in a look, a gesture, a word.
Here are some of the other manifestations of love.
1. Listening to the person of our focus at that moment.
2. Offering support if needed be it emotional, physical or material….from whatever the world has done to them as they confide in you, a burden begins to be lifted, and you can see the tension leave their face…and their shoulders come up a bit higher.
3. Believe in them….until proven if it happens they are not being honest and sincere. Time will tell, and a lesson learned.
4. Encourage them in whatever way you believe is best.
Treat them as you would have others treat you in similar circumstance…always.
1 Corinthians 13:1-13 READ
As I said early on….in this world there are those born who have never known love….and I wish it were not so.
What is that old saying?
It is better to have loved and lost(that love) for any number of legitimate reasons, than to have never loved at all.
Once we have tasted love..we are changed. But because we love someone….also doesn’t mean all will necessarily go smoothly, but even there is it comes to an end…does not mean it won’t come again. There is risk involved in loving someone or even something.
Once a baby feels the warmth, hears the voice and feels the comfort of love….they too will never be the same, even if they cannot grasp the understanding of it in words….their little beings need it when they don’t have it and want it.
Another wonderful manifestation of a love language is music….be it instrumental only, or with words, as in the song I started out with in this message.
There are more songs written about love than about any other subject.
AND SPEAKING OF MUSIC….Larry…I’m reminded of your sister with Alzheimer’s…and the place music has in her life at this stage. EXAMPLE….
Let’s hear the song now…..and as in Don’t Worry be Happy, sing along. VIDEO. PLAY.
GOD IS THE ORIGIN, ESSENCE AND SUMMATION OF LOVE, and all the outflow of events and people that manifest love.
The greatest gift…is LOVE, brought to us by the One, who with the most humble begging on earth….sought to express that love in the end in the most horrendous and brutal endings.
1 John 4:19 we love each other because He first loved us.
John 15:9 – 17. This is My commandment…not suggestion or even why we should, but just plain and simple…”love each other.”
In the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible love is mentioned 898 times.
There are four distinct types of Biblical love.
1. Phillia Love…As love that is not romantic. This love is usually shared between those we are close to, family and or friends.
2. Eros Love…A love that is romantic.
3. Philautia Love….is a love and respect we should have for ourselves, and the Holy Spirit who lives within us.
4. Mania Love…This is a love in which we are obsessed. This love that leads to false spiritual truths….and is often done by putting things on a pedestal….stronger and higher than our love for truth and God.
The Greeks have three words for love.
1. Eros, Agape, and Phileo
2. Agape is the highest and deepest form of love. unconditional love.
3. Eros is more sexual and romantic.
4. Phileo love is a friendship based on love.
In our youthful years….eros is at times off the charts, but as we mature and come into a deeper understanding of life, we more deeply value Agape love…and find that love can be shown in so many wonderful ways, both little and big. This love is a union of souls…two souls created by God who in coming together as in the wedding vows spoken…through the good and the difficult, seeking each other out for counsel, opinions and unified decisions. Equal in stature before God, because they have become truly ONE. That love takes time, takes forgiveness, takes listening, takes choosing our words before speaking at times, takes loving that other person more than we love ourselves.
And remember this from the song….EVERYONE NEEDS LOVED AND DURING THIS LIFE EVERYONE IS LONGING FOR LOVE, though many say they aren’t….down deep inside EVERYONE IS.
BUT FIRST…LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, MIND AND STRENGTH…and He will give you the desires of your heart. That is the desires that line up with His truths and teachings. His life and His love as an example to us.
Unconditional love is amazing….and we at times say God loves us unconditionally, but I do not find that anywhere written, but it sounds good.
The condition for eternal life…and salvation is believing in the Lord Jesus Christ whose birth we celebrate even today.
The conditions for a good life…lie in again, the teachings and commandments of Jesus. And a truly good life….is not measured by our material success but by our humility and grace, and kindness, and mercy and justice….and LOVE, the greatest gift
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Little Church in the Pines
December 4, 2022
"The Gift of Peace"
Message by: Connie Funkhouser
An Apprentice of Jesus Christ
Our Journey of Advent continues:
Hope Becomes Peace . . .
The Star of Bethlehem mentioned in Matthew’s account of the birth of Jesus was the sign that drew those wise seekers to the Savior thousands of years ago. It must have led them over rough routes and smooth routes, through easy passages and routes that appeared difficult, with no way to cross. It remained before them as they undoubtedly encountered friends and fellow travelers as they sat in the company of deceptive and powerful people.
Through all the circumstances and surprises of their journey, the STAR never faltered or failed. It faithfully pointed the way to our Messiah, Jesus, The Prince of Peace.
So together we continue to look for The Light today as we follow the STAR on our Journey of Peace.
I know I am not the only one, that loves our last Hymn – “It Is Well with My Soul.” Written in 1873, this old hymn is loved by many because of its message: “When peace like a river attendeth my way/when sorrow like sea billows roll/whatever my lot/thou hast taught me to say/IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL.”
When we think of Peace, we often think of the absence of hardship, trouble, violence, and fear. As the hymn so beautifully captures, this journey of Peace is not immune from those things. In fact, they are central to the story. On this journey we learn that Peace is not the absence of trouble, but rather the PRESENCE OF GOD.
This journey of Peace is certainly an appropriate journey for our world today. Just as the ancient Roman world must have felt during that first Christmas, our world seems full of violence and warfare, and uncertainty. The pressures of our daily lives bombard us at an unparalleled pace. Ours is a world in desperate need of Peace! But, take Hope . . . it is a world where the PRINCE OF PEACE has walked and understood. He has come, and He is present, and He will come again. HIS Peace is available today.
How do you picture that night Jesus was born? So many images and songs focus on a picture of a silent night – a peaceful moment when all was calm and bright. If such a moment occurred on that first Christmas, it was probably a very short-lived moment. Mary gave birth in an animal shelter and it does not sound like it was a 5-Star animal shelter. Soon the shepherds started arriving to visit Mary’s new baby within hours of His un-sanitized birth. And do not forget the company of angels rejoicing and worshipping with abandon. It is no wonder an angel had to tell the shepherds not to be afraid and then assure them they brought a message of peace: “Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth Peace, goodwill toward men!” (Luke 2:13-14).
There was noise, hurt, pain, struggle, and fear that first Christmas. And yet there was great joy and deep Peace of the highest order.
Sound familiar? Our journey of Peace is not one separated from the realities of life but a journey of Peace in the midst of life with all the noise and chaos.
Not sure about any of you, but I acknowledge the fact that my life, and maybe yours too, are far from peaceful. But as we let the words of Jesus, “God’s Truth, God’s Promises” wash over us and through us, He brings His calming message to our spirits, our souls.
Jesus brings Peace right into the center of our hurt and frantic striving, He brings the power to cease the noise, calm the storm, and overwhelm our hearts with His renewing sense of perfect Peace. I
The prophet Isaiah’s words reveal something very important about Peace: “For to us a child is born, to us, a son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6).
Peace is not a feeling or state of being . . . Peace is a Person! Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Throughout Jesus’ life and teaching, we see that Peace comes from the Person of Jesus and the Gift of the Holy Spirit – God’s Presence with us. By sending His Son, God sent Peace into the world. When we abide (obey) with Him, we abide with Peace. And as we abide with Peace, we learn to trust God with the unpeaceful parts of our lives, and we find ourselves transformed within.
This Advent, we are invited to rest in God’s Peace, preparing our hearts for the Prince of Peace to be born. The world cannot give us Peace, nor can we find it in ourselves without the Gift of God’s Grace.
“For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my {Covenant of Peace} shall not be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you. (Isaiah 54:10).
God promised us Peace everlasting – Shalom. Shalom is the Hebrew word for Peace, but not a temporary, worldly Peace that is found in between our lives. It is a spiritual peace found in being made whole again. God’s promise is not that we can rest after a project, event, before or after a meeting, or after all the guests leave, but that we are always at Peace, having been reconnected - Reconciled with God through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. God’s Peace gives assurance that all is right in our souls, even if we cannot resolve all the issues affecting us or predict the outcome. Peace is knowing that the Lord of the universe is by our side and resting in that truth. Our Lord and Savior impose no conditions but simply tell us to come to Him as we are, with our sins and problems, and He will give us rest and Peace. God’s Peace provides the assurance that He is still in control.
Peace with God and the Peace of God: The word Peace in the Bible refers to a mental attitude of tranquility based on a personal relationship with God. It is a word that describes the result of a person’s correct response to God’s Grace. Biblical Peace is more than the absence of conflict, it is taking action to restore a broken situation. It is more than a state of inner tranquility; it is a state of wholeness and completeness. Biblical peace is not something we can create on our own, it is a fruit of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-23)
Jesus says: “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John14:27-28) This Peace which brings an unconstrained confidence and covers us completely, from the top of our heads to the souls of our feet. “Your life is hidden with Christ in God,” and the Peace of Jesus Christ that cannot be disturbed has been imparted to us. [DO NOT BE AFRAID is mentioned in the Bible 365 times – one for every day of the year. Coincidence, I believe not.]
In the midst of all that was happening that first Christmas, we are told “Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart” (Luke 2:19). On the surface, Mary’s life had not become more peaceful. If anything, life got even crazier with the announcement of her miraculous pregnancy. Through all this, we can look to Mary as a perfect example, she was learning to trust the ONE who was in control. Reflecting on our personal worlds, we can control only so much. When we surrender our control, stop worrying, stop planning, and stop competing – to the Prince of Peace, we can find deep and sincere rest in Him. The inner and outer chaos, the anxiety, noise, and busyness of life may not change, but we can experience Peace because we trust the ONE in control.
As we read the papers, watch the news, and surf the internet, we realize how desperate our world is for peace. Countries are at war, refugees have been displaced, and the violence in our schools, homelessness, and the list goes on. Against this tragic setting, our path may not look much like a journey of Peace even as we look forward to Christmas.
This is where the Peace we experience now can shine the brightest. It may not make sense against the surrounding circumstances, but again the Bible encourages us to draw close to God and rely on Him for His Peace. Maybe this is the paradox of prayer. So often we come to God asking Him to change our circumstances or those around us. Sometimes He does, but most often He changes our hearts and perspectives. As we pour out our hearts and connect with Him, we are able to see a little more as He does, to trust more confidently in His ability to handle things no matter what, and to settle in the Peace of His goodness and His faithfulness – to tap into that sense that it is all going to be okay no matter what, one way or another, because of Who is holding us.
During our Advent Journey, may I encourage you to encounter the Peace of Christ by taking the psalmist’s words to heart, “Be still, and know I am God” (Psalm 46:10). Such stillness can be a precious commodity in this busy holiday season and life in general, but taking a short pause can allow us to breathe deeply and connect with Jesus Himself. Our intimate and deep relationship with our Lord and Savior can fill us with Peace through His Spirit who resides from within.
Do a Peace review each day. Just as coaches and athletes sometimes watch game day videos so they can analyze and improve their skills, imagine Jesus and you 😊 watching a video replay of the previous day. 😊 Yikes! As we reflect on our morning, afternoon, and evening, consider this: In what ways did I experience God’s Peace, and in what ways did I fail to experience God’s Peace when I could have should have?
Peace; God’s peace has either arrived in our hearts or is on the way. Once accepted and unwrapped it makes us peaceful when all-natural reasoning says we should be upset. God gives us the Gift of Peace when we turn to Him in faith. For on that first Christmas, He sent His only Son Jesus, the Prince of Peace, as the greatest gift of all, the long-awaited fulfillment of God’s promise. We all are familiar with Numbers 6:24-26, “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you Peace.”
If you sacrificed all you had to buy me a priceless and personalized Christmas gift and I never took the time to unwrap and open it, how would you feel? Rightfully, you would be disappointed and hurt at my callous rejection of your generosity. For me, the gift would be worthless and have zero benefits. It is astounding that so many people choose to celebrate Christmas without ever opening their greatest and most expensive Gift. . . and maybe we know of someone that does not know how. If so, we know what to do.
Jesus Christ is God’s Christmas Gift to us, WRAPPED up in Jesus are all the benefits and blessings that we need.
The Gift of Peace, given to us by our Creator ~ Open it, cherish it, and share it.
Please pray with me:
God, thank you that in the midst of the chaos and pain of our lives, You invite us into Your Peace. Help us to abide with the Prince of Peace and to rest in the Peace that comes from trusting in You. Give us the courage to trust You with our lives and with the situations we see in the world around us. Fill us with Your Peace. Keep us in Your Perfect Peace. Let it continually restore us and draw us to You! And let us bring Your Peace into the often-chaotic world around us. COME, LORD, JESUS, YOU ARE OUR PEACE. Amen!
Please join me in keeping Christ in Christmas 😉
December 4, 2022
"The Gift of Peace"
Message by: Connie Funkhouser
An Apprentice of Jesus Christ
Our Journey of Advent continues:
Hope Becomes Peace . . .
The Star of Bethlehem mentioned in Matthew’s account of the birth of Jesus was the sign that drew those wise seekers to the Savior thousands of years ago. It must have led them over rough routes and smooth routes, through easy passages and routes that appeared difficult, with no way to cross. It remained before them as they undoubtedly encountered friends and fellow travelers as they sat in the company of deceptive and powerful people.
Through all the circumstances and surprises of their journey, the STAR never faltered or failed. It faithfully pointed the way to our Messiah, Jesus, The Prince of Peace.
So together we continue to look for The Light today as we follow the STAR on our Journey of Peace.
I know I am not the only one, that loves our last Hymn – “It Is Well with My Soul.” Written in 1873, this old hymn is loved by many because of its message: “When peace like a river attendeth my way/when sorrow like sea billows roll/whatever my lot/thou hast taught me to say/IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL.”
When we think of Peace, we often think of the absence of hardship, trouble, violence, and fear. As the hymn so beautifully captures, this journey of Peace is not immune from those things. In fact, they are central to the story. On this journey we learn that Peace is not the absence of trouble, but rather the PRESENCE OF GOD.
This journey of Peace is certainly an appropriate journey for our world today. Just as the ancient Roman world must have felt during that first Christmas, our world seems full of violence and warfare, and uncertainty. The pressures of our daily lives bombard us at an unparalleled pace. Ours is a world in desperate need of Peace! But, take Hope . . . it is a world where the PRINCE OF PEACE has walked and understood. He has come, and He is present, and He will come again. HIS Peace is available today.
How do you picture that night Jesus was born? So many images and songs focus on a picture of a silent night – a peaceful moment when all was calm and bright. If such a moment occurred on that first Christmas, it was probably a very short-lived moment. Mary gave birth in an animal shelter and it does not sound like it was a 5-Star animal shelter. Soon the shepherds started arriving to visit Mary’s new baby within hours of His un-sanitized birth. And do not forget the company of angels rejoicing and worshipping with abandon. It is no wonder an angel had to tell the shepherds not to be afraid and then assure them they brought a message of peace: “Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth Peace, goodwill toward men!” (Luke 2:13-14).
There was noise, hurt, pain, struggle, and fear that first Christmas. And yet there was great joy and deep Peace of the highest order.
Sound familiar? Our journey of Peace is not one separated from the realities of life but a journey of Peace in the midst of life with all the noise and chaos.
Not sure about any of you, but I acknowledge the fact that my life, and maybe yours too, are far from peaceful. But as we let the words of Jesus, “God’s Truth, God’s Promises” wash over us and through us, He brings His calming message to our spirits, our souls.
Jesus brings Peace right into the center of our hurt and frantic striving, He brings the power to cease the noise, calm the storm, and overwhelm our hearts with His renewing sense of perfect Peace. I
The prophet Isaiah’s words reveal something very important about Peace: “For to us a child is born, to us, a son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6).
Peace is not a feeling or state of being . . . Peace is a Person! Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Throughout Jesus’ life and teaching, we see that Peace comes from the Person of Jesus and the Gift of the Holy Spirit – God’s Presence with us. By sending His Son, God sent Peace into the world. When we abide (obey) with Him, we abide with Peace. And as we abide with Peace, we learn to trust God with the unpeaceful parts of our lives, and we find ourselves transformed within.
This Advent, we are invited to rest in God’s Peace, preparing our hearts for the Prince of Peace to be born. The world cannot give us Peace, nor can we find it in ourselves without the Gift of God’s Grace.
“For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my {Covenant of Peace} shall not be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you. (Isaiah 54:10).
God promised us Peace everlasting – Shalom. Shalom is the Hebrew word for Peace, but not a temporary, worldly Peace that is found in between our lives. It is a spiritual peace found in being made whole again. God’s promise is not that we can rest after a project, event, before or after a meeting, or after all the guests leave, but that we are always at Peace, having been reconnected - Reconciled with God through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. God’s Peace gives assurance that all is right in our souls, even if we cannot resolve all the issues affecting us or predict the outcome. Peace is knowing that the Lord of the universe is by our side and resting in that truth. Our Lord and Savior impose no conditions but simply tell us to come to Him as we are, with our sins and problems, and He will give us rest and Peace. God’s Peace provides the assurance that He is still in control.
Peace with God and the Peace of God: The word Peace in the Bible refers to a mental attitude of tranquility based on a personal relationship with God. It is a word that describes the result of a person’s correct response to God’s Grace. Biblical Peace is more than the absence of conflict, it is taking action to restore a broken situation. It is more than a state of inner tranquility; it is a state of wholeness and completeness. Biblical peace is not something we can create on our own, it is a fruit of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-23)
Jesus says: “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John14:27-28) This Peace which brings an unconstrained confidence and covers us completely, from the top of our heads to the souls of our feet. “Your life is hidden with Christ in God,” and the Peace of Jesus Christ that cannot be disturbed has been imparted to us. [DO NOT BE AFRAID is mentioned in the Bible 365 times – one for every day of the year. Coincidence, I believe not.]
In the midst of all that was happening that first Christmas, we are told “Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart” (Luke 2:19). On the surface, Mary’s life had not become more peaceful. If anything, life got even crazier with the announcement of her miraculous pregnancy. Through all this, we can look to Mary as a perfect example, she was learning to trust the ONE who was in control. Reflecting on our personal worlds, we can control only so much. When we surrender our control, stop worrying, stop planning, and stop competing – to the Prince of Peace, we can find deep and sincere rest in Him. The inner and outer chaos, the anxiety, noise, and busyness of life may not change, but we can experience Peace because we trust the ONE in control.
As we read the papers, watch the news, and surf the internet, we realize how desperate our world is for peace. Countries are at war, refugees have been displaced, and the violence in our schools, homelessness, and the list goes on. Against this tragic setting, our path may not look much like a journey of Peace even as we look forward to Christmas.
This is where the Peace we experience now can shine the brightest. It may not make sense against the surrounding circumstances, but again the Bible encourages us to draw close to God and rely on Him for His Peace. Maybe this is the paradox of prayer. So often we come to God asking Him to change our circumstances or those around us. Sometimes He does, but most often He changes our hearts and perspectives. As we pour out our hearts and connect with Him, we are able to see a little more as He does, to trust more confidently in His ability to handle things no matter what, and to settle in the Peace of His goodness and His faithfulness – to tap into that sense that it is all going to be okay no matter what, one way or another, because of Who is holding us.
During our Advent Journey, may I encourage you to encounter the Peace of Christ by taking the psalmist’s words to heart, “Be still, and know I am God” (Psalm 46:10). Such stillness can be a precious commodity in this busy holiday season and life in general, but taking a short pause can allow us to breathe deeply and connect with Jesus Himself. Our intimate and deep relationship with our Lord and Savior can fill us with Peace through His Spirit who resides from within.
Do a Peace review each day. Just as coaches and athletes sometimes watch game day videos so they can analyze and improve their skills, imagine Jesus and you 😊 watching a video replay of the previous day. 😊 Yikes! As we reflect on our morning, afternoon, and evening, consider this: In what ways did I experience God’s Peace, and in what ways did I fail to experience God’s Peace when I could have should have?
Peace; God’s peace has either arrived in our hearts or is on the way. Once accepted and unwrapped it makes us peaceful when all-natural reasoning says we should be upset. God gives us the Gift of Peace when we turn to Him in faith. For on that first Christmas, He sent His only Son Jesus, the Prince of Peace, as the greatest gift of all, the long-awaited fulfillment of God’s promise. We all are familiar with Numbers 6:24-26, “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you Peace.”
If you sacrificed all you had to buy me a priceless and personalized Christmas gift and I never took the time to unwrap and open it, how would you feel? Rightfully, you would be disappointed and hurt at my callous rejection of your generosity. For me, the gift would be worthless and have zero benefits. It is astounding that so many people choose to celebrate Christmas without ever opening their greatest and most expensive Gift. . . and maybe we know of someone that does not know how. If so, we know what to do.
Jesus Christ is God’s Christmas Gift to us, WRAPPED up in Jesus are all the benefits and blessings that we need.
The Gift of Peace, given to us by our Creator ~ Open it, cherish it, and share it.
Please pray with me:
God, thank you that in the midst of the chaos and pain of our lives, You invite us into Your Peace. Help us to abide with the Prince of Peace and to rest in the Peace that comes from trusting in You. Give us the courage to trust You with our lives and with the situations we see in the world around us. Fill us with Your Peace. Keep us in Your Perfect Peace. Let it continually restore us and draw us to You! And let us bring Your Peace into the often-chaotic world around us. COME, LORD, JESUS, YOU ARE OUR PEACE. Amen!
Please join me in keeping Christ in Christmas 😉
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The Little Church in the Pines
November 27, 2022
Thanks-living with Thanks-Giving
Tom Shanor, Pastor
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will in Christ Jesus for you.
Pandemic 2020, and until now, has filled and changed our lives to the extent we will know only as time goes forward. As for now, the news continues to be filled with rumors, divisions, strife, anger, suspicion, with the result bringing out both the good and ugly in people. Paranoia reigns even now amidst all of this and more. It is time for you and I…to set aside rumors, conspiracies, irrational, emotional responses, and pray more, seek God more, along with His Wisdom. It is our role to be examples to others.
As Christians, these words of Paul’s should resonate in us through it all. “Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”
Our joy, our prayers, and our thankfulness often fluctuates with our circumstances, and that is only normal. I have heard and experienced myself, and know examples of ordinary people, who through their belief/faith, came through extremely difficult and even extraordinary circumstances, managing to be and do all three of these. Being thankful, prayerful and some, even joyful. Doing so goes against our natural reactions, but, when we make a conscious decision, a choice to do what God in Christ tells us to, it is always for our benefit and well-being, both for the benefit of ourselves and others. In being obedient to the truths of Jesus’ teaching however, we can then begin to see not only our circumstances more from His perspective, but those of other people and yes, ourselves in difficult circumstances with a new perspective. A spiritual perspective that affects our natural ones. Not that we are our every should be joyful
in the suffering of others or our own….but joyful in that God knows our pain, our fears, our hopes and even dreams, but how to avoid circumstances such as we sometimes find ourselves in, we often can’t as it is the way this world works, (for now), and our attitude through it all, will often influence and even determine the outcome.
A well-known stress researcher named Hans Seyle, claims though his research results, that two attitudes. more than any others influence the quality of our everyday lives, and on those two emotions depends our peace of mind, and our feelings of security or insecurity. Of fulfillment or frustration, in short, the way we make our way through our daily life.
The most destructive emotion is revenge, but in contrast, deep contrast, among ALL emotions, there is one which more than any other, accounts for the absence of stress in human relations; and that is the choice, accompanied by feelings of gratitude, thankfulness and thanks-giving, looking for those things that we have to be thankful for. At times it may seem, and will be a fact that our difficulties circumstances seem to outweigh the good. The death of someone we love, a divorce, an estranged child or even friend.
If we control (and we can through Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit) control the emotion behind the feelings, and take them captive as we are also told to, take every negative thought captive to the obedience of Jesus…and give them over to Him, trusting Him with everything we are and have, trusting Him…that in time all things will work together for good. Taking captive those ponderous emotions….and even starting with something small that indeed we are grateful for….is a great first beginning. Even a small thing such as this, will allow us then to the take the next step, find the next thing to be grateful for, and in time, continuing to do this….in a short amount of time, you will begin to feel lighter, casting all your emotional, mental and even physical burdens on Jesus for then you will sense the burden becoming lighter…for as in this picture, it shows how it works.
Victor Frankl, a researcher who studies the history of the Nazi death-camps, discovered through the writings of many of the Jewish prisoners to be uplifting, where they spoke of taking the time
to be thankful…. and to count their blessings. He wrote that these prisoners dreamed at night about a certain set of things more than other things, and those things were from the everyday, ordinary common things in their lives prior to their imprisonment. Warm read with melting butter, cakes, warm baths, their own beds, these dreams manifested and carried over into their then daily horrible lives feelings of comfort and relationships, giving them the ability to not only make it through the day but believe that in time their circumstances would get better. HOPE carried them through, those who made it.
Frankl said that the prisoners appreciated beauty in the ordinary as never before. In one especially poignant paragraph he wrote: “if someone had seen our faces on the journey from Auschwitz to a Bavarian camp, as we beheld the mountains of Salzburg,” no one would have believed our faces were those of men and women who had given up all hope of life and liberty. Despite this, or maybe because of it, we were carried away by the natural beauty we were beholding which we had missed for such an exceedingly long time.”
~ In the devotional “Springs in the Valley” the author tells of men who found a barn where Satan kept his seeds ready to be sown in the human heart. He found that the seeds could be made to grow almost anywhere. But when Satan was questioned, he reluctantly admitted that there was one place in which he could never get them to thrive. “And where is that? Asked the man. Satan replied in anger, “In the heart of a grateful person!
In everything give thanks,
In everything give thanks,
For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus,
Concerning you…..
1st Thessalonians 5:18 (again)
~ Please note that this verse does not say for everything but in everything.
~ To give Him thanks, in the midst of PERHAPS a very real and difficult situation you are living every day, shows that you are reaching out and up, simply saying and asking….God, I need you now, perhaps more or equal to (though different) any situation I have ever been through. I may not understand, but that is because my understanding is limited and finite, and Yours Jesus, is being able to see the beginning to the finish. Infinite! Open my heart Lord, that I might see the good, see the road ahead paved with Your Grace, Mercy and Love.
~ Living this life that we have been given comes with risks, daily risks both great and small. Since the fall of mankind, sin and its consequences have pervaded mankind and the world, yet not overwhelmed the earth and all that is on it, and will not! In my opinion, it has broken down the walls of purity that once had been established in the beginning, and the results were and are Illness, disease, disagreements, wars, pollution and as you know, so much more. The unexpected can and will continue to happen and as a result, often painful and distressful…..sometimes even to the point of death events occur. That is the reality we live in and with.
~ In my understanding and opinion, God does not point His finger at you and say, “I am giving you cancer, or cause the death of a child, or instigate a divorce, or I am going to cause you to be in a deadly accident. Or, I am going to bring about this hurricane, killing both the innocent and guilty together because of Gay marriage, or any number of social changes. That is not the God I have come to know these past 77 years. That is life in its sometimes-stark reality. Bad things happen to “so-called good people,” and good things happen to “so-called bad people.” But what He does do….is allow (for now) the earth and all who inhabit it to live in and under the consequences of how the natural world functions since the Fall of mankind….but one day, one fine day, all that will change.
~ For…as in those of the past, and the circumstances of today, as difficult and even awful as they may be….He desires that we call on Him in those, so that He, being invited by us to walk with us through these circumstances, and we, then know in our spirit and
soul that we do not walk alone. That His strength can be our strength, His wisdom our wisdom, His patience our patience and so much more.
~ We can join with Him, and with others of like-mindedness in prayer, giving thanks for what we do have, and where we have been, that brought us to where we are today. Together, when we suffer sorrow, together we can find comfort and even a measure of Joy. The literal touch of His hand…through one another’s hands.
~ If we start our day with the Lord in an attitude of giving thanks our day will be so much better, in every way……like-giving thanks for what we call the ordinary…of which many people do not have. A warm bed, food in the cupboards, heat, clothing to keep us dry and warm, bathrooms, showers, friends and family to interact with, perhaps a job (especially today) or even retirement that allows us to live as we do. ….how about the magnitude of medical facilities and physicians, nurses, etc. A place where mountains, forests, lakes and wildlife all come together in one area in which we can find joy during anytime of the year.
~ We…are blessed!
With the holiday THANKSGIVING arriving this Thursday, may we count the blessings we have, name then one by one, count the many blessings, see that God has done.
Last year I spoke on the Puritans, their circumstances, what caused them to sell everything they owned and crammed themselves on the Mayflower….to start a new colony of religious freedom in a new world…the courage, the manifest destiny of them doing so, and the costs. Remarkable….
This year with so many changes….and we know that the only constant in the Universe is change…we simply, and I mean simply need to trust God in all and everything, all the time. Love one another, take care of each other, encourage one another,
There are and have been so many changes socially, politically, financially, relationally, and some of them dramatically….without JESUS we might begin to lose hope, but as long as we KNOW that
God is on our side….and He is, we have MUCH TO BE THANKFUL FOR.
~ Though I do not know the circumstances of your lives, I do know some things that for some of you are very difficult and your heart aches. Please, instead of continual worry, offer up words of thanksgiving and words of prayer, trusting that all things will work together for the good for you.
As we all are aware….this coming Friday
have. Fear could be what we move and live and have our being in….but instead, using of course caution and common sense, we can move in thankfulness, joy and prayer. Loving, supporting and encouraging one another in the Lord every day and during this time of uncertainty.
~ Please….as you leave today, leave with a grateful heart.
~ In finishing this message this morning, I am going to ask us to sing this song,
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks unto the Holy One
Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son
And now,
Let the weak say, “I am strong”
Let the poor say, “I am rich
Because of what the Lord has done for us”
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks unto the Holy One
Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son
November 27, 2022
Thanks-living with Thanks-Giving
Tom Shanor, Pastor
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will in Christ Jesus for you.
Pandemic 2020, and until now, has filled and changed our lives to the extent we will know only as time goes forward. As for now, the news continues to be filled with rumors, divisions, strife, anger, suspicion, with the result bringing out both the good and ugly in people. Paranoia reigns even now amidst all of this and more. It is time for you and I…to set aside rumors, conspiracies, irrational, emotional responses, and pray more, seek God more, along with His Wisdom. It is our role to be examples to others.
As Christians, these words of Paul’s should resonate in us through it all. “Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”
Our joy, our prayers, and our thankfulness often fluctuates with our circumstances, and that is only normal. I have heard and experienced myself, and know examples of ordinary people, who through their belief/faith, came through extremely difficult and even extraordinary circumstances, managing to be and do all three of these. Being thankful, prayerful and some, even joyful. Doing so goes against our natural reactions, but, when we make a conscious decision, a choice to do what God in Christ tells us to, it is always for our benefit and well-being, both for the benefit of ourselves and others. In being obedient to the truths of Jesus’ teaching however, we can then begin to see not only our circumstances more from His perspective, but those of other people and yes, ourselves in difficult circumstances with a new perspective. A spiritual perspective that affects our natural ones. Not that we are our every should be joyful
in the suffering of others or our own….but joyful in that God knows our pain, our fears, our hopes and even dreams, but how to avoid circumstances such as we sometimes find ourselves in, we often can’t as it is the way this world works, (for now), and our attitude through it all, will often influence and even determine the outcome.
A well-known stress researcher named Hans Seyle, claims though his research results, that two attitudes. more than any others influence the quality of our everyday lives, and on those two emotions depends our peace of mind, and our feelings of security or insecurity. Of fulfillment or frustration, in short, the way we make our way through our daily life.
The most destructive emotion is revenge, but in contrast, deep contrast, among ALL emotions, there is one which more than any other, accounts for the absence of stress in human relations; and that is the choice, accompanied by feelings of gratitude, thankfulness and thanks-giving, looking for those things that we have to be thankful for. At times it may seem, and will be a fact that our difficulties circumstances seem to outweigh the good. The death of someone we love, a divorce, an estranged child or even friend.
If we control (and we can through Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit) control the emotion behind the feelings, and take them captive as we are also told to, take every negative thought captive to the obedience of Jesus…and give them over to Him, trusting Him with everything we are and have, trusting Him…that in time all things will work together for good. Taking captive those ponderous emotions….and even starting with something small that indeed we are grateful for….is a great first beginning. Even a small thing such as this, will allow us then to the take the next step, find the next thing to be grateful for, and in time, continuing to do this….in a short amount of time, you will begin to feel lighter, casting all your emotional, mental and even physical burdens on Jesus for then you will sense the burden becoming lighter…for as in this picture, it shows how it works.
Victor Frankl, a researcher who studies the history of the Nazi death-camps, discovered through the writings of many of the Jewish prisoners to be uplifting, where they spoke of taking the time
to be thankful…. and to count their blessings. He wrote that these prisoners dreamed at night about a certain set of things more than other things, and those things were from the everyday, ordinary common things in their lives prior to their imprisonment. Warm read with melting butter, cakes, warm baths, their own beds, these dreams manifested and carried over into their then daily horrible lives feelings of comfort and relationships, giving them the ability to not only make it through the day but believe that in time their circumstances would get better. HOPE carried them through, those who made it.
Frankl said that the prisoners appreciated beauty in the ordinary as never before. In one especially poignant paragraph he wrote: “if someone had seen our faces on the journey from Auschwitz to a Bavarian camp, as we beheld the mountains of Salzburg,” no one would have believed our faces were those of men and women who had given up all hope of life and liberty. Despite this, or maybe because of it, we were carried away by the natural beauty we were beholding which we had missed for such an exceedingly long time.”
~ In the devotional “Springs in the Valley” the author tells of men who found a barn where Satan kept his seeds ready to be sown in the human heart. He found that the seeds could be made to grow almost anywhere. But when Satan was questioned, he reluctantly admitted that there was one place in which he could never get them to thrive. “And where is that? Asked the man. Satan replied in anger, “In the heart of a grateful person!
In everything give thanks,
In everything give thanks,
For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus,
Concerning you…..
1st Thessalonians 5:18 (again)
~ Please note that this verse does not say for everything but in everything.
~ To give Him thanks, in the midst of PERHAPS a very real and difficult situation you are living every day, shows that you are reaching out and up, simply saying and asking….God, I need you now, perhaps more or equal to (though different) any situation I have ever been through. I may not understand, but that is because my understanding is limited and finite, and Yours Jesus, is being able to see the beginning to the finish. Infinite! Open my heart Lord, that I might see the good, see the road ahead paved with Your Grace, Mercy and Love.
~ Living this life that we have been given comes with risks, daily risks both great and small. Since the fall of mankind, sin and its consequences have pervaded mankind and the world, yet not overwhelmed the earth and all that is on it, and will not! In my opinion, it has broken down the walls of purity that once had been established in the beginning, and the results were and are Illness, disease, disagreements, wars, pollution and as you know, so much more. The unexpected can and will continue to happen and as a result, often painful and distressful…..sometimes even to the point of death events occur. That is the reality we live in and with.
~ In my understanding and opinion, God does not point His finger at you and say, “I am giving you cancer, or cause the death of a child, or instigate a divorce, or I am going to cause you to be in a deadly accident. Or, I am going to bring about this hurricane, killing both the innocent and guilty together because of Gay marriage, or any number of social changes. That is not the God I have come to know these past 77 years. That is life in its sometimes-stark reality. Bad things happen to “so-called good people,” and good things happen to “so-called bad people.” But what He does do….is allow (for now) the earth and all who inhabit it to live in and under the consequences of how the natural world functions since the Fall of mankind….but one day, one fine day, all that will change.
~ For…as in those of the past, and the circumstances of today, as difficult and even awful as they may be….He desires that we call on Him in those, so that He, being invited by us to walk with us through these circumstances, and we, then know in our spirit and
soul that we do not walk alone. That His strength can be our strength, His wisdom our wisdom, His patience our patience and so much more.
~ We can join with Him, and with others of like-mindedness in prayer, giving thanks for what we do have, and where we have been, that brought us to where we are today. Together, when we suffer sorrow, together we can find comfort and even a measure of Joy. The literal touch of His hand…through one another’s hands.
~ If we start our day with the Lord in an attitude of giving thanks our day will be so much better, in every way……like-giving thanks for what we call the ordinary…of which many people do not have. A warm bed, food in the cupboards, heat, clothing to keep us dry and warm, bathrooms, showers, friends and family to interact with, perhaps a job (especially today) or even retirement that allows us to live as we do. ….how about the magnitude of medical facilities and physicians, nurses, etc. A place where mountains, forests, lakes and wildlife all come together in one area in which we can find joy during anytime of the year.
~ We…are blessed!
With the holiday THANKSGIVING arriving this Thursday, may we count the blessings we have, name then one by one, count the many blessings, see that God has done.
Last year I spoke on the Puritans, their circumstances, what caused them to sell everything they owned and crammed themselves on the Mayflower….to start a new colony of religious freedom in a new world…the courage, the manifest destiny of them doing so, and the costs. Remarkable….
This year with so many changes….and we know that the only constant in the Universe is change…we simply, and I mean simply need to trust God in all and everything, all the time. Love one another, take care of each other, encourage one another,
There are and have been so many changes socially, politically, financially, relationally, and some of them dramatically….without JESUS we might begin to lose hope, but as long as we KNOW that
God is on our side….and He is, we have MUCH TO BE THANKFUL FOR.
~ Though I do not know the circumstances of your lives, I do know some things that for some of you are very difficult and your heart aches. Please, instead of continual worry, offer up words of thanksgiving and words of prayer, trusting that all things will work together for the good for you.
As we all are aware….this coming Friday
have. Fear could be what we move and live and have our being in….but instead, using of course caution and common sense, we can move in thankfulness, joy and prayer. Loving, supporting and encouraging one another in the Lord every day and during this time of uncertainty.
~ Please….as you leave today, leave with a grateful heart.
~ In finishing this message this morning, I am going to ask us to sing this song,
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks unto the Holy One
Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son
And now,
Let the weak say, “I am strong”
Let the poor say, “I am rich
Because of what the Lord has done for us”
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks unto the Holy One
Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son
The Little Church in the Pines
Macks Inn, Island Park, Idaho
November 13, 2022
Sermon by: Pastor Tom Shanor
Genesis 1:26
And God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.”
Even the thought that we can become a God with all our weaknesses and fallibility is both outrageously egotistical and ignorant.
My hope and goal this morning, is for us to see ourselves as the title says, how we are like God….and to see God as our original, and singular source of existence, therefore our inspiration as to how to live. Without Him we would not be. Our ancestors did not rise out of gas and slime but we were made in the image of our Creator. Creation existed before us, so why in all this vastness, this planet that as I said last week, the mere fact that it exists is one in 700 Quadrillion. There are fifteen zeros in one quadrillion, and in 700 Quadrillion there are ten thousand five hundred zeros.
We know we exist because …we see, hear, feels, think, (most of the time) and we know by experience as those who came before us have died, that our time here is but for a short while. There are some people, in trying to comprehend, understand and grasp the enormity of this topic…this world, life, its meaning, our meaning, who have literally lost their minds, or have sunk into hopeless
despair unable to make sense of all of it. Without God…there is no future so we may as well, eat, drink and do whatever we want, for tomorrow we die. Tomorrow being a allegory of course, but you understand.
Let’s start now. with the Scripture that I read that underscores this topic. And God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness!”
The Hebrew word translated “God” is Elohim. El is the singular form. “Elohim” refers to ‘three or more’ Thus, the very word “God” in Hebrew speaks of the Trinity. This is one of the greatest mysteries of our faith/religion, and one which makes complete spiritual sense and yet for many is so very difficult to comprehend, for there is an element of Christianity that does not believe in the Trinity.
In fact, just a couple of weeks ago I received a call on the church phone from someone who wanted to know if I believed in the Trinity, then went on to say I was not only wrong but heretical and proceeded rather strongly to point out my error. I could tell that no matter what I said…I was going to be WRONG…and he was determined rather vociferously and self-righteously to point out where and how he could disprove it. The conversations didn’t last too long. He was more interested in speaking His opinion than listening to my response.
Well, you see, we too, are triune beings. We are 1. Body 2. Soul and 3. Spirit
The body refers to our physical being.
2.The soul refers to our mind. Emotions and personality, and because of these giving us relational and social skills, we can relate to the world around us and each other.
3.The spirit refers to our eternal being and enables us to believe in, communicate with and worship God. Animals have bodies and souls. But, they do not have spirits, because they are not made in God’s image, in their likeness.
“So, God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them. And God blessed
them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it.”…..meaning sustain your existence from it and, (this is amazing) assist God in taking it back from God’s enemy and ours, as we in time would come to understand….united with Christ and God’s Holy Spirit the part we are to play in His grand plan.
We know we do not resemble God physically….for John 4:24 says, “God is sprit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
My take on us being like God, supports the idea that God endowed humans with a certain kind of awareness, one which animals and other created beings were not given. We possess the capacity (God given) to live moral lives, by reason, purpose, planning, language, individual personality, creating community, and to live far beyond just obtaining food and shelter.
Morality and purpose apart from survival is distinctly human, and with this comes something I have spoken of recently….that God created us in as evidenced by all people groups in the world, a desire, no need to subject ourselves to a Being whom we give reverence and adulation to. It is that place created by God that generates and drives us to seek God, for in doing so it also gives us the meaning for our existence. God is purpose driven….as are we. This too is how we are like God.
All our experiences mean something, as they are a tool by which we grow in knowledge, wisdom, deeper purpose and understanding. We see and understand beauty, we see the consequences of wrong choices both in the environment and in our souls, mind and bodies, having the reasoning ability to (if we are smart) to not make those choices again, and correct if possible the results of such.
Here is the bottom line…..we are unique among all of creation.
We call Him Father. Father can refer to a metaphorical being who is considered to be the founder or Creator of all that exists.
Morality and purpose solely apart from God could not exist. Jehovah God…a unique name as revealed in the Bible (Exodus
3:15) and comes from a Hebrew verb that means “to become” and a number of scholars suggest that the name literally means “He Caused to Become.” This definition well fits Jehovah’s role as the Creator and the Fufiller of His purpose, giving us insight to know the Person behind the name Jehovah, especially His dominant quality….LOVE.
As an offshoot of direction I am going to address a bit of science and scientists, most who believe we have evolved and our closest living relatives are Chimpanzees. I certainly am not boing to clarify or argue with science because I do not have the knowledge, education or wisdom to do so, but I do have as I spoke of not so long ago, quoting a Biblical version of thinking….using reason, facts and Scripture….in conjunction with scientific facts.
Chimpanzees are often incorrectly put in the monkey family….but they are according to DNA in the Great Ape family, and according to are we. The other Great Ape is the Gorilla.
There is only one species of human being alive…homo Sapiens. In the past many scientists tried to argue that there were several species of humans, and would often hasten to add that they themselves belonged to the “superior species.” That sounds like human beings. : )
This may give you some things to think about. It is often said that humans and Chimpanzees share 99% of the same DNA, but it is now stated it is somewhere between 85 and 95 %. What that does show us is that we have a common environmental and creation factor. DNA is in every living thing on earth….as an example, we have about half the same DNA as a banana, so once again that simply shows we of the same creation.
Humans have some of the least genetic variations of all species…which is why inbreeding can cause genetic problems. Now this is amazing…..”two completely unrelated humans, regardless of race are genetically more similar than two sibling chimpanzees. X2
All DNA originates from God….therefore His signature DNA is in everything that exists, from the mite to the mighty.
WE humans are most like God…but indeed can never become a god, for it is not in our DNA.
Psalm 9:20 …..The Lord looks down from heaven and sees the whole human race.
Psalm 8:5…..What is human being, that you take thought of them, for You have made them “a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor.”
Psalm 89:47a…..Remember, how short their lives are.
1 Corinthians 2:13a….”When we tell you these things, (concerning God, Creation and Jesus) we do not use words that come from human wisdom.”
Being human and being given by God free will, and following the fall of man….each of us carries within us the capacity for both great good and great evil. Events close by and around the world tells us this. Great depth of love and deep hatred.
Amazing creativity and horrifying destruction. In our medical field we go to great lengths to save a life….and so easily destroy the life of an innocent in the womb. We are a dichotomy….which is where we differ greatly from God as show to us in His Son.
What truly sets us apart this morning from all other living beings is our God-given call to seek and to connect with our God through Jesus Christ…and the wisdom and strength to learn and abide in what it means to be a friend of God. The ability to come together to accomplish collectively what we cannot alone, but only if our heart, soul and spirit are united in Jesus Christ.
Forsake not the assemblying together….be of one mind….worship the Lord in the Spirit of holiness.
Being a mere human is easy because that is what we are…but being a human filled with the Presence and Spirit of God…now then, we will be a force to be reckoned with, for if God is for us who can be against us.
We have the capacity to be like God…but not God-like. There is a vast difference.
I spoke last week on one of my favorite virtues….KINDNESS, where one gesture of that virtue extended can make a huge difference the both the giver of that kindness and the receiver….and it is the same for all seven of them To be like God….all seven of those can a should be a part of our God-given DNA.
A tree cannot produce both good and bad fruit….a tree planted beside the still waters of Grace…nourished by the Spirit of God within us….in being like God, the origin of all good things…we must exhibit these in our quest to be like His Son.
LOVE is number 1.
From that love will flow Joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness.
As mere human beings….with God in our lives….can accomplish great and wonderful things…..IF ONLY….WE DESIRE TO BE ‘LIKE HIM”
Humble thyself in the sight of the lord…
Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord…
And He will lift you up…higher and higher
And He will lift you up…
Do unto others as we would have them do unto us.”
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.
In choosing to do these, you will be fully the human being created by God for His good works, and for the betterment of yourself, and those whom you encounter every day of your lives.
You are made in the image and likeness of God….show it.
It is just that simple…..and pure.
God Bless You…Amen
Macks Inn, Island Park, Idaho
November 13, 2022
Sermon by: Pastor Tom Shanor
Genesis 1:26
And God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.”
Even the thought that we can become a God with all our weaknesses and fallibility is both outrageously egotistical and ignorant.
My hope and goal this morning, is for us to see ourselves as the title says, how we are like God….and to see God as our original, and singular source of existence, therefore our inspiration as to how to live. Without Him we would not be. Our ancestors did not rise out of gas and slime but we were made in the image of our Creator. Creation existed before us, so why in all this vastness, this planet that as I said last week, the mere fact that it exists is one in 700 Quadrillion. There are fifteen zeros in one quadrillion, and in 700 Quadrillion there are ten thousand five hundred zeros.
We know we exist because …we see, hear, feels, think, (most of the time) and we know by experience as those who came before us have died, that our time here is but for a short while. There are some people, in trying to comprehend, understand and grasp the enormity of this topic…this world, life, its meaning, our meaning, who have literally lost their minds, or have sunk into hopeless
despair unable to make sense of all of it. Without God…there is no future so we may as well, eat, drink and do whatever we want, for tomorrow we die. Tomorrow being a allegory of course, but you understand.
Let’s start now. with the Scripture that I read that underscores this topic. And God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness!”
The Hebrew word translated “God” is Elohim. El is the singular form. “Elohim” refers to ‘three or more’ Thus, the very word “God” in Hebrew speaks of the Trinity. This is one of the greatest mysteries of our faith/religion, and one which makes complete spiritual sense and yet for many is so very difficult to comprehend, for there is an element of Christianity that does not believe in the Trinity.
In fact, just a couple of weeks ago I received a call on the church phone from someone who wanted to know if I believed in the Trinity, then went on to say I was not only wrong but heretical and proceeded rather strongly to point out my error. I could tell that no matter what I said…I was going to be WRONG…and he was determined rather vociferously and self-righteously to point out where and how he could disprove it. The conversations didn’t last too long. He was more interested in speaking His opinion than listening to my response.
Well, you see, we too, are triune beings. We are 1. Body 2. Soul and 3. Spirit
The body refers to our physical being.
2.The soul refers to our mind. Emotions and personality, and because of these giving us relational and social skills, we can relate to the world around us and each other.
3.The spirit refers to our eternal being and enables us to believe in, communicate with and worship God. Animals have bodies and souls. But, they do not have spirits, because they are not made in God’s image, in their likeness.
“So, God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them. And God blessed
them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it.”…..meaning sustain your existence from it and, (this is amazing) assist God in taking it back from God’s enemy and ours, as we in time would come to understand….united with Christ and God’s Holy Spirit the part we are to play in His grand plan.
We know we do not resemble God physically….for John 4:24 says, “God is sprit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
My take on us being like God, supports the idea that God endowed humans with a certain kind of awareness, one which animals and other created beings were not given. We possess the capacity (God given) to live moral lives, by reason, purpose, planning, language, individual personality, creating community, and to live far beyond just obtaining food and shelter.
Morality and purpose apart from survival is distinctly human, and with this comes something I have spoken of recently….that God created us in as evidenced by all people groups in the world, a desire, no need to subject ourselves to a Being whom we give reverence and adulation to. It is that place created by God that generates and drives us to seek God, for in doing so it also gives us the meaning for our existence. God is purpose driven….as are we. This too is how we are like God.
All our experiences mean something, as they are a tool by which we grow in knowledge, wisdom, deeper purpose and understanding. We see and understand beauty, we see the consequences of wrong choices both in the environment and in our souls, mind and bodies, having the reasoning ability to (if we are smart) to not make those choices again, and correct if possible the results of such.
Here is the bottom line…..we are unique among all of creation.
We call Him Father. Father can refer to a metaphorical being who is considered to be the founder or Creator of all that exists.
Morality and purpose solely apart from God could not exist. Jehovah God…a unique name as revealed in the Bible (Exodus
3:15) and comes from a Hebrew verb that means “to become” and a number of scholars suggest that the name literally means “He Caused to Become.” This definition well fits Jehovah’s role as the Creator and the Fufiller of His purpose, giving us insight to know the Person behind the name Jehovah, especially His dominant quality….LOVE.
As an offshoot of direction I am going to address a bit of science and scientists, most who believe we have evolved and our closest living relatives are Chimpanzees. I certainly am not boing to clarify or argue with science because I do not have the knowledge, education or wisdom to do so, but I do have as I spoke of not so long ago, quoting a Biblical version of thinking….using reason, facts and Scripture….in conjunction with scientific facts.
Chimpanzees are often incorrectly put in the monkey family….but they are according to DNA in the Great Ape family, and according to are we. The other Great Ape is the Gorilla.
There is only one species of human being alive…homo Sapiens. In the past many scientists tried to argue that there were several species of humans, and would often hasten to add that they themselves belonged to the “superior species.” That sounds like human beings. : )
This may give you some things to think about. It is often said that humans and Chimpanzees share 99% of the same DNA, but it is now stated it is somewhere between 85 and 95 %. What that does show us is that we have a common environmental and creation factor. DNA is in every living thing on earth….as an example, we have about half the same DNA as a banana, so once again that simply shows we of the same creation.
Humans have some of the least genetic variations of all species…which is why inbreeding can cause genetic problems. Now this is amazing…..”two completely unrelated humans, regardless of race are genetically more similar than two sibling chimpanzees. X2
All DNA originates from God….therefore His signature DNA is in everything that exists, from the mite to the mighty.
WE humans are most like God…but indeed can never become a god, for it is not in our DNA.
Psalm 9:20 …..The Lord looks down from heaven and sees the whole human race.
Psalm 8:5…..What is human being, that you take thought of them, for You have made them “a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor.”
Psalm 89:47a…..Remember, how short their lives are.
1 Corinthians 2:13a….”When we tell you these things, (concerning God, Creation and Jesus) we do not use words that come from human wisdom.”
Being human and being given by God free will, and following the fall of man….each of us carries within us the capacity for both great good and great evil. Events close by and around the world tells us this. Great depth of love and deep hatred.
Amazing creativity and horrifying destruction. In our medical field we go to great lengths to save a life….and so easily destroy the life of an innocent in the womb. We are a dichotomy….which is where we differ greatly from God as show to us in His Son.
What truly sets us apart this morning from all other living beings is our God-given call to seek and to connect with our God through Jesus Christ…and the wisdom and strength to learn and abide in what it means to be a friend of God. The ability to come together to accomplish collectively what we cannot alone, but only if our heart, soul and spirit are united in Jesus Christ.
Forsake not the assemblying together….be of one mind….worship the Lord in the Spirit of holiness.
Being a mere human is easy because that is what we are…but being a human filled with the Presence and Spirit of God…now then, we will be a force to be reckoned with, for if God is for us who can be against us.
We have the capacity to be like God…but not God-like. There is a vast difference.
I spoke last week on one of my favorite virtues….KINDNESS, where one gesture of that virtue extended can make a huge difference the both the giver of that kindness and the receiver….and it is the same for all seven of them To be like God….all seven of those can a should be a part of our God-given DNA.
A tree cannot produce both good and bad fruit….a tree planted beside the still waters of Grace…nourished by the Spirit of God within us….in being like God, the origin of all good things…we must exhibit these in our quest to be like His Son.
LOVE is number 1.
From that love will flow Joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness.
As mere human beings….with God in our lives….can accomplish great and wonderful things…..IF ONLY….WE DESIRE TO BE ‘LIKE HIM”
Humble thyself in the sight of the lord…
Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord…
And He will lift you up…higher and higher
And He will lift you up…
Do unto others as we would have them do unto us.”
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.
In choosing to do these, you will be fully the human being created by God for His good works, and for the betterment of yourself, and those whom you encounter every day of your lives.
You are made in the image and likeness of God….show it.
It is just that simple…..and pure.
God Bless You…Amen
The Little Church in the Pines
October 9, 2022
Macks Inn, Island Park, Idaho
Tom Shanor, Pastor
“In Jesus Name”
Matthew 1:21 (KJV)
And she will bring forth a Son, and thou shalt call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins.
John 16:24b
Ask, using My name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant JOY.”
There are a half dozen Scriptures stating mostly the same thing with little variation. The NAME OF JESUS the CHRIST is the most recognized name in the world today. His name to this day carries great import and power. Many love Him by His name and many then and today hate the name of JESUS, as we hear all too often.
I had a rather odd experience in the Trout Hunter last week. A young woman (waitress) I got to know through our Old Men’s Breakfast at the Lake Side Lodge, her no longer there, was pregnant last time I saw her. She now has of course this beautiful little boy about a year and a half old.
She came up to me, asking in a sweet and gentle manner if I would consider baptizing this little one, come Spring in the river. We talked and agreed to stay in touch. About two minutes later, she was talking to a friend who asked her a question. Her answer, quite
forcefully and loudly was JESUS CHRIST…. are you crazy. The disconnection absolutely floored me.
I have to say…. I cringe every time I head the name of JESUS used as a exclamatory swear word.
So…after that illustration….. what is in a name? I’m going to spend a bit of time explaining from several different viewpoints and cultures, coming then back to the Nome of JESUS, and the value and importance attributed to His name.
I am going to throw in here this little word of wisdom. When life starts crowding in on you….circumstances are pushing down on you…and you feel your knees starting to buckle whether literally or metaphorically, so this, which is something I do myself, first, with my lips moving, and quietly begin to simply say the name of JESUS….and as soon as I do that, my soul, spirit, mind and body immediately begin to find His calming Presence…finding at first a small measure of peace….and then it deepens as I continue to say His Name slowly, deeply and repetitively.
A beautiful name…a name that carries with it love, power and meaning, applicable in any and all disruptive situations. Try it yourself and you will find what I say here is true.
So, what’s in a name?
Everything we are, publicly and privately. It, whether, as in Tom, which is shared by many others, still identifies me. Put together my face with my name and who knows what thoughts are going to arise….and which will differ of course, depending on the individual.
Some good perhaps, and some not so good.
As is the case in most people, we have a first, middle and last name, sometimes more. At times there may be a title such as pastor, doctor, nurse, lawyer, etc…. that may be in front of the our name or after our name depending on how it is used. This title also further identifies us more specifically.
Now…then there is our family name. Carpenter as an example…. originally, most like an ancestor was a carpenter, and
became attached not only to the carpenter, then his sons, etc., finally landing as their last name, hence their root name.
My last name is Shanor…originally spelled Schoe’ner, its root being both Jewish (Yiddish) and German….and comes from the Biblical word Shinar…. from the Babylonian Empire…where there lies “a beautiful, level plain”…which is what Shinar means….but also, it has been adapted to mean the wonderful taste of Shiner beer.
All of your last names in particular has a unique and most likely interesting root…even Jones and Smith.
In the ancient world, particularly in the ancient near-east, (Israel, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Persia) names are thought to be extremely powerful and act in some ways as a separate manifestation of a person or even deity. This *viewpoint, is responsible for the reluctance to use the proper name of God…in Hebrew writing or even speech. Yahweh in Hebrew is the proper name of God, not to be taken lightly, or spoken flippantly for fear of what might happen in showing disrespect to God the Almighty!
In Luke 9:49, in which the disciples claim to have seen a man driving out demons using the name of JESUS, even though he was not a follower of Jesus, (having seen the disciples casting out demons in JESUS name) he decided to try it…and it worked! The disciples got very upset about this and wanted to come against this man…and Jesus told them not to, saying “anyone who is for us, is not against us!” Hence…the power in His name…used by a stranger, had the power in and of itself, to be effective in the ministry of this stranger.
In specifically a Catholic exorcism, it is believed that in order for a demon to be cast out (referring to the illustration of Jesus casting out the demons in the man at the graveyard, whose name was Legion, because there were so many in possession of him, causing them to go into a herd of pigs that we are told ran en-mass into a lake and drowned, as illustrated here can only happen once the demon is identified by name. Now…most likely there are some here who do not believe in demons, but by not believing we are
diminishing the Person and Name of Jesus, and to a measure His ministry. As I stated I think just last week, I have both seen and heard the voices of more than one. Along with this methodology having personally used it. It works….in the name of JESUS.
Also, we find some places in the Bible, where names have been changed to more significantly apply to, and describe the new person and their new identity.
A few examples: Solomon name means peace, and the Solomon was the only king in Israel whose reign was completely without war.
Abram and is wife Sari were renamed by God to Abraham and Sarah, at the institution or establishing of the Abrahamic covenant. (Genesis 17:4 and 15. Simon was renamed Peter by Jesus when he was given the “Keys to Heaven, and when Saul’s name was changed to Paul after His personal and dynamic encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus.
Jesus, as I read earlier, was given His name by God Himself, spoken through the visitation…. JESUS, which is pronounced correctly as we speak it….but also ‘hay-SOOS,’ Hebrew in origin and its translated meaning being,” THE LORD OF SALVATION.”
It is also short of Joshua, from the Hebrew name Jehoshua, which is derived from Jehovah or Yeshua. All having to do with salvation. All applicable to the name of Jesus…and because of its root, you can understand the accumulated power that came with it.
There are many TITLE names given or ascribed to Jesus throughout Scripture, both in the Old and New Testaments, and I am doing to tell you what some of them are.
ALMIGHTY ONE, “Who is and was and who is to come.” Rev. 1:8
Here is the applicable life lesson as Christians for us in all of this….as it comes down to one thing.
Since we are most likely known in part by our faith…. we either enhance our name by our words and behavior, or we detract and possibly demean our name….and therefore the name of JESUS also, since we represent Him to all those who know us by our name, our faith, our words and in general our lives.
Live up to the WONDERFUL name of JESUS…and in lifting Him up, we in turn…are lifted up.
Now…to close this message/sermon…we are going to listen to a music video…. written and performed by Hillsong…. titled,
October 9, 2022
Macks Inn, Island Park, Idaho
Tom Shanor, Pastor
“In Jesus Name”
Matthew 1:21 (KJV)
And she will bring forth a Son, and thou shalt call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins.
John 16:24b
Ask, using My name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant JOY.”
There are a half dozen Scriptures stating mostly the same thing with little variation. The NAME OF JESUS the CHRIST is the most recognized name in the world today. His name to this day carries great import and power. Many love Him by His name and many then and today hate the name of JESUS, as we hear all too often.
I had a rather odd experience in the Trout Hunter last week. A young woman (waitress) I got to know through our Old Men’s Breakfast at the Lake Side Lodge, her no longer there, was pregnant last time I saw her. She now has of course this beautiful little boy about a year and a half old.
She came up to me, asking in a sweet and gentle manner if I would consider baptizing this little one, come Spring in the river. We talked and agreed to stay in touch. About two minutes later, she was talking to a friend who asked her a question. Her answer, quite
forcefully and loudly was JESUS CHRIST…. are you crazy. The disconnection absolutely floored me.
I have to say…. I cringe every time I head the name of JESUS used as a exclamatory swear word.
So…after that illustration….. what is in a name? I’m going to spend a bit of time explaining from several different viewpoints and cultures, coming then back to the Nome of JESUS, and the value and importance attributed to His name.
I am going to throw in here this little word of wisdom. When life starts crowding in on you….circumstances are pushing down on you…and you feel your knees starting to buckle whether literally or metaphorically, so this, which is something I do myself, first, with my lips moving, and quietly begin to simply say the name of JESUS….and as soon as I do that, my soul, spirit, mind and body immediately begin to find His calming Presence…finding at first a small measure of peace….and then it deepens as I continue to say His Name slowly, deeply and repetitively.
A beautiful name…a name that carries with it love, power and meaning, applicable in any and all disruptive situations. Try it yourself and you will find what I say here is true.
So, what’s in a name?
Everything we are, publicly and privately. It, whether, as in Tom, which is shared by many others, still identifies me. Put together my face with my name and who knows what thoughts are going to arise….and which will differ of course, depending on the individual.
Some good perhaps, and some not so good.
As is the case in most people, we have a first, middle and last name, sometimes more. At times there may be a title such as pastor, doctor, nurse, lawyer, etc…. that may be in front of the our name or after our name depending on how it is used. This title also further identifies us more specifically.
Now…then there is our family name. Carpenter as an example…. originally, most like an ancestor was a carpenter, and
became attached not only to the carpenter, then his sons, etc., finally landing as their last name, hence their root name.
My last name is Shanor…originally spelled Schoe’ner, its root being both Jewish (Yiddish) and German….and comes from the Biblical word Shinar…. from the Babylonian Empire…where there lies “a beautiful, level plain”…which is what Shinar means….but also, it has been adapted to mean the wonderful taste of Shiner beer.
All of your last names in particular has a unique and most likely interesting root…even Jones and Smith.
In the ancient world, particularly in the ancient near-east, (Israel, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Persia) names are thought to be extremely powerful and act in some ways as a separate manifestation of a person or even deity. This *viewpoint, is responsible for the reluctance to use the proper name of God…in Hebrew writing or even speech. Yahweh in Hebrew is the proper name of God, not to be taken lightly, or spoken flippantly for fear of what might happen in showing disrespect to God the Almighty!
In Luke 9:49, in which the disciples claim to have seen a man driving out demons using the name of JESUS, even though he was not a follower of Jesus, (having seen the disciples casting out demons in JESUS name) he decided to try it…and it worked! The disciples got very upset about this and wanted to come against this man…and Jesus told them not to, saying “anyone who is for us, is not against us!” Hence…the power in His name…used by a stranger, had the power in and of itself, to be effective in the ministry of this stranger.
In specifically a Catholic exorcism, it is believed that in order for a demon to be cast out (referring to the illustration of Jesus casting out the demons in the man at the graveyard, whose name was Legion, because there were so many in possession of him, causing them to go into a herd of pigs that we are told ran en-mass into a lake and drowned, as illustrated here can only happen once the demon is identified by name. Now…most likely there are some here who do not believe in demons, but by not believing we are
diminishing the Person and Name of Jesus, and to a measure His ministry. As I stated I think just last week, I have both seen and heard the voices of more than one. Along with this methodology having personally used it. It works….in the name of JESUS.
Also, we find some places in the Bible, where names have been changed to more significantly apply to, and describe the new person and their new identity.
A few examples: Solomon name means peace, and the Solomon was the only king in Israel whose reign was completely without war.
Abram and is wife Sari were renamed by God to Abraham and Sarah, at the institution or establishing of the Abrahamic covenant. (Genesis 17:4 and 15. Simon was renamed Peter by Jesus when he was given the “Keys to Heaven, and when Saul’s name was changed to Paul after His personal and dynamic encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus.
Jesus, as I read earlier, was given His name by God Himself, spoken through the visitation…. JESUS, which is pronounced correctly as we speak it….but also ‘hay-SOOS,’ Hebrew in origin and its translated meaning being,” THE LORD OF SALVATION.”
It is also short of Joshua, from the Hebrew name Jehoshua, which is derived from Jehovah or Yeshua. All having to do with salvation. All applicable to the name of Jesus…and because of its root, you can understand the accumulated power that came with it.
There are many TITLE names given or ascribed to Jesus throughout Scripture, both in the Old and New Testaments, and I am doing to tell you what some of them are.
ALMIGHTY ONE, “Who is and was and who is to come.” Rev. 1:8
Here is the applicable life lesson as Christians for us in all of this….as it comes down to one thing.
Since we are most likely known in part by our faith…. we either enhance our name by our words and behavior, or we detract and possibly demean our name….and therefore the name of JESUS also, since we represent Him to all those who know us by our name, our faith, our words and in general our lives.
Live up to the WONDERFUL name of JESUS…and in lifting Him up, we in turn…are lifted up.
Now…to close this message/sermon…we are going to listen to a music video…. written and performed by Hillsong…. titled,
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The Little Church in the Pines
Sermon by: Pastor Tom Shanor
August 4, 2022
John 9:12,
Jesus said, “I am the LIGHT of the world. The who follow Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the LIGHT OF LIFE.”
This was said about Jesus by Yale historian Jeroslave Pelikan who wrote, “Regardless of what anyone may personally think or believe about Him, Jesus of Nazareth has been the dominant figure in the history of Western Culture for almost 20 centuries. If it were possible, with some sort of super magnet, to pull up out of history every scrap of metal bearing at least a trace of the name of Jesus Christ, how much would be left?”
It turns out that the life of Jesus is a comet with an exceedingly long tail. Here are some of the shards of His impact that most often surprise people.
Jesus said…Let the little children come to Me. Such as there make up the kingdom of heaven…and we are to be like them in innocence and love.
In the ancient world children were routinely left to die of exposure-especially if they were the wrong gender (you can guess which was the wrong one) also they were then as they are still today in some countries, sold into slavery, married at a very young age to old men…. and all too often sold as sex slaves.
Jesus’ treatment of and view of children led to the forbidding of these practices in our Western Culture….
A Norwegian scholar whose last name was Bakke, wrote a study of this impact, simply title: “When Children Became People: The Birth of Childhood in Early Christianity.”
NLT of Matthew 19:14, Jesus said to His disciples who were working at keeping the children at bay…” Let the little children come to Me. Don’t stop them, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people who are like these children.”
Understanding this leads us into what I believe is one of the most important and easiest behavior to adopt……aspect of Jesus’ character, and that would be and is KINDNESS…
Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
As we know, sometimes that’s easier said than done! Certain things, people and events pop up in life than test our patience and alter our mood, sometimes drastically. We may have a strained relationship with a family member, a church family member, a co-worker, neighbor or even a friend who at any moment can trigger us into the negative.
Showing KINDNESS takes a desire to do so…and learning why it is important…. then applying it in, if possible, all situations.
To some people it just seems to come naturally, but to others of us…well, you know.
There were times when Jesus showed the opposite of kindness, but…remembering His reasons…one being in the case of confrontation with the religious leaders, kindness was seen by them as a weakness to be taken advantage of. JESUS, in confronting them, sometimes harshly, was His attempt to get their attention as to the state of their own hard hearts, and to show them their religion as they lived It, was impossible for the ordinary man and woman, and to understand the harshness of the lives most of these people led, and therefore, to have compassion and show kindness.
We too need to be reminded, that showing kindness toward one another benefits everybody. It’s all about channeling the Love of
God in Jesus to those immediately around us, every day, in every way that we can.
Colossians 3:12-13 “Put on the, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.”
If being kind does not come easy to us…. Jesus examples and His teachings, are there to show us who believe in and follow Him, as His disciples….to show us the way. As in all things that are difficult and need to be changed within us…. we must first see the need for change, and then the desire to change. Without those it will be impossible.
Proverbs 19:17 “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay you for your good deed.”
Bottom Line…. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Perhaps the most important character quality or VIRTUE of JESUS in setting the examples He did was HUMILITY.
VIRTUE, is a morally positive trait or quality deemed to be morally good.
HUMILITY, is little understood and because of that, practiced all too little. It’s importance in both our spiritual and secular sides of life if followed, would improve not only our own lives, but the lives of those we interact with every day.
There is a song that uses these words…. “Humble thyself in the sight of the LORD, and HE will lift you up…. higher and higher, and He will life you up. From James 4:10
We spend far too much time attempting to lift ourselves up higher and higher, so others will think highly of us, when, if we
take the road of humility and were lifted up by Him, it would be a genuine and authentic lifting by the LORD Himself.
We love and look for the praises of others all too much, counting on them to cause us to FEEL SMART, TALENTED, WORTHWHILE…OF VALUE, often because in ourselves, down deep inside we don’t FEEL it…and all the while it is the inner man and woman we need to be nurturing and paying close attention to what we are feeding ourselves with.
The best and simplest way to describe humility is “to put others before our selves” just as JESUS did. This does not mean we don’t count or work towards being successful in whatever choices we make.
It simply means we do not over-indulge ourselves, while letting others do without the basics of life…a life worth living.
1. Housing
2. Food
3. Clothing
4. Clean water
Would you not think that JESUS would also want these things for all people?
Many churches have stepped up to help those less fortunate…. & God will look with favor upon them.
2nd Chronicles 7:14“and My people who ae called by My name who humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, (narcissism included) then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins and heal their land.”
Augustine said, “If you ask me, what is the first precept of the Christian religion? I will answer; first, second and third, HUMILITY.” There is to be no place for pride in our religion or our personal faith. All that we are, all that we have, and all that we desire to be, should be grounded in Jesus Christ alone, given to us as a free gift…. WE DID NOT AND CANNOT EARN IT!
I would be neglectful if I did not address this next word in regard to HUMILIYY, and that word is PRIDE.
Philippians 2:8 to finish HUMILITY first.
“and being found in the appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death on the cross.”
PRIDE….in one’s ability to follow all the rules, ordinances, etc. (the spiritual dos and don’ts that some religions and even churches deem necessary…to make them FEEL HOLY and pridefully better than those who don’t…. have thereby sinned in the process of LOOKING and SOUNDING holy.
This is why we do good works…. Mark 9:41, For truly I say to you, (this is Jesus speaking) whoever gives someone a cup of water to drink because they belong to Christ will by no means lose His or her reward.” MOTIVATION behind what we do is everything.” BECAUSE WE LOVE HIM….AND GOD HAS PREPARED AHEAD OF TIME ACTS OF SERVANTHOOD FOR US TO DO….and will present them to us in our everyday lives.
It is only by honoring God above all else, and humbling ourselves by thanking Him for using us to help others, and by doing so help build His Kingdom on earth…and by doing so, find favor in His sight…as we follow in the footsteps of JESUS!
“so, He got up from the meal, took off His outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around His waist. After that, He poured water into a basin…. (Can you imagine the consternation and questions flooding the minds of those gathered there, “what is going on, what is Jesus going to do?” and He got to His knees (this is God Himself in His Son” for when you see the Son, you see the Father.” And began to wash the disciples’ feet, not only washing, but drying them with the towel from around His waist.
I have always been in awe of this singular action of love, …. this profound show of HUMILITY…. even more than any miracle He brought in all His ministry…. ON HIS KNEES…washing the smelliest, dirtiest members of their bodies….and in doing so, fully and completely exampling for all of us…the true meaning of lack of pride and example of HUMILITY.
HUMBLE THYSELF IN THE SIGHT OF THE LORD, AND He will lift you up…higher and higher, and he will lift you up.
Obviously…Jesus loves you…. every one of you.
Can you say amen to that………….
Sermon by: Pastor Tom Shanor
August 4, 2022
John 9:12,
Jesus said, “I am the LIGHT of the world. The who follow Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the LIGHT OF LIFE.”
This was said about Jesus by Yale historian Jeroslave Pelikan who wrote, “Regardless of what anyone may personally think or believe about Him, Jesus of Nazareth has been the dominant figure in the history of Western Culture for almost 20 centuries. If it were possible, with some sort of super magnet, to pull up out of history every scrap of metal bearing at least a trace of the name of Jesus Christ, how much would be left?”
It turns out that the life of Jesus is a comet with an exceedingly long tail. Here are some of the shards of His impact that most often surprise people.
Jesus said…Let the little children come to Me. Such as there make up the kingdom of heaven…and we are to be like them in innocence and love.
In the ancient world children were routinely left to die of exposure-especially if they were the wrong gender (you can guess which was the wrong one) also they were then as they are still today in some countries, sold into slavery, married at a very young age to old men…. and all too often sold as sex slaves.
Jesus’ treatment of and view of children led to the forbidding of these practices in our Western Culture….
A Norwegian scholar whose last name was Bakke, wrote a study of this impact, simply title: “When Children Became People: The Birth of Childhood in Early Christianity.”
NLT of Matthew 19:14, Jesus said to His disciples who were working at keeping the children at bay…” Let the little children come to Me. Don’t stop them, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people who are like these children.”
Understanding this leads us into what I believe is one of the most important and easiest behavior to adopt……aspect of Jesus’ character, and that would be and is KINDNESS…
Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
As we know, sometimes that’s easier said than done! Certain things, people and events pop up in life than test our patience and alter our mood, sometimes drastically. We may have a strained relationship with a family member, a church family member, a co-worker, neighbor or even a friend who at any moment can trigger us into the negative.
Showing KINDNESS takes a desire to do so…and learning why it is important…. then applying it in, if possible, all situations.
To some people it just seems to come naturally, but to others of us…well, you know.
There were times when Jesus showed the opposite of kindness, but…remembering His reasons…one being in the case of confrontation with the religious leaders, kindness was seen by them as a weakness to be taken advantage of. JESUS, in confronting them, sometimes harshly, was His attempt to get their attention as to the state of their own hard hearts, and to show them their religion as they lived It, was impossible for the ordinary man and woman, and to understand the harshness of the lives most of these people led, and therefore, to have compassion and show kindness.
We too need to be reminded, that showing kindness toward one another benefits everybody. It’s all about channeling the Love of
God in Jesus to those immediately around us, every day, in every way that we can.
Colossians 3:12-13 “Put on the, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.”
If being kind does not come easy to us…. Jesus examples and His teachings, are there to show us who believe in and follow Him, as His disciples….to show us the way. As in all things that are difficult and need to be changed within us…. we must first see the need for change, and then the desire to change. Without those it will be impossible.
Proverbs 19:17 “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay you for your good deed.”
Bottom Line…. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Perhaps the most important character quality or VIRTUE of JESUS in setting the examples He did was HUMILITY.
VIRTUE, is a morally positive trait or quality deemed to be morally good.
HUMILITY, is little understood and because of that, practiced all too little. It’s importance in both our spiritual and secular sides of life if followed, would improve not only our own lives, but the lives of those we interact with every day.
There is a song that uses these words…. “Humble thyself in the sight of the LORD, and HE will lift you up…. higher and higher, and He will life you up. From James 4:10
We spend far too much time attempting to lift ourselves up higher and higher, so others will think highly of us, when, if we
take the road of humility and were lifted up by Him, it would be a genuine and authentic lifting by the LORD Himself.
We love and look for the praises of others all too much, counting on them to cause us to FEEL SMART, TALENTED, WORTHWHILE…OF VALUE, often because in ourselves, down deep inside we don’t FEEL it…and all the while it is the inner man and woman we need to be nurturing and paying close attention to what we are feeding ourselves with.
The best and simplest way to describe humility is “to put others before our selves” just as JESUS did. This does not mean we don’t count or work towards being successful in whatever choices we make.
It simply means we do not over-indulge ourselves, while letting others do without the basics of life…a life worth living.
1. Housing
2. Food
3. Clothing
4. Clean water
Would you not think that JESUS would also want these things for all people?
Many churches have stepped up to help those less fortunate…. & God will look with favor upon them.
2nd Chronicles 7:14“and My people who ae called by My name who humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, (narcissism included) then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins and heal their land.”
Augustine said, “If you ask me, what is the first precept of the Christian religion? I will answer; first, second and third, HUMILITY.” There is to be no place for pride in our religion or our personal faith. All that we are, all that we have, and all that we desire to be, should be grounded in Jesus Christ alone, given to us as a free gift…. WE DID NOT AND CANNOT EARN IT!
I would be neglectful if I did not address this next word in regard to HUMILIYY, and that word is PRIDE.
Philippians 2:8 to finish HUMILITY first.
“and being found in the appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death on the cross.”
PRIDE….in one’s ability to follow all the rules, ordinances, etc. (the spiritual dos and don’ts that some religions and even churches deem necessary…to make them FEEL HOLY and pridefully better than those who don’t…. have thereby sinned in the process of LOOKING and SOUNDING holy.
This is why we do good works…. Mark 9:41, For truly I say to you, (this is Jesus speaking) whoever gives someone a cup of water to drink because they belong to Christ will by no means lose His or her reward.” MOTIVATION behind what we do is everything.” BECAUSE WE LOVE HIM….AND GOD HAS PREPARED AHEAD OF TIME ACTS OF SERVANTHOOD FOR US TO DO….and will present them to us in our everyday lives.
It is only by honoring God above all else, and humbling ourselves by thanking Him for using us to help others, and by doing so help build His Kingdom on earth…and by doing so, find favor in His sight…as we follow in the footsteps of JESUS!
“so, He got up from the meal, took off His outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around His waist. After that, He poured water into a basin…. (Can you imagine the consternation and questions flooding the minds of those gathered there, “what is going on, what is Jesus going to do?” and He got to His knees (this is God Himself in His Son” for when you see the Son, you see the Father.” And began to wash the disciples’ feet, not only washing, but drying them with the towel from around His waist.
I have always been in awe of this singular action of love, …. this profound show of HUMILITY…. even more than any miracle He brought in all His ministry…. ON HIS KNEES…washing the smelliest, dirtiest members of their bodies….and in doing so, fully and completely exampling for all of us…the true meaning of lack of pride and example of HUMILITY.
HUMBLE THYSELF IN THE SIGHT OF THE LORD, AND He will lift you up…higher and higher, and he will lift you up.
Obviously…Jesus loves you…. every one of you.
Can you say amen to that………….
The Little Church in the Pines
Island Park, Idaho
July 24, 2022
~ <> ~
& All who will humble themselves
2nd Chronicles 7: 14
“If My people who are called by my name and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and forgive their sins and restore their land.”
My reason for this sermon is to clarify the scope of God’s pursuit of you and I, through His Son Jesus Christ. The depth of His love is shown through Jesus, in His freewill choice to become a living sacrifice, that we might through His birth, life, teachings, death and resurrection be made acceptable to God, and adopted into the very family of God. Having given us this great gift, proves that He pursues and will pursue us to the ends of the earth while we still have breath. If not at that point we turn and say yes Lord, yes. It is then too late…our fate is sealed.
A poem was written by poet Francis Thompson of London England. Francis was a Catholic mystic. At the request of his father, a doctor, he entered medical school at the age of 18, but at 26 left his career and home to pursue his talent as a writer and poet. His success was moderate until 1893 when he published a poem titled “The Hound of Heaven.” 182-line poem that had an impact on most of the Christian world at that time, highly regarded and influencing deeply J.R.R. Tolkien, himself a writer, who wrote and published
The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Rings, The Two Towers and more.
Of the 182 lines in The Hound of Heaven, I will read but 20. It is written in Middle English Vocabulary….and therefore somewhat difficult to grasp….but for 20 lines, I think you will understand the heart of what Thompson has written.
Again….to show the world the scope and depth of God’s pursuit of you and I.
Besides this I researched Scripture that parallels this poem, seeking to find and highlight a few verses to share with you.
** Psalm 139:1-18 (READ) Please listen closely.
When I read those words, I am moved by the absolute wonder of God, the awe and majesty of the Work of His Hands in creating us., you and I, and not only us…..but the Universe, the Galaxy we are a small infinite part of…CREATION…where at this moment, we and universe itself is traveling outward at the rate of 67,000 miles per hour.
Even at this stage in life…aging…my heart continues to beat, my eyes continue to see, my mind continues to think, my mouth to speak and my ears to hear….albeit now with the help of hearing aids.
God created the MITE and the MIGHTY…AND ALL IN BETWEEN, and the inner-workings and outer workings of each is beyond wonder….think about it…you, I, are unique in all the world…a small but amazing thing…7 Billion, 937 million, 081 thousand and 566 people…and not one duplicate in finger prints. Incredible.
And Yet….HE PURSUES US….ARE WE WATCHING, LISTENING as we hear in our hearts minds and circumstances…His footfalls behind us.
Hebrews 13:5b reads, “For He Himself has said, “I..will never leave you or abandon you.” As He pursues us so relentlessly, He will most certainly NOT abandon us, unless up to the end of our lives, we choose to say NO, and it will Not be Him who abandons us, but we Him…by turning our so called intellectual, doubt-filled backs on Him.
One of the things that drives us….is, our quest to understand life and what it is all for/about? The most fundamental question ever asked by mankind….is there more beyond here and now? The answer is found in God…and that answer is YES, if you will allow that special place created by Him in your mind and heart be permitted to respond in faith…to YES LORD, YES.
During these brief Scripture quotes what you will hear is a love story. The Love and pursuit of God for all people…as all people are people created by God.
Jesus Christ brought to us the miracle of inclusion into the family of God, as we read in Galatians 3:28, “ For you are ALL children of God through faith in Christ Jesus,. And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ, like putting on new clothing. There is not longer Jew nor Gentile, slave or free, male or female….for, YOU ARE ALL ONE IN CHRIST JESUS!
The details that God tracks us with are as I read I will isolate and read again….as they pertain to our everyday lives.
1. You know me when I sit down and when I stand up.
2. You know what I am thinking.
(Now that one is one I don’t want at time anyone to know, and especially God.)
3. You see me when I am traveling…and resting
4. You KNOW everything I do…everything.
5. You know what I am going to say before I say it.
6. Where can we go to hide from God…nowhere.
God knows…we are told….and yet, He, does not reject us. The parable of the Prodigal son, as I mentioned last week…tells the complete story of who He is.
He desires we be…all we were created to be…fully, especially who we can be in Him…and we are still ALL in the process of becoming….our choices are vitally important in this journey.
Difficulties and even tragedies at times wash up on our shore and touches us all….yet in the midst of the storms we can take refuge in the knowledge of His love for us. An illustration would be the peace in the eye of a hurricane, while the winds and rain completely surround that one place of calm.
In verse 5….of the Psalm….”You go before me…and, as (the Hound of Heaven) you follow after me. All of these things again, are too wonderful for me to understand….as David further says, “I can NEVER escape from Your Presence,” though we certainly do try to sometimes…and even at times fool ourselves into thinking we can. We can’t.
The entire Bible, in all its drama, stories and even the parable of Jesus, are about God’s pursuit of a relationship….a relationship that is both give and take with we mere human beings. Incredible.
God is as creative as He is relentless. The same hand that sent manna to Israel to feed them in the desert is the same one that set them free from Egypt, but also to captivity in Babylon, doing what needs to be done to get our attention…that He is indeed pursuing us, be it in one specific thing or in everything.
Both kind and stern, tender and tough, faithfully fir, patiently urgent, eagerly tolerant, softly shouting, gently thundering. “I WANT YOU” I NEED YOU TO SEE THIS” “I WANT YOU TO DO
Jesus said….”I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE” that gives life. “I AM the Light of the World. “I AM” the resurrection and the life.” I AM THE DOOR. “I AM, the Way, the Truth and the Life.”
Honest questions we are free to ask…there is nothing He can’t handle….and He will never stop His work in us….this Hound of Heaven.
He will whisper and He will shout. He will take away our burdens, and even take away our blessings. If there is a thousand steps between us and God…He will take 999, but leave the last one for us to take….for that final step IS OURS, and that one is THE ONE WHERE WE TURN AROUND TOWARD HIM AND STEP INTO HIS OUTSTRETCHED ARMS.
A Capella…..a song from the Charismatic Movement Days….
God will make a way…where there seems to be no way.
He words in ways we cannot see, He will make a way for me,
He will be my guide….hold me closely to His side,
With love and strength for each new day,
He will make a way….He will make a way,
By a roadway in the wilderness, You lead me,
Rivers in the desert I will see…
Heaven and earth will fade…but His Love will still remain,
And He will do something new today…..For you!
What do YOU want out of your faith….our of your personal relationship with God and His Son?
Island Park, Idaho
July 24, 2022
~ <> ~
& All who will humble themselves
2nd Chronicles 7: 14
“If My people who are called by my name and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and forgive their sins and restore their land.”
My reason for this sermon is to clarify the scope of God’s pursuit of you and I, through His Son Jesus Christ. The depth of His love is shown through Jesus, in His freewill choice to become a living sacrifice, that we might through His birth, life, teachings, death and resurrection be made acceptable to God, and adopted into the very family of God. Having given us this great gift, proves that He pursues and will pursue us to the ends of the earth while we still have breath. If not at that point we turn and say yes Lord, yes. It is then too late…our fate is sealed.
A poem was written by poet Francis Thompson of London England. Francis was a Catholic mystic. At the request of his father, a doctor, he entered medical school at the age of 18, but at 26 left his career and home to pursue his talent as a writer and poet. His success was moderate until 1893 when he published a poem titled “The Hound of Heaven.” 182-line poem that had an impact on most of the Christian world at that time, highly regarded and influencing deeply J.R.R. Tolkien, himself a writer, who wrote and published
The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Rings, The Two Towers and more.
Of the 182 lines in The Hound of Heaven, I will read but 20. It is written in Middle English Vocabulary….and therefore somewhat difficult to grasp….but for 20 lines, I think you will understand the heart of what Thompson has written.
Again….to show the world the scope and depth of God’s pursuit of you and I.
Besides this I researched Scripture that parallels this poem, seeking to find and highlight a few verses to share with you.
** Psalm 139:1-18 (READ) Please listen closely.
When I read those words, I am moved by the absolute wonder of God, the awe and majesty of the Work of His Hands in creating us., you and I, and not only us…..but the Universe, the Galaxy we are a small infinite part of…CREATION…where at this moment, we and universe itself is traveling outward at the rate of 67,000 miles per hour.
Even at this stage in life…aging…my heart continues to beat, my eyes continue to see, my mind continues to think, my mouth to speak and my ears to hear….albeit now with the help of hearing aids.
God created the MITE and the MIGHTY…AND ALL IN BETWEEN, and the inner-workings and outer workings of each is beyond wonder….think about it…you, I, are unique in all the world…a small but amazing thing…7 Billion, 937 million, 081 thousand and 566 people…and not one duplicate in finger prints. Incredible.
And Yet….HE PURSUES US….ARE WE WATCHING, LISTENING as we hear in our hearts minds and circumstances…His footfalls behind us.
Hebrews 13:5b reads, “For He Himself has said, “I..will never leave you or abandon you.” As He pursues us so relentlessly, He will most certainly NOT abandon us, unless up to the end of our lives, we choose to say NO, and it will Not be Him who abandons us, but we Him…by turning our so called intellectual, doubt-filled backs on Him.
One of the things that drives us….is, our quest to understand life and what it is all for/about? The most fundamental question ever asked by mankind….is there more beyond here and now? The answer is found in God…and that answer is YES, if you will allow that special place created by Him in your mind and heart be permitted to respond in faith…to YES LORD, YES.
During these brief Scripture quotes what you will hear is a love story. The Love and pursuit of God for all people…as all people are people created by God.
Jesus Christ brought to us the miracle of inclusion into the family of God, as we read in Galatians 3:28, “ For you are ALL children of God through faith in Christ Jesus,. And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ, like putting on new clothing. There is not longer Jew nor Gentile, slave or free, male or female….for, YOU ARE ALL ONE IN CHRIST JESUS!
The details that God tracks us with are as I read I will isolate and read again….as they pertain to our everyday lives.
1. You know me when I sit down and when I stand up.
2. You know what I am thinking.
(Now that one is one I don’t want at time anyone to know, and especially God.)
3. You see me when I am traveling…and resting
4. You KNOW everything I do…everything.
5. You know what I am going to say before I say it.
6. Where can we go to hide from God…nowhere.
God knows…we are told….and yet, He, does not reject us. The parable of the Prodigal son, as I mentioned last week…tells the complete story of who He is.
He desires we be…all we were created to be…fully, especially who we can be in Him…and we are still ALL in the process of becoming….our choices are vitally important in this journey.
Difficulties and even tragedies at times wash up on our shore and touches us all….yet in the midst of the storms we can take refuge in the knowledge of His love for us. An illustration would be the peace in the eye of a hurricane, while the winds and rain completely surround that one place of calm.
In verse 5….of the Psalm….”You go before me…and, as (the Hound of Heaven) you follow after me. All of these things again, are too wonderful for me to understand….as David further says, “I can NEVER escape from Your Presence,” though we certainly do try to sometimes…and even at times fool ourselves into thinking we can. We can’t.
The entire Bible, in all its drama, stories and even the parable of Jesus, are about God’s pursuit of a relationship….a relationship that is both give and take with we mere human beings. Incredible.
God is as creative as He is relentless. The same hand that sent manna to Israel to feed them in the desert is the same one that set them free from Egypt, but also to captivity in Babylon, doing what needs to be done to get our attention…that He is indeed pursuing us, be it in one specific thing or in everything.
Both kind and stern, tender and tough, faithfully fir, patiently urgent, eagerly tolerant, softly shouting, gently thundering. “I WANT YOU” I NEED YOU TO SEE THIS” “I WANT YOU TO DO
Jesus said….”I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE” that gives life. “I AM the Light of the World. “I AM” the resurrection and the life.” I AM THE DOOR. “I AM, the Way, the Truth and the Life.”
Honest questions we are free to ask…there is nothing He can’t handle….and He will never stop His work in us….this Hound of Heaven.
He will whisper and He will shout. He will take away our burdens, and even take away our blessings. If there is a thousand steps between us and God…He will take 999, but leave the last one for us to take….for that final step IS OURS, and that one is THE ONE WHERE WE TURN AROUND TOWARD HIM AND STEP INTO HIS OUTSTRETCHED ARMS.
A Capella…..a song from the Charismatic Movement Days….
God will make a way…where there seems to be no way.
He words in ways we cannot see, He will make a way for me,
He will be my guide….hold me closely to His side,
With love and strength for each new day,
He will make a way….He will make a way,
By a roadway in the wilderness, You lead me,
Rivers in the desert I will see…
Heaven and earth will fade…but His Love will still remain,
And He will do something new today…..For you!
What do YOU want out of your faith….our of your personal relationship with God and His Son?
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Island Park Idaho
July 24, 2022
Sermon by; Pastor Tom Shanor
Psalm 32
“Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed are those to whom the LORD does not impute iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.”
John 3:20
“Even if we feel guilty, God is greater than our feelings!”
The word guilt….is NOT in the New Testament….only SEVEN times in the Old Testament. Now the word GUILTY is the Old Testament only one time, but four times in the New. With the two words combined that is a total of 12 times out of the 783,137 total words in the King James Version of today’s Bible.
So you know how detail oriented the Scribes were in making copies of Holy Scripture…..and to me this is paramount as to comparing the Dead Seas Scrolls as one example of accuracy to the Old Testament we have today.
The scribes would take one chapter at a time that they knew to be completely accurate by number of course every chapter, every paragraph, every word and also every letter.
IF…in comparing what they had completed let’s say in a Chapter, and found one number out of sync, just one of the thousands of numbers compared to, they would burn what they had just finished and start over again. That is why the Dead Sea Scrolls verified the Old Testament as we know it today, finding very, very few differences.
Now onto guilt and guilty.
There has been an enormous impact on Christianity in the church and in the lives of individuals using these two words. Both when understood and used correctly in conjunction with our conscience influenced by God’s Word and the Holy Spirit can be very beneficial. When used incorrectly as a means of control and wrongly inflicted by both men and women…. can, and has caused GREAT HARM, again, to both the church and individuals.
My desire today is to bring us to a deeper understanding of the intent of guilt as I said in the sermon title…how to get rid of it once embraced, either correctly or incorrectly, and to tell the difference between the two.
GUILT is defined as an emotion which is cognitive, and an experience that occurs when a person believes or realizes accurately, or NOT – that they have compromised our known biblical endorsed standards of conduct or have violated a universally accepted moral standard……and bearing the significant responsibility for that violation. Guilt is also closely related to again, the feeling of remorse.
Keep in your mind….our God given conscience, the written word and the significance of the still small voice of the Spirit speaking to our conscience.
WE all KNOW, unless we are a sociopath or psychopath know what we know is acceptable and not acceptable. We can compromise that level of knowledge and even quiet that still small voice by the choices we make to choose the wrong.
Guilt, especially those of us who had or have inward struggles that seem to beset us on a daily basis, for most of our lives…..know the consequences all to well…..when we make wrong choices….GUILT! Sometimes overwhelming guilt having pronounced ourselves guilty…..not even needing someone else to do so for us.
On occasion I submit to these words Jesus spoke to me and speaks to you. “Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28….sometimes it works and other times the battle is bigger than that.
Churches…yes, churches especially churches, usually beginning with the Minister….if again, seeking control, not ministering to…but control, establishing rules and regulations…..that often exceeded, as an example the religious leaders of Jesus’ day…adding laws on top of laws to control people by making themselves (the leaders) stand out from the crowd of the everyday people…acting all holy and righteous while inside being full of dead men’s bones. Jesus words. Guilt…wrongfully imposed is deadly and spirit killing.
Conscience, conscience, conscience…a gift from God to keep us on the narrow pathway to salvation and eternal life.
My own pathway in my twenties, experimenting with LSD, Marijuana, other drugs…. going on my own Magical Mystery Tour…Transcendental Meditation, Astrology, Numerology…..reading Steppenwolf, Carlos Castanneda, Carly Jung, Freud, Siddhartha….etc. etc. but all I found was more confusion and drugs that easily could have taken my life by the choices I was making. Yet, in my mind I could not quiet that still small voice…. that kept saying….there is only one way Tom….and it’s Me, Jesus. I knew the truth down deep in my soul and in my spirit…. but it took years to come out of the deceptions of that darkness and into His marvelous light of freedom….no reason to be beset by the guilt I carried over my choices….but yet….He never let me go….never forsook me, but like the Prodigal son’s day…waited and watched patiently…until I got out of the pig pen…and started my journey home.
That guilt was a healthy guilt…. a God given guilt that was tied to real and not imagined sin/choices. Jesus Christ is always ready…. when we finally say yes, to open His arms, so that the moment we turn around….there He is, arms open, waiting for us to run into them…home. He was for me and is for you.
That which we have to realize…is, that indeed we are all sinners, guilty of wrong thoughts, sometimes erroneous statements….and hurtful deeds, by way of words we say to people…and sometimes physical. We need to learn tact…for tact is keeping inside the unsaid part of what you think. We are too
loose often with our judgement and criticisms…causing sometimes along with guilt…shame. Shame on us.
Noel Coward, the famous playwright, pulled an interesting prank, so to speak, on twenty of the most famous men he knew in London. The anonymous note read simply. “Everybody has found out what you are doing. If I were you I would leave town as quickly as you can.
As the story goes…. all twenty men literally and actually left town.
What if you opened your mail one day and found such a note? What would race through your mind. Would shame or guilt along with fear coming surging to the surface of your mind?
Guilt is the dread of the past…a pain that wells up within our heart because we committed or thought we committed some offense, or failed to do something right we could have done and didn’t. Some of those things we carry around for years…some to our deaths. It can be crippling….and prevent us from having a full and rich life. We work overtime trying to prove to God and man that though they, man, does not know….God does…..trying to prove to God that we truly are repentant, using our good deeds to make a way above it all when in fact….all we need to do….once….in true repentance….ask for forgiveness and step into the enveloping, loving arms of Jesus….and He will take those and place in us….His GIFT OF LOVING GRACE….never more to remember that sin, that deed…as far as the east is from the west….and yet, we hesitate to take that step of grace…because we think we don’t deserve it…..and we don’t. That is why it is a free GIFT…. LOVE, ACCEPTANCE AND FORGIVENESS.
When Christ sets us free…we are free, free indeed.
David…. committed murder and adultery….and in Psalm 32…..he writes. “My guilt has overwhelmed me like a burden too heavy to bear, and in repentance, he found his release from that guilt was sweet…like honey.
1. As in his case like ours….and in AA…and other recovery groups, individuals ADMIT both their struggle and guilt that came from the results of their choices…that washed over not only themselves…but others dear to them.
2. Confront the guilt…if indeed it is justifiable guilt, and you will know if it is or isn’t.
Example…My name is Tom…and I have sinned against God by sinning against myself and my family…..Genuine guilt is genuinely good. False guilt imposed by others and lies…and control can be discerned and prayed away.
Genuine Guilt unrepented can cause physical, psychological and spiritual sickness. If we don’t deal with our guilt, our guilt will deal with us.
3. CONFESS YOUR GUILT…. the Catholics have one up on us. They can go to confession and even if they have sinned grossly…the priest has taken a vow to tell no one about it/them. They like we could have gone directly to Jesus…but sometimes we use this as an excuse to keep it within us. when there is a deep need to get it out.
Go to someone you trust…. truly trust…and ask them to listen and then to pray with you. Yes…there is danger…in that sometimes that person will share in allegedly confidence with someone else. I have had that happen…but, even there…God turned a horrible situation into a blessing…. a huge blessing…. because in being honest and forthright, He will work all things together for good. I guarantee it.
4. As the song LET IT GO…. says…. Let it go. Forget it once you have gone to the Lord, the pastor, the priest…the friend…. just let it go. If it keeps coming back, that is Satan and his minions trying to drag you back into that dark and dangerous place…
As we discussed somewhat on Friday morning…read God’s word, memorize some vital Scriptures and say them out loud so your ears also hear them…. sing…. pray…. go for a walk….to replace the negative thoughts and guilt with a positive, active replacement.
David…. became quite the song writer….in both his times of guilt and then in His freedom from it.
God will be faithful to take it away….and you must be faithful to let Him keep it……
As we move now towards communion…. this is the day of your freedom, if you choose it…ask Him now as His Spirit is speaking to you…to give you the freedom you so deeply desire….
While the bread and juice is being passed to you…take this time to come to the One who called you into His love and family….and allow Him to search you….and if anything be found….by Him. . .you will know…and give it….no matter what it is, and that Peace that is beyond understanding will reside in your heart and mind…. HALLELUIA ~ AMEN
Island Park Idaho
July 24, 2022
Sermon by; Pastor Tom Shanor
Psalm 32
“Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed are those to whom the LORD does not impute iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.”
John 3:20
“Even if we feel guilty, God is greater than our feelings!”
The word guilt….is NOT in the New Testament….only SEVEN times in the Old Testament. Now the word GUILTY is the Old Testament only one time, but four times in the New. With the two words combined that is a total of 12 times out of the 783,137 total words in the King James Version of today’s Bible.
So you know how detail oriented the Scribes were in making copies of Holy Scripture…..and to me this is paramount as to comparing the Dead Seas Scrolls as one example of accuracy to the Old Testament we have today.
The scribes would take one chapter at a time that they knew to be completely accurate by number of course every chapter, every paragraph, every word and also every letter.
IF…in comparing what they had completed let’s say in a Chapter, and found one number out of sync, just one of the thousands of numbers compared to, they would burn what they had just finished and start over again. That is why the Dead Sea Scrolls verified the Old Testament as we know it today, finding very, very few differences.
Now onto guilt and guilty.
There has been an enormous impact on Christianity in the church and in the lives of individuals using these two words. Both when understood and used correctly in conjunction with our conscience influenced by God’s Word and the Holy Spirit can be very beneficial. When used incorrectly as a means of control and wrongly inflicted by both men and women…. can, and has caused GREAT HARM, again, to both the church and individuals.
My desire today is to bring us to a deeper understanding of the intent of guilt as I said in the sermon title…how to get rid of it once embraced, either correctly or incorrectly, and to tell the difference between the two.
GUILT is defined as an emotion which is cognitive, and an experience that occurs when a person believes or realizes accurately, or NOT – that they have compromised our known biblical endorsed standards of conduct or have violated a universally accepted moral standard……and bearing the significant responsibility for that violation. Guilt is also closely related to again, the feeling of remorse.
Keep in your mind….our God given conscience, the written word and the significance of the still small voice of the Spirit speaking to our conscience.
WE all KNOW, unless we are a sociopath or psychopath know what we know is acceptable and not acceptable. We can compromise that level of knowledge and even quiet that still small voice by the choices we make to choose the wrong.
Guilt, especially those of us who had or have inward struggles that seem to beset us on a daily basis, for most of our lives…..know the consequences all to well…..when we make wrong choices….GUILT! Sometimes overwhelming guilt having pronounced ourselves guilty…..not even needing someone else to do so for us.
On occasion I submit to these words Jesus spoke to me and speaks to you. “Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28….sometimes it works and other times the battle is bigger than that.
Churches…yes, churches especially churches, usually beginning with the Minister….if again, seeking control, not ministering to…but control, establishing rules and regulations…..that often exceeded, as an example the religious leaders of Jesus’ day…adding laws on top of laws to control people by making themselves (the leaders) stand out from the crowd of the everyday people…acting all holy and righteous while inside being full of dead men’s bones. Jesus words. Guilt…wrongfully imposed is deadly and spirit killing.
Conscience, conscience, conscience…a gift from God to keep us on the narrow pathway to salvation and eternal life.
My own pathway in my twenties, experimenting with LSD, Marijuana, other drugs…. going on my own Magical Mystery Tour…Transcendental Meditation, Astrology, Numerology…..reading Steppenwolf, Carlos Castanneda, Carly Jung, Freud, Siddhartha….etc. etc. but all I found was more confusion and drugs that easily could have taken my life by the choices I was making. Yet, in my mind I could not quiet that still small voice…. that kept saying….there is only one way Tom….and it’s Me, Jesus. I knew the truth down deep in my soul and in my spirit…. but it took years to come out of the deceptions of that darkness and into His marvelous light of freedom….no reason to be beset by the guilt I carried over my choices….but yet….He never let me go….never forsook me, but like the Prodigal son’s day…waited and watched patiently…until I got out of the pig pen…and started my journey home.
That guilt was a healthy guilt…. a God given guilt that was tied to real and not imagined sin/choices. Jesus Christ is always ready…. when we finally say yes, to open His arms, so that the moment we turn around….there He is, arms open, waiting for us to run into them…home. He was for me and is for you.
That which we have to realize…is, that indeed we are all sinners, guilty of wrong thoughts, sometimes erroneous statements….and hurtful deeds, by way of words we say to people…and sometimes physical. We need to learn tact…for tact is keeping inside the unsaid part of what you think. We are too
loose often with our judgement and criticisms…causing sometimes along with guilt…shame. Shame on us.
Noel Coward, the famous playwright, pulled an interesting prank, so to speak, on twenty of the most famous men he knew in London. The anonymous note read simply. “Everybody has found out what you are doing. If I were you I would leave town as quickly as you can.
As the story goes…. all twenty men literally and actually left town.
What if you opened your mail one day and found such a note? What would race through your mind. Would shame or guilt along with fear coming surging to the surface of your mind?
Guilt is the dread of the past…a pain that wells up within our heart because we committed or thought we committed some offense, or failed to do something right we could have done and didn’t. Some of those things we carry around for years…some to our deaths. It can be crippling….and prevent us from having a full and rich life. We work overtime trying to prove to God and man that though they, man, does not know….God does…..trying to prove to God that we truly are repentant, using our good deeds to make a way above it all when in fact….all we need to do….once….in true repentance….ask for forgiveness and step into the enveloping, loving arms of Jesus….and He will take those and place in us….His GIFT OF LOVING GRACE….never more to remember that sin, that deed…as far as the east is from the west….and yet, we hesitate to take that step of grace…because we think we don’t deserve it…..and we don’t. That is why it is a free GIFT…. LOVE, ACCEPTANCE AND FORGIVENESS.
When Christ sets us free…we are free, free indeed.
David…. committed murder and adultery….and in Psalm 32…..he writes. “My guilt has overwhelmed me like a burden too heavy to bear, and in repentance, he found his release from that guilt was sweet…like honey.
1. As in his case like ours….and in AA…and other recovery groups, individuals ADMIT both their struggle and guilt that came from the results of their choices…that washed over not only themselves…but others dear to them.
2. Confront the guilt…if indeed it is justifiable guilt, and you will know if it is or isn’t.
Example…My name is Tom…and I have sinned against God by sinning against myself and my family…..Genuine guilt is genuinely good. False guilt imposed by others and lies…and control can be discerned and prayed away.
Genuine Guilt unrepented can cause physical, psychological and spiritual sickness. If we don’t deal with our guilt, our guilt will deal with us.
3. CONFESS YOUR GUILT…. the Catholics have one up on us. They can go to confession and even if they have sinned grossly…the priest has taken a vow to tell no one about it/them. They like we could have gone directly to Jesus…but sometimes we use this as an excuse to keep it within us. when there is a deep need to get it out.
Go to someone you trust…. truly trust…and ask them to listen and then to pray with you. Yes…there is danger…in that sometimes that person will share in allegedly confidence with someone else. I have had that happen…but, even there…God turned a horrible situation into a blessing…. a huge blessing…. because in being honest and forthright, He will work all things together for good. I guarantee it.
4. As the song LET IT GO…. says…. Let it go. Forget it once you have gone to the Lord, the pastor, the priest…the friend…. just let it go. If it keeps coming back, that is Satan and his minions trying to drag you back into that dark and dangerous place…
As we discussed somewhat on Friday morning…read God’s word, memorize some vital Scriptures and say them out loud so your ears also hear them…. sing…. pray…. go for a walk….to replace the negative thoughts and guilt with a positive, active replacement.
David…. became quite the song writer….in both his times of guilt and then in His freedom from it.
God will be faithful to take it away….and you must be faithful to let Him keep it……
As we move now towards communion…. this is the day of your freedom, if you choose it…ask Him now as His Spirit is speaking to you…to give you the freedom you so deeply desire….
While the bread and juice is being passed to you…take this time to come to the One who called you into His love and family….and allow Him to search you….and if anything be found….by Him. . .you will know…and give it….no matter what it is, and that Peace that is beyond understanding will reside in your heart and mind…. HALLELUIA ~ AMEN
Little Church in the Pines
June 26, 2022
Sermon by: Pastor Tom Shanor
What He and Old Testament Scripture….says about Him, coincide, and dovetails deeply and beautifully. Together, they are like the parallelisms that I spoke of last week, which we find mostly in the Psalms. Prophecy is similar to a parallelism, in regard to Jesus, for prophecy and its’ fulfillment thereof, are identical in their meaning, intent and fulfilment.
We truly cannot have one without the other in regards to the prophetic Word, and He Jesus, Himself in their oneness of fulfillment… for if you try to live only in the Old…you miss the fulfilment of the New….and we run the danger of having an incomplete spiritual life if we ….the deeper we move into our own life with Jesus, and all that was prophesied as to who He was and would be, believing He is the fulfillment of all that was said to be coming…we can be like Him, enriched and whole.
In being who He said He was and is to this day, often runs contrary to much of today’s thinking, even in so-called Christian circles. There is a new world order of spirituality arising…which is becoming more and more conflictive with orthodox Christianity. We, who call ourselves Christians just by being called as such, and even more so, if we are white…for we are the new number one enemy of change that is sweeping, in particular our nation.
This is not a sermon with political leanings but a sermon again, as I said on who Jesus said He was according to both Scripture and all that He lived and taught…us, about Himself.
I am taking a risk here….even with some of you. My sermons are in my own mind intentional and hopefully challenging…sometimes uplifting and even joyful, sometimes pointed and with the intention of challenging you in your own spiritual life to go beyond the comforting, and into the deeper things of God.
Many of us do not like to be pushed or challenged, thinking that life itself is challenging enough, and all we want to hear are comforting
and uplifting words. Well, I can tell you this. Jesus spent a lot of His time teaching pointed challenging lessons, to get the attention with intention of those who were just going along, and those who were stuck in the then present, with feet dragging all along the way towards a destination they did not want to find themselves in.
If you were here last week, you heard some challenging words from Jesus. For in the New Testament…Matthew 6:15 comes with a warning from the Lord to us. “But if you do not forgive others their sins, you Father will NOT forgive your sins.” Not my words….but His. Not my challenge, but His!
Jesus came to this earth and lived with His own Creation to purchase us from the bondage of sins. He was born as Scriptures says of a virgin and was brought up and finally gave His life to death on the cross…as the sacrifice God demanded to redeem us. That may seem cruel…but that is what His own Eternal Father required. Me, I would have chosen another way…but it seems there was NOT another way….so says God’s Word.
He said so many things concerning heaven, hell, and how to live here on planet earth to please God and He also made some significant comments about HIMSELF that are to be given special attention.
The words of Jesus that He spoke about Himself have had and if believed…will continue to be given special attention as to their meaning, intent and outworking as the past 2000 years have proven.
Some of these you will readily embrace, others you will reject, but possibly to your own peril.
He is the peacemaker, no doubt ultimately there will be peace on earth…but He also is the divider. These words of His may rankle some of you….but again, His words…not mine.
Am I not to speak of them because they make some of us angry or socially unacceptable in today’s culture or just plain
uncomfortable…am I to choose which ones to speak on and not to speak on, for this very reason? What gives me the right or you the right to choose what you want to believe and adhere to? ( I guess you can…that is up to you) For me, I either believe all He say He is…or none of it, and become perhaps an atheist, agnostic or nothing. My choice.
Matthew 10:34-34 “Do NOT think that I have come to bring peace to the earth, I have NOT come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person’s enemies will be those of this own household.”
WOW, what are we to think of those words. I can tell you they make a bunch of people uncomfortable, even here today. Especially saying that “Jesus is the only way to the Father” whether it is in our own household, work for even church. By doing so, we will make even some members of our own household upset.
His response…even further exacerbates what He just said. “There’s gong to be some severance, some tension, some difficulty if you’re standing up for Me (Jesus) and living for Me. But, if you value family or friendship more than you value Me…(these next words cut to the quick) you’re not worthy of Me.”
In being His spokesperson…..I run the high risk of being unlike…put down…maybe even replaced….I don’t know, but I do know I am held accountable for that which I speak to you….and I fear God more than whatever it is you may say or feel about me. I have to be obedient….
I took on one of the toughest first….hoping I can perhaps enjoy bringing forth some that are to follow…and are a lot easier to speak on.
John 6:35 “And Jesus said unto them, I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE: those that come to me shall never hunger, and they that believes in me shall never thirst.”
He said this because, He is the source of pure spiritual food, and no one will remain incomplete, when He or she decides to receive Him as God come in the flesh….our deliverer and Savior…the Messiah.
A life in Him will give us a full spiritual belly……balanced and nutritious…and tasty beyond belief.
JESUS SAID…I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD: they that follow Me shall NOT walk in darkness but shall have the light of life.”
HE IS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD…His claims are really true and we can understand it while we accept him and follow Him by faith, for His words show us the light of God’s truth and ways…as we see the impact of change lives not only in ourselves but in others. Millions of people have testimonies of Him taking them out of the darkness of pain and despair into healing and restoration. People from all nations and all walks of life, from the poor to the rich, from the criminal to the saint…from darkness into His marvelous light.
“I AM THE DOOR: by Me if anyone enter in, they shall be saved and shall go in and out, and find pasture” there’s that full belly again!”
John 10:9
Another one of those not so popular statements of His to deal with……..TRUE OR FALSE” true of course, but at what cost?
I could have avoided it altogether, but the Spirit said no.
No one can reach heaven without receiving Jesus, as He alone si the door through Him we and access the promises of the Father who made this amazing planet we live on. After our death, we all will be standing before His judgment seat. All these can be known only through Jesus and that is why He claims Himself as the door.
AND JESUS SAID UNTO HER…I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE; they that believeth in Me, though they were dead, yet shall they live: And whosoever lives and believes in Me shall never die.” Eternal Life….
JEUS SAID: “I AM THE GOOD SHEPHERD: the good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.”
The Bible describes mankind as the sheep, who are in need of a shepherd. Here, Jesus narrates Himself as The Good Shepherd who give His life to protect How own sheep. He did not hesitate to sacrifice Himself to save His people from the judgement of God.
The role of a Shepherd is to take care of the sheep in every way, for sheep can be somewhat stupid and follow the crowd into some bad places. He uses a staff…with a hook handle, to place around their necks to pull them out if they get themselves in a hard to get out of place…the staff also can be used to beat off those who are attacking the sheep….and to ferret out snakes as he walks along ahead of the sheep. For His sheep will follow and trust Him…completely for He has proven to them He is trustworthy. They hear His voice and follow him…as He sings, talks and even whistles to them.
HE SAYS…I AM THE VINE and you are the branches: Those that live in me, and I in them, the same will bear much fruit: for without Me you can do nothing.
HE ALSO SAYS: in Matthew 11:28-29 These words that that have helped us in times of great difficulty. “Come unto Me, all of you that labor and are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me; for I am Meek and Lowly in heart: and these words that go straight to our hearts.” You shall find rest for your souls.”
Mark 14:61-62
“But He held His peace and answered nothing. Again, the high priest asked Him, and said to Him, Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed? And Jesus said, I AM: AND YOU SHALL SEE THE SON OF MAN SITTING ON THE RIGHT HAND OF POWER AND COMING IN THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN.”
With those words….His death was sealed…and with these words next…were some of the last He spoke from the CROSS He was crucified on, and they are words that spoke of His deep and eternal love for all of mankind.
Even in His agony….Jesus’ concern was for the forgiveness of those who counted themselves among his enemies. He asked the Father to forgive the thieves on the cross who jeered at Him. He asked the Father to forgive the Roman soldiers who had mocked Him, spit on Him, beat Him, yanked out His beard, whipped Him, put a crown of thorns on His head, and nailed Him to the cross. Jesus asked forgiveness for the angry mob that had mocked Him and called for His crucifixion. Luke 23:34 “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”
That is the Man/God I desire to believe in and follow….that is the Man/God who knows what LOVE IS, AND WHAT IT SOMETIMES REQUIRES…THAT IS THE MAN/GOD WITH WHOM I BELIEVE EVERY WORD HE SPOKE TO BE THE GOSPEL TRUTH, even though at time I may feel uncomfortable with.
IF I COMPROMISE HIS WORDS in some places…I open the door to error and unbelief in others….and am in essence creating my own belief system….religion, based on what I want to feel….and believe in part, not in wholeness. Dare I do this to my own peril? Do you?
There is in Luke 44..after His resurrection, where He spoke to the disciples these words, and with these I will finish.
He said, “These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me.”
45. And He opened their understanding that they might fully understand the Scriptures.
I too hope and pray He opens yours, no matter how uncomfortable and challenging they may be to you.
June 26, 2022
Sermon by: Pastor Tom Shanor
What He and Old Testament Scripture….says about Him, coincide, and dovetails deeply and beautifully. Together, they are like the parallelisms that I spoke of last week, which we find mostly in the Psalms. Prophecy is similar to a parallelism, in regard to Jesus, for prophecy and its’ fulfillment thereof, are identical in their meaning, intent and fulfilment.
We truly cannot have one without the other in regards to the prophetic Word, and He Jesus, Himself in their oneness of fulfillment… for if you try to live only in the Old…you miss the fulfilment of the New….and we run the danger of having an incomplete spiritual life if we ….the deeper we move into our own life with Jesus, and all that was prophesied as to who He was and would be, believing He is the fulfillment of all that was said to be coming…we can be like Him, enriched and whole.
In being who He said He was and is to this day, often runs contrary to much of today’s thinking, even in so-called Christian circles. There is a new world order of spirituality arising…which is becoming more and more conflictive with orthodox Christianity. We, who call ourselves Christians just by being called as such, and even more so, if we are white…for we are the new number one enemy of change that is sweeping, in particular our nation.
This is not a sermon with political leanings but a sermon again, as I said on who Jesus said He was according to both Scripture and all that He lived and taught…us, about Himself.
I am taking a risk here….even with some of you. My sermons are in my own mind intentional and hopefully challenging…sometimes uplifting and even joyful, sometimes pointed and with the intention of challenging you in your own spiritual life to go beyond the comforting, and into the deeper things of God.
Many of us do not like to be pushed or challenged, thinking that life itself is challenging enough, and all we want to hear are comforting
and uplifting words. Well, I can tell you this. Jesus spent a lot of His time teaching pointed challenging lessons, to get the attention with intention of those who were just going along, and those who were stuck in the then present, with feet dragging all along the way towards a destination they did not want to find themselves in.
If you were here last week, you heard some challenging words from Jesus. For in the New Testament…Matthew 6:15 comes with a warning from the Lord to us. “But if you do not forgive others their sins, you Father will NOT forgive your sins.” Not my words….but His. Not my challenge, but His!
Jesus came to this earth and lived with His own Creation to purchase us from the bondage of sins. He was born as Scriptures says of a virgin and was brought up and finally gave His life to death on the cross…as the sacrifice God demanded to redeem us. That may seem cruel…but that is what His own Eternal Father required. Me, I would have chosen another way…but it seems there was NOT another way….so says God’s Word.
He said so many things concerning heaven, hell, and how to live here on planet earth to please God and He also made some significant comments about HIMSELF that are to be given special attention.
The words of Jesus that He spoke about Himself have had and if believed…will continue to be given special attention as to their meaning, intent and outworking as the past 2000 years have proven.
Some of these you will readily embrace, others you will reject, but possibly to your own peril.
He is the peacemaker, no doubt ultimately there will be peace on earth…but He also is the divider. These words of His may rankle some of you….but again, His words…not mine.
Am I not to speak of them because they make some of us angry or socially unacceptable in today’s culture or just plain
uncomfortable…am I to choose which ones to speak on and not to speak on, for this very reason? What gives me the right or you the right to choose what you want to believe and adhere to? ( I guess you can…that is up to you) For me, I either believe all He say He is…or none of it, and become perhaps an atheist, agnostic or nothing. My choice.
Matthew 10:34-34 “Do NOT think that I have come to bring peace to the earth, I have NOT come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person’s enemies will be those of this own household.”
WOW, what are we to think of those words. I can tell you they make a bunch of people uncomfortable, even here today. Especially saying that “Jesus is the only way to the Father” whether it is in our own household, work for even church. By doing so, we will make even some members of our own household upset.
His response…even further exacerbates what He just said. “There’s gong to be some severance, some tension, some difficulty if you’re standing up for Me (Jesus) and living for Me. But, if you value family or friendship more than you value Me…(these next words cut to the quick) you’re not worthy of Me.”
In being His spokesperson…..I run the high risk of being unlike…put down…maybe even replaced….I don’t know, but I do know I am held accountable for that which I speak to you….and I fear God more than whatever it is you may say or feel about me. I have to be obedient….
I took on one of the toughest first….hoping I can perhaps enjoy bringing forth some that are to follow…and are a lot easier to speak on.
John 6:35 “And Jesus said unto them, I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE: those that come to me shall never hunger, and they that believes in me shall never thirst.”
He said this because, He is the source of pure spiritual food, and no one will remain incomplete, when He or she decides to receive Him as God come in the flesh….our deliverer and Savior…the Messiah.
A life in Him will give us a full spiritual belly……balanced and nutritious…and tasty beyond belief.
JESUS SAID…I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD: they that follow Me shall NOT walk in darkness but shall have the light of life.”
HE IS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD…His claims are really true and we can understand it while we accept him and follow Him by faith, for His words show us the light of God’s truth and ways…as we see the impact of change lives not only in ourselves but in others. Millions of people have testimonies of Him taking them out of the darkness of pain and despair into healing and restoration. People from all nations and all walks of life, from the poor to the rich, from the criminal to the saint…from darkness into His marvelous light.
“I AM THE DOOR: by Me if anyone enter in, they shall be saved and shall go in and out, and find pasture” there’s that full belly again!”
John 10:9
Another one of those not so popular statements of His to deal with……..TRUE OR FALSE” true of course, but at what cost?
I could have avoided it altogether, but the Spirit said no.
No one can reach heaven without receiving Jesus, as He alone si the door through Him we and access the promises of the Father who made this amazing planet we live on. After our death, we all will be standing before His judgment seat. All these can be known only through Jesus and that is why He claims Himself as the door.
AND JESUS SAID UNTO HER…I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE; they that believeth in Me, though they were dead, yet shall they live: And whosoever lives and believes in Me shall never die.” Eternal Life….
JEUS SAID: “I AM THE GOOD SHEPHERD: the good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.”
The Bible describes mankind as the sheep, who are in need of a shepherd. Here, Jesus narrates Himself as The Good Shepherd who give His life to protect How own sheep. He did not hesitate to sacrifice Himself to save His people from the judgement of God.
The role of a Shepherd is to take care of the sheep in every way, for sheep can be somewhat stupid and follow the crowd into some bad places. He uses a staff…with a hook handle, to place around their necks to pull them out if they get themselves in a hard to get out of place…the staff also can be used to beat off those who are attacking the sheep….and to ferret out snakes as he walks along ahead of the sheep. For His sheep will follow and trust Him…completely for He has proven to them He is trustworthy. They hear His voice and follow him…as He sings, talks and even whistles to them.
HE SAYS…I AM THE VINE and you are the branches: Those that live in me, and I in them, the same will bear much fruit: for without Me you can do nothing.
HE ALSO SAYS: in Matthew 11:28-29 These words that that have helped us in times of great difficulty. “Come unto Me, all of you that labor and are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me; for I am Meek and Lowly in heart: and these words that go straight to our hearts.” You shall find rest for your souls.”
Mark 14:61-62
“But He held His peace and answered nothing. Again, the high priest asked Him, and said to Him, Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed? And Jesus said, I AM: AND YOU SHALL SEE THE SON OF MAN SITTING ON THE RIGHT HAND OF POWER AND COMING IN THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN.”
With those words….His death was sealed…and with these words next…were some of the last He spoke from the CROSS He was crucified on, and they are words that spoke of His deep and eternal love for all of mankind.
Even in His agony….Jesus’ concern was for the forgiveness of those who counted themselves among his enemies. He asked the Father to forgive the thieves on the cross who jeered at Him. He asked the Father to forgive the Roman soldiers who had mocked Him, spit on Him, beat Him, yanked out His beard, whipped Him, put a crown of thorns on His head, and nailed Him to the cross. Jesus asked forgiveness for the angry mob that had mocked Him and called for His crucifixion. Luke 23:34 “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”
That is the Man/God I desire to believe in and follow….that is the Man/God who knows what LOVE IS, AND WHAT IT SOMETIMES REQUIRES…THAT IS THE MAN/GOD WITH WHOM I BELIEVE EVERY WORD HE SPOKE TO BE THE GOSPEL TRUTH, even though at time I may feel uncomfortable with.
IF I COMPROMISE HIS WORDS in some places…I open the door to error and unbelief in others….and am in essence creating my own belief system….religion, based on what I want to feel….and believe in part, not in wholeness. Dare I do this to my own peril? Do you?
There is in Luke 44..after His resurrection, where He spoke to the disciples these words, and with these I will finish.
He said, “These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me.”
45. And He opened their understanding that they might fully understand the Scriptures.
I too hope and pray He opens yours, no matter how uncomfortable and challenging they may be to you.
"The Birth of the Church"
Genesis 1: 1 - 2
Pentecost, that Fateful Day it all Began
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
1. In the beginning God Created the heavens and the earth. 2. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
Thus, we find the Spirit actively involved in Creation. The same Holy Spirit that descended in the form of a Dove on Jesus at His baptism…and the same Holy Spirit that fell on the disciples, and later the Gentiles, all those gathered together in the city, to wait for the Promise of the Father, just as Jesus told His disciples in Luke 24:49. “And behold, I am sending the Promise of My Father upon you. But remain in the city until you are clothed with POWER from on high!”
This same Holy Spirit…who is the third person of the Trinity…. who too is the Great I AM, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the end…the Eternal God…who changes not.
The role of the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit is multitudinous, and has many functions and many names.
Joel 2:28 & 29.
And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophecy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. 29. Even on the male and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit. (Remember, you and I are called to be the servants of the Lord.)
Matthew 3:11
I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He…will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
Mark 1:8 NIV “I baptize you with water, but He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit.”
There are verses after verses that speak of the many roles and names of the Holy Spirit, as noted His role spoken of in the very beginning of God’s Holy Word…. Genesis. From there it expands and expands.
The Holy Spirit as I read and have read who He is….is Creative Power of God in action, and all knowledgeable presence of the love of God, the very heart of God, in intent.
There are verses to back each and all of His role and names…….
He is also simply “the Spirit “as quoted in Genesis
He is the “Good Spirit”
He is “The Eternal Spirit”
He is “The Lord”
He is the “Paraclete” or Helper and Comforter.
He is the “Spirit of the Sovereign Lord”
He is the “Spirit of the Living God”
The “Spirit of your Father”
The “Spirit of Life and the Spirit of Grace”
The “Spirit of Prophecy”
The “Spirit of Truth”
The “Spirit of Holiness”
The Spirit of Justice and Judgement”
The Spirit of “Wisdom and Revelation”
The “Spirit of Fire” as in the tongues of flames hovering over the heads of the disciples on the day of Pentecost.
The Spirit of “His own Glory” and the Glory of His Son”
The Spirit’s names and titles are useful in helping us understand His many manifestations…and that which He does for us and in us.
In Judaism…. the Holy Spirit, also known as the Holy Ghost, is THE DIVINE FORCE, QUALITY AND INFLUENCE over all His creatures and Creation itself.
He is the Author of all verified Scripture
The is the Comforter…halleluiah
The Advocate, who intercedes on our behalf.
Indweller…. He who lives in each and all of us…. who know Jesus
He is the Intercessor
The author of Revelation
Our Teacher
Our witness within us of the true revelation of Christ.
The Spirit is called “witness” because He verifies and testifies to the fact that we are children of God, that Jesus and the disciples who performed miracles were sent by God, and that the books of the Bible are divinely inspired. Further, by giving the gift of the Spirit to Believes, He witnesses to us and the world of His Love, Power and Might…..through us, that indeed we belong to God.
There is an App being advertised on TV called CALM. It is simply and beautifully done. You see a tree in full leaf….its leaves are moving gently and beautifully…..and the only sound you hear is the sound of the breeze blowing through and moving those leaves…
It is described as the earth breathing…..
I am reminded every time I see and hear it….that is like the Living Breath of God’s Spirit….moving in our lives….touching every fiber of our being….breathing into the us the breath of LIFE, our Life on
earth and our Life in Christ…..still now thy soul…(let’s take a moment here as a gentle experiment) breathe in deeply and evenly…..letting your breath go……gently……and KNOW that God lives in you….and is indeed in you….because Christ and His Kingdom is within you….
Responding to a question from the Pharisees about when the Kingdom of God would come, Jesus said, “the kingdom of God does not come with observations; nor will they say, “See here! Or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:20-21).
How that must have made them angry… once again He was trying to teach them…about the soul and Spirit….not to live and judge by the letter of the law…but by the beauty and the Holiness of God, our living God…living within us.
And Now….the Church and Pentecost….all this up to this point was in preparation for what God by His Spirit was about to do.
I woke up at 4:42 Friday morning…having in my sleep mulling over today’s message to come….when I heard two words. KICK START.
I immediately thought of Greg Neil and his many years of riding on and then flying off of motorcycles…..and puzzled over what this had to do with the message for today….and then I got it.
You see….from the time when Jesus ascended…telling the disciples and those who followed Him…to “to go back to the city and wait until they received the gift of the Holy Spirit….” Again, His words, “And behold, I will send forth upon you what My Father has promised; but remain the city (Jerusalem” until YOU ARE CLOTHED WITH POWER FROM ON HIGH.” POWER!
Up to this time…. there was no church, so to speak, but being obedient to do as Jesus requested…. many were gathered together, praying, fasting perhaps….seeking whatever this Promise coming was.
They had just chosen by lots…. Matthias to take the place of Judas, now dead. Verse 26 of Acts 1, and they cast their lots, and the lot fell to Matthias. Ad he was numbered with the eleven apostles.
So far…all is good….there is an air of expectancy…..heightened by the completion of this task…and from the ongoing prayer and expectations. The engine is humming…..powerful…and then the KICK START….AND DOWN IT CAME……ENGAGED!!! Engine and tork…. coming together.
And suddenly…. unexpectedly and POWERFULY, well, let’s read it from the Word. CHAPTER 2:1-4…. (READ)
This event…unexplainable…supernatural…powerful…embraceable….
The foundation laid…. the right people and events in place…..people gathered from all over the known world….present…the timing perfect. VERSES 5-13…. WHATEVER CAN THIS MEAN…….
VERSE 14-39
As these people from so many different nations…dispersed…they took with them…Jesus….no iPhone needed….no TV cameras needed…but people with a new breath of life and love…. began…with Him, this new Savior….in their hearts….the church began mightily and powerfully….
The disciples too…being obedient, all becoming missionaries. Church planters…. the spiritual tidal wave of Jesus Christ…..his love, truth and salvation….a whole new world from this God-man…a humble uneducated carpenter….
In the last 100 years, the number of Christians in the world has quadrupled from approximately 600 million in 1910 to well past 2.5 billion presently, and still growing.
GOD BLESS THE CHURCH in all its denominations and differences, Pentecostals, Evangelicals, Anglican, Catholic, Orthodox,
Protestants, High Churches, Low Churches…. Home Churches, Cowboy Churches, etc…….as long as she, we keep the main thing the main thing, and that is JESUS CHRIST as the HOPE of the WORLD…SAVED BY GRACE….AND NOT BY WORKS…. As it is led by imperfect, but hopeful, Christ filled people…saved by GRACE…and in love with their LORD….who made a way to the Father by the Son, and empowered by His WORD AND HIS HOLY SPIRIT….however He chooses to manifest Himself in us…the church. Be open and welcoming to the very Spirit of God…..for He…knows best.
Ephesians 2:8….” For it is by GRACE that YOU have been saved, though faith….and this is not from yourselves…for it is THE GIFT OF GOD…IN CHRIST.
"The Birth of the Church"
Genesis 1: 1 - 2
Pentecost, that Fateful Day it all Began
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
1. In the beginning God Created the heavens and the earth. 2. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
Thus, we find the Spirit actively involved in Creation. The same Holy Spirit that descended in the form of a Dove on Jesus at His baptism…and the same Holy Spirit that fell on the disciples, and later the Gentiles, all those gathered together in the city, to wait for the Promise of the Father, just as Jesus told His disciples in Luke 24:49. “And behold, I am sending the Promise of My Father upon you. But remain in the city until you are clothed with POWER from on high!”
This same Holy Spirit…who is the third person of the Trinity…. who too is the Great I AM, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the end…the Eternal God…who changes not.
The role of the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit is multitudinous, and has many functions and many names.
Joel 2:28 & 29.
And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophecy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. 29. Even on the male and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit. (Remember, you and I are called to be the servants of the Lord.)
Matthew 3:11
I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He…will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
Mark 1:8 NIV “I baptize you with water, but He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit.”
There are verses after verses that speak of the many roles and names of the Holy Spirit, as noted His role spoken of in the very beginning of God’s Holy Word…. Genesis. From there it expands and expands.
The Holy Spirit as I read and have read who He is….is Creative Power of God in action, and all knowledgeable presence of the love of God, the very heart of God, in intent.
There are verses to back each and all of His role and names…….
He is also simply “the Spirit “as quoted in Genesis
He is the “Good Spirit”
He is “The Eternal Spirit”
He is “The Lord”
He is the “Paraclete” or Helper and Comforter.
He is the “Spirit of the Sovereign Lord”
He is the “Spirit of the Living God”
The “Spirit of your Father”
The “Spirit of Life and the Spirit of Grace”
The “Spirit of Prophecy”
The “Spirit of Truth”
The “Spirit of Holiness”
The Spirit of Justice and Judgement”
The Spirit of “Wisdom and Revelation”
The “Spirit of Fire” as in the tongues of flames hovering over the heads of the disciples on the day of Pentecost.
The Spirit of “His own Glory” and the Glory of His Son”
The Spirit’s names and titles are useful in helping us understand His many manifestations…and that which He does for us and in us.
In Judaism…. the Holy Spirit, also known as the Holy Ghost, is THE DIVINE FORCE, QUALITY AND INFLUENCE over all His creatures and Creation itself.
He is the Author of all verified Scripture
The is the Comforter…halleluiah
The Advocate, who intercedes on our behalf.
Indweller…. He who lives in each and all of us…. who know Jesus
He is the Intercessor
The author of Revelation
Our Teacher
Our witness within us of the true revelation of Christ.
The Spirit is called “witness” because He verifies and testifies to the fact that we are children of God, that Jesus and the disciples who performed miracles were sent by God, and that the books of the Bible are divinely inspired. Further, by giving the gift of the Spirit to Believes, He witnesses to us and the world of His Love, Power and Might…..through us, that indeed we belong to God.
There is an App being advertised on TV called CALM. It is simply and beautifully done. You see a tree in full leaf….its leaves are moving gently and beautifully…..and the only sound you hear is the sound of the breeze blowing through and moving those leaves…
It is described as the earth breathing…..
I am reminded every time I see and hear it….that is like the Living Breath of God’s Spirit….moving in our lives….touching every fiber of our being….breathing into the us the breath of LIFE, our Life on
earth and our Life in Christ…..still now thy soul…(let’s take a moment here as a gentle experiment) breathe in deeply and evenly…..letting your breath go……gently……and KNOW that God lives in you….and is indeed in you….because Christ and His Kingdom is within you….
Responding to a question from the Pharisees about when the Kingdom of God would come, Jesus said, “the kingdom of God does not come with observations; nor will they say, “See here! Or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:20-21).
How that must have made them angry… once again He was trying to teach them…about the soul and Spirit….not to live and judge by the letter of the law…but by the beauty and the Holiness of God, our living God…living within us.
And Now….the Church and Pentecost….all this up to this point was in preparation for what God by His Spirit was about to do.
I woke up at 4:42 Friday morning…having in my sleep mulling over today’s message to come….when I heard two words. KICK START.
I immediately thought of Greg Neil and his many years of riding on and then flying off of motorcycles…..and puzzled over what this had to do with the message for today….and then I got it.
You see….from the time when Jesus ascended…telling the disciples and those who followed Him…to “to go back to the city and wait until they received the gift of the Holy Spirit….” Again, His words, “And behold, I will send forth upon you what My Father has promised; but remain the city (Jerusalem” until YOU ARE CLOTHED WITH POWER FROM ON HIGH.” POWER!
Up to this time…. there was no church, so to speak, but being obedient to do as Jesus requested…. many were gathered together, praying, fasting perhaps….seeking whatever this Promise coming was.
They had just chosen by lots…. Matthias to take the place of Judas, now dead. Verse 26 of Acts 1, and they cast their lots, and the lot fell to Matthias. Ad he was numbered with the eleven apostles.
So far…all is good….there is an air of expectancy…..heightened by the completion of this task…and from the ongoing prayer and expectations. The engine is humming…..powerful…and then the KICK START….AND DOWN IT CAME……ENGAGED!!! Engine and tork…. coming together.
And suddenly…. unexpectedly and POWERFULY, well, let’s read it from the Word. CHAPTER 2:1-4…. (READ)
This event…unexplainable…supernatural…powerful…embraceable….
The foundation laid…. the right people and events in place…..people gathered from all over the known world….present…the timing perfect. VERSES 5-13…. WHATEVER CAN THIS MEAN…….
VERSE 14-39
As these people from so many different nations…dispersed…they took with them…Jesus….no iPhone needed….no TV cameras needed…but people with a new breath of life and love…. began…with Him, this new Savior….in their hearts….the church began mightily and powerfully….
The disciples too…being obedient, all becoming missionaries. Church planters…. the spiritual tidal wave of Jesus Christ…..his love, truth and salvation….a whole new world from this God-man…a humble uneducated carpenter….
In the last 100 years, the number of Christians in the world has quadrupled from approximately 600 million in 1910 to well past 2.5 billion presently, and still growing.
GOD BLESS THE CHURCH in all its denominations and differences, Pentecostals, Evangelicals, Anglican, Catholic, Orthodox,
Protestants, High Churches, Low Churches…. Home Churches, Cowboy Churches, etc…….as long as she, we keep the main thing the main thing, and that is JESUS CHRIST as the HOPE of the WORLD…SAVED BY GRACE….AND NOT BY WORKS…. As it is led by imperfect, but hopeful, Christ filled people…saved by GRACE…and in love with their LORD….who made a way to the Father by the Son, and empowered by His WORD AND HIS HOLY SPIRIT….however He chooses to manifest Himself in us…the church. Be open and welcoming to the very Spirit of God…..for He…knows best.
Ephesians 2:8….” For it is by GRACE that YOU have been saved, though faith….and this is not from yourselves…for it is THE GIFT OF GOD…IN CHRIST.
The Little Church in the Pines
Macks Inn, Island Park, Idaho
May 1, 2022
A Merry (JOYOUS) Heart is the JOY of the LORD!
Proverbs 17:22
by; Pastor Tom Shanor
“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine…. but a broken spirit drieth up the bones.” A merry or (JOYOUS) heart is the JOY of the LORD!”
We are just starting as a nation…as individuals, to come out of a long period of people, many people, including some of us, who have felt and some still do of being dried up…. with sadness, sorrow and questions unanswered yet. COVID, being a huge part of this, some of us having experienced sickness and even loss, of family and friends. In our congregation we lost to death Les Kiel, Willie Scheel, Missy and have people we love fighting cancer and other diseases that are ugly and frightening…. then we come to those who have moved away. Carl and Judy, Jack and Julie, Mark and Jodi, Dan and Drew, and Bruce and Toni…. plus, several others who have chosen not to attend our services and the church. For a congregation of our size, over a dozen people now gone is a huge loss….as we were friends of them all….and each added their own uniqueness to who we were and are.
When we look at all these people…plus in our own families and friends it has been a really rough year emotionally, spiritually and physically. Yet…this is how life is…. never static…. always changing. On the up side…. we also have gained new brothers and sisters in Christ….in the past year….and even recently and in this we find JOY! And along with these…. our summer members are starting to arrive.
Adding to this…. having just having come through LENT, the crucifixion and RESURRECTION OF our Lord Jesus Christ…it is time Psalm 30:11 says “Thou hast turned my mourning into ‘dancing’ for me Thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness. Here are synonyms of gladness…. (Blessedness, happiness, JOY. Jubilance, Jubilation, Light-heartedness, Merriness, mirth and interestingly triumph.
There is a chorus from the 70’s that uses this verse, by turning it in to a simple song. Thou hast turned my mourning into dancing for me, thou hast put off my sackcloth, thou hast turned my morning into gladness for me, and girded me with gladness. To the end Thy glory may sing praise unto Thee, and not be silent, Oh Lord my God, I will give praise unto Thee forever.
When this came into being I was part of a small charismatic congregation that met in a little school gym in Moran, Wyoming, next to Grand Teton National Park…..our pastor was a former Baptist Minister from Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. The gathering was made up of cattle ranchers, guest ranches, Forest Service people, smattering of millionaires’ and then like myself and themselves, ordinary, everyday people who loved the Lord, each other, and felt the desire within us to express that love openly and often in song.
Among all those conservative people…they loved to lift their hands up unto the Lords…and sway back and forth in JOY, JUBILATION, MERRINESS, and not last of all, TRIUMPH in their own journey with each other and with Jesus. A very special time in my own personal spiritual life. I was in my thirties then… and of course now in my seventies it still feels like it was yesterday.
There is such a WONDERFUL FREEDOM in worship when we are not afraid of what the person next to us, or in the back watching us thinks of us…. because worship is such a multi-faceted act of LOVE AND THANKFULNESS TO THE LORD….IT CAN MANIFEST ITSELF IN MANY WAY…love of Him….and focus on Jesus…can lift us out of our human inhibitions…and worry about what others think of us. David of course danced before the LORD…Scripture says, in ABANDON…Samuel 6:14 “And David danced with all his might before the LORD.”
Now…don’t misread me here….I am not suggestion that we do the same, but yet, I am saying that perchance if some every does worship in this manner that none of us pass negative judgement on them….you see, this liturgical season upon us now, and with Spring “coming” Jesus having risen….we should have JOY, Gladness, Triumph, Happiness, Jubilation flowing through our spirits and our persons….a lighter step….and anticipation of His Presence in us growing, maturing and drawing closer and closer to Jesus…..ritual is wonderful and meaningful, but too is spontaneous and heart-felt LOVE and JOY.
When we are deep in our personal and abiding relationship with our Lord Jesus and the Father, the unexpected may happen…for this relationship can be deep and it is personal. NOT ONLY IN THE UNEXPECTED, but in our ordinary, every-day lives, even the mundane. For…. God is with us, God is in us, God is around us and God works through us…. IF WE LET HIM.
How temporal we are…as has been proven this last several years…though this is not new thought to us, it has been frequently brought to our attention by all the circumstances we have endured. How vulnerable we are….no matter how secure we foolishly try to think we are….by resisting changes and resisting challenges that confront us.
Our ATTITUDE and the things we prioritize our lives with are critical to how we will endure when difficulty comes…but yet even here, Paul says to REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAYS…AND AGAIN I SAY REJOICE.
The values we cherish…we need to share. Why in God’s name would we even want to be critical, nay-sayers, judgers, being hard on people instead of helping, loving and lifting some of the burdens off their shoulder…and also not holding back (because of pride) when we too should share with others our own. In the Body OF Christ, the Church…we are to share both our JOYS and our NEEDS. The correct attitude….and the way we approach both the
difficulties and GOOD…can bring about healing in a multitude of ways.
PROVERBS 17:22 “A merry heart doeth good…like a medicine,
Like a medicine is a merry heart,
But a broken spirit drieth up the bones,
A merry heart is the JOY of the LORD!
Dr. Norman Cousins…on the medical staff at UCLA School of Medicine for years…. was diagnosed with having a strange, rare kind of disease that destroys the connective tissue of the body. The physicians he worked with gave him (knowing something was wrong) after many tests relayed to him that they were sorry, but there is really nothing we can do, as you know it is a degenerative disease and you dear friend are going to die from it.
Dr. Cousins said, “Well, I don’t want to just sigh, sit back and let it happen…I will not give up. (Remember the all the words I spoke in understanding the scope of meaning gladness, some being gladness, happiness, jubilation, triumph, merry and others.
He TRANSFORMED his attitude he was tempted immediately to adopt…an attitude of acceptance…well, here is what he chose to do and did.
1. He set himself on a regime of exercise.
2. He took high doses of Vitamin C
3. This became his adopt4ed ATTITUDE…. a mental choice.
4. He took his mega doses of Vitamin C and watched movies of slap-stick comedy including the 3-Stooges, Cartoons, the MARX Brothers and every funny movie he could locate, and as he watched in segments…he found that in 10 minutes of hearty laughter gave him a whole hour free of pain.
5. He discovered as he did this, that gradually he began to feel better and better more consistently.
The day came when he went back to his fellow physicians for more tests, and after a full battery of them, they relayed to him
the news, themselves astounded, and in joy, said, “we don’t know what has happened, because there is no known cure for this disease as you well know…..but your battery of tests reveal you are completely healed.
He went on to live another 20 years disease free, writing a book named “Anatomy of an illness, in which he made the point that ATTITUDE, cheerfulness, gladness, laughter…a merry heart, this having been written over 3000 years ago by one King Solomon.
A heart full of gladness is a trusting heart, uncrowded by fear, negativity, anger, doubt, trouble.
We all know that at times it is a very difficult world we live in, a world filled to overflowing with sins of all kind and magnitude leading to sickness, despair, brokenness and heart-ache.
Every instead of being overwhelmed, we choose to rejoice in the Risen LORD of our Salvation. Also remembering, that one fine day the one who Rose from the dead…will return…just as the disciples saw Him go…so He will return.
What a day of rejoicing that will be…for when, we all see Jesus we’ll SING and SHOUT THE VICTORY.
Whatever assails us if from a sinful world and the enemy of God, in our attitude…we are to CHOOSE to remember Jesus will walk with us, side by side, and eventually, if necessary, carry us, until we reach the destination of being with Him.
Proverbs 14:30 a. “A heart at peace give life to the body, between what goes on in the inside and the manifestations that occur on the outside. Our Goal is to have a heart set on Him…. Peace like a river will flow from Him to you…and overflow to others.
Proverbs 18:1 says, A man or woman’s spirit sustains them in sickness, but if their spirit is crushed, they cannot stand.
Song…He walks with me, and He talks with me.
And He tells me I am His own,
And the things we share as we tarry there.
None other than Christ alone…………. To wrap this up…. here are keys to developing an attitude of peace, joy and gladness.
1. Cultivate your relationship with God as the priority.
2. Keep the long view of life…. with eternity in your heart.
3. Cultivate a forgiving spirit…at whatever cost.
4. Be aware of who you associate with on a regular basis.
5. Be a load lifter, not a burden maker.
6. Something as simple as listening to good music speaks to you heart, mind and spirit.
7. Live a life of active serving and giving without expecting a return.
8. Come to KNOW and PRCTICE the teaching of our LORD.
9.Put on a glad heart…. with the JOY of the LORD as your strength.
This is a story that parallels, well you can decide what story it parallels and where ultimate forgiveness based on LOVE…. has a similar impact, as the original story affected and affects the world to this day, and both would affect anyone one who reads and understands the depth of what lies beneath it.
I’ll close with this………….
A pastor in Connecticut had a son, the JOY of His life who was needlessly murdered.
This pastor, living out his faith and beliefs visited the young man in prison who murdered his son. Over time with forgiveness being offered by the pastor, the young man asked his forgiveness and accepted Jesus as his LORD and SAVIOR.
The Reverend Walter Everett not only got to know well but came to love him deeply. Therefore, the pastor was instrumental in getting the man released from prison early. He recently officiated at his wedding. Here is a quote from the pastor. “I had known people whose loved ones had been murdered, and years later were still consumed, being eaten alive from the inside, consumed by their anger and hatred. I could not let that happen to me.”
IF it is, gladness of heart you desire…IF it is, the JOY of the Lord that is your strength. IF it is, peace like a river that flows both into, through and from you.
This pastors’ love is a replica of God’s love for us. Though His beloved Son was killed….and those who did so deserved punishment even unto death…instead they were offered forgiveness…unto life. Eternal life….and still are to this day.
Yes. He was brutalized, scored and put to death…. what came next as I spoke about last week…. instead of punishment and death…comes life…a life possible, no matter the circumstances, even in this life…gladness of heart…a merry heart-attitude, does good like medicine. Amen!
Macks Inn, Island Park, Idaho
May 1, 2022
A Merry (JOYOUS) Heart is the JOY of the LORD!
Proverbs 17:22
by; Pastor Tom Shanor
“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine…. but a broken spirit drieth up the bones.” A merry or (JOYOUS) heart is the JOY of the LORD!”
We are just starting as a nation…as individuals, to come out of a long period of people, many people, including some of us, who have felt and some still do of being dried up…. with sadness, sorrow and questions unanswered yet. COVID, being a huge part of this, some of us having experienced sickness and even loss, of family and friends. In our congregation we lost to death Les Kiel, Willie Scheel, Missy and have people we love fighting cancer and other diseases that are ugly and frightening…. then we come to those who have moved away. Carl and Judy, Jack and Julie, Mark and Jodi, Dan and Drew, and Bruce and Toni…. plus, several others who have chosen not to attend our services and the church. For a congregation of our size, over a dozen people now gone is a huge loss….as we were friends of them all….and each added their own uniqueness to who we were and are.
When we look at all these people…plus in our own families and friends it has been a really rough year emotionally, spiritually and physically. Yet…this is how life is…. never static…. always changing. On the up side…. we also have gained new brothers and sisters in Christ….in the past year….and even recently and in this we find JOY! And along with these…. our summer members are starting to arrive.
Adding to this…. having just having come through LENT, the crucifixion and RESURRECTION OF our Lord Jesus Christ…it is time Psalm 30:11 says “Thou hast turned my mourning into ‘dancing’ for me Thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness. Here are synonyms of gladness…. (Blessedness, happiness, JOY. Jubilance, Jubilation, Light-heartedness, Merriness, mirth and interestingly triumph.
There is a chorus from the 70’s that uses this verse, by turning it in to a simple song. Thou hast turned my mourning into dancing for me, thou hast put off my sackcloth, thou hast turned my morning into gladness for me, and girded me with gladness. To the end Thy glory may sing praise unto Thee, and not be silent, Oh Lord my God, I will give praise unto Thee forever.
When this came into being I was part of a small charismatic congregation that met in a little school gym in Moran, Wyoming, next to Grand Teton National Park…..our pastor was a former Baptist Minister from Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. The gathering was made up of cattle ranchers, guest ranches, Forest Service people, smattering of millionaires’ and then like myself and themselves, ordinary, everyday people who loved the Lord, each other, and felt the desire within us to express that love openly and often in song.
Among all those conservative people…they loved to lift their hands up unto the Lords…and sway back and forth in JOY, JUBILATION, MERRINESS, and not last of all, TRIUMPH in their own journey with each other and with Jesus. A very special time in my own personal spiritual life. I was in my thirties then… and of course now in my seventies it still feels like it was yesterday.
There is such a WONDERFUL FREEDOM in worship when we are not afraid of what the person next to us, or in the back watching us thinks of us…. because worship is such a multi-faceted act of LOVE AND THANKFULNESS TO THE LORD….IT CAN MANIFEST ITSELF IN MANY WAY…love of Him….and focus on Jesus…can lift us out of our human inhibitions…and worry about what others think of us. David of course danced before the LORD…Scripture says, in ABANDON…Samuel 6:14 “And David danced with all his might before the LORD.”
Now…don’t misread me here….I am not suggestion that we do the same, but yet, I am saying that perchance if some every does worship in this manner that none of us pass negative judgement on them….you see, this liturgical season upon us now, and with Spring “coming” Jesus having risen….we should have JOY, Gladness, Triumph, Happiness, Jubilation flowing through our spirits and our persons….a lighter step….and anticipation of His Presence in us growing, maturing and drawing closer and closer to Jesus…..ritual is wonderful and meaningful, but too is spontaneous and heart-felt LOVE and JOY.
When we are deep in our personal and abiding relationship with our Lord Jesus and the Father, the unexpected may happen…for this relationship can be deep and it is personal. NOT ONLY IN THE UNEXPECTED, but in our ordinary, every-day lives, even the mundane. For…. God is with us, God is in us, God is around us and God works through us…. IF WE LET HIM.
How temporal we are…as has been proven this last several years…though this is not new thought to us, it has been frequently brought to our attention by all the circumstances we have endured. How vulnerable we are….no matter how secure we foolishly try to think we are….by resisting changes and resisting challenges that confront us.
Our ATTITUDE and the things we prioritize our lives with are critical to how we will endure when difficulty comes…but yet even here, Paul says to REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAYS…AND AGAIN I SAY REJOICE.
The values we cherish…we need to share. Why in God’s name would we even want to be critical, nay-sayers, judgers, being hard on people instead of helping, loving and lifting some of the burdens off their shoulder…and also not holding back (because of pride) when we too should share with others our own. In the Body OF Christ, the Church…we are to share both our JOYS and our NEEDS. The correct attitude….and the way we approach both the
difficulties and GOOD…can bring about healing in a multitude of ways.
PROVERBS 17:22 “A merry heart doeth good…like a medicine,
Like a medicine is a merry heart,
But a broken spirit drieth up the bones,
A merry heart is the JOY of the LORD!
Dr. Norman Cousins…on the medical staff at UCLA School of Medicine for years…. was diagnosed with having a strange, rare kind of disease that destroys the connective tissue of the body. The physicians he worked with gave him (knowing something was wrong) after many tests relayed to him that they were sorry, but there is really nothing we can do, as you know it is a degenerative disease and you dear friend are going to die from it.
Dr. Cousins said, “Well, I don’t want to just sigh, sit back and let it happen…I will not give up. (Remember the all the words I spoke in understanding the scope of meaning gladness, some being gladness, happiness, jubilation, triumph, merry and others.
He TRANSFORMED his attitude he was tempted immediately to adopt…an attitude of acceptance…well, here is what he chose to do and did.
1. He set himself on a regime of exercise.
2. He took high doses of Vitamin C
3. This became his adopt4ed ATTITUDE…. a mental choice.
4. He took his mega doses of Vitamin C and watched movies of slap-stick comedy including the 3-Stooges, Cartoons, the MARX Brothers and every funny movie he could locate, and as he watched in segments…he found that in 10 minutes of hearty laughter gave him a whole hour free of pain.
5. He discovered as he did this, that gradually he began to feel better and better more consistently.
The day came when he went back to his fellow physicians for more tests, and after a full battery of them, they relayed to him
the news, themselves astounded, and in joy, said, “we don’t know what has happened, because there is no known cure for this disease as you well know…..but your battery of tests reveal you are completely healed.
He went on to live another 20 years disease free, writing a book named “Anatomy of an illness, in which he made the point that ATTITUDE, cheerfulness, gladness, laughter…a merry heart, this having been written over 3000 years ago by one King Solomon.
A heart full of gladness is a trusting heart, uncrowded by fear, negativity, anger, doubt, trouble.
We all know that at times it is a very difficult world we live in, a world filled to overflowing with sins of all kind and magnitude leading to sickness, despair, brokenness and heart-ache.
Every instead of being overwhelmed, we choose to rejoice in the Risen LORD of our Salvation. Also remembering, that one fine day the one who Rose from the dead…will return…just as the disciples saw Him go…so He will return.
What a day of rejoicing that will be…for when, we all see Jesus we’ll SING and SHOUT THE VICTORY.
Whatever assails us if from a sinful world and the enemy of God, in our attitude…we are to CHOOSE to remember Jesus will walk with us, side by side, and eventually, if necessary, carry us, until we reach the destination of being with Him.
Proverbs 14:30 a. “A heart at peace give life to the body, between what goes on in the inside and the manifestations that occur on the outside. Our Goal is to have a heart set on Him…. Peace like a river will flow from Him to you…and overflow to others.
Proverbs 18:1 says, A man or woman’s spirit sustains them in sickness, but if their spirit is crushed, they cannot stand.
Song…He walks with me, and He talks with me.
And He tells me I am His own,
And the things we share as we tarry there.
None other than Christ alone…………. To wrap this up…. here are keys to developing an attitude of peace, joy and gladness.
1. Cultivate your relationship with God as the priority.
2. Keep the long view of life…. with eternity in your heart.
3. Cultivate a forgiving spirit…at whatever cost.
4. Be aware of who you associate with on a regular basis.
5. Be a load lifter, not a burden maker.
6. Something as simple as listening to good music speaks to you heart, mind and spirit.
7. Live a life of active serving and giving without expecting a return.
8. Come to KNOW and PRCTICE the teaching of our LORD.
9.Put on a glad heart…. with the JOY of the LORD as your strength.
This is a story that parallels, well you can decide what story it parallels and where ultimate forgiveness based on LOVE…. has a similar impact, as the original story affected and affects the world to this day, and both would affect anyone one who reads and understands the depth of what lies beneath it.
I’ll close with this………….
A pastor in Connecticut had a son, the JOY of His life who was needlessly murdered.
This pastor, living out his faith and beliefs visited the young man in prison who murdered his son. Over time with forgiveness being offered by the pastor, the young man asked his forgiveness and accepted Jesus as his LORD and SAVIOR.
The Reverend Walter Everett not only got to know well but came to love him deeply. Therefore, the pastor was instrumental in getting the man released from prison early. He recently officiated at his wedding. Here is a quote from the pastor. “I had known people whose loved ones had been murdered, and years later were still consumed, being eaten alive from the inside, consumed by their anger and hatred. I could not let that happen to me.”
IF it is, gladness of heart you desire…IF it is, the JOY of the Lord that is your strength. IF it is, peace like a river that flows both into, through and from you.
This pastors’ love is a replica of God’s love for us. Though His beloved Son was killed….and those who did so deserved punishment even unto death…instead they were offered forgiveness…unto life. Eternal life….and still are to this day.
Yes. He was brutalized, scored and put to death…. what came next as I spoke about last week…. instead of punishment and death…comes life…a life possible, no matter the circumstances, even in this life…gladness of heart…a merry heart-attitude, does good like medicine. Amen!
The Little Church in the Pines
Island park, Idaho
April 24, 2022
"What Comes Next & Where Do We Go From Here?"
by; Pastor Tom Shanor
This morning I am returning close to where we left off last Sunday. Mary and Mary Magdalene are running to find the disciples to explain to them what just took place, concerning Jesus and give them the message the angel had given the women to relate to the disciples.
(As a side note)
At times, when I both read Scripture and am being read to, I like to put myself somewhere in the mix…in this case perhaps as a disciple, or one of the men on the road to Emmaus, or even perhaps one of the women as I attempt to gauge their thoughts and even emotions.
You might try it also…I have quite a bit of Scripture to read…, please listen close….thank you. “What Comes Next” following His RESSURECTION is what you are about to hear.
Luke 24, starting with verse 5-43 READ (Two accounts)
Matthew 28:18-20 READ
LUKE 24:44-52 READ
Comments on verses 5-9
Jesus’ resurrection from the dead is the central fact (remember I said fact, established fact) of both our church history and the foundation on which this tact is is built. The pivotal point on which all of Christianity revolves, and without it there would be no Church today. Jesus’ resurrection in unique in religious history.
Other religions have strong ethical systems, concepts, about paradise and the afterlife and various holy words or precepts on which they are founded. Only Christianity tells us of the One True God who came in human form, born of a human mother and the Spirit of God Himself….with the promise of His literal return to reign and rule, His love and care palpable and tangible.
Before I read what comes next….I want you to pause (selah) and think about this. About how blessed we are….and about how loving God is, and how awesome Jesus was and is. We have a tendency, to gloss over things that we hear often, but once-in-a-while and even every day, it is good to ponder….to be thankful and to understand on a deep level, all that Jesus is…and all that He did and does for us, every single day of our lives. Reflection is a good thing, or if, you don’t believe in the Resurrection, or that He is the Son of God our Savior and friend, what would be the point of even coming here to meet and sing about a mere man, upright and moral and loving albeit….for sure, but still a mere man. Coming to the table of the Lord and taking part in Communion would be pointless.
1. Because Christ was raised from the dead, we know that the Kingdom of Heaven has broken into earth’s history, into our world today, because of fallen human choices and decisions men with outsized ego’s, lusting for power and control have put us, as never before on the brink of disaster and potentially eradication as a people and the planet itself.
2. His promise to come again, He will take us from the brink of destruction to the establishment of a Kingdom of peace on earth…and goodwill to mankind, and His promises will be fulfilled, as was His promise to come back from the dead came into being. Scripture does not lie, is not made up, is not temporal but eternal….IT IS TRUTH. While many struggle to find and seek TRUTH…WE HAVE IT RIGHT HERE IN OUR HANDS, AVAILABLE TO US EVERY MOMENT OF EVERY DAY….AND YET, WE NEGLECT IT, MUCH TO OUR SHAME, AND POTENTIAL FOR PERSONAL SPRITUAL GROTH IGNORED.
3. We find though that because they have not yet heard of the resurrection it will take
4. Jesus’ bodily resurrection shows us that the living Christ is ruler of God’s eternal KINGDOM, not a false prophet or imposter.
5. We can be certain of our own resurrection because He resurrected, as I said above, and by doing so, broke the hold on death for us, bringing us NEW life…in Him. This is our hope and our faith, in that He fulfilled all the prophecies related to His resurrection, and will fulfill all of those related to His return,
6. The POWER that brought Jesus back to life, is available to us to bring our spiritually dead selves back to life.
7. The Resurrection is the basis for the church’s witness to the world. Jesus is more than just a human leader as I already explained; He is the Son of God.
An Old, but at one time contemporary chorus we sang in the early charismatic days goes like this.
My HOPE is in you Lord,
My STRENGTH is in you Lord,
In You, It’s in you!
I’ll praise you with all of my life,
I’ll praise you with all my strength
With all of my life, with all of my strength,
All of my HOPE Is in you……repeat.
We find two men on the road to Emmaus that witnessed all that took place with Jesus. We are never told one of the men’s names, but the other is Cleopas. As they walked along the road, they were discussing these things that had happened, Jesus suddenly came and began walking with them. But God kept them from recognizing Him.
He asks them (already knowing of course) “What are you discussing so intently as you walk along?”
They stopped short; sadness written across their faces.
These men of course had not heard that He had been resurrected from the dead. Their sadness and sorrow were palpable.
3. We find though, that because they have not yet heard of the resurrection, it will take the disciples encountering Him as He reveals Himself by the holes in His hands and feet for them to do so. They remain to this day, as a testimony forever of His great love for us. This comes just a bit later, but now……
READ Luke 28-34
As the saga of the two men continues… they join with the 11 in Jerusalem
In Scripture He opened their minds to understand…..just as today, the Holy Spirit will open our minds to also understand, and all we need to do for this to happen is ask Him.
His role as a prophet we find in Deuteronomy 18:15-20
His sufferings were prophesied in Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53
His resurrection was predicted in Psalm 16:9-11 and Isaiah 53:10
No wonder my heart is glad and I rejoice.
My body rests in safety.
For You will not leave my soul among the dead or allow Your Holy One to rot in the grave.
Youi will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of Your presence, and the pleasures of LIVING with you forever.
Next and lastly we come to the ASENCION…..remembering He has a physical body…as prover by eating and those. Specifically stated, Thomas, who placed his fingers in the wounds in Jesus’ hands and feet.
Verse 50-53…..
Then Jesus led them to Bethany, and lifting up His hands to heaven, He blessed them. While He was blessing them, He left them and was taken up to heaven. So, they worshiped him and then returned to Jerusalem filled with great JOY.
Jesus’ leaving must have been awe inspiring and amazing…..Put yourself there for that……but also seeing Him go in such manner, would have further deepened their faith, as to His return, having seen and experienced His Resurrection. He
Remember also His words to them where He told them to wait (together) in the city until they received the Holy Spirit in Power and Might…..which when this happened, would equip them to fulfill His last commandment, a commission to both them and us…which they fulfilled in an amazing way as led by the Spirit.
Mark 16:15-16
Called the Great Commission, for us too…in our everyday lives as witnesses, or called to go to the remotest places on the earth….as many have done. READ
Well…that is quite a commission…..and quite a variety of experiences along the way for some…..
Island park, Idaho
April 24, 2022
"What Comes Next & Where Do We Go From Here?"
by; Pastor Tom Shanor
This morning I am returning close to where we left off last Sunday. Mary and Mary Magdalene are running to find the disciples to explain to them what just took place, concerning Jesus and give them the message the angel had given the women to relate to the disciples.
(As a side note)
At times, when I both read Scripture and am being read to, I like to put myself somewhere in the mix…in this case perhaps as a disciple, or one of the men on the road to Emmaus, or even perhaps one of the women as I attempt to gauge their thoughts and even emotions.
You might try it also…I have quite a bit of Scripture to read…, please listen close….thank you. “What Comes Next” following His RESSURECTION is what you are about to hear.
Luke 24, starting with verse 5-43 READ (Two accounts)
Matthew 28:18-20 READ
LUKE 24:44-52 READ
Comments on verses 5-9
Jesus’ resurrection from the dead is the central fact (remember I said fact, established fact) of both our church history and the foundation on which this tact is is built. The pivotal point on which all of Christianity revolves, and without it there would be no Church today. Jesus’ resurrection in unique in religious history.
Other religions have strong ethical systems, concepts, about paradise and the afterlife and various holy words or precepts on which they are founded. Only Christianity tells us of the One True God who came in human form, born of a human mother and the Spirit of God Himself….with the promise of His literal return to reign and rule, His love and care palpable and tangible.
Before I read what comes next….I want you to pause (selah) and think about this. About how blessed we are….and about how loving God is, and how awesome Jesus was and is. We have a tendency, to gloss over things that we hear often, but once-in-a-while and even every day, it is good to ponder….to be thankful and to understand on a deep level, all that Jesus is…and all that He did and does for us, every single day of our lives. Reflection is a good thing, or if, you don’t believe in the Resurrection, or that He is the Son of God our Savior and friend, what would be the point of even coming here to meet and sing about a mere man, upright and moral and loving albeit….for sure, but still a mere man. Coming to the table of the Lord and taking part in Communion would be pointless.
1. Because Christ was raised from the dead, we know that the Kingdom of Heaven has broken into earth’s history, into our world today, because of fallen human choices and decisions men with outsized ego’s, lusting for power and control have put us, as never before on the brink of disaster and potentially eradication as a people and the planet itself.
2. His promise to come again, He will take us from the brink of destruction to the establishment of a Kingdom of peace on earth…and goodwill to mankind, and His promises will be fulfilled, as was His promise to come back from the dead came into being. Scripture does not lie, is not made up, is not temporal but eternal….IT IS TRUTH. While many struggle to find and seek TRUTH…WE HAVE IT RIGHT HERE IN OUR HANDS, AVAILABLE TO US EVERY MOMENT OF EVERY DAY….AND YET, WE NEGLECT IT, MUCH TO OUR SHAME, AND POTENTIAL FOR PERSONAL SPRITUAL GROTH IGNORED.
3. We find though that because they have not yet heard of the resurrection it will take
4. Jesus’ bodily resurrection shows us that the living Christ is ruler of God’s eternal KINGDOM, not a false prophet or imposter.
5. We can be certain of our own resurrection because He resurrected, as I said above, and by doing so, broke the hold on death for us, bringing us NEW life…in Him. This is our hope and our faith, in that He fulfilled all the prophecies related to His resurrection, and will fulfill all of those related to His return,
6. The POWER that brought Jesus back to life, is available to us to bring our spiritually dead selves back to life.
7. The Resurrection is the basis for the church’s witness to the world. Jesus is more than just a human leader as I already explained; He is the Son of God.
An Old, but at one time contemporary chorus we sang in the early charismatic days goes like this.
My HOPE is in you Lord,
My STRENGTH is in you Lord,
In You, It’s in you!
I’ll praise you with all of my life,
I’ll praise you with all my strength
With all of my life, with all of my strength,
All of my HOPE Is in you……repeat.
We find two men on the road to Emmaus that witnessed all that took place with Jesus. We are never told one of the men’s names, but the other is Cleopas. As they walked along the road, they were discussing these things that had happened, Jesus suddenly came and began walking with them. But God kept them from recognizing Him.
He asks them (already knowing of course) “What are you discussing so intently as you walk along?”
They stopped short; sadness written across their faces.
These men of course had not heard that He had been resurrected from the dead. Their sadness and sorrow were palpable.
3. We find though, that because they have not yet heard of the resurrection, it will take the disciples encountering Him as He reveals Himself by the holes in His hands and feet for them to do so. They remain to this day, as a testimony forever of His great love for us. This comes just a bit later, but now……
READ Luke 28-34
As the saga of the two men continues… they join with the 11 in Jerusalem
In Scripture He opened their minds to understand…..just as today, the Holy Spirit will open our minds to also understand, and all we need to do for this to happen is ask Him.
His role as a prophet we find in Deuteronomy 18:15-20
His sufferings were prophesied in Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53
His resurrection was predicted in Psalm 16:9-11 and Isaiah 53:10
No wonder my heart is glad and I rejoice.
My body rests in safety.
For You will not leave my soul among the dead or allow Your Holy One to rot in the grave.
Youi will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of Your presence, and the pleasures of LIVING with you forever.
Next and lastly we come to the ASENCION…..remembering He has a physical body…as prover by eating and those. Specifically stated, Thomas, who placed his fingers in the wounds in Jesus’ hands and feet.
Verse 50-53…..
Then Jesus led them to Bethany, and lifting up His hands to heaven, He blessed them. While He was blessing them, He left them and was taken up to heaven. So, they worshiped him and then returned to Jerusalem filled with great JOY.
Jesus’ leaving must have been awe inspiring and amazing…..Put yourself there for that……but also seeing Him go in such manner, would have further deepened their faith, as to His return, having seen and experienced His Resurrection. He
Remember also His words to them where He told them to wait (together) in the city until they received the Holy Spirit in Power and Might…..which when this happened, would equip them to fulfill His last commandment, a commission to both them and us…which they fulfilled in an amazing way as led by the Spirit.
Mark 16:15-16
Called the Great Commission, for us too…in our everyday lives as witnesses, or called to go to the remotest places on the earth….as many have done. READ
Well…that is quite a commission…..and quite a variety of experiences along the way for some…..
Morning Has Broken
(a New Day Has Dawned)
April 17, 2022
Sermon by; Pastor Tom Shanor
After the fear and horror of this day 1,988 years ago…with the arrest and trial…of Jesus. After enduring His beating and berating from both the high priest and the crowd, followed by carrying His cross through the crowd and up the road, to the top of the hill called Golgotha, then after being roughly stretched out on that same cross, splinters digging into His already torn and beaten flesh, His head still wearing a crown of thorns pushing into his forehead, due to His inability to hold His head up….and little to no strength left in Him. Then in finality and brutally…..spikes….not nails, were driven into each hand, which was contrary to the Roman executioners normally placing the spikes through the wrists to support the body weight….to cause more pain, the hands more sensitive and more easily broken, would cause extreme pain. His feet placed together on a small platform, spikes driven through the tops of His feet slanted up toward the ankles, separating the bones of the feet, thus unable as in His hands, to support His entire body weight…causing even more pain. Once that was finished the cross was roughly pulled upright…and roughly dropped into a pre-dug hole in the ground, hitting the bottom hard, causing agonizing pain throughout His body, especially where the spikes were holding Him to the cross, His head rocking back and forth…. driving each thorn yet deeper.
People wept…others jeered…others prayed, hearts broken, those who had believed in His message, some… doubting, now fearing for their own lives if associated with this Jesus.
Those who continued to hold on to their faith, seeing their long awaited Messiah….dying, like an ordinary man. Meanwhile….His beloved mother doing what she has done all these many years…painfully pondering, remembering the promises the angel had given her. So many memoires, as her heart, broken…..yet with
hope still burning, still believing, though perhaps not understanding, her pain almost overwhelming her, asking God, why, why, why?
This horror filled day, now turning to the darkness of night, darker than any can remember, one can still hear muffled tears and literally feel the depth and magnitude of sorrow in the air, as they all hear His voice piercing the darkness…My God My God…why have you forsaken Me…..a short time thereafter barely audible, Jesus last words spoken as a man….”Father, forgive them, for they know not what they have done….His head gently dropping, He breathes His last breath and dies.
Then…a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who himself had also become a disciple of Jesus.
This man wen to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded the boy to be given to him. When Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped it in a clean liner cloth, and laid it in his new tomb which he had had hewn out of rock; and he had a large stone rolled against the door of the tomb.
Mary his mother and Mary Magdalene were there sitting opposite the door of the tomb.
On Saturday…the Sabbath, the chief priests and Pharisees gathered together to speak with Pilate, saying, “Sir, we remember, while He was still alive, how that deceiver said, “After three days I will rise. Pilate then commanded that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest His disciples come by night and steal Him away, and say to the people, ‘He has risen from the dead.’ So, the last deception will be worse than the first.”
Pilate said to them, “You have a guard; go and make it as secure as you know how.” So, they went and made the tomb secure, sealing the stone and placing there a guard.
Night has passed…. the earth seems unnaturally still.
Morning is soon to break…the last of the stars are fading from the early morning sky, and as this day begins to dawn Mary, Jesus’ mother and Mary Magdalene, came to the tomb.
And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the LORD had descended from heaven, and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. His countenance was like lightning and his clothing as white as snow. And the guards shook for fear of him, becoming like dead men.
The two Mary’s, after experiencing the earthquake…. seeing an angel….then having him talk to them…I am sure they were overwhelmed emotionally….even showing fear. But, hearing these words after asking “where have they have moved Him, the angel answered and said to the women, do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come see…..the place where the LORD had lay. The angel called Him LORD, for He is the LORD of heaven and earth. “Go quickly,” “and tell His disciples, that He is risen from the dead, and indeed you will see Him.” So, they went out quickly from the tomb with fear and GREAT JOY. They are excitedly exclaiming to each other, it’s true…it’s true. He has risen as He said from the dead, and they ran to bring His disciples the words of the Angel.
As the two women ran…. the sun broke over the distant mountains, and MORNING HAS finally BROKEN, in all the beauty and stillness, LIKE THE VERY FIRST MORNING of Creation, and birds are singing, like the first bird, finding JOY in the beauty of the new day.
Listen to these words from the Hymn……
Praise for the singing! Praise for the morning, praise for the springing fresh from the WORD. The Living Word, the Risen Savior.
Sweet the rain’s new fall, sunlit from heaven…like the first dewfall on the first grass, praise for the sweetness of the wet garden, sprung in completeness where His feet pass. Just imagine…. after the unnatural darkness, the pain and sorrow…now dispelled forever, that beautiful fresh morning with the fresh and pure dew-covered grass…. the sounds of birdsong in the air, early rays of sunlight highlighting the ground with dappling
shadows...the light heavenly in its clarity…and among the tombs, this one in particular, now open, that was sealed three days earlier, the seal now broken supernaturally, and the ONE who was entombed, once dead, now treads the dew-covered grass taking in the early morning freshness, the scent of flowers, the hum of bees collecting their nectar….and out there, out there, is a whole world…. unknowing as to what is taking place as they sleep.
This ONE, “Jesus” who broke down the barrier between life and death, bringing the Son of God-light, this is His morning, born of the One Light Eden saw play! Praise with elation, Praise Every Morning, and God’s Re-Creation, of the new day. This is the dawning of the day of SALVATION…for ALL, who hunger and thirst after righteousness and truth.
His pathway to the CROSS has purchased for us….a pathway to the Father…to a realm we cannot even being to imagine….time without end…in very presence of the ONE God, Jehovah- Jireh, translated, means “God our Provider.”
This pathway is for EVERYONE who acknowledges Jesus Christ as their SAVIOR….and REPENTS OF THEIR SIN….though sometimes others cannot believe just how deep this acceptance and forgiveness can reach. How on earth can Jesus forgive even the most vile of sinners….well… He both can and does. To me…this true story I am about to read to this day, many question both the man’s sincerity and Salvation as well as how could the SAVIOR possibly forgive some sins. But you see…. that is why He came…not for the religious, but for all sinners, even the vilest of them….so great is both His forgiveness and GRACE.
I DOUBT NOT…that this man was saved and sanctified…. because, He has accepted me…. of all people….me. Therefore, I LOVE HIM AND HE LOVES ME….no matter what you may think of me, I rely
on Him and Him alone for my redemption…being up here every Sunday is not about pleasing or inspiring you…though I am pleased when that happens….but it is about pleasing Him first by reaching into your life…perhaps even to convict you…or at times to get you to look deep within yourself to see where you…and I need to undergo the TRANSFORMATION THAT ONLY CAN COME THROUGH YOUR LOVE FOR HIM… may consider yourself an arbiter of wisdom and discernment….when in fact you may be nothing more than an unkind critic.
There have been in the past and clearly are in the present who will be required to give up everything….to be like and live like Him.
That we are recognized as followers and disciples of His should make us very careful about how we live or lives……are we? This Easter Sunday…let us examine ourselves….and if found wanting, of which He by His Spirit will point out if we permit Him…. CHANGE from our earthly temperament to His heavenly one…. otherwise, He died in vain, but we KNOW He didn’t…. there are many living dramatically changed lives…. because of simply saying YES LORD, YES.
Now to the story………………………………………………………………
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, there’s just something about His Name
Master, Savior Jesus, like the fragrance after the rain…
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, let all Heaven and earth proclaim,
Kings and kingdoms shall all pass away, but there’s
somethings about that name.
The Risen Christ……. beckons, come, comes……………
That true story ……and the life of your story….is what EASTER is all about.
(a New Day Has Dawned)
April 17, 2022
Sermon by; Pastor Tom Shanor
After the fear and horror of this day 1,988 years ago…with the arrest and trial…of Jesus. After enduring His beating and berating from both the high priest and the crowd, followed by carrying His cross through the crowd and up the road, to the top of the hill called Golgotha, then after being roughly stretched out on that same cross, splinters digging into His already torn and beaten flesh, His head still wearing a crown of thorns pushing into his forehead, due to His inability to hold His head up….and little to no strength left in Him. Then in finality and brutally…..spikes….not nails, were driven into each hand, which was contrary to the Roman executioners normally placing the spikes through the wrists to support the body weight….to cause more pain, the hands more sensitive and more easily broken, would cause extreme pain. His feet placed together on a small platform, spikes driven through the tops of His feet slanted up toward the ankles, separating the bones of the feet, thus unable as in His hands, to support His entire body weight…causing even more pain. Once that was finished the cross was roughly pulled upright…and roughly dropped into a pre-dug hole in the ground, hitting the bottom hard, causing agonizing pain throughout His body, especially where the spikes were holding Him to the cross, His head rocking back and forth…. driving each thorn yet deeper.
People wept…others jeered…others prayed, hearts broken, those who had believed in His message, some… doubting, now fearing for their own lives if associated with this Jesus.
Those who continued to hold on to their faith, seeing their long awaited Messiah….dying, like an ordinary man. Meanwhile….His beloved mother doing what she has done all these many years…painfully pondering, remembering the promises the angel had given her. So many memoires, as her heart, broken…..yet with
hope still burning, still believing, though perhaps not understanding, her pain almost overwhelming her, asking God, why, why, why?
This horror filled day, now turning to the darkness of night, darker than any can remember, one can still hear muffled tears and literally feel the depth and magnitude of sorrow in the air, as they all hear His voice piercing the darkness…My God My God…why have you forsaken Me…..a short time thereafter barely audible, Jesus last words spoken as a man….”Father, forgive them, for they know not what they have done….His head gently dropping, He breathes His last breath and dies.
Then…a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who himself had also become a disciple of Jesus.
This man wen to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded the boy to be given to him. When Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped it in a clean liner cloth, and laid it in his new tomb which he had had hewn out of rock; and he had a large stone rolled against the door of the tomb.
Mary his mother and Mary Magdalene were there sitting opposite the door of the tomb.
On Saturday…the Sabbath, the chief priests and Pharisees gathered together to speak with Pilate, saying, “Sir, we remember, while He was still alive, how that deceiver said, “After three days I will rise. Pilate then commanded that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest His disciples come by night and steal Him away, and say to the people, ‘He has risen from the dead.’ So, the last deception will be worse than the first.”
Pilate said to them, “You have a guard; go and make it as secure as you know how.” So, they went and made the tomb secure, sealing the stone and placing there a guard.
Night has passed…. the earth seems unnaturally still.
Morning is soon to break…the last of the stars are fading from the early morning sky, and as this day begins to dawn Mary, Jesus’ mother and Mary Magdalene, came to the tomb.
And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the LORD had descended from heaven, and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. His countenance was like lightning and his clothing as white as snow. And the guards shook for fear of him, becoming like dead men.
The two Mary’s, after experiencing the earthquake…. seeing an angel….then having him talk to them…I am sure they were overwhelmed emotionally….even showing fear. But, hearing these words after asking “where have they have moved Him, the angel answered and said to the women, do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come see…..the place where the LORD had lay. The angel called Him LORD, for He is the LORD of heaven and earth. “Go quickly,” “and tell His disciples, that He is risen from the dead, and indeed you will see Him.” So, they went out quickly from the tomb with fear and GREAT JOY. They are excitedly exclaiming to each other, it’s true…it’s true. He has risen as He said from the dead, and they ran to bring His disciples the words of the Angel.
As the two women ran…. the sun broke over the distant mountains, and MORNING HAS finally BROKEN, in all the beauty and stillness, LIKE THE VERY FIRST MORNING of Creation, and birds are singing, like the first bird, finding JOY in the beauty of the new day.
Listen to these words from the Hymn……
Praise for the singing! Praise for the morning, praise for the springing fresh from the WORD. The Living Word, the Risen Savior.
Sweet the rain’s new fall, sunlit from heaven…like the first dewfall on the first grass, praise for the sweetness of the wet garden, sprung in completeness where His feet pass. Just imagine…. after the unnatural darkness, the pain and sorrow…now dispelled forever, that beautiful fresh morning with the fresh and pure dew-covered grass…. the sounds of birdsong in the air, early rays of sunlight highlighting the ground with dappling
shadows...the light heavenly in its clarity…and among the tombs, this one in particular, now open, that was sealed three days earlier, the seal now broken supernaturally, and the ONE who was entombed, once dead, now treads the dew-covered grass taking in the early morning freshness, the scent of flowers, the hum of bees collecting their nectar….and out there, out there, is a whole world…. unknowing as to what is taking place as they sleep.
This ONE, “Jesus” who broke down the barrier between life and death, bringing the Son of God-light, this is His morning, born of the One Light Eden saw play! Praise with elation, Praise Every Morning, and God’s Re-Creation, of the new day. This is the dawning of the day of SALVATION…for ALL, who hunger and thirst after righteousness and truth.
His pathway to the CROSS has purchased for us….a pathway to the Father…to a realm we cannot even being to imagine….time without end…in very presence of the ONE God, Jehovah- Jireh, translated, means “God our Provider.”
This pathway is for EVERYONE who acknowledges Jesus Christ as their SAVIOR….and REPENTS OF THEIR SIN….though sometimes others cannot believe just how deep this acceptance and forgiveness can reach. How on earth can Jesus forgive even the most vile of sinners….well… He both can and does. To me…this true story I am about to read to this day, many question both the man’s sincerity and Salvation as well as how could the SAVIOR possibly forgive some sins. But you see…. that is why He came…not for the religious, but for all sinners, even the vilest of them….so great is both His forgiveness and GRACE.
I DOUBT NOT…that this man was saved and sanctified…. because, He has accepted me…. of all people….me. Therefore, I LOVE HIM AND HE LOVES ME….no matter what you may think of me, I rely
on Him and Him alone for my redemption…being up here every Sunday is not about pleasing or inspiring you…though I am pleased when that happens….but it is about pleasing Him first by reaching into your life…perhaps even to convict you…or at times to get you to look deep within yourself to see where you…and I need to undergo the TRANSFORMATION THAT ONLY CAN COME THROUGH YOUR LOVE FOR HIM… may consider yourself an arbiter of wisdom and discernment….when in fact you may be nothing more than an unkind critic.
There have been in the past and clearly are in the present who will be required to give up everything….to be like and live like Him.
That we are recognized as followers and disciples of His should make us very careful about how we live or lives……are we? This Easter Sunday…let us examine ourselves….and if found wanting, of which He by His Spirit will point out if we permit Him…. CHANGE from our earthly temperament to His heavenly one…. otherwise, He died in vain, but we KNOW He didn’t…. there are many living dramatically changed lives…. because of simply saying YES LORD, YES.
Now to the story………………………………………………………………
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, there’s just something about His Name
Master, Savior Jesus, like the fragrance after the rain…
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, let all Heaven and earth proclaim,
Kings and kingdoms shall all pass away, but there’s
somethings about that name.
The Risen Christ……. beckons, come, comes……………
That true story ……and the life of your story….is what EASTER is all about.
The Little Church in the Pines
March 20, 2022
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
Having studied and read and read on Lent…. this has been a hard boat to row with today’s message. It seems each denomination that celebrates Lent…. has added in places emphasis on an interesting number of things, people and events.
My emphasis this Third Sunday of Lent comes down to my sermon title. “O God, You, are my God, which is found in Psalm 63, which you just heard read to you. VS. 1. “O God, thou art ‘my God’ early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where there is no water, to see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary. Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee. Thus, will I bless thee while I live. I will lift up my hands in thy name.
God wants to hear from us in our minds, words and in our actions the fact that not only do we acknowledge that He is…but that,
We seek Him early in the morning, at noon-time, mid-afternoon, evening and night. Seek is purposeful and active.
We long for Him…as the deer pants for the water. (The same way we long for love…for acceptance, for companionship…. that feeling like no other, when that longing is fulfilled.
We long to see His Power, glory…. His majesty….in not only the sanctuary…but though our bodies, our actions manifested in our bodies…for Christ said our bodies are a living sanctuary of God, and what we do with and through them either magnifies His glory and power or denigrates them….and Him.
We long for the manifestations of His lovingkindness towards us and those we cherish…. better it is said, than life itself.
And because of this, not only in our church sanctuaries and body sanctuary…. we will give Him our ultimate best…by worshiping His Son…with our lips/words of praise, even lifting up our hands in
submissive praise, thereby worshiping Father God, the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
We do this actively……not only by lifting our voices, hands and arms, but getting on our knees, and at time even on our faces before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
In all of this…this worship must come deep within our souls, not by rote or because it is part of a celebration, but to FEEL with our God -given emotions…that deep seated love of connective expression.
Listen to more of Psalm 63, the benefits of such a connection.
My soul shall be satisfied…. pause, as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise thee with JOYFUL lips. When I remember thee upon my bed and meditate on thee in the night watches.
Because thou have been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice. My soul followeth hard after thee….and thy right hand upholdeth me.
He is our helper.
He satisfieth the longing of our souls.
JOY will be a part of our everyday life, irrespective of our circumstances.
We will rejoice in the God of our Salvation.
When is the last time or the first and only time…. have you felt the deep longing of your soul awash in satisfaction, awash in JOY, Feel God with feelings of LOVE, that He was holding you in His hands, when you were so in awe of Him that you went to your knees in grateful worship? That you were so thankful to Jesus Christ for taking your sins upon His own body…. shedding His life-giving blood for your salvation…that gratefulness filled your whole being.
When…. or ever? Intellectual acceptance of His deity is essential, but so is a deeply, heart-felt personal experience in able to understand His great sacrifice.
The first two weeks of Lent... the focus was on repentance and forgiveness, for those who desire to come out of the dry and weary land of sin and self-focus, hence selfishness.
The season is to remind us of our need for the Savior…. knowing that He is coming….and recognizing the journey that we, together with Him, deeply personal….and humbling need not walk behind Him, but with Him…as He journeys to the CROSS and all that it hold for both Jesus and us.
At times elevated beautifully into His presence…and other times holding on the hem of His garment…and also AT TIMES walking arm in arm with Him…. this dear Lord of ours.
He gave, and gives each of us, an opportunity to a complete change in direction in our lives if needed…Luke 15:17-20. Each of us is until we come to accept Jesus into our lives…. a prodigal son or daughter.
This choice comes with both the gift and sometimes it seems, the curse of FREE WILL. We should never, ever, feel that God maneuvers us like puppets on strings…but can and at times will, engineer our circumstances to get our attention…and He will never tire of doing do…that is His love for us, but it is ultimately our choice, Him or us.
17. When the son came to his senses, (how many never come to their senses because of pride, intellect, pursuits, wealth, power, etc.) he said, “how many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! Eating with pigs, (spiritually) he says to himself, I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants. ‘So, he got up and went to his father.
BUT, while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he RAN to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.
This is what this journey of LENT is all about…. coming home, to our Father (God) through repentance, forgiveness and restoration, adopted through Jesus in to the forever family of God.
Repentance….is a human activity and a gift from God, made possible through Jesus.
Isaiah says, “Turn to the LORD! while he can still be found. Call out to God for He is near. Give up your crooked ways and your evil self-centered thoughts.
I know, that, whenever the Father of the prodigal son went outside for any reason, he would always look in the direction that his son had walked away…hoping and praying that one day he would see that same son come back home by the path he took away. And he did. His faith…never diminished…as ours should stay strong…whether we too have a prodigal or are a prodigal.
This coming home is what God wants for all His children…red and yellow, black and white…. for all are precious in His sight. That is the enormity of God’s love, in that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him…shall not perish but, inherit (as son and daughters of God) eternal life. John 3:16
As the Father and his son were blood…so too are we, recognizing when we come to the Lord’s table…we are also blood family of our God and Father through His Son.
Think about this…. IF, another one of those IF’s. IF we are in a close relationship with our LORD, we are more likely to do the right thing, bearing good fruit in terms of acts of love for others, that helps build up the Kingdom of God. If we are distant from God, we are more likely to serve as in the Prodigal Son’s initial action, our own interests, thwarting God’s purposes.
IF ONLY…. we would follow through and do what I spoke of a couple of Sunday’s ago…. HUMBLE OURSELVES IN THE SIGHT OF THE LORD…and He will lift us up…higher and higher, and He will lift us up!
March 20, 2022
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
Having studied and read and read on Lent…. this has been a hard boat to row with today’s message. It seems each denomination that celebrates Lent…. has added in places emphasis on an interesting number of things, people and events.
My emphasis this Third Sunday of Lent comes down to my sermon title. “O God, You, are my God, which is found in Psalm 63, which you just heard read to you. VS. 1. “O God, thou art ‘my God’ early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where there is no water, to see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary. Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee. Thus, will I bless thee while I live. I will lift up my hands in thy name.
God wants to hear from us in our minds, words and in our actions the fact that not only do we acknowledge that He is…but that,
We seek Him early in the morning, at noon-time, mid-afternoon, evening and night. Seek is purposeful and active.
We long for Him…as the deer pants for the water. (The same way we long for love…for acceptance, for companionship…. that feeling like no other, when that longing is fulfilled.
We long to see His Power, glory…. His majesty….in not only the sanctuary…but though our bodies, our actions manifested in our bodies…for Christ said our bodies are a living sanctuary of God, and what we do with and through them either magnifies His glory and power or denigrates them….and Him.
We long for the manifestations of His lovingkindness towards us and those we cherish…. better it is said, than life itself.
And because of this, not only in our church sanctuaries and body sanctuary…. we will give Him our ultimate best…by worshiping His Son…with our lips/words of praise, even lifting up our hands in
submissive praise, thereby worshiping Father God, the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
We do this actively……not only by lifting our voices, hands and arms, but getting on our knees, and at time even on our faces before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
In all of this…this worship must come deep within our souls, not by rote or because it is part of a celebration, but to FEEL with our God -given emotions…that deep seated love of connective expression.
Listen to more of Psalm 63, the benefits of such a connection.
My soul shall be satisfied…. pause, as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise thee with JOYFUL lips. When I remember thee upon my bed and meditate on thee in the night watches.
Because thou have been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice. My soul followeth hard after thee….and thy right hand upholdeth me.
He is our helper.
He satisfieth the longing of our souls.
JOY will be a part of our everyday life, irrespective of our circumstances.
We will rejoice in the God of our Salvation.
When is the last time or the first and only time…. have you felt the deep longing of your soul awash in satisfaction, awash in JOY, Feel God with feelings of LOVE, that He was holding you in His hands, when you were so in awe of Him that you went to your knees in grateful worship? That you were so thankful to Jesus Christ for taking your sins upon His own body…. shedding His life-giving blood for your salvation…that gratefulness filled your whole being.
When…. or ever? Intellectual acceptance of His deity is essential, but so is a deeply, heart-felt personal experience in able to understand His great sacrifice.
The first two weeks of Lent... the focus was on repentance and forgiveness, for those who desire to come out of the dry and weary land of sin and self-focus, hence selfishness.
The season is to remind us of our need for the Savior…. knowing that He is coming….and recognizing the journey that we, together with Him, deeply personal….and humbling need not walk behind Him, but with Him…as He journeys to the CROSS and all that it hold for both Jesus and us.
At times elevated beautifully into His presence…and other times holding on the hem of His garment…and also AT TIMES walking arm in arm with Him…. this dear Lord of ours.
He gave, and gives each of us, an opportunity to a complete change in direction in our lives if needed…Luke 15:17-20. Each of us is until we come to accept Jesus into our lives…. a prodigal son or daughter.
This choice comes with both the gift and sometimes it seems, the curse of FREE WILL. We should never, ever, feel that God maneuvers us like puppets on strings…but can and at times will, engineer our circumstances to get our attention…and He will never tire of doing do…that is His love for us, but it is ultimately our choice, Him or us.
17. When the son came to his senses, (how many never come to their senses because of pride, intellect, pursuits, wealth, power, etc.) he said, “how many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! Eating with pigs, (spiritually) he says to himself, I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants. ‘So, he got up and went to his father.
BUT, while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he RAN to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.
This is what this journey of LENT is all about…. coming home, to our Father (God) through repentance, forgiveness and restoration, adopted through Jesus in to the forever family of God.
Repentance….is a human activity and a gift from God, made possible through Jesus.
Isaiah says, “Turn to the LORD! while he can still be found. Call out to God for He is near. Give up your crooked ways and your evil self-centered thoughts.
I know, that, whenever the Father of the prodigal son went outside for any reason, he would always look in the direction that his son had walked away…hoping and praying that one day he would see that same son come back home by the path he took away. And he did. His faith…never diminished…as ours should stay strong…whether we too have a prodigal or are a prodigal.
This coming home is what God wants for all His children…red and yellow, black and white…. for all are precious in His sight. That is the enormity of God’s love, in that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him…shall not perish but, inherit (as son and daughters of God) eternal life. John 3:16
As the Father and his son were blood…so too are we, recognizing when we come to the Lord’s table…we are also blood family of our God and Father through His Son.
Think about this…. IF, another one of those IF’s. IF we are in a close relationship with our LORD, we are more likely to do the right thing, bearing good fruit in terms of acts of love for others, that helps build up the Kingdom of God. If we are distant from God, we are more likely to serve as in the Prodigal Son’s initial action, our own interests, thwarting God’s purposes.
IF ONLY…. we would follow through and do what I spoke of a couple of Sunday’s ago…. HUMBLE OURSELVES IN THE SIGHT OF THE LORD…and He will lift us up…higher and higher, and He will lift us up!
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Little Church in the Pines
Humble Thy Self in the Sight of the Lord
March 10, 2022
Sermon by: Pastor Tom Shanor
2nd Chronicles 7:14
“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
This verse is accounted as the second time that God appears to Solomon in the Temple, as He seeks God’s wisdom and direction.
Think about that…. God spoke to Solomon. This verse also more than any other in 2nd Chronicles, is the best-loved. It holds a promise from God, prefaced with the word IF. IF my people…at that time the people of Israel. He is speaking here of TRUE REPENTANCE, not just I’m sorry, but heart felt; and Spirit led, after both personal and national introspection, seeking forgiveness…. God will grant it. Look what will follow once forgiven.
Their sins and transgressions are forgiven, with the promise of healing for individuals and across their land.
This VERSE is called a REVIVAL PRAYER for ALL the ages, and peoples of mankind.
This verse reveals a PRINCIPLE applicable to God’s people in any period of history then, today and in times to come. It is the responsibility though, of God’s people, to seek God for His mercy, when sin unrepented brings with it the consequences of loss of the ability to love, in a Godly way no longer following the moral laws of God, and instead of turning inward with the focus on self-gratification, there is the necessity for us to always also, look outward, not forgetting or neglecting to help with the needs of those who are desolate, poor and forsaken.
Again, this is a two-fold condition, with a three-fold result. for ALL God’s people (those called by His name). IF they, (we) will humble ourselves (turn from (our self-focused sin) and seek His face in prayer, intense and sincere prayer, only then, will God hear us, forgive, and heal both the individual and our Land which today desperately needs healing. As a nation, we are divided into many segments, politically, culturally, race, denominations, families,
churches and more. These words of Jesus I am going to read tells us the results of this division, Matthew 12:25 “Every nation divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.” This same thing He says is also found in Mark 3:25, “and if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.”
This is true also for individuals who are broken spiritually, who are broken mentally, who are divided in their own conscience. Forgiveness is such a vital part of being healthy in every way. Unrepented sin…for those who experience guilt knowing and acknowledging personal sin…. yet, not willing and humbling themselves before the Lord and repenting, will never find wholeness and peace, potentially causing mental illness, emotional fracture, physical discord resulting in disease and unrest.
“Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up, higher and higher and He will lift you up.”
America’s 5 great revivals have started with just several people, repentant and seeking God’s face….or presence, focused on praying not only for themselves and forgiveness, but for church, their town and nation, while also praying for a visitation of God’s Holy Spirt, who is the Spirit of Power and might, as evidenced in the Great Visitation on the Disciples, on the Day of Pentecost…and which then spread from the Disciples, first of all through Peter, when the first time He spoke, following his encounter with the Holy Spirit…a dramatically changed man, focused, and with new spiritual power…5000 were converted to Christ…and it spread like a great wave around the city, the nation and then the world.
Some Christians do not want revival, do not understand it, see it as arcane and strange in today’s Christianity…irrelevant and irrational both personally and for our nation…and they also fear this strange power, as to why and how He, the Holy Spirit might express Himself through them, possibly making them look foolish (in the eyes of others). Speaking in tongues as an example, and, yes, He still
moves in those same way IF He chooses.…sometimes expressing Himself through prophecy and even as a mighty rushing wind, of which I have experienced these three, and would love to see tongues of flame or whatever gift the Spirit chooses to bestow.
At the core of receiving this Gift, that which is He Himself, lay the Virtue of HUMILITY. There are 5 steps to humility and prayer I am going to go over with you.
#1. HUMILIITY IS SIMPLY PUTTING GOD AND OTHERS FIRST above our own desires. It is as I have stated before, not weakness, this humidity, but controlled strength. The Spirit is God’s POWER given to us, not to feel that we are special…but to guide and strengthen us as we proclaim the TRUTH of who He is and, also the nature and person of His Son Jesus Christ, our Savior, Lord and Friend.
So, number one our list is Humility, God cannot and will not make us humble, but He sure can engineer our circumstances, to show and teach us what it means to be humble.
Have you ever been humbled?
Have you ever felt humble in the presence of someone?
Here is a story of a God loving humble woman in the deep south over 60 years ago, and a chain gang made up convicted criminals who had escaped, only to be caught and put in, well, you’ll hear the rest of the story.
READ: "Book of Amazing Angels"
The Day an Angel Fed Angels
(June 1)
Genuine humility is a beautiful thing to behold and experience, in both self and others….it is almost like beholding the LORD Himself.
#2. I have already spoken of, as a way of restoration/by repentance and forgiveness. It is PRAYER, and in this instance what to pray for. PRAY for a fuller revelation of God’s glory by seeking His Presence, and you will KNOW when you come into His Presence with THANKSGIVNG IN YOUR HEART. You will know in your KNOWER.
3. Scripture says turn from everything that contradicts the Spirit (for He will reveal those contradictions by both His still small voice, and the written word of God, Holy Scripture) and give us the
direction our prayers are to go, with the promised results: God will hear our prayer, will cleanse us from all sin, and will bring healing where it is needed…again, for the church, for the nation and for His people. “Not my will we willingly say, but Thine be done.”
Psalm 42 describes how we are to seek God in prayer when come to Him, VS.1, As the deer panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after Thee, O God. Vs.2. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.”
Are our prayers are being prayed in this manner…..not as a side note, but with the totality of our being. whether for repentance or in intercession. Do we know what it is to pray in this depth and manner, knowing who it is we are praying to! Not to the wind, sky or mountains, but to the ALMIGHTY GOD. Not to a man who evolved to God, but the God who says I AM, I AM the Great I am. The ONLY God, who created the heavens and the earth and all that lives and breathes upon it and, finding their (our) sustenance from all else that God created, as we are born, grow, and able to be sustained.
Isaiah 57: For thus says the Lord and Lofty One, who inhabits eternity, whose name is holy: I dwell in the high and holy place, with those who have a contrite and HUMBLE SPIRIT, to revive the spirit of the HUMBLE, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.
I create the fruit of the lips: peace, peace to those who are far off and to those who are near., says the LORD, and I will heal them.
Now, I am going to moving into the New Testament….for I have been only in the Old Testament up to this time.
Romans 12:16
Harmony comes from HUMILITY….for He says, “be of the same mind toward one another. Do NOT set your mind on those of position and power…but associate with the HUMBLE and do NOT be wise in your own estimation (mind) PRIDE
James 4: 6-10 READ
6. He give us grace and in doing so He says:
“God resists the proud,
But gives grace to the Humble”
7. Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil….and he will flee from you. Submit and Resist…. both we do by choice…..both take strength…given by our hearts submitting again, to God’s Holy Spirit.
8. A promise here. “Draw near to God…and He will draw near to you.” Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you who are double minded.”
9. “Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned into mourning and you joy to gloom.”
In other words, until you take care of your unrepentant sins you cannot find joy, laughter, contentment, peace….do not have one foot in right living and another in sin.
The Bible warns us that exalting ourselves will result in a disgraceful fall, but, humbling ourselves leads us to exaltation in both this and the world to come.
I think by now….you get the picture of the importance, not only during this Lenten season, leading up to the capture, trial, execution, death and ultimately the RESURRCTION of our Lord, call for us to go through this period of time of introspection, repentance and restoration. It is our free wills making the right choices to do the right things.
Why? Because it is the way we can show God, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit that we love them, need them and are grateful for indeed what together…they have done for us.
Humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord….and He will lift us up.
Let’s pray for revival…let’s pray for ourselves to be right with God through Christ and healing across not only this country we love....but across the world...that potentially today, stands at the brink of a war of potential annihilation.
Let us come to the Table of the Lord humbly, thankfully, in contrition and yet in JOY. THE JOY OF THE LORD IS OUR STRENGTH. “
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February 13, 2022
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
Here is a promise…. from Isaiah 40:31 “They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength…. they will mount up with wings as Eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” “Teach me LORD, teach me LORD, to wait.” To be patient, to endure to the end, or to the solution.
Patience does not come by wishful thinking, and the lack of it is impatience… with restlessness and irritability, and sometimes manifested in anger.
Patience as a NOUN, is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.
Waiting and Patience cannot be separated, and remember these words; “teach me LORD, teach me LORD…to wait.”
Question? How does He teach us?
Answer, by the circumstances in our everyday lives . . .that’s how.
Waiting…oh, waiting, especially when whatever we are waiting for is being held up due to, as an example, someone in charge who either does not know what they are doing, or, deliberately doing things to hold not only ourselves, but others who are waiting. That is as power ploy.
Most of us are patient when fishing, because we know how fussy those creatures can be. But we expect it in fishing and so for the most part we may be disappointed, but not irate.
Something as standing in line at the grocery store, where at the cashier stand…someone is paying in cash and is going through their purse digging out the correct amount, including coins.
Or as an example (this showing my patience) when I was working on my house several years ago, I was at Lowe’s buying paint. There was one man handling seven customers, but instead of delaying one person on the phone…. he was making the seven of us wait, barely acknowledging us. Well…what do I do after five a tolerable amount of time? Everyone has been looking at everyone else making eyes and whispering to themselves then each other.
I walk over and push the help button on the counter. No one comes even after more time has passed. So, I leave the line, by the way, I was the very first in the line, and go to find “the manager of the store” finally finding him, tell him our dilemma, (for the guy is still on the phone) Instead of him coming over to help, he sends one poor confused woman who knows nothing about paint in to help, and then he pats me on the shoulder, turns around and walks away. You don’t want to know what I was thinking and about to do, but by sheer will stuff it down inside. The poor woman can sense the pressure, and gingerly works her way to behind the desk. By this time the worst of me has risen to the surface, but before I go in and take over…..I used to work as manager of a paint and accessories department in a large hardware store, the man finally gets off the phone….looking at all of us rather apprehensively, but knows I was first in line and my paint had been mixed and shaken and the whole time I could have gone in and taken it with me, he gets it out of the shaker and gives it to me without even a apology.
In living and manifesting my impatience, I almost lost it… almost, but I WAS a force to be reckoned with, and not a good force.
After I left the store…. I had to deal with what I was feeling, and have to admit I never prayed during that whole time. The thing I should have and could have done…. could have been done without the looks, the resentment and the anger which had been eating up my insides. The steps I took, still could have been taken, but without all the intense emotional feelings. Could have been.
So much in life is involved in waiting. We twiddle our thumbs, shuffle our feet, stifle our thoughts (or try to) sigh long and loud, fretting in frustration.
During that time, God might have been saying, calm down, and I will help you even in this very small thing. Perspective…very small thing. Yes. In reality it was a very small thing, but often it is the small everyday frustrations and events that can seriously trip up our faith and behavior.
Waiting is one of life’s best teachers, for in life only can we learn the virtue of…. well, waiting, waiting patiently while God, unseen, works in us and for us. It is His desire and for our good that we develop patience and endurance….and along with those, the ability to trust, even when it seems we have waited long enough for whatever it is we are waiting for. Whatever it is!
Sometimes waiting is an event designed by God to show us where we are in this area of our lives…. because the outflow of impatience often washes over on to the innocent, even harming them. Road Rage is one of the most severe of repercussions from impatience.
For we Christians…. our outflow should be one of grace and patience. That does not mean we cannot interfere or get involved, but how we do so is the most important God is teaching us.
It is undoubtedly one of the most difficult disciplines to learn, though we certainly have ample opportunity to do so. (smile)
I am sure that all of you have stories similar to mine.
Here is an example of patience learned through experience I believe I have used before, but it is so clear and precise I just had to use it today.
A little fact you may not know. Pandas consume 20 to 30 pounds of bamboo each day.
The Chinese farmer learned through their ancestors on how to raise bamboo and what their expectations were to be….
They plant the seed just like any other seed, watering it and fertilizing it on a regular basis.
The first year, nothing, absolutely nothing happens, no shoot of any kind appears, but they patiently continue to water and fertilize and weed.
The second, third and fourth year, still nothing. Then, the fifth year, still being faithful from having learned patience…they continue their routine. Finally, the shoots appear, and in a period of six weeks that fifth year, they all grow roughly ninety feet.
The question…. what was happening during those five years? The answer…each seedling was growing down instead of up…. reaching a depth that would sustain the 90 feet of upward growth.
This can be a picture of our spiritual growth. We need to nurture and plant down in us TRUTHS, that will sustain us in difficult times and in time in which we desperately need patience and other virtues that God asks us to willingly learn.
The obvious facts are…what really counts in our lives, is both what and how we grow inside our mind, heart and spirit, by the work we MUST do, in all of the areas we know we need to grow in to be spiritually strong…and in the power of His might.
When tests comes and they will come, and we wait on the LORD and what He has taught us…. manifesting those life lessons, we will be able to stand….and not only stand but stand strong…. for if we don’t, we will fall, and great that fall will be…because we will have shallow spiritual roots, having paid so much attention to the outside things….and little to the inside.
This true account I am about to read….is about persistence, vision and patience. It is both exhilarating and tragic. He had vison to know where he was desiring to go…and patiently in defeat after defeat…he kept on…. though not without mistakes.
"Unbroken by Failure"
February 12
The Book of Amazing Stories
It is proven time and time again, that those who spend time, (as I spoke of last week) cultivating their life in God through Christ, are those who when difficulties and trials came…they came through them, not untouched, but with an inward strength and ability to cope far above those who do not have the spiritual walk and strength to do so. Being a believer is no protection from hard times in life….it is simply that we have the Creator on our side, walking by our side, through it all. Through it all! Along with Him, we also have each other…of the same faith and the same Savior, as we are all brothers and sisters in God’s family.
#1. Let God be your hope. 2nd Chronicles 20:12 “Our eyes are set upon You, for my eyes are ever on the LORD.”
#2. BE STILL and KNOW that I AM GOD. (Psalm 4610) “Wait quietly on the LORD, patiently getting to know Him.”
#3. Give ourselves to Him. Submitting our wills to Hs, for He works through and in all things for our own good.
As we go through difficulty, trials and temptations, He will never leave or forsake us. He is with us because He wants to renew our strength as the end of whatever it is we have endured. In these times if we allow Him, He builds into men and women in the image of His Son, Jesus.
Romans 8:28…. from the Message reads, “We can be sure that every detail of our lives of lives in our love for God, are worked into something good.”
FINALLY, (You, having endured with patience my rather long sermon)
Using Jesus as an example of waiting and patience, in a biography written by Missionary JO. Fraser, wrote, “nothing is more noticeable that the quiet, even poise of Jesus life. Never flustered whatever happened to Him, never taken off guard, however He was assaulted and assailed by men or demons, in the midst of a fickle, unpredictable people, hostile religious rulers, sometimes faithless disciples…always calm always collected. Christ the dedicated and consistent Son of His Father…doing no more and more less than God had appointed Him to do. No restlessness, no hurry, only once concerned for His future, but once reconciled to what awaited Him, said to His Father, “nevertheless, not My will be done, but Yours Father,”
In the midst of turmoil, relentless accusations, threats and ruthlessness…. was ever such a peaceful, disciplined, patient and Grace-filled life lived by anyone, but Him.
They who wait on God loses no time, but gains love, grace, mercy, maturity and of course salvation.
I will end with what I began with.
Isaiah 40:31 “They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint, teach me LORD< teach me LORD to wait.”
Teach me, teach me…teach me…. that I might learn.
To God be the Glory…great things He has done.
February 13, 2022
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
Here is a promise…. from Isaiah 40:31 “They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength…. they will mount up with wings as Eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” “Teach me LORD, teach me LORD, to wait.” To be patient, to endure to the end, or to the solution.
Patience does not come by wishful thinking, and the lack of it is impatience… with restlessness and irritability, and sometimes manifested in anger.
Patience as a NOUN, is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.
Waiting and Patience cannot be separated, and remember these words; “teach me LORD, teach me LORD…to wait.”
Question? How does He teach us?
Answer, by the circumstances in our everyday lives . . .that’s how.
Waiting…oh, waiting, especially when whatever we are waiting for is being held up due to, as an example, someone in charge who either does not know what they are doing, or, deliberately doing things to hold not only ourselves, but others who are waiting. That is as power ploy.
Most of us are patient when fishing, because we know how fussy those creatures can be. But we expect it in fishing and so for the most part we may be disappointed, but not irate.
Something as standing in line at the grocery store, where at the cashier stand…someone is paying in cash and is going through their purse digging out the correct amount, including coins.
Or as an example (this showing my patience) when I was working on my house several years ago, I was at Lowe’s buying paint. There was one man handling seven customers, but instead of delaying one person on the phone…. he was making the seven of us wait, barely acknowledging us. Well…what do I do after five a tolerable amount of time? Everyone has been looking at everyone else making eyes and whispering to themselves then each other.
I walk over and push the help button on the counter. No one comes even after more time has passed. So, I leave the line, by the way, I was the very first in the line, and go to find “the manager of the store” finally finding him, tell him our dilemma, (for the guy is still on the phone) Instead of him coming over to help, he sends one poor confused woman who knows nothing about paint in to help, and then he pats me on the shoulder, turns around and walks away. You don’t want to know what I was thinking and about to do, but by sheer will stuff it down inside. The poor woman can sense the pressure, and gingerly works her way to behind the desk. By this time the worst of me has risen to the surface, but before I go in and take over…..I used to work as manager of a paint and accessories department in a large hardware store, the man finally gets off the phone….looking at all of us rather apprehensively, but knows I was first in line and my paint had been mixed and shaken and the whole time I could have gone in and taken it with me, he gets it out of the shaker and gives it to me without even a apology.
In living and manifesting my impatience, I almost lost it… almost, but I WAS a force to be reckoned with, and not a good force.
After I left the store…. I had to deal with what I was feeling, and have to admit I never prayed during that whole time. The thing I should have and could have done…. could have been done without the looks, the resentment and the anger which had been eating up my insides. The steps I took, still could have been taken, but without all the intense emotional feelings. Could have been.
So much in life is involved in waiting. We twiddle our thumbs, shuffle our feet, stifle our thoughts (or try to) sigh long and loud, fretting in frustration.
During that time, God might have been saying, calm down, and I will help you even in this very small thing. Perspective…very small thing. Yes. In reality it was a very small thing, but often it is the small everyday frustrations and events that can seriously trip up our faith and behavior.
Waiting is one of life’s best teachers, for in life only can we learn the virtue of…. well, waiting, waiting patiently while God, unseen, works in us and for us. It is His desire and for our good that we develop patience and endurance….and along with those, the ability to trust, even when it seems we have waited long enough for whatever it is we are waiting for. Whatever it is!
Sometimes waiting is an event designed by God to show us where we are in this area of our lives…. because the outflow of impatience often washes over on to the innocent, even harming them. Road Rage is one of the most severe of repercussions from impatience.
For we Christians…. our outflow should be one of grace and patience. That does not mean we cannot interfere or get involved, but how we do so is the most important God is teaching us.
It is undoubtedly one of the most difficult disciplines to learn, though we certainly have ample opportunity to do so. (smile)
I am sure that all of you have stories similar to mine.
Here is an example of patience learned through experience I believe I have used before, but it is so clear and precise I just had to use it today.
A little fact you may not know. Pandas consume 20 to 30 pounds of bamboo each day.
The Chinese farmer learned through their ancestors on how to raise bamboo and what their expectations were to be….
They plant the seed just like any other seed, watering it and fertilizing it on a regular basis.
The first year, nothing, absolutely nothing happens, no shoot of any kind appears, but they patiently continue to water and fertilize and weed.
The second, third and fourth year, still nothing. Then, the fifth year, still being faithful from having learned patience…they continue their routine. Finally, the shoots appear, and in a period of six weeks that fifth year, they all grow roughly ninety feet.
The question…. what was happening during those five years? The answer…each seedling was growing down instead of up…. reaching a depth that would sustain the 90 feet of upward growth.
This can be a picture of our spiritual growth. We need to nurture and plant down in us TRUTHS, that will sustain us in difficult times and in time in which we desperately need patience and other virtues that God asks us to willingly learn.
The obvious facts are…what really counts in our lives, is both what and how we grow inside our mind, heart and spirit, by the work we MUST do, in all of the areas we know we need to grow in to be spiritually strong…and in the power of His might.
When tests comes and they will come, and we wait on the LORD and what He has taught us…. manifesting those life lessons, we will be able to stand….and not only stand but stand strong…. for if we don’t, we will fall, and great that fall will be…because we will have shallow spiritual roots, having paid so much attention to the outside things….and little to the inside.
This true account I am about to read….is about persistence, vision and patience. It is both exhilarating and tragic. He had vison to know where he was desiring to go…and patiently in defeat after defeat…he kept on…. though not without mistakes.
"Unbroken by Failure"
February 12
The Book of Amazing Stories
It is proven time and time again, that those who spend time, (as I spoke of last week) cultivating their life in God through Christ, are those who when difficulties and trials came…they came through them, not untouched, but with an inward strength and ability to cope far above those who do not have the spiritual walk and strength to do so. Being a believer is no protection from hard times in life….it is simply that we have the Creator on our side, walking by our side, through it all. Through it all! Along with Him, we also have each other…of the same faith and the same Savior, as we are all brothers and sisters in God’s family.
#1. Let God be your hope. 2nd Chronicles 20:12 “Our eyes are set upon You, for my eyes are ever on the LORD.”
#2. BE STILL and KNOW that I AM GOD. (Psalm 4610) “Wait quietly on the LORD, patiently getting to know Him.”
#3. Give ourselves to Him. Submitting our wills to Hs, for He works through and in all things for our own good.
As we go through difficulty, trials and temptations, He will never leave or forsake us. He is with us because He wants to renew our strength as the end of whatever it is we have endured. In these times if we allow Him, He builds into men and women in the image of His Son, Jesus.
Romans 8:28…. from the Message reads, “We can be sure that every detail of our lives of lives in our love for God, are worked into something good.”
FINALLY, (You, having endured with patience my rather long sermon)
Using Jesus as an example of waiting and patience, in a biography written by Missionary JO. Fraser, wrote, “nothing is more noticeable that the quiet, even poise of Jesus life. Never flustered whatever happened to Him, never taken off guard, however He was assaulted and assailed by men or demons, in the midst of a fickle, unpredictable people, hostile religious rulers, sometimes faithless disciples…always calm always collected. Christ the dedicated and consistent Son of His Father…doing no more and more less than God had appointed Him to do. No restlessness, no hurry, only once concerned for His future, but once reconciled to what awaited Him, said to His Father, “nevertheless, not My will be done, but Yours Father,”
In the midst of turmoil, relentless accusations, threats and ruthlessness…. was ever such a peaceful, disciplined, patient and Grace-filled life lived by anyone, but Him.
They who wait on God loses no time, but gains love, grace, mercy, maturity and of course salvation.
I will end with what I began with.
Isaiah 40:31 “They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint, teach me LORD< teach me LORD to wait.”
Teach me, teach me…teach me…. that I might learn.
To God be the Glory…great things He has done.
The Little Church in the Pines
February 6, 2022
"Creation and Time"
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
It begins here. GENESIS 1:1 In the beginning…God created the heavens and the earth. The simple statement that God created the heavens and the earth is one of the most challenging concepts confronting the modern mind. The vast galaxy we live in is spinning at the remarkable speed of 490.000 miles per hour. Our galaxy still needs 200 million years to make a single rotation at this breakneck speed. And even more mind-boggling is that there are over one billion other galaxies like ours in the universe. This knowledge should give us a humbling perspective of God, the world, our galaxy, and the universe. We go to bed at night, sleep, and rise in the morning without ever thinking about these facts.
We are 98% water, 2 percent other elements, and live, breathe, talk, walk, hear, see, interpret, and interact so complex that it is mind-boggling.
Some scientists say that the number of stars in the creation is equal to all the grains of all the sands on the world's beaches. Yet…this complex sea of spinning stars and worlds functions with remarkable order, efficiency, and harmony.
To say that the Universe "just happened" or "evolved" because of its efficiency and harmony or order takes more faith than believing in creation.
There, of course, is disharmony between science and creation and the place of God in all of this.
There is disharmony in the discussion about the age of the world and the universe. Science says the earth is over a billion years old and halfway through its life cycle, destined to die and unable to sustain life. But scripture says though this may be true…. that God will at that time, "create and new heaven and a new earth."
Science has not been able to establish that there is God or to confirm there is not. Some Creationists say the earth, according to the Bible, is approximately 7000 years old. Yet, scientists, geologists, etc., have learned to read the earth and its progress, measuring with radiocarbon and other earth sciences. And as an example, it has been proven by science the Appalachians were once as high as the Rockies, that nearby, Grand Teton, now 14,766 feet, was once 36,000 feet in elevation. That at one time in the earth's history, all the land was joined as one central continent.
2 Peter 3:8 reads, "Beloved, do not let this one thing escape your notice, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."
Acknowledging that God exists, how did God create the earth, the Galaxies, and the Universe. This too is still a subject of great debate. Some say with an explosion, but an explosion of what? How matter and anti-matter form is still being explored.
Remember the joke I told once, where it was said two scientists had discovered the pathway to creation. Scientists, governments, reporters gathered by the hundreds both in person and watching on TV. The first thing they did was pick up a handful of soil…. and suddenly, out of nowhere, came a God-like voice that said, "Oh no, you don't, you make your own soil, this is mine."
Now… this following statement is my opinion. Not being an intellectual or a scientist, but a "poor humble pastor," I know the Bible does not say how long these periods were. There are two basic views about the (days of creation. #1. Each day was a literal 24- hour period. #2. Each day represents an indefinite period of time, perhaps even millions of years.
What is more important than this is the question, how did God create the earth and the universe?
The earth as an example…. and these two illustrations as examples were created in an orderly fashion. He did not create plants before there was light, and He created man and woman as unique beings capable of communication with Him. No other part of creation can claim that remarkable privilege…. given to humankind alone.
In many allegories and storied illustrations, Christians have often taken the literal approach to interpretation, much to the chagrin and amusement of Jewish Biblical Scholars.
Wisdom is what we need, using reasoning and research to gain wisdom, and wisdom is what we will receive when we ask God by His Holy Spirit to assist and reveal to us correct interpretations.
Add to this those Christians who are believers in a Flat-earth with edges, and those who believe in a hollow earth containing hell.
Proof, proof, and more proof. I sincerely believe in science and its quest for honest answers to the natural order of things. God gave us the brains we need to explore, make improvements, maintain order, and all within the existing laws of God.
In verse 25, God saw that His work was good. He looked at all that He had accomplished and said it was good, and it certainly was.
God did not need to create the world and the universe; he chose to create it. Why? God is love, and love is best expressed toward something or someone else….so God created the world and people as an expression His love. We should avoid reducing God's creation to merely scientific terms. Remember that God created the universe out of love.
The Creation story teaches us much about God and ourselves. First, we learn:
This world and the Universe are NOT a product of blind chance and probability; God created it!
This is where our faith plays a significant role because our minds, though amazing, are finite, and finite minds often cannot comprehend the infinite. As a minor example…. we can try to come up with the highest number possible, but we cannot do it. Likewise, we cannot limit the infinite God with finite understanding.
To my limited way of thinking…. all of this sermon and the subject itself is a mind-stretcher. I have to pause…and think about it, and the result is that sometimes it is simply impossible for me to do.
But…instead of retreating right now…. or stopping, I want to throw in another related subject, which is TIME. What role does time play in our lives and the universe?
Is time man created…. to make sense of progression and regression? The first sentence I started with today reads "in the beginning."
Since there is, as stated in Genesis, a beginning, there too must be an ending. Time Passages.
Time plays a huge role in our lives….and progression and revelation. It is the continued sequence of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past, present, and future.
Because time exists and everything (except God the Trinity) evolves and changes. Prophecy is all about time……passages and the events that are to occur, then do occur and come into being.
Once something has happened…we cannot go back and take it back or change it.
Time plays a role in creation as we have already heard.
On this planet and in this universe…. we cannot hold back the passage of time and its consequences, good or bad. Mountains rise and wear down. We are born, live, and die. Once where there were seas, are now deserts. Once there were powerful nations, they are now dissolved and no more.
Christ's birth, death, resurrection, and coming back to earth to set up His kingdom are all within the parameters of time.
Once again…in prophecy….as the prophets spoke of Jesus' birth and who and what He was and is…the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow….is as God not affected by time. We are…
In our time on this plane and planet…. we have choices to make, choices that affect us now and in the future times.
Time allows us to reflect, gain knowledge, and choose to do the right things that God has pre-ordained and directed us to live for Him.
In Ecclesiastes…. a book which various authors wrote; we find this understanding of life…within the passages of time.
We are to use the time we have wisely……for we have it but once, for when eternity is our lives…our future has been chosen by the decisions made here in our time.
2 Timothy is powerful….in Paul's letter to him as he says, "He" God has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, He has put eternity …in their hearts, except that no one can find out the word that God does from beginning to end."
The ending spoken of here… is the end of time as we know…. for eternity, a word that is full and powerful…. in its meaning…and part of the infinite that we often find so hard to understand. Being…without aging…being, simply being.
This earth is our proving ground…. how are we doing?
Here is when time came to be…. for there was a time it was not. In 2 Timothy 1:9, we read, "According to the power of God, who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His purpose and GRACE which was given to us 'before time began' therefore before there was an earth, a human being…we were destined in this world to be, and were appointed by His purpose to a calling as His followers.
Earth…was created for us…. within an extended time, expression…. to destiny as sons and daughters of God. Time limits us and our decisions……also for a purpose that we may not even comprehend or understand…for they are His purposes, which thank God includes His treasure house of GRACE…. unsolicited, unearned, unexpected and bestowed.
Time is spoken of fifteen times in the New Testament, and in each case calls us to recognize the essence of time, as we have come to understand it, that what we have here is limited…as well as the time for the existence of this planet itself that we temporarily call home.
We live in a mixed existence…. of spiritual and what we call natural. A mixture of matter and spirit. Of all the things spoken of in Ecclesiastes.
Eternity in our hearts will guide us, while we live these finite lives here on earth…. what a remarkable dichotomy…. (a division or contrast between two things that are and are represented as being opposed or entirely different). It's no wonder we sometimes get sidetracked….and the answer within time, while here, is that God gave us three important things. His Son and all the gifts needed by us, His Holy Spirit….and His written Word…to help sort out our calling between the natural and the spiritual.
Time is of the essence…in our lives on planet earth, within our galaxy, within the universe, as eternity calls from within us, leading us to a far more meaningful and rich existence, with the Father and Son and Spirit…. for all of eternity.
February 6, 2022
"Creation and Time"
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
It begins here. GENESIS 1:1 In the beginning…God created the heavens and the earth. The simple statement that God created the heavens and the earth is one of the most challenging concepts confronting the modern mind. The vast galaxy we live in is spinning at the remarkable speed of 490.000 miles per hour. Our galaxy still needs 200 million years to make a single rotation at this breakneck speed. And even more mind-boggling is that there are over one billion other galaxies like ours in the universe. This knowledge should give us a humbling perspective of God, the world, our galaxy, and the universe. We go to bed at night, sleep, and rise in the morning without ever thinking about these facts.
We are 98% water, 2 percent other elements, and live, breathe, talk, walk, hear, see, interpret, and interact so complex that it is mind-boggling.
Some scientists say that the number of stars in the creation is equal to all the grains of all the sands on the world's beaches. Yet…this complex sea of spinning stars and worlds functions with remarkable order, efficiency, and harmony.
To say that the Universe "just happened" or "evolved" because of its efficiency and harmony or order takes more faith than believing in creation.
There, of course, is disharmony between science and creation and the place of God in all of this.
There is disharmony in the discussion about the age of the world and the universe. Science says the earth is over a billion years old and halfway through its life cycle, destined to die and unable to sustain life. But scripture says though this may be true…. that God will at that time, "create and new heaven and a new earth."
Science has not been able to establish that there is God or to confirm there is not. Some Creationists say the earth, according to the Bible, is approximately 7000 years old. Yet, scientists, geologists, etc., have learned to read the earth and its progress, measuring with radiocarbon and other earth sciences. And as an example, it has been proven by science the Appalachians were once as high as the Rockies, that nearby, Grand Teton, now 14,766 feet, was once 36,000 feet in elevation. That at one time in the earth's history, all the land was joined as one central continent.
2 Peter 3:8 reads, "Beloved, do not let this one thing escape your notice, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."
Acknowledging that God exists, how did God create the earth, the Galaxies, and the Universe. This too is still a subject of great debate. Some say with an explosion, but an explosion of what? How matter and anti-matter form is still being explored.
Remember the joke I told once, where it was said two scientists had discovered the pathway to creation. Scientists, governments, reporters gathered by the hundreds both in person and watching on TV. The first thing they did was pick up a handful of soil…. and suddenly, out of nowhere, came a God-like voice that said, "Oh no, you don't, you make your own soil, this is mine."
Now… this following statement is my opinion. Not being an intellectual or a scientist, but a "poor humble pastor," I know the Bible does not say how long these periods were. There are two basic views about the (days of creation. #1. Each day was a literal 24- hour period. #2. Each day represents an indefinite period of time, perhaps even millions of years.
What is more important than this is the question, how did God create the earth and the universe?
The earth as an example…. and these two illustrations as examples were created in an orderly fashion. He did not create plants before there was light, and He created man and woman as unique beings capable of communication with Him. No other part of creation can claim that remarkable privilege…. given to humankind alone.
In many allegories and storied illustrations, Christians have often taken the literal approach to interpretation, much to the chagrin and amusement of Jewish Biblical Scholars.
Wisdom is what we need, using reasoning and research to gain wisdom, and wisdom is what we will receive when we ask God by His Holy Spirit to assist and reveal to us correct interpretations.
Add to this those Christians who are believers in a Flat-earth with edges, and those who believe in a hollow earth containing hell.
Proof, proof, and more proof. I sincerely believe in science and its quest for honest answers to the natural order of things. God gave us the brains we need to explore, make improvements, maintain order, and all within the existing laws of God.
In verse 25, God saw that His work was good. He looked at all that He had accomplished and said it was good, and it certainly was.
God did not need to create the world and the universe; he chose to create it. Why? God is love, and love is best expressed toward something or someone else….so God created the world and people as an expression His love. We should avoid reducing God's creation to merely scientific terms. Remember that God created the universe out of love.
The Creation story teaches us much about God and ourselves. First, we learn:
- He is definitely creative.
- As the Creator, He is distinct from His creation.
- He is eternal and in control of the world.
This world and the Universe are NOT a product of blind chance and probability; God created it!
This is where our faith plays a significant role because our minds, though amazing, are finite, and finite minds often cannot comprehend the infinite. As a minor example…. we can try to come up with the highest number possible, but we cannot do it. Likewise, we cannot limit the infinite God with finite understanding.
To my limited way of thinking…. all of this sermon and the subject itself is a mind-stretcher. I have to pause…and think about it, and the result is that sometimes it is simply impossible for me to do.
But…instead of retreating right now…. or stopping, I want to throw in another related subject, which is TIME. What role does time play in our lives and the universe?
Is time man created…. to make sense of progression and regression? The first sentence I started with today reads "in the beginning."
Since there is, as stated in Genesis, a beginning, there too must be an ending. Time Passages.
Time plays a huge role in our lives….and progression and revelation. It is the continued sequence of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past, present, and future.
Because time exists and everything (except God the Trinity) evolves and changes. Prophecy is all about time……passages and the events that are to occur, then do occur and come into being.
Once something has happened…we cannot go back and take it back or change it.
Time plays a role in creation as we have already heard.
On this planet and in this universe…. we cannot hold back the passage of time and its consequences, good or bad. Mountains rise and wear down. We are born, live, and die. Once where there were seas, are now deserts. Once there were powerful nations, they are now dissolved and no more.
Christ's birth, death, resurrection, and coming back to earth to set up His kingdom are all within the parameters of time.
Once again…in prophecy….as the prophets spoke of Jesus' birth and who and what He was and is…the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow….is as God not affected by time. We are…
In our time on this plane and planet…. we have choices to make, choices that affect us now and in the future times.
Time allows us to reflect, gain knowledge, and choose to do the right things that God has pre-ordained and directed us to live for Him.
In Ecclesiastes…. a book which various authors wrote; we find this understanding of life…within the passages of time.
We are to use the time we have wisely……for we have it but once, for when eternity is our lives…our future has been chosen by the decisions made here in our time.
2 Timothy is powerful….in Paul's letter to him as he says, "He" God has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, He has put eternity …in their hearts, except that no one can find out the word that God does from beginning to end."
The ending spoken of here… is the end of time as we know…. for eternity, a word that is full and powerful…. in its meaning…and part of the infinite that we often find so hard to understand. Being…without aging…being, simply being.
This earth is our proving ground…. how are we doing?
Here is when time came to be…. for there was a time it was not. In 2 Timothy 1:9, we read, "According to the power of God, who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His purpose and GRACE which was given to us 'before time began' therefore before there was an earth, a human being…we were destined in this world to be, and were appointed by His purpose to a calling as His followers.
Earth…was created for us…. within an extended time, expression…. to destiny as sons and daughters of God. Time limits us and our decisions……also for a purpose that we may not even comprehend or understand…for they are His purposes, which thank God includes His treasure house of GRACE…. unsolicited, unearned, unexpected and bestowed.
Time is spoken of fifteen times in the New Testament, and in each case calls us to recognize the essence of time, as we have come to understand it, that what we have here is limited…as well as the time for the existence of this planet itself that we temporarily call home.
We live in a mixed existence…. of spiritual and what we call natural. A mixture of matter and spirit. Of all the things spoken of in Ecclesiastes.
Eternity in our hearts will guide us, while we live these finite lives here on earth…. what a remarkable dichotomy…. (a division or contrast between two things that are and are represented as being opposed or entirely different). It's no wonder we sometimes get sidetracked….and the answer within time, while here, is that God gave us three important things. His Son and all the gifts needed by us, His Holy Spirit….and His written Word…to help sort out our calling between the natural and the spiritual.
Time is of the essence…in our lives on planet earth, within our galaxy, within the universe, as eternity calls from within us, leading us to a far more meaningful and rich existence, with the Father and Son and Spirit…. for all of eternity.
The Little Church in the Pines
Sunday, January 16, 2022
by; Pastor Tom Shanor
Matthew 5:17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. NO, I came to accomplish their purpose.”
The role of the prophets….is two-fold as God spoke through them, thereby communicating with His people, and it was a serious role. Not one word was to change, and often the people would complain and want to hear something other than what God was telling them.
1… To keep the people on the right path in how to live for Him and serve Him.
2… To keep fresh in their heart and minds the reality of the coming of the Messiah.
With Jesus, righteousness no longer consisted entirely of observances of the external legal code. Animal sacrifices were no longer sufficient to receive forgiveness… for the greatest sacrifice to come would take care of sin forever, for the whole human race, not just the Jews. A new element was presented and raised as a standard before and for the people. Thus came a deeper and excellent understanding and participation in the meaning of forgiveness and Grace.
He, Jesus Christ, sees us… you and I, as disciples or apprentices to Him. Learning from His teachings, His example, and empowered by His Spirit to come. Having learned and taken to heart these teachings… we were then and now to live them out as an example to the world of what great gift we were given….so that forgiveness and salvation did not come from external sacrifices, but an internal
acceptance of God’s very own Son. Works were now to come, not because of an established external Law, but because the Law of LOVE and GRACE was established in our HEARTS AND MIND In Christ Jesus.
I have said this on many occasions. When God looks at us, He looks at us through the GREAT SACRIFICE of His Son, by which we are then accepted, adopted into the family of God. Not by our blood, or that of animals, but the life-giving blood of Jesus Christ.
This is a high-calling we are called to, and one which we need to take seriously, first with understanding founded first in the Old Testament, and expanded upon by Jesus as He says to us, “Love the Lord you God with all your heart, and with all your and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” ON THESE TWO COMMANDMENTS…HANGS ALL THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS” THE BIG THREE.
John 10:30
Just as the Old and New Testaments are ONE…the Old, the foundation being laid for the New…Jesus further solidifies His ONENESS with God. “The Father and I are One.” God established this truth…when He answered Moses’ question, who are you? His answer was, “I AM THAT I AM!” Since the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are One…in understanding this statement, we must also know that they are in unity in every way. Every word spoken; every deed is done…in UNITY. The journey they have taken us on…all of humankind from the beginning, starting with Adam, then Abraham to today, is exactly as it is supposed to be, and beyond upon the return of Jesus Christ.
With the fulfillment of the prophecies regarding Jesus’ birth, life, death, resurrection, and coming again…the two Covenants became ONE… two words joins the Old and New Testaments.
The first is Jesus, and the second is Grace, therefore in word and deed…. please, if you remember nothing else from this message. GRACE TRUMPS THE LAW, AND LOVE TRUMPS THEN ALL.
Even all TEN COMMANDMENTS, WHICH ARE VALID TODAY, CAN ONLY BE ACCOMPLISHED by LOVING THE FATHER, THROUGH HIS SON…. not by willful human obedience, but because we love God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
We still have a portion of Christians who thunder the Old Testament as often as they can to enslave people to the Law, mainly because those who lead the groups desire to be seen as priests and almost kings with the bottom-line being CONTROL. They are to be obeyed…or those following them will be cast out unless they are obeyed. GRACE is not even considered.
For these people…it is still an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, their sole source, and version of what it means to be Christian.
These two approaches have resulted in wars, strife, confusion, chaos, religious powerhouses, the destruction of people groups, enslavement, etc. We…you and I are called to live like and be like Jesus Christ.
Remember, the Old Testament’s purpose was to lay the foundations for the New Testament….and therefore finds its fulfillment in the New. I started with this verse… “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law of Moses or the writings of the prophets, NO, I came to accomplish the purpose for their existence.”
Some say God is in Conflict with Himself…by offering such diverse teachings…. that is because they do not understand the purpose behind the Old….and another part of that purpose is this. To show humankind that we are incapable of making it on our own. Fraught with confusion, strife, war and all the things I spoke of earlier. Look at the condition of the world today….and our history.
WE NEED THE GUIDANCE AND A RELATIONSHIP WITH God through His Son….to make the world work the way it is supposed to.
Sunday, January 16, 2022
by; Pastor Tom Shanor
Matthew 5:17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. NO, I came to accomplish their purpose.”
The role of the prophets….is two-fold as God spoke through them, thereby communicating with His people, and it was a serious role. Not one word was to change, and often the people would complain and want to hear something other than what God was telling them.
1… To keep the people on the right path in how to live for Him and serve Him.
2… To keep fresh in their heart and minds the reality of the coming of the Messiah.
With Jesus, righteousness no longer consisted entirely of observances of the external legal code. Animal sacrifices were no longer sufficient to receive forgiveness… for the greatest sacrifice to come would take care of sin forever, for the whole human race, not just the Jews. A new element was presented and raised as a standard before and for the people. Thus came a deeper and excellent understanding and participation in the meaning of forgiveness and Grace.
He, Jesus Christ, sees us… you and I, as disciples or apprentices to Him. Learning from His teachings, His example, and empowered by His Spirit to come. Having learned and taken to heart these teachings… we were then and now to live them out as an example to the world of what great gift we were given….so that forgiveness and salvation did not come from external sacrifices, but an internal
acceptance of God’s very own Son. Works were now to come, not because of an established external Law, but because the Law of LOVE and GRACE was established in our HEARTS AND MIND In Christ Jesus.
I have said this on many occasions. When God looks at us, He looks at us through the GREAT SACRIFICE of His Son, by which we are then accepted, adopted into the family of God. Not by our blood, or that of animals, but the life-giving blood of Jesus Christ.
This is a high-calling we are called to, and one which we need to take seriously, first with understanding founded first in the Old Testament, and expanded upon by Jesus as He says to us, “Love the Lord you God with all your heart, and with all your and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” ON THESE TWO COMMANDMENTS…HANGS ALL THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS” THE BIG THREE.
John 10:30
Just as the Old and New Testaments are ONE…the Old, the foundation being laid for the New…Jesus further solidifies His ONENESS with God. “The Father and I are One.” God established this truth…when He answered Moses’ question, who are you? His answer was, “I AM THAT I AM!” Since the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are One…in understanding this statement, we must also know that they are in unity in every way. Every word spoken; every deed is done…in UNITY. The journey they have taken us on…all of humankind from the beginning, starting with Adam, then Abraham to today, is exactly as it is supposed to be, and beyond upon the return of Jesus Christ.
With the fulfillment of the prophecies regarding Jesus’ birth, life, death, resurrection, and coming again…the two Covenants became ONE… two words joins the Old and New Testaments.
The first is Jesus, and the second is Grace, therefore in word and deed…. please, if you remember nothing else from this message. GRACE TRUMPS THE LAW, AND LOVE TRUMPS THEN ALL.
Even all TEN COMMANDMENTS, WHICH ARE VALID TODAY, CAN ONLY BE ACCOMPLISHED by LOVING THE FATHER, THROUGH HIS SON…. not by willful human obedience, but because we love God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
We still have a portion of Christians who thunder the Old Testament as often as they can to enslave people to the Law, mainly because those who lead the groups desire to be seen as priests and almost kings with the bottom-line being CONTROL. They are to be obeyed…or those following them will be cast out unless they are obeyed. GRACE is not even considered.
For these people…it is still an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, their sole source, and version of what it means to be Christian.
These two approaches have resulted in wars, strife, confusion, chaos, religious powerhouses, the destruction of people groups, enslavement, etc. We…you and I are called to live like and be like Jesus Christ.
Remember, the Old Testament’s purpose was to lay the foundations for the New Testament….and therefore finds its fulfillment in the New. I started with this verse… “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law of Moses or the writings of the prophets, NO, I came to accomplish the purpose for their existence.”
Some say God is in Conflict with Himself…by offering such diverse teachings…. that is because they do not understand the purpose behind the Old….and another part of that purpose is this. To show humankind that we are incapable of making it on our own. Fraught with confusion, strife, war and all the things I spoke of earlier. Look at the condition of the world today….and our history.
WE NEED THE GUIDANCE AND A RELATIONSHIP WITH God through His Son….to make the world work the way it is supposed to.
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The Little Church in the Pines
January 9, 2022
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
This message is not exactly what one might expect for the second Sunday of a New Year…. but, one that I believe we all need to hear. There is no one in particular that this message is meant for. GOT THAT? So, no speculation is warranted. (smile)
Therefore, today’s subject matter I chose because of its sensitivity, and sometimes impact on all of us when it happens. I am going to try to bring it in a straightforward manner while hoping that you will not be offended by my doing so. It is to teach all of us the impact and the importance of words….and tongue. James 3:6 “The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
That…is what I call straight-forward.
James was an elder of the church and known for his wisdom and ability to intercede in church strife…which yes, was in the church way back then.
As I move forward, please recall the source of these words, and the impact they should have on all of us, especially when we are tempted to ignore them.
There is I guess what we could call a spiritual song more than a hymn, that became popular I believe back in the ’70s.
Lord, I want to be more like you, like you,
I want to be a vessel you work through
I want to be more like you……………!
As a Christian, this should be one of the bottom lines of our faith, and if successful, sets in motion all the good that we can accomplish in our Christian walk.
To be like Him…. will always mean changes in our acceptance of self, and changes in how we interact with those around us, including family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and strangers.
To be like His. There will definitely be areas of lives, that the Holy Spirit and the written word will reveal to us. Then we call upon the Holy Spirit once recognized, to help us accomplish our goal(s).
For those among us, or those we know who have struggled with, as an example, alcohol. The first thing we must do is recognize there is a need for change. The second step then is our ability to move forward with the Spirts’ help, and the help of friends and family. This will often mean taking corrective steps of action. And if, and when, we fail…and we certainly may, then once again, get up on feet learning from that failure, and moving forward in the direction the Lord has shown us.
I have preached on this topic one time in each of the churches I have pastored. To my way of thinking and through my experience of pastoring, and counseling, it is one of the most hurtful and damaging sins a person can commit.
Let’s hear what Jesus and a few disciples have to say about this topic.
The first I already spoke of, and that coming from James.
The topic is centered more on not so much the offense itself, but, and on holding onto offense.
Offense, offending, offended, offensive, and offend start with the letter word “off,” something is off, something is wrong…off-ended.
These multiple words all describe the essence of wrongness. It is an adjective, which is described in several words. We can choose to be resentful, annoyed, and even outraged. Typically, as a result of a ‘perceived’ or a deliberate and intentional insult. It can be personal or aimed at someone else.
James 4:17 reads, “Remember, it is a sin to know what you ought to do, then not do it.” This simply says that “sin” is also not doing the right thing or things when given the choice.
So, how do we show Him we love Him? He tells us in John 14:23, “All who love Me will do what I say!”
A perceived or deliberate offense is to be handled in this way. In humility, not in outrage. Matthew 23:12. “But those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted. Also, please remember, humility is not being weak, it is deliberate and controlled strength.
“Tact is the unsaid part of what you are thinking.”
This now is one of my favorite verses and encompasses every aspect of our lives. Matthew 5:43-44 and can only be achieved when we are like Him. “You have heard it said Jesus says, “to hate your enemies, but I say to you, Love your enemies and do good to those that persecute you.” (in word or in deed) my addition. He goes on to say, “you will be acting as true children of your Father who is in heaven if you do as He says.” “Lord, I want to be more like You” (Let’s say it together).
These next verses are the essence of it all, and the summation of what it truly would be like to be like Jesus. Matthew 7:12, straight from the mouth of the Savior Himself. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” (Let’s say this together also).
At best…staying offended is one of the most pointless and devastating emotional indulgences possible. At its worst, it is the very seed of potential violence, persecution, and separation. To “stay offended” should never be welcome in the Christian vernacular. There is not one virtue in being indignant, and we have as Christians, no “right” according to our Lord, to hold on to an offense. We all have initially been offended and sometimes with a very good reason or reasons, but to get to the root of the issue and make peace, is of exceptional importance in being like Him.
The Lord was hurled all sorts of offensive words and actions, and the only response He had to these, was to use the Word of God, Scriptures in almost every instance in response, and use them He did in just the right manner. He though never held on to them as He hung on the Cross and said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they have done.” As He was consistently an example to us…. we too must do and be as He was…. with His help and His guidance.
There was one major offense that He took, but that was not personal, and that offense we know very well was where He proclaimed that He was offended for His Father, because the Jewish leadership, permitted the Temple of God to be used for personal gain and corruption.
His outrage was expressed in Luke 19:46. Then Jesus entered the Temple and began to drive out the people selling animals for sacrifices. He said to them, “The Scriptures declare, “My Temple shall be called a house of prayer; but YOU, have turned it into a den of thieves.”
Wednesday…. I was actually deeply hurt by someone….and it took me half a day to understand, that indeed I had truly done nothing to deserve it…but it was simply the easiest way for them to accomplish their goal…and that was to exit themselves from my life. I still do not understand why, but right now that is not important. The important thing is that I had to let it go, or it would have poisoned me spiritually and physically, emotionally and mentally. I JUST HAD TO LET IT GO….and put it into His hands to resolve, if ever it would be. I took a deep breath upon this recognition and from that moment on a HEAVY burden lifted off of me even though I was left with residual sadness. I will remain open to reconciliation if indeed the opportunity comes.
We Christians are to be ministers of reconciliation, peacemakers, with understanding, tolerance, justice, mercy, kindness, and finally forgiveness if necessary, and then restoration.
These are the virtues that Jesus exhibited and asks us to exhibit no matter how we feel.
How we would change the world if we just quit being self-righteous and full of indignation, speaking of all the wrongs that have been, or perceived, to have been done to us, instead of simply giving it all over to HIM.
If indeed we are to be useful to Jesus, we must learn to be “shockproof.” How can we go out into the world and serve “the least of these” if we insist the world first meets OUR expectations and criteria? It is bad out there…you all know that. Even when confronting actual lawlessness and sin, and corruption, our hearts must be ready (just as the early church was) ready to be an example of our Lord, who only condemned the self-righteous.
In talking to my son, a police detective and SWAT team member, also Chaplin of the Police Department, often sees the darkest of deeds, and people who perform them. His greatest pain he says is when it involves innocent children.
David says he first, always attempts to treat them with dignity and understanding, but it seldom works. If their response is aggressive or manipulative…he has to immediately, move into the offensive mode. To keep his soul healthy, he does not give into condemnation, because some very bad things have brought them to where they are…at that moment.
If…there is a conflict involving us…. we have to make sure; we are not the one who accelerates it, but in as much as possible, bring it to a peaceful resolution with the potential for restoration.
Please…… listen closely to these words and act accordingly with the TRUTHS we know. No one can push our buttons if we don’t have any. Being humble which I have said before is controlled strength.
Today, the news agencies, reporters, and others rely on we Christians to generate press. It seems they know how to rile us up and by design, can manipulate us to respond with a knee-jerk reaction…creating more negative news that is our fault.
Does all this mean nothing should bother us, convict us to action, or require confrontation? Of course not, but there is a huge difference between acting and reacting, in a healthy and even godly manner, instead of an unchecked emotional response. Our goal in any situation, be it at home, at work, at play, in our churches, amongst ourselves, should be to find avenues of reconciliation. First, to bring peace within ourselves, healing, and compassion within and without. Whenever we enter a confrontation, be it personal or not, let us be certain we are not the ACCELEERANT, but instead the fire extinguisher, as James wrote and with which I started this message.
James 3:6. “And among all the parts of the body, the tongue is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of wickedness corrupting your entire body. It can set our whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself.”
But instead, let us live out the fruit of the Spirit.
Galatians 5:22-23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law” to prevent them from being what we lead with, every-day!
January 9, 2022
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
This message is not exactly what one might expect for the second Sunday of a New Year…. but, one that I believe we all need to hear. There is no one in particular that this message is meant for. GOT THAT? So, no speculation is warranted. (smile)
Therefore, today’s subject matter I chose because of its sensitivity, and sometimes impact on all of us when it happens. I am going to try to bring it in a straightforward manner while hoping that you will not be offended by my doing so. It is to teach all of us the impact and the importance of words….and tongue. James 3:6 “The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
That…is what I call straight-forward.
James was an elder of the church and known for his wisdom and ability to intercede in church strife…which yes, was in the church way back then.
As I move forward, please recall the source of these words, and the impact they should have on all of us, especially when we are tempted to ignore them.
There is I guess what we could call a spiritual song more than a hymn, that became popular I believe back in the ’70s.
Lord, I want to be more like you, like you,
I want to be a vessel you work through
I want to be more like you……………!
As a Christian, this should be one of the bottom lines of our faith, and if successful, sets in motion all the good that we can accomplish in our Christian walk.
To be like Him…. will always mean changes in our acceptance of self, and changes in how we interact with those around us, including family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and strangers.
To be like His. There will definitely be areas of lives, that the Holy Spirit and the written word will reveal to us. Then we call upon the Holy Spirit once recognized, to help us accomplish our goal(s).
For those among us, or those we know who have struggled with, as an example, alcohol. The first thing we must do is recognize there is a need for change. The second step then is our ability to move forward with the Spirts’ help, and the help of friends and family. This will often mean taking corrective steps of action. And if, and when, we fail…and we certainly may, then once again, get up on feet learning from that failure, and moving forward in the direction the Lord has shown us.
I have preached on this topic one time in each of the churches I have pastored. To my way of thinking and through my experience of pastoring, and counseling, it is one of the most hurtful and damaging sins a person can commit.
Let’s hear what Jesus and a few disciples have to say about this topic.
The first I already spoke of, and that coming from James.
The topic is centered more on not so much the offense itself, but, and on holding onto offense.
Offense, offending, offended, offensive, and offend start with the letter word “off,” something is off, something is wrong…off-ended.
These multiple words all describe the essence of wrongness. It is an adjective, which is described in several words. We can choose to be resentful, annoyed, and even outraged. Typically, as a result of a ‘perceived’ or a deliberate and intentional insult. It can be personal or aimed at someone else.
James 4:17 reads, “Remember, it is a sin to know what you ought to do, then not do it.” This simply says that “sin” is also not doing the right thing or things when given the choice.
So, how do we show Him we love Him? He tells us in John 14:23, “All who love Me will do what I say!”
A perceived or deliberate offense is to be handled in this way. In humility, not in outrage. Matthew 23:12. “But those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted. Also, please remember, humility is not being weak, it is deliberate and controlled strength.
“Tact is the unsaid part of what you are thinking.”
This now is one of my favorite verses and encompasses every aspect of our lives. Matthew 5:43-44 and can only be achieved when we are like Him. “You have heard it said Jesus says, “to hate your enemies, but I say to you, Love your enemies and do good to those that persecute you.” (in word or in deed) my addition. He goes on to say, “you will be acting as true children of your Father who is in heaven if you do as He says.” “Lord, I want to be more like You” (Let’s say it together).
These next verses are the essence of it all, and the summation of what it truly would be like to be like Jesus. Matthew 7:12, straight from the mouth of the Savior Himself. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” (Let’s say this together also).
At best…staying offended is one of the most pointless and devastating emotional indulgences possible. At its worst, it is the very seed of potential violence, persecution, and separation. To “stay offended” should never be welcome in the Christian vernacular. There is not one virtue in being indignant, and we have as Christians, no “right” according to our Lord, to hold on to an offense. We all have initially been offended and sometimes with a very good reason or reasons, but to get to the root of the issue and make peace, is of exceptional importance in being like Him.
The Lord was hurled all sorts of offensive words and actions, and the only response He had to these, was to use the Word of God, Scriptures in almost every instance in response, and use them He did in just the right manner. He though never held on to them as He hung on the Cross and said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they have done.” As He was consistently an example to us…. we too must do and be as He was…. with His help and His guidance.
There was one major offense that He took, but that was not personal, and that offense we know very well was where He proclaimed that He was offended for His Father, because the Jewish leadership, permitted the Temple of God to be used for personal gain and corruption.
His outrage was expressed in Luke 19:46. Then Jesus entered the Temple and began to drive out the people selling animals for sacrifices. He said to them, “The Scriptures declare, “My Temple shall be called a house of prayer; but YOU, have turned it into a den of thieves.”
Wednesday…. I was actually deeply hurt by someone….and it took me half a day to understand, that indeed I had truly done nothing to deserve it…but it was simply the easiest way for them to accomplish their goal…and that was to exit themselves from my life. I still do not understand why, but right now that is not important. The important thing is that I had to let it go, or it would have poisoned me spiritually and physically, emotionally and mentally. I JUST HAD TO LET IT GO….and put it into His hands to resolve, if ever it would be. I took a deep breath upon this recognition and from that moment on a HEAVY burden lifted off of me even though I was left with residual sadness. I will remain open to reconciliation if indeed the opportunity comes.
We Christians are to be ministers of reconciliation, peacemakers, with understanding, tolerance, justice, mercy, kindness, and finally forgiveness if necessary, and then restoration.
These are the virtues that Jesus exhibited and asks us to exhibit no matter how we feel.
How we would change the world if we just quit being self-righteous and full of indignation, speaking of all the wrongs that have been, or perceived, to have been done to us, instead of simply giving it all over to HIM.
If indeed we are to be useful to Jesus, we must learn to be “shockproof.” How can we go out into the world and serve “the least of these” if we insist the world first meets OUR expectations and criteria? It is bad out there…you all know that. Even when confronting actual lawlessness and sin, and corruption, our hearts must be ready (just as the early church was) ready to be an example of our Lord, who only condemned the self-righteous.
In talking to my son, a police detective and SWAT team member, also Chaplin of the Police Department, often sees the darkest of deeds, and people who perform them. His greatest pain he says is when it involves innocent children.
David says he first, always attempts to treat them with dignity and understanding, but it seldom works. If their response is aggressive or manipulative…he has to immediately, move into the offensive mode. To keep his soul healthy, he does not give into condemnation, because some very bad things have brought them to where they are…at that moment.
If…there is a conflict involving us…. we have to make sure; we are not the one who accelerates it, but in as much as possible, bring it to a peaceful resolution with the potential for restoration.
Please…… listen closely to these words and act accordingly with the TRUTHS we know. No one can push our buttons if we don’t have any. Being humble which I have said before is controlled strength.
Today, the news agencies, reporters, and others rely on we Christians to generate press. It seems they know how to rile us up and by design, can manipulate us to respond with a knee-jerk reaction…creating more negative news that is our fault.
Does all this mean nothing should bother us, convict us to action, or require confrontation? Of course not, but there is a huge difference between acting and reacting, in a healthy and even godly manner, instead of an unchecked emotional response. Our goal in any situation, be it at home, at work, at play, in our churches, amongst ourselves, should be to find avenues of reconciliation. First, to bring peace within ourselves, healing, and compassion within and without. Whenever we enter a confrontation, be it personal or not, let us be certain we are not the ACCELEERANT, but instead the fire extinguisher, as James wrote and with which I started this message.
James 3:6. “And among all the parts of the body, the tongue is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of wickedness corrupting your entire body. It can set our whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself.”
But instead, let us live out the fruit of the Spirit.
Galatians 5:22-23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law” to prevent them from being what we lead with, every-day!
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The Little Church in the Pines
January 2, 2022
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
Embracing the new sometimes means letting go of the OLD” “Pardon Me?”
Old is described as in a person, as such, looking around, some of us (self as an example) in comparison to the younger among us, immediately tells one thing for sure…old is evident, and there are different degrees of old. There is kind of old, then old, then really old.
Here is a description. “The old man lay propped up on cushions.” Well, that was me a few times while the 17 of my kids, their spouses and my grandkids swirled around me for three days when here for Christmas. It was awesome…but it was all I could do at times not to run out of the house and into my car for a respite. Which, I actually did a couple of times, under some ruse of having to come over here to the church and do some work…which I found to do of course.
Change and old as a rather light medium would be Clothing styles which sometimes change dramatically…also every year there are new models of cars, and to some of us, in regards to technology….and today, big time, are phones, many or even most of us want the latest and newest, which means giving up the old.
Then there is another category of old we should give up but either can’t seem to or (secretly) don’t want to give up. That may fall under the category of habits, i.e., eating too much, drinking too much, spending too much money, etc. etc. Some of these may also fall under the category of sin. Again, possibly secret.
Then there is another category….and these can be most devastating, and that is in the area of emotions. Easily getting angry with the ramifications of too often taking the anger out on those we love. Gossip, especially under the guise of many who feel the person they are talking to about someone or something the person you are talking to, really should know, often malicious, and at times with painful and even devastating outcomes.
There is even another category….and this one is for some, the most painful of all. That one is not forgiving one’s-self. Here is a simple story I came across, named Pardon and Peace. Page 85. READ
There are those of us who carry around burdens for year upon year that we think are just too awful to be forgiven, carrying it or them around as a dead weight, totally forgetting or never really having the understanding of the meaning of forgiveness, and grace. “Come unto Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30
Verses 28-30 are in contrast to the heavy burden of legalism (which most of us even today carry, feeling unworthy of the forgiveness and grace offered us through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ) In truth we are unworthy, but God in Christ has made the Way, and to deny that His death cannot forgive us we are denying His sacrifice itself as too weak.
Whether it is something as simple as clothing style, a car, a phone, or deeper such as bad habits, secret sins, self-condemnation…all of these things can be made new in Christ, otherwise, why did He die. He died to set you free from anything or even anyone who might drag you out of His presence and grace.
Perhaps some of you are good at making a resolution and sticking to it, for the time it takes to break it or change…a strong will. Most of us need help beyond ourselves to accomplish the goals and changes we KNOW we need.
We can ask help from family or friends, and that is a good thing to do, but too often we need a higher help. An almighty helper. The One who Jesus sent and sends us, the Holy Spirit of God Himself.
BUT FIRST…. we have to be honest with ourselves as to our need, for if we are not, we will never come to that place of freedom from, which in time can consume us and affect those around us, sometimes devastatingly.
TO BE HONEST WITH OURSELVES FIRST ALLOWS US TO ALSO BE HONEST WITH OUR LORD… a giant step in the progress of a healthy spiritual, mental and emotional life.
These are one of my very favorite verses…
Lamentations 3:22-25. “Though the Lord’s Mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail note. They are NEW every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. The Lord is my portion says my soul. Therefore, I HOPE in Him.”
Going back briefly to the title of this message….” Embracing the NEW means sometimes letting go of the OLD.”
Remember…. The OLD, meaning carrying the burden of legalism, instead of embracing forgiveness and grace.
May churches today lean heavily on dos and don’ts, therefore embracing legalism. Many also go180 degrees in the opposite direction…embracing humanism instead of TRUTH. You might ask, what is the difference. The difference is that one is completely CHRIST CENTERED, AND THE OTHER HUMANISTIC CENTERED, WHERE EVERYTHING IS TAILORED TO HUMAN LOVE AND IT’S MULLTITUDE OF EVERY EXPANDING EXPRESSIONS.
Here are some verses regarding NEW.
God is faithful to those who follow Him….in both the Old and NEW Testaments…. the NEW manifesting what I have been speaking of all along…Forgiveness and Grace…. nullifying the OLD legalism, which meant earning one’s way into the Kingdom of God. I had lunch several weeks ago in Jackson with an Orthodox Jewish man who told me that in all of the churches in the world, the Mormon church most closely resembled Judaism is the Mormon Church. Their systematic theology of doctrine and covenants, is the
theology of earning by good works and following the laws of the church as the only way to heaven.
His Mercies are NEW every morning.
God also tells us…upon the return of His Son, our Lord, He will create after the last great battle between the Lord and Satan, and those who follow Him…He states in Jeremiah 65:17, “For behold, I create NEW heavens and a new earth.”
The same theme is throughout the whole New Testament and that theme is NEW…contrary to what Solomon says in Ecclesiastes 1:9
The things that have been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done…and there is no NEW thing under the sun. WRONG SOLOMON….
Not only the establishment of Forgiveness and Grace…but even a new Creation is on its way.
This one I love….it is, well you will now hear. John 13:34-35
Jesus said, “A NEW commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another, and by this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
There is that same NEW love theme again…you can’t just get away from it!
Another of my favorites…….” Therefore, IF anyone is in Christ, he or she is a NEW creation; for OLD things have passed away; behold, all things have become NEW.
Here comes another part of the forgiveness, grace and love. Verse 18. Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the MINSITRY OF RECONCILATION.
This reconciliation is first personal in our own reconciliation to Christ, and then we are ministers by living our lives as a testimony, by assisting our Lord in reconciling the world…our neighbors and friends to HIM.
Early on I spoke of anger and its ramifications when unchecked. Colossians 3:9-10. Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the OLD man or woman with these deeds, 10 and put on the NEW man or woman who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created Him.
These next verses speak of the Character of the NEW person in Him. Listen closely to see where we in our daily lives stand. READ COL. 3:12-16-page 1675. (Black ribbon)
I hope I have given you some things to think and pray about.
I also hope and pray…. Good things…good changes…. new mercies, abundant grace, love, reconciliation, hope and health are with each of us this coming year.
May the Lord bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; may He show you His favor and give you PEACE. AMEN
Numbers 6:24-26
January 2, 2022
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
Embracing the new sometimes means letting go of the OLD” “Pardon Me?”
Old is described as in a person, as such, looking around, some of us (self as an example) in comparison to the younger among us, immediately tells one thing for sure…old is evident, and there are different degrees of old. There is kind of old, then old, then really old.
Here is a description. “The old man lay propped up on cushions.” Well, that was me a few times while the 17 of my kids, their spouses and my grandkids swirled around me for three days when here for Christmas. It was awesome…but it was all I could do at times not to run out of the house and into my car for a respite. Which, I actually did a couple of times, under some ruse of having to come over here to the church and do some work…which I found to do of course.
Change and old as a rather light medium would be Clothing styles which sometimes change dramatically…also every year there are new models of cars, and to some of us, in regards to technology….and today, big time, are phones, many or even most of us want the latest and newest, which means giving up the old.
Then there is another category of old we should give up but either can’t seem to or (secretly) don’t want to give up. That may fall under the category of habits, i.e., eating too much, drinking too much, spending too much money, etc. etc. Some of these may also fall under the category of sin. Again, possibly secret.
Then there is another category….and these can be most devastating, and that is in the area of emotions. Easily getting angry with the ramifications of too often taking the anger out on those we love. Gossip, especially under the guise of many who feel the person they are talking to about someone or something the person you are talking to, really should know, often malicious, and at times with painful and even devastating outcomes.
There is even another category….and this one is for some, the most painful of all. That one is not forgiving one’s-self. Here is a simple story I came across, named Pardon and Peace. Page 85. READ
There are those of us who carry around burdens for year upon year that we think are just too awful to be forgiven, carrying it or them around as a dead weight, totally forgetting or never really having the understanding of the meaning of forgiveness, and grace. “Come unto Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30
Verses 28-30 are in contrast to the heavy burden of legalism (which most of us even today carry, feeling unworthy of the forgiveness and grace offered us through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ) In truth we are unworthy, but God in Christ has made the Way, and to deny that His death cannot forgive us we are denying His sacrifice itself as too weak.
Whether it is something as simple as clothing style, a car, a phone, or deeper such as bad habits, secret sins, self-condemnation…all of these things can be made new in Christ, otherwise, why did He die. He died to set you free from anything or even anyone who might drag you out of His presence and grace.
Perhaps some of you are good at making a resolution and sticking to it, for the time it takes to break it or change…a strong will. Most of us need help beyond ourselves to accomplish the goals and changes we KNOW we need.
We can ask help from family or friends, and that is a good thing to do, but too often we need a higher help. An almighty helper. The One who Jesus sent and sends us, the Holy Spirit of God Himself.
BUT FIRST…. we have to be honest with ourselves as to our need, for if we are not, we will never come to that place of freedom from, which in time can consume us and affect those around us, sometimes devastatingly.
TO BE HONEST WITH OURSELVES FIRST ALLOWS US TO ALSO BE HONEST WITH OUR LORD… a giant step in the progress of a healthy spiritual, mental and emotional life.
These are one of my very favorite verses…
Lamentations 3:22-25. “Though the Lord’s Mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail note. They are NEW every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. The Lord is my portion says my soul. Therefore, I HOPE in Him.”
Going back briefly to the title of this message….” Embracing the NEW means sometimes letting go of the OLD.”
Remember…. The OLD, meaning carrying the burden of legalism, instead of embracing forgiveness and grace.
May churches today lean heavily on dos and don’ts, therefore embracing legalism. Many also go180 degrees in the opposite direction…embracing humanism instead of TRUTH. You might ask, what is the difference. The difference is that one is completely CHRIST CENTERED, AND THE OTHER HUMANISTIC CENTERED, WHERE EVERYTHING IS TAILORED TO HUMAN LOVE AND IT’S MULLTITUDE OF EVERY EXPANDING EXPRESSIONS.
Here are some verses regarding NEW.
God is faithful to those who follow Him….in both the Old and NEW Testaments…. the NEW manifesting what I have been speaking of all along…Forgiveness and Grace…. nullifying the OLD legalism, which meant earning one’s way into the Kingdom of God. I had lunch several weeks ago in Jackson with an Orthodox Jewish man who told me that in all of the churches in the world, the Mormon church most closely resembled Judaism is the Mormon Church. Their systematic theology of doctrine and covenants, is the
theology of earning by good works and following the laws of the church as the only way to heaven.
His Mercies are NEW every morning.
God also tells us…upon the return of His Son, our Lord, He will create after the last great battle between the Lord and Satan, and those who follow Him…He states in Jeremiah 65:17, “For behold, I create NEW heavens and a new earth.”
The same theme is throughout the whole New Testament and that theme is NEW…contrary to what Solomon says in Ecclesiastes 1:9
The things that have been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done…and there is no NEW thing under the sun. WRONG SOLOMON….
Not only the establishment of Forgiveness and Grace…but even a new Creation is on its way.
This one I love….it is, well you will now hear. John 13:34-35
Jesus said, “A NEW commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another, and by this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
There is that same NEW love theme again…you can’t just get away from it!
Another of my favorites…….” Therefore, IF anyone is in Christ, he or she is a NEW creation; for OLD things have passed away; behold, all things have become NEW.
Here comes another part of the forgiveness, grace and love. Verse 18. Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the MINSITRY OF RECONCILATION.
This reconciliation is first personal in our own reconciliation to Christ, and then we are ministers by living our lives as a testimony, by assisting our Lord in reconciling the world…our neighbors and friends to HIM.
Early on I spoke of anger and its ramifications when unchecked. Colossians 3:9-10. Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the OLD man or woman with these deeds, 10 and put on the NEW man or woman who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created Him.
These next verses speak of the Character of the NEW person in Him. Listen closely to see where we in our daily lives stand. READ COL. 3:12-16-page 1675. (Black ribbon)
I hope I have given you some things to think and pray about.
I also hope and pray…. Good things…good changes…. new mercies, abundant grace, love, reconciliation, hope and health are with each of us this coming year.
May the Lord bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; may He show you His favor and give you PEACE. AMEN
Numbers 6:24-26
The Little Church in the Pines
December 19, 2021
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
Love ~
This subject of which the fourth candle of Advent has been lit today, is perhaps the most important word in every human language that exists. There is no way to measure it…. for it has no boundaries.
More music written, poems created, emotions shared, movies made, and which without, our world would be a very different world indeed. This LOVE is what makes the world a better place….a world set apart from all others that we know of. It can turn wrongs into right and sadness into JOY, tragedy into hope and Hope into Love.
This one thing I am going to establish before moving on, and that is the source of LOVE, as it begins with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. ONE GOD IN THREE UNIFIED IN LOVE.
With this there is one verse that (stands out to me) as perhaps the most important regarding LOVE, and that verse is found in Luke 10:27…quoting Jesus Himself. He answered, “You shall LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and LOVE your neighbor as yourself.” X2
Therefore…with every fiber of our being. If we do not truly LOVE God….we cannot love to the depth that God enables us to love, where LOVE can move mountains. Where LOVE can do the impossible.
The second most important love verse (in my opinion) is found of course in 1 Corinthians 13:13. Written by Paul. “If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do NOT have LOVE, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy, and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have faith that can move mountains, but DO NOT HAVE LOVE, I am nothing If I give ALL I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but DO NOT HAVE LOVE, I gave nothing.
“LOVE IS patient, love is kind. It does NOT envy, it does NOT boast, it is NOT proud. IT does NOT dishonor others, it is NOT self-seeking, it is NOT easily angered, it keeps NO record of wrongs. LOVE does NOT delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. IT ALWAYS protects, ALWAYS trusts, ALWAYS hopes, ALWAYS perseveres.”
“LOVE never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophecy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I thought like a child, and I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now, we see only a reflection as in a mirror, then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part, then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
We show we have LOVE in multitude of ways, as I just spoke of from Corinthians. LOVE given creates more love…LOVE taken away can leave irreparable damage…except in Jesus, who can restore all things…when we are willing, for He makes a way where we see no way.
We all need love…though many intellectually say they do not because of people, and or events in their lives that either hurt, and in some situations destroyed their own capacity to even begin to understand what LOVE is. This is a true and tragic tragedy. I can say with full assurance…that if given the opportunity to come into the kingdom of God through Salvation in Jesus Christ, they will experience what LOVE is for the first time in their lives. I have seen it happen.
The word LOVE is in the Old Testament 310 times and in the New Testament 348 times.
The old saying “LOVE make the world go around” I am not sure of but I am sure that without it, there would be no HOPE, JOY or PEACE of any kind. What love we have and share certainly makes our world a more beautiful place in the UNIVERSE.
Out of curiosity, I researched how many songs have been written about LOVE, and found that this question is impossible to answer because LOVE is one of the most common themes in music. Thus, there are millions of songs about love: losing love, finding love, missing a loved one, wishing for love, searching for love, grateful for love, etc.
There was one secular song that came to my mind, so I looked up the words. One of which refers to the Lord in searching for it. I felt that if I could get away in my sermon with “Be Happy, Don’t Worry, I could do this one without too much repercussion. Smiling.
HERE IS THE SONG. It is the title of my sermon.
What the world needs now is love, sweet love.
It’s the only things that there’s just too little of,
What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
No, not just for some, but for everyone.
LORD, we don’t need another mountain,
There are mountains and hillsides enough to climb,
There are oceans and rivers enough to cross, enough to last ‘til the end of time!
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It the only thing that there’s just too little of,
What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
No. not just for some, but for everyone!
LORD, we don’t need another meadow,
There are cornfields and wheat fields enough to grow,
There are sunbeams and moon beams enough to shine,
Oh, listen LORD, if YOU want to know.
What the world needs now, is LOVE, sweet LOVE
It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of,
What the world needs now is love, sweet LOVE,
NO, not just for some, oh, but just for every, every, everyone!
This is what Jesus, this Advent Season, since that day so long ago, when born…. came to bring all of humanity. HIS LOVE….
And with that LOVE, Salvation, Eternal life…. HOPE, PEACE, JOY AND the greatest of these and more…. LOVE.
“A TRUE LOVE STORY…. Denied in Life, Together in Death”
Selah, So be it!
December 19, 2021
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
Love ~
This subject of which the fourth candle of Advent has been lit today, is perhaps the most important word in every human language that exists. There is no way to measure it…. for it has no boundaries.
More music written, poems created, emotions shared, movies made, and which without, our world would be a very different world indeed. This LOVE is what makes the world a better place….a world set apart from all others that we know of. It can turn wrongs into right and sadness into JOY, tragedy into hope and Hope into Love.
This one thing I am going to establish before moving on, and that is the source of LOVE, as it begins with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. ONE GOD IN THREE UNIFIED IN LOVE.
With this there is one verse that (stands out to me) as perhaps the most important regarding LOVE, and that verse is found in Luke 10:27…quoting Jesus Himself. He answered, “You shall LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and LOVE your neighbor as yourself.” X2
Therefore…with every fiber of our being. If we do not truly LOVE God….we cannot love to the depth that God enables us to love, where LOVE can move mountains. Where LOVE can do the impossible.
The second most important love verse (in my opinion) is found of course in 1 Corinthians 13:13. Written by Paul. “If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do NOT have LOVE, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy, and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have faith that can move mountains, but DO NOT HAVE LOVE, I am nothing If I give ALL I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but DO NOT HAVE LOVE, I gave nothing.
“LOVE IS patient, love is kind. It does NOT envy, it does NOT boast, it is NOT proud. IT does NOT dishonor others, it is NOT self-seeking, it is NOT easily angered, it keeps NO record of wrongs. LOVE does NOT delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. IT ALWAYS protects, ALWAYS trusts, ALWAYS hopes, ALWAYS perseveres.”
“LOVE never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophecy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I thought like a child, and I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now, we see only a reflection as in a mirror, then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part, then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
We show we have LOVE in multitude of ways, as I just spoke of from Corinthians. LOVE given creates more love…LOVE taken away can leave irreparable damage…except in Jesus, who can restore all things…when we are willing, for He makes a way where we see no way.
We all need love…though many intellectually say they do not because of people, and or events in their lives that either hurt, and in some situations destroyed their own capacity to even begin to understand what LOVE is. This is a true and tragic tragedy. I can say with full assurance…that if given the opportunity to come into the kingdom of God through Salvation in Jesus Christ, they will experience what LOVE is for the first time in their lives. I have seen it happen.
The word LOVE is in the Old Testament 310 times and in the New Testament 348 times.
The old saying “LOVE make the world go around” I am not sure of but I am sure that without it, there would be no HOPE, JOY or PEACE of any kind. What love we have and share certainly makes our world a more beautiful place in the UNIVERSE.
Out of curiosity, I researched how many songs have been written about LOVE, and found that this question is impossible to answer because LOVE is one of the most common themes in music. Thus, there are millions of songs about love: losing love, finding love, missing a loved one, wishing for love, searching for love, grateful for love, etc.
There was one secular song that came to my mind, so I looked up the words. One of which refers to the Lord in searching for it. I felt that if I could get away in my sermon with “Be Happy, Don’t Worry, I could do this one without too much repercussion. Smiling.
HERE IS THE SONG. It is the title of my sermon.
What the world needs now is love, sweet love.
It’s the only things that there’s just too little of,
What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
No, not just for some, but for everyone.
LORD, we don’t need another mountain,
There are mountains and hillsides enough to climb,
There are oceans and rivers enough to cross, enough to last ‘til the end of time!
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It the only thing that there’s just too little of,
What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
No. not just for some, but for everyone!
LORD, we don’t need another meadow,
There are cornfields and wheat fields enough to grow,
There are sunbeams and moon beams enough to shine,
Oh, listen LORD, if YOU want to know.
What the world needs now, is LOVE, sweet LOVE
It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of,
What the world needs now is love, sweet LOVE,
NO, not just for some, oh, but just for every, every, everyone!
This is what Jesus, this Advent Season, since that day so long ago, when born…. came to bring all of humanity. HIS LOVE….
And with that LOVE, Salvation, Eternal life…. HOPE, PEACE, JOY AND the greatest of these and more…. LOVE.
“A TRUE LOVE STORY…. Denied in Life, Together in Death”
Selah, So be it!
The Little Church in the Pines
November 28, 2021
Sermon ~ HOPE can be a prayer
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
Advent…. within this word lies great anticipation, hope, prayer, prophets and prophecies fulfilled. For millennia a people, devoted to God, chosen by God, kept within their hearts, that HOPE alive. Their love of God, full and rich…. generation after generation having passed without that HOPE realized…. but one night, one glorious night…it happened! He arrived! Not in the manner anticipated, but quietly, beautifully…yet, on that serene night the storm clouds were already forming. With the beauty of His birth came the anticipation and darkness of His death…His fate was foretold and sealed.
But now, our focus is on His advent into the world.
HOPE at times it seems is all we have…. but HOPE turned into prayer goes from being passive to being alive and active, able to achieve what HOPE itself cannot.
There is a new hymn being sung this Advent Season in celebration of HOPE and light over darkness.
Veiled in darkness Judah lay, waiting for the Promised Day;
While across the shadowy night streamed a flood of glorious light,
Heavenly voices singing then, “Peace on earth, goodwill toward men;”
Heavenly voices chanting the, “Peace on earth, goodwill toward men.”
Still the earth in darkness lies. Up from death’s dark vale arise,
Voices of a world in grief, prayers of those who seek relief.
Now the darkness peals out again, “Peace on earth, goodwill toward men,”
Light of light, we humbly pray, shine upon Thy world today;
Break the gloom of our dark night, fill our souls with love and light,
Send Thy blessed Word again, “Peace on earth, good will to men.”
Here is the background history of this hymn….
Abject hopeless lay across the land…for over a year, war had raged in Europe, and as dark war clouds hung over the earth, Rights wrote a hymn in response to the hopelessness and darkness that he felt in his own heart.
The hymn opens by focusing on the darkness that hung over Judah, which was shattered by the glorious light that came with the birth of Christ and the gifts to someday come of “peace on earth, and good will to mankind.
In the lighting of the candles, comes to us the HOPE realized when we too feel hopeless, followed by PEACE, JOY and LOVE. For in these the Christ Child, the Light of the World came with these gifts no matter the circumstances that we face and endure.
Just as in the land of Judah…
The second verse is written to remind us that to this day, a measure of darkness still covers our land…. but one day, one day, at the time of God’s choosing that darkness will also be destroyed, replacing it the Second Advent of Jesus Christ when He returns to rule and reign over all the earth.
In our own time of darkness (now) with Covid, with wars still raging, with persecution of Christians as never before in history, as morality declines and people lose HOPE, He remains our HOPE and our light. This is when we hold onto HOPE for peace on earth, and turn that HOPE into active, vibrant prayer.
It is our obligation to pray for “peace on earth and goodwill toward mankind.
The third verse of the hymn actually provides us with a prayer for the Light that God sent to the earth in Jesus Christ to shine upon us TODAY, to shatter our own personal darkness as well and to fill our souls with love and light, bringing once again within us, peace
and goodwill. First, between us and God; then secondly between each other.
We know that it is Jesus who ultimately brings us personal peace, national peace and world-wide peace.
In this world, it seems the bad news keeps mounting up, whether from ongoing wars, terrorist attacks, attacks on our judicial system, on our police officers, a fellow human being driving his vehicle into spectators at a hometown parade, the political and social divisions, the pain mounts up and up to greater heights, causing fear and hopelessness to pervade our lives…we should pray as we have never prayed before that the light of Jesus would shine in us and through us, and on us, so that we can lead the way to be the people of light and peace he calls all of us, all of us to be.
Far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of LIGHT…Romans 13:11-12
Listen to the words of the hymn once again…
Veiled in darkness Judah lay, waiting for the promised day,
While across the shadowy night,
Streamed a floor of glorious light,
Heavenly voices chanting then,
“Peace on earth, goodwill to man,”
“Peace on earth, goodwill to man,”
Still the earth in darkness lies,
Up from death’s dark vale arise
Voices of a world in grief, prayers of those who seek relief.
Now the darkness pierced again,
Peace on earth, goodwill to man
Peace on earth, goodwill to man
Light of light, we humbly pray,
Shine upon Thy world today;
Break the gloom of our dark night,
Fill our souls with love and light,
Send Thy blessed Word again,
Peace on earth, goodwill to man
Send Thy blessed Word again,
Peace on earth, goodwill to man!
November 28, 2021
Sermon ~ HOPE can be a prayer
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
Advent…. within this word lies great anticipation, hope, prayer, prophets and prophecies fulfilled. For millennia a people, devoted to God, chosen by God, kept within their hearts, that HOPE alive. Their love of God, full and rich…. generation after generation having passed without that HOPE realized…. but one night, one glorious night…it happened! He arrived! Not in the manner anticipated, but quietly, beautifully…yet, on that serene night the storm clouds were already forming. With the beauty of His birth came the anticipation and darkness of His death…His fate was foretold and sealed.
But now, our focus is on His advent into the world.
HOPE at times it seems is all we have…. but HOPE turned into prayer goes from being passive to being alive and active, able to achieve what HOPE itself cannot.
There is a new hymn being sung this Advent Season in celebration of HOPE and light over darkness.
Veiled in darkness Judah lay, waiting for the Promised Day;
While across the shadowy night streamed a flood of glorious light,
Heavenly voices singing then, “Peace on earth, goodwill toward men;”
Heavenly voices chanting the, “Peace on earth, goodwill toward men.”
Still the earth in darkness lies. Up from death’s dark vale arise,
Voices of a world in grief, prayers of those who seek relief.
Now the darkness peals out again, “Peace on earth, goodwill toward men,”
Light of light, we humbly pray, shine upon Thy world today;
Break the gloom of our dark night, fill our souls with love and light,
Send Thy blessed Word again, “Peace on earth, good will to men.”
Here is the background history of this hymn….
Abject hopeless lay across the land…for over a year, war had raged in Europe, and as dark war clouds hung over the earth, Rights wrote a hymn in response to the hopelessness and darkness that he felt in his own heart.
The hymn opens by focusing on the darkness that hung over Judah, which was shattered by the glorious light that came with the birth of Christ and the gifts to someday come of “peace on earth, and good will to mankind.
In the lighting of the candles, comes to us the HOPE realized when we too feel hopeless, followed by PEACE, JOY and LOVE. For in these the Christ Child, the Light of the World came with these gifts no matter the circumstances that we face and endure.
Just as in the land of Judah…
The second verse is written to remind us that to this day, a measure of darkness still covers our land…. but one day, one day, at the time of God’s choosing that darkness will also be destroyed, replacing it the Second Advent of Jesus Christ when He returns to rule and reign over all the earth.
In our own time of darkness (now) with Covid, with wars still raging, with persecution of Christians as never before in history, as morality declines and people lose HOPE, He remains our HOPE and our light. This is when we hold onto HOPE for peace on earth, and turn that HOPE into active, vibrant prayer.
It is our obligation to pray for “peace on earth and goodwill toward mankind.
The third verse of the hymn actually provides us with a prayer for the Light that God sent to the earth in Jesus Christ to shine upon us TODAY, to shatter our own personal darkness as well and to fill our souls with love and light, bringing once again within us, peace
and goodwill. First, between us and God; then secondly between each other.
We know that it is Jesus who ultimately brings us personal peace, national peace and world-wide peace.
In this world, it seems the bad news keeps mounting up, whether from ongoing wars, terrorist attacks, attacks on our judicial system, on our police officers, a fellow human being driving his vehicle into spectators at a hometown parade, the political and social divisions, the pain mounts up and up to greater heights, causing fear and hopelessness to pervade our lives…we should pray as we have never prayed before that the light of Jesus would shine in us and through us, and on us, so that we can lead the way to be the people of light and peace he calls all of us, all of us to be.
Far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of LIGHT…Romans 13:11-12
Listen to the words of the hymn once again…
Veiled in darkness Judah lay, waiting for the promised day,
While across the shadowy night,
Streamed a floor of glorious light,
Heavenly voices chanting then,
“Peace on earth, goodwill to man,”
“Peace on earth, goodwill to man,”
Still the earth in darkness lies,
Up from death’s dark vale arise
Voices of a world in grief, prayers of those who seek relief.
Now the darkness pierced again,
Peace on earth, goodwill to man
Peace on earth, goodwill to man
Light of light, we humbly pray,
Shine upon Thy world today;
Break the gloom of our dark night,
Fill our souls with love and light,
Send Thy blessed Word again,
Peace on earth, goodwill to man
Send Thy blessed Word again,
Peace on earth, goodwill to man!
Little Church in the Pines
November 7, 2021
Pastor Connie Day
How open are you about your life?
How much do you let other people see who you really are?
It can be difficult to let people see our failures and shortcomings.
We freely share our celebrations and successes, but it’s hard to let others get a glimpse of our weaknesses.
We don’t usually speak openly about the ways we have messed up.
When we make a mistake, We often try to cover it up. We hope that no one saw it. We try to fix it before someone notices.
Sometimes we even try to keep ourselves from seeing the reality of who we are. We justify our actions and our words, pretending that they weren’t that bad, (even when deep down we know that we were wrong).
When I read the first part of our scripture reading today, I kind of felt bad for the priests.
Here they are, working all day long on their feet, offering sacrifices again and again in an attempt to atone for sin.
But the writer of Hebrews says that despite their daily, repetitive work, they will never be successful.
The sacrifices they offer “can never take away sins.”
No matter how hard they try.
No matter how dedicated they are.
No matter how many hours they put in, they will never accomplish what they are trying to do.
It’s the same for us.
No matter how hard we try to cover it up, we are imperfect beings. We fail often. We do the wrong things. We say the wrong things. We cause damage to God’s creation, including to people who are precious and loved in God’s sight.
And we know it. We know how often we fail. But like the priests, who offer sacrifices day by day, we try desperately to cover it up. We justify our actions. Sometimes we compare ourselves with others: “At least I’m not as bad as he is!” Or we say things like, “I didn’t have any choice.” “It wasn’t really my fault.” Sometimes we minimize our actions: “I’m only human. It’s not that bad.”
Sometimes we try to make up for it. Saying, “I’m sorry.” Trying to fix what is broken. Trying to cover up the mistake.
As much as possible, we try to hide our shortcomings from others. But do have someone with whom you can be completely honest? Do you have someone in your life that loves you just as you are—warts and all? Someone who sees the good, the bad, and the ugly and is there through it all with you? Someone who will never leave your side, and will never give up on you?
There is freedom in dropping the charade.
When we can be honest
When we can confess the truth
When we don’t have to pretend
When we can admit that we have failed…we have fallen short
I was at a school leaders conference this week.
As you might imagine, a gathering of school leaders (founders of charter schools in Idaho) could be a time of displaying great confidence: talking about the great things that are happening in our schools telling others about the ways we are successful maybe even trying to convince others that we are doing better — that things are going better—than they actually are and there is some of that, I suppose.
But there are also the real connections.
I have a friend in this group of amazing educators with whom I can talk freely. She did some work with me last year at the school here in Island Park. She helped me through our verification process for Special Education; (which is kind of a complicated process) She gave me information I needed to get things in order, and to answer questions that would be asked. And through that process, I had to be honest with her about the things I didn’t know. I had to tell her about mistakes that I had made and things that I had not done right. She helped me, without judgement, to fix the mistakes and to learn what needs to be done to satisfy the requirements of the State Department of Education.
At the conference on Friday, I had a question about something that I wasn’t sure we were doing right. I didn’t really want to ask. Because if we were doing it wrong, I didn’t want to get in trouble. And I didn’t want people to think that I’m not a good school leader, or that I don’t really know what I’m doing.
So I asked Jennifer. I knew she would have the information I needed. And I knew she could help. And I knew she wouldn’t judge me.
It’s a relief: to not have to hold the questions inside.
It’s a relief to be able to be honest about my lack of knowledge, and even about the things I haven’t done right. A burden of fear, shame, and guilt can be lifted by telling the truth about it.
Do you have someone like that in your life?
Do you have someone with whom you can be completely honest even about the ugly stuff?
You do, of course.
God is always there for you. God sees all that you are: all you’ve done right, and all you’ve done wrong. God knows your motives and the inner workings of your heart. Sometimes we can fool the people around us, but God knows it all. When you confess your sin When you tell the truth about who you are and what you have done You are not sharing any information that God does not already know. But confession is good for the soul. Confession allows you to lay down the burden of guilt and shame Our sin is real. And it can be crippling. It keeps us from living the life that God wants us to live: a life of joy and peace a life of justice and truth a life lived in the very presence of God who loves us more than anyone ever could and who wants the best for us.
We can do things that will make us feel better about ourselves, and that will work for a while; but it doesn’t really solve the problem. The sin/guilt is still there But Christ has actually done something about it. We are no longer under the power of sin. We no longer need to carry/feel the burden of it. It’s “taken care of”. The burden is lifted. Christ offered himself so that our sin could be removed: not just for a while, but forever. Through Christ, God has forgiven our sin, and he promises, “I will remember their sins and their lawless deeds no more.”
Not because of who we are, but because of what he’s done.
Not because of what we’ve done, but because of who he is.
When God looks at us, he sees beloved children.
This is the foundation of the message in the passage from Hebrews.
Jesus has taken care of our sin. And, unlike the priests who were standing day after day, offering sacrifices, Jesus offered a single sacrifice for sin, and then he sat down. It is finished.
We are forgiven. We are set free from the power of sin. We are free to live in God’s presence, without fear. That’s the foundation of this passage.
And then, there’s a “therefore”.
Therefore. It’s a word of cause and effect. Whereas this…. therefore this…
It’s a word that expects a response.
This has happened, therefore…this should happen.
The word “therefore” in verse 19 is followed by four imperatives.
Since Jesus gave himself to atone for our sins…
Since Christ has set us free from the power of sin…
There are four things that follow:
1. (vs.22) “Let us approach with a true heart in full assurance of faith”
God invites us into his holy presence. We might not think we are worthy. And we’re not. But Jesus has taken care of that. Some people are afraid of God’s judgment: afraid that if they step into a church, the walls will fall in on them. Some people have experienced judgement and rejection from “the people of God” and have no desire to come into God’s presence. (Sometimes religious people are a barrier) Sometimes we trust in our own goodness.
We ignore or justify our sin rather than recognizing it and confessing it.
The good news of Christ is that we do not need to be afraid to tell the truth about who we are. We can be honest with God and with ourselves, trusting that God has taken care of it, and loves us “no matter what”.
By being honest, we can be transformed. We can be changed, cured, set in a new direction. We can even become a catalyst of change in our world, through the power of Christ. Knowing that we are graciously loved and forgiven, we can be a gracious, loving presence to others.
Approach with a true heart… (bring your true self) and trust that God loves you just as you are. God welcomes you into his holy presence.
2. (vs.23) “Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful.”
Remember, it is not your faithfulness that makes it possible to live in God’s presence: it is God’s faithfulness. So even when you mess up, even when you utterly fail, hold on to the promise of God’s gracious love. Don’t waver. Don’t worry. Only believe. Then “have a little talk with Jesus” and keep trusting that God has not rejected you. God loves you, just as you are. Because God is faithful.
3. (vs. 24) “Let us consider how to provoke one another…”
Provoke is usually thought of as a negative: provoking someone is stirring up a response (usually of anger or irritation). Provoking one another is fairly easy. We see it on social media all the time. Usually, a person is trying to make a point, but the result rarely (if ever) provokes change. Either people who already agreed with you express their agreement, or people who don’t agree are provoked to anger or frustration.
They may respond. They may “scroll on”.
But the provocation results in a negative written response, or a negative feeling. What does it mean to provoke one another to love? How can we provoke one another to “good deeds”? If we put all of our creative energy into provoking goodness, the world might be a better place.
Consider, today and this week, how you might provoke someone to love.
Consider how to provoke someone to good deeds.
Consider how you might demonstrate love, and what “good deeds” you might do to make a difference in someone else’s life today and this week.
4. (vs.25) Don’t neglect to meet together…but encourage one another .It’s easy to neglect meeting together, especially when we feel like we are somehow not “good enough” to be in church. What should our “meetings” be, given the teachings of this passage? We should meet with honesty about who we are, openness about our struggles, failures, shortcomings; trusting in God’s gracious love and forgiveness, “normalizing mistakes” so that others feel free to admit that they also make mistakes, celebrating the goodness and graciousness of our God, seeking to live lives that are faithful to God, acknowledging our desire to follow God’s ways, even when we know we won’t always live up to the high and holy expectations, loving each other in spite of all our shortcomings, forgiving each other and encouraging each other to follow the way of Christ The church is not a gathering of saints.
This is a place where sinners meet to celebrate God’s love for us. We are here to help each other grow to be what God has created us to be. We are here to encourage each other: to lift each other up, to remind each other of God’s grace, to help each other focus on what God wants us to be and do.
God loves us as we are and invites us to live our lives freely in His presence…
November 7, 2021
Pastor Connie Day
How open are you about your life?
How much do you let other people see who you really are?
It can be difficult to let people see our failures and shortcomings.
We freely share our celebrations and successes, but it’s hard to let others get a glimpse of our weaknesses.
We don’t usually speak openly about the ways we have messed up.
When we make a mistake, We often try to cover it up. We hope that no one saw it. We try to fix it before someone notices.
Sometimes we even try to keep ourselves from seeing the reality of who we are. We justify our actions and our words, pretending that they weren’t that bad, (even when deep down we know that we were wrong).
When I read the first part of our scripture reading today, I kind of felt bad for the priests.
Here they are, working all day long on their feet, offering sacrifices again and again in an attempt to atone for sin.
But the writer of Hebrews says that despite their daily, repetitive work, they will never be successful.
The sacrifices they offer “can never take away sins.”
No matter how hard they try.
No matter how dedicated they are.
No matter how many hours they put in, they will never accomplish what they are trying to do.
It’s the same for us.
No matter how hard we try to cover it up, we are imperfect beings. We fail often. We do the wrong things. We say the wrong things. We cause damage to God’s creation, including to people who are precious and loved in God’s sight.
And we know it. We know how often we fail. But like the priests, who offer sacrifices day by day, we try desperately to cover it up. We justify our actions. Sometimes we compare ourselves with others: “At least I’m not as bad as he is!” Or we say things like, “I didn’t have any choice.” “It wasn’t really my fault.” Sometimes we minimize our actions: “I’m only human. It’s not that bad.”
Sometimes we try to make up for it. Saying, “I’m sorry.” Trying to fix what is broken. Trying to cover up the mistake.
As much as possible, we try to hide our shortcomings from others. But do have someone with whom you can be completely honest? Do you have someone in your life that loves you just as you are—warts and all? Someone who sees the good, the bad, and the ugly and is there through it all with you? Someone who will never leave your side, and will never give up on you?
There is freedom in dropping the charade.
When we can be honest
When we can confess the truth
When we don’t have to pretend
When we can admit that we have failed…we have fallen short
I was at a school leaders conference this week.
As you might imagine, a gathering of school leaders (founders of charter schools in Idaho) could be a time of displaying great confidence: talking about the great things that are happening in our schools telling others about the ways we are successful maybe even trying to convince others that we are doing better — that things are going better—than they actually are and there is some of that, I suppose.
But there are also the real connections.
I have a friend in this group of amazing educators with whom I can talk freely. She did some work with me last year at the school here in Island Park. She helped me through our verification process for Special Education; (which is kind of a complicated process) She gave me information I needed to get things in order, and to answer questions that would be asked. And through that process, I had to be honest with her about the things I didn’t know. I had to tell her about mistakes that I had made and things that I had not done right. She helped me, without judgement, to fix the mistakes and to learn what needs to be done to satisfy the requirements of the State Department of Education.
At the conference on Friday, I had a question about something that I wasn’t sure we were doing right. I didn’t really want to ask. Because if we were doing it wrong, I didn’t want to get in trouble. And I didn’t want people to think that I’m not a good school leader, or that I don’t really know what I’m doing.
So I asked Jennifer. I knew she would have the information I needed. And I knew she could help. And I knew she wouldn’t judge me.
It’s a relief: to not have to hold the questions inside.
It’s a relief to be able to be honest about my lack of knowledge, and even about the things I haven’t done right. A burden of fear, shame, and guilt can be lifted by telling the truth about it.
Do you have someone like that in your life?
Do you have someone with whom you can be completely honest even about the ugly stuff?
You do, of course.
God is always there for you. God sees all that you are: all you’ve done right, and all you’ve done wrong. God knows your motives and the inner workings of your heart. Sometimes we can fool the people around us, but God knows it all. When you confess your sin When you tell the truth about who you are and what you have done You are not sharing any information that God does not already know. But confession is good for the soul. Confession allows you to lay down the burden of guilt and shame Our sin is real. And it can be crippling. It keeps us from living the life that God wants us to live: a life of joy and peace a life of justice and truth a life lived in the very presence of God who loves us more than anyone ever could and who wants the best for us.
We can do things that will make us feel better about ourselves, and that will work for a while; but it doesn’t really solve the problem. The sin/guilt is still there But Christ has actually done something about it. We are no longer under the power of sin. We no longer need to carry/feel the burden of it. It’s “taken care of”. The burden is lifted. Christ offered himself so that our sin could be removed: not just for a while, but forever. Through Christ, God has forgiven our sin, and he promises, “I will remember their sins and their lawless deeds no more.”
Not because of who we are, but because of what he’s done.
Not because of what we’ve done, but because of who he is.
When God looks at us, he sees beloved children.
This is the foundation of the message in the passage from Hebrews.
Jesus has taken care of our sin. And, unlike the priests who were standing day after day, offering sacrifices, Jesus offered a single sacrifice for sin, and then he sat down. It is finished.
We are forgiven. We are set free from the power of sin. We are free to live in God’s presence, without fear. That’s the foundation of this passage.
And then, there’s a “therefore”.
Therefore. It’s a word of cause and effect. Whereas this…. therefore this…
It’s a word that expects a response.
This has happened, therefore…this should happen.
The word “therefore” in verse 19 is followed by four imperatives.
Since Jesus gave himself to atone for our sins…
Since Christ has set us free from the power of sin…
There are four things that follow:
1. (vs.22) “Let us approach with a true heart in full assurance of faith”
God invites us into his holy presence. We might not think we are worthy. And we’re not. But Jesus has taken care of that. Some people are afraid of God’s judgment: afraid that if they step into a church, the walls will fall in on them. Some people have experienced judgement and rejection from “the people of God” and have no desire to come into God’s presence. (Sometimes religious people are a barrier) Sometimes we trust in our own goodness.
We ignore or justify our sin rather than recognizing it and confessing it.
The good news of Christ is that we do not need to be afraid to tell the truth about who we are. We can be honest with God and with ourselves, trusting that God has taken care of it, and loves us “no matter what”.
By being honest, we can be transformed. We can be changed, cured, set in a new direction. We can even become a catalyst of change in our world, through the power of Christ. Knowing that we are graciously loved and forgiven, we can be a gracious, loving presence to others.
Approach with a true heart… (bring your true self) and trust that God loves you just as you are. God welcomes you into his holy presence.
2. (vs.23) “Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful.”
Remember, it is not your faithfulness that makes it possible to live in God’s presence: it is God’s faithfulness. So even when you mess up, even when you utterly fail, hold on to the promise of God’s gracious love. Don’t waver. Don’t worry. Only believe. Then “have a little talk with Jesus” and keep trusting that God has not rejected you. God loves you, just as you are. Because God is faithful.
3. (vs. 24) “Let us consider how to provoke one another…”
Provoke is usually thought of as a negative: provoking someone is stirring up a response (usually of anger or irritation). Provoking one another is fairly easy. We see it on social media all the time. Usually, a person is trying to make a point, but the result rarely (if ever) provokes change. Either people who already agreed with you express their agreement, or people who don’t agree are provoked to anger or frustration.
They may respond. They may “scroll on”.
But the provocation results in a negative written response, or a negative feeling. What does it mean to provoke one another to love? How can we provoke one another to “good deeds”? If we put all of our creative energy into provoking goodness, the world might be a better place.
Consider, today and this week, how you might provoke someone to love.
Consider how to provoke someone to good deeds.
Consider how you might demonstrate love, and what “good deeds” you might do to make a difference in someone else’s life today and this week.
4. (vs.25) Don’t neglect to meet together…but encourage one another .It’s easy to neglect meeting together, especially when we feel like we are somehow not “good enough” to be in church. What should our “meetings” be, given the teachings of this passage? We should meet with honesty about who we are, openness about our struggles, failures, shortcomings; trusting in God’s gracious love and forgiveness, “normalizing mistakes” so that others feel free to admit that they also make mistakes, celebrating the goodness and graciousness of our God, seeking to live lives that are faithful to God, acknowledging our desire to follow God’s ways, even when we know we won’t always live up to the high and holy expectations, loving each other in spite of all our shortcomings, forgiving each other and encouraging each other to follow the way of Christ The church is not a gathering of saints.
This is a place where sinners meet to celebrate God’s love for us. We are here to help each other grow to be what God has created us to be. We are here to encourage each other: to lift each other up, to remind each other of God’s grace, to help each other focus on what God wants us to be and do.
God loves us as we are and invites us to live our lives freely in His presence…
- Bring your true self
- Trust in God’s faithfulness
- Provoke each other (in all good things)
- Support and encourage each other to keep the faith
The Little Church in the Pines
October 17, 2021
“The Second Coming of Jesus Christ”
by; Pastor Tom Shanor
When Pam and I were in the waiting room at the Alpine Dermatology Clinic in Rexburg…the subject came up of today’s sermon. We both remembered how as children it kind of scared us.
For me I associated the Lord’s coming with the Atomic Bomb and Russia, for I could see (in my kid’s mind) no other reason of His coming back…. other than it being a very unsettling time in our nation’s history. I also was (being a little sinner) afraid I would be left behind, so I was always praying for forgiveness so that would not be the case. Every time the firehouse sirens would go off in our little neighborhood, I would run home as quickly as possible to be with my mother who could comfort me.
We don’t hear much about His Second Coming these days, and I can’t remember the last time I heard a sermon on this subject or for that matter preached one, though we do hear quotes of wars and rumors of wars, Armageddon, earthquakes, famines, pestilence…and a plethora of so-called prophets, proclaiming the date that Jesus is coming back. On that note, let me read to you what Jesus said about setting dates for His arrival, in Matthew 24:36, But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. NIV
This was in response to His disciples question found in Matthew 24:3. Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came` to Him privately, saying, “Tell us when will these thing be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and the end of the Age?”
He then goes into some of those things we are to be aware of. I will read directly now His words of warning. (MATTHEW 24:1-36.
Let’s go back a bit….and see places in the Old Testament where it speaks of this great and terrible day of the Lord, mentioned in Joel. Terrible being for those who have rejected Him as Lord and Savior.
Zechariah 14: 9And the Lord shall be King over all the earth. In that day it shall be…The Lord is One, and His name One.
In Isaiah 11:4 we hear, “But with the righteous He shall judge the poor and decide with equity for the meek of the earth; He shall strike the earth with the rod of His mouth, and with the breath of His lips He shall say the wicked.
Christ’s first coming accomplished this in the spiritual realm (Colossians 2;15) He will consummate it literally and spiritual at the end of this age, the age of Grace. (Rev. 19:11-16 and 20:11-15.
Listen to this quote found in Joel, which Jesus spoke of, and which I have just read, almost word for word. “The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes.”
He spoke often of His Kingdom…the Kingdom within us, and Kingdom to come upon His Second arrival. The Kingdom without end…Amen.
In Acts 1:9-11 the disciples have just watched Jesus rise out of sight in front of their very eyes…. can you imagine the looks on their faces of astonishment, and the adrenaline rushing through their bodies as they witness this?
Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud receive Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.
Eyewitnesses…. many have scorned even the ideas, not only of a resurrection, but of this whole concept of a returning Christ, of the kingdom of God…of miracles, of deity, seeing the Bible itself of nothing but fables and stories told of keep people subject to a religious history, governed simply by men to manipulate and control people. Not only control but to garner from these, a way of living, and for some, living well.
Witnesses…ten of the 12 original disciples willing to sacrifice their lives for a myth…. I doubt it. One having hung himself because of the grief he felt in having betrayed the One. I doubt. Since then, since 1901 to the year 2000 more Christians have died for their faith than all the centuries combined, since the beginning of Christianity. You will be shocked at the number, for in the 20th century alone, approximately 45 million Christians have been martyred, at the hands of Communists, Islamic regimes, Chinese, North Korea and African militants.
Why is this….? Because by our religion and faith…. we stand in the way of oppression…not willing to compromise into accepting corruption and a social order that demands individuals be allowed the freedom to choose….instead of the social orders that say the collective, and the loss of individuality is the only way to achieve the greater good for the greatest number. Belief in God stands in the way of the progression of human development the intellectuals tell us. We are thought of as fools, uncapable of making decisions that go beyond our selfishness. You see, they know that faith gives hope, and out of hope comes life….. a life that includes food for the soul and spirit. For without soul or spirit….we are nothing more than pieces of meat. It is out of the soul and spirit that comes life, love, creativity, joy, happiness, contentment, meaningful relationships.
It is our faith….in miracles, in Jesus Chris as the Son of the Living God, that shapes us into decent and good people, intent on moving beyond selfishness that includes (or should) loving God, loving His Son and loving ourselves, neighbors and strangers and even our enemies.
Our belief in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ…is the second part of His promises to us. The first being salvation…the second, eternal life with Him in a place where there is not pain, no sorrow, no tears, no death…but life…abundant and rich, forever more.
The Second Coming, we are told will be seen by all.
Revelation 1:7… “Look! He comes with the clouds of heaven. And everyone will see Him, even those who pierced Him. All the nations of the world will mourn for Him.” Yes! Amen
I spoke of His kingdom to come earlier….but before He establishes his Kingdom on earth, Jesus will (we are told) come for His living church just prior to His return….this is commonly known as the Rapture. At that time (again we are told) the dead will rise and living Christians will be as the term expresses “caught up to meet the Lord in the air and be with Him forever.”
In this resurrection, those who have died in Christ will have their redeemed souls and spirits united with a body similar to Christ’s glorified body.
Christians living (we are told) will not die, but will be changed to be like Christ. This expectation is a motivation for holy living, as well as a source of comfort. No one we heard earlier in this message, knows or will know the day or the hour when this will all take place, and therefore, we are to be ready in season and out of season, or any moment.
Scripture says that after the rapture of the Church, Christians will be brought before the judgment seat of Christ. He will reward us; on the basis of the works, we have accomplished. This is not a judgment to determine our salvation, but a reward for that which we accomplished for and through Christ. (Something to think about) The Rapture will also initiate a period that the Bible characterizes as the “Great day of His wrath,” the Great Tribulation” as it is called…also the “time of Jacob’s trouble. It will be a time of unprecedented events that will affect Israel and all nations of the earth. Its purpose will be to prepare Israel for the Messiah they denied and continue to deny.
At the end of the Tribulation, for times of great trouble world-wide, Jesus will return…. with the hosts of heaven, as well as the Church to establish the Messianic Kingdom on earth….that will last a thousand years.
I am not going to speak in depth about the Tribulation, for there are several hypotheses as to the timing of this event. There are those who speak of #1. The Partial Rapture View
2. The Mid-tribulation Rapture View
3. Pre-Wrath Tribulation Rapture View
4. The Post-Tribulation Rapture View
Leaving that aside…at His coming…. we are told Satan and his followers will be cast into the Lake of fire, and he Satan, will be bound for a thousand years, then released for a brief time to lead those who continued to follow him into a final rebellion.
The nations and their representatives will be judged. Israel will be restored. Christ will reign for a thousand years, with firmness represented by an iron rod….to keep those still in internal rebellion in check. For many though, it will be an unprecedented time of both material and spiritual blessings, since the curse (Satan) will have been bound.
After the thousand years, the Messianic kingdom will close with apostasy and rebellion once more, since His iron rod of holding things in check will have been removed, but He will crush this uprising in the last battle of the ages…and Satan will be defeated once and for all.
All those who rejected the Word of God (Jesus) will now be resurrected, and then judged by Christ and they too cast into the lake of fire, the place where the judgment they brought upon themselves will be executed. What that lake of fire is literally, we are told very little about.
At this time……. there will be a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness and goodness triumph forever, now being the new and everlasting norm.
There will also be a new Jerusalem, and the eternal presence of God living among all those who will have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord, Savior and Friend.
October 17, 2021
“The Second Coming of Jesus Christ”
by; Pastor Tom Shanor
When Pam and I were in the waiting room at the Alpine Dermatology Clinic in Rexburg…the subject came up of today’s sermon. We both remembered how as children it kind of scared us.
For me I associated the Lord’s coming with the Atomic Bomb and Russia, for I could see (in my kid’s mind) no other reason of His coming back…. other than it being a very unsettling time in our nation’s history. I also was (being a little sinner) afraid I would be left behind, so I was always praying for forgiveness so that would not be the case. Every time the firehouse sirens would go off in our little neighborhood, I would run home as quickly as possible to be with my mother who could comfort me.
We don’t hear much about His Second Coming these days, and I can’t remember the last time I heard a sermon on this subject or for that matter preached one, though we do hear quotes of wars and rumors of wars, Armageddon, earthquakes, famines, pestilence…and a plethora of so-called prophets, proclaiming the date that Jesus is coming back. On that note, let me read to you what Jesus said about setting dates for His arrival, in Matthew 24:36, But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. NIV
This was in response to His disciples question found in Matthew 24:3. Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came` to Him privately, saying, “Tell us when will these thing be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and the end of the Age?”
He then goes into some of those things we are to be aware of. I will read directly now His words of warning. (MATTHEW 24:1-36.
Let’s go back a bit….and see places in the Old Testament where it speaks of this great and terrible day of the Lord, mentioned in Joel. Terrible being for those who have rejected Him as Lord and Savior.
Zechariah 14: 9And the Lord shall be King over all the earth. In that day it shall be…The Lord is One, and His name One.
In Isaiah 11:4 we hear, “But with the righteous He shall judge the poor and decide with equity for the meek of the earth; He shall strike the earth with the rod of His mouth, and with the breath of His lips He shall say the wicked.
Christ’s first coming accomplished this in the spiritual realm (Colossians 2;15) He will consummate it literally and spiritual at the end of this age, the age of Grace. (Rev. 19:11-16 and 20:11-15.
Listen to this quote found in Joel, which Jesus spoke of, and which I have just read, almost word for word. “The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes.”
He spoke often of His Kingdom…the Kingdom within us, and Kingdom to come upon His Second arrival. The Kingdom without end…Amen.
In Acts 1:9-11 the disciples have just watched Jesus rise out of sight in front of their very eyes…. can you imagine the looks on their faces of astonishment, and the adrenaline rushing through their bodies as they witness this?
Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud receive Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.
Eyewitnesses…. many have scorned even the ideas, not only of a resurrection, but of this whole concept of a returning Christ, of the kingdom of God…of miracles, of deity, seeing the Bible itself of nothing but fables and stories told of keep people subject to a religious history, governed simply by men to manipulate and control people. Not only control but to garner from these, a way of living, and for some, living well.
Witnesses…ten of the 12 original disciples willing to sacrifice their lives for a myth…. I doubt it. One having hung himself because of the grief he felt in having betrayed the One. I doubt. Since then, since 1901 to the year 2000 more Christians have died for their faith than all the centuries combined, since the beginning of Christianity. You will be shocked at the number, for in the 20th century alone, approximately 45 million Christians have been martyred, at the hands of Communists, Islamic regimes, Chinese, North Korea and African militants.
Why is this….? Because by our religion and faith…. we stand in the way of oppression…not willing to compromise into accepting corruption and a social order that demands individuals be allowed the freedom to choose….instead of the social orders that say the collective, and the loss of individuality is the only way to achieve the greater good for the greatest number. Belief in God stands in the way of the progression of human development the intellectuals tell us. We are thought of as fools, uncapable of making decisions that go beyond our selfishness. You see, they know that faith gives hope, and out of hope comes life….. a life that includes food for the soul and spirit. For without soul or spirit….we are nothing more than pieces of meat. It is out of the soul and spirit that comes life, love, creativity, joy, happiness, contentment, meaningful relationships.
It is our faith….in miracles, in Jesus Chris as the Son of the Living God, that shapes us into decent and good people, intent on moving beyond selfishness that includes (or should) loving God, loving His Son and loving ourselves, neighbors and strangers and even our enemies.
Our belief in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ…is the second part of His promises to us. The first being salvation…the second, eternal life with Him in a place where there is not pain, no sorrow, no tears, no death…but life…abundant and rich, forever more.
The Second Coming, we are told will be seen by all.
Revelation 1:7… “Look! He comes with the clouds of heaven. And everyone will see Him, even those who pierced Him. All the nations of the world will mourn for Him.” Yes! Amen
I spoke of His kingdom to come earlier….but before He establishes his Kingdom on earth, Jesus will (we are told) come for His living church just prior to His return….this is commonly known as the Rapture. At that time (again we are told) the dead will rise and living Christians will be as the term expresses “caught up to meet the Lord in the air and be with Him forever.”
In this resurrection, those who have died in Christ will have their redeemed souls and spirits united with a body similar to Christ’s glorified body.
Christians living (we are told) will not die, but will be changed to be like Christ. This expectation is a motivation for holy living, as well as a source of comfort. No one we heard earlier in this message, knows or will know the day or the hour when this will all take place, and therefore, we are to be ready in season and out of season, or any moment.
Scripture says that after the rapture of the Church, Christians will be brought before the judgment seat of Christ. He will reward us; on the basis of the works, we have accomplished. This is not a judgment to determine our salvation, but a reward for that which we accomplished for and through Christ. (Something to think about) The Rapture will also initiate a period that the Bible characterizes as the “Great day of His wrath,” the Great Tribulation” as it is called…also the “time of Jacob’s trouble. It will be a time of unprecedented events that will affect Israel and all nations of the earth. Its purpose will be to prepare Israel for the Messiah they denied and continue to deny.
At the end of the Tribulation, for times of great trouble world-wide, Jesus will return…. with the hosts of heaven, as well as the Church to establish the Messianic Kingdom on earth….that will last a thousand years.
I am not going to speak in depth about the Tribulation, for there are several hypotheses as to the timing of this event. There are those who speak of #1. The Partial Rapture View
2. The Mid-tribulation Rapture View
3. Pre-Wrath Tribulation Rapture View
4. The Post-Tribulation Rapture View
Leaving that aside…at His coming…. we are told Satan and his followers will be cast into the Lake of fire, and he Satan, will be bound for a thousand years, then released for a brief time to lead those who continued to follow him into a final rebellion.
The nations and their representatives will be judged. Israel will be restored. Christ will reign for a thousand years, with firmness represented by an iron rod….to keep those still in internal rebellion in check. For many though, it will be an unprecedented time of both material and spiritual blessings, since the curse (Satan) will have been bound.
After the thousand years, the Messianic kingdom will close with apostasy and rebellion once more, since His iron rod of holding things in check will have been removed, but He will crush this uprising in the last battle of the ages…and Satan will be defeated once and for all.
All those who rejected the Word of God (Jesus) will now be resurrected, and then judged by Christ and they too cast into the lake of fire, the place where the judgment they brought upon themselves will be executed. What that lake of fire is literally, we are told very little about.
At this time……. there will be a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness and goodness triumph forever, now being the new and everlasting norm.
There will also be a new Jerusalem, and the eternal presence of God living among all those who will have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord, Savior and Friend.
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Scripture Reading: Exodus 23:20-23 (Yeuleta Bradley)
The statement “My name is in Him” shows that this messenger is the Angel of the Lord, who is none other than God Himself; with the promise of His presence and protection comes the warning “obey His voice,” for the Lord is a Holy God who cannot dwell in the presence of sin. Obedience is the evidence of reality of the covenant relationship.
The Angel of the Lord “encamps all around those who fear Him” Psalm 34:7.
Angels – God’s Special Agents;
The Doctrine of Angelology October 10, 2021
by: Connie Funkhouser
A topic that I do not think has been spoken of before, and hopefully my message will be fresh and enlightening.
* * I am a self-proclaimed Angel Collector * *etc., etc.
Do you believe in Angels? If you do believe in Angels, how much is scriptural vs fable? Do we actually have a Guardian Angel? If we do, is it the same for everyone, or are we given a specific Guardian Angel?
The fact that God created a realm of beings other than mankind should pique our curiosity and broaden our knowledge of God, and what He is doing and how He works in the universe. We are not to think that man is the highest form of created being. Between man and God there exist creatures of higher than human intelligence and power.
They are superhuman, but not divine. Some have remained faithful to God, carry out His work. Others, who fell from their created state of holiness, live to oppose God and His children. God’s care and concern for His creation is evident in the ministrations of good angels. By contrast, Satan and his minion seek to prevent the purposes of God, but God has limited their powers.
When we come to the discussion of angels, we are entering upon a subject that in some ways is the most unusual and puzzling of all theology. When I was deciding what direction to go with my morning message, I came across this several times. Me being me, thought, take the plunge and learn while I research and write.
Ancient theologians describe the topic of angels as the most remarkable and difficult of all. It is therefore a topic that it is tempting to omit or neglect. Some would say that Christian doctrine would be unaffected if we were to bypass this area, and in a sense that it is true. It would be possible to maintain the doctrines of creation and providence (wisdom) without reference to angels, for God most certainly created and can sustain and guide the universe by His own direct action, without utilizing angels as His agents. Yet, the teaching of Scripture is that He has created these spiritual beings and has chosen to carry out many of His acts through them. Therefore, if we are to be faithful students of the Bible, God’s Word, we have no choice but to learn and speak of these created beings.
There are several views about when Angels were created: the first is based on Genesis 2:1 which says, “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the hosts (angels and other creatures) of them.
The second view: is based on Exodus 20:1 that states, “In six days the Lord made Heaven and Earth, the sea, and all that is in them.” By following that thought the Angels may have been created by the sixth day. Another view is that God created the Angels in Heaven with Him where they had been given their ranks, and duties to carry out following the Creation of Earth.
Supporting this idea is Job 38: 6-7, “The morning stars (references to heavenly beings) shouted for joy at the time when God laid the foundations of the cornerstone and sunk its bases in the process of forming or founding it.” Prior to the temptation of Eve, the angel, Lucifer, and his followers sinned against God by trying to assume His throne. This event must have occurred after the seventh day because in Genesis 1:31, God saw everything that He had made and beheld and said, “It is very good.” Once again; I mentioned this above; Genesis Ch. 2:1 continues, “thus the heavens and the earth, and all the hosts of them were finished.”
I have noted the difficulty of the subject. One reason is that while there are abundant references to angels in the Bible, they are not very helpful for developing an understanding of angels. Every reference to angels is incidental to some other topic. They are not treated in themselves. When they are mentioned, it is always in order to inform us further about God, what He does, and how He does it. Since details about angels are not significant for that purpose, they tend to be omitted.
Again, by angels we mean those spiritual beings that God created higher than humans, some of whom have remained obedient to God and carry out His will, and others of whom disobeyed, lost their holy condition, and now oppose and hinder His work. My message will highlight the obedient angels and the various ways that our Creator has used and uses His Special Agents.
The Hebrew and Greek basic meaning for angel is “messenger,” whether human or angelic. When used of angels, the term highlights their message-bearing role. The author of Hebrews tells us in 1:6b & 1:7 “Let all the angels of God worship Him. And of the angels He says, who makes His angels spirits and His ministers a flame of fire.” The Son is superior to angels because He is the Sovereign the one to be worshipped, while the angels are ministers/messengers, that is, servants of God. Hebrews quotes Psalm 104 because that psalm places angels in a long list of created objects which God’s sovereignty controls.
Angels do the biding of God and Jesus. Angels minister to believers. They obey and worship God, carry out His plans, carry out punishment and watch over the earth. They praise and glorify God, sing, shout, and have emotions. Two examples are when Jesus was born and when someone turns to Jesus for salvation. In addition to singing and praising, Angels can speak to people. Angels being spirits or spiritual creatures, usually do not have physical bodies. However, on important and selective occasions, they take on the appearance of humans. They are also in charged with guarding and protecting us. Angels observe God’s people with interest. And yes, Scripture does mention that angels appear to have the ability to fly. (Revelation 14:6)
Humans and Angels are the only moral and highly intelligent beings created, however . . . unlike humankind, Angels are not made in the image of God, and they are not subject to the limitation of human flesh. Angels are powerful, mobile, and knowledgeable, but not omniscient – the capacity to know everything/perceiving all things, Angels are not omnipotent – one who has unlimited power or authority, and lastly Angels are not omnipresence – the fact of being present everywhere and at the same time.
Old Testament terms for Angels are “Holy Ones”, (Ps.89:5,7) *the unfallen angels, they were created perfect without flaw or sin, they are called holy because of their purpose. They were set apart by God and for God as His servants and as attendants to His holiness. Another OT term; “Watchers”, (Dan. 4:13, 17, 23). Collectively, they are referred to as “the council” (Ps.89:7), “the assembly” (Ps. 89:5), and “Host” or “Hosts” as in the very common expression “Lord or Lord God of Hosts” found more than sixty times in the book of Isaiah alone.
Frequently, when “Angels” appear in the New Testament, there is an associated phrase making clear that it is referring to angels: A few that may sound familiar:
The angels in heaven (Matt. 24:36) Jesus says, “but of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.”
Heavenly Hosts (Luke 2:13) “and suddenly there was with the angels a multitude of the heavenly host praising God . . . “
Spirits (Hebrew 1:14) “are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?”
Angels are not specifically mentioned in the creation account (Genesis 1-2). But that they were created is however clearly implied in Psalm 148:2,5-6
Read . . . Yeuleta please
The angels, as well as the celestial objects mentioned in verses 3-4 (which I did not read) are declared to have been created by the Lord.
This also is declared in Colossians 1:16 – 17
Read . . . Yeuleta please
All things were created through Him and for Him. Not only did God create all things, everything was created for His purposes. Angels have not always existed; but are part of the universe that God created. Another reminder, that despite the ministries that angels carry out for believers, it is important to remember that the Lord of hosts is our Savior, He is the one who ultimately sends them. We are not to give worship to the created, but to our Creator.
Like the angel in Revelation emphatically said to John: I love this verse 22:8-9 – “I John, saw and heard these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel who showed me these things. Then he said to me, “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your fellow prophets and with all who keep the words of this scroll. Worship God!”
We humans may have tendencies to exalt Angels unduly, giving them worship and reverence due only to the Deity. The most extended passage on Angels, Hebrews 1:5-2:9, makes a point of establishing that Christ is superior to the Angels. Although He was made for a time a little lower than the angels, He is every way superior to them. While Jesus became for a time subordinate to the Father, the angels always are subordinate to and carry out the will of God; they do not act on independent initiative. Although superior to human beings in many of their abilities and qualities, they are part of the class of created and thus finite, (definable and limited) beings. As totally spiritual beings they are unique among the creatures, but they are nonetheless creatures.
Angels derive their great power from God and remain dependent on His favorable will or permission to exercise it. They are restricted to acting within the limits of His permission. This is true even of Satan, whose ability to afflict Job was circumscribed by the will of the Lord. God’s angels act only to carry out His commands, not independently. Only God does the miraculous.
In most cases Angels are not seen. The Lord had to open the eyes of Balaam before he could see the angel standing in his way. (Num. 22:31). Elisha prayed that the Lord would open the eyes of his servant; then the young man saw that the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire around Elisha (2 Kings 6:17). When angels are seen, they typically have human like appearance, so that they may well be mistaken for humans. Luke tells us in chapter 2:9 & 9:26; sometimes the Glory of the Lord shines from them --- perhaps the reason they are sometimes seen to be wearing white clothing of brilliant appearance. Matthew describes the Angel of the Lord who rolled the stone from Jesus’ tomb: “His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow (Matthey 28:3).
Elaborate schemes have been worked out at times regarding the organization of the angelic hosts. We do know there are arch-angels, who are evidently of higher stature than ordinary angels, but we do not know how many there are. The New Testament makes over a hundred references to angels, but only twice in the Bible is the term arch-angel used, in 1 Thessalonians 4:16 and Jude 9. Only Michael is identified by the name as an arch-angel. Michael meaning; “who is like God?” Gabriel is often commonly thought of as an archangel, perhaps because he is another angel specifically named. Gabriel means, ‘man of God” or “God is strong.”
The cherub (cherubim plural) is the highest order of class, created with indescribable powers and beauty. Their main purpose and activity might be summarized in this way: they are proclaimers and protectors. The Holy of Holies.
The seraph (seraphim) is pictured surrounding and serving as a throne guardian of God in Isaiah 6:2. It means to recognize God as extremely, perfectly holy. Therefore, they praise and proclaim the perfect holiness of God
† Where does the so-called and maybe the most popular of angels – Our Guardian Angel enter into this equation?
What did Jesus mean in Matthew 18:10 when he said, “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven”?
It is possible that “their angels” refers to a specific angel assigned to each disciple. There is one other text that some think points in this direction. When the praying believers in Acts 12 could not believe that Peter was knocking at the gate, since he was supposed to be in prison, they said, “It is his angel!” (Acts 12:15). That may or may not imply that all believers have an angel assigned to them. It may only imply that in that situation God had commissioned an angel to use Peter’s voice (Acts 12:14), and perhaps awaken even more urgent prayer for him.
It is even more difficult in Matthew 18:10 to conclude that each believer has an angel assigned to him. What it says is, “In heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.” The word “their” certainly implies that these angels have a special personal role to play in relation to Jesus’s disciples. But the plural “angels” may simply mean that all believers have numerous angels assigned to serve them, not just one.
The promise here is better than the tradition that every saint has one personal guardian angel. What Hebrews 1:14 says is that all the angels — all of them — are specifically sent “for ministry” not minister “to” Christians, but ministry “for the sake of” Christians. This means that everything angels do, everywhere in the world, at all times, is for the good of Christians. An angel who does something by God’s assignment anywhere in the world is fulfilling the promise that God will work all things for the good of all Christians — everywhere. This is a sweeping and stunning promise. All angels serve for the good of all Christians all the time. They are Agents of God. Romans 8:28.
As obscure and strange though this belief in good and evil angels may seem to some, it has a significant role to play in the life of the Christian:
† It is a comfort and an encouragement to us to realize that powerful and numerous unseen agents are available to help us in need.
† The angels’ praise and service of God gives us an example of how we are to conduct ourselves now.
† I think it is sobering to realize that even angels who were close to God succumbed to temptation and fell.
† We receive confidence from the realization that powerful though Satan and his accomplices are, there are definite limits on what they can do.
† We can therefore, by the Grace of God, resist him successfully. And we can know thru God’s Word that his ultimate defeat is certain.
† An angel may bring an important message but it is the Holy Spirit who truly makes the lives of Christians completely different than anyone else.
† Angels are ministering Spirits. They minister to our needs by bringing us messages of Hope and Joy. By writing a letter of Joy or sending a card of Hope to someone, you can be an Angel too . . .
A Wish, A Hope, A Prayer
I wish that every one of your days will dawn with a sense of hope streaming in with the sunlight, a sense of strength woven into the winds, and as many things to be thankful for as there are stars in the evening sky.
I hope that the distance between where you are and where you want to be grows shorter every day. I will never stop wishing that your journey through this world will be touched by kindness, inspired by wisdom, graced with understanding, and kept safe from all harm.
I hope and pray that you have a charmed existence, and that your heart will always be an open window to a joy so lasting and deep.
And I pray that you will always have an Angel watching over you, there to trace on your wonderful face a smile that you can share and keep.
†Douglas Pagels
The statement “My name is in Him” shows that this messenger is the Angel of the Lord, who is none other than God Himself; with the promise of His presence and protection comes the warning “obey His voice,” for the Lord is a Holy God who cannot dwell in the presence of sin. Obedience is the evidence of reality of the covenant relationship.
The Angel of the Lord “encamps all around those who fear Him” Psalm 34:7.
Angels – God’s Special Agents;
The Doctrine of Angelology October 10, 2021
by: Connie Funkhouser
A topic that I do not think has been spoken of before, and hopefully my message will be fresh and enlightening.
* * I am a self-proclaimed Angel Collector * *etc., etc.
Do you believe in Angels? If you do believe in Angels, how much is scriptural vs fable? Do we actually have a Guardian Angel? If we do, is it the same for everyone, or are we given a specific Guardian Angel?
The fact that God created a realm of beings other than mankind should pique our curiosity and broaden our knowledge of God, and what He is doing and how He works in the universe. We are not to think that man is the highest form of created being. Between man and God there exist creatures of higher than human intelligence and power.
They are superhuman, but not divine. Some have remained faithful to God, carry out His work. Others, who fell from their created state of holiness, live to oppose God and His children. God’s care and concern for His creation is evident in the ministrations of good angels. By contrast, Satan and his minion seek to prevent the purposes of God, but God has limited their powers.
When we come to the discussion of angels, we are entering upon a subject that in some ways is the most unusual and puzzling of all theology. When I was deciding what direction to go with my morning message, I came across this several times. Me being me, thought, take the plunge and learn while I research and write.
Ancient theologians describe the topic of angels as the most remarkable and difficult of all. It is therefore a topic that it is tempting to omit or neglect. Some would say that Christian doctrine would be unaffected if we were to bypass this area, and in a sense that it is true. It would be possible to maintain the doctrines of creation and providence (wisdom) without reference to angels, for God most certainly created and can sustain and guide the universe by His own direct action, without utilizing angels as His agents. Yet, the teaching of Scripture is that He has created these spiritual beings and has chosen to carry out many of His acts through them. Therefore, if we are to be faithful students of the Bible, God’s Word, we have no choice but to learn and speak of these created beings.
There are several views about when Angels were created: the first is based on Genesis 2:1 which says, “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the hosts (angels and other creatures) of them.
The second view: is based on Exodus 20:1 that states, “In six days the Lord made Heaven and Earth, the sea, and all that is in them.” By following that thought the Angels may have been created by the sixth day. Another view is that God created the Angels in Heaven with Him where they had been given their ranks, and duties to carry out following the Creation of Earth.
Supporting this idea is Job 38: 6-7, “The morning stars (references to heavenly beings) shouted for joy at the time when God laid the foundations of the cornerstone and sunk its bases in the process of forming or founding it.” Prior to the temptation of Eve, the angel, Lucifer, and his followers sinned against God by trying to assume His throne. This event must have occurred after the seventh day because in Genesis 1:31, God saw everything that He had made and beheld and said, “It is very good.” Once again; I mentioned this above; Genesis Ch. 2:1 continues, “thus the heavens and the earth, and all the hosts of them were finished.”
I have noted the difficulty of the subject. One reason is that while there are abundant references to angels in the Bible, they are not very helpful for developing an understanding of angels. Every reference to angels is incidental to some other topic. They are not treated in themselves. When they are mentioned, it is always in order to inform us further about God, what He does, and how He does it. Since details about angels are not significant for that purpose, they tend to be omitted.
Again, by angels we mean those spiritual beings that God created higher than humans, some of whom have remained obedient to God and carry out His will, and others of whom disobeyed, lost their holy condition, and now oppose and hinder His work. My message will highlight the obedient angels and the various ways that our Creator has used and uses His Special Agents.
The Hebrew and Greek basic meaning for angel is “messenger,” whether human or angelic. When used of angels, the term highlights their message-bearing role. The author of Hebrews tells us in 1:6b & 1:7 “Let all the angels of God worship Him. And of the angels He says, who makes His angels spirits and His ministers a flame of fire.” The Son is superior to angels because He is the Sovereign the one to be worshipped, while the angels are ministers/messengers, that is, servants of God. Hebrews quotes Psalm 104 because that psalm places angels in a long list of created objects which God’s sovereignty controls.
Angels do the biding of God and Jesus. Angels minister to believers. They obey and worship God, carry out His plans, carry out punishment and watch over the earth. They praise and glorify God, sing, shout, and have emotions. Two examples are when Jesus was born and when someone turns to Jesus for salvation. In addition to singing and praising, Angels can speak to people. Angels being spirits or spiritual creatures, usually do not have physical bodies. However, on important and selective occasions, they take on the appearance of humans. They are also in charged with guarding and protecting us. Angels observe God’s people with interest. And yes, Scripture does mention that angels appear to have the ability to fly. (Revelation 14:6)
Humans and Angels are the only moral and highly intelligent beings created, however . . . unlike humankind, Angels are not made in the image of God, and they are not subject to the limitation of human flesh. Angels are powerful, mobile, and knowledgeable, but not omniscient – the capacity to know everything/perceiving all things, Angels are not omnipotent – one who has unlimited power or authority, and lastly Angels are not omnipresence – the fact of being present everywhere and at the same time.
Old Testament terms for Angels are “Holy Ones”, (Ps.89:5,7) *the unfallen angels, they were created perfect without flaw or sin, they are called holy because of their purpose. They were set apart by God and for God as His servants and as attendants to His holiness. Another OT term; “Watchers”, (Dan. 4:13, 17, 23). Collectively, they are referred to as “the council” (Ps.89:7), “the assembly” (Ps. 89:5), and “Host” or “Hosts” as in the very common expression “Lord or Lord God of Hosts” found more than sixty times in the book of Isaiah alone.
Frequently, when “Angels” appear in the New Testament, there is an associated phrase making clear that it is referring to angels: A few that may sound familiar:
The angels in heaven (Matt. 24:36) Jesus says, “but of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.”
Heavenly Hosts (Luke 2:13) “and suddenly there was with the angels a multitude of the heavenly host praising God . . . “
Spirits (Hebrew 1:14) “are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?”
Angels are not specifically mentioned in the creation account (Genesis 1-2). But that they were created is however clearly implied in Psalm 148:2,5-6
Read . . . Yeuleta please
The angels, as well as the celestial objects mentioned in verses 3-4 (which I did not read) are declared to have been created by the Lord.
This also is declared in Colossians 1:16 – 17
Read . . . Yeuleta please
All things were created through Him and for Him. Not only did God create all things, everything was created for His purposes. Angels have not always existed; but are part of the universe that God created. Another reminder, that despite the ministries that angels carry out for believers, it is important to remember that the Lord of hosts is our Savior, He is the one who ultimately sends them. We are not to give worship to the created, but to our Creator.
Like the angel in Revelation emphatically said to John: I love this verse 22:8-9 – “I John, saw and heard these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel who showed me these things. Then he said to me, “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your fellow prophets and with all who keep the words of this scroll. Worship God!”
We humans may have tendencies to exalt Angels unduly, giving them worship and reverence due only to the Deity. The most extended passage on Angels, Hebrews 1:5-2:9, makes a point of establishing that Christ is superior to the Angels. Although He was made for a time a little lower than the angels, He is every way superior to them. While Jesus became for a time subordinate to the Father, the angels always are subordinate to and carry out the will of God; they do not act on independent initiative. Although superior to human beings in many of their abilities and qualities, they are part of the class of created and thus finite, (definable and limited) beings. As totally spiritual beings they are unique among the creatures, but they are nonetheless creatures.
Angels derive their great power from God and remain dependent on His favorable will or permission to exercise it. They are restricted to acting within the limits of His permission. This is true even of Satan, whose ability to afflict Job was circumscribed by the will of the Lord. God’s angels act only to carry out His commands, not independently. Only God does the miraculous.
In most cases Angels are not seen. The Lord had to open the eyes of Balaam before he could see the angel standing in his way. (Num. 22:31). Elisha prayed that the Lord would open the eyes of his servant; then the young man saw that the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire around Elisha (2 Kings 6:17). When angels are seen, they typically have human like appearance, so that they may well be mistaken for humans. Luke tells us in chapter 2:9 & 9:26; sometimes the Glory of the Lord shines from them --- perhaps the reason they are sometimes seen to be wearing white clothing of brilliant appearance. Matthew describes the Angel of the Lord who rolled the stone from Jesus’ tomb: “His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow (Matthey 28:3).
Elaborate schemes have been worked out at times regarding the organization of the angelic hosts. We do know there are arch-angels, who are evidently of higher stature than ordinary angels, but we do not know how many there are. The New Testament makes over a hundred references to angels, but only twice in the Bible is the term arch-angel used, in 1 Thessalonians 4:16 and Jude 9. Only Michael is identified by the name as an arch-angel. Michael meaning; “who is like God?” Gabriel is often commonly thought of as an archangel, perhaps because he is another angel specifically named. Gabriel means, ‘man of God” or “God is strong.”
The cherub (cherubim plural) is the highest order of class, created with indescribable powers and beauty. Their main purpose and activity might be summarized in this way: they are proclaimers and protectors. The Holy of Holies.
The seraph (seraphim) is pictured surrounding and serving as a throne guardian of God in Isaiah 6:2. It means to recognize God as extremely, perfectly holy. Therefore, they praise and proclaim the perfect holiness of God
† Where does the so-called and maybe the most popular of angels – Our Guardian Angel enter into this equation?
What did Jesus mean in Matthew 18:10 when he said, “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven”?
It is possible that “their angels” refers to a specific angel assigned to each disciple. There is one other text that some think points in this direction. When the praying believers in Acts 12 could not believe that Peter was knocking at the gate, since he was supposed to be in prison, they said, “It is his angel!” (Acts 12:15). That may or may not imply that all believers have an angel assigned to them. It may only imply that in that situation God had commissioned an angel to use Peter’s voice (Acts 12:14), and perhaps awaken even more urgent prayer for him.
It is even more difficult in Matthew 18:10 to conclude that each believer has an angel assigned to him. What it says is, “In heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.” The word “their” certainly implies that these angels have a special personal role to play in relation to Jesus’s disciples. But the plural “angels” may simply mean that all believers have numerous angels assigned to serve them, not just one.
The promise here is better than the tradition that every saint has one personal guardian angel. What Hebrews 1:14 says is that all the angels — all of them — are specifically sent “for ministry” not minister “to” Christians, but ministry “for the sake of” Christians. This means that everything angels do, everywhere in the world, at all times, is for the good of Christians. An angel who does something by God’s assignment anywhere in the world is fulfilling the promise that God will work all things for the good of all Christians — everywhere. This is a sweeping and stunning promise. All angels serve for the good of all Christians all the time. They are Agents of God. Romans 8:28.
As obscure and strange though this belief in good and evil angels may seem to some, it has a significant role to play in the life of the Christian:
† It is a comfort and an encouragement to us to realize that powerful and numerous unseen agents are available to help us in need.
† The angels’ praise and service of God gives us an example of how we are to conduct ourselves now.
† I think it is sobering to realize that even angels who were close to God succumbed to temptation and fell.
† We receive confidence from the realization that powerful though Satan and his accomplices are, there are definite limits on what they can do.
† We can therefore, by the Grace of God, resist him successfully. And we can know thru God’s Word that his ultimate defeat is certain.
† An angel may bring an important message but it is the Holy Spirit who truly makes the lives of Christians completely different than anyone else.
† Angels are ministering Spirits. They minister to our needs by bringing us messages of Hope and Joy. By writing a letter of Joy or sending a card of Hope to someone, you can be an Angel too . . .
A Wish, A Hope, A Prayer
I wish that every one of your days will dawn with a sense of hope streaming in with the sunlight, a sense of strength woven into the winds, and as many things to be thankful for as there are stars in the evening sky.
I hope that the distance between where you are and where you want to be grows shorter every day. I will never stop wishing that your journey through this world will be touched by kindness, inspired by wisdom, graced with understanding, and kept safe from all harm.
I hope and pray that you have a charmed existence, and that your heart will always be an open window to a joy so lasting and deep.
And I pray that you will always have an Angel watching over you, there to trace on your wonderful face a smile that you can share and keep.
†Douglas Pagels
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The Little Church in the Pines
October 3, 2021
Sermon ~ John the Apostle
And His Gospel
by; Pastor Tom Shanor
John, the APOSTLE also called John the Beloved….was the apostle who, well, here is the story found in John 13:23 as Jesus and the disciples shared in the meal known as the Last Supper, leading with this statement he spoke in verse 21, “When Jesus had said these things, He was troubled in spirit, and testified and said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, one of you will betray Me.” 22 Then the disciples looked at one another, perplexed about whom He spoke. 23. Now there was leaning on Jesus’ chest one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved. That disciple was John, and this account was written by John himself in his Gospel. He also was the youngest of the disciples.
He was the son of Zebedee and Salome, his brother was James the Greater, another of the twelve, and John whom the Church fathers also identified him as John the Evangelist, John of Patmos, John the Beloved and John the Elder (though being the youngest) as he lived the longest of the twelve, and the ONLY ONE to die of natural causes, all the others being martyred. Instead of executing John, he was exiled by Emperor Titus Flavius Comitianus in 95 AC on the Island of Patmos, living a large portion of his life in cave, where he wrote the Book of Revelation, from where last week I read about His encounter with the risen Lord, who revealed Himself to John as the King of Kings, and Lord of Lord.
Later John was able to leave Patmos, finishing out his life at the age of 93 in Ephesus, where he wrote His Gospel account specifically at that time to the Hellenistic Christian living in Ephesus. Hellenistic being those converts to Christianity who were educated in Greek philosophy, the dominant philosophical traditions of the Greco-Roman world. Many of these converts being the intellectuals of their day.
I love history….and the amazing thing in regards to our Christian history is, there are a vast number of documents that can be verified and trusted, as to the content of which they tell an accurate history of our faith.
There is a tradition held as regards to John’s parentage, is that his mother Salome was the sister of Mary, Jesus’ mother, making Salome Jesus’ aunt, and her sons John and James, Jesus’ cousins.
Now if you will remember…John the Baptist’s mother was a cousin of Jesus’ mother Mary…also making John the Baptist, and Jesus second cousins.
Other interesting facts. Peter, James and John were the only three of the disciples to witness the Transfiguration, and these same three were the only ones to witness Jesus’s agony in the garden at Gethsemane.
Jesus referred to John and James as the Sons of Thunder, and the gospel story relates how the brothers wanted to call down heavenly fire on the inhospitable Samaritan town, that would not offer them hospitality but instead asked them to leave, but Jesus rebuked them, the disciples that is. In this encounter also, Jesus stated that in forbidding a non-disciple from casting out demons in Jesus’ name, He said to them, “he who is not against us in on our side”
The most beautiful of John’s time with his Lord, came when he was the only disciple who remained near Jesus at the foot of the cross on Calvary, alongside the Myrrhr-bearers, Myrrh, a spice used for perfume, incense and medicine, often in burials. At the cross, John received instruction from Jesus, to take Mary his mother into his home to care for her… which was His very last legacy while alive.
With John’s background somewhat covered, let’s now move into His Gospel this amazing man/disciple/apostle, wrote.
His purpose in writing this Gospel which is made up of letters written to the Hellenistic Church was to correct in love, heresy, that at that time recently manifested itself in the church because of men (so called teachers) who had once been true members of the then body of Christ…but now ere corrupting truths and doctrine established by Paul and others, including himself.
…. John writing this now 50 years later, was still in awe, still reverberating in his spirit, heart and emotions, his own role in all that took place concerning Jesus. His love for His Lord flowed from the core of his being. He knew Jesus intimately, and we, of course are not privy to the one-on- one conversations he must have had with Jesus. In these first five verses of John1, He speaks of the eternal divinity of Jesus and His role in all of Creation.
Listen as I read them……….
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word (Jesus) was with God, and the Word was God. (The Trinity) And He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through HIM, and without HIM nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shone in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
1:1 IN THE BEGINNING…is an allusion to Genesis 1:1 with the intention of linking Jesus the Word with the God of Creation. The event of Jesus’ incarnation, therefore, had cosmic significance. THE WORD is as I stated Jesus Christ, the eternal, ultimate expression of God in the OT. God spoke the world into existence and in this gospel also, God spoke His final word through the living Word, His Son.
The phrase “the Word was God” attributes deity to the Word without defining all of the Godhead as The Word.
Now, you can understand why, including his deeply personal encounter with the transformed Servant King, to the King of Kings, you perhaps, can understand why John cannot tolerate false teachings and error…and, like Jesus often did, John corrects the erring congregation/church, not in anger and condemnation, but in love…the same love he has been given by his Lord and friend. The same love He also experiences every day he is alive. So, as both he and Jesus give us this gift…we too, should give to others.
…In adding to this affirmation of John’s love of Jesus and of TRUTH, Peter’s testimony. 2nd Peter 1. Listen to Peter’s own words as they come along side of John’s beautifully.
His divine power has given to us…. all things that pertain to LIFE…*He is the WORD of life *In Him is life *His life…is the light of men….
This…is who today….in this place….and in our hearts, we celebrate, we worship, we bow down….as he laid down His life…for us. …willingly…. that all men, women and children should acknowledge and follow Him, and His examples as to how to live.
Verse 2…His manifested LIFE, that not only John and Peter have experienced…but you and I also. We ordinary men, women and children…ordinary in the same way as John, Peter, Paul, Mary, Martha, Lazarus…. hundreds, thousand, millions and now billions of earth’s inhabitants do today. He is the Word of Life…who when Phillip asked, show me the Father, Jesus responded back in John 14:9-11, Have I been with you so long and yet you have not known Me Phillip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father,
(I cherish those words) for they tell me that God and Jesus share exactly the same family attributes or characteristics…those of love, forgiveness, mercy, grace, goodness, faithfulness, patience, kindness and restoration, at any time and place for anyone…because of Jesus.
Today…we sang a hymn about the blood of Christ and what in His shedding it…brought us.
Healthy blood…means a healthy life…. a healthy immune system…. that prevents impurities (sin) from taking over our lives.
…even pagan religions recognized where the source of life was…which is why so many offered blood sacrifices….
…. Our walk in the LIGHT, is a test of fellowship with God, since the life of fellowship is a life that is continually cleansed from sin by His shed blood. It also involves our relationships with one another, which by the health of those relationships indicates also our health as Believers/Disciples.
As John walked in the light and love of His Friend, I came across another testimony of this kind of relationship John had, that this other man also had….and we all can have.
The man you may have heard of…Dwight D. Moody, famous preacher and evangelist, now gone to be with the Lord many years ago. He and his ministry had and still has a very deep impact on both America and the world.
Here are His words…. I have come to Him as the best friend I have ever found, and I can trust Him in our relationship. I have believed He is the Savior; I have believed He is God; I have believed His atonement on the Cross is mine, and I have come to Him and submitted myself on my knees, surrendered everything to Him, and gotten up and stood by His side as my friend, and there isn’t any problem in my life, nor is there isn’t any uncertainty in my work, but I turn and speak to Him as naturally as to someone in the same room, and I have done it these years…because, I trust in Him…completely.
In this Gospel, John’s purpose was to keep these and today we believers from sinning, from believing untruths, staying on the narrow pathway to life.
Realistically…no one can go through life without sinning, even the best of us. We are weak, but He is strong….and we need His ongoing strength, wisdom and faith…that when we do sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, His Son.
God is the God of GRACE.
Listen to these last words…. “To demonstrate, or show us at this present time HIS righteousness, that HE might be just and the JUSTIFIER of the one (that’s us) who has FAITH in Him.” Not works, but faith…Romans 10:17
Faith comes by hearing…and hearing by the Word of God,” which brings about changed hearts and lives.”
Today…before we come to the Table of the Lord….do any of you need an attitude, heart, tongue, mind, life forgiven, restored, changed?
At this time…. take a little time to allow the Spirit, the Revealer and Comforter…. search your mind, and soul, as to wrongs that need both forgiven and set right. It is your duty…………………………….
October 3, 2021
Sermon ~ John the Apostle
And His Gospel
by; Pastor Tom Shanor
John, the APOSTLE also called John the Beloved….was the apostle who, well, here is the story found in John 13:23 as Jesus and the disciples shared in the meal known as the Last Supper, leading with this statement he spoke in verse 21, “When Jesus had said these things, He was troubled in spirit, and testified and said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, one of you will betray Me.” 22 Then the disciples looked at one another, perplexed about whom He spoke. 23. Now there was leaning on Jesus’ chest one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved. That disciple was John, and this account was written by John himself in his Gospel. He also was the youngest of the disciples.
He was the son of Zebedee and Salome, his brother was James the Greater, another of the twelve, and John whom the Church fathers also identified him as John the Evangelist, John of Patmos, John the Beloved and John the Elder (though being the youngest) as he lived the longest of the twelve, and the ONLY ONE to die of natural causes, all the others being martyred. Instead of executing John, he was exiled by Emperor Titus Flavius Comitianus in 95 AC on the Island of Patmos, living a large portion of his life in cave, where he wrote the Book of Revelation, from where last week I read about His encounter with the risen Lord, who revealed Himself to John as the King of Kings, and Lord of Lord.
Later John was able to leave Patmos, finishing out his life at the age of 93 in Ephesus, where he wrote His Gospel account specifically at that time to the Hellenistic Christian living in Ephesus. Hellenistic being those converts to Christianity who were educated in Greek philosophy, the dominant philosophical traditions of the Greco-Roman world. Many of these converts being the intellectuals of their day.
I love history….and the amazing thing in regards to our Christian history is, there are a vast number of documents that can be verified and trusted, as to the content of which they tell an accurate history of our faith.
There is a tradition held as regards to John’s parentage, is that his mother Salome was the sister of Mary, Jesus’ mother, making Salome Jesus’ aunt, and her sons John and James, Jesus’ cousins.
Now if you will remember…John the Baptist’s mother was a cousin of Jesus’ mother Mary…also making John the Baptist, and Jesus second cousins.
Other interesting facts. Peter, James and John were the only three of the disciples to witness the Transfiguration, and these same three were the only ones to witness Jesus’s agony in the garden at Gethsemane.
Jesus referred to John and James as the Sons of Thunder, and the gospel story relates how the brothers wanted to call down heavenly fire on the inhospitable Samaritan town, that would not offer them hospitality but instead asked them to leave, but Jesus rebuked them, the disciples that is. In this encounter also, Jesus stated that in forbidding a non-disciple from casting out demons in Jesus’ name, He said to them, “he who is not against us in on our side”
The most beautiful of John’s time with his Lord, came when he was the only disciple who remained near Jesus at the foot of the cross on Calvary, alongside the Myrrhr-bearers, Myrrh, a spice used for perfume, incense and medicine, often in burials. At the cross, John received instruction from Jesus, to take Mary his mother into his home to care for her… which was His very last legacy while alive.
With John’s background somewhat covered, let’s now move into His Gospel this amazing man/disciple/apostle, wrote.
His purpose in writing this Gospel which is made up of letters written to the Hellenistic Church was to correct in love, heresy, that at that time recently manifested itself in the church because of men (so called teachers) who had once been true members of the then body of Christ…but now ere corrupting truths and doctrine established by Paul and others, including himself.
…. John writing this now 50 years later, was still in awe, still reverberating in his spirit, heart and emotions, his own role in all that took place concerning Jesus. His love for His Lord flowed from the core of his being. He knew Jesus intimately, and we, of course are not privy to the one-on- one conversations he must have had with Jesus. In these first five verses of John1, He speaks of the eternal divinity of Jesus and His role in all of Creation.
Listen as I read them……….
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word (Jesus) was with God, and the Word was God. (The Trinity) And He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through HIM, and without HIM nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shone in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
1:1 IN THE BEGINNING…is an allusion to Genesis 1:1 with the intention of linking Jesus the Word with the God of Creation. The event of Jesus’ incarnation, therefore, had cosmic significance. THE WORD is as I stated Jesus Christ, the eternal, ultimate expression of God in the OT. God spoke the world into existence and in this gospel also, God spoke His final word through the living Word, His Son.
The phrase “the Word was God” attributes deity to the Word without defining all of the Godhead as The Word.
Now, you can understand why, including his deeply personal encounter with the transformed Servant King, to the King of Kings, you perhaps, can understand why John cannot tolerate false teachings and error…and, like Jesus often did, John corrects the erring congregation/church, not in anger and condemnation, but in love…the same love he has been given by his Lord and friend. The same love He also experiences every day he is alive. So, as both he and Jesus give us this gift…we too, should give to others.
…In adding to this affirmation of John’s love of Jesus and of TRUTH, Peter’s testimony. 2nd Peter 1. Listen to Peter’s own words as they come along side of John’s beautifully.
His divine power has given to us…. all things that pertain to LIFE…*He is the WORD of life *In Him is life *His life…is the light of men….
This…is who today….in this place….and in our hearts, we celebrate, we worship, we bow down….as he laid down His life…for us. …willingly…. that all men, women and children should acknowledge and follow Him, and His examples as to how to live.
Verse 2…His manifested LIFE, that not only John and Peter have experienced…but you and I also. We ordinary men, women and children…ordinary in the same way as John, Peter, Paul, Mary, Martha, Lazarus…. hundreds, thousand, millions and now billions of earth’s inhabitants do today. He is the Word of Life…who when Phillip asked, show me the Father, Jesus responded back in John 14:9-11, Have I been with you so long and yet you have not known Me Phillip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father,
(I cherish those words) for they tell me that God and Jesus share exactly the same family attributes or characteristics…those of love, forgiveness, mercy, grace, goodness, faithfulness, patience, kindness and restoration, at any time and place for anyone…because of Jesus.
Today…we sang a hymn about the blood of Christ and what in His shedding it…brought us.
Healthy blood…means a healthy life…. a healthy immune system…. that prevents impurities (sin) from taking over our lives.
…even pagan religions recognized where the source of life was…which is why so many offered blood sacrifices….
…. Our walk in the LIGHT, is a test of fellowship with God, since the life of fellowship is a life that is continually cleansed from sin by His shed blood. It also involves our relationships with one another, which by the health of those relationships indicates also our health as Believers/Disciples.
As John walked in the light and love of His Friend, I came across another testimony of this kind of relationship John had, that this other man also had….and we all can have.
The man you may have heard of…Dwight D. Moody, famous preacher and evangelist, now gone to be with the Lord many years ago. He and his ministry had and still has a very deep impact on both America and the world.
Here are His words…. I have come to Him as the best friend I have ever found, and I can trust Him in our relationship. I have believed He is the Savior; I have believed He is God; I have believed His atonement on the Cross is mine, and I have come to Him and submitted myself on my knees, surrendered everything to Him, and gotten up and stood by His side as my friend, and there isn’t any problem in my life, nor is there isn’t any uncertainty in my work, but I turn and speak to Him as naturally as to someone in the same room, and I have done it these years…because, I trust in Him…completely.
In this Gospel, John’s purpose was to keep these and today we believers from sinning, from believing untruths, staying on the narrow pathway to life.
Realistically…no one can go through life without sinning, even the best of us. We are weak, but He is strong….and we need His ongoing strength, wisdom and faith…that when we do sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, His Son.
God is the God of GRACE.
Listen to these last words…. “To demonstrate, or show us at this present time HIS righteousness, that HE might be just and the JUSTIFIER of the one (that’s us) who has FAITH in Him.” Not works, but faith…Romans 10:17
Faith comes by hearing…and hearing by the Word of God,” which brings about changed hearts and lives.”
Today…before we come to the Table of the Lord….do any of you need an attitude, heart, tongue, mind, life forgiven, restored, changed?
At this time…. take a little time to allow the Spirit, the Revealer and Comforter…. search your mind, and soul, as to wrongs that need both forgiven and set right. It is your duty…………………………….
The Holiness of God
Why it matters to him and should to us
September 26, 2021
by; Pastor Tom Shanor
KNOWING Christ in God….as much as we can, as told to us in the Bible is critical to our well-being as Christians in our daily life, and of course in our life to come.
GOD the Father, Jesus His Son and God the Holy Spirit are the core center of all life, of all matter, of all that we see, hear, feel and sense.
GOD IS LIFE AND IS FOUNDATIONAL FOR LIVING THE LIFE HE HAS GIVEN TO EACH AND ALL OF US again, though His only Begotten Son, Jesus the Christ, the Savior.
In Him is life, In Him is life
And His life is the light of men
He came unto His own
And His own received Him not
And His life is the light of men
Knowing God is foundational for living a godly and righteous life. If we have not developed a sense of the primacy of God, we will not get out of life…all that He desires and made available to us, living only partial lives. God in Christ is to be the literal CENTER of who we are. Not God in the margins; not God as an option, not God on the weekends, but Bod at the center and circumference; God fir and God last; the Alpha and omega, the beginning and the end.
Think about it…. creation, how God created us with the ability to also create…. but using only as our building mediums that which He had already created.
I recall a humorous story where scientists have out of soil created life….in their excitement they publish papers, claiming that the secret to creating life has been discovered, and set about to show the world via satellite their discovery. All poised and television cameras are ready to broadcast this miraculous event to the world, they with an instrument, start picking up the soil. When suddenly a voice from out of nowhere it seems, deep and resonant says, wait a minute boy…get your own dirt, you cannot use mine.
The central scientific quest has from the beginning been to discover scientifically, rationally, with telescopes, trips to the moon, drilling to the core of the earth…. analyzing water, particles from space, etc., the source and beginning of not only the world but the universe.
They (for the most part) cannot believe that God is behind and the source of it all…. although, Albert Einstein (not believing in a personal God) believed in intelligent design. Not only Einstein, but Freud and even Charles Darwin
God to them, an intelligent force, who created the world and universe, but then removed (it or himself) from it all, allowing it all the freedom, including mankind to evolve.
We, who believe in a personal God, a caring and loving God, creating in His own way, and time, including time itself, is with us and has a plan…from the beginning to the end…. which is the second beginning, at the return of Christ.
Since He is the Creator….and we the created….how can we the created, do anything other than revere…give honor to…worship….worship is one of several avenues provided to enter into the PRESENCE of this sometime mysterious God (in a deep and abiding sense) who is HOLY, who is SPIRIT and who is TRUTH….for if we understood and knew all there was to know about Him….(which is impossible anyway) He would cease to be God...for the finite (us) cannot fully grasp the (INFINITE) Him.
As some religions believe, in following the rules and precepts of their religion…they in time can become gods. The arrogance and ego of mankind can be enormous…. FUTILE, STUPID…regardless of intelligence.
Man…and on occasion (Elizabeth Clair Prophet as an example) has been attempting to become gods for a very long time. and in a great variety of ways by creating their own religion, with themselves as the center focus to be worshiped.
In the Bible there is the account of a King…at first a good king who caught up in himself….and his high opinion of who he was. He began his reign in Godliness, doing “what was right in the sight of the Lord.” He sought after God and God blessed him. He was victorious in battle, strengthening Jerusalem’ s walls of defense. Dug massive cistern in the desert both for defense and daily use, stimulated great expansion n the nations agriculture. For the most part of his reign. he was known as a great and beloved king.
BUT…his story ends on a sad, tragic note. The last years of his life were like those of a Shakespearian tragic hero. His life became marred by the sin of pride (reminds me of some of our own Christian Evangelists and Leaders) Anyway…. after acquiring great wealth and power…simply said, it all went to his head.
He began to take away from the glory of God (now this reminds me as I shared a couple of weeks ago, the fall of the Morning Star, who became Satan) and as we found out in that allegory, that God doesn’t like that very much, after all Uzziah received all, he had acquired, from the blessings of God in wisdom and in wealth and power as a result of Uzziah’s original intent and attitude.
He even tried to take the place of God as he boldly entered the Temple, arrogantly claiming for himself the rights that God had given ONLY to the priests. When the priests of the Temple tried to stop his act of sacrilege, he became enraged…and while he was screaming at them in fury, leprosy broke out on his forehead. The Bible says of him.
“He lived in a separate house…being a leper…cut off from the house of the Lord. Chronicles 26:21
When the king finally died…Isaiah went to the Temple, presumably look for consolation in a time of national mourning, for the people had not stopped loving him…and what Isaiah saw was not what he had anticipated. “In the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated upon the throne...high and lifted up, and His robe filled the Temple. Isaiah 6:1
The earthly king was dead, but Isaiah was given the gift of seeing the real King…the King of Glory, of heaven and earth, the One who sits on the throne of heaven for ever and ever. Amen
There is a song that goes this way…. about our call to holiness, by living a holy life, and God’s holiness.
Holiness, holiness is what I long for,
Holiness is what I need,
Holiness, holiness is what He wants… from me
Take my heart and mold it,
Take my will, transform it,
To Yours, to Yours oh Lord.
Our wills…must be stripped and transformed into His will, by knowing Him intimately…we will.
Worship…as I said earlier…is one of the several avenues we can, by choice take…in understanding holiness…worship via song, prayer, obedience, doing good, speaking life, living rightly…will bring us into the presence of God Himself.
In worship we can touch the eternal…as we being to see beyond ourselves and our standard senses…and in doing so, we find REVERENCE captivating us…. touching a sense of awe...when we find we are entering into His Presence.
What also happens is we find HOPE rising within us…hope realized that there is life after death….and there is One who absolutely loves us…and this love…it is Holy…beginning to understand why Holiness means so much to Him…for it is a UNION THAT God has created us for…a love union between the Creator and His created, as illustrated in the allegory of Adam and Eve and God…where in paradise, they all walked together in Harmony and Unity…. before the fall.
Psalm 95, verses 6 & 7 contain a song….
Come, let us worship and bow down,
Let us kneel before the Lord our God our Maker
Come, let us worship and bow down,
Let us kneel before the Lord, our God our Maker,
For He is our God,
And we are the people of His Pasture
And the sheep of His hand.
And the sheep of His hand.
Another king…who grievously sinned before God…knowing and loving God….and through his sin separated from God…through repentance and forgiveness restored…wrote and sang this song.
Create in me a clean heart O God
Take not Thy Holy Spirit from me,
Restore unto me, the joy of thy salvation,
And renew a right spirit within me.
You see…listen now…. God is in the business of both restoration and renewal…. through the sacrificial gift of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ…. that’s what it’s all about folks…all about!
And when God does forgive…it is without hesitation… not so much from our plea…. but the plea of His son through the power of the Cross…
We can approach God…. because Jesus stands between us as out intermediary…on our behalf.
And through the renewed right spirit within us…we kneel before the Lord our God our Maker….and worship Him…. because we want to, not because it is required of us…and because we were made to.
I am going to finish with this…. a meeting the Apostle John had with Jesus as he, John was exiled to the Isle of Patmos, because of His testimony of faith in the Son of God.
Revelation 1:9-18 (read)
This….is our Lord revealing His holiness in appearance…the very same rejected, bloody and tortured Jesus…the very same one who said…from that instrument of death, the cross, “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.” He who lovingly and full of meaning…. calls us His friends…………………………….
John 15:13… “Greater love has no one than this, that He lay down His for His friends.”
Today…is the day of our Salvation…today…is a new day in understanding a little more…. of the Holiness of Our God and Savior, so let’s not forget…as we live out our ordinary, everyday lives…remembering and honoring the One who created us…and breathed into us the breath of life…
As we come to the celebration of His life, death and resurrection, and coming King…. we are to surrender to Him completely, asking for the forgiveness of our sins and the thankfulness for our restoration and renewal.
Why it matters to him and should to us
September 26, 2021
by; Pastor Tom Shanor
KNOWING Christ in God….as much as we can, as told to us in the Bible is critical to our well-being as Christians in our daily life, and of course in our life to come.
GOD the Father, Jesus His Son and God the Holy Spirit are the core center of all life, of all matter, of all that we see, hear, feel and sense.
GOD IS LIFE AND IS FOUNDATIONAL FOR LIVING THE LIFE HE HAS GIVEN TO EACH AND ALL OF US again, though His only Begotten Son, Jesus the Christ, the Savior.
In Him is life, In Him is life
And His life is the light of men
He came unto His own
And His own received Him not
And His life is the light of men
Knowing God is foundational for living a godly and righteous life. If we have not developed a sense of the primacy of God, we will not get out of life…all that He desires and made available to us, living only partial lives. God in Christ is to be the literal CENTER of who we are. Not God in the margins; not God as an option, not God on the weekends, but Bod at the center and circumference; God fir and God last; the Alpha and omega, the beginning and the end.
Think about it…. creation, how God created us with the ability to also create…. but using only as our building mediums that which He had already created.
I recall a humorous story where scientists have out of soil created life….in their excitement they publish papers, claiming that the secret to creating life has been discovered, and set about to show the world via satellite their discovery. All poised and television cameras are ready to broadcast this miraculous event to the world, they with an instrument, start picking up the soil. When suddenly a voice from out of nowhere it seems, deep and resonant says, wait a minute boy…get your own dirt, you cannot use mine.
The central scientific quest has from the beginning been to discover scientifically, rationally, with telescopes, trips to the moon, drilling to the core of the earth…. analyzing water, particles from space, etc., the source and beginning of not only the world but the universe.
They (for the most part) cannot believe that God is behind and the source of it all…. although, Albert Einstein (not believing in a personal God) believed in intelligent design. Not only Einstein, but Freud and even Charles Darwin
God to them, an intelligent force, who created the world and universe, but then removed (it or himself) from it all, allowing it all the freedom, including mankind to evolve.
We, who believe in a personal God, a caring and loving God, creating in His own way, and time, including time itself, is with us and has a plan…from the beginning to the end…. which is the second beginning, at the return of Christ.
Since He is the Creator….and we the created….how can we the created, do anything other than revere…give honor to…worship….worship is one of several avenues provided to enter into the PRESENCE of this sometime mysterious God (in a deep and abiding sense) who is HOLY, who is SPIRIT and who is TRUTH….for if we understood and knew all there was to know about Him….(which is impossible anyway) He would cease to be God...for the finite (us) cannot fully grasp the (INFINITE) Him.
As some religions believe, in following the rules and precepts of their religion…they in time can become gods. The arrogance and ego of mankind can be enormous…. FUTILE, STUPID…regardless of intelligence.
Man…and on occasion (Elizabeth Clair Prophet as an example) has been attempting to become gods for a very long time. and in a great variety of ways by creating their own religion, with themselves as the center focus to be worshiped.
In the Bible there is the account of a King…at first a good king who caught up in himself….and his high opinion of who he was. He began his reign in Godliness, doing “what was right in the sight of the Lord.” He sought after God and God blessed him. He was victorious in battle, strengthening Jerusalem’ s walls of defense. Dug massive cistern in the desert both for defense and daily use, stimulated great expansion n the nations agriculture. For the most part of his reign. he was known as a great and beloved king.
BUT…his story ends on a sad, tragic note. The last years of his life were like those of a Shakespearian tragic hero. His life became marred by the sin of pride (reminds me of some of our own Christian Evangelists and Leaders) Anyway…. after acquiring great wealth and power…simply said, it all went to his head.
He began to take away from the glory of God (now this reminds me as I shared a couple of weeks ago, the fall of the Morning Star, who became Satan) and as we found out in that allegory, that God doesn’t like that very much, after all Uzziah received all, he had acquired, from the blessings of God in wisdom and in wealth and power as a result of Uzziah’s original intent and attitude.
He even tried to take the place of God as he boldly entered the Temple, arrogantly claiming for himself the rights that God had given ONLY to the priests. When the priests of the Temple tried to stop his act of sacrilege, he became enraged…and while he was screaming at them in fury, leprosy broke out on his forehead. The Bible says of him.
“He lived in a separate house…being a leper…cut off from the house of the Lord. Chronicles 26:21
When the king finally died…Isaiah went to the Temple, presumably look for consolation in a time of national mourning, for the people had not stopped loving him…and what Isaiah saw was not what he had anticipated. “In the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated upon the throne...high and lifted up, and His robe filled the Temple. Isaiah 6:1
The earthly king was dead, but Isaiah was given the gift of seeing the real King…the King of Glory, of heaven and earth, the One who sits on the throne of heaven for ever and ever. Amen
There is a song that goes this way…. about our call to holiness, by living a holy life, and God’s holiness.
Holiness, holiness is what I long for,
Holiness is what I need,
Holiness, holiness is what He wants… from me
Take my heart and mold it,
Take my will, transform it,
To Yours, to Yours oh Lord.
Our wills…must be stripped and transformed into His will, by knowing Him intimately…we will.
Worship…as I said earlier…is one of the several avenues we can, by choice take…in understanding holiness…worship via song, prayer, obedience, doing good, speaking life, living rightly…will bring us into the presence of God Himself.
In worship we can touch the eternal…as we being to see beyond ourselves and our standard senses…and in doing so, we find REVERENCE captivating us…. touching a sense of awe...when we find we are entering into His Presence.
What also happens is we find HOPE rising within us…hope realized that there is life after death….and there is One who absolutely loves us…and this love…it is Holy…beginning to understand why Holiness means so much to Him…for it is a UNION THAT God has created us for…a love union between the Creator and His created, as illustrated in the allegory of Adam and Eve and God…where in paradise, they all walked together in Harmony and Unity…. before the fall.
Psalm 95, verses 6 & 7 contain a song….
Come, let us worship and bow down,
Let us kneel before the Lord our God our Maker
Come, let us worship and bow down,
Let us kneel before the Lord, our God our Maker,
For He is our God,
And we are the people of His Pasture
And the sheep of His hand.
And the sheep of His hand.
Another king…who grievously sinned before God…knowing and loving God….and through his sin separated from God…through repentance and forgiveness restored…wrote and sang this song.
Create in me a clean heart O God
Take not Thy Holy Spirit from me,
Restore unto me, the joy of thy salvation,
And renew a right spirit within me.
You see…listen now…. God is in the business of both restoration and renewal…. through the sacrificial gift of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ…. that’s what it’s all about folks…all about!
And when God does forgive…it is without hesitation… not so much from our plea…. but the plea of His son through the power of the Cross…
We can approach God…. because Jesus stands between us as out intermediary…on our behalf.
And through the renewed right spirit within us…we kneel before the Lord our God our Maker….and worship Him…. because we want to, not because it is required of us…and because we were made to.
I am going to finish with this…. a meeting the Apostle John had with Jesus as he, John was exiled to the Isle of Patmos, because of His testimony of faith in the Son of God.
Revelation 1:9-18 (read)
This….is our Lord revealing His holiness in appearance…the very same rejected, bloody and tortured Jesus…the very same one who said…from that instrument of death, the cross, “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.” He who lovingly and full of meaning…. calls us His friends…………………………….
John 15:13… “Greater love has no one than this, that He lay down His for His friends.”
Today…is the day of our Salvation…today…is a new day in understanding a little more…. of the Holiness of Our God and Savior, so let’s not forget…as we live out our ordinary, everyday lives…remembering and honoring the One who created us…and breathed into us the breath of life…
As we come to the celebration of His life, death and resurrection, and coming King…. we are to surrender to Him completely, asking for the forgiveness of our sins and the thankfulness for our restoration and renewal.
Little Church in the Pines
September 19, 2021
Vision of Mission Statements
by; Pastor Tom Shanor
Last week I spoke regarding the church, our church, and every church in its need, to be a healthy and full functioning church, that the Lord, our Lord Jesus Christ came to establish on earth….and the need for unity among believers…to function in harmony. Harmony means being in unison, or of one heart and mind.
The things I am going to talk about today are meant not for just this, but for all churches.
I spent a lot of time in workshops with those who were, like myself, early on in my ministry…learning how to start up a new church. There are two aspects that are to guide a church through its inception, and throughout its history. These characteristics are both guides and core values, that keep the church on the correct pathway, in fulfilling its destiny for and in the Kingdom of God.
They are called the Vison and Mission Statements….and are to be referred to throughout the life of the church.
They are, in this order…
#1. THE LOVE…of Jesus expressed through us, you and I and to all who enter these doors. All!
#2. TRUTH…from God’s Word…in action, at home, church, work and play.
#3. UNITY, again as I spoke of last week, in the Spirit, in the bond of peace.
#4. GENUINE FELLOWSHIP, always, reflected in Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Mercy and Goodness.
#5. WORSHIP…expressed to God from our hearts and everyday lives.
#6. SERVING is the last, but vitally important….one another and our neighbors…in love.
OUR PURPOSE…Luke 4:18-19
Jesus said: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to PREACH THE GOSPEL to the poor. He has sent Me to HEAL the brokenhearted, to preach DELIVERANCE to those in captivity and RECOVERY of sight to the blind, to set at LIBERTY those who are oppressed, to PREACH the acceptable year of the Lord.
This last means a space of time that is characterized by
God’s GRACE, REDEMPTION, AND DELIVERANCE. In Isaiah, the Acceptable Year of the Lord referees to God’s restoration of His people from Babylonian captivity…for us it means releasing us from the captivity of sin….and into the freedom, and peace and joy that He desires for all His children.
The same things He did, He said we also could do….and more, using as our guide Love, Truth, Unity, Genuine Fellowship, Worship, Serving…. all with His purpose of presenting His Gospel of love, forgiveness, and restoration.
OUR CALL is to flow in the River of His Life…as His, and each other’s servants….
OUR MISSION is also to the poor, the brokenhearted, the captives, the spiritually and physically impaired, the oppressed and to All who are in need and to ALL WHO ASK, IN ALL Ways.
OUR REQUEST…is, that God through His Son, and by His Spirit, will fill us and enable us to accomplish His will individually and together.
Self-interest is one of our great obstacles to living out these core values. Self-interest alone can kill the spirit of unity and harmony quicker than almost any other obstacle.
Revelation 1:5&6 reads, “To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blook…and HAS MADE US (you and I) priests and kings to His God and Father. So, how can a servant be both a servant and a king. I have the answer to that.
He, the Christ is the example…think of how He served. By healing, by feeding, by laying down His life for the average person and woman not only of His day, but ours.
He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords…but His servant leadership proves to us both His heart and God’s…and is to be our example.
A priest is a person, man, or woman…who represents God…in all HIS authority, as the King side tells us…and to minister…mean ministering…. always and in all situations and places we find ourselves. Ministering means nurturing…taking care of, giving direction, covering, and protecting…and much more. As was said in the verse I read first this morning…. we are called, all of us to the MINISTRY OF RECONCILATION.
Jesus is the ultimate leader in that He is God come in the flesh. Therefore, we can and must learn from Him, and though He is omniscient, he has chosen to teach and models to us certain ways of living. In Jesus if found the examples of a servant leader.
Think about this…. regard the moon. The moon exhibits no light from within, but outwardly only. It only reflects the light of the sun, as we also are to reflect the light of the Son of God to the world.
You and I are called to what I call “a More Excellent Ministry,” found in 1 Corinthians 12:31. “And now abide FAITH, HOPE, AND LOVE…these three, but the greatest of these is LOVE.
And in this “More Excellent Ministry…ALL His promises for us were fulfilled in the cross…the ultimate ministry of LOVE…HIS LOVE, because through our RECONCILATION TO HIM...we are to minister to others as He does to us….
This most excellent Ministry…operates in us according to the power of the creative, spoken Word, and it flows to and from us in two primary directions through
1. Forgiveness
2. Blessing others.
Scripture also says…those who follow Him…all the way, said to those who overcome…He will grant mercy….
Because of His sacrifice…. God sees not our sins when He looks at us, for He sees us through our acceptance and belief in His Son…
“for there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” Romans 8:1, and if we are without condemnation….it is to others as servant-priests we bring to them the same gifts of freedom that we have been given. Do you understand this so far?
Here is an example of what I am speaking about, which I found in an old Daily Bread…called LEVEL GROUND
Galatians 3:26-29
For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
James 3:17 “The wisdom (a recurring theme of mine) that is from above is…full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.”
Civil war General Robert E. Lee, a devout Christian, visited a church in Washington D. C. During the Communion service, General Lee, a deep southerner who of course lost the war and fought over the right to own slaves…. was seen kneeling beside a black man. Later, when someone asked how he could do that, Lee replied. “My friend, all ground is level at the foot of the Cross.”
“What makes that ground so level? The awfulness of our sins, the terrible price Jesus paid to forgive them, and the love He has for ALL people. Prejudice cannot survive in soil from the ground beneath the Cros, for prejudice is evil”
YOUR MINISTRY (we are all as Believers called into ministry…and that is how we live our everyday lives, WITHOUT PREJUDIGE…not only racial, but all prejudice.
Your MINSITRY WITHOUT WALLS works two ways…to keep out or keep in…that depends on the openness of our lives. Some people have been so abused and used that wall s are built to protect them…but in the mind of Christ, which was the mind of the Father…there are and were not walls. Jesus Christ destroyed them even though we often re-erect them based on our prejudices. But, through the Cross He will (if they come to Him) bring PEACE to those whom the enemy has tried to destroy through abuse.
God is our defender and our reconciler…. Rom.6:20 “The God of peace will crush Satan under our feet.” Retaliation is not ours…Deut. 32:35.” To God belongs vengeance, and recompense; for their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of calamity will soon be at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste.”
Remember this, so please listen…Genesis 50:20. “But as for you, your thought evil against me; but God meant it for good, to being to pass, as it is this day, to save many people alive”
All that is good flows to us from the Ascended Christ. It flows to ALL His children without condemnation, with prejudice, without walls and without retaliation. Understand?
The key or catalyst which works all these principles in the mind that controls or does not control the tongue. In the positive the Tongue repeating the Spoken Word operates the mercy of God into my and your ministry. The SECRET to LIFE and HEALTH is a tongue that can be controlled and instead of judgement and negative words…should come instead a mouth filled with the WORDS OF LIFE…not death. Our lips and our speech must agree in all areas of our lives, with His Word and His Spirit,
Prov. 15:4
A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness is a breach in the spirit.
Psalm 50:23 Who ever offers praise glorifies Me: and to they that keep their conversation right will I show the salvation of God.
And lastly: “What, the, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us…who can be against us.” X2
Hold up your hand, right or left and look at it for a moment. Ok, put it down. What you are seeing is what I am calling a TONGUE SMACKER.
When recognition comes as to the words you have just chosen to speak…that brought any one of those things I spoke of. Prejudice, Untruth, Unkindness, Gossip, oh, I did not speak of that one, but still a good point, Judgement, Retaliation, etc. just take your hand and SMACK YOUR TONGUE. YES. SMACK YOUR TONGUE.
We should have a group practice session! What do you think?
Here in what has become a swear expletive…I wish I could smack a few tongues over…. when the name of God or that of Jesus Christ is used in an unworthy manner. Such a beautiful names used to voice anger, retaliation, judgment, etc., but I cannot for that too would be contrary to what I should instead say, which is so simple. “I would appreciate it if you would not use my Lord’s name in vain when around me. Thank you….
The last today in our individual and collective ministry of reconciliation is a ministry without idolatry. An idol can be anything or any person we allow to come between Jesus Christ and us. ANYTHING….be it made of mortar, stone, wood, metal, emotion, prejudice, walls, habits…flesh and blood! Anything we sacrifice to and sacrifice and mean sacrifices of money that could go to the poor, ministries. You can figure it out…. if you let the Word and the still small voice of our conscience spoke by the Holy Spirit to us.
Who we are…the truth of who we are will be recognized in the fruit we produce. Excellent work, good words, good habits, generosity, kindness, goodness, mercy, grace, patience, etc., etc. etc.
Use your own measuring rod…. our conscious…. given only to we humans…undergirded by His written Word….be honest, and be forthright with yourself in your measuring yourself.
Closing with this from 2nd Corinthians 4:1-4, God’s written word.
Therefore, having this ministry by the mercy of God, we do not lose heart. But we have renounced disgraceful, underhanded ways. We refuse to practice cunning or to tamper with God’s Word, but by the open statement of the truth, we would commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God. And even if our Gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. In their case, that would be the god of this world (with all it is self-seeking selfishness) has blinded the minds of unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ…. who is the image of God.
A lot to think about here…. remember if you want to go over this to use as a help in your own assessment of where you are in your lifestyle ministry of your everyday life, you can find it posted on our website and on Facebook.
To God be the Glory…. Amen
September 19, 2021
Vision of Mission Statements
by; Pastor Tom Shanor
Last week I spoke regarding the church, our church, and every church in its need, to be a healthy and full functioning church, that the Lord, our Lord Jesus Christ came to establish on earth….and the need for unity among believers…to function in harmony. Harmony means being in unison, or of one heart and mind.
The things I am going to talk about today are meant not for just this, but for all churches.
I spent a lot of time in workshops with those who were, like myself, early on in my ministry…learning how to start up a new church. There are two aspects that are to guide a church through its inception, and throughout its history. These characteristics are both guides and core values, that keep the church on the correct pathway, in fulfilling its destiny for and in the Kingdom of God.
They are called the Vison and Mission Statements….and are to be referred to throughout the life of the church.
They are, in this order…
#1. THE LOVE…of Jesus expressed through us, you and I and to all who enter these doors. All!
#2. TRUTH…from God’s Word…in action, at home, church, work and play.
#3. UNITY, again as I spoke of last week, in the Spirit, in the bond of peace.
#4. GENUINE FELLOWSHIP, always, reflected in Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Mercy and Goodness.
#5. WORSHIP…expressed to God from our hearts and everyday lives.
#6. SERVING is the last, but vitally important….one another and our neighbors…in love.
OUR PURPOSE…Luke 4:18-19
Jesus said: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to PREACH THE GOSPEL to the poor. He has sent Me to HEAL the brokenhearted, to preach DELIVERANCE to those in captivity and RECOVERY of sight to the blind, to set at LIBERTY those who are oppressed, to PREACH the acceptable year of the Lord.
This last means a space of time that is characterized by
God’s GRACE, REDEMPTION, AND DELIVERANCE. In Isaiah, the Acceptable Year of the Lord referees to God’s restoration of His people from Babylonian captivity…for us it means releasing us from the captivity of sin….and into the freedom, and peace and joy that He desires for all His children.
The same things He did, He said we also could do….and more, using as our guide Love, Truth, Unity, Genuine Fellowship, Worship, Serving…. all with His purpose of presenting His Gospel of love, forgiveness, and restoration.
OUR CALL is to flow in the River of His Life…as His, and each other’s servants….
OUR MISSION is also to the poor, the brokenhearted, the captives, the spiritually and physically impaired, the oppressed and to All who are in need and to ALL WHO ASK, IN ALL Ways.
OUR REQUEST…is, that God through His Son, and by His Spirit, will fill us and enable us to accomplish His will individually and together.
Self-interest is one of our great obstacles to living out these core values. Self-interest alone can kill the spirit of unity and harmony quicker than almost any other obstacle.
Revelation 1:5&6 reads, “To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blook…and HAS MADE US (you and I) priests and kings to His God and Father. So, how can a servant be both a servant and a king. I have the answer to that.
He, the Christ is the example…think of how He served. By healing, by feeding, by laying down His life for the average person and woman not only of His day, but ours.
He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords…but His servant leadership proves to us both His heart and God’s…and is to be our example.
A priest is a person, man, or woman…who represents God…in all HIS authority, as the King side tells us…and to minister…mean ministering…. always and in all situations and places we find ourselves. Ministering means nurturing…taking care of, giving direction, covering, and protecting…and much more. As was said in the verse I read first this morning…. we are called, all of us to the MINISTRY OF RECONCILATION.
Jesus is the ultimate leader in that He is God come in the flesh. Therefore, we can and must learn from Him, and though He is omniscient, he has chosen to teach and models to us certain ways of living. In Jesus if found the examples of a servant leader.
Think about this…. regard the moon. The moon exhibits no light from within, but outwardly only. It only reflects the light of the sun, as we also are to reflect the light of the Son of God to the world.
You and I are called to what I call “a More Excellent Ministry,” found in 1 Corinthians 12:31. “And now abide FAITH, HOPE, AND LOVE…these three, but the greatest of these is LOVE.
And in this “More Excellent Ministry…ALL His promises for us were fulfilled in the cross…the ultimate ministry of LOVE…HIS LOVE, because through our RECONCILATION TO HIM...we are to minister to others as He does to us….
This most excellent Ministry…operates in us according to the power of the creative, spoken Word, and it flows to and from us in two primary directions through
1. Forgiveness
2. Blessing others.
Scripture also says…those who follow Him…all the way, said to those who overcome…He will grant mercy….
Because of His sacrifice…. God sees not our sins when He looks at us, for He sees us through our acceptance and belief in His Son…
“for there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” Romans 8:1, and if we are without condemnation….it is to others as servant-priests we bring to them the same gifts of freedom that we have been given. Do you understand this so far?
Here is an example of what I am speaking about, which I found in an old Daily Bread…called LEVEL GROUND
Galatians 3:26-29
For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
James 3:17 “The wisdom (a recurring theme of mine) that is from above is…full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.”
Civil war General Robert E. Lee, a devout Christian, visited a church in Washington D. C. During the Communion service, General Lee, a deep southerner who of course lost the war and fought over the right to own slaves…. was seen kneeling beside a black man. Later, when someone asked how he could do that, Lee replied. “My friend, all ground is level at the foot of the Cross.”
“What makes that ground so level? The awfulness of our sins, the terrible price Jesus paid to forgive them, and the love He has for ALL people. Prejudice cannot survive in soil from the ground beneath the Cros, for prejudice is evil”
YOUR MINISTRY (we are all as Believers called into ministry…and that is how we live our everyday lives, WITHOUT PREJUDIGE…not only racial, but all prejudice.
Your MINSITRY WITHOUT WALLS works two ways…to keep out or keep in…that depends on the openness of our lives. Some people have been so abused and used that wall s are built to protect them…but in the mind of Christ, which was the mind of the Father…there are and were not walls. Jesus Christ destroyed them even though we often re-erect them based on our prejudices. But, through the Cross He will (if they come to Him) bring PEACE to those whom the enemy has tried to destroy through abuse.
God is our defender and our reconciler…. Rom.6:20 “The God of peace will crush Satan under our feet.” Retaliation is not ours…Deut. 32:35.” To God belongs vengeance, and recompense; for their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of calamity will soon be at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste.”
Remember this, so please listen…Genesis 50:20. “But as for you, your thought evil against me; but God meant it for good, to being to pass, as it is this day, to save many people alive”
All that is good flows to us from the Ascended Christ. It flows to ALL His children without condemnation, with prejudice, without walls and without retaliation. Understand?
The key or catalyst which works all these principles in the mind that controls or does not control the tongue. In the positive the Tongue repeating the Spoken Word operates the mercy of God into my and your ministry. The SECRET to LIFE and HEALTH is a tongue that can be controlled and instead of judgement and negative words…should come instead a mouth filled with the WORDS OF LIFE…not death. Our lips and our speech must agree in all areas of our lives, with His Word and His Spirit,
Prov. 15:4
A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness is a breach in the spirit.
Psalm 50:23 Who ever offers praise glorifies Me: and to they that keep their conversation right will I show the salvation of God.
And lastly: “What, the, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us…who can be against us.” X2
Hold up your hand, right or left and look at it for a moment. Ok, put it down. What you are seeing is what I am calling a TONGUE SMACKER.
When recognition comes as to the words you have just chosen to speak…that brought any one of those things I spoke of. Prejudice, Untruth, Unkindness, Gossip, oh, I did not speak of that one, but still a good point, Judgement, Retaliation, etc. just take your hand and SMACK YOUR TONGUE. YES. SMACK YOUR TONGUE.
We should have a group practice session! What do you think?
Here in what has become a swear expletive…I wish I could smack a few tongues over…. when the name of God or that of Jesus Christ is used in an unworthy manner. Such a beautiful names used to voice anger, retaliation, judgment, etc., but I cannot for that too would be contrary to what I should instead say, which is so simple. “I would appreciate it if you would not use my Lord’s name in vain when around me. Thank you….
The last today in our individual and collective ministry of reconciliation is a ministry without idolatry. An idol can be anything or any person we allow to come between Jesus Christ and us. ANYTHING….be it made of mortar, stone, wood, metal, emotion, prejudice, walls, habits…flesh and blood! Anything we sacrifice to and sacrifice and mean sacrifices of money that could go to the poor, ministries. You can figure it out…. if you let the Word and the still small voice of our conscience spoke by the Holy Spirit to us.
Who we are…the truth of who we are will be recognized in the fruit we produce. Excellent work, good words, good habits, generosity, kindness, goodness, mercy, grace, patience, etc., etc. etc.
Use your own measuring rod…. our conscious…. given only to we humans…undergirded by His written Word….be honest, and be forthright with yourself in your measuring yourself.
Closing with this from 2nd Corinthians 4:1-4, God’s written word.
Therefore, having this ministry by the mercy of God, we do not lose heart. But we have renounced disgraceful, underhanded ways. We refuse to practice cunning or to tamper with God’s Word, but by the open statement of the truth, we would commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God. And even if our Gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. In their case, that would be the god of this world (with all it is self-seeking selfishness) has blinded the minds of unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ…. who is the image of God.
A lot to think about here…. remember if you want to go over this to use as a help in your own assessment of where you are in your lifestyle ministry of your everyday life, you can find it posted on our website and on Facebook.
To God be the Glory…. Amen
Little Church in the Pines
September 05, 2021
Peace Like a River (at all times and all places)
Luke 1:78 & 79
by; Pastor Tom Shanor
“Because of God’s tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace.”
These words were spoken prior to the birth of Jesus….prophetically about John and his role in the coming ministry of the Savior, the forerunner as he was called…..and this light was to come from the One John introduced to the world, when he said behold, “I baptize you with water, but He who is mightier than I is coming, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie…He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.”
This peace….is that peace…that we are told passes all understanding….it is a gift, a supernatural gift….that the Holy Spirit brings to us in the midst of, we are told…ALL the difficulties and trails that we will endure in this life. Not some, but ALL.
In order to receive this peace…our faith must be founded on the bedrock of who Jesus is….for we are to build or foundation on solid rock….not on shifting sand..
Philippians 4:6 says, “The Lord is Near! Do not be anxious about anything, instead, in every situation with prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God; And the peace that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
How many of us can claim to have this kind of peace when we are assaulted with things such as disease, broken hearts, estranged relationships, loss of a job, the loss of someone we love deeply, storms, earthquakes, war, and the list seems to be never ending of the terrible things than can and sometimes do come our way in this arena called life.
Is this peace and its availability to us realistic…is it truly possible? Is it?
Be anxious for nothing, but everything, by prayer and supplication let your request be made known to God…
Prayer is to be the rock we stand on in those times, for in prayer our focus in triune. What or who we are praying for, the vessel (us) who is doing the praying and who we are praying to.
We can…replaced anxiety in deeply focused prayer….another element of becoming less anxious, is when we can lose ourselves in worship by singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs unto the Lord, thanking Him in everything, even if it go cross ways to what we are feeling.
The key is changing our focus from the problem to the problem solver.
Especially in times such as we have for months, now years that we have gone through. Fear mounts up over family and friends, anxiety surfaces, so how can we respond to those feelings of anxiety and walk confidently that aligns us with these verses.
We run from pain…it is only natural, but any good doctor will tell us pain is trying to communicate to us that something in our body, mind heart and soul needs attention.
Paul’s letter to the Philippians about the peace spoken of here (was when he was in prison) and was all about giving thanks, and in doing so, was guarding his heart and mind (being isolated and alone…Paul’s only companion was the Lord Himself.
We have so many examples to draw strength from as examples, including those of the Lord Himself when He faced imminent torture, and eventual death.
There are 256 verses on fear and anxiety in the Bible…one for every day including leap year.
There are also some practical things you can do to alleviate anxiety and fear. A simple thing as changing your scenery by going for a drive or a walk, exercise, garden, clean house, go out for a dessert or simply a cup of coffee, or best of all some ice cream!!
At night when anxiety knocks on my door as it did the other night, having a hard time even praying…..I got up, when out to the kitchen, made some hot tea and a piece of toast, sat at the table and in doing just that simple thing, a new perspective began to come to me….I had to quiet the inner turmoil to hear that still small and wonderful voice of the Holy Spirit within me.
Another way…. Is to do something for someone else. It can be something small or monumental, depending on their need and your resources.
Another is simply talking to a friend….there is someone I could call anytime day or night and they will listen to both my irrational and rational fears and or needs.
We all need peace and, in many ways, we seek peace, Christ illustrated this by going off by Himself on occasion, to pray or just sit alone in the presence of His Father.
In the New Testament, the word “peace” has a different meaning from the way we typically use it in our everyday language. When we use the word “peace’ we are usually referring to the absence of something. The absence of struggle, strife, conflict or even noise. In the New Testament the word “peace” (arene) ereine in Greek) refers primarily to the presence of something or someone.
An example is a right relationship….not only with God, but with another person. In the second chapter of Ephesians, Paul explains. “But now you, who once were far off, have been brought near by the blood of Christ. FOR HE IS OUR PEACE; FORO IN His flesh (by His birth, ministry, death and resurrection) he has made both groups, Jew and Gentile into one, and has broken down the dividing wall, that is the hostility between us. (2:14)
FOR HE IS OUR PEACE…HE, IS OUR PEACE…GO TO HIM, on your knees, prostrate on the floor, standing with your hands raised to Him, or simply sitting in a chair, and most of all in your heart and mind.
DIVISIONS exist today more than I have ever seen before. Divisions in opinions, divisions in families, divisions in the workplace, divisions in churches, divisions in politics, divisions in a multitude of places and ways. We talk more about our divisions than we talk about what we agree or have in common.
The chasms we erect are most often emotionally based….where we cannot always give a rational and forthright discussion before dissolving into irrational words and behaviors.
Since Christ is our peace….we are not to wait until we FEEL LIKE IT, but instead at that moment CHOOSE to do and say the right thing. For our emotions are too often like chains around our lives…chains of bondage, which takes away our freedom from doing and being the people God in Christ has called us to be.
When that peace is achieved….it takes on the supernatural presence of Holy Spirit. Jesus says we can choose to have this peace or reject it, at all times, in all places and with all people. The choice is our….did you hear me, the choice is ours… more time, the choice is ours to make.
John 14:27….Jesus says, “I am leaving you with a gift…peace of mind and heart. And the peace is giving a gift the world cannot give. Do not be troubled or afraid.
LISTEN TO PSALM 61……O God, listen to my cry!
Hear my prayer,
From the ends of the earth, I cry unto you for help.
When my heart is overwhelmed,
Lead me to the rock, that is higher than I, that
Is higher than I.
For you are my safe refuge,
A fortress where my enemies cannot reach me.
May I live forever in your presence,
Safe…beneath the shelter of Your wings….IN PEACE.
In this sanctuary….right now, I am asking each of you to think about what Jesus says to us about peace…about Himself as our peace.
Peace…like a river in your soul….running pure and fresh….because of His great love for us…and the grace He has bestowed upon us.
Today…is the day of your salvation…your day of accepting His peace in place of any turmoil in your lives.
If dis-peace has overwhelmed you….trust in Him with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding…and in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path…way to peace. He wants to help carry your burden, for your burden is heavy….and with Him it will be light.
If you have been wronged….in as much is possible…You…attempt to make it right instead of waiting for that person to come to you.
Sometimes I look out over all of you from up here and know some of the things you have endured…and you know some of the things I have endured. Some that have caused you and I pain, real pain. I know that not one of us is perfect, but each of us have a choice in releasing hurts and pain….for as He Himself said while nailed to the cross. “Father, forgive them…for they do not know what they are doing.”
Choose this day…who you will serve….the wrong done to you or the one who sets the captives free? The wrong you have done to others…or even to yourself. Rectify the wrong done….any way you can. Your choice.
In this mix of who we are…giving our great diversity even in this little building, the only way we can all get along…and be of one mind, heart and spirit is through Jesus Christ who is in each and all of us…this is the only way, the way that is right.
In this mix as it has been in all the churches I have pastored. I found and find great joy at times in seeing what I see. I see a people who have a desire to worship God, who love His Son and desire to live in the Spirit. We are told to
be one in the Spirit and one in the Lord….that goes beyond this one hour or so that we gather together in His Holy Name.
CHOICES….every day, we have choices. Let us choose to make the right ones.
We can choose to harbor ill will, unkind words, anger, self-righteousness, judgement, or any other negative emotion or negative thinking…of which all of these will harm both us and others, but, if you are tired of harboring such things…today is the day, in the presence of God and one another to release them to Him. Your choice.
Will we choose Peace at any cost? Perhaps a cost to our pride. Will you…and will I? We are known by both or words and actions…that come through our choices.
Choose this day…whom you will serve? Let a glorious day of freedom if needed.
We can truly worship the Lord in the beauty of Holiness….by knowing Him so intimately and deeply….that our love for Him simply flows from our clean heart.
As David said to the Lord,
Create in me a clean heart O God,
And renew a right spirit within me,
Cast me not away from Thy presence O Lord,
Take not Thy Holy Spirit from me.
Restore unto me, the joy of my salvation,
And renew a right spirit within me……..
Sing it with me would you……………………..
September 05, 2021
Peace Like a River (at all times and all places)
Luke 1:78 & 79
by; Pastor Tom Shanor
“Because of God’s tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace.”
These words were spoken prior to the birth of Jesus….prophetically about John and his role in the coming ministry of the Savior, the forerunner as he was called…..and this light was to come from the One John introduced to the world, when he said behold, “I baptize you with water, but He who is mightier than I is coming, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie…He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.”
This peace….is that peace…that we are told passes all understanding….it is a gift, a supernatural gift….that the Holy Spirit brings to us in the midst of, we are told…ALL the difficulties and trails that we will endure in this life. Not some, but ALL.
In order to receive this peace…our faith must be founded on the bedrock of who Jesus is….for we are to build or foundation on solid rock….not on shifting sand..
Philippians 4:6 says, “The Lord is Near! Do not be anxious about anything, instead, in every situation with prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God; And the peace that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
How many of us can claim to have this kind of peace when we are assaulted with things such as disease, broken hearts, estranged relationships, loss of a job, the loss of someone we love deeply, storms, earthquakes, war, and the list seems to be never ending of the terrible things than can and sometimes do come our way in this arena called life.
Is this peace and its availability to us realistic…is it truly possible? Is it?
Be anxious for nothing, but everything, by prayer and supplication let your request be made known to God…
Prayer is to be the rock we stand on in those times, for in prayer our focus in triune. What or who we are praying for, the vessel (us) who is doing the praying and who we are praying to.
We can…replaced anxiety in deeply focused prayer….another element of becoming less anxious, is when we can lose ourselves in worship by singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs unto the Lord, thanking Him in everything, even if it go cross ways to what we are feeling.
The key is changing our focus from the problem to the problem solver.
Especially in times such as we have for months, now years that we have gone through. Fear mounts up over family and friends, anxiety surfaces, so how can we respond to those feelings of anxiety and walk confidently that aligns us with these verses.
We run from pain…it is only natural, but any good doctor will tell us pain is trying to communicate to us that something in our body, mind heart and soul needs attention.
Paul’s letter to the Philippians about the peace spoken of here (was when he was in prison) and was all about giving thanks, and in doing so, was guarding his heart and mind (being isolated and alone…Paul’s only companion was the Lord Himself.
We have so many examples to draw strength from as examples, including those of the Lord Himself when He faced imminent torture, and eventual death.
There are 256 verses on fear and anxiety in the Bible…one for every day including leap year.
There are also some practical things you can do to alleviate anxiety and fear. A simple thing as changing your scenery by going for a drive or a walk, exercise, garden, clean house, go out for a dessert or simply a cup of coffee, or best of all some ice cream!!
At night when anxiety knocks on my door as it did the other night, having a hard time even praying…..I got up, when out to the kitchen, made some hot tea and a piece of toast, sat at the table and in doing just that simple thing, a new perspective began to come to me….I had to quiet the inner turmoil to hear that still small and wonderful voice of the Holy Spirit within me.
Another way…. Is to do something for someone else. It can be something small or monumental, depending on their need and your resources.
Another is simply talking to a friend….there is someone I could call anytime day or night and they will listen to both my irrational and rational fears and or needs.
We all need peace and, in many ways, we seek peace, Christ illustrated this by going off by Himself on occasion, to pray or just sit alone in the presence of His Father.
In the New Testament, the word “peace” has a different meaning from the way we typically use it in our everyday language. When we use the word “peace’ we are usually referring to the absence of something. The absence of struggle, strife, conflict or even noise. In the New Testament the word “peace” (arene) ereine in Greek) refers primarily to the presence of something or someone.
An example is a right relationship….not only with God, but with another person. In the second chapter of Ephesians, Paul explains. “But now you, who once were far off, have been brought near by the blood of Christ. FOR HE IS OUR PEACE; FORO IN His flesh (by His birth, ministry, death and resurrection) he has made both groups, Jew and Gentile into one, and has broken down the dividing wall, that is the hostility between us. (2:14)
FOR HE IS OUR PEACE…HE, IS OUR PEACE…GO TO HIM, on your knees, prostrate on the floor, standing with your hands raised to Him, or simply sitting in a chair, and most of all in your heart and mind.
DIVISIONS exist today more than I have ever seen before. Divisions in opinions, divisions in families, divisions in the workplace, divisions in churches, divisions in politics, divisions in a multitude of places and ways. We talk more about our divisions than we talk about what we agree or have in common.
The chasms we erect are most often emotionally based….where we cannot always give a rational and forthright discussion before dissolving into irrational words and behaviors.
Since Christ is our peace….we are not to wait until we FEEL LIKE IT, but instead at that moment CHOOSE to do and say the right thing. For our emotions are too often like chains around our lives…chains of bondage, which takes away our freedom from doing and being the people God in Christ has called us to be.
When that peace is achieved….it takes on the supernatural presence of Holy Spirit. Jesus says we can choose to have this peace or reject it, at all times, in all places and with all people. The choice is our….did you hear me, the choice is ours… more time, the choice is ours to make.
John 14:27….Jesus says, “I am leaving you with a gift…peace of mind and heart. And the peace is giving a gift the world cannot give. Do not be troubled or afraid.
LISTEN TO PSALM 61……O God, listen to my cry!
Hear my prayer,
From the ends of the earth, I cry unto you for help.
When my heart is overwhelmed,
Lead me to the rock, that is higher than I, that
Is higher than I.
For you are my safe refuge,
A fortress where my enemies cannot reach me.
May I live forever in your presence,
Safe…beneath the shelter of Your wings….IN PEACE.
In this sanctuary….right now, I am asking each of you to think about what Jesus says to us about peace…about Himself as our peace.
Peace…like a river in your soul….running pure and fresh….because of His great love for us…and the grace He has bestowed upon us.
Today…is the day of your salvation…your day of accepting His peace in place of any turmoil in your lives.
If dis-peace has overwhelmed you….trust in Him with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding…and in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path…way to peace. He wants to help carry your burden, for your burden is heavy….and with Him it will be light.
If you have been wronged….in as much is possible…You…attempt to make it right instead of waiting for that person to come to you.
Sometimes I look out over all of you from up here and know some of the things you have endured…and you know some of the things I have endured. Some that have caused you and I pain, real pain. I know that not one of us is perfect, but each of us have a choice in releasing hurts and pain….for as He Himself said while nailed to the cross. “Father, forgive them…for they do not know what they are doing.”
Choose this day…who you will serve….the wrong done to you or the one who sets the captives free? The wrong you have done to others…or even to yourself. Rectify the wrong done….any way you can. Your choice.
In this mix of who we are…giving our great diversity even in this little building, the only way we can all get along…and be of one mind, heart and spirit is through Jesus Christ who is in each and all of us…this is the only way, the way that is right.
In this mix as it has been in all the churches I have pastored. I found and find great joy at times in seeing what I see. I see a people who have a desire to worship God, who love His Son and desire to live in the Spirit. We are told to
be one in the Spirit and one in the Lord….that goes beyond this one hour or so that we gather together in His Holy Name.
CHOICES….every day, we have choices. Let us choose to make the right ones.
We can choose to harbor ill will, unkind words, anger, self-righteousness, judgement, or any other negative emotion or negative thinking…of which all of these will harm both us and others, but, if you are tired of harboring such things…today is the day, in the presence of God and one another to release them to Him. Your choice.
Will we choose Peace at any cost? Perhaps a cost to our pride. Will you…and will I? We are known by both or words and actions…that come through our choices.
Choose this day…whom you will serve? Let a glorious day of freedom if needed.
We can truly worship the Lord in the beauty of Holiness….by knowing Him so intimately and deeply….that our love for Him simply flows from our clean heart.
As David said to the Lord,
Create in me a clean heart O God,
And renew a right spirit within me,
Cast me not away from Thy presence O Lord,
Take not Thy Holy Spirit from me.
Restore unto me, the joy of my salvation,
And renew a right spirit within me……..
Sing it with me would you……………………..
The Little Church in the Pines
August 22, 2021
Proverbs 16:18-24 and Proverbs 13:10
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
Tying into last week’s sermon on WISDOM
“By pride comes nothing but strife, but with the well-advised come WISDOM”
Those who listen to instruction will prosper
Those who trust in the LORD will be joyful!
The wise….are known for their understanding, and pleasant words are persuasive.
Most of you know, and most likely most of us have read Jane Austin’s novel, PRIDE AND PREJUDICE or even seen the movie, which is excellent.
Jane’s story charts the emotional development of the protagonist, Elizabeth Bennet, who learns the error of her making hasty judgments (not wise) and comes to appreciate the difference between the superficial and the essential.
Ahhhh….but only if we could all achieve that place of wisdom?
A protagonist is the main character among all the leading characters in any play, movie, or even real life in every and any family, workplace, school, etc. In your life….you, are the
protagonist, as am I in mine., though in our homes, work place and even in any church….though as in a play, novel, etc. there are the main protagonists, in a movie the lead character, the same in a novel and real life, and what you and I as the main protagonist in our own lives, we learn along the way, and then hopefully apply what we learn, or don’t, and the application of that knowledge and action, affects not only us, but those in our own circle and beyond, as does theirs. It is called the ripple affect…so in some minute and I mean minute way …every action we take affects everybody else. Using the president of the United States…supposedly she is the main protagonists in our nation, whose decisions of course have the ability to have that ripple affect all around the world, and at times beyond. Much like analogy of a pebble being thrown into the center of a calm pond….where the pebble fell and depending on how large eh pebble or in some cases a large rock…..the ripples” move forth in all directions from that center until eventually depending on the size of the not only the rock or pebble, but the pond, the further the ripples go, in most cases the smaller the effect because they are absorbed eventually by the larger mass of water or in life by those closest to us, and then beyond….and then, they as protagonists react to those in their own circle created, until, finally somewhere the diffusion ceases to exist.
Do you think that pride can be both good and bad? Yes, in my opinion….depending on our motives and what the foundation our pride is. If totally self-centered it will be harmful to not only others, to our-selves as well.
Pride is an inwardly focused “emotion” that carries two ‘anti-ethical’ meanings. Anti-ethical means they are NOT compatible and do not belong together and never will. Within the negative connotation PRIDE refers to foolish and an irrationally corrupt sense of one’s own self, or another’s, or even a group’s self-determined personal value, status, or accomplishments. Example would be a church denomination that believes that they only are the only true church.
One denominational church is the “Churches of Christ,” and they are only one of more than several who believe they are the only true church. Another is Jehovah Witnesses.
God has given us as a gift, and in some cases when used corruptly by individuals, this gift….for it all starts there, can turn around and swallow us. Free will…choices…egos, selfishness, narcissism.
Moderation, love the word and meaning in all things is spoken highly of except one…..I will get to that.
1Peter 5:8 says, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
Philippian’s 4:5 “Let your moderation be known unto all, for the Lord is at hand.” Healthy Pride in moderation, with the right motivation and focus thereof can a good thing.
Pride in what is ok to have Pride in, let’s say accomplishments, of both, yourself, your kids, your friends, your church, but not to excess. In this kind of acceptable pride, we also need to thank God, acknowledging that He is the source of all that is good, of every and all kinds, thanking Him for the abilities we and others, we know we, and they have.
Some evangelists/pastors start out well, sincere motives, but all too often, those with great and even modest success became prideful in what they believe are their accomplishments, , and with this pride came corruption, money is flowing, people seem happy and the Spirit it seems is moving….and with this inward corruption, it is manifested outwardly, usually in the form of materialism and then can, and often does denigrate to a sexual level….as in the example Mr. Swaggert, Mr.Jerry Falwell Junior, Ted Haggard and Jim and Tammy Baker….and the only reason I mention the names is because it points out the reality of PRIDE and end its end results, with their
eventual down-fall. Otherwise, it is just theory, but with names of actual people who have fallen…it is real., it happens.
But, with the Grace and goodness of God in Jesus Christ, manifested in forgiveness and restoration…..with true repentance, these and others like them can be restored both internally and externally.
Now this is another category and ….is just my opinion. A man or woman of the cloth’s lifestyle should not be bigger, and income more than the average member of their church, the average being from the individual’s income to that of the wealthiest, because our income comes from the people in the church, and should reflect that moderation Peter is speaking of, so that we can be on this level, be an example to all. This does not mean a Christian and or a leader in the church can’t be wealthy, yet I also believe that wealth should never be flaunted in excess by anyone in the church.
I know several wealthy Christians who live modestly, but very well, with both quality and quantity, but not excessively so, and having worked hard to get what they have, and often these folks, spread their wealth around to ministries and individuals in need, who benefit greatly through their generosity, most of which few know about, because they do so out of their love and respect for God, as they come to know the needs of those around them. My family and I have benefited often and gratefully, because of those whose generosity touched our lives in times of great need while raising three kids and pastoring a fledgling church. For two years, a drove a hundred miles round trip to a job, plus 80 hours a week in building the little church. In time….God blessed us and I did have to continue to do that.
Pride goes before destruction. Leaders of all kinds, but especially in the church need to know humility, and need to be simply grateful that God has placed them (us) inn such a position, to where they (we) can not only please Him but touch the lives of others in many ways. A leader is called by Jesus to be the servant of all, but Peter and Paul and states, that the congregation or church too, has a responsibility toward its leaders.
We find that in 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 which says, ”Now we ask you brothers, to respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other.
Pastors and admonishing…..whew…that is a biggie. I have had to do this on occasion, but I too have at times had to be humble enough to accept some constructive admonishing, not for the purpose of their being right….as much as their looking out for my well-being and gave me (recently) some constructive criticism…all done in the right spirit and with the right motive.
Hebrews 13-17 Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as those who must give and account. (Obey ( hmmm) I didn’t write this). Obey them so that their work will be a JOY, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you.”
My role, along with your role…is to serve one another in love, and by doing so we serve Him. Pride has no place in any of the variety of roles that we are to take on in the church.
Prideful people are really insecure people, needing to inflate themselves, their egos…..and as a result, through power and force (if in the position to use it) through manipulation and sometimes even fear. These people are demanding and demeaning, controlling and lack compassion, and even something so simple as understanding.
Oswald Chambers says, “Pride” is a sin of whose presence its’ victim is least conscious. Prideful people are so caught up in themselves that they can’t see where they are or that they need to change. There are he says, three test by means of which pride can be revealed.
1. The Test of Precedence. How do WE react when another person is selected for an assignment or position, we had worked toward and perhaps even expected.? When someone else is promoted and we are overlooked? When another person outshines us in gifts and accomplishments?
2. The Test of Sincerity. In our moments of HONEST self-criticism, needing to talk to someone, we will open up with private struggles, and things about those struggles, and entrust them to a trusted friend, only to discover that they repeated what we had shared with others. I had that happen…and it seemed it was doing to destroy all that the Lord and I had built in one of our churches….but it did not, and what came of intense situation and struggle, was God’s grace intervened and “all things worked together for good” though it took a long time to see it.
3. The Test of Criticism: Criticism is the easiest and sometimes the meanest thing a person can do… is so unkind if not true, but even if true, why we criticize and how we criticize is critical. Pray first…and make sure that what or who you are going to criticize is necessary….and not just a different opinion shared in a hurtful way. If we see something in someone and we believe that they would benefit from our observations, then we do so in the right place, the right time, and the right way, for the right reasons.
Yet even in unjust criticism, there is something we can learn and glean good from. Think about it.
I think I used this illustration a few years ago, but I so like it I just felt it was perfect for today.
Two ducks and a rather egotistical frog developed a friendship in their small pond. The ducks were rather generous to the frog even though he could at times be very puffed up about his own place in the little pond.
Well, their pond dried up due to a drought. They ducks knew that they could easily fly to another location, but what of their little friend, the frog? Finally, they thought about it and thought about it….deciding to fly with a stick between their two bills, and with the frog holding onto the stick by his mouth. All when well, until a man looked up and saw them pass close to him overhead. “What a clever idea, “ said the man. “I wonder who thought of it.”
The frog (being egotistical) opened his mouth and said, “I did.” And of course, fell and splattered onto the sidewalk in front of the man.”
PRIDE will manifest itself in unexpected ways, times, and places if it is in us….it will show up if there…. We may not see it, but others will…and hopefully in a kind way tell us.
Healthy pride is manifested in a healthy ego, and knowing who we are in Christ, because He said in Mark 12:31 “And love your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all our mind.’ And Love your neighbor as yourself.” For in doing this….all the Law and the prophet’s words are fulfilled….
Lord, I want to be more like you, like you.
I want to be a vessel you work though,
Lord, I want to be more like you!
If indeed we are like Him….we will never have an issue with Pride.
Our desire and hunger should be fed to grow into the likeness of our Lord Jesus. Amen
We have a song for you this morning to finish out this message with. You are welcome to sing along if you so desire…………..
It tells us….in this Psalm/Song….how much we should desire to be Like Him.
August 22, 2021
Proverbs 16:18-24 and Proverbs 13:10
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
Tying into last week’s sermon on WISDOM
“By pride comes nothing but strife, but with the well-advised come WISDOM”
Those who listen to instruction will prosper
Those who trust in the LORD will be joyful!
The wise….are known for their understanding, and pleasant words are persuasive.
Most of you know, and most likely most of us have read Jane Austin’s novel, PRIDE AND PREJUDICE or even seen the movie, which is excellent.
Jane’s story charts the emotional development of the protagonist, Elizabeth Bennet, who learns the error of her making hasty judgments (not wise) and comes to appreciate the difference between the superficial and the essential.
Ahhhh….but only if we could all achieve that place of wisdom?
A protagonist is the main character among all the leading characters in any play, movie, or even real life in every and any family, workplace, school, etc. In your life….you, are the
protagonist, as am I in mine., though in our homes, work place and even in any church….though as in a play, novel, etc. there are the main protagonists, in a movie the lead character, the same in a novel and real life, and what you and I as the main protagonist in our own lives, we learn along the way, and then hopefully apply what we learn, or don’t, and the application of that knowledge and action, affects not only us, but those in our own circle and beyond, as does theirs. It is called the ripple affect…so in some minute and I mean minute way …every action we take affects everybody else. Using the president of the United States…supposedly she is the main protagonists in our nation, whose decisions of course have the ability to have that ripple affect all around the world, and at times beyond. Much like analogy of a pebble being thrown into the center of a calm pond….where the pebble fell and depending on how large eh pebble or in some cases a large rock…..the ripples” move forth in all directions from that center until eventually depending on the size of the not only the rock or pebble, but the pond, the further the ripples go, in most cases the smaller the effect because they are absorbed eventually by the larger mass of water or in life by those closest to us, and then beyond….and then, they as protagonists react to those in their own circle created, until, finally somewhere the diffusion ceases to exist.
Do you think that pride can be both good and bad? Yes, in my opinion….depending on our motives and what the foundation our pride is. If totally self-centered it will be harmful to not only others, to our-selves as well.
Pride is an inwardly focused “emotion” that carries two ‘anti-ethical’ meanings. Anti-ethical means they are NOT compatible and do not belong together and never will. Within the negative connotation PRIDE refers to foolish and an irrationally corrupt sense of one’s own self, or another’s, or even a group’s self-determined personal value, status, or accomplishments. Example would be a church denomination that believes that they only are the only true church.
One denominational church is the “Churches of Christ,” and they are only one of more than several who believe they are the only true church. Another is Jehovah Witnesses.
God has given us as a gift, and in some cases when used corruptly by individuals, this gift….for it all starts there, can turn around and swallow us. Free will…choices…egos, selfishness, narcissism.
Moderation, love the word and meaning in all things is spoken highly of except one…..I will get to that.
1Peter 5:8 says, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
Philippian’s 4:5 “Let your moderation be known unto all, for the Lord is at hand.” Healthy Pride in moderation, with the right motivation and focus thereof can a good thing.
Pride in what is ok to have Pride in, let’s say accomplishments, of both, yourself, your kids, your friends, your church, but not to excess. In this kind of acceptable pride, we also need to thank God, acknowledging that He is the source of all that is good, of every and all kinds, thanking Him for the abilities we and others, we know we, and they have.
Some evangelists/pastors start out well, sincere motives, but all too often, those with great and even modest success became prideful in what they believe are their accomplishments, , and with this pride came corruption, money is flowing, people seem happy and the Spirit it seems is moving….and with this inward corruption, it is manifested outwardly, usually in the form of materialism and then can, and often does denigrate to a sexual level….as in the example Mr. Swaggert, Mr.Jerry Falwell Junior, Ted Haggard and Jim and Tammy Baker….and the only reason I mention the names is because it points out the reality of PRIDE and end its end results, with their
eventual down-fall. Otherwise, it is just theory, but with names of actual people who have fallen…it is real., it happens.
But, with the Grace and goodness of God in Jesus Christ, manifested in forgiveness and restoration…..with true repentance, these and others like them can be restored both internally and externally.
Now this is another category and ….is just my opinion. A man or woman of the cloth’s lifestyle should not be bigger, and income more than the average member of their church, the average being from the individual’s income to that of the wealthiest, because our income comes from the people in the church, and should reflect that moderation Peter is speaking of, so that we can be on this level, be an example to all. This does not mean a Christian and or a leader in the church can’t be wealthy, yet I also believe that wealth should never be flaunted in excess by anyone in the church.
I know several wealthy Christians who live modestly, but very well, with both quality and quantity, but not excessively so, and having worked hard to get what they have, and often these folks, spread their wealth around to ministries and individuals in need, who benefit greatly through their generosity, most of which few know about, because they do so out of their love and respect for God, as they come to know the needs of those around them. My family and I have benefited often and gratefully, because of those whose generosity touched our lives in times of great need while raising three kids and pastoring a fledgling church. For two years, a drove a hundred miles round trip to a job, plus 80 hours a week in building the little church. In time….God blessed us and I did have to continue to do that.
Pride goes before destruction. Leaders of all kinds, but especially in the church need to know humility, and need to be simply grateful that God has placed them (us) inn such a position, to where they (we) can not only please Him but touch the lives of others in many ways. A leader is called by Jesus to be the servant of all, but Peter and Paul and states, that the congregation or church too, has a responsibility toward its leaders.
We find that in 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 which says, ”Now we ask you brothers, to respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other.
Pastors and admonishing…..whew…that is a biggie. I have had to do this on occasion, but I too have at times had to be humble enough to accept some constructive admonishing, not for the purpose of their being right….as much as their looking out for my well-being and gave me (recently) some constructive criticism…all done in the right spirit and with the right motive.
Hebrews 13-17 Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as those who must give and account. (Obey ( hmmm) I didn’t write this). Obey them so that their work will be a JOY, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you.”
My role, along with your role…is to serve one another in love, and by doing so we serve Him. Pride has no place in any of the variety of roles that we are to take on in the church.
Prideful people are really insecure people, needing to inflate themselves, their egos…..and as a result, through power and force (if in the position to use it) through manipulation and sometimes even fear. These people are demanding and demeaning, controlling and lack compassion, and even something so simple as understanding.
Oswald Chambers says, “Pride” is a sin of whose presence its’ victim is least conscious. Prideful people are so caught up in themselves that they can’t see where they are or that they need to change. There are he says, three test by means of which pride can be revealed.
1. The Test of Precedence. How do WE react when another person is selected for an assignment or position, we had worked toward and perhaps even expected.? When someone else is promoted and we are overlooked? When another person outshines us in gifts and accomplishments?
2. The Test of Sincerity. In our moments of HONEST self-criticism, needing to talk to someone, we will open up with private struggles, and things about those struggles, and entrust them to a trusted friend, only to discover that they repeated what we had shared with others. I had that happen…and it seemed it was doing to destroy all that the Lord and I had built in one of our churches….but it did not, and what came of intense situation and struggle, was God’s grace intervened and “all things worked together for good” though it took a long time to see it.
3. The Test of Criticism: Criticism is the easiest and sometimes the meanest thing a person can do… is so unkind if not true, but even if true, why we criticize and how we criticize is critical. Pray first…and make sure that what or who you are going to criticize is necessary….and not just a different opinion shared in a hurtful way. If we see something in someone and we believe that they would benefit from our observations, then we do so in the right place, the right time, and the right way, for the right reasons.
Yet even in unjust criticism, there is something we can learn and glean good from. Think about it.
I think I used this illustration a few years ago, but I so like it I just felt it was perfect for today.
Two ducks and a rather egotistical frog developed a friendship in their small pond. The ducks were rather generous to the frog even though he could at times be very puffed up about his own place in the little pond.
Well, their pond dried up due to a drought. They ducks knew that they could easily fly to another location, but what of their little friend, the frog? Finally, they thought about it and thought about it….deciding to fly with a stick between their two bills, and with the frog holding onto the stick by his mouth. All when well, until a man looked up and saw them pass close to him overhead. “What a clever idea, “ said the man. “I wonder who thought of it.”
The frog (being egotistical) opened his mouth and said, “I did.” And of course, fell and splattered onto the sidewalk in front of the man.”
PRIDE will manifest itself in unexpected ways, times, and places if it is in us….it will show up if there…. We may not see it, but others will…and hopefully in a kind way tell us.
Healthy pride is manifested in a healthy ego, and knowing who we are in Christ, because He said in Mark 12:31 “And love your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all our mind.’ And Love your neighbor as yourself.” For in doing this….all the Law and the prophet’s words are fulfilled….
Lord, I want to be more like you, like you.
I want to be a vessel you work though,
Lord, I want to be more like you!
If indeed we are like Him….we will never have an issue with Pride.
Our desire and hunger should be fed to grow into the likeness of our Lord Jesus. Amen
We have a song for you this morning to finish out this message with. You are welcome to sing along if you so desire…………..
It tells us….in this Psalm/Song….how much we should desire to be Like Him.
August 22, 2021 Sunday Bulletin | |
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August 14, 2021
Proverbs 3:1-8
by; Pastor Tom Shanor
One of the primary themes of Proverbs is wisdom. The words “wisdom,” “wise,” and “understanding” occur more than 140 times. Wisdom is frequently contrasted with foolishness. Wisdom brings lie, blessing, honor, and the very favor of God Himself, while foolishness can bring disaster of multiple way and means. Proverbs urges us to seek diligently and earnestly after wisdom.
This passage is, where Solomon is attempting to teach his own son the value of wisdom and consequences of choice in not choosing wisdom over foolishness.
READ this time…..verses 1-15
This sermon will encapsulate two secondary themes, and those being “Encouragement” and “Trust.”
We have as all are aware been and are still going through difficult times long enough that it has taken on the time parameters of a season.
A hymn that calls us to sing of Trusting our Lord Jesus Christ says this,
Simply trusting every day, trusting through the stormy way;
Even when my faith is small, trusting Jesus, that is all;
Trusting as the moments fly, trusting as the day goes by;
Trusting Him whatever may befall, trusting Jesus… my call!
Now, is a bit of a history lesson, starting with the author, Solomon of course, son of David and Bathsheba, also king of Israel for forty years. Solomon was quite mercurial…and in his youth, romantic to say it kindly, evidenced by the well-known and quoted “Song of Solomon.”
In his middle years he wrote Proverbs, where we find the Scriptures and teachings relevant even for today, imparting some very practical and spiritual wisdom.
In his mature years came Ecclesiastes, where he is inclined to philosophy and some at times, very annoying (to me) cynicism. Though smart, and perhaps even brilliant given the breadth of his knowledge as evidenced by the scope and depth of his writings.
History tells us under his leadership, Israel reached its greatest geographical extent and enjoyed the least violent period in her history. The resulting “peace” brought unprecedented prosperity to the nation, which became a cause of wonder and admiration in the then known world.
This well-known Scripture is employed, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” This fear means reverential awe of God, and what we can be and do when we put Him first in our lives. These diverse truths of “wisdom” center on six themes.
1. Wisdom (the ability to judge and acct according to God’s directive) is the MOST valuable of all assets.
2. Wisdom is available anyone who desires it and does what it takes to achieve obtaining it.
3. Wisdom, true wisdom originates in God…not self…and comes by following His instructions as to how to.
4. Wisdom and righteousness go together, as do “trust and faith” Righteousness means living as God would have us live, and in do so, wisdom will come.
5. Evil people suffer the consequences of evil choices, as at time under the corrective hand of God, good people who choose to leave God out of purposeful bad choices.
6. The simple, the fool, the lazy, the ignorant, the proud, the sin-filled are not to be emulated in any way, shape, or form.
The antithesis or the opposite of goodness follows suit in all of Proverbs, such as,
trust verses worry
faith verses doubt
wisdom verses foolishness
right living verses self-centered sinful living
good verse evil
honor verses dishonor
industry verses laziness
truth verse lies
light verse darkness
peace verses violence
discipline verses slovenliness
man (at times and multiple ways) verses God Himself.
and on, and on, and on and on…………we live in a world of choices and a world of opposites…we are to choose this day whom we will serve!
There are times we waste time trying to figure out what we don’t understand, and with those times when they come, we NEED to TRUST AND OBEY…FOR THERE IS NOT OTHER WAY.
Verses 5 & 6…be sensitive and listen close as God speaks to us through His written word and the still-small-voice of His Holy Spirit.
If we do this…one thing…..He will always walk beside us, no matter what it is we are going through…for He said, as I am fond of saying….” I will never leave you or forsake you” ever.
In these two verses contain the very heart and essence of the Torah. These are Jesus words to us, only they go a bit further in
both intent and meaning. “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’” ‘“on these commandments hang all the law and prophets.”’
With our HEART, used as a metaphor…..which encompasses the totality of our lives, since the beating of our heart keeps the blood flowing throughout our bodies, nourishing every minor and major aspect of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual lives. Without it working properly, there are serious (as we know) consequences, and so, it contains powerful emotions, affections, and desires. Our affections are deep currents that steer our lives. Thank of it as the rudder of a ship, therefore they need to be healthy, grounded in truth, good choices, and love.
Earlier, I spoke of TRUST and ENCOURAGEMENT….The area of devotion is determined by whatever or whomever we find the greatest value in….what is it for you and I? I challenge you to think about it. Will you please?
Matthew 6:21 read, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be. That which we value the highest
will take the highest priority in our lives.
NO matter our circumstances…..if in our hearts we are devoted (which simply means loving and loyal)
Trusting will simply be there….and encouragement comes through knowing He is always there, or here, for us in all circumstances, even the most difficult.
I equate TRUST and FAITH relationally together…as essential in their combination for a solid and faithful life in Christ.
Quite often faith and trust are tossed about in our religious jargon easily and without distinction. Wisdom achieved helps in this area. They are like salt and pepper…each flavoring the food we eat, but in distinctly different ways.
FAITH IS A NOUN….it is something we HAVE…AND GROWS…as He more and more takes root in our lives. There is biblical KNOWING that over time and experience we, He and each of us becomes quite intimate.
TRUST IS A VERB….and together they produce solid (noun) faith, trust is action taken by us. Trust is something we choose to do…to know this and how they work together is gained wisdom…..
While writing this last sentence….an old and I mean old once popular song came to mind…showing just how old I am.
Goes like this…..
Love and Marriage, love, and marriage
Go together like a horse and carriage,
And I tell you brother,
You can’t have one without the other!
I have to say….that these two at times seem hard to hold on to, at times. Times when it seems thing, events, people, etc. are so seemingly dark…and difficult that they could never be right again…..trusting, that there is a future and a hope when all seems hopeless…..but remember this. That God sees the beginning and the end, and all in between. We don’t. We see and live in the now. I have a rather interesting true story to read to you…from my Book of Amazing Stories. Because the event taking place in this story is so devastating…there was no way these people could anything but disaster. Yet…well, listen.
At times, expressing, no matter the circumstances, the fear you and I (such as I just read) may have in such difficult times of our own distress….wavering, or honest fearful questions, all of which He finds no fault, knowing our weaknesses far better than even we do, as well as our strengths. You must KNOW this. He knows You…..and He, loves you and will walk with
you and at times carry you…to the end, which is just the beginning. Find encouragement in His truths, in His love and grace, and mercy, and goodness and kindness. Will you?
We have two choices here…two options of attitude, just two. Listen to this last illustration.
There is a book written by Allan Emery called “Little Lessons of Large Importance,” where he tells of one Ken Hansen who visits a young employee in the hospital who had a long and serious operation, the outcome questionable. Just like our Jo Dee.
Alex, said His boss quietly, “you know I have had a number of serious operations. I KNOW the pain of trying to talk and I think I KNOW what question you are trying to ask yourself. There are two verse I am going to give you, they, being Genesis 42:36 and Romans 8:28.
You have two options of ‘attitude’, just two and ‘you’ need the perspective of the latter option.” Hansen turned to the young man, read them, then prayer with Alex and left.
#1. Attitude. And Jacob their father said to them, “You have bereaved me: Joseph is no more, Simeon is not more, and you want to take Benjamin. ‘All these things are against me!’” Gen.42:36
#2. Attitude. “And we KNOW that ‘all things work together’ for good too those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”
The young employee took the message of the letter to heart, the result being a long, but full recovery.
He received encouragement through both Scripture and His employer, who had gained WISDOM through his own life’s circumstances….passing both His FAITH…and learned TRUST in the Lord his God to this young man.
Where is your attitude this morning in whatever circumstances you face at this moment….or are coming down the road yet unaware? What circumstances have already taught you WISDOM you can
share with others to help them in their own personal journey. THINK ABOUT IT…and do this. When the opportunity presents itself, share your wisdom to encourage someone or ones, and please don’t hesitate to do so, thereby proving to Him you are a true and faithful servant, and friend and disciple of Jesus Christ.
Selah, (pause and think about this)
August 14, 2021
Proverbs 3:1-8
by; Pastor Tom Shanor
One of the primary themes of Proverbs is wisdom. The words “wisdom,” “wise,” and “understanding” occur more than 140 times. Wisdom is frequently contrasted with foolishness. Wisdom brings lie, blessing, honor, and the very favor of God Himself, while foolishness can bring disaster of multiple way and means. Proverbs urges us to seek diligently and earnestly after wisdom.
This passage is, where Solomon is attempting to teach his own son the value of wisdom and consequences of choice in not choosing wisdom over foolishness.
READ this time…..verses 1-15
This sermon will encapsulate two secondary themes, and those being “Encouragement” and “Trust.”
We have as all are aware been and are still going through difficult times long enough that it has taken on the time parameters of a season.
A hymn that calls us to sing of Trusting our Lord Jesus Christ says this,
Simply trusting every day, trusting through the stormy way;
Even when my faith is small, trusting Jesus, that is all;
Trusting as the moments fly, trusting as the day goes by;
Trusting Him whatever may befall, trusting Jesus… my call!
Now, is a bit of a history lesson, starting with the author, Solomon of course, son of David and Bathsheba, also king of Israel for forty years. Solomon was quite mercurial…and in his youth, romantic to say it kindly, evidenced by the well-known and quoted “Song of Solomon.”
In his middle years he wrote Proverbs, where we find the Scriptures and teachings relevant even for today, imparting some very practical and spiritual wisdom.
In his mature years came Ecclesiastes, where he is inclined to philosophy and some at times, very annoying (to me) cynicism. Though smart, and perhaps even brilliant given the breadth of his knowledge as evidenced by the scope and depth of his writings.
History tells us under his leadership, Israel reached its greatest geographical extent and enjoyed the least violent period in her history. The resulting “peace” brought unprecedented prosperity to the nation, which became a cause of wonder and admiration in the then known world.
This well-known Scripture is employed, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” This fear means reverential awe of God, and what we can be and do when we put Him first in our lives. These diverse truths of “wisdom” center on six themes.
1. Wisdom (the ability to judge and acct according to God’s directive) is the MOST valuable of all assets.
2. Wisdom is available anyone who desires it and does what it takes to achieve obtaining it.
3. Wisdom, true wisdom originates in God…not self…and comes by following His instructions as to how to.
4. Wisdom and righteousness go together, as do “trust and faith” Righteousness means living as God would have us live, and in do so, wisdom will come.
5. Evil people suffer the consequences of evil choices, as at time under the corrective hand of God, good people who choose to leave God out of purposeful bad choices.
6. The simple, the fool, the lazy, the ignorant, the proud, the sin-filled are not to be emulated in any way, shape, or form.
The antithesis or the opposite of goodness follows suit in all of Proverbs, such as,
trust verses worry
faith verses doubt
wisdom verses foolishness
right living verses self-centered sinful living
good verse evil
honor verses dishonor
industry verses laziness
truth verse lies
light verse darkness
peace verses violence
discipline verses slovenliness
man (at times and multiple ways) verses God Himself.
and on, and on, and on and on…………we live in a world of choices and a world of opposites…we are to choose this day whom we will serve!
There are times we waste time trying to figure out what we don’t understand, and with those times when they come, we NEED to TRUST AND OBEY…FOR THERE IS NOT OTHER WAY.
Verses 5 & 6…be sensitive and listen close as God speaks to us through His written word and the still-small-voice of His Holy Spirit.
If we do this…one thing…..He will always walk beside us, no matter what it is we are going through…for He said, as I am fond of saying….” I will never leave you or forsake you” ever.
In these two verses contain the very heart and essence of the Torah. These are Jesus words to us, only they go a bit further in
both intent and meaning. “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’” ‘“on these commandments hang all the law and prophets.”’
With our HEART, used as a metaphor…..which encompasses the totality of our lives, since the beating of our heart keeps the blood flowing throughout our bodies, nourishing every minor and major aspect of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual lives. Without it working properly, there are serious (as we know) consequences, and so, it contains powerful emotions, affections, and desires. Our affections are deep currents that steer our lives. Thank of it as the rudder of a ship, therefore they need to be healthy, grounded in truth, good choices, and love.
Earlier, I spoke of TRUST and ENCOURAGEMENT….The area of devotion is determined by whatever or whomever we find the greatest value in….what is it for you and I? I challenge you to think about it. Will you please?
Matthew 6:21 read, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be. That which we value the highest
will take the highest priority in our lives.
NO matter our circumstances…..if in our hearts we are devoted (which simply means loving and loyal)
Trusting will simply be there….and encouragement comes through knowing He is always there, or here, for us in all circumstances, even the most difficult.
I equate TRUST and FAITH relationally together…as essential in their combination for a solid and faithful life in Christ.
Quite often faith and trust are tossed about in our religious jargon easily and without distinction. Wisdom achieved helps in this area. They are like salt and pepper…each flavoring the food we eat, but in distinctly different ways.
FAITH IS A NOUN….it is something we HAVE…AND GROWS…as He more and more takes root in our lives. There is biblical KNOWING that over time and experience we, He and each of us becomes quite intimate.
TRUST IS A VERB….and together they produce solid (noun) faith, trust is action taken by us. Trust is something we choose to do…to know this and how they work together is gained wisdom…..
While writing this last sentence….an old and I mean old once popular song came to mind…showing just how old I am.
Goes like this…..
Love and Marriage, love, and marriage
Go together like a horse and carriage,
And I tell you brother,
You can’t have one without the other!
I have to say….that these two at times seem hard to hold on to, at times. Times when it seems thing, events, people, etc. are so seemingly dark…and difficult that they could never be right again…..trusting, that there is a future and a hope when all seems hopeless…..but remember this. That God sees the beginning and the end, and all in between. We don’t. We see and live in the now. I have a rather interesting true story to read to you…from my Book of Amazing Stories. Because the event taking place in this story is so devastating…there was no way these people could anything but disaster. Yet…well, listen.
At times, expressing, no matter the circumstances, the fear you and I (such as I just read) may have in such difficult times of our own distress….wavering, or honest fearful questions, all of which He finds no fault, knowing our weaknesses far better than even we do, as well as our strengths. You must KNOW this. He knows You…..and He, loves you and will walk with
you and at times carry you…to the end, which is just the beginning. Find encouragement in His truths, in His love and grace, and mercy, and goodness and kindness. Will you?
We have two choices here…two options of attitude, just two. Listen to this last illustration.
There is a book written by Allan Emery called “Little Lessons of Large Importance,” where he tells of one Ken Hansen who visits a young employee in the hospital who had a long and serious operation, the outcome questionable. Just like our Jo Dee.
Alex, said His boss quietly, “you know I have had a number of serious operations. I KNOW the pain of trying to talk and I think I KNOW what question you are trying to ask yourself. There are two verse I am going to give you, they, being Genesis 42:36 and Romans 8:28.
You have two options of ‘attitude’, just two and ‘you’ need the perspective of the latter option.” Hansen turned to the young man, read them, then prayer with Alex and left.
#1. Attitude. And Jacob their father said to them, “You have bereaved me: Joseph is no more, Simeon is not more, and you want to take Benjamin. ‘All these things are against me!’” Gen.42:36
#2. Attitude. “And we KNOW that ‘all things work together’ for good too those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”
The young employee took the message of the letter to heart, the result being a long, but full recovery.
He received encouragement through both Scripture and His employer, who had gained WISDOM through his own life’s circumstances….passing both His FAITH…and learned TRUST in the Lord his God to this young man.
Where is your attitude this morning in whatever circumstances you face at this moment….or are coming down the road yet unaware? What circumstances have already taught you WISDOM you can
share with others to help them in their own personal journey. THINK ABOUT IT…and do this. When the opportunity presents itself, share your wisdom to encourage someone or ones, and please don’t hesitate to do so, thereby proving to Him you are a true and faithful servant, and friend and disciple of Jesus Christ.
Selah, (pause and think about this)
The Little Church in the Pines
Macks Inn, Idaho
July 25, 2021
John 6:37-40
The Impact of one man, Jesus the Christ
By having Jan read the Scripture she did, to me, speaks of the duty that Jesus asked of all of us, and that duty is to live our lives for Him and show it….and in a great variety of ways and vocations, be they, let us say a custodian, a physician, a teacher, a salesperson, a business owner, an artist, a song writer, etc., etc., etc.
In doing this we will fulfill His words spoken to all who call themselves disciples of Christ; “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nation (help the people, teaching them of Me, to believe in Me, and obey My words, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”
There are countless ways to teach, countless ways to exhibit His role and place in our lives….and it is in this myriad of ways that we find people turning to Him….loving Him….devoted to Him….living out their lives for Him as they come to understand His great sacrifice, in obeying the Father, the One God, the Great I AM. That sacrifice being His willingness to die for the sins of the men and women of the world, who come to Him in acknowledgment and repentance. At that moment they are filled sealed by the Holy Spirit of God unto salvation….life with Him forever more.
In 2018 almost to the day I wrote and preached a sermon remarkably like this one. No one man born has impacted the world in almost every way possible.
Jesus….a common name in His day, born in the humblest of circumstances. Think about this. The story as it unfolds as we follow in the Bible is a remarkable tale. The fulfilment of words from the prophets of old, down to the smallest jot and tittle. Born, in the
then and still tiny nation of Israel, not formally schooled except by the religious leaders of his then hometown. The school was a religious school only….learning from the Torah His history, which was the history of His own people.
The adopted son of a carpenter, He Himself following in the footsteps of Joseph…learning a trade that would add income to the family needs, splinters, calloused hands, learning to develop and eye for detail, while again, learning, devouring Holy Scripture than one day He would use to confound the religious leaders of His day, with far deeper understanding of their true meaning that any of them could claim.
Though in many ways His childhood was not unlike that of the other children in His community.
Except….He, this child of His literal Father, Jehovah God, the One God, Creator of all….would have a deep and eternal IMPACT, not only the nation where he was raised, but throughout the entire world….and for all of eternity.
To my way of thinking, though all these are amazing in and of themselves, as I will cover some, maybe all of them to a degree, the last one, the changed lives of billions of everyday human beings, is the most important of all, because that one itself is why and how all the other influences and changes come to be.
Throughout recorded human history, the IMPACT of Jesus has never even come close to being surpassed. No other person has inspired so many positive changes in the lives of both His followers and the world’s population. People who encounter and accept the Risen Christ are transformed….from within, then without. History is replete with their and our stories. To the degree often that transformation is often being compared to being “born again.” Their and our source of power for change for the better comes through His teachings and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit whom we receive the moment we believe.
It is just that simple……but involves a dedicated willingness to desire and then obey….and that transformation is both intellectual and spiritual transformation.
The power in and of Christ knows no boundary of time or space. In our age and in ages past, many skeptics have been convinced that Jesus was not the Christ, or that there ever would be a Christ, and set out to prove it. For example…Lew Wallace, a famous general and known as a literary Genius, was a known atheist. For two years (listen please) for two years Wallace studied in the leading libraries of both Europe and America, seeking information that would forever destroy Christianity and nullify Christ. While writing the second chapter of his book outlining his arguments, he suddenly found himself on his knees crying out to Jesus, “My Lord and My God.” His life turned around 180 degrees…now speaking with the same fervor and intellect as another man on the road to Damascus.
Similarly, the late C.S. Lewis, professor at Oxford University in England was an agnostic who denied the deity of Christ for years. But he too, in intellectual honesty, submitted to Jesus as his God and Savior, while studying the “evidence” he had hoped would confirm His previous denial that Christ was both divine and God.
Both men when on to write books such as Mere Christianity, Screwtape Letters, The Lion, the With and the Wardrobe, The Great Divorce, The Chronicle of Narnia, The Problem of Pain….and many others as a witness as to the power and Person of God….and His Creativity in Man.
The IMPACT of Jesus Christ, the Son of God continues to this day, influencing and changing the lives of those who in all honesty, are seeking truth…..I believe at some time not far off there will once again (because of what is coming on our country and world) be great numbers who will come to Him because of the events that are unfolding in our nation…with the loss of hope, order, lawlessness, justice and more….because in time of great need. people recognize their inability to put in place that which needs to accomplish and will call on God to intervene.
As I spoke on two weeks ago, God’s system of Justice is the primary outline of our own system of Justice. So extensive is the Christian contribution to our laws, our economics, arts and even our calendar. AD which means ‘the year of the Lord” meaning the reckoned year of the birth of Jesus, counting the years from the start of this epoch, and BC denoting the years prior to this era. There is no zero in this schematic, so, the year AD1, immediately follows the year,1BC. This calendar is that which the world turns on. The birth of this child, born in this tiny obscure town in the tiny nation of Israel.
Kennedy and Newcombe in a book the two authors collaborated on, writing detail of the rise of charity in the name of Jesus over the centuries, still going on deeply and profusely without much recognition. Historians record that prior to Jesus, the ancient world left little trace of any compassionate and merciful organized charitable effort. Period!
For example, Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan is a classic illustration that is still a part of our language today, in pointing out this example of doing good birthed in Christianity….for even our enemies. We are all neighbors He says, and we are to love our neighbors and our enemies…doing good to both.
This concept was born of Christ and has changed the world tremendously.
We have the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, religious hospitals, church supported food kitchens, housing for the homeless. Orphanages all over the world, and oh so many more such organizations that work by and through the Christian churches.
Christianity exalts monogamous love, which provides the basis for a lasting and exclusive family circle geared toward providing for and loving family units.
From the beginning of Judaism, there was an emphasis on the written Word, as recorded by those assigned to let each generation to grown in and its history and God’s voice in their lives.
The phenomenon of education in American and now the world, has its roots in the Protestant Reformation. In order of promote Biblical literacy, Christians have been at the forefront of not only Scriptural learning….but practical and vocational learning. All this was accelerated with the advent of the printing press which was primarily invented for the printing of Bibles. Many of the world’s languages were first set to print by Christian missionaries for people to eventually be able to read the Bible for themselves.
The very first work printed on the Gutenberg printing press was the Bible, of which I have one page of one of the very first published. On this page are smudges that are said to perhaps be blood because it was against the law (the Catholic Church) persecuted unto death those who were printing Bibles….for the Church wanted only the priests to be able to do so, and most of even them could not read in those days.
Art is another witness as to the power of God….on the ceilings, walls, and canvases were painted powerful depictions of scenes from the Bible….so much so, that people were often overwhelmed by their majesty, and beauty, and even simplicity…as illustrations of stories they told, that many came to Believe because of them.
Music, another avenue to spiritual rebirth and the power of words and song….as authors told of their own spiritual journeys, moving many to understand for the first time the beauty and sometimes glory of God…and simply at times of God’s love for the world and all its people. Music is one of the most powerful witnesses to the world as exampled in the Messiah, the Passion of Christ set to music, hymns such as “How Great Thou Art”. “Amazing Grace” “On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand” “It Is Well with My Soul” and so many others.
I am coming back to this where I started….that the Greatest Witness to the IMPACT of Jesus Christ to unbelievers….is YOU and I, who are to live lives that reflect His ministry and His life, as He exampled for us as to how to live….
Now to make this personal….Jesus IMPACT on Today’s world results in their being 7:3 billion Believers……and the reason, because of the witness for the most part of everyday Christians.
The question I leave with us is this….What IMPACT are you and having in our daily lives….on our neighbors, enemies and even our families….and friends.
Macks Inn, Idaho
July 25, 2021
John 6:37-40
The Impact of one man, Jesus the Christ
By having Jan read the Scripture she did, to me, speaks of the duty that Jesus asked of all of us, and that duty is to live our lives for Him and show it….and in a great variety of ways and vocations, be they, let us say a custodian, a physician, a teacher, a salesperson, a business owner, an artist, a song writer, etc., etc., etc.
In doing this we will fulfill His words spoken to all who call themselves disciples of Christ; “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nation (help the people, teaching them of Me, to believe in Me, and obey My words, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”
There are countless ways to teach, countless ways to exhibit His role and place in our lives….and it is in this myriad of ways that we find people turning to Him….loving Him….devoted to Him….living out their lives for Him as they come to understand His great sacrifice, in obeying the Father, the One God, the Great I AM. That sacrifice being His willingness to die for the sins of the men and women of the world, who come to Him in acknowledgment and repentance. At that moment they are filled sealed by the Holy Spirit of God unto salvation….life with Him forever more.
In 2018 almost to the day I wrote and preached a sermon remarkably like this one. No one man born has impacted the world in almost every way possible.
Jesus….a common name in His day, born in the humblest of circumstances. Think about this. The story as it unfolds as we follow in the Bible is a remarkable tale. The fulfilment of words from the prophets of old, down to the smallest jot and tittle. Born, in the
then and still tiny nation of Israel, not formally schooled except by the religious leaders of his then hometown. The school was a religious school only….learning from the Torah His history, which was the history of His own people.
The adopted son of a carpenter, He Himself following in the footsteps of Joseph…learning a trade that would add income to the family needs, splinters, calloused hands, learning to develop and eye for detail, while again, learning, devouring Holy Scripture than one day He would use to confound the religious leaders of His day, with far deeper understanding of their true meaning that any of them could claim.
Though in many ways His childhood was not unlike that of the other children in His community.
Except….He, this child of His literal Father, Jehovah God, the One God, Creator of all….would have a deep and eternal IMPACT, not only the nation where he was raised, but throughout the entire world….and for all of eternity.
- His impact would deeply influence & elevate the VALUE of human life.
- Compassion and Mercy
- Grace as deep as Universe itself
- Marriage and Family
- Education
- Moral advancements
- Government and social order throughout the entire world
- Science
- Art, Music, Literate
- Freedom on a new level
To my way of thinking, though all these are amazing in and of themselves, as I will cover some, maybe all of them to a degree, the last one, the changed lives of billions of everyday human beings, is the most important of all, because that one itself is why and how all the other influences and changes come to be.
Throughout recorded human history, the IMPACT of Jesus has never even come close to being surpassed. No other person has inspired so many positive changes in the lives of both His followers and the world’s population. People who encounter and accept the Risen Christ are transformed….from within, then without. History is replete with their and our stories. To the degree often that transformation is often being compared to being “born again.” Their and our source of power for change for the better comes through His teachings and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit whom we receive the moment we believe.
It is just that simple……but involves a dedicated willingness to desire and then obey….and that transformation is both intellectual and spiritual transformation.
The power in and of Christ knows no boundary of time or space. In our age and in ages past, many skeptics have been convinced that Jesus was not the Christ, or that there ever would be a Christ, and set out to prove it. For example…Lew Wallace, a famous general and known as a literary Genius, was a known atheist. For two years (listen please) for two years Wallace studied in the leading libraries of both Europe and America, seeking information that would forever destroy Christianity and nullify Christ. While writing the second chapter of his book outlining his arguments, he suddenly found himself on his knees crying out to Jesus, “My Lord and My God.” His life turned around 180 degrees…now speaking with the same fervor and intellect as another man on the road to Damascus.
Similarly, the late C.S. Lewis, professor at Oxford University in England was an agnostic who denied the deity of Christ for years. But he too, in intellectual honesty, submitted to Jesus as his God and Savior, while studying the “evidence” he had hoped would confirm His previous denial that Christ was both divine and God.
Both men when on to write books such as Mere Christianity, Screwtape Letters, The Lion, the With and the Wardrobe, The Great Divorce, The Chronicle of Narnia, The Problem of Pain….and many others as a witness as to the power and Person of God….and His Creativity in Man.
The IMPACT of Jesus Christ, the Son of God continues to this day, influencing and changing the lives of those who in all honesty, are seeking truth…..I believe at some time not far off there will once again (because of what is coming on our country and world) be great numbers who will come to Him because of the events that are unfolding in our nation…with the loss of hope, order, lawlessness, justice and more….because in time of great need. people recognize their inability to put in place that which needs to accomplish and will call on God to intervene.
As I spoke on two weeks ago, God’s system of Justice is the primary outline of our own system of Justice. So extensive is the Christian contribution to our laws, our economics, arts and even our calendar. AD which means ‘the year of the Lord” meaning the reckoned year of the birth of Jesus, counting the years from the start of this epoch, and BC denoting the years prior to this era. There is no zero in this schematic, so, the year AD1, immediately follows the year,1BC. This calendar is that which the world turns on. The birth of this child, born in this tiny obscure town in the tiny nation of Israel.
Kennedy and Newcombe in a book the two authors collaborated on, writing detail of the rise of charity in the name of Jesus over the centuries, still going on deeply and profusely without much recognition. Historians record that prior to Jesus, the ancient world left little trace of any compassionate and merciful organized charitable effort. Period!
For example, Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan is a classic illustration that is still a part of our language today, in pointing out this example of doing good birthed in Christianity….for even our enemies. We are all neighbors He says, and we are to love our neighbors and our enemies…doing good to both.
This concept was born of Christ and has changed the world tremendously.
We have the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, religious hospitals, church supported food kitchens, housing for the homeless. Orphanages all over the world, and oh so many more such organizations that work by and through the Christian churches.
Christianity exalts monogamous love, which provides the basis for a lasting and exclusive family circle geared toward providing for and loving family units.
From the beginning of Judaism, there was an emphasis on the written Word, as recorded by those assigned to let each generation to grown in and its history and God’s voice in their lives.
The phenomenon of education in American and now the world, has its roots in the Protestant Reformation. In order of promote Biblical literacy, Christians have been at the forefront of not only Scriptural learning….but practical and vocational learning. All this was accelerated with the advent of the printing press which was primarily invented for the printing of Bibles. Many of the world’s languages were first set to print by Christian missionaries for people to eventually be able to read the Bible for themselves.
The very first work printed on the Gutenberg printing press was the Bible, of which I have one page of one of the very first published. On this page are smudges that are said to perhaps be blood because it was against the law (the Catholic Church) persecuted unto death those who were printing Bibles….for the Church wanted only the priests to be able to do so, and most of even them could not read in those days.
Art is another witness as to the power of God….on the ceilings, walls, and canvases were painted powerful depictions of scenes from the Bible….so much so, that people were often overwhelmed by their majesty, and beauty, and even simplicity…as illustrations of stories they told, that many came to Believe because of them.
Music, another avenue to spiritual rebirth and the power of words and song….as authors told of their own spiritual journeys, moving many to understand for the first time the beauty and sometimes glory of God…and simply at times of God’s love for the world and all its people. Music is one of the most powerful witnesses to the world as exampled in the Messiah, the Passion of Christ set to music, hymns such as “How Great Thou Art”. “Amazing Grace” “On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand” “It Is Well with My Soul” and so many others.
I am coming back to this where I started….that the Greatest Witness to the IMPACT of Jesus Christ to unbelievers….is YOU and I, who are to live lives that reflect His ministry and His life, as He exampled for us as to how to live….
Now to make this personal….Jesus IMPACT on Today’s world results in their being 7:3 billion Believers……and the reason, because of the witness for the most part of everyday Christians.
The question I leave with us is this….What IMPACT are you and having in our daily lives….on our neighbors, enemies and even our families….and friends.
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Little Church in the Pines
July 4, 2021 ~ Independence Day
"The Bible" Is it the foundation of the Constitution?
Macks inn, Island Park, Idaho
Pastor Tom Shanor
Today, as we are all well aware, July 4th is a day recognized across our nation and even the world, as the day of celebration of our INDEPENDENCE from England….a hard fought and hard-won war, costing the lives of 6,800 Americans who fought for freedom, and who willingly laid down their lives for the freedom of those they loved and our freedoms today. . In addition, there were 6,100 wounded, and upwards of 20,000 that were taken as prisoners. Historians believe that at least an additional 17,000 deaths were the result of disease, including about 8,000-12,000 who died while prisoners of war, and so, 245 years later, you and I can freely, gather here, in this little church, without fear of repercussions and, as we know, out of that war came our Constitution, which became our foundation liberty and justice for all, built on their sacrificial deaths.
It is a day of pride, gratefulness, patriotism, of parades, fireworks, bands, and more….and yet, sadly, not all-American citizens celebrate this day, today, as there are those working within and without our nation, to take away many of the freedoms we have come to take for granted.
We are a nation because God has ordained it….and unless, for some reason or reasons, as exampled in the days shortly after Jesus’ ministry, and ascension as Israel and the Temple were destroyed, just as He said they would be, and as a result the Jewish nation ceased to exist, and her people were scattered across the globe, just as it was foretold. Called the Diaspora, until the Great and Awesome day of His return, also as foretold, when all those who are His will be gathered, to Celebrate Jesus, peace, justice and full and grateful hearts.
Whether we continue to stand as a nation depends on our hearts, our willingness to right wrongs, our continued striving for justice for
all, along with repentance and the ensuing forgiveness and restoration, as we place God, in whom we trust, at the forefront of our own sense of right and wrong, seeking guidance and wisdom from Him using as our guide first, the Bible, where we can read and follow the Ten Commandments, and Christ’s teachings on forgiveness, grace, mercy and justice… and second, our God breathed, through the inspiration of His Most Holy Spirit, our Constitution.
· I am calling this sermon today a spiritual history lesson, and hope that in its’ brevity you will leave today, knowing and understanding more than you knew and understood coming in.
This is not at all about politics…this is about our godly foundation laid out by the men who forged, perhaps, the greatest human document of freedom, ever conceived by men under the guidance again, of His Spirit and truth, for by knowing these self-evident truths, and both believing in and practicing them, will keep us on the right path that God has laid out for us, and that in its’ creation, was established to be by the people and for the people. Those words spoken by Abraham Lincoln in His Gettysburg address….following the Civil War, where 500,000 Americans were killed, in an attempt to make one of those wrongs I spoke of above, right, that of the enslaving of other human beings whose skin was not like ours, at a great cost, as often, hard and right decisions are made. Our democracy is built to be self-correcting in their governmental procedures and practices….and our great Constitution, laid the bedrock or foundation for this to happen, throughout our history, past, present and future.
How did the Bible influence our U.S. Constitution? It did so through the men who, who as you will hear, led lives equal to their task. Like us, mere human beings doing their best, under God’s leading to live decent and godly lives. None of them were perfect as none of us are perfect…and so it seems that God often uses, especially, those who are willing….to be instruments in His hands and He will do the rest.
Christians and critics, to this day, at times hotly debate how the Bible influenced this document. Secularists argue that contrary to popular opinion, the Founding Fathers were mostly “deists” at best and, never intended any religious influence in matter of government. A deist holds to the “Belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator, but one who does not intervene in the Universe, or in the world, specifically in any way.”
A brief look at the words of the Convention and the Constitution that it produced, and the religious background of its signers in their personal beliefs prove the secularists wrong. Very wrong in the area.
FYI…also, the words, separation of church and state, are not in the Constitution, but because of my time constraint I could not further explain where it came from and though, we chose unlike the Church of England for example…to have no specific Church or even religion define us a nation…for we allow for the freedom of diverse beliefs, even though our own foundation is most assuredly Christian, as evidenced by as you will now hear, the signers thereof.
Of the 56 signers, this was their religious affiliations………
Episcopalian/Anglican 32 men, 57.1%
Congregationalist 13……….23.2%
Presbyterian 12……….21.4%
Quaker 2…………3.6%
Unitarian Universalists 2…………3.6%
Catholic 1…………1.8%
TOTAL 56……….100%
Not one deist among them……………………………………………
These men were individuals who were Delegates to Congress at that time….possessing many basic similarities. Most, but not all were American born. Eight, foreign born, all but one subscribed to Protestantism, and for the most part political non-extremists….and
many who at first had hesitated at any thought of separation from England, let alone rebellion and the resultant war.
The Book,(THE BIBLE) and the personal beliefs of these men, repeatedly, served as their major reference in the formation of our Constitution was evidentially, the Bible. Their knowledge of and adherence to God’s written word, was what produced the rights of both the individual and the limitations of government in governing.
In pulpits across the nation during those tumultuous times, ministers preached, taught hope, and the dream of collective thinking, and prayerful summations of again, HOPE, if these self-evident trusts were practiced and adhered to.
Reverend Phillips Payson, A.M, preached, saying “We may, then, consider, “What reason have we to expect that, by the blessing of God, These Untied States may prosper and flourish, into a great American Republic, and ascend into high and distinguished honor among the nations of the earth. “To make Thee high above all nations which He hath made, in praise, and in name and in honor.”
Those words were spoken not in pride…but again, in hope clothed in prayerful humility.
He goes on to say, “that our system of dominion and civil polity would be imperfect without the true religion; or that from diffusion of virtue, among the people of any community, would arise to their greatest secular happiness: which will terminate in this conclusion,”
“That, holiness ought to be the goal of all civil government and that thou mayest be a holy people unto the Lord thy God.”
This next part I mentioned earlier, but it needs repeated. “We are not perfect, but today by denying portions through destruction of our history, has and will make us vulnerable to corruption from within and without. Denial…and elimination create untruths that as the further we recede from the truth, each generation that follows will have no truth on which to build the future.
Still, as a great nation today, we have time to turn from the direction we are heading toward, repent and reaffirm our dependence on a Being, God, greater than ourselves. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
The signers of the Declaration of Independence were a profoundly intelligent, religious, and ethically minded group. Four of them were former full-time preachers, and many more were sons of clergymen. Other professions held by signers include lawyers, merchants, doctors, and educators. These Individuals too, were for the most part active churchgoers.
These signers have long inspired deep admiration among secularists, and by traditional religionists, who appreciate the Declaration’s recognition of God as the source of the right enumerated by the document.
I have so much more I could have said….so much more evidence that I could have given, but instead am going to close this message and a message it is…..with a quote from President John Adams.
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
This a profound statement…and a warning….that as we move further and further away from these self-evident truths as our foundations…we will continue to falter as attempts continue to be made to destroy or rewrite and teach our youth into the pathway of Marxism. All one needs to do is look at the countries that adopted this corrupt system, where only the elite (who claim to be smarter than the rest of us) make the decisions for all of us….because we are too ignorant…and UTOPIA stand, allegedly at our doorstep.
God give us the strength and wisdom as to know who to countermand, how to stand strong…yet, how to be godly, and, unmoving in His truths, as He says to us in Micah 6:8. “He has shown you O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”
July 4, 2021 ~ Independence Day
"The Bible" Is it the foundation of the Constitution?
Macks inn, Island Park, Idaho
Pastor Tom Shanor
Today, as we are all well aware, July 4th is a day recognized across our nation and even the world, as the day of celebration of our INDEPENDENCE from England….a hard fought and hard-won war, costing the lives of 6,800 Americans who fought for freedom, and who willingly laid down their lives for the freedom of those they loved and our freedoms today. . In addition, there were 6,100 wounded, and upwards of 20,000 that were taken as prisoners. Historians believe that at least an additional 17,000 deaths were the result of disease, including about 8,000-12,000 who died while prisoners of war, and so, 245 years later, you and I can freely, gather here, in this little church, without fear of repercussions and, as we know, out of that war came our Constitution, which became our foundation liberty and justice for all, built on their sacrificial deaths.
It is a day of pride, gratefulness, patriotism, of parades, fireworks, bands, and more….and yet, sadly, not all-American citizens celebrate this day, today, as there are those working within and without our nation, to take away many of the freedoms we have come to take for granted.
We are a nation because God has ordained it….and unless, for some reason or reasons, as exampled in the days shortly after Jesus’ ministry, and ascension as Israel and the Temple were destroyed, just as He said they would be, and as a result the Jewish nation ceased to exist, and her people were scattered across the globe, just as it was foretold. Called the Diaspora, until the Great and Awesome day of His return, also as foretold, when all those who are His will be gathered, to Celebrate Jesus, peace, justice and full and grateful hearts.
Whether we continue to stand as a nation depends on our hearts, our willingness to right wrongs, our continued striving for justice for
all, along with repentance and the ensuing forgiveness and restoration, as we place God, in whom we trust, at the forefront of our own sense of right and wrong, seeking guidance and wisdom from Him using as our guide first, the Bible, where we can read and follow the Ten Commandments, and Christ’s teachings on forgiveness, grace, mercy and justice… and second, our God breathed, through the inspiration of His Most Holy Spirit, our Constitution.
· I am calling this sermon today a spiritual history lesson, and hope that in its’ brevity you will leave today, knowing and understanding more than you knew and understood coming in.
This is not at all about politics…this is about our godly foundation laid out by the men who forged, perhaps, the greatest human document of freedom, ever conceived by men under the guidance again, of His Spirit and truth, for by knowing these self-evident truths, and both believing in and practicing them, will keep us on the right path that God has laid out for us, and that in its’ creation, was established to be by the people and for the people. Those words spoken by Abraham Lincoln in His Gettysburg address….following the Civil War, where 500,000 Americans were killed, in an attempt to make one of those wrongs I spoke of above, right, that of the enslaving of other human beings whose skin was not like ours, at a great cost, as often, hard and right decisions are made. Our democracy is built to be self-correcting in their governmental procedures and practices….and our great Constitution, laid the bedrock or foundation for this to happen, throughout our history, past, present and future.
How did the Bible influence our U.S. Constitution? It did so through the men who, who as you will hear, led lives equal to their task. Like us, mere human beings doing their best, under God’s leading to live decent and godly lives. None of them were perfect as none of us are perfect…and so it seems that God often uses, especially, those who are willing….to be instruments in His hands and He will do the rest.
Christians and critics, to this day, at times hotly debate how the Bible influenced this document. Secularists argue that contrary to popular opinion, the Founding Fathers were mostly “deists” at best and, never intended any religious influence in matter of government. A deist holds to the “Belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator, but one who does not intervene in the Universe, or in the world, specifically in any way.”
A brief look at the words of the Convention and the Constitution that it produced, and the religious background of its signers in their personal beliefs prove the secularists wrong. Very wrong in the area.
FYI…also, the words, separation of church and state, are not in the Constitution, but because of my time constraint I could not further explain where it came from and though, we chose unlike the Church of England for example…to have no specific Church or even religion define us a nation…for we allow for the freedom of diverse beliefs, even though our own foundation is most assuredly Christian, as evidenced by as you will now hear, the signers thereof.
Of the 56 signers, this was their religious affiliations………
Episcopalian/Anglican 32 men, 57.1%
Congregationalist 13……….23.2%
Presbyterian 12……….21.4%
Quaker 2…………3.6%
Unitarian Universalists 2…………3.6%
Catholic 1…………1.8%
TOTAL 56……….100%
Not one deist among them……………………………………………
These men were individuals who were Delegates to Congress at that time….possessing many basic similarities. Most, but not all were American born. Eight, foreign born, all but one subscribed to Protestantism, and for the most part political non-extremists….and
many who at first had hesitated at any thought of separation from England, let alone rebellion and the resultant war.
The Book,(THE BIBLE) and the personal beliefs of these men, repeatedly, served as their major reference in the formation of our Constitution was evidentially, the Bible. Their knowledge of and adherence to God’s written word, was what produced the rights of both the individual and the limitations of government in governing.
In pulpits across the nation during those tumultuous times, ministers preached, taught hope, and the dream of collective thinking, and prayerful summations of again, HOPE, if these self-evident trusts were practiced and adhered to.
Reverend Phillips Payson, A.M, preached, saying “We may, then, consider, “What reason have we to expect that, by the blessing of God, These Untied States may prosper and flourish, into a great American Republic, and ascend into high and distinguished honor among the nations of the earth. “To make Thee high above all nations which He hath made, in praise, and in name and in honor.”
Those words were spoken not in pride…but again, in hope clothed in prayerful humility.
He goes on to say, “that our system of dominion and civil polity would be imperfect without the true religion; or that from diffusion of virtue, among the people of any community, would arise to their greatest secular happiness: which will terminate in this conclusion,”
“That, holiness ought to be the goal of all civil government and that thou mayest be a holy people unto the Lord thy God.”
This next part I mentioned earlier, but it needs repeated. “We are not perfect, but today by denying portions through destruction of our history, has and will make us vulnerable to corruption from within and without. Denial…and elimination create untruths that as the further we recede from the truth, each generation that follows will have no truth on which to build the future.
Still, as a great nation today, we have time to turn from the direction we are heading toward, repent and reaffirm our dependence on a Being, God, greater than ourselves. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
The signers of the Declaration of Independence were a profoundly intelligent, religious, and ethically minded group. Four of them were former full-time preachers, and many more were sons of clergymen. Other professions held by signers include lawyers, merchants, doctors, and educators. These Individuals too, were for the most part active churchgoers.
These signers have long inspired deep admiration among secularists, and by traditional religionists, who appreciate the Declaration’s recognition of God as the source of the right enumerated by the document.
I have so much more I could have said….so much more evidence that I could have given, but instead am going to close this message and a message it is…..with a quote from President John Adams.
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
This a profound statement…and a warning….that as we move further and further away from these self-evident truths as our foundations…we will continue to falter as attempts continue to be made to destroy or rewrite and teach our youth into the pathway of Marxism. All one needs to do is look at the countries that adopted this corrupt system, where only the elite (who claim to be smarter than the rest of us) make the decisions for all of us….because we are too ignorant…and UTOPIA stand, allegedly at our doorstep.
God give us the strength and wisdom as to know who to countermand, how to stand strong…yet, how to be godly, and, unmoving in His truths, as He says to us in Micah 6:8. “He has shown you O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”
Little Church in the Pines
Macks Inn, Idaho
June 27, 2021
"Thy Loving Kindness is Better than L:ife"
Pastor Tom Shanor
Thy loving kindness is better than life,
Thy Loving Kindness is better than Life,
My lips shall praise Thee, thus will I bless Thee,
I will lift up my hand in Thy Name………………
Psalm 63:3-4 (NKJ version) reads, “Because Thy loving kindness is better than life. My lips shall praise Thee….because Your loving devotion is better than life….my lips will glorify you.”
The Psalmist is totally involved in this personal worshipful psalm that he is writing….so deep and so great is his love for God, his thoughts, his heart his words….all equal worship.
How can this measure and depth of love of God come to be, in a mere human being, with a God that he can neither see, or touch? His faith is deep and in conjunction with, produces automatically worship…his faith in the reality of His personal relationship with God, because, he has taken the time to cultivate this one-on-one relationship to the depth that is evident in the Psalm.
Worshiping God should involve our feelings because love even in its most basic level…involves feelings. Love often is expressed in forms and in individuals, which are at times new to us, though possibly even uncomfortable, at first, can, if we allow them, to bring freshness and joy into our devotional life, our times of worship and even in study. In true worship….not just in singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, but singing them fully engaged in the words and the music and the focusing on the recipient of our worship, can take us to new depths.
Again, worship can and often should involve our feelings….our feelings that rise up, because we are connecting to the One God who gave and gives us life….the very air we breathe, every step we take, every view our eyes take in….sometimes overwhelmed with
gratefulness, we should feel free to express that joy with true emotion and true adoration of our God and by doing so…we honor God. This can be through formal expressions, and deep and passionate expression.
Dynamic devotion at times produces dynamic expression!
Take for instance a worship band. Three of the four churches I started had worship team with bands, using drums, horns, violins, guitar, banjo, piano’s, at times almost a full orchestra, celebrated by those who are playing the instruments and those participating in the singing….as I said a few weeks ago, “clap your hands….all yet people….shout unto God with a voice of triumph, clap your hands all ye people, shout unto God with a voice of praise. Hosanna, Hosanna….shout unto God with a voice of praise.
That may have possibly made some of you UNCOMFORTABLE…….but if one would look at the faces, the body language, listening to the volume of singing….these are most often people (yes, and most often young, but not always) who are doing what Scripture says we are free to do….their hearts are most often, full and in tune with the heart of God. Worship becomes a time of celebration….which then exalts the Person and fulness of God the Creator. God is gloriously present when we worship Him in connection with our hearts, mind, soul, spirit and sometimes even our bodies….as his Word examples and instructs.
If you do not believe me…read Psalm 100, Psalm 30, and many more. Even Jesus talked about giving and invitation to dance and no one would.
I hope you all do not mind me singing as often as I seem to be doing so during my sermons of late….but I just cannot help it.
This song….is about a person, a human being that is so one with God through Christ…that (they) are the very air they breathe.
This is a song that expresses this.
This is the air I breathe,
This is the air I breathe,
Your Holy Presence
Living in me
This is my daily bread,
This is my daily bread,
Your very word
Spoken to me,
And I….I’m desperate for You,
And I….I’m lost without You,
You are the air I breathe,
Your Holy Presence
Living in me
This is my daily bread,
This is my daily bread (the bread of life)
Your very word
Spoken to me,
And I….I’m desperate for You,
And I….I’m lost without You,
I am lost without You……….
So lost without You, so lost without You.
I am personally….lost without God. Without the One and Only God…who exhibits to me and hopefully at times through me….
These aspects of Him that make my life more meaningful, richer, and fuller….when my focus is on Him….and Him through me as I
reach out to others, who also need Him, and looking for a sure way to rise out of the mire that life sometimes pulls us into.
Titus 3:4-7 says, “But when the KINDNESS and LOVE of God our Savior appeared, He saved us, not because of our own righteousness, or the things we have done….but because of His MERCY. He saved us through the washing of REBIRTH and RENEWAL by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us GENEROUSLY through Jesus Christ our Savior….Jesus Christ, the name above all names, so, that, having been justified by grace (and not our good deeds) we might become heirs, having the Hope of eternal life.”
In my daily life, little stirs me more in my love of and for Jesus and hope for mankind than simple acts of kindness. I cannot explain it….but whether small acts or large ones…when I see a person being simply kind to someone…or someone is kind to me….I am stirred deeply…and voice in my head and sometimes out loud my gratefulness to the fullness of God….for those acts, which lift me up.
2nd Samuel 2:6 says this, May the Lord now show you kindness and faithfulness, and I too will show you the same kindness because you have done this.
Kindness often shows up in unexpected ways. After the ship Paul while a prisoner on his way to Rome to stand trial broke apart in a storm….and being told by God that no one would perish….all ending up on a beach where the native population had been watching the ship break apart….instead of being attached in Acts 28:2 he says, “The islanders showed us unusual kindness. They built a fire and welcomed us all because it was raining and cold.”
What I am about to read is one of the greatest stories of kindness that I have ever come across….the kind that God would be right in the center of…doing out of kindness what to the giver would, well, you will see. It is called The Imperfect Story of Perfection (READ)
It is not a religious story….does not point to Jesus, but points to the fact that within all of us….with compassion, comes kindness that we are all capable of. Random or planned.
When I hear these stories……….of acts of kindness, I am always moved….always believe and aware that God, in and through Jesus uses ordinary people like us….if we are but willing to help change the world one kind act at a time…..and to me they are God breathed….God, in the very air we breathe….the fresh and very real breath of the Spirit coming into and moving through both believers and non-believers….making our world a better place,
When I attribute these acts to God….working through His Created beings, us….I cannot help but want to express to Him my gratefulness, that often lifts me out of my own self-centeredness, that in me turns into worship……that this God, though His Son created such magnificence, also gives us the ability to care. Care enough to reach up and out….to help often ease the pain and ache of someone in need, be it small or large.
Life tests us continually….there are conflicts at every turn, struggles with family and friends, irritating strangers we encounter and so on. Sometimes it is hard to be kind and do good to those immediately around us. But it is the hard things that build into us godly character….for good.
Galatians 6:13….For you, were called to freedom, only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh but through love, be kind to one another.
Luke 6:31 And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them, for by treating others how we want to be treated, is one of the best ways to display our God-like hearts, as an act of worship.
Galatians 6:9 “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” (Rewards, come with kindness)
Proverbs 12:25 “Anxiety in a persons’ heart weighs them down, but a kind word makes them glad.”
THE GOOD NEWS….it costs us nothing to speak kind words to others and even to ourselves.”
1 Samuel 20:14 “But show me unfailing kindness like the Lord’s kindness as long as I live.”
Kindness has a secondary benefit….it also makes us healthier….scientifically, by being kind produces endorphins that improve effects such as improved blood flow….synapses are produced by our brain that are beneficial. A merry heart, or a grateful heart is good like a medicine….and all these together make a heart full of gratitude….and gratitude towards God for giving us the ability and actions, in showing kindness that by doing these acts, produces through that gratitude…worship.
Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks unto the Holy One, give thanks because He has given Jesus Christ His Son….and now, let the weak say I am strong, let the poor say I am rich, because of what the Lord has done for me….for us.
Here is a good verse to hold on to….COLOSSIANS 3:12
“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”
Let us say this together as noted on the insert in your bulletin….
This is part of the Good News…for it is God’s desire for us to be always kind too one another. We have been chosen…to do well for and be well to, our sisters and brothers in Jesus.
You are now going to watch a music video…LIFTING UP the WONDEFUL NAME OF JESUS….who was often kind….speaking to and for those who were despised and hated, rejected, and spat upon. The outcast….the brokenhearted, the diseased….offering healing, listening, touching the untouchables. The unforgiven…now forgiven.
You see…in my own eyes….I consider myself one of those I just spoke of….therefore my gratefulness is deep and real.
Pastor Tom
Macks Inn, Idaho
June 27, 2021
"Thy Loving Kindness is Better than L:ife"
Pastor Tom Shanor
Thy loving kindness is better than life,
Thy Loving Kindness is better than Life,
My lips shall praise Thee, thus will I bless Thee,
I will lift up my hand in Thy Name………………
Psalm 63:3-4 (NKJ version) reads, “Because Thy loving kindness is better than life. My lips shall praise Thee….because Your loving devotion is better than life….my lips will glorify you.”
The Psalmist is totally involved in this personal worshipful psalm that he is writing….so deep and so great is his love for God, his thoughts, his heart his words….all equal worship.
How can this measure and depth of love of God come to be, in a mere human being, with a God that he can neither see, or touch? His faith is deep and in conjunction with, produces automatically worship…his faith in the reality of His personal relationship with God, because, he has taken the time to cultivate this one-on-one relationship to the depth that is evident in the Psalm.
Worshiping God should involve our feelings because love even in its most basic level…involves feelings. Love often is expressed in forms and in individuals, which are at times new to us, though possibly even uncomfortable, at first, can, if we allow them, to bring freshness and joy into our devotional life, our times of worship and even in study. In true worship….not just in singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, but singing them fully engaged in the words and the music and the focusing on the recipient of our worship, can take us to new depths.
Again, worship can and often should involve our feelings….our feelings that rise up, because we are connecting to the One God who gave and gives us life….the very air we breathe, every step we take, every view our eyes take in….sometimes overwhelmed with
gratefulness, we should feel free to express that joy with true emotion and true adoration of our God and by doing so…we honor God. This can be through formal expressions, and deep and passionate expression.
Dynamic devotion at times produces dynamic expression!
Take for instance a worship band. Three of the four churches I started had worship team with bands, using drums, horns, violins, guitar, banjo, piano’s, at times almost a full orchestra, celebrated by those who are playing the instruments and those participating in the singing….as I said a few weeks ago, “clap your hands….all yet people….shout unto God with a voice of triumph, clap your hands all ye people, shout unto God with a voice of praise. Hosanna, Hosanna….shout unto God with a voice of praise.
That may have possibly made some of you UNCOMFORTABLE…….but if one would look at the faces, the body language, listening to the volume of singing….these are most often people (yes, and most often young, but not always) who are doing what Scripture says we are free to do….their hearts are most often, full and in tune with the heart of God. Worship becomes a time of celebration….which then exalts the Person and fulness of God the Creator. God is gloriously present when we worship Him in connection with our hearts, mind, soul, spirit and sometimes even our bodies….as his Word examples and instructs.
If you do not believe me…read Psalm 100, Psalm 30, and many more. Even Jesus talked about giving and invitation to dance and no one would.
I hope you all do not mind me singing as often as I seem to be doing so during my sermons of late….but I just cannot help it.
This song….is about a person, a human being that is so one with God through Christ…that (they) are the very air they breathe.
This is a song that expresses this.
This is the air I breathe,
This is the air I breathe,
Your Holy Presence
Living in me
This is my daily bread,
This is my daily bread,
Your very word
Spoken to me,
And I….I’m desperate for You,
And I….I’m lost without You,
You are the air I breathe,
Your Holy Presence
Living in me
This is my daily bread,
This is my daily bread (the bread of life)
Your very word
Spoken to me,
And I….I’m desperate for You,
And I….I’m lost without You,
I am lost without You……….
So lost without You, so lost without You.
I am personally….lost without God. Without the One and Only God…who exhibits to me and hopefully at times through me….
These aspects of Him that make my life more meaningful, richer, and fuller….when my focus is on Him….and Him through me as I
reach out to others, who also need Him, and looking for a sure way to rise out of the mire that life sometimes pulls us into.
Titus 3:4-7 says, “But when the KINDNESS and LOVE of God our Savior appeared, He saved us, not because of our own righteousness, or the things we have done….but because of His MERCY. He saved us through the washing of REBIRTH and RENEWAL by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us GENEROUSLY through Jesus Christ our Savior….Jesus Christ, the name above all names, so, that, having been justified by grace (and not our good deeds) we might become heirs, having the Hope of eternal life.”
In my daily life, little stirs me more in my love of and for Jesus and hope for mankind than simple acts of kindness. I cannot explain it….but whether small acts or large ones…when I see a person being simply kind to someone…or someone is kind to me….I am stirred deeply…and voice in my head and sometimes out loud my gratefulness to the fullness of God….for those acts, which lift me up.
2nd Samuel 2:6 says this, May the Lord now show you kindness and faithfulness, and I too will show you the same kindness because you have done this.
Kindness often shows up in unexpected ways. After the ship Paul while a prisoner on his way to Rome to stand trial broke apart in a storm….and being told by God that no one would perish….all ending up on a beach where the native population had been watching the ship break apart….instead of being attached in Acts 28:2 he says, “The islanders showed us unusual kindness. They built a fire and welcomed us all because it was raining and cold.”
What I am about to read is one of the greatest stories of kindness that I have ever come across….the kind that God would be right in the center of…doing out of kindness what to the giver would, well, you will see. It is called The Imperfect Story of Perfection (READ)
It is not a religious story….does not point to Jesus, but points to the fact that within all of us….with compassion, comes kindness that we are all capable of. Random or planned.
When I hear these stories……….of acts of kindness, I am always moved….always believe and aware that God, in and through Jesus uses ordinary people like us….if we are but willing to help change the world one kind act at a time…..and to me they are God breathed….God, in the very air we breathe….the fresh and very real breath of the Spirit coming into and moving through both believers and non-believers….making our world a better place,
When I attribute these acts to God….working through His Created beings, us….I cannot help but want to express to Him my gratefulness, that often lifts me out of my own self-centeredness, that in me turns into worship……that this God, though His Son created such magnificence, also gives us the ability to care. Care enough to reach up and out….to help often ease the pain and ache of someone in need, be it small or large.
Life tests us continually….there are conflicts at every turn, struggles with family and friends, irritating strangers we encounter and so on. Sometimes it is hard to be kind and do good to those immediately around us. But it is the hard things that build into us godly character….for good.
Galatians 6:13….For you, were called to freedom, only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh but through love, be kind to one another.
Luke 6:31 And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them, for by treating others how we want to be treated, is one of the best ways to display our God-like hearts, as an act of worship.
Galatians 6:9 “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” (Rewards, come with kindness)
Proverbs 12:25 “Anxiety in a persons’ heart weighs them down, but a kind word makes them glad.”
THE GOOD NEWS….it costs us nothing to speak kind words to others and even to ourselves.”
1 Samuel 20:14 “But show me unfailing kindness like the Lord’s kindness as long as I live.”
Kindness has a secondary benefit….it also makes us healthier….scientifically, by being kind produces endorphins that improve effects such as improved blood flow….synapses are produced by our brain that are beneficial. A merry heart, or a grateful heart is good like a medicine….and all these together make a heart full of gratitude….and gratitude towards God for giving us the ability and actions, in showing kindness that by doing these acts, produces through that gratitude…worship.
Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks unto the Holy One, give thanks because He has given Jesus Christ His Son….and now, let the weak say I am strong, let the poor say I am rich, because of what the Lord has done for me….for us.
Here is a good verse to hold on to….COLOSSIANS 3:12
“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”
Let us say this together as noted on the insert in your bulletin….
This is part of the Good News…for it is God’s desire for us to be always kind too one another. We have been chosen…to do well for and be well to, our sisters and brothers in Jesus.
You are now going to watch a music video…LIFTING UP the WONDEFUL NAME OF JESUS….who was often kind….speaking to and for those who were despised and hated, rejected, and spat upon. The outcast….the brokenhearted, the diseased….offering healing, listening, touching the untouchables. The unforgiven…now forgiven.
You see…in my own eyes….I consider myself one of those I just spoke of….therefore my gratefulness is deep and real.
Pastor Tom
Little Church in the Pines
June 06, 2021
"This Today is the Day!"
Sermon by; Pastor Tom Shanor
A Prelude………………….
Philippians 4:4
Come on Lord….always.
Here are the rest of the verses that go along with that simple but deep phrase.
Vs. 5 Let your gentle spirit be known to all people. The Lord is near.
Vs.6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pleading with thanksgiving let your request be made know to God.
Vs.7. And…the PEACE of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. AMEN…AMEN.
I only wish that with all that this last year and almost a half that we have all gone through….I wish that, I had remembered these verses. Not only remembered them…but had them emblazoned in fire on my heart and in my mind. FEAR of many verities managed to infiltrate my mind at time to the extent that I trembled….especially when one of my unsought Panic Attacks snuck up on me following my two TIA’s.
Fear swept through me like a tornado, and I had to repent before the Lord for not trusting Him completely, in that even if I had died, He would have been with me….and I could have felt His Presence instead of overriding fear.
Fear itself…can kill.
This year has seen many changes in our little church. From the loss of over a dozen people who have moved away, and loss of several through their deaths. Just this last week my sister-in-law Karen…a lovely gentle spirited (but lost soul) unexpectedly died. Alone….with no family or friend to hold her hand or speak any words of comfort. Living in a rooming house….one room, which had rarely been cleaned.
I think of Nancy Phillips, Elsie Grey, Willie Scheel, and my friend Adam Jacobson and others who have died in the parameter of this year.
I think of the changes coming….as more of you decide the winters are too long and hard to endure, and you too moving on. My daughter and son-in-law splitting up, and this list could go on and on…as I grieve for those who lost loved ones in this extended pandemic. The abuse of our police officers…..the loss of those who just because of their race or sexuality who have been targeted and both maimed and killed…..our cities being taken over to an extent by anarchists. Fire in the streets……Marxism raising its ugly head as a supposed solution…
And amid all this reflection and thinking….the words, REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAYS…AND AGAIN I SAY REJOICE keep coming back to me.
Does this mean we should not mourn; we can’t get angry; we can’t voice our disgust and despair? Is that what this means?
NO…that is not what this means….but it does mean that within us, as we look to our Lord for comfort, even when we do not understand intellectually with our minds…..He is there to put an arm around us and hold us close….if we will just ask. The closer we are to Him in our daily lives…the easier it will be to ask. Believe….hold on to.
PLEASE pay attention to these next words for in them is truth, truth that is specifically Christian…specifically from the Savior, the Lord.
You see….we see, feel, sense, assess, live in the finite….we see things in the short term….we claim to have faith…and when temporal events happen it is difficult to see and feel beyond them because they are the here and now.
As we walk in faith, and being a Christian is certainly a walk of faith, we must LEARN, and I mean LEARN to see our present life and circumstances in light, in scope, of the future promises that God in Christ has given us in His written word. That this is not the end….but the interim.
We are beings in progress….and what we all endure is not to an end, but to a beginning that takes faith to see and believe in. We are told we can endure trials/suffering now because we KNOW OR SHOULD KNOW IN OUR KNOWER…that all this is transitory, as we head toward eternity with Him, and eternity is an exceptionally long time, very. The Lord also say we can be content in every circumstance. Not meaning we must stay in a difficult circumstance…unless we feel by faith, we must….for there often is something we are to learn in our progression of faith. He asks us (we do not have to) but He asks us to set our eyes on Jesus until we see Him face to face.
Remember the words spoken to John in the Book of Revelation, for ultimately (Revelation 21:4 “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain….for the old order of things has passed away.”
KNOWING THIS….BELIEVING THIS….UNDERSTANDING THIS as truth….is why we can REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAYS….because it is temporal….and this truth is eternal.
My question…is our faith strong enough to take this in and live it out.
This brings us to TODAY….for TODAY IS THE DAY THAT THE LORD HAS MADE….and we KNOW WE HAVE because we are alive at this moment. We do not know about tomorrow or the next day or tonight, but TODAY, RIGHT NOW is what we know we have.
Philippians 4:4 has it’s root in Psalm 118:24 which also states, “This is the day that the Lord has made. Let US rejoice and be glad in it!”
This sermon, REJOICE….I had hoped this morning, along with the music….would be a way of helping us to gently in some way to leave the past, and look forward to the future….for too often we hold on to the past, dragging it along with us like chains.
I myself feel like rejoicing a bit…..There is a difference between happy and rejoice. Joy suggests a more complete, ecstatic, consuming passion than mere happiness, but is a willful choice in
spite of circumstances…as a means of worshiping God, knowing that He has all under his covering.
Rejoice has the root word Joy….which again, is more expressive than mere happiness. It usually involves making noises, like clapping of hand, stomping of feet, jumping in the air with hands raised…all things in worship that many of us are unfamiliar and uncomfortable with.
You see, the word of God tells us there are many dimensions of God’s personality…and yes, He has personality because Jesus said, “when you see Me, you see the Father.” It is the Spirit of God that calls us into rejoicing.
Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice.
Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice.
Rejoice, Rejoice…..and again, I say Rejoice………………
I am asking you this morning a question regarding an aspect of God, and His personality that perhaps many of you are unfamiliar with and along with this theme just might stretch you a bit. In a study “meeting God” the first chapter starts out with this. “Some people think of God as the impersonal soul of the Universe or even the sum-total of everything that is. Others, like to believe He is like a kindly grandfather in the sky, always available to grant our requests. Still, others see God as an absentee landlord (Albert Einstein believed this) who created the world and then went off to a celestial vacation to let things progress on their own. There is not a universally agreed upon description or definition of ‘God,’ and ideas about Him vary from individual to individual and religion to religion.
Moving on from there… our Bibles and the Scripture contained thereof, there is as portrait painted that God is often a God of Joy, Happiness, enjoys Celebrations, Songs and even Dance. Believe it or not.
So, this morning, I am as stated, going to use Scripture and some personal experiences and illustrations to back this up as to these character traits of God’s personality.
None of have an issue with singing….unless for some it is off key, or they can’t sing at all. That is….unless the singing is too expressive as in this example of Psalm 100, where it starts out with the word SHOUT. “Shout with Joy to the Lord of all the earth!
Worship the Lord with Gladness
Come before Him singing, with Joy!
Acknowledge that the Lord is God! He has made us, and we are His. We are His people…the sheep of His pasture.
Enter His gates with THANKS-GIVING, go into His courts with Praise.
SHOUT…JOY EXPRESSED, GLADNESS, SINGING WITH JOY AND PRAISE….SHOUT WITH JOY ALL THE EARTH! DON’T HOLD BACK for it beings the Living God great pleasure that those whom He has created…love and love expressing that love.
Here is another one from Psalm l47. This one just might curl the hair of some of you….but remember, it is God’s word….Holy Scripture. It reads…COME, EVRYONE! CLAP YOUR HANDS!
We sometimes clap our hands when someone had sung for us or played an instrument for praise and worship.
Some to this day ‘feel’ because of its expressiveness sees it as irreverent.
Years ago…in the beginning of what is known as the charismatic movement within Christiandom….we love to sing this simple chorus. CLAP YOUR HANDS, ALL YE PEOPLE
Colossians 3:16b “Sing Psalms and Hymns and spiritual songs to the Lord with thankful hearts.”
Thankfulness (and we have much to be thankful for) is backed up by both rational and emotional responses to both small and great blessings….events, people, and situations.
Yet….as a leader… I Lead it is also my responsibility to see that all things in our time of worship are to be done decently and maintain order….chaos is not seemingly or to be permitted, yet, on the day of Pentecost…when the Holy Spirit descended as the Lord promised He would….there was lot of orderly but overt and unusual expressions of the Holy Spirit happening that may have seemed chaotic… but I will save that for another time and message.
Anyone here ever been to a full-Pentecostal service? Well, I will say….it can be quite an experience. One that makes even me uncomfortable…..yet…God often moves in their midst in sometimes miraculous ways….so, I am not going to criticize, though over the course of my years of ministry…I have had to on rare occasion, step up and stop some behavior that was out of place and context in a service.
Anyone know who Billy Sunday was…..well, Billy said, “if you have no JOY in your religion, there’s a leak in your Christianity somewhere.”
The famous evangelist Charles Spurgeon, minister and author said, “There is a marvelous medicinal power in Joy. Most medicines are distasteful; but this which is the best of all medicines, is sweet to the tase and comforting to the heart.
In 2nd Samuel 6, King David is returning the Ark of the Covenant back to Israel, because the Philistines had captured and taken it. David made a few serious mistakes on the way it was being carried back, but through those acts corrected his mistakes, and was so joyous and joyful that the Ark was coming home….that he danced before the lord. Yep, danced. Verse 14 says “David danced before the Lord with all his might, wear his priestly garments.” He was criticized by his first wife Michael which had some serious consequences for her, for the Lord God was pleased by the passionate, loving expression of David’s dance.
David says in verse 21. “I was dancing before the Lord, who chose me above your father and all his family.
One more illustration… the Methodist Church I pastored in Florence, Oregon….we had two young sisters, ages 3 and 5 who during the worship times (always dressed in cute dresses) when the songs began, would both come into the center aisle and just dance their little hearts out…up and down the aisle. I loved it, but I had in the congregation one rather old curmudgeon who thought it was disrespectful and hated it, talked to me about stopping them….and I of course said I would not, but would encourage him to try it. Didn’t go over very well…..they continued and he never did.
The Lord God who made us……Christ who was with Him from the beginning…..placed in us a spirit capable of deep joy….happiness, with the ability to express that JOY in REJOICING….
You may not have the personality to do so…or the desire, but we must never criticize those who in their genuine expression of emotion, in their love of God….choose to do so…not for the purpose of drawing attention to themselves but for the joy of free expression in sincerity of their love of God, should never be criticized.
I have a question….can you imagine loving God so deeply, so actually real and felt to the point of JOY, TEARS, EMOTION?
I have….twice, in dance. One of those times on a Sunday Service during worship, I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit, not ask, but tell me to do so. Without hesitation I did. Surprisingly… one was offended or shocked….
My wife told me later that day, that as I was dancing out of obedience to the Spirit, and to the Lord….that she actually saw Jesus dancing with, in and around me.
That…just blew my mind…that I should be so blessed because of my obedience…to have danced with my Lord.
Religion….can box us in….
Faith, when alive and real can set us free….
To be willing to move out of the box of religion and into the realm of faith in a living God….with and into the Spirit of Truth and Life, an abundant Life….that can literally bring us JOY, PEACE, LAUGHTER…AND SO MUCH MORE….even amid pain, loss, sorrow, mourning and grief.
God is with us always….the Infinite side by side with the temporarily finite. Us. Jesus, and you, me, together one day….before and with the Father, when the time comes that comes to all. For He said…..HE…the Lord, would NEVER, EVER, LEAVE US OR FORSAKE US. For He died to make us Holy, and Created us to give us life, eternal life when we freely choose to believe in Him. Amen
June 06, 2021
"This Today is the Day!"
Sermon by; Pastor Tom Shanor
A Prelude………………….
Philippians 4:4
Come on Lord….always.
Here are the rest of the verses that go along with that simple but deep phrase.
Vs. 5 Let your gentle spirit be known to all people. The Lord is near.
Vs.6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pleading with thanksgiving let your request be made know to God.
Vs.7. And…the PEACE of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. AMEN…AMEN.
I only wish that with all that this last year and almost a half that we have all gone through….I wish that, I had remembered these verses. Not only remembered them…but had them emblazoned in fire on my heart and in my mind. FEAR of many verities managed to infiltrate my mind at time to the extent that I trembled….especially when one of my unsought Panic Attacks snuck up on me following my two TIA’s.
Fear swept through me like a tornado, and I had to repent before the Lord for not trusting Him completely, in that even if I had died, He would have been with me….and I could have felt His Presence instead of overriding fear.
Fear itself…can kill.
This year has seen many changes in our little church. From the loss of over a dozen people who have moved away, and loss of several through their deaths. Just this last week my sister-in-law Karen…a lovely gentle spirited (but lost soul) unexpectedly died. Alone….with no family or friend to hold her hand or speak any words of comfort. Living in a rooming house….one room, which had rarely been cleaned.
I think of Nancy Phillips, Elsie Grey, Willie Scheel, and my friend Adam Jacobson and others who have died in the parameter of this year.
I think of the changes coming….as more of you decide the winters are too long and hard to endure, and you too moving on. My daughter and son-in-law splitting up, and this list could go on and on…as I grieve for those who lost loved ones in this extended pandemic. The abuse of our police officers…..the loss of those who just because of their race or sexuality who have been targeted and both maimed and killed…..our cities being taken over to an extent by anarchists. Fire in the streets……Marxism raising its ugly head as a supposed solution…
And amid all this reflection and thinking….the words, REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAYS…AND AGAIN I SAY REJOICE keep coming back to me.
Does this mean we should not mourn; we can’t get angry; we can’t voice our disgust and despair? Is that what this means?
NO…that is not what this means….but it does mean that within us, as we look to our Lord for comfort, even when we do not understand intellectually with our minds…..He is there to put an arm around us and hold us close….if we will just ask. The closer we are to Him in our daily lives…the easier it will be to ask. Believe….hold on to.
PLEASE pay attention to these next words for in them is truth, truth that is specifically Christian…specifically from the Savior, the Lord.
You see….we see, feel, sense, assess, live in the finite….we see things in the short term….we claim to have faith…and when temporal events happen it is difficult to see and feel beyond them because they are the here and now.
As we walk in faith, and being a Christian is certainly a walk of faith, we must LEARN, and I mean LEARN to see our present life and circumstances in light, in scope, of the future promises that God in Christ has given us in His written word. That this is not the end….but the interim.
We are beings in progress….and what we all endure is not to an end, but to a beginning that takes faith to see and believe in. We are told we can endure trials/suffering now because we KNOW OR SHOULD KNOW IN OUR KNOWER…that all this is transitory, as we head toward eternity with Him, and eternity is an exceptionally long time, very. The Lord also say we can be content in every circumstance. Not meaning we must stay in a difficult circumstance…unless we feel by faith, we must….for there often is something we are to learn in our progression of faith. He asks us (we do not have to) but He asks us to set our eyes on Jesus until we see Him face to face.
Remember the words spoken to John in the Book of Revelation, for ultimately (Revelation 21:4 “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain….for the old order of things has passed away.”
KNOWING THIS….BELIEVING THIS….UNDERSTANDING THIS as truth….is why we can REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAYS….because it is temporal….and this truth is eternal.
My question…is our faith strong enough to take this in and live it out.
This brings us to TODAY….for TODAY IS THE DAY THAT THE LORD HAS MADE….and we KNOW WE HAVE because we are alive at this moment. We do not know about tomorrow or the next day or tonight, but TODAY, RIGHT NOW is what we know we have.
Philippians 4:4 has it’s root in Psalm 118:24 which also states, “This is the day that the Lord has made. Let US rejoice and be glad in it!”
This sermon, REJOICE….I had hoped this morning, along with the music….would be a way of helping us to gently in some way to leave the past, and look forward to the future….for too often we hold on to the past, dragging it along with us like chains.
I myself feel like rejoicing a bit…..There is a difference between happy and rejoice. Joy suggests a more complete, ecstatic, consuming passion than mere happiness, but is a willful choice in
spite of circumstances…as a means of worshiping God, knowing that He has all under his covering.
Rejoice has the root word Joy….which again, is more expressive than mere happiness. It usually involves making noises, like clapping of hand, stomping of feet, jumping in the air with hands raised…all things in worship that many of us are unfamiliar and uncomfortable with.
You see, the word of God tells us there are many dimensions of God’s personality…and yes, He has personality because Jesus said, “when you see Me, you see the Father.” It is the Spirit of God that calls us into rejoicing.
Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice.
Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice.
Rejoice, Rejoice…..and again, I say Rejoice………………
I am asking you this morning a question regarding an aspect of God, and His personality that perhaps many of you are unfamiliar with and along with this theme just might stretch you a bit. In a study “meeting God” the first chapter starts out with this. “Some people think of God as the impersonal soul of the Universe or even the sum-total of everything that is. Others, like to believe He is like a kindly grandfather in the sky, always available to grant our requests. Still, others see God as an absentee landlord (Albert Einstein believed this) who created the world and then went off to a celestial vacation to let things progress on their own. There is not a universally agreed upon description or definition of ‘God,’ and ideas about Him vary from individual to individual and religion to religion.
Moving on from there… our Bibles and the Scripture contained thereof, there is as portrait painted that God is often a God of Joy, Happiness, enjoys Celebrations, Songs and even Dance. Believe it or not.
So, this morning, I am as stated, going to use Scripture and some personal experiences and illustrations to back this up as to these character traits of God’s personality.
None of have an issue with singing….unless for some it is off key, or they can’t sing at all. That is….unless the singing is too expressive as in this example of Psalm 100, where it starts out with the word SHOUT. “Shout with Joy to the Lord of all the earth!
Worship the Lord with Gladness
Come before Him singing, with Joy!
Acknowledge that the Lord is God! He has made us, and we are His. We are His people…the sheep of His pasture.
Enter His gates with THANKS-GIVING, go into His courts with Praise.
SHOUT…JOY EXPRESSED, GLADNESS, SINGING WITH JOY AND PRAISE….SHOUT WITH JOY ALL THE EARTH! DON’T HOLD BACK for it beings the Living God great pleasure that those whom He has created…love and love expressing that love.
Here is another one from Psalm l47. This one just might curl the hair of some of you….but remember, it is God’s word….Holy Scripture. It reads…COME, EVRYONE! CLAP YOUR HANDS!
We sometimes clap our hands when someone had sung for us or played an instrument for praise and worship.
Some to this day ‘feel’ because of its expressiveness sees it as irreverent.
Years ago…in the beginning of what is known as the charismatic movement within Christiandom….we love to sing this simple chorus. CLAP YOUR HANDS, ALL YE PEOPLE
Colossians 3:16b “Sing Psalms and Hymns and spiritual songs to the Lord with thankful hearts.”
Thankfulness (and we have much to be thankful for) is backed up by both rational and emotional responses to both small and great blessings….events, people, and situations.
Yet….as a leader… I Lead it is also my responsibility to see that all things in our time of worship are to be done decently and maintain order….chaos is not seemingly or to be permitted, yet, on the day of Pentecost…when the Holy Spirit descended as the Lord promised He would….there was lot of orderly but overt and unusual expressions of the Holy Spirit happening that may have seemed chaotic… but I will save that for another time and message.
Anyone here ever been to a full-Pentecostal service? Well, I will say….it can be quite an experience. One that makes even me uncomfortable…..yet…God often moves in their midst in sometimes miraculous ways….so, I am not going to criticize, though over the course of my years of ministry…I have had to on rare occasion, step up and stop some behavior that was out of place and context in a service.
Anyone know who Billy Sunday was…..well, Billy said, “if you have no JOY in your religion, there’s a leak in your Christianity somewhere.”
The famous evangelist Charles Spurgeon, minister and author said, “There is a marvelous medicinal power in Joy. Most medicines are distasteful; but this which is the best of all medicines, is sweet to the tase and comforting to the heart.
In 2nd Samuel 6, King David is returning the Ark of the Covenant back to Israel, because the Philistines had captured and taken it. David made a few serious mistakes on the way it was being carried back, but through those acts corrected his mistakes, and was so joyous and joyful that the Ark was coming home….that he danced before the lord. Yep, danced. Verse 14 says “David danced before the Lord with all his might, wear his priestly garments.” He was criticized by his first wife Michael which had some serious consequences for her, for the Lord God was pleased by the passionate, loving expression of David’s dance.
David says in verse 21. “I was dancing before the Lord, who chose me above your father and all his family.
One more illustration… the Methodist Church I pastored in Florence, Oregon….we had two young sisters, ages 3 and 5 who during the worship times (always dressed in cute dresses) when the songs began, would both come into the center aisle and just dance their little hearts out…up and down the aisle. I loved it, but I had in the congregation one rather old curmudgeon who thought it was disrespectful and hated it, talked to me about stopping them….and I of course said I would not, but would encourage him to try it. Didn’t go over very well…..they continued and he never did.
The Lord God who made us……Christ who was with Him from the beginning…..placed in us a spirit capable of deep joy….happiness, with the ability to express that JOY in REJOICING….
You may not have the personality to do so…or the desire, but we must never criticize those who in their genuine expression of emotion, in their love of God….choose to do so…not for the purpose of drawing attention to themselves but for the joy of free expression in sincerity of their love of God, should never be criticized.
I have a question….can you imagine loving God so deeply, so actually real and felt to the point of JOY, TEARS, EMOTION?
I have….twice, in dance. One of those times on a Sunday Service during worship, I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit, not ask, but tell me to do so. Without hesitation I did. Surprisingly… one was offended or shocked….
My wife told me later that day, that as I was dancing out of obedience to the Spirit, and to the Lord….that she actually saw Jesus dancing with, in and around me.
That…just blew my mind…that I should be so blessed because of my obedience…to have danced with my Lord.
Religion….can box us in….
Faith, when alive and real can set us free….
To be willing to move out of the box of religion and into the realm of faith in a living God….with and into the Spirit of Truth and Life, an abundant Life….that can literally bring us JOY, PEACE, LAUGHTER…AND SO MUCH MORE….even amid pain, loss, sorrow, mourning and grief.
God is with us always….the Infinite side by side with the temporarily finite. Us. Jesus, and you, me, together one day….before and with the Father, when the time comes that comes to all. For He said…..HE…the Lord, would NEVER, EVER, LEAVE US OR FORSAKE US. For He died to make us Holy, and Created us to give us life, eternal life when we freely choose to believe in Him. Amen
Little Church in the Pines
May 30, 2021
Memorial Day Service Message
The Day . . . It's Inception, Purpose and Celebration
by; Pastor Tom Shanor
Today, Memorial Day, this Service, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, is Dedicated to the Brave Men and Women who gave their lives and limbs to fight for this one Nation Under God, indivisible and with Liberty and Justice for All, the United States of America, so that we the people might meet and worship freely without fear . . .
God Bless them All!
In my 30 years of ministry….today is the first time that my focus is the in-depth and non-political celebration and observation of MEMORIAL DAY. Of course, I have always before, during or afterwards had a tribute of those of our fellow country men and women who have served…and are currently serving our United State of America.
It is not my desire as you will recognize, to have this service be, a political rally of any kind, or for any one party, president, etc. My sole desire is to honor those as mentioned above.
I know, you know, we all know that we are not perfect as individuals or as a nation….in fact, as individuals and as a nation we have made some very grave and terrible mistakes. As individuals and as a nation it is our responsibility to acknowledge our mistakes and attempt to correct them, which I, in my 75 years have seen myself and we as a nation do. Sometimes it seems we move too slowly and not deep enough…..but for the most part our attempts are sincere and honest.
I know, and you know, that despite those mistakes, we have been a beacon of light shining in the darkness, not only during times of war, but in times of natural disasters and even sometimes political upheavals in other parts of the world. We are a generous nation…..a generous people, and it is my prayer that we remain so.
We have a great tool… fact several, that we fail to use as deeply and consistently as we can and should. The first tool is PRAYER. The second is honest and open discussion when we find ourselves differing (sometimes deeply) from one another. I find we all too often do not respect one another as we should when those differences are being manifested.
Jack Newsome sent me a quote from his mother this last week, and it reads “Show respect even to people who you think don’t deserve it, not as a reflection of their character…but as a reflection of yours.”
Think about that…………………..
I may, and do disagree with some of you in some specific areas, both political and non-political…..but I should not rip you apart…..though I do have the right (thank God) to disagree with, and enter into a meaningful and thoughtful dialogue with you, sometimes even passionately.
I wrote back to Jack…”We seem to have lost the beauty and wisdom of this type of exchanges….as individuals and as a nation.”
He wrote back, “WOW! I had not thought of that as a nation, and how we treat those who may be of different political views.
This is a man with a doctorate in psychology……
I responded…EXACTLY…it is being exampled every day in our Senate, Congress, Oval Office and media…..and (not just by this administration, or this Congress and Senate, but previous ones.
In respect of and for those (as written in the Battle Hymn of the Republic, “He who died to make men holy, let us live to make men free. Glory Halleluiah!
Living to make men free…..takes courage, takes a genuine desire to want freedom for all men and women, regardless of their race, their skin color, their ethnicity, their sex, their personality.
In our hymnal…..on page 684, you can read this.
There is no color barrier with God,
He is color blind.
There are many practical problems which still, must be wisely and with understanding and co-operation, worked out.
But one thing is certain,
That the color barrier
And the Christian Church cannot go together.
The Bible teaches loyalty to country as exampled in the protection of God regarding the nation of Israel, but loyalty and love of
country does not mean that we cannot to criticize and work toward a more perfect union, a more just nation for all its people.
It is the world which God so loved and loves, that Christ laid down His life for…..a world made up of individuals….a great variety of races, as well as those who came before us, for us now…and for those who come after us.
And, within the church, we are a representation the world that is to be the family of God.
We, you, and I, as we meet in this little church, made up of many different denominational backgrounds……are to be an example first, to one another, second, to the community in which we live, and thirdly….to the world as a whole.
Those men and women who gave their lives, and some their limbs came, and still come from all races. Both sexes, with some rich, some poor, some beautiful, some homely…..some small, some large, some well-educated some with little education. All…men and women just like us.
The greatest tragedy is that war itself….was and is the reason for their sacrificial loss.
Men….until the great and awesome day of His coming, will continue to wage war for a great variety of reasons, with the outcome of the majority of the losses being the innocent everyday men and women, both, those who fight and those who simply as ordinary citizens want to live out their lives in peace.
Christ calls us to be peacemakers…..for in the Sermon on the Mount He says “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.” (Matthew 5:9) As peacemakers, we are to strive to crate peace and attempt to reconcile tings and people that are at odds with one another.
Many of our troops are sent to various places, and even nations to act as peacekeepers and by their individual and corporate behavior as peace makers. This is where they see the people, they are keeping the peace for as equal to themselves….people, men and women just like them, who deserve, just by being people, the right to live peaceful and good lives.
We are to pray for peace every day…………………………………….
Whether our men and women are engaged in what is called a just war, or engaged in peacekeeping….they are always to be peacemakers…..and not only them….but we, who have called upon the God of the Universe….the Savior, our Lord….as He, God calls us to be like His Son.
We have had those in our congregation who worked for the CIA, the FBI, Homeland Security…..those who served in the Navy, the Army, the Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard, Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve, Special Forces.
We all owe them….our freedom and our lives. Our freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly and Petition, Freedom to bear arms, Freedom of Press and with those the Bill of Rights. The various amendments that give us additional freedoms.
No nation on this earth has within its framework such a magnificent system of justice….when it is honored as was intended by the framers of the Constitution.
My heart breaks for all of those killed in all our wars, as an example, the remains just recently identified….Navy Fireman 2nd Class Carl M. Bradley, just 19 years old…from Shelley, Idaho who died on the USS Oklahoma. A young man who could have had a full life. a family of his own…..chose, to serve their beloved nation and us.
Because of him and them….we can sit here today in this 82-year-old log building….exercising the freedom of religion….to worship our Lord and God….together, without fear of our door being broken down and arrested for this simple but beautiful freedom.
We are blessed….thank you Fireman 2nd Class, Carl M. Bradley, and all of those like you.
Who in this congregation today….served in one of the several armed force branches of our nation and where?
Would you stand please and tell us……………………Thank you!
We Honor You!
Who in here has, or had a grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister, relative of any kind? Could you stand and state their name?
We honor them………..
May 30, 2021
Memorial Day Service Message
The Day . . . It's Inception, Purpose and Celebration
by; Pastor Tom Shanor
Today, Memorial Day, this Service, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, is Dedicated to the Brave Men and Women who gave their lives and limbs to fight for this one Nation Under God, indivisible and with Liberty and Justice for All, the United States of America, so that we the people might meet and worship freely without fear . . .
God Bless them All!
In my 30 years of ministry….today is the first time that my focus is the in-depth and non-political celebration and observation of MEMORIAL DAY. Of course, I have always before, during or afterwards had a tribute of those of our fellow country men and women who have served…and are currently serving our United State of America.
It is not my desire as you will recognize, to have this service be, a political rally of any kind, or for any one party, president, etc. My sole desire is to honor those as mentioned above.
I know, you know, we all know that we are not perfect as individuals or as a nation….in fact, as individuals and as a nation we have made some very grave and terrible mistakes. As individuals and as a nation it is our responsibility to acknowledge our mistakes and attempt to correct them, which I, in my 75 years have seen myself and we as a nation do. Sometimes it seems we move too slowly and not deep enough…..but for the most part our attempts are sincere and honest.
I know, and you know, that despite those mistakes, we have been a beacon of light shining in the darkness, not only during times of war, but in times of natural disasters and even sometimes political upheavals in other parts of the world. We are a generous nation…..a generous people, and it is my prayer that we remain so.
We have a great tool… fact several, that we fail to use as deeply and consistently as we can and should. The first tool is PRAYER. The second is honest and open discussion when we find ourselves differing (sometimes deeply) from one another. I find we all too often do not respect one another as we should when those differences are being manifested.
Jack Newsome sent me a quote from his mother this last week, and it reads “Show respect even to people who you think don’t deserve it, not as a reflection of their character…but as a reflection of yours.”
Think about that…………………..
I may, and do disagree with some of you in some specific areas, both political and non-political…..but I should not rip you apart…..though I do have the right (thank God) to disagree with, and enter into a meaningful and thoughtful dialogue with you, sometimes even passionately.
I wrote back to Jack…”We seem to have lost the beauty and wisdom of this type of exchanges….as individuals and as a nation.”
He wrote back, “WOW! I had not thought of that as a nation, and how we treat those who may be of different political views.
This is a man with a doctorate in psychology……
I responded…EXACTLY…it is being exampled every day in our Senate, Congress, Oval Office and media…..and (not just by this administration, or this Congress and Senate, but previous ones.
In respect of and for those (as written in the Battle Hymn of the Republic, “He who died to make men holy, let us live to make men free. Glory Halleluiah!
Living to make men free…..takes courage, takes a genuine desire to want freedom for all men and women, regardless of their race, their skin color, their ethnicity, their sex, their personality.
In our hymnal…..on page 684, you can read this.
There is no color barrier with God,
He is color blind.
There are many practical problems which still, must be wisely and with understanding and co-operation, worked out.
But one thing is certain,
That the color barrier
And the Christian Church cannot go together.
The Bible teaches loyalty to country as exampled in the protection of God regarding the nation of Israel, but loyalty and love of
country does not mean that we cannot to criticize and work toward a more perfect union, a more just nation for all its people.
It is the world which God so loved and loves, that Christ laid down His life for…..a world made up of individuals….a great variety of races, as well as those who came before us, for us now…and for those who come after us.
And, within the church, we are a representation the world that is to be the family of God.
We, you, and I, as we meet in this little church, made up of many different denominational backgrounds……are to be an example first, to one another, second, to the community in which we live, and thirdly….to the world as a whole.
Those men and women who gave their lives, and some their limbs came, and still come from all races. Both sexes, with some rich, some poor, some beautiful, some homely…..some small, some large, some well-educated some with little education. All…men and women just like us.
The greatest tragedy is that war itself….was and is the reason for their sacrificial loss.
Men….until the great and awesome day of His coming, will continue to wage war for a great variety of reasons, with the outcome of the majority of the losses being the innocent everyday men and women, both, those who fight and those who simply as ordinary citizens want to live out their lives in peace.
Christ calls us to be peacemakers…..for in the Sermon on the Mount He says “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.” (Matthew 5:9) As peacemakers, we are to strive to crate peace and attempt to reconcile tings and people that are at odds with one another.
Many of our troops are sent to various places, and even nations to act as peacekeepers and by their individual and corporate behavior as peace makers. This is where they see the people, they are keeping the peace for as equal to themselves….people, men and women just like them, who deserve, just by being people, the right to live peaceful and good lives.
We are to pray for peace every day…………………………………….
Whether our men and women are engaged in what is called a just war, or engaged in peacekeeping….they are always to be peacemakers…..and not only them….but we, who have called upon the God of the Universe….the Savior, our Lord….as He, God calls us to be like His Son.
We have had those in our congregation who worked for the CIA, the FBI, Homeland Security…..those who served in the Navy, the Army, the Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard, Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve, Special Forces.
We all owe them….our freedom and our lives. Our freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly and Petition, Freedom to bear arms, Freedom of Press and with those the Bill of Rights. The various amendments that give us additional freedoms.
No nation on this earth has within its framework such a magnificent system of justice….when it is honored as was intended by the framers of the Constitution.
My heart breaks for all of those killed in all our wars, as an example, the remains just recently identified….Navy Fireman 2nd Class Carl M. Bradley, just 19 years old…from Shelley, Idaho who died on the USS Oklahoma. A young man who could have had a full life. a family of his own…..chose, to serve their beloved nation and us.
Because of him and them….we can sit here today in this 82-year-old log building….exercising the freedom of religion….to worship our Lord and God….together, without fear of our door being broken down and arrested for this simple but beautiful freedom.
We are blessed….thank you Fireman 2nd Class, Carl M. Bradley, and all of those like you.
Who in this congregation today….served in one of the several armed force branches of our nation and where?
Would you stand please and tell us……………………Thank you!
We Honor You!
Who in here has, or had a grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister, relative of any kind? Could you stand and state their name?
We honor them………..
May 16, 2021
Honest * Integrity = Truth
by; Pastor Tom Shanor
Honesty, Integrity, Truth, Valor, Justice, Loyal, Committed. So many fine words that carry such promising and valuable qualities, that each of us as followers of Jesus Christ are to exhibit daily. I think of Him and His brief life…. all that He did, taught, exampled by living out His own words. Words spoken by Him that speak as boldly and cutting edge as much today as they did when He walked this earth.
Then…there are the many who so loved and love Him, admired, and admire Him, and to this day follow Him, living and giving as He, Himself did. His being an example that no man or woman can live up to, to the extent He did, though, some come close.
Here…was a completely honest man/God, who because of who He was could not do otherwise. In His humanity, being both fully human and in being God, fully God.
There is only One of Him….and could be only One of Him. He was not a man who became God, He was and is The God who became man. That…is TRUTH.
His life of Honesty was marked as being free from deceit or untruthfulness, being sincere. Our lives as Christians who be a life marked with integrity and honesty, yet because we (through the Fall of Mankind, our kind and born with the seed of sin, honesty is something we must work at! An honest life, a life living out truth is so vitally important on many, no not many, but all areas of our lives from relationships, starting with our parents, siblings, eventual spouses, and our own children. In our homes, in our workplaces, in our churches, in our recreation, and, also our neighbors, enemies and strangers.
This can only be accomplished with divine help from our Divine Lord. Matthew 7:16 tells us that we are known (by everyone we know and some we do not), by the fruit or deeds that we produce. Let us be, yes, examples, living breathing, speaking examples of our God of truth and life, by first-of-all, desiring to be so. That means that we are to be less self-focused, and more Jesus focused. You, yes you, sitting today, and me standing her right now, (and I am the
one talking) could and just may walk out the door following this service, never really having heard this truth. Never desiring to think about these words, and how they could be and should be applied to all aspects of our lives. Why do we come to such a service as this…. if not to both worship and come with an expectation to be challenged to grow spiritually into the image of the Savior, the Messiah, the Lord, our God.
The Lord Himself is challenging you, me, today….to grow beyond your, our own often self-centeredness, otherwise, why would He teach and example for us as He did and does? Why? We are only on this earth for a short while, so instead why don’t we simply, eat, drink, party and spend our time doing only what we want to, with, how and where we want? Why are we here? Today, here?
God calls us to rightness….to honesty, to integrity, to truth, to justice, to charity or love, to give without expecting anything in return.
2 Corinthians 8:21 reads, teaches, says, “for we are taking pains to do what I right, not only in the eyes of the Lord, but also in the eyes of man. Taking pains simply means working at it…for we do have to work at it to put others before our self. We are self-centered at the core of our fallen nature. BUT…. again….we have to want to. We must see the importance (in the eyes of the Lord) to “want to.”
2nd Timothy 2:15 reads, do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles (or lives out) the truth that he or she knows.
Ephesians 4:25 reads, “We are to not lie, but speak truth to one another, because we are the body of Christ, together as one with Him.
Almost the whole world knows this one….but only if the whole world would live it out, how awesome it would be.
Luke 6:31…Pay close attention…and ask yourself, “do I do this?” Do I really do this? Do I really?
“Treat others as you would have them treat you!” X3 (let us say it together)
We could say it this way. “I will treat others as I want them to treat me.” This makes it more personal and applicable….
As you get up, out of your seat today….and begin to mingle amongst each other, then as you leave, get in your car, and begin interacting with those you are with…. remember what you said during the service… “I wills treat you as I want you to treat me.”
And how is it you want to be treated? Think about it.
How do you really want to be treated? REALLY?
Honestly….and with integrity…. justly, kindly, with respect?
This is a good one.
Proverbs10:9…Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.
I am agreeing with this…. A lie can only be hidden so long, for I guarantee (having had experience here) the truth will one day come out. Then…. there will be the consequences, for with justice always in God’s hands…. it is true.
Oh…I like this one.
Proverbs 24:26 “An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.”
Are you listening to these…..for here is another one, not quite like the last one, but meaningful.
Psalm 1112:5 “Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, who conduct their affairs with justice.
Generosity comes from an honest person who has the ability to see through the eyes of God, where there is a need, and how to respond to it.
Generosity…. does not always entail giving money…but giving of one’s time and self. There is as marvelous story of an extremely self-centered youth, who upon becoming a man, who upon hearing (through the word of God) saw himself for what through his choices he had become…and how that Word, spoken by a priest during mass turned his life around. This is an extreme story…. but God’s generosity through us can be from the finite (the smallest of things) to like this man, infinite in scope…. giving the ultimate, himself.
Would you like to hear it? It is titled “Kissing the Beggar’s Lips” which ties into Proverbs 24:26 “An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.” This was not a kiss of passion, but in a way, it led to a life of fulfilling the passion of God through this man. “Treating Others Like He Would Desire to be Treated if in the same condition of those he reached out to, in the most humbling and exalted ways.
READ……Now that…is life worth living. Treating others as you desire to be treated if you found yourself in such a needy position.
Jesus said, “if you give someone as a small a thing as a glass of water to someone who is thirsty….it is as though you are giving to Him.
Living honest lives… every area of our lives can be the most difficult at times….that which we have to do.
Honesty is being truthful……..without personal bias
Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles, moral uprightness, whole and undivided.
Sadly…there are those who in being what they deem as honest, use what they know….as a weapon instead of an instrument for healing and restoration.
Honesty and truthfulness is a necessity…..but how we wield it is as vital as the honest truth itself.
God desires we be honest and truthful….but we also need the wisdom, that comes along with the truths we know, and that goes for both Biblical and personal, for we have the potential to kill someone spiritually, if we wield truth in such a way as to attack a person, that would cause them to feel unwanted and worthless…..we can kill someone literally by any truth that should be handled lovingly in the act of correction perhaps, but never to destroy. but instead, restore.
Being brutally honest…. can sometimes be just that, brutal. How we speak truth, reveals where our heart is….in how we handle the truths honestly, regarding both ourselves and someone else needs wisdom.
Jesus was brutally honest at times with the pharisees and religious leaders of his day…. but, his reason was that they were so full of themselves and so hard hearted….it was the only way He could break through to them of their all-consuming self-centeredness.
There are even those who would use God’s truths to simply hold power of people who are looking for a place to belong…a place where they feel wanted, secure and home. We have to be on the lookout for just such as these….all the time. Therefore, we are to test every word that anyone who claims to be of or from God says to us, and that includes this person here. Me.
I attempt by the wisdom of God and His power, to speak truth, truthfully, honestly and without persona bias. Sometimes I am misunderstood and therefore should have done a better job in my presentation….and when that happens you have the freedom to come to me and honestly and with the right attitude talk with me, not to me about your concerns.
Today…in our nation, and in both our churches and government, there are those who are twisting the very words of Jesus in such a way as to change their meaning and intent. His words are to bring life, but also correction and direction. We should not run from correction but embrace the truths that are spoken to correct us. We…need to know the written Word ourselves, not just relying on others like myself to explain it to you….and the reason for that is for self-edification, correction, encouragement, comfort….and direction. So that if you hear something being misspoken or misused…. you will know it and respond in such a way as to correct the speaker. For many who claim to speak the truth…are liars and deceivers if possible, even leading astray the elect/chosen.
I’m going to end this with Philippians 4:8-9.
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable…if anything is excellent or praiseworthy…think about these things, for whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me, put it into practice. And the peace of God will be in and with you.”
In saying amen….I am going to read them again……………….
You know…you just cannot go wrong with those in your life!
SELAH…think about it!
John 8:32…truth is all about freedom. NLT…And you…will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
Jesus Himself is the truth that sets us free. He is the source of truth, the perfect standard of what right. He frees us from continued slavery to sin, from self-deception, and from deception by Satan. He shows us clearly the way to life…even eternal life with God. Thus, Jesus does not give us the freedom to do what we want, but the freedom to follow God in Christ, as we seek to know and serve God. Jesus’ perfect truth frees us to be all that God designed us to be.
May 16, 2021
Honest * Integrity = Truth
by; Pastor Tom Shanor
Honesty, Integrity, Truth, Valor, Justice, Loyal, Committed. So many fine words that carry such promising and valuable qualities, that each of us as followers of Jesus Christ are to exhibit daily. I think of Him and His brief life…. all that He did, taught, exampled by living out His own words. Words spoken by Him that speak as boldly and cutting edge as much today as they did when He walked this earth.
Then…there are the many who so loved and love Him, admired, and admire Him, and to this day follow Him, living and giving as He, Himself did. His being an example that no man or woman can live up to, to the extent He did, though, some come close.
Here…was a completely honest man/God, who because of who He was could not do otherwise. In His humanity, being both fully human and in being God, fully God.
There is only One of Him….and could be only One of Him. He was not a man who became God, He was and is The God who became man. That…is TRUTH.
His life of Honesty was marked as being free from deceit or untruthfulness, being sincere. Our lives as Christians who be a life marked with integrity and honesty, yet because we (through the Fall of Mankind, our kind and born with the seed of sin, honesty is something we must work at! An honest life, a life living out truth is so vitally important on many, no not many, but all areas of our lives from relationships, starting with our parents, siblings, eventual spouses, and our own children. In our homes, in our workplaces, in our churches, in our recreation, and, also our neighbors, enemies and strangers.
This can only be accomplished with divine help from our Divine Lord. Matthew 7:16 tells us that we are known (by everyone we know and some we do not), by the fruit or deeds that we produce. Let us be, yes, examples, living breathing, speaking examples of our God of truth and life, by first-of-all, desiring to be so. That means that we are to be less self-focused, and more Jesus focused. You, yes you, sitting today, and me standing her right now, (and I am the
one talking) could and just may walk out the door following this service, never really having heard this truth. Never desiring to think about these words, and how they could be and should be applied to all aspects of our lives. Why do we come to such a service as this…. if not to both worship and come with an expectation to be challenged to grow spiritually into the image of the Savior, the Messiah, the Lord, our God.
The Lord Himself is challenging you, me, today….to grow beyond your, our own often self-centeredness, otherwise, why would He teach and example for us as He did and does? Why? We are only on this earth for a short while, so instead why don’t we simply, eat, drink, party and spend our time doing only what we want to, with, how and where we want? Why are we here? Today, here?
God calls us to rightness….to honesty, to integrity, to truth, to justice, to charity or love, to give without expecting anything in return.
2 Corinthians 8:21 reads, teaches, says, “for we are taking pains to do what I right, not only in the eyes of the Lord, but also in the eyes of man. Taking pains simply means working at it…for we do have to work at it to put others before our self. We are self-centered at the core of our fallen nature. BUT…. again….we have to want to. We must see the importance (in the eyes of the Lord) to “want to.”
2nd Timothy 2:15 reads, do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles (or lives out) the truth that he or she knows.
Ephesians 4:25 reads, “We are to not lie, but speak truth to one another, because we are the body of Christ, together as one with Him.
Almost the whole world knows this one….but only if the whole world would live it out, how awesome it would be.
Luke 6:31…Pay close attention…and ask yourself, “do I do this?” Do I really do this? Do I really?
“Treat others as you would have them treat you!” X3 (let us say it together)
We could say it this way. “I will treat others as I want them to treat me.” This makes it more personal and applicable….
As you get up, out of your seat today….and begin to mingle amongst each other, then as you leave, get in your car, and begin interacting with those you are with…. remember what you said during the service… “I wills treat you as I want you to treat me.”
And how is it you want to be treated? Think about it.
How do you really want to be treated? REALLY?
Honestly….and with integrity…. justly, kindly, with respect?
This is a good one.
Proverbs10:9…Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.
I am agreeing with this…. A lie can only be hidden so long, for I guarantee (having had experience here) the truth will one day come out. Then…. there will be the consequences, for with justice always in God’s hands…. it is true.
Oh…I like this one.
Proverbs 24:26 “An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.”
Are you listening to these…..for here is another one, not quite like the last one, but meaningful.
Psalm 1112:5 “Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, who conduct their affairs with justice.
Generosity comes from an honest person who has the ability to see through the eyes of God, where there is a need, and how to respond to it.
Generosity…. does not always entail giving money…but giving of one’s time and self. There is as marvelous story of an extremely self-centered youth, who upon becoming a man, who upon hearing (through the word of God) saw himself for what through his choices he had become…and how that Word, spoken by a priest during mass turned his life around. This is an extreme story…. but God’s generosity through us can be from the finite (the smallest of things) to like this man, infinite in scope…. giving the ultimate, himself.
Would you like to hear it? It is titled “Kissing the Beggar’s Lips” which ties into Proverbs 24:26 “An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.” This was not a kiss of passion, but in a way, it led to a life of fulfilling the passion of God through this man. “Treating Others Like He Would Desire to be Treated if in the same condition of those he reached out to, in the most humbling and exalted ways.
READ……Now that…is life worth living. Treating others as you desire to be treated if you found yourself in such a needy position.
Jesus said, “if you give someone as a small a thing as a glass of water to someone who is thirsty….it is as though you are giving to Him.
Living honest lives… every area of our lives can be the most difficult at times….that which we have to do.
Honesty is being truthful……..without personal bias
Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles, moral uprightness, whole and undivided.
Sadly…there are those who in being what they deem as honest, use what they know….as a weapon instead of an instrument for healing and restoration.
Honesty and truthfulness is a necessity…..but how we wield it is as vital as the honest truth itself.
God desires we be honest and truthful….but we also need the wisdom, that comes along with the truths we know, and that goes for both Biblical and personal, for we have the potential to kill someone spiritually, if we wield truth in such a way as to attack a person, that would cause them to feel unwanted and worthless…..we can kill someone literally by any truth that should be handled lovingly in the act of correction perhaps, but never to destroy. but instead, restore.
Being brutally honest…. can sometimes be just that, brutal. How we speak truth, reveals where our heart is….in how we handle the truths honestly, regarding both ourselves and someone else needs wisdom.
Jesus was brutally honest at times with the pharisees and religious leaders of his day…. but, his reason was that they were so full of themselves and so hard hearted….it was the only way He could break through to them of their all-consuming self-centeredness.
There are even those who would use God’s truths to simply hold power of people who are looking for a place to belong…a place where they feel wanted, secure and home. We have to be on the lookout for just such as these….all the time. Therefore, we are to test every word that anyone who claims to be of or from God says to us, and that includes this person here. Me.
I attempt by the wisdom of God and His power, to speak truth, truthfully, honestly and without persona bias. Sometimes I am misunderstood and therefore should have done a better job in my presentation….and when that happens you have the freedom to come to me and honestly and with the right attitude talk with me, not to me about your concerns.
Today…in our nation, and in both our churches and government, there are those who are twisting the very words of Jesus in such a way as to change their meaning and intent. His words are to bring life, but also correction and direction. We should not run from correction but embrace the truths that are spoken to correct us. We…need to know the written Word ourselves, not just relying on others like myself to explain it to you….and the reason for that is for self-edification, correction, encouragement, comfort….and direction. So that if you hear something being misspoken or misused…. you will know it and respond in such a way as to correct the speaker. For many who claim to speak the truth…are liars and deceivers if possible, even leading astray the elect/chosen.
I’m going to end this with Philippians 4:8-9.
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable…if anything is excellent or praiseworthy…think about these things, for whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me, put it into practice. And the peace of God will be in and with you.”
In saying amen….I am going to read them again……………….
You know…you just cannot go wrong with those in your life!
SELAH…think about it!
John 8:32…truth is all about freedom. NLT…And you…will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
Jesus Himself is the truth that sets us free. He is the source of truth, the perfect standard of what right. He frees us from continued slavery to sin, from self-deception, and from deception by Satan. He shows us clearly the way to life…even eternal life with God. Thus, Jesus does not give us the freedom to do what we want, but the freedom to follow God in Christ, as we seek to know and serve God. Jesus’ perfect truth frees us to be all that God designed us to be.
The Little Church in the Pines
Island Park, Idaho
"Our Journey With Jesus"
May 9, 2021
Pastor Tom A. Shanor
The words journey, journeyed, journeying, journeyer are replete in both the Old and New Testaments. As an example, the first time it is used is in the Old Testament found in Genesis 11:2, And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. (Shinar and Shanor) FYI have the same meaning, "a level beautiful plain." A Hebrew word.
In the New Testament, we read in Acts 9:3, And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly, there, shined round about him a light from heaven.
Also, FYI…there is a difference between a trip and a journey. They are often confused as words that give the same meaning though those who have a good understanding of the English language know the difference. Me, I had to look it up, even though I suspected there was a difference.
They can also be used as both nouns and verbs.
Journey means "if you want to talk about a particular piece of travel, you can use the word journey as in the first Illustration in Genesis…..they journey from the east to the plain of Shinar.
On the other hand, a trip indicates both the movement and the trip together, not necessarily mentioning the place left or the destination.
I suppose to be accurate, I should have titled this message differently to be correct, but Connie had already printed the title on the bulletin.
Jesus and I (we) together are on a trip, journeying from where we met, to our mutual destination, heaven. When we met and how we met is a vital part of our journey because when and where will be, a reflection of that vital starting point. We will never forget it and often look back in gratitude, and sometimes solemn joy, that what came to be, though unexpected or expected, was the beginning of our life-long journey "together ~ in Christ Alone.
In Christ alone, it means that there will be no other figure, or god (with a small g), or religion. It is in Christ alone….that we find our journey, though at times filled with troubles, gains and losses, friends and foe, stormy seas to cross and high mountain-tops to climb…we will journey together, forever. Our faith may waver, our hearts may be broken, our health compromised, loved ones going the way all of us go ultimately.
As the Hymn, we heard last week….when He carries us on His shoulder, when He holds our hands to keep us from falling off, when there is only one set of footprints in the sand…..and we wonder how we are going to make it through….He, again, as I said last week, will never leave us…never forsake us.
In Christ Alone…we find our foundation strong, able to walk as He walked. We find in the Hymn you will both see and hear what He does for us in this journey if we will take the time to come to know Him well and deep. By His Spirit, we will be able at times feel His breath upon us, lifting us into places we could never have imagined, even in the most troubling of times.
When I was 25, I was introduced to Transcendental Meditation through a friend. I became quite a devoted follower, taking two times a day, twenty minutes each time to meditate, using my mantra, a word that later I found was the name of a Hindu god. I was faithful to my new religion but battled within myself as to how my belief in Jesus could co-exist with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
I attended a conference outside of Logan, Utah, with a good friend to listen to the teachings of the Maharishi on video, and of course to delve deeper into meditation, by the way of which I had some rather intense experiences, but in one video, a follower asked him about Jesus. His answer was, He was a great teacher but no more than that. At that moment, I felt within myself a deep conviction, having been born-again in Christ to know that what was just said was a lie. At that moment….with that conviction growing, I turned my back on TM, never to take it up again.
Even during that wayward time, I knew that the Lord had indeed never left or forsaken me but stayed by my side, patiently talking to me through His written word and beckoning me ever back to where I needed to be.
In Christ Alone…….
As we purposefully walk this journey, ever aware of our ultimate destination, here are some of the teachings that He gives us, again, in His word and in our hearts to learn an live out. You will be familiar with them as I often speak of them. Sometimes though, we don't go far enough and do enough to validate the essence and depth of what He is calling us to do and, most of all, be.
These tell me when I both do them and see you doing them, that indeed we are His disciples….His followers, the true children of God.
PLEASE listen closely to these…..and ask the living Spirit of God if this is who you are…..because it is who we should be. Like Him.
This journey together, and in Christ Alone, for each and all of us is in many ways a difficult one because in it….we are to be humble and yet strong, live and yet die to ourselves. Be joyful even when sorrow surrounds us.
Roy Anthony Borges was a prison inmate who, becoming a Christian, had some very bad things to unlearn. All his life, he had been taught to hate, hate his enemies, and hate those whom he envied who had more and better than he had, using every opportunity he could to take from them, even while behind prison walls. One of his most consistent enemies was a fellow inmate, Rodney, who stole his radio and headphones one day while Roy was playing volleyball in the prison yard. The radio, a gift from his mother, was dear to him. The earphones had been a Christmas gift from his sister. Roy was angry, very angry, and wanted revenge. But, as he prayed, it seemed to him that this was a test from God.
Day after day, Roy wanted to respond as he would have in the past, violently, to know the wisecrack grin off Rodney's face. But the Lord had something else in mind for him. Romans 12:20-21 kept coming back again and again to him where Paul's instruction was to avoid vengeance and leave it to God to take care of it. Roy began to look at Rodney through the eyes of Jesus and have compassion for him. He then started praying for Rodney. He began to live out this teaching, trusting God to accomplish something good in Rodney's life.
Over time, Roy's hatred for Rodney began fading, and he found himself helping his enemy by telling him about Jesus and what he believed how he was to respond.
Then one day…..Roy wrote later, "I saw Rodney kneeling next to his bunk reading a Bible, and I knew…..that good had overcome evil.
Good overcomes evil, and daylight disperses the darkness. A candlelight, though tiny, can be seen on a dark windless night over a distance of ten miles.
Our light…the light of Christ in us, when we are living our everyday lives as examples of Him can be seen by all who know us, but even among strangers….as well as our enemies.
I would say almost all of us have people whom we could have a reason to hate or even dislike, but that is not to be the way of a Believer, a follower of Jesus. In hate, we have the most to lose, for we cannot have the peace of God in us if we hate, and knowing what that peace is….and how it feels when it is gone, indeed we are the real losers.
I once had a member of my congregation in Lander, Wyoming, ask me when I was going to cease speaking on love, forgiveness, and peace….etc., and start revealing how we should react to our corrupt government and those who hated us. His way was to buy more guns and get ready for the time when we would have to defend ourselves against our enemies.
He left the church shortly after that.
Jesus' love and, therefore, ours is not tied into or requires affectionate love, but a deliberate choice to stand down from hating and by doing good. It is just that simple….though simple in theory, is as we know difficult (under our own power) but not His.
He tells us not to emulate or be like the world…but be like Him. "If your enemies are hungry, give them bread to eat, and if they are thirsty, give them water to drink." These are fundamental ways to turn from hatred to expressing who Jesus is in our Journey with Him. It is not at all an easy journey, but we can do all things, all things, through the love and power of Christ.
This I am about to share is a bit like a parable that will require you to give some thought to, for it goes a bit deeper than what the words convey on the surface…..for it is a metaphor.
There is an old story of a holy man who, while meditating under the shade of a tree by a small brook, noticed a scorpion struggling to get out of the swirling, rapid water. Its effort to climb onto a rock was futile as the side was wet and steep, the current being too strong. The holy man, taking pity on the creature and its efforts, tried to help it. But the scorpion kept striking back at him, even in the water.
A friend of the holy man, passing by, said, "don't you realize that it is the nature of the scorpion to attack and sting, my friend."
"Yes," said the holy man, "but it is my nature to save and rescue. Why should I change my nature just because the scorpion doesn't change his?'
There will be many things, people, events, temptations, distractions that will attempt to try and knock us off this path, this journey with Him. We must keep our eyes on Him…on Christ Alone. We must. Not only for our sake but for the sake of those who, through our relationship with Him will too, be touched by His great grace, mercy, forgiveness, and yes, love.
Our Christian nature… not the nature of the fallen world, but the new nature of a new world to come, becoming new men and new women….as we journey together with Him, we become more and more like Him, in every way. He carries our baggage, eventually ridding both Himself and us of it….completely… where we together become ONE. In Christ alone……………SONG.
Island Park, Idaho
"Our Journey With Jesus"
May 9, 2021
Pastor Tom A. Shanor
The words journey, journeyed, journeying, journeyer are replete in both the Old and New Testaments. As an example, the first time it is used is in the Old Testament found in Genesis 11:2, And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. (Shinar and Shanor) FYI have the same meaning, "a level beautiful plain." A Hebrew word.
In the New Testament, we read in Acts 9:3, And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly, there, shined round about him a light from heaven.
Also, FYI…there is a difference between a trip and a journey. They are often confused as words that give the same meaning though those who have a good understanding of the English language know the difference. Me, I had to look it up, even though I suspected there was a difference.
They can also be used as both nouns and verbs.
Journey means "if you want to talk about a particular piece of travel, you can use the word journey as in the first Illustration in Genesis…..they journey from the east to the plain of Shinar.
On the other hand, a trip indicates both the movement and the trip together, not necessarily mentioning the place left or the destination.
I suppose to be accurate, I should have titled this message differently to be correct, but Connie had already printed the title on the bulletin.
Jesus and I (we) together are on a trip, journeying from where we met, to our mutual destination, heaven. When we met and how we met is a vital part of our journey because when and where will be, a reflection of that vital starting point. We will never forget it and often look back in gratitude, and sometimes solemn joy, that what came to be, though unexpected or expected, was the beginning of our life-long journey "together ~ in Christ Alone.
In Christ alone, it means that there will be no other figure, or god (with a small g), or religion. It is in Christ alone….that we find our journey, though at times filled with troubles, gains and losses, friends and foe, stormy seas to cross and high mountain-tops to climb…we will journey together, forever. Our faith may waver, our hearts may be broken, our health compromised, loved ones going the way all of us go ultimately.
As the Hymn, we heard last week….when He carries us on His shoulder, when He holds our hands to keep us from falling off, when there is only one set of footprints in the sand…..and we wonder how we are going to make it through….He, again, as I said last week, will never leave us…never forsake us.
In Christ Alone…we find our foundation strong, able to walk as He walked. We find in the Hymn you will both see and hear what He does for us in this journey if we will take the time to come to know Him well and deep. By His Spirit, we will be able at times feel His breath upon us, lifting us into places we could never have imagined, even in the most troubling of times.
When I was 25, I was introduced to Transcendental Meditation through a friend. I became quite a devoted follower, taking two times a day, twenty minutes each time to meditate, using my mantra, a word that later I found was the name of a Hindu god. I was faithful to my new religion but battled within myself as to how my belief in Jesus could co-exist with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
I attended a conference outside of Logan, Utah, with a good friend to listen to the teachings of the Maharishi on video, and of course to delve deeper into meditation, by the way of which I had some rather intense experiences, but in one video, a follower asked him about Jesus. His answer was, He was a great teacher but no more than that. At that moment, I felt within myself a deep conviction, having been born-again in Christ to know that what was just said was a lie. At that moment….with that conviction growing, I turned my back on TM, never to take it up again.
Even during that wayward time, I knew that the Lord had indeed never left or forsaken me but stayed by my side, patiently talking to me through His written word and beckoning me ever back to where I needed to be.
In Christ Alone…….
As we purposefully walk this journey, ever aware of our ultimate destination, here are some of the teachings that He gives us, again, in His word and in our hearts to learn an live out. You will be familiar with them as I often speak of them. Sometimes though, we don't go far enough and do enough to validate the essence and depth of what He is calling us to do and, most of all, be.
These tell me when I both do them and see you doing them, that indeed we are His disciples….His followers, the true children of God.
PLEASE listen closely to these…..and ask the living Spirit of God if this is who you are…..because it is who we should be. Like Him.
- Love your enemies.
- Pray for those who persecute you.
- Do not love only those who love you, but those who hate you.
- Do good to those who hate you and spitefully use you.
- Bless those who curse you.
- Pray for those who would harm or hurt you.
- Give beyond what is expected of you.
- Do not pan or carry out vengeance or retaliation.
- Love justice and extend mercy.
- Forgive, even when you feel justified in not doing so.
This journey together, and in Christ Alone, for each and all of us is in many ways a difficult one because in it….we are to be humble and yet strong, live and yet die to ourselves. Be joyful even when sorrow surrounds us.
Roy Anthony Borges was a prison inmate who, becoming a Christian, had some very bad things to unlearn. All his life, he had been taught to hate, hate his enemies, and hate those whom he envied who had more and better than he had, using every opportunity he could to take from them, even while behind prison walls. One of his most consistent enemies was a fellow inmate, Rodney, who stole his radio and headphones one day while Roy was playing volleyball in the prison yard. The radio, a gift from his mother, was dear to him. The earphones had been a Christmas gift from his sister. Roy was angry, very angry, and wanted revenge. But, as he prayed, it seemed to him that this was a test from God.
Day after day, Roy wanted to respond as he would have in the past, violently, to know the wisecrack grin off Rodney's face. But the Lord had something else in mind for him. Romans 12:20-21 kept coming back again and again to him where Paul's instruction was to avoid vengeance and leave it to God to take care of it. Roy began to look at Rodney through the eyes of Jesus and have compassion for him. He then started praying for Rodney. He began to live out this teaching, trusting God to accomplish something good in Rodney's life.
Over time, Roy's hatred for Rodney began fading, and he found himself helping his enemy by telling him about Jesus and what he believed how he was to respond.
Then one day…..Roy wrote later, "I saw Rodney kneeling next to his bunk reading a Bible, and I knew…..that good had overcome evil.
Good overcomes evil, and daylight disperses the darkness. A candlelight, though tiny, can be seen on a dark windless night over a distance of ten miles.
Our light…the light of Christ in us, when we are living our everyday lives as examples of Him can be seen by all who know us, but even among strangers….as well as our enemies.
I would say almost all of us have people whom we could have a reason to hate or even dislike, but that is not to be the way of a Believer, a follower of Jesus. In hate, we have the most to lose, for we cannot have the peace of God in us if we hate, and knowing what that peace is….and how it feels when it is gone, indeed we are the real losers.
I once had a member of my congregation in Lander, Wyoming, ask me when I was going to cease speaking on love, forgiveness, and peace….etc., and start revealing how we should react to our corrupt government and those who hated us. His way was to buy more guns and get ready for the time when we would have to defend ourselves against our enemies.
He left the church shortly after that.
Jesus' love and, therefore, ours is not tied into or requires affectionate love, but a deliberate choice to stand down from hating and by doing good. It is just that simple….though simple in theory, is as we know difficult (under our own power) but not His.
He tells us not to emulate or be like the world…but be like Him. "If your enemies are hungry, give them bread to eat, and if they are thirsty, give them water to drink." These are fundamental ways to turn from hatred to expressing who Jesus is in our Journey with Him. It is not at all an easy journey, but we can do all things, all things, through the love and power of Christ.
This I am about to share is a bit like a parable that will require you to give some thought to, for it goes a bit deeper than what the words convey on the surface…..for it is a metaphor.
There is an old story of a holy man who, while meditating under the shade of a tree by a small brook, noticed a scorpion struggling to get out of the swirling, rapid water. Its effort to climb onto a rock was futile as the side was wet and steep, the current being too strong. The holy man, taking pity on the creature and its efforts, tried to help it. But the scorpion kept striking back at him, even in the water.
A friend of the holy man, passing by, said, "don't you realize that it is the nature of the scorpion to attack and sting, my friend."
"Yes," said the holy man, "but it is my nature to save and rescue. Why should I change my nature just because the scorpion doesn't change his?'
There will be many things, people, events, temptations, distractions that will attempt to try and knock us off this path, this journey with Him. We must keep our eyes on Him…on Christ Alone. We must. Not only for our sake but for the sake of those who, through our relationship with Him will too, be touched by His great grace, mercy, forgiveness, and yes, love.
Our Christian nature… not the nature of the fallen world, but the new nature of a new world to come, becoming new men and new women….as we journey together with Him, we become more and more like Him, in every way. He carries our baggage, eventually ridding both Himself and us of it….completely… where we together become ONE. In Christ alone……………SONG.
Little Church in the Pines
Why Pray?
Sermon by; Pastor Tom Shanor
April 25, 2021
Today’s sermon comes from the Reflections Column this week that Connie Funkhouser wrote and from a conversation Kelley, who wants to have a ‘long conversation’ on prayer. I referred her to the Reflections article, but her question to me was “why should we pray if God already knows the outcome, and basically predestined it?” Well, that set me to thinking….because when she asked me this, I was standing outside her new trailer on the doorstep trying to get it to work. But Kelley is like that, in that her mind is going all the time for it is not the first time she has said “we have to have a long conversation,” and most likely will not be the last.
PRAY….the word itself is a verb, meaning there is action in praying, in more than several ways and forms. It is simply (no matter the place or form) a request or petition being made in a hopefully and hope-full and humble manner…given the multiple reasons we set out to make a petition. We are doing so….because, whatever it is we are praying for is most often something beyond our ability to do anything about, and therefore we go to the one God, complete in His Son and Spirit, to ask to be heard and present our request.
At this time, I am recommending Connie’s article in the Island Park News if you have not read it. I in some ways will be most likely repeating or rather backing up what was written and written so thoroughly and well, that it should be read.
Most of you know that I enjoy statistics, so here are several that tie in well with my topic.
PRAYER manifests itself not only in petitioning, but in worship, confession and in giving thanks.
You can be anywhere, any place and at any time and pray. Prayers are not MORE effective just because they take place in a church building, for it is more effective if they are coming from a sincere and humble, needy heart/person.
When we sing hymns, psalms and spiritual songs, they are in a very real sense a prayer denoting worship and adoration…especially if we are really paying or praying attention to the words themselves, and how we are singing them as they tell a story of most often our love of and for God,
In some ways prayer is one of the most mysterious aspects of our Christian journey. We sometimes wonder if God really hears our prayers and have a real effect on both our lives and the lives we are praying for. Do we have to use certain words, said in certain ways or with certain intonations….the simple answer to that is simply NO.
It should be recognized as a privilege. Here we are, so many of us ordinary every-day people….and by being given the gift of being able to communicate with God through prayer, worship, petitions, and thanksgiving. We are privileged because He desires that we do so. He likes, yes, likes being acknowledged by our talking to and with Him. In all the ways we engage in conversation with God, He desires deeply that we always be honest with Him, for really, He can see right through us when we are not.
There are people who through their prayers love to draw attention to themselves because they are (in their own opinion) quite good at
using the right words, the right tone and all else that they are putting into it. It is really the people around them they are hoping to impress more than the sincerity of their petitions or singing.
Remembering who God is, which of course comprises the entire Godhead…should be enough to humble ourselves both before man and God.
Prayer is also an invitation to get to know Him better. He is so far above us yet so near to us in His Son, Jesus who Scripture points out to us their holiness, and comprehendible since He reveals Himself to us. God allows us to approach Him. In fact, HE desires it. We are to communicate with Him as though we were talking with a close friend or family member that we trust and love, because they, like Him are listening to us. To deepen our understanding of who God is to pray often, commune often in all situations….and by doing this we deepen our relationship.
It is so remarkably simple to understand, because the more time we spend with a person or with God Himself, the better the relationship has the potential to become. (think about it)
We should exercise (think about that word) this privilege of prayer because of what our Lord Jesus Christ did for in bridging the communication gap. Heretofore, it was only the priests who were permitted to legally pray for the sins of the people, and other’s petitions, but again, the priests along with the sacrifices. That all changed with the ultimate sacrifice…of Christ on the Cross. Because of what He did, we can now (every one of us) go the Lord in prayer.
Hebrews 4:15-16 refers to Jesus as (OUR High Priest) “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sinning). Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we then receive mercy and find grace, to help us in our time of need(s).” Because of Jesus and Jesus only, we are free to pray and to pray boldly.
We also pray because we are commanded to Psalm 100:4 says, “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise! Give thanks to Him and bless His name!” Thanking God, praising Him and blessing Him are all aspects of PRAYER.
Matthew 6:5-13 describes Jesus teaching the disciples how to pray. He begins with discourse by saying,” and when you pray,” which tells us that it is assumed we will pray, or am called to pray, as He, Jesus is teaching the disciples how to pray with instructions to ask, seek and knock. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Paul writes, “pray without ceasing” meaning, how we live out our everyday lives is also a prayer, because in doing so rightly, in representing Him we draw others to Him….this is called a lifestyle prayer.
Jesus sets an example of prayer for us that together we pray this prayer every Sunday as part of our Communion celebration. This prayer is found in Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4.
The Lord’s prayer, also sometimes called the Disciples Prayer has been memorized by countless Christians throughout our history and like we, prayed corporately. This prayer is helpful as a model.
Our Father in heaven, holy be your name: Jesus begins His exemplary prayer, by first acknowledging He, whom we are praying to, for God is our Father, meaning that He cares for us. God resides in heaven, and His Kingdom within us, implying we honor His name. We declare His name is Holy. This opening line, then, recognizes that God is both our Father and our King.
Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. After acknowledging the character of God, we pray for His will to be ours…our relationship so tight, so good that whatever we pray without wavering is within His will. We submit our will to His. We trust His way is better and pray that as we pray humbly and sincerely…our wills united-as-one, will be done.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts (or sins) as we forgive our debtors, or those who sin against us, for in forgiving we are forgiven…and our wills will be united as one.
We not only desire God’s will on a scale bigger than ours, but also in the small details of our lives. We look to Him for our daily needs in the physical, spiritual, practical, relational, and emotional. Matthew 6:33.
Truly, though we may not acknowledge it as much as we should, our biggest need is forgiveness, and if we think otherwise, we really need it. With His forgiveness we are made truly alive in Christ, and when forgiven we must ALWAYS remember to forgive. For by being forgiven and forgiving we will find ourselves able to obey His commandment to love Him, our neighbors, our enemies, and ourselves. When we can do this act of mercy and grace….we are in step with Him…….loved and cared for, our wills at that moment are one.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil: this final request demonstrates a heart that is eager to please God. God will never lead us into temptation, though the enemy of God and ourselves will certainly try to do so. God is not the author of evil. This part of the prayer becomes an agreement with God that we do not want to sin against Him. This prayer calls us to be aware of the evil that often tempts us, thereby because of our prayer of relationship, we will then choose Him and His will over the temptations that come our way. 1 Corinthians 10:13. In a very real sense…we are asking God to keep us from harm, again, this means spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical harm.
The closing words of this prayer, “For Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory, forever….is a reminder of God’s sovereign control, great power and what we do choose is acknowledging who He is.
In Revelation 22:13, God describes Himself saying, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” God is omniscient. He has known His plans for the world before the beginning of time.
Some have questioned the notion that God is unchanging because of examples in Scripture where God, having created humankind, regrets that they have fallen into sin. Likewise, God as an example sends Jonah to Nineveh to tell the people to repent or He will destroy them…and they were a great heathen city. They upon hearing the ever-reluctant prophet Jonah, do indeed repent. This is not to say He regretted His decision to destroy them or that He changed His mind, but rather and (listen closely) He was comforted by their repentance and had compassion on them.
So…if God has already made up His mind, why should be pray? The Bible instructs us to pray without ceasing, in faith, in Jesus’ name.
He transforms our hearts, so that our will becomes His will in all we pray…and hope. X2
Prayer does change things. God is omniscient and sovereign. His mind does not change, but God did then, and will use those prayers now as part of carrying out His will. He uses it to change us, and He uses it to draw our attention to His participation in circumstances. PRAYER is mysterious in many ways.
We like things that are tangible, that we can hold, see, smell, and know they are real. But prayer, like faith….all so often mysterious and as real, vital and important, as all of those things.
Prayer makes us co-workers in and with Christ in God, as we are part of His creation…part of His will. We are one in the Spirit we are One in the Lord….and have been since the beginning. Together in this great mystery called life….as we learn, as we exercise better and better communication with the God of the Universe through His only Begotten Son. The better we get to know Him, the better we get to know ourselves…and those betters together, can truly become one in the Spirit and One in the Lord….to the point of however we pray, we pray in unity as One, together.
I have one personal experience I want to share with you, though there are many, where the effective prayers of a righteous man touched me physically, and therefore also spiritually because it opened my eyes to the value of prayer.
Thirty years ago……………………………….
There have been many prayers I have seen answered, though not always is the way I desired, but in retrospect…knew that God moved and what was best was best.
Jesus prayed often, everywhere He went, as His life was a living prayer.
In the Bible is a prayer called the Prayer of Jabez….
The prayer of Jabez is found in 1 Chronicles 4:9-10. “Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, “Because I bore him in pain.”
Jabez called upon the God of Israel, saying, “oh that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that Your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from harm so that it might not bring me pain!” And God granted what he asked.” One interesting thing about his little segment of Scripture is its location, right in the middle of a long genealogical record. The recorder pauses his listing of heritage to provide further information about Jabez., likely because his life was so noteworthy.
Born in pain and branded with a name that sound like the Hebrew word for “pain,” Jabez’s future did not look especially bright. However, he prayed to God with confidence! (that is noteworthy) He requested God’s blessing, enlargement of territory, God’s hand (or guidance) and God’s protection. Jabez specifically asked that God, would keep him from the pain his name implied. He wanted to live a life marked by God, not one marked by the pain of the world. God granted Jabez’s requests!
We, too, can approach God confidently Hebrews 4:14-16 and ask for His blessing, expansion of our influence, guidance, and protection (Matthew 6:9-13; 6:32-33; James 1:5…with an expectation of hope, faith, and assurance.
Please join me now as I pray these Scriptures as a prayer, for and over each of you here and all of you out there……………………….
May the Lord Bless you,
And keep you.
The Lord make His face to shine upon you And be gracious to you.
The Lord turn His face toward you,
And give you peace, His everlasting peace! Amen!
Why Pray?
Sermon by; Pastor Tom Shanor
April 25, 2021
Today’s sermon comes from the Reflections Column this week that Connie Funkhouser wrote and from a conversation Kelley, who wants to have a ‘long conversation’ on prayer. I referred her to the Reflections article, but her question to me was “why should we pray if God already knows the outcome, and basically predestined it?” Well, that set me to thinking….because when she asked me this, I was standing outside her new trailer on the doorstep trying to get it to work. But Kelley is like that, in that her mind is going all the time for it is not the first time she has said “we have to have a long conversation,” and most likely will not be the last.
PRAY….the word itself is a verb, meaning there is action in praying, in more than several ways and forms. It is simply (no matter the place or form) a request or petition being made in a hopefully and hope-full and humble manner…given the multiple reasons we set out to make a petition. We are doing so….because, whatever it is we are praying for is most often something beyond our ability to do anything about, and therefore we go to the one God, complete in His Son and Spirit, to ask to be heard and present our request.
At this time, I am recommending Connie’s article in the Island Park News if you have not read it. I in some ways will be most likely repeating or rather backing up what was written and written so thoroughly and well, that it should be read.
Most of you know that I enjoy statistics, so here are several that tie in well with my topic.
- The word PRAY itself is in the Bible 313 times, fewer than I anticipated.
- The word PRAYED 65 times.
- The word PRAYER 109 times.
PRAYER manifests itself not only in petitioning, but in worship, confession and in giving thanks.
You can be anywhere, any place and at any time and pray. Prayers are not MORE effective just because they take place in a church building, for it is more effective if they are coming from a sincere and humble, needy heart/person.
When we sing hymns, psalms and spiritual songs, they are in a very real sense a prayer denoting worship and adoration…especially if we are really paying or praying attention to the words themselves, and how we are singing them as they tell a story of most often our love of and for God,
In some ways prayer is one of the most mysterious aspects of our Christian journey. We sometimes wonder if God really hears our prayers and have a real effect on both our lives and the lives we are praying for. Do we have to use certain words, said in certain ways or with certain intonations….the simple answer to that is simply NO.
It should be recognized as a privilege. Here we are, so many of us ordinary every-day people….and by being given the gift of being able to communicate with God through prayer, worship, petitions, and thanksgiving. We are privileged because He desires that we do so. He likes, yes, likes being acknowledged by our talking to and with Him. In all the ways we engage in conversation with God, He desires deeply that we always be honest with Him, for really, He can see right through us when we are not.
There are people who through their prayers love to draw attention to themselves because they are (in their own opinion) quite good at
using the right words, the right tone and all else that they are putting into it. It is really the people around them they are hoping to impress more than the sincerity of their petitions or singing.
Remembering who God is, which of course comprises the entire Godhead…should be enough to humble ourselves both before man and God.
Prayer is also an invitation to get to know Him better. He is so far above us yet so near to us in His Son, Jesus who Scripture points out to us their holiness, and comprehendible since He reveals Himself to us. God allows us to approach Him. In fact, HE desires it. We are to communicate with Him as though we were talking with a close friend or family member that we trust and love, because they, like Him are listening to us. To deepen our understanding of who God is to pray often, commune often in all situations….and by doing this we deepen our relationship.
It is so remarkably simple to understand, because the more time we spend with a person or with God Himself, the better the relationship has the potential to become. (think about it)
We should exercise (think about that word) this privilege of prayer because of what our Lord Jesus Christ did for in bridging the communication gap. Heretofore, it was only the priests who were permitted to legally pray for the sins of the people, and other’s petitions, but again, the priests along with the sacrifices. That all changed with the ultimate sacrifice…of Christ on the Cross. Because of what He did, we can now (every one of us) go the Lord in prayer.
Hebrews 4:15-16 refers to Jesus as (OUR High Priest) “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sinning). Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we then receive mercy and find grace, to help us in our time of need(s).” Because of Jesus and Jesus only, we are free to pray and to pray boldly.
We also pray because we are commanded to Psalm 100:4 says, “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise! Give thanks to Him and bless His name!” Thanking God, praising Him and blessing Him are all aspects of PRAYER.
Matthew 6:5-13 describes Jesus teaching the disciples how to pray. He begins with discourse by saying,” and when you pray,” which tells us that it is assumed we will pray, or am called to pray, as He, Jesus is teaching the disciples how to pray with instructions to ask, seek and knock. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Paul writes, “pray without ceasing” meaning, how we live out our everyday lives is also a prayer, because in doing so rightly, in representing Him we draw others to Him….this is called a lifestyle prayer.
Jesus sets an example of prayer for us that together we pray this prayer every Sunday as part of our Communion celebration. This prayer is found in Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4.
The Lord’s prayer, also sometimes called the Disciples Prayer has been memorized by countless Christians throughout our history and like we, prayed corporately. This prayer is helpful as a model.
Our Father in heaven, holy be your name: Jesus begins His exemplary prayer, by first acknowledging He, whom we are praying to, for God is our Father, meaning that He cares for us. God resides in heaven, and His Kingdom within us, implying we honor His name. We declare His name is Holy. This opening line, then, recognizes that God is both our Father and our King.
Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. After acknowledging the character of God, we pray for His will to be ours…our relationship so tight, so good that whatever we pray without wavering is within His will. We submit our will to His. We trust His way is better and pray that as we pray humbly and sincerely…our wills united-as-one, will be done.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts (or sins) as we forgive our debtors, or those who sin against us, for in forgiving we are forgiven…and our wills will be united as one.
We not only desire God’s will on a scale bigger than ours, but also in the small details of our lives. We look to Him for our daily needs in the physical, spiritual, practical, relational, and emotional. Matthew 6:33.
Truly, though we may not acknowledge it as much as we should, our biggest need is forgiveness, and if we think otherwise, we really need it. With His forgiveness we are made truly alive in Christ, and when forgiven we must ALWAYS remember to forgive. For by being forgiven and forgiving we will find ourselves able to obey His commandment to love Him, our neighbors, our enemies, and ourselves. When we can do this act of mercy and grace….we are in step with Him…….loved and cared for, our wills at that moment are one.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil: this final request demonstrates a heart that is eager to please God. God will never lead us into temptation, though the enemy of God and ourselves will certainly try to do so. God is not the author of evil. This part of the prayer becomes an agreement with God that we do not want to sin against Him. This prayer calls us to be aware of the evil that often tempts us, thereby because of our prayer of relationship, we will then choose Him and His will over the temptations that come our way. 1 Corinthians 10:13. In a very real sense…we are asking God to keep us from harm, again, this means spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical harm.
The closing words of this prayer, “For Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory, forever….is a reminder of God’s sovereign control, great power and what we do choose is acknowledging who He is.
In Revelation 22:13, God describes Himself saying, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” God is omniscient. He has known His plans for the world before the beginning of time.
Some have questioned the notion that God is unchanging because of examples in Scripture where God, having created humankind, regrets that they have fallen into sin. Likewise, God as an example sends Jonah to Nineveh to tell the people to repent or He will destroy them…and they were a great heathen city. They upon hearing the ever-reluctant prophet Jonah, do indeed repent. This is not to say He regretted His decision to destroy them or that He changed His mind, but rather and (listen closely) He was comforted by their repentance and had compassion on them.
So…if God has already made up His mind, why should be pray? The Bible instructs us to pray without ceasing, in faith, in Jesus’ name.
- We should pray with the right motive.
- We should depend on God and Him alone, choosing to obey
- Him.
- 1 John 5:14-15 “And this we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we KNOW that we have the request that we have asked for.”
He transforms our hearts, so that our will becomes His will in all we pray…and hope. X2
Prayer does change things. God is omniscient and sovereign. His mind does not change, but God did then, and will use those prayers now as part of carrying out His will. He uses it to change us, and He uses it to draw our attention to His participation in circumstances. PRAYER is mysterious in many ways.
We like things that are tangible, that we can hold, see, smell, and know they are real. But prayer, like faith….all so often mysterious and as real, vital and important, as all of those things.
Prayer makes us co-workers in and with Christ in God, as we are part of His creation…part of His will. We are one in the Spirit we are One in the Lord….and have been since the beginning. Together in this great mystery called life….as we learn, as we exercise better and better communication with the God of the Universe through His only Begotten Son. The better we get to know Him, the better we get to know ourselves…and those betters together, can truly become one in the Spirit and One in the Lord….to the point of however we pray, we pray in unity as One, together.
I have one personal experience I want to share with you, though there are many, where the effective prayers of a righteous man touched me physically, and therefore also spiritually because it opened my eyes to the value of prayer.
Thirty years ago……………………………….
There have been many prayers I have seen answered, though not always is the way I desired, but in retrospect…knew that God moved and what was best was best.
Jesus prayed often, everywhere He went, as His life was a living prayer.
In the Bible is a prayer called the Prayer of Jabez….
The prayer of Jabez is found in 1 Chronicles 4:9-10. “Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, “Because I bore him in pain.”
Jabez called upon the God of Israel, saying, “oh that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that Your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from harm so that it might not bring me pain!” And God granted what he asked.” One interesting thing about his little segment of Scripture is its location, right in the middle of a long genealogical record. The recorder pauses his listing of heritage to provide further information about Jabez., likely because his life was so noteworthy.
Born in pain and branded with a name that sound like the Hebrew word for “pain,” Jabez’s future did not look especially bright. However, he prayed to God with confidence! (that is noteworthy) He requested God’s blessing, enlargement of territory, God’s hand (or guidance) and God’s protection. Jabez specifically asked that God, would keep him from the pain his name implied. He wanted to live a life marked by God, not one marked by the pain of the world. God granted Jabez’s requests!
We, too, can approach God confidently Hebrews 4:14-16 and ask for His blessing, expansion of our influence, guidance, and protection (Matthew 6:9-13; 6:32-33; James 1:5…with an expectation of hope, faith, and assurance.
Please join me now as I pray these Scriptures as a prayer, for and over each of you here and all of you out there……………………….
May the Lord Bless you,
And keep you.
The Lord make His face to shine upon you And be gracious to you.
The Lord turn His face toward you,
And give you peace, His everlasting peace! Amen!
The Little Church in the Pines
"Who Are We, Really?"
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
April 18, 2021
The past Days, weeks, months of reflections……a roller coaster ride unlike any I personally have experienced, ever. Through all these reflections I have been able to see and measure changes, priorities and well, feelings, which have and continue to ebb and flow.
To myself I have asked this question on more than several occasions, “who are you, really? I am the same and yet different than I was this time last year. That is normal thinking, I think.
Solomon said, “that there is nothing new under the sun,” and that may be true, but it is certainly new to me….in the realization that my and our humanity, is really very fragile….and how we hold on to it so long (some of us) is astounding. There is little that is stable, starting with the earth under our feet. Everything is in motion, absolutely everything. Nothing in this world, or universe is static.
….The fact that we exist at all, and our reason(s) for existing, is the one constant question that mankind has been asking itself from the beginning of self-awareness, or creations, which brings me back to my sermon title, “Who AM I, REALLY AND FOR WHAT PURPOSE AM I HERE?
For me, in order to be able to understand even a small measure of this question, Who Am I, Really, I first have to come to the conclusion (or go crazy) that indeed there is a reason and purpose for my existence. If not….all is futile.
I know this, we do live, we do love, we do hate, we do good, we do harm. Given these options that we have, why not embrace what we know we have and, doing our very best to be the very best we can be.
You see….we also, and you know this, live in a world of opposites. Stability/conflict ~ oceans/deserts ~ mountains/plains ~ order/chaos ~ love/hate ~ young/old ~ bad/good….and the list goes on and on and on.
These opposites have the effect of destabilizing even the stable, or what appears to be stable. Some of us…some of us, go through life it seems mostly unfazed by life’s conundrums. Others of us are affected by most everything that occurs in these opposites.
Bringing order out of randomness and seemingly opposites is one of the attributes that God has given us (some of us more than others) the ability to do so.
First perhaps, we can start with mankind’s internal need to believe in someone or something greater than itself. This is evident throughout our history as humans. Now this one could say this relates back to the question of our existence, because it seems we have a built in need to BELIEVE. Every people group or culture has the need for Deity as evidenced by the vast diversity of religions in the world.
33% Christian
21% Muslim
13% Hinduism
5.8% Buddhism
2.3 % Atheist
.35% Sikhism
0.23% Judaism
0.2% Baha’i
24% Other or local
Each of course believes it to be THE TRUE RELGION, yes, even atheism is considered to be a religion.
What drives this need….now, this is my opinion. It is driven by the simple truth that God is behind it all. God knows mankind better than mankind himself and has placed in all of mankind this need to acknowledge and seek Him for answers, for fulfillment, for purpose, direction, thereby giving us HOPE beyond what we ourselves are capable of conjuring up.
Within each of us….is a seed for potential….a seed that contains that desire or quest for Deity…and within that seed is potential for good, and since the Fall of Mankind, evil.
I can never prove to you….the existence of God….but I can show you by “Who I Am, If….I am following His teachings and laws, the evidence of His existence by how I live my life. Therefore, the responsibility lies solely in my willingness, to choose order over chaos, right over wrong, good over evil. And how do we know these truths that produce this evidence?
Well…we have a manual. This manual has withstood the onslaught of cultural change, of direct and violent opposition, of all-out war and hatred for what it contains and the truths that lie therein.
I must measure WHO I AM, Really, buy my desire and therefore willingness to once again, simply BELIEVE. To the intellectual I am naïve or even perhaps simple minded, yet the beauty of my faith or belief is born out in hopefully, WHO I AM, REALLY.
It also comes down to TRUTH. There are those who say, “what is truth?” Prove it to me? Well, I have already discussed that, so I will now say, “the truth is in the pudding”, or in the fruit that TRUTH produces according to Scripture, for by choosing that which is proven right, tells us that there are certain characteristics that flow out of truth, that benefits both individuals and mankind as a whole.
Philippians 4:8…tells us this. “Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable…if anything is excellent or worthy of praise…think about these things.” And I add….”and do them.”
Galatians 6:4 reads, “but let each one, examine his own work.” The outflow of his or her life, using the measuring rod of the Manual and the Teacher.
These qualities…that lead to behavioral out-workings and even attitudes, brings us to as written in Galatians 5:22.” for the fruit of the Spirit, (now listen closely to these please) and measure who you really are, by them. “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” These give and bring life, not only life…but abundant life and a good life, a rich life, an enjoyable
life, leading ultimately to eternal life…with the Teacher, the Savior, Jesus the Christ. These are the FRUIT…THE DELICIOUS, LIFE GIVING FRUIT OF FAITH THAT WE ARE ALL SUPPOSED TO BE PRODUCING to one another, including spouses, children, friends, co-workers, fellow Believers…and yes, even our enemies. For, if we walk by the Spirit, let us all walk in the Spirit.
These virtues are characterized as FRUIT in contrast to works. The Holy Spirit in us produces them, and not our own efforts (though by our effort and will) we turn ourselves over to the Spirit who then works through us.
Look at the contrast between the works of the flesh (as they are called) to the works of the Spirit. For the works of the flesh are adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of anger, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies. Envy, murder, drunkenness, revelries and the like.
Well, there we go.
So…there really is a contrast between good…and bad, or evil.
There is a bit of an addendum here that I will add on. “Let us not become conceited (which is intellectual-ego centered) provoking one another and envying one another. For if one thinks of him or herself to be better than others, he or she deceive themselves.”
Humility is the complete opposite, of so-called intellectual objectivism, or ego-biased so-called strength. Humility is controlled strength. If you or I need to put someone down to build ourselves up we are truly not only at the bottom of the intellectual barrel, but the humanity barrel.
Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good. Be kindly affectionate to one another with Christ-like love, in honor preference to one another, not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in Hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly n prayer; distributing to the needs of the
saints, given to hospitality. Bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse.
Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not think you are wise in your own opinions.
Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all.
If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all.
Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, instead give it to God, for Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord.
Now here too is where we go beyond what any other religion I have read or heard of says “therefore, if your enemy is hungry feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink.”
“Do not be overcome by evil…but overcome evil with good.”
These next words I am going to say are from the mouth of Jesus Himself as quoted. Jesus answered, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
Have ever you head such love, understanding, kindness, patience, grace, mercy, tenderness, hope, humility, from the mouth of any other teacher or any other religion? Ever?
And I will almost end with these words, in that we really are to be like Him. That is who we are, really.
Following on the heels of Easter…..what we need and have needed this past year especially, and the year to come, is HOPE….someone to help us through all the losses, the pain, tears, sorrows…..and I tell you this with full assurance, He has been with us all the way….all the time, for all we need to do is this, is turn to Him, who stands ready every second of every day, to embrace and hold us closely to Himself. Comforting, encouraging and sometimes carrying us through our darkest times, for He said and says to all of us, “I ~ will never leave you (no way) or forsake you (no way) ever.”
Revelation 21:3-4
And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God.
And God will wipe away every ear from their eyes, there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passe away.”
Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.”
"Who Are We, Really?"
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
April 18, 2021
The past Days, weeks, months of reflections……a roller coaster ride unlike any I personally have experienced, ever. Through all these reflections I have been able to see and measure changes, priorities and well, feelings, which have and continue to ebb and flow.
To myself I have asked this question on more than several occasions, “who are you, really? I am the same and yet different than I was this time last year. That is normal thinking, I think.
Solomon said, “that there is nothing new under the sun,” and that may be true, but it is certainly new to me….in the realization that my and our humanity, is really very fragile….and how we hold on to it so long (some of us) is astounding. There is little that is stable, starting with the earth under our feet. Everything is in motion, absolutely everything. Nothing in this world, or universe is static.
….The fact that we exist at all, and our reason(s) for existing, is the one constant question that mankind has been asking itself from the beginning of self-awareness, or creations, which brings me back to my sermon title, “Who AM I, REALLY AND FOR WHAT PURPOSE AM I HERE?
For me, in order to be able to understand even a small measure of this question, Who Am I, Really, I first have to come to the conclusion (or go crazy) that indeed there is a reason and purpose for my existence. If not….all is futile.
I know this, we do live, we do love, we do hate, we do good, we do harm. Given these options that we have, why not embrace what we know we have and, doing our very best to be the very best we can be.
You see….we also, and you know this, live in a world of opposites. Stability/conflict ~ oceans/deserts ~ mountains/plains ~ order/chaos ~ love/hate ~ young/old ~ bad/good….and the list goes on and on and on.
These opposites have the effect of destabilizing even the stable, or what appears to be stable. Some of us…some of us, go through life it seems mostly unfazed by life’s conundrums. Others of us are affected by most everything that occurs in these opposites.
Bringing order out of randomness and seemingly opposites is one of the attributes that God has given us (some of us more than others) the ability to do so.
First perhaps, we can start with mankind’s internal need to believe in someone or something greater than itself. This is evident throughout our history as humans. Now this one could say this relates back to the question of our existence, because it seems we have a built in need to BELIEVE. Every people group or culture has the need for Deity as evidenced by the vast diversity of religions in the world.
33% Christian
21% Muslim
13% Hinduism
5.8% Buddhism
2.3 % Atheist
.35% Sikhism
0.23% Judaism
0.2% Baha’i
24% Other or local
Each of course believes it to be THE TRUE RELGION, yes, even atheism is considered to be a religion.
What drives this need….now, this is my opinion. It is driven by the simple truth that God is behind it all. God knows mankind better than mankind himself and has placed in all of mankind this need to acknowledge and seek Him for answers, for fulfillment, for purpose, direction, thereby giving us HOPE beyond what we ourselves are capable of conjuring up.
Within each of us….is a seed for potential….a seed that contains that desire or quest for Deity…and within that seed is potential for good, and since the Fall of Mankind, evil.
I can never prove to you….the existence of God….but I can show you by “Who I Am, If….I am following His teachings and laws, the evidence of His existence by how I live my life. Therefore, the responsibility lies solely in my willingness, to choose order over chaos, right over wrong, good over evil. And how do we know these truths that produce this evidence?
Well…we have a manual. This manual has withstood the onslaught of cultural change, of direct and violent opposition, of all-out war and hatred for what it contains and the truths that lie therein.
I must measure WHO I AM, Really, buy my desire and therefore willingness to once again, simply BELIEVE. To the intellectual I am naïve or even perhaps simple minded, yet the beauty of my faith or belief is born out in hopefully, WHO I AM, REALLY.
It also comes down to TRUTH. There are those who say, “what is truth?” Prove it to me? Well, I have already discussed that, so I will now say, “the truth is in the pudding”, or in the fruit that TRUTH produces according to Scripture, for by choosing that which is proven right, tells us that there are certain characteristics that flow out of truth, that benefits both individuals and mankind as a whole.
Philippians 4:8…tells us this. “Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable…if anything is excellent or worthy of praise…think about these things.” And I add….”and do them.”
Galatians 6:4 reads, “but let each one, examine his own work.” The outflow of his or her life, using the measuring rod of the Manual and the Teacher.
These qualities…that lead to behavioral out-workings and even attitudes, brings us to as written in Galatians 5:22.” for the fruit of the Spirit, (now listen closely to these please) and measure who you really are, by them. “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” These give and bring life, not only life…but abundant life and a good life, a rich life, an enjoyable
life, leading ultimately to eternal life…with the Teacher, the Savior, Jesus the Christ. These are the FRUIT…THE DELICIOUS, LIFE GIVING FRUIT OF FAITH THAT WE ARE ALL SUPPOSED TO BE PRODUCING to one another, including spouses, children, friends, co-workers, fellow Believers…and yes, even our enemies. For, if we walk by the Spirit, let us all walk in the Spirit.
These virtues are characterized as FRUIT in contrast to works. The Holy Spirit in us produces them, and not our own efforts (though by our effort and will) we turn ourselves over to the Spirit who then works through us.
Look at the contrast between the works of the flesh (as they are called) to the works of the Spirit. For the works of the flesh are adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of anger, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies. Envy, murder, drunkenness, revelries and the like.
Well, there we go.
So…there really is a contrast between good…and bad, or evil.
There is a bit of an addendum here that I will add on. “Let us not become conceited (which is intellectual-ego centered) provoking one another and envying one another. For if one thinks of him or herself to be better than others, he or she deceive themselves.”
Humility is the complete opposite, of so-called intellectual objectivism, or ego-biased so-called strength. Humility is controlled strength. If you or I need to put someone down to build ourselves up we are truly not only at the bottom of the intellectual barrel, but the humanity barrel.
Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good. Be kindly affectionate to one another with Christ-like love, in honor preference to one another, not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in Hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly n prayer; distributing to the needs of the
saints, given to hospitality. Bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse.
Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not think you are wise in your own opinions.
Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all.
If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all.
Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, instead give it to God, for Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord.
Now here too is where we go beyond what any other religion I have read or heard of says “therefore, if your enemy is hungry feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink.”
“Do not be overcome by evil…but overcome evil with good.”
These next words I am going to say are from the mouth of Jesus Himself as quoted. Jesus answered, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
Have ever you head such love, understanding, kindness, patience, grace, mercy, tenderness, hope, humility, from the mouth of any other teacher or any other religion? Ever?
And I will almost end with these words, in that we really are to be like Him. That is who we are, really.
Following on the heels of Easter…..what we need and have needed this past year especially, and the year to come, is HOPE….someone to help us through all the losses, the pain, tears, sorrows…..and I tell you this with full assurance, He has been with us all the way….all the time, for all we need to do is this, is turn to Him, who stands ready every second of every day, to embrace and hold us closely to Himself. Comforting, encouraging and sometimes carrying us through our darkest times, for He said and says to all of us, “I ~ will never leave you (no way) or forsake you (no way) ever.”
Revelation 21:3-4
And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God.
And God will wipe away every ear from their eyes, there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passe away.”
Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.”
Little Church in the Pines
The Journey after the Cross
(Now What?)
April 11, 2021
by; Connie Funkhouser
Easter is the beginning, not the conclusion. Just as our faith does not end with Good Friday crucifixion, neither does it end with Easter resurrection. The New Testament, God’s New Covenant, Our Journey after Calvary continues.
Resurrection is certainly a pivotal moment, but there is another act to follow . . . things are just now getting interesting . . . If you quit reading the Greatest Story Ever Told and was inspired by the most famous Author of all time, you will miss what unfolds when Jesus is rescued from the jaws of death.
Jesus’ future, His resurrection prophesied/planned by God Himself is absolutely 100% linked to our future. You may say, “but Connie, the Bible is a story that is two -thousand years old, an entirely different culture, there is no way we could apply that ancient story to our life’s today.” I am here to tell you, it can, and it does. During Bible Study, reading, and studying @ home I cannot tell you how many times I have looked up and said, only the names of changed. (And in my case even the names have not changed. Seems I hire Saras, Jacobs, Martha, Matthews, Josephs, Micahs, Katrinas ☺ oh kidding, and the list continues)
There is more to the story, our purpose during this exact moment in time, is more than simply making our way to heaven. Here are you few slang theologies or putting one’s beliefs into a nice box. See if any of these sounds familiar to you?
Resurrection, as Clarence Jordon says, “is God’s refusal to stay on the other side of the grave. God raised Jesus, not as an invitation to us to come to heaven when we die, but as a declaration that He Himself has not established permanent residence on earth. The resurrection places Jesus on this side of the grave, here and now, amid this life – our life today! The Good News of the resurrection is not that we shall die and go home with Him, but that He is risen and comes home with us, bringing all His hungry, thirsty, sick, distraught, lonely, messed up, broken, outcast, marginalized, way-ward brothers and sisters with Him.”
Clarence Jordan, a farmer, and New Testament Greek scholar was the founder of Koinonia Farm, a small and influential religious community in southwest Georgia. He was also instrumental in the founding of Habitat for Humanity.) Which is a big non-profit in southeast Idaho.
Easter does not exhaust the biblical narrative of God’s saving work. There is more. What began with Adam and Eve, what began again with Noah and the ark, and again with Israel’s escape from Egyptian bondage, and again with Jonah emerging from the whale’s belly, and again with Israel’s repeated returns from exile, and again with Mary’s pregnancy . . . all these beginnings and new beginnings, now uniquely confirmed and summarized and restated in the resurrection, are the prelude to the final act in the story, one step short of the dramatic conclusion of the Salvation Story.
Jesus did not say “I am finished.”
He said, “It is finished.” He was just getting started. . . .
With most men their work stops @ their death, but with Christ it had only begun.
The crucifixion of Jesus is our gateway to salvation. Salvation: does not mean merely deliverance from sin or personal holiness. The Salvation which comes from God means being completely delivered from ourselves, and being placed in perfect union with Him.
God is not the author of evil. To those who believe in Jesus, He is the Savior of abounding love and forgiveness. God created this world, and He created man to have a relationship with Him. On the cross when Jesus said, “it is finished,” the debt of this sinful world was paid in full. The gift of a personal relationship with God was offered. When we believe in Jesus, we have no sin for God to judge. God is not a celestial prison warden jangling the keys on a bunch of lifers—He is a shepherd seeking His flock, a Father waiting for his son. Our sin was crucified on Calvary, and we now can have an intimate and deeply personal relationship with God . . . No longer our judge.
No one can make themselves pure by obeying laws. Jesus Christ does not give us rules and regulations - - - He gives us His teachings which are truths that can only be interpreted by His nature that is placed in us. The great wonder of Jesus Christ salvation is that it changes our heredity. He does not change human nature - - - He changes its source, and thereby its motives as well.
The heart of salvation is the Cross of Christ. The reason why salvation is so easy to obtain is that it cost God so much. There is nothing easier than getting saved because it is solely God’s sovereign work. – “Look to Me and be saved” we are told in (Isaiah 45:22). The cross was the place where God and sinful man merged with a tremendous collision and the way to life was opened. But all the cost and pain was absorbed by the Heart of God. Salvation is our Gift, a Gift from God.
On Easter Sunday we do focus on the sacrifice of Jesus @ Calvary and His resurrection. From His atonement springs our blessed assurance of eternal life. Many people who trust Christ as their Savior know they are saved but are not certain about their eternal security – the work of God that assures us that our redemption is permanent. They believe their deliverance can somehow be forfeited through wrong actions.
If our salvation is based on anything other than the completed work of Jesus Christ on the cross, then we will find ourselves on shaky ground. Therefore, some believers attempt to involve themselves in the redemption process by their good works or right behavior. Sadly, they are always prone to wavering faith because they feel they must continuously earn the Lord’s goodwill to get to heaven.
If we add a single work requirement to it, then it is no longer given to us freely; it is payment for services rendered. That is not how God works in our life. Absolutely nothing can revoke what He has given us. We can accept that He has made us secure. God’s grace in redemption is a gift . . .
Salvation begins with God – not with us. He chooses us and then we believe. In putting the matter that way, I simply mean to declare that salvation is all His grace, all of God, all the time. So, when Paul says, “God chose us for salvation,” I am happy and content believing it is just as written. That does not mean I can fully explain (far from it) every nuance of how our choices – our free will fit into God’s sovereign plan for the universe. I believe that God arranges circumstances of life (and movements of the heart) to bring us to the place where we have no other choice but to freely choose to trust in Christ for our salvation.
God will seek us -- how long? Until he finds us. And when He has found the last rebellious soul and has depopulated hell, then death will be swallowed up in victory, and Christ will turn over all things to the Father that he may be all and in all.
To some that will seem like a contradiction, to others it will seem like a simple statement of biblical truth. Is there a mystery here? Yes of course, and I would much prefer a theology with some mystery in it than a theology that claimed to fully explain the mind of God. When it comes to salvation, we bring the sin that makes salvation necessary, and God brings everything else. Naturally, we are not robots or puppets on a string, and when we come to Christ, we do not come mindful of any compulsion. We come by faith because we want to come. And in our coming we discover later that God was drawing us to Himself all along by the power of the Holy Spirit.
When we trust and live by faith, the Holy Spirit will reveal to us what “paid in full” really means in our lives. If you are troubled by this, or wonder how it could be, just remember that you are on the right track when your view of salvation gives all the Glory to God. Magnify the Lord as Savior, give Him the credit, and you will be moving in the right direction, your journey is of hope and promise.
Salvation springs from the Heart of God who loved and gave His Son for us. We have been chosen, we were called by the work of the Holy Spirit to come to Christ for our salvation, we believe in God’s Word, and one day we will share in Christ’s glory.
God, the Author of History has a purpose. He is not making all this up as He goes along. Everything in the universe plays a role in the outworking of God’s plan. This ought to give us enormous confidence as we face the uncertainties of life. If we believe that everything in our life is a hit and miss affair, if we think that the events of each day just happen by chance, then we will be a prisoner to our circumstances. We will be up when things are good, and we will be down when things are bad. How wonderful it is to rest in the knowledge that our God is working out His plan for us in everything that happens to us . . . the good, the bad, the positive, and the negative, the happy and the sad. / There is no one who wants to be saved who cannot be saved! Rest assured on this truth. No one will be in hell who truly ought to be in Heaven. No one will be in hell who says, “I wanted to be saved but God would not save me.” Such a thing simply cannot happen. If you have the desire to know God, you can be confident that He gave that longing to you. (There maybe resistance, but truly save your energy, you will not win when playing tug-o-war with God.) God is always the initiator in salvation. God calls, we respond. God calls, we believe. God calls, we come to Christ. When God wanted to populate Heaven, He sent His Son to die for us. Then He sent His Spirit to draw us. And He gave us His word so we would know the truth. And He even gives us faith to believe the Gospel.
Everything is different because we now live in a world where death did not have the final word, where truth and goodness and love are the final realities, and where a resurrection has happened. We must never forget salvation is God’s idea, not man’s; therefore, it has a profound depth.
The perfecting of salvation will be realized in the glorification of true believers @ Christ’s second advent, His second coming. In this consummation of the entire movement of salvation, Christians will be perfectly conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.
The following is from the book “My Utmost for His Highest” by Oswald Chambers. Specifically, 10/07.
“The revealed truth of the Bible is not that Jesus Christ took on Himself our fleshly sins, but that He took on Himself the heredity of sin that no man can even touch. God made His own Son “to be sin” that He might make the sinner into a saint. It is revealed throughout the Bible that our Lord took on the sin of the world through identification with us, not sympathy for us ( I Love that). He deliberately took on His own shoulders, and endured in His own body, the complete, cumulative sin of humanity. “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us” and by so doing He placed salvation for the entire human race solely based on redemption. Jesus Christ reconciled humanity, putting it back to where God designed it to be. And now anyone can experience that restoration, being brought into oneness with God, on the basis of what our Lord has done on the cross.
The Doctrine of Salvation or Soteriology is a lot more complex and in-depth. Composing my morning message, reading, and re-reading, I kept thinking that my summary of salvation is elementary in so many ways. But I was “compelled” to following my initial train of thought, and I sincerely hoped that the Holy Spirit had someone(s) in attendance or viewing that needed to hear this.
My focus and concern was I wanted to invite you on the journey after Calvary and collect what is yours. It is up to us to invite God into our life and to Live in the Presence of God every day, all the time.
I used to tell our Juvenile Correction Students this scenario: and I may have shared before, but it illustrates the many gifts and blessings that our Creator has for us. . . . . .
The Journey after the Cross
(Now What?)
April 11, 2021
by; Connie Funkhouser
Easter is the beginning, not the conclusion. Just as our faith does not end with Good Friday crucifixion, neither does it end with Easter resurrection. The New Testament, God’s New Covenant, Our Journey after Calvary continues.
Resurrection is certainly a pivotal moment, but there is another act to follow . . . things are just now getting interesting . . . If you quit reading the Greatest Story Ever Told and was inspired by the most famous Author of all time, you will miss what unfolds when Jesus is rescued from the jaws of death.
Jesus’ future, His resurrection prophesied/planned by God Himself is absolutely 100% linked to our future. You may say, “but Connie, the Bible is a story that is two -thousand years old, an entirely different culture, there is no way we could apply that ancient story to our life’s today.” I am here to tell you, it can, and it does. During Bible Study, reading, and studying @ home I cannot tell you how many times I have looked up and said, only the names of changed. (And in my case even the names have not changed. Seems I hire Saras, Jacobs, Martha, Matthews, Josephs, Micahs, Katrinas ☺ oh kidding, and the list continues)
There is more to the story, our purpose during this exact moment in time, is more than simply making our way to heaven. Here are you few slang theologies or putting one’s beliefs into a nice box. See if any of these sounds familiar to you?
- Lay-a-way Theology: Give your heart to Jesus now so you can go to heaven later. Easy installments of weekly church attendance.
- Transport Theology: Buy your ticket now in case the glory train comes early. Then just hang out till the whistle blows. Nothing else much matters once you have your ticket in hand.
- Life Insurance Theology: Once you read the policy and make arrangements for the payments, you file it away and hope you do not have to cash it in any time soon.
Resurrection, as Clarence Jordon says, “is God’s refusal to stay on the other side of the grave. God raised Jesus, not as an invitation to us to come to heaven when we die, but as a declaration that He Himself has not established permanent residence on earth. The resurrection places Jesus on this side of the grave, here and now, amid this life – our life today! The Good News of the resurrection is not that we shall die and go home with Him, but that He is risen and comes home with us, bringing all His hungry, thirsty, sick, distraught, lonely, messed up, broken, outcast, marginalized, way-ward brothers and sisters with Him.”
Clarence Jordan, a farmer, and New Testament Greek scholar was the founder of Koinonia Farm, a small and influential religious community in southwest Georgia. He was also instrumental in the founding of Habitat for Humanity.) Which is a big non-profit in southeast Idaho.
Easter does not exhaust the biblical narrative of God’s saving work. There is more. What began with Adam and Eve, what began again with Noah and the ark, and again with Israel’s escape from Egyptian bondage, and again with Jonah emerging from the whale’s belly, and again with Israel’s repeated returns from exile, and again with Mary’s pregnancy . . . all these beginnings and new beginnings, now uniquely confirmed and summarized and restated in the resurrection, are the prelude to the final act in the story, one step short of the dramatic conclusion of the Salvation Story.
Jesus did not say “I am finished.”
He said, “It is finished.” He was just getting started. . . .
With most men their work stops @ their death, but with Christ it had only begun.
The crucifixion of Jesus is our gateway to salvation. Salvation: does not mean merely deliverance from sin or personal holiness. The Salvation which comes from God means being completely delivered from ourselves, and being placed in perfect union with Him.
God is not the author of evil. To those who believe in Jesus, He is the Savior of abounding love and forgiveness. God created this world, and He created man to have a relationship with Him. On the cross when Jesus said, “it is finished,” the debt of this sinful world was paid in full. The gift of a personal relationship with God was offered. When we believe in Jesus, we have no sin for God to judge. God is not a celestial prison warden jangling the keys on a bunch of lifers—He is a shepherd seeking His flock, a Father waiting for his son. Our sin was crucified on Calvary, and we now can have an intimate and deeply personal relationship with God . . . No longer our judge.
No one can make themselves pure by obeying laws. Jesus Christ does not give us rules and regulations - - - He gives us His teachings which are truths that can only be interpreted by His nature that is placed in us. The great wonder of Jesus Christ salvation is that it changes our heredity. He does not change human nature - - - He changes its source, and thereby its motives as well.
The heart of salvation is the Cross of Christ. The reason why salvation is so easy to obtain is that it cost God so much. There is nothing easier than getting saved because it is solely God’s sovereign work. – “Look to Me and be saved” we are told in (Isaiah 45:22). The cross was the place where God and sinful man merged with a tremendous collision and the way to life was opened. But all the cost and pain was absorbed by the Heart of God. Salvation is our Gift, a Gift from God.
On Easter Sunday we do focus on the sacrifice of Jesus @ Calvary and His resurrection. From His atonement springs our blessed assurance of eternal life. Many people who trust Christ as their Savior know they are saved but are not certain about their eternal security – the work of God that assures us that our redemption is permanent. They believe their deliverance can somehow be forfeited through wrong actions.
If our salvation is based on anything other than the completed work of Jesus Christ on the cross, then we will find ourselves on shaky ground. Therefore, some believers attempt to involve themselves in the redemption process by their good works or right behavior. Sadly, they are always prone to wavering faith because they feel they must continuously earn the Lord’s goodwill to get to heaven.
If we add a single work requirement to it, then it is no longer given to us freely; it is payment for services rendered. That is not how God works in our life. Absolutely nothing can revoke what He has given us. We can accept that He has made us secure. God’s grace in redemption is a gift . . .
- Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”
- 2 Corinthians 5:21 “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”
- Paul tells us in 2 Thessalonians 2:13 “But we are bound to give thanks to God always for you, brethren beloved by the lord, because God from the beginning chose you for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth.
Salvation begins with God – not with us. He chooses us and then we believe. In putting the matter that way, I simply mean to declare that salvation is all His grace, all of God, all the time. So, when Paul says, “God chose us for salvation,” I am happy and content believing it is just as written. That does not mean I can fully explain (far from it) every nuance of how our choices – our free will fit into God’s sovereign plan for the universe. I believe that God arranges circumstances of life (and movements of the heart) to bring us to the place where we have no other choice but to freely choose to trust in Christ for our salvation.
God will seek us -- how long? Until he finds us. And when He has found the last rebellious soul and has depopulated hell, then death will be swallowed up in victory, and Christ will turn over all things to the Father that he may be all and in all.
To some that will seem like a contradiction, to others it will seem like a simple statement of biblical truth. Is there a mystery here? Yes of course, and I would much prefer a theology with some mystery in it than a theology that claimed to fully explain the mind of God. When it comes to salvation, we bring the sin that makes salvation necessary, and God brings everything else. Naturally, we are not robots or puppets on a string, and when we come to Christ, we do not come mindful of any compulsion. We come by faith because we want to come. And in our coming we discover later that God was drawing us to Himself all along by the power of the Holy Spirit.
When we trust and live by faith, the Holy Spirit will reveal to us what “paid in full” really means in our lives. If you are troubled by this, or wonder how it could be, just remember that you are on the right track when your view of salvation gives all the Glory to God. Magnify the Lord as Savior, give Him the credit, and you will be moving in the right direction, your journey is of hope and promise.
Salvation springs from the Heart of God who loved and gave His Son for us. We have been chosen, we were called by the work of the Holy Spirit to come to Christ for our salvation, we believe in God’s Word, and one day we will share in Christ’s glory.
God, the Author of History has a purpose. He is not making all this up as He goes along. Everything in the universe plays a role in the outworking of God’s plan. This ought to give us enormous confidence as we face the uncertainties of life. If we believe that everything in our life is a hit and miss affair, if we think that the events of each day just happen by chance, then we will be a prisoner to our circumstances. We will be up when things are good, and we will be down when things are bad. How wonderful it is to rest in the knowledge that our God is working out His plan for us in everything that happens to us . . . the good, the bad, the positive, and the negative, the happy and the sad. / There is no one who wants to be saved who cannot be saved! Rest assured on this truth. No one will be in hell who truly ought to be in Heaven. No one will be in hell who says, “I wanted to be saved but God would not save me.” Such a thing simply cannot happen. If you have the desire to know God, you can be confident that He gave that longing to you. (There maybe resistance, but truly save your energy, you will not win when playing tug-o-war with God.) God is always the initiator in salvation. God calls, we respond. God calls, we believe. God calls, we come to Christ. When God wanted to populate Heaven, He sent His Son to die for us. Then He sent His Spirit to draw us. And He gave us His word so we would know the truth. And He even gives us faith to believe the Gospel.
Everything is different because we now live in a world where death did not have the final word, where truth and goodness and love are the final realities, and where a resurrection has happened. We must never forget salvation is God’s idea, not man’s; therefore, it has a profound depth.
The perfecting of salvation will be realized in the glorification of true believers @ Christ’s second advent, His second coming. In this consummation of the entire movement of salvation, Christians will be perfectly conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.
The following is from the book “My Utmost for His Highest” by Oswald Chambers. Specifically, 10/07.
“The revealed truth of the Bible is not that Jesus Christ took on Himself our fleshly sins, but that He took on Himself the heredity of sin that no man can even touch. God made His own Son “to be sin” that He might make the sinner into a saint. It is revealed throughout the Bible that our Lord took on the sin of the world through identification with us, not sympathy for us ( I Love that). He deliberately took on His own shoulders, and endured in His own body, the complete, cumulative sin of humanity. “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us” and by so doing He placed salvation for the entire human race solely based on redemption. Jesus Christ reconciled humanity, putting it back to where God designed it to be. And now anyone can experience that restoration, being brought into oneness with God, on the basis of what our Lord has done on the cross.
The Doctrine of Salvation or Soteriology is a lot more complex and in-depth. Composing my morning message, reading, and re-reading, I kept thinking that my summary of salvation is elementary in so many ways. But I was “compelled” to following my initial train of thought, and I sincerely hoped that the Holy Spirit had someone(s) in attendance or viewing that needed to hear this.
My focus and concern was I wanted to invite you on the journey after Calvary and collect what is yours. It is up to us to invite God into our life and to Live in the Presence of God every day, all the time.
I used to tell our Juvenile Correction Students this scenario: and I may have shared before, but it illustrates the many gifts and blessings that our Creator has for us. . . . . .
Little Church in the Pines
April4, 2021
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
Easter…………a new day begins with a new morning!
It is now early morning…the morning following a day and night of dramatic and mind-numbing events….beginning, with the arrest, trial, and subsequent death of Jesus, known as a prophet, the Messiah…and by His own words, the Son of God.
That night previous, from the sixth hour until the ninth hour, there was a supernatural darkness over all the land. Jesus, at the ninth hour cried out with a loud voice saying, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me,” soon followed by His very last words “Father, into Your hands I commit my Spirit!” And at that moment He gave up His Spirit….and died.
His disciples, their families, his own mother, and those who loved and followed Him, believing, trusting that He, their Jesus was the One…the One all of Israel had for generations been waiting for. The One who would lead them out of bondage and into a kingdom where God’s glory would prevail, and peace would reign, from the throne of David once more, but this time across the world.
Hope, belief, faith for some dies easily…for others, they cling with the tenacity born to those of deep faith…for a miracle. Through their tears, through their shattered dreams and hopes they cling. Some remembering He would as He said come back to life….a resurrection spoken of. Hope does not die easily….for some.
That night also events happened that fueled their hopes. Were they rumors, did they really happen? The darkness, the earthquake felt by all in themselves were mind numbing, but the rumor that the veil of the Temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and during the earthquake rocks were split….and the graves opened, where it is said many of the bodies of the saints who had died were raised from the dead.
So amazed and even terrified were some, that when centurion and, those with him, who were guarding Jesus at His tomb, saw felt the earthquake and the things that had happened, they feared greatly, saying “Truly this was the Son of God.”
His tomb sealed and guarded during those night hours because of the demands of the religious leaders, fearing that Jesus body might be taken by His disciples….thereby spreading a false rumor that He had risen from the dead as He had stated He would.
It is pre-dawn…a clear and beautiful morning is coming. The eastern sky showing ever so slightly that lovely pre-dawn glow, but what is this, what is happening? The ground once again begins to move a sudden there is a great earthquake; for as we learn later, an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone form the door and sat upon it.
His countenance was like lightning and his clothing as white as snow. And the guards shook for fear of him and became like dead men.
Mary Magdalene and the other Mary who were on their way to the tomb, shaken by the earthquake, still in mourning and tears continued on, encountering the angel who spoke to them said, “do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. “Come, see the place where the Lord lay.
And go…go quickly and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead, and indeed He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him. Behold I have told you.”
And as they went to tell His disciples behold, Jesus met them there, (in the garden) saying, “Rejoice!” so they came and held Him by the feet and worshiped Him. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell My brethren to go to Galilee, and there they will see Me.”
Let us sing…on page 106 MORNING HAS BROKEN……………
That morning broke as equal, if not even superior to the first morning of Creation. The pure light…not only from the early morning sun, but the pure light that radiated from the newly risen Son of God.
The Light that He brought was going to restore and break, the chains of bondage that the enemy of God bound humanity with, called sin. The beginning of a New Creation.
In time then, time present and time to come, we would then begin to the see the first fruits of this New Creation. An opportunity for each, and every individual man, woman, and child, given the opportunity by this Man/God, Jesus the Christ, to be healed, set free and even made whole by His Love, Grace, Salvation, and restoration.
No matter the degree of hurt, abuse, pain, sorrow, desolation, or rejection, He promises and delivers to us, the JOY of our SALVATION! Halleluiah.
No one cares as much as He does for all of humanity. From the least to the greatest, the poor to the rich, red, and yellow, black, and white…and all in between, are precious in His sight.
Beneath our skin, aside from our successes and failures, our looks, our body types, our sexuality….beneath these and more, He, looks at the pain, the heart, the soul, and spirit of each of us. What He wants to do is to wrap His arms around all of us, all of humanity and draw us close to his breast, to where we feel His broken heart beating for us.
He knows even more intimately than we know ourselves, all that we do through, endure and dream.
Oh, how He loves you and me.
Oh, how He loves you and me,
He gave His life,
What more could He give,
Oh, how He loves you,
Oh, how He loves me,
Oh, how He loves you and me….
You see…we are often bound by our past. By people who have hurt us, some deliberately and some not so. But, you see, pain is pain, abuse is abuse, sorrow is sorrow….and yes, sometimes it hurts and binds us more when it happens to be someone we love and care for who hurts us, be it physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual. When these things happen, sometimes in our loss of those we love, it hurts even more.
But you see…He promises us that one day all will be good. One day He says there will be no more sorrow, no more pain, no more tears.
One day….the chains that even still bind us, He wants you and me, to walk up to Him and say, Lord, I know you can do it, so would you please break these chains that hurt me and bind me, so that I can walk into Your open arms and be comforted, made free, made whole. Will you hold me?
You broke the chains of death….and You, even in this life, as well as the next to come can set me free. All I need to be is willing. Willing to let them go, no matter who, what, where, when, how they came to be.
I ask you to take them now….and envelope me, us, in your Resurrected arms until I no longer can or want to cry. Let today be my resurrected day….that you will have turned my MOURNING into dancing for me…You have put off my sackcloth and girded me with gladness, where together, arm in arm, we walk on the cool grass with morning dew still on it.
A new day can dawn….a resurrection is possible, if indeed we simply say yes Lord, yes.
I read a remarkable story yesterday called “The Butterfly Miracle” I am going to read to you, for in some ways it is an Easter story….a story of life and death and hope/faith. I know your heart will be touched . . . Perhaps deeply.
“The Book of Amazing Stories”
"March 30 ~ The Butterfly Story"
by; Robert Petterson
April4, 2021
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
Easter…………a new day begins with a new morning!
It is now early morning…the morning following a day and night of dramatic and mind-numbing events….beginning, with the arrest, trial, and subsequent death of Jesus, known as a prophet, the Messiah…and by His own words, the Son of God.
That night previous, from the sixth hour until the ninth hour, there was a supernatural darkness over all the land. Jesus, at the ninth hour cried out with a loud voice saying, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me,” soon followed by His very last words “Father, into Your hands I commit my Spirit!” And at that moment He gave up His Spirit….and died.
His disciples, their families, his own mother, and those who loved and followed Him, believing, trusting that He, their Jesus was the One…the One all of Israel had for generations been waiting for. The One who would lead them out of bondage and into a kingdom where God’s glory would prevail, and peace would reign, from the throne of David once more, but this time across the world.
Hope, belief, faith for some dies easily…for others, they cling with the tenacity born to those of deep faith…for a miracle. Through their tears, through their shattered dreams and hopes they cling. Some remembering He would as He said come back to life….a resurrection spoken of. Hope does not die easily….for some.
That night also events happened that fueled their hopes. Were they rumors, did they really happen? The darkness, the earthquake felt by all in themselves were mind numbing, but the rumor that the veil of the Temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and during the earthquake rocks were split….and the graves opened, where it is said many of the bodies of the saints who had died were raised from the dead.
So amazed and even terrified were some, that when centurion and, those with him, who were guarding Jesus at His tomb, saw felt the earthquake and the things that had happened, they feared greatly, saying “Truly this was the Son of God.”
His tomb sealed and guarded during those night hours because of the demands of the religious leaders, fearing that Jesus body might be taken by His disciples….thereby spreading a false rumor that He had risen from the dead as He had stated He would.
It is pre-dawn…a clear and beautiful morning is coming. The eastern sky showing ever so slightly that lovely pre-dawn glow, but what is this, what is happening? The ground once again begins to move a sudden there is a great earthquake; for as we learn later, an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone form the door and sat upon it.
His countenance was like lightning and his clothing as white as snow. And the guards shook for fear of him and became like dead men.
Mary Magdalene and the other Mary who were on their way to the tomb, shaken by the earthquake, still in mourning and tears continued on, encountering the angel who spoke to them said, “do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. “Come, see the place where the Lord lay.
And go…go quickly and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead, and indeed He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him. Behold I have told you.”
And as they went to tell His disciples behold, Jesus met them there, (in the garden) saying, “Rejoice!” so they came and held Him by the feet and worshiped Him. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell My brethren to go to Galilee, and there they will see Me.”
Let us sing…on page 106 MORNING HAS BROKEN……………
That morning broke as equal, if not even superior to the first morning of Creation. The pure light…not only from the early morning sun, but the pure light that radiated from the newly risen Son of God.
The Light that He brought was going to restore and break, the chains of bondage that the enemy of God bound humanity with, called sin. The beginning of a New Creation.
In time then, time present and time to come, we would then begin to the see the first fruits of this New Creation. An opportunity for each, and every individual man, woman, and child, given the opportunity by this Man/God, Jesus the Christ, to be healed, set free and even made whole by His Love, Grace, Salvation, and restoration.
No matter the degree of hurt, abuse, pain, sorrow, desolation, or rejection, He promises and delivers to us, the JOY of our SALVATION! Halleluiah.
No one cares as much as He does for all of humanity. From the least to the greatest, the poor to the rich, red, and yellow, black, and white…and all in between, are precious in His sight.
Beneath our skin, aside from our successes and failures, our looks, our body types, our sexuality….beneath these and more, He, looks at the pain, the heart, the soul, and spirit of each of us. What He wants to do is to wrap His arms around all of us, all of humanity and draw us close to his breast, to where we feel His broken heart beating for us.
He knows even more intimately than we know ourselves, all that we do through, endure and dream.
Oh, how He loves you and me.
Oh, how He loves you and me,
He gave His life,
What more could He give,
Oh, how He loves you,
Oh, how He loves me,
Oh, how He loves you and me….
You see…we are often bound by our past. By people who have hurt us, some deliberately and some not so. But, you see, pain is pain, abuse is abuse, sorrow is sorrow….and yes, sometimes it hurts and binds us more when it happens to be someone we love and care for who hurts us, be it physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual. When these things happen, sometimes in our loss of those we love, it hurts even more.
But you see…He promises us that one day all will be good. One day He says there will be no more sorrow, no more pain, no more tears.
One day….the chains that even still bind us, He wants you and me, to walk up to Him and say, Lord, I know you can do it, so would you please break these chains that hurt me and bind me, so that I can walk into Your open arms and be comforted, made free, made whole. Will you hold me?
You broke the chains of death….and You, even in this life, as well as the next to come can set me free. All I need to be is willing. Willing to let them go, no matter who, what, where, when, how they came to be.
I ask you to take them now….and envelope me, us, in your Resurrected arms until I no longer can or want to cry. Let today be my resurrected day….that you will have turned my MOURNING into dancing for me…You have put off my sackcloth and girded me with gladness, where together, arm in arm, we walk on the cool grass with morning dew still on it.
A new day can dawn….a resurrection is possible, if indeed we simply say yes Lord, yes.
I read a remarkable story yesterday called “The Butterfly Miracle” I am going to read to you, for in some ways it is an Easter story….a story of life and death and hope/faith. I know your heart will be touched . . . Perhaps deeply.
“The Book of Amazing Stories”
"March 30 ~ The Butterfly Story"
by; Robert Petterson
Palm Sunday * Holy Week * Passion Week
March 28, 2021
by; Connie Funkhouser
Pastor Tom knowing this week is a favorite of mine, and after last Sunday’s service, here I stand before you to share about Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem and why this week “Holy Week” is also known as Passion Week.
Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week. The final week of Lent. The final and most profound week of Jesus’ journey to the Cross. A few interesting facts . . . .
Palm Sunday triggered the countdown to the greatest and most scared week of Earth’s history since Creation. The creation of our Universe, spoken into existence by our Creator, certainly was a grand event. But the universe shackled by the bondage to sin, groaning in anticipation of being liberated, must have rejoiced in the redemptive events of this week.
Jesus is wrapping up His 3-year ministry. He has done a lot of healing and teaching in the last three years but some of His important work will take place in His final week.
Jesus and His disciples have come to Jerusalem for Passover feast. But Jesus will not only celebrate the feast He will end up being the sacrificial lamb for the Passover meal. Tensions are high as the religious leaders are searching for a way to capture Jesus and have Him killed for blasphemy. The disciples are aware of this and they too are worried about what will happen when they go into the city. Massive crowds are coming to Jerusalem for Passover, so the tension also comes with some excitement.
By this point, Jesus of Nazareth has gained a reputation. Not only has Jesus taught the Scriptures like no one has ever taught them, but He has physically healed people, and the latest thing He has done to really upset the religious leaders was He literally raised His friend Lazarus from the dead. The religious leaders are frantically trying to figure out who Jesus really is, and how they can stop Him from creating more disruption among the religious establishment.
The NT Gospels recount the story:
On the first day of the week Jesus riding on the colt of a donkey. In Biblical times, it was common for Jewish kings or important people to arrive by a procession riding on a donkey. The donkey symbolized peace, so those who chose to ride donkeys showed that they came with peaceful intentions. Jesus even then reminded us that He is the Prince of Peace. Jesus made His way into Jerusalem, to celebrate the Passover festival fulfilling an ancient prophesy.
In Zechariah 9:9, we are told;
“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you; He is just and having salvation, lowly and riding on a donkey, A colt, the foal of a donkey.”
The crowds of people welcomed Him and placed their clothes and palm branches on the road, shouting, “Hosanna (save now) to the Son of David. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord” (Matthew 21:9 NKJV). The Roman road climbed steeply to the crest of the Mount of Olives, affording a spectacular view of the Desert of Judea to the east and Jerusalem across the Kidron Valley to the west.
Palm branches, the significance of the Palm Branch during this time of year. God's Word tells us the multitudes of people cut palm branches and waved them in the air, laid them out on the ground before Jesus as He rode into the city. The palm branch represented goodness and victory and was symbolic of the final victory Jesus would soon fulfill over death.
It was Palm Sunday and because Sally had a sore throat stayed home from Church. When the family returned home, they were carrying several palm branches. Sally asked what they were for. “People held them over Jesus’ head as He walked by,” her father told her. Wouldn’t you know it, Sally replied. “The one Sunday I don’t go to Church and He shows up.”
Christian’s recall, recount, reflect, and reminisce the events leading up to Jesus’ death by crucifixion, and according to their faith, His Resurrection.
This week includes five days of special importance:
Passion: is a feeling of intense enthusiasm for or compelling desire for someone or something. Passion can range from eager interest in or admiration for an idea, proposal, or cause. An enthusiastic enjoyment of an interest or activity; a strong attraction, excitement, or emotion towards a person.
Jesus did feel strongly about His impending death and resurrection, but that is not why we call it Passion Week. Attributing this week of remembrance to the English word “passion” has a long history, much longer than any of us have been alive. It dates back @ least to the 12th century (old English), and stems from the late Latin noun passio. Which meant suffering or “enduring.” Therefore, the Passion of the Christ, the week leading up to His enduring and suffering for us.
Jesus was/is passionate about us and His mission to the Cross. Passion is deep, focused, and a driving force to. I am not sure about you, and I can only speak for myself, but my passion and what I have chosen to be passionate about has on more than one occasion met with negativity, criticism, resentment, and resistance. I am ok with this, since I know, really know and am confident in the passions I do have are centered in God’s Word, His Truth.
I wonder, whether you are sitting here or watching Live Stream, are you thinking about your passions, do you waver when they are questioned? Maybe what created your passion(s) is from enduring and amid unthinkable suffering. We do know this; Jesus did not put the brakes on His donkey and turn His entourage and donkey around. The passion that He harbored for His assignment was true, it was deep-rooted in His very soul, and He “knew” what and how was about to unfold. The Son of God’s passion was unquestionably a deep conviction, a great devotion, a motivating and compelling action that must be taken to fulfill prophesy.
Jesus, God our Father is intensely passionate about reconciling us to Him. The great passion of God’s heart is that we will want to “KNOW” Him. God is talking about more than our salvation. An understanding of God starts when we begin to trust Jesus for the forgiveness of sins, but there is even more than that. He wants us to know all about Him! God’s main passion is His creation – His people.
What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus that is passionate spiritually?
The following is a brief story, and Jesus delivers the punch line: “Martha, Martha” He tell His hostess. “You are worried and distracted about many things; there is need for only one. Mary has chosen the better part and it shall not be taken from her.” Luke's Gospel (Luke 10:38–42).
Everything, therefore, hangs on the one thing that Jesus mentions, the one thing that Mary has chosen and apparently her sister, Martha has not. (Mary and Martha remind me of my Grandma Daisy 102 and Great Auntie Ethel 101. Share a little story.)
I am sure most know the story of Jesus entering Martha and Mary’s home and the different reactions from the two sisters.
At 1st it looks as though the one thing that is necessary - is to sit @ Jesus’ feet, to assume a disciple’s posture; this over something so useful as bustling about to make your guests feel @ home.
It is even possible to set up the two sisters as examples of different vocations. Martha the thoughtful, and fortunate one that she devotes herself to prayer, to spiritual practice. Martha on the other hand, seems like the rest of us, who struggle with the demands of life in the world, and praying on the run, if @ all.
The distinction between Mary and Martha, contemplation and action, prayer, and service, comes across as a tidy distinction. Life is rarely neat. Issues of faith are rarely simple.
Something more is involved here. The story of Jesus as a guest in the home of these women does not justify dividing believers into two classes: spiritual aristocrats and the rest of us. Instead, it challenges all of us, and does so in a way that need not separate us from each other.
What makes Mary of Bethany an example is not that she sits @ the feet of Jesus. What makes her sister Martha need her example is not that she labors to accommodate others. What is @ stake lies elsewhere. A contemporary name for it is passionate spirituality.
Passionate spirituality takes many forms. It does not have to be emotional rather than reasonable, extroverted rather than introverted, or contemporary rather than traditional. What makes some spirituality passionate is prayer, enthusiasm, and boldness. People of passionate spirituality live committed lives. They practice and apply their faith with joy and enthusiasm. Passionate spirituality can spill out through service and study and devotion. It can be apparent in whatever one does.
The problem with Martha is not her hospitality. It is how she does not let her hospitality become a channel for spirituality marked by passion. Instead, she becomes distracted and complains to Jesus about her sister rather than speaking directly to her sister. While Mary listens to Jesus, Martha presumes to tell Him what she must do. Apparently, Martha is driven by duty (or in my case an urgency to clean), rather than to take delight in the presence of their guest. She may be an effective organizer, a great cook, attentive in all that she does, but she is simply responsible, not inspired, even on the day when Jesus Himself comes to dinner.
What makes Mary an example is not the simple fact that she listens to Jesus, but that she does so in a way that is passionate and bold. Jesus does not so much commend her behavior as the spirit behind it. Mary takes the role of a disciple, sitting @ the teacher’s feet. This is not something women in her society did, this is a role reserved for men. Yet, this is where she places herself, or rather listening to her inner passion, where the Spirit leads her.
Passionate spirituality is more God’s gift than it is anything we do. It is more for us to welcome than for us to achieve. It results from a series of conversions, a series of transformations.
Each of us is called repeatedly, invited to turn away from something and toward something else. The transformations that occur in our lives may cause us to turn toward God, toward Christ, toward a Church family and friends, toward the poor, to a life of prayer, toward a certain form of service, toward the world that God loves.
Each of us is invited many times to turn in a new direction. Passionate spirituality happens again and again when we answer these calls and enter new dimensions of the great gift of life. We cannot make these calls happen, but we can leave ourselves undefended so that we can hear such a call when it does present itself. Spiritual practices, properly understood, are to a large degree a form of listening to the Holy Spirit who resides within.
In this way, prayer, scripture, helping those in need, going on a faith-based retreat, and many others are ways for us, like Mary to sit @ Jesus’ feet and listen to what He wants to tell us.
We may find it risky and uncomfortable, for all sorts of reason, some of them self-imposed, to undertake spiritual practices in a receptive way, to answer the call to continuing our conversions/transformations, to become aflame with passionate spirituality or what Jesus calls the one thing necessary. We may after all find ourselves taken to unexpected places. And I am not necessarily speaking of physically relocating one’s life, but a new life in Christ with new and a fresh purpose.
Passionate spirituality took a biblical farm hand name Amos away from the tending of sycamore trees and made him into a prophet of God. He responded to his call.
Passionate spirituality took a slave from Maryland’s Eastern Shore named Harriet Tubman and made her into the Moses of her people. She responded to the call.
Passionate spirituality took Oscar Romero, a conventional cleric from the tortured country of El Salvador and made him into a voice for the voiceless. Oscar responded.
Fishermen dropped their nets, left their families, abandoned their comfort zones to follow Jesus and become His inner circle. They answered and responded.
Our Daisy’s Angels’ Ministry Team answered a call to volunteer and committed ourselves to ministering to a chapel full of Juvenile offenders. We responded . . . and speaking for myself, look where it has taken me. To a lifestyle of study, of reading and composing written assignments upon assignments, learning to articulate my words to paper, a passionate commitment, a highly focus and disciplined life, and for some of my peers, an exceedingly boring and lonely life.
As we contemplate Holy Week and the passion driven followers of Jesus, we must remember what our Lord endured for our salvation. He offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice of sin on the altar of the cross and washed away our sins with His blood.
We have so much to be grateful for this week. The enemy knows that, and you can bet, he is going to do everything he can to try and distract us away from the true meaning of what this Holy Week means. God’s word is unstoppable. One thing we can be sure of – God keeps His word. We can count on Him, trust Him, and believe His Word. Today as we remember Palm Sunday, we are assured that God will keep His Word about the future. How do we know that for certain? Because He has kept His Word so perfectly and exactly in the past.
Our responsibility is to repent of our sins. Our crucified Lord on the cross is a vivid image of His love. Meditating on His passion will strengthen us against temptation, move us to frequent confession and I am not talking about publicly confessing, just a sincere and deep conversation with God.
Today, Palm Sunday is significant as we begin Holy Week. I encourage you to delve into the meaning of this week and what is about to transpire. Scripture relates the grand story of how God has acted in grace to save His way-ward children. Reflect on God’s promise of salvation that is offered to all. This journey that Jesus willingly took to the cross is for us, yes, all of us. God’s plan to save us is about to unfold. Reflect, marvel, sit in a state of amazement and gratitude because this is for You! ☺ The gift of salvation happens on Calvary.
Calvary where we come with our sin and receive His salvation. Calvary, where we come with our ruin and receive His righteousness. Calvary, the place where we come with our darkness and receive His light. Calvary, the place where we come with our hate and rebellion and receive His love. I suggest making the journey and collect what is yours.
Of course, I am talking figuratively. Go to the cross, take all your brokenness, and lay them down. Take all your baggage stuffed full of regrets, sins, the should haves, the what ifs, your heavy burdens and placed those bags at the foot of the cross. Get on your knees and give it “all” to our Lord and Savior and tell Him, “Thank You!” Get up and begin a fresh new beginning with a life centered in God’s Word and discover your God-given purpose(s). Your life will be transformed
Not ready yet, it is okay, fortunately God is patient, diligent, and His vigilance never waivers with us, His creation.
Holy Week is a reminder that God is not finished. Hope is still coming. God is not done. In this Holy Week, may God direct our thoughts and attention towards what matters most, Jesus Christ our King...
Let us choose to focus on worshipping our Lord, thanking Him for the gift of His sacrifice, celebrating the power of the Resurrection, and the new life found in Him alone. "Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!" 2 Cor. 9:15
If you are able . . . make sure to witness the sunrise on Easter morning. Remember, the Son, S-O-N is rising for You!
March 28, 2021
by; Connie Funkhouser
Pastor Tom knowing this week is a favorite of mine, and after last Sunday’s service, here I stand before you to share about Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem and why this week “Holy Week” is also known as Passion Week.
Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week. The final week of Lent. The final and most profound week of Jesus’ journey to the Cross. A few interesting facts . . . .
- The final week of Christ’s life is captured for us in the NT across 28 chapters out of 89 chapters that make up the Four Gospels.
- Just for perspective - - - out of those 89 chapters in the Four Gospels:
- Christ’s entire 42-month (or 168 weeks, or 3-1/2 yr.) of ministry is covered in 61 of those 89 chapters.
- Christ’s Final Week fills another 28 chapters.
- We know so much more about Christ’s final week, than any other week in the Bible.
Palm Sunday triggered the countdown to the greatest and most scared week of Earth’s history since Creation. The creation of our Universe, spoken into existence by our Creator, certainly was a grand event. But the universe shackled by the bondage to sin, groaning in anticipation of being liberated, must have rejoiced in the redemptive events of this week.
Jesus is wrapping up His 3-year ministry. He has done a lot of healing and teaching in the last three years but some of His important work will take place in His final week.
Jesus and His disciples have come to Jerusalem for Passover feast. But Jesus will not only celebrate the feast He will end up being the sacrificial lamb for the Passover meal. Tensions are high as the religious leaders are searching for a way to capture Jesus and have Him killed for blasphemy. The disciples are aware of this and they too are worried about what will happen when they go into the city. Massive crowds are coming to Jerusalem for Passover, so the tension also comes with some excitement.
By this point, Jesus of Nazareth has gained a reputation. Not only has Jesus taught the Scriptures like no one has ever taught them, but He has physically healed people, and the latest thing He has done to really upset the religious leaders was He literally raised His friend Lazarus from the dead. The religious leaders are frantically trying to figure out who Jesus really is, and how they can stop Him from creating more disruption among the religious establishment.
The NT Gospels recount the story:
On the first day of the week Jesus riding on the colt of a donkey. In Biblical times, it was common for Jewish kings or important people to arrive by a procession riding on a donkey. The donkey symbolized peace, so those who chose to ride donkeys showed that they came with peaceful intentions. Jesus even then reminded us that He is the Prince of Peace. Jesus made His way into Jerusalem, to celebrate the Passover festival fulfilling an ancient prophesy.
In Zechariah 9:9, we are told;
“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you; He is just and having salvation, lowly and riding on a donkey, A colt, the foal of a donkey.”
The crowds of people welcomed Him and placed their clothes and palm branches on the road, shouting, “Hosanna (save now) to the Son of David. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord” (Matthew 21:9 NKJV). The Roman road climbed steeply to the crest of the Mount of Olives, affording a spectacular view of the Desert of Judea to the east and Jerusalem across the Kidron Valley to the west.
Palm branches, the significance of the Palm Branch during this time of year. God's Word tells us the multitudes of people cut palm branches and waved them in the air, laid them out on the ground before Jesus as He rode into the city. The palm branch represented goodness and victory and was symbolic of the final victory Jesus would soon fulfill over death.
It was Palm Sunday and because Sally had a sore throat stayed home from Church. When the family returned home, they were carrying several palm branches. Sally asked what they were for. “People held them over Jesus’ head as He walked by,” her father told her. Wouldn’t you know it, Sally replied. “The one Sunday I don’t go to Church and He shows up.”
Christian’s recall, recount, reflect, and reminisce the events leading up to Jesus’ death by crucifixion, and according to their faith, His Resurrection.
This week includes five days of special importance:
- The first is Palm Sunday also referred to as Passion Sunday. Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem on a donkey.
- Maundy Thursday – Commemorates the Last Super.
- Good Friday – The most solemn day of the Church year. Jesus was crucified.
- Holy Saturday – A day of somber reflection on what a world would be like w/o Jesus.
- Easter – Hallelujah, we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior.
Passion: is a feeling of intense enthusiasm for or compelling desire for someone or something. Passion can range from eager interest in or admiration for an idea, proposal, or cause. An enthusiastic enjoyment of an interest or activity; a strong attraction, excitement, or emotion towards a person.
Jesus did feel strongly about His impending death and resurrection, but that is not why we call it Passion Week. Attributing this week of remembrance to the English word “passion” has a long history, much longer than any of us have been alive. It dates back @ least to the 12th century (old English), and stems from the late Latin noun passio. Which meant suffering or “enduring.” Therefore, the Passion of the Christ, the week leading up to His enduring and suffering for us.
Jesus was/is passionate about us and His mission to the Cross. Passion is deep, focused, and a driving force to. I am not sure about you, and I can only speak for myself, but my passion and what I have chosen to be passionate about has on more than one occasion met with negativity, criticism, resentment, and resistance. I am ok with this, since I know, really know and am confident in the passions I do have are centered in God’s Word, His Truth.
I wonder, whether you are sitting here or watching Live Stream, are you thinking about your passions, do you waver when they are questioned? Maybe what created your passion(s) is from enduring and amid unthinkable suffering. We do know this; Jesus did not put the brakes on His donkey and turn His entourage and donkey around. The passion that He harbored for His assignment was true, it was deep-rooted in His very soul, and He “knew” what and how was about to unfold. The Son of God’s passion was unquestionably a deep conviction, a great devotion, a motivating and compelling action that must be taken to fulfill prophesy.
Jesus, God our Father is intensely passionate about reconciling us to Him. The great passion of God’s heart is that we will want to “KNOW” Him. God is talking about more than our salvation. An understanding of God starts when we begin to trust Jesus for the forgiveness of sins, but there is even more than that. He wants us to know all about Him! God’s main passion is His creation – His people.
What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus that is passionate spiritually?
The following is a brief story, and Jesus delivers the punch line: “Martha, Martha” He tell His hostess. “You are worried and distracted about many things; there is need for only one. Mary has chosen the better part and it shall not be taken from her.” Luke's Gospel (Luke 10:38–42).
Everything, therefore, hangs on the one thing that Jesus mentions, the one thing that Mary has chosen and apparently her sister, Martha has not. (Mary and Martha remind me of my Grandma Daisy 102 and Great Auntie Ethel 101. Share a little story.)
I am sure most know the story of Jesus entering Martha and Mary’s home and the different reactions from the two sisters.
At 1st it looks as though the one thing that is necessary - is to sit @ Jesus’ feet, to assume a disciple’s posture; this over something so useful as bustling about to make your guests feel @ home.
It is even possible to set up the two sisters as examples of different vocations. Martha the thoughtful, and fortunate one that she devotes herself to prayer, to spiritual practice. Martha on the other hand, seems like the rest of us, who struggle with the demands of life in the world, and praying on the run, if @ all.
The distinction between Mary and Martha, contemplation and action, prayer, and service, comes across as a tidy distinction. Life is rarely neat. Issues of faith are rarely simple.
Something more is involved here. The story of Jesus as a guest in the home of these women does not justify dividing believers into two classes: spiritual aristocrats and the rest of us. Instead, it challenges all of us, and does so in a way that need not separate us from each other.
What makes Mary of Bethany an example is not that she sits @ the feet of Jesus. What makes her sister Martha need her example is not that she labors to accommodate others. What is @ stake lies elsewhere. A contemporary name for it is passionate spirituality.
Passionate spirituality takes many forms. It does not have to be emotional rather than reasonable, extroverted rather than introverted, or contemporary rather than traditional. What makes some spirituality passionate is prayer, enthusiasm, and boldness. People of passionate spirituality live committed lives. They practice and apply their faith with joy and enthusiasm. Passionate spirituality can spill out through service and study and devotion. It can be apparent in whatever one does.
The problem with Martha is not her hospitality. It is how she does not let her hospitality become a channel for spirituality marked by passion. Instead, she becomes distracted and complains to Jesus about her sister rather than speaking directly to her sister. While Mary listens to Jesus, Martha presumes to tell Him what she must do. Apparently, Martha is driven by duty (or in my case an urgency to clean), rather than to take delight in the presence of their guest. She may be an effective organizer, a great cook, attentive in all that she does, but she is simply responsible, not inspired, even on the day when Jesus Himself comes to dinner.
What makes Mary an example is not the simple fact that she listens to Jesus, but that she does so in a way that is passionate and bold. Jesus does not so much commend her behavior as the spirit behind it. Mary takes the role of a disciple, sitting @ the teacher’s feet. This is not something women in her society did, this is a role reserved for men. Yet, this is where she places herself, or rather listening to her inner passion, where the Spirit leads her.
Passionate spirituality is more God’s gift than it is anything we do. It is more for us to welcome than for us to achieve. It results from a series of conversions, a series of transformations.
Each of us is called repeatedly, invited to turn away from something and toward something else. The transformations that occur in our lives may cause us to turn toward God, toward Christ, toward a Church family and friends, toward the poor, to a life of prayer, toward a certain form of service, toward the world that God loves.
Each of us is invited many times to turn in a new direction. Passionate spirituality happens again and again when we answer these calls and enter new dimensions of the great gift of life. We cannot make these calls happen, but we can leave ourselves undefended so that we can hear such a call when it does present itself. Spiritual practices, properly understood, are to a large degree a form of listening to the Holy Spirit who resides within.
In this way, prayer, scripture, helping those in need, going on a faith-based retreat, and many others are ways for us, like Mary to sit @ Jesus’ feet and listen to what He wants to tell us.
We may find it risky and uncomfortable, for all sorts of reason, some of them self-imposed, to undertake spiritual practices in a receptive way, to answer the call to continuing our conversions/transformations, to become aflame with passionate spirituality or what Jesus calls the one thing necessary. We may after all find ourselves taken to unexpected places. And I am not necessarily speaking of physically relocating one’s life, but a new life in Christ with new and a fresh purpose.
Passionate spirituality took a biblical farm hand name Amos away from the tending of sycamore trees and made him into a prophet of God. He responded to his call.
Passionate spirituality took a slave from Maryland’s Eastern Shore named Harriet Tubman and made her into the Moses of her people. She responded to the call.
Passionate spirituality took Oscar Romero, a conventional cleric from the tortured country of El Salvador and made him into a voice for the voiceless. Oscar responded.
Fishermen dropped their nets, left their families, abandoned their comfort zones to follow Jesus and become His inner circle. They answered and responded.
Our Daisy’s Angels’ Ministry Team answered a call to volunteer and committed ourselves to ministering to a chapel full of Juvenile offenders. We responded . . . and speaking for myself, look where it has taken me. To a lifestyle of study, of reading and composing written assignments upon assignments, learning to articulate my words to paper, a passionate commitment, a highly focus and disciplined life, and for some of my peers, an exceedingly boring and lonely life.
As we contemplate Holy Week and the passion driven followers of Jesus, we must remember what our Lord endured for our salvation. He offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice of sin on the altar of the cross and washed away our sins with His blood.
We have so much to be grateful for this week. The enemy knows that, and you can bet, he is going to do everything he can to try and distract us away from the true meaning of what this Holy Week means. God’s word is unstoppable. One thing we can be sure of – God keeps His word. We can count on Him, trust Him, and believe His Word. Today as we remember Palm Sunday, we are assured that God will keep His Word about the future. How do we know that for certain? Because He has kept His Word so perfectly and exactly in the past.
Our responsibility is to repent of our sins. Our crucified Lord on the cross is a vivid image of His love. Meditating on His passion will strengthen us against temptation, move us to frequent confession and I am not talking about publicly confessing, just a sincere and deep conversation with God.
Today, Palm Sunday is significant as we begin Holy Week. I encourage you to delve into the meaning of this week and what is about to transpire. Scripture relates the grand story of how God has acted in grace to save His way-ward children. Reflect on God’s promise of salvation that is offered to all. This journey that Jesus willingly took to the cross is for us, yes, all of us. God’s plan to save us is about to unfold. Reflect, marvel, sit in a state of amazement and gratitude because this is for You! ☺ The gift of salvation happens on Calvary.
Calvary where we come with our sin and receive His salvation. Calvary, where we come with our ruin and receive His righteousness. Calvary, the place where we come with our darkness and receive His light. Calvary, the place where we come with our hate and rebellion and receive His love. I suggest making the journey and collect what is yours.
Of course, I am talking figuratively. Go to the cross, take all your brokenness, and lay them down. Take all your baggage stuffed full of regrets, sins, the should haves, the what ifs, your heavy burdens and placed those bags at the foot of the cross. Get on your knees and give it “all” to our Lord and Savior and tell Him, “Thank You!” Get up and begin a fresh new beginning with a life centered in God’s Word and discover your God-given purpose(s). Your life will be transformed
Not ready yet, it is okay, fortunately God is patient, diligent, and His vigilance never waivers with us, His creation.
Holy Week is a reminder that God is not finished. Hope is still coming. God is not done. In this Holy Week, may God direct our thoughts and attention towards what matters most, Jesus Christ our King...
Let us choose to focus on worshipping our Lord, thanking Him for the gift of His sacrifice, celebrating the power of the Resurrection, and the new life found in Him alone. "Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!" 2 Cor. 9:15
If you are able . . . make sure to witness the sunrise on Easter morning. Remember, the Son, S-O-N is rising for You!
The Little Church in the Pines
March 21, 2021
Is it Possible? Absolutely!
Micah 6:8
by; Pastor Tom Shanor
As we know by experience, life is full of requirements and expectations, it just is, if we are going to live together in community and harmony. There are realistic and applicable expectations, fundamental ones as well as unrealistic and absurd ones. When they come from God Himself though, we had better listen for our own good. His are never unrealistic, absurd, or irrelevant. They are always life-applicable and necessary for the well-being of we as individuals, and for humanity-as-a-whole.
MICAH 6:8 – “He has told you, O mankind, what is good and what the Lord ‘requires’ of you, and that is, to act with justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly….with your God.”
This verse encapsulates the heart of God, and with that my goal and our eventual destination in today’s message. We will now go over these again, one by one.
a. We have been told!
b. What is good in the sight of God.
c. What our requirements are that need to be fulfilled in us being accepted by Him and they are:
d. Justice
e. Mercy
f. Humility
Think about just these three requirements and expectations, that if indeed they and they alone were fulfilled by us, how different the world would be. We need to look deep within our hearts and lives, examining ourselves through the eyes of the Spirit and see where we fall short.
We will become more intimate with this verse and these words as we go along in today’s message, for they are foundational to our Christian journey in making us more like Jesus.
I am now going to do a bit of what I call ‘a weaving’ of these words into a tapestry of a good life for each and all of us.
A requirement is in its essence a commandment.
Here is the meaning of each in their simplest definition.
1. Commandment, an important ‘rule’ given by God that tells us how to behave.
2. Rule, a statement that tells us what is or is not permitted, in-any-given situation we find ourselves in as Believers.
3. Requirement, something that must be done.
4. Expectation, a belief that something will happen or is likely to happen, if stated clearly what is expected.
5. Faithful; keeping our promises and doing what we are supposed to do, thereby showing true and constant loyalty to God.
6. Benefits, a good or helpful result or effect of doing what is expected.
Weaving these six together in a complete paragraph comes next!
“Commandments are important rules given by God, instructing us as to how to live our lives, and these rules or commandments tell us what is, or even perhaps what is not expected in our daily living, requiring of us, the needed musts that He instructs us in His expectations, of what will be the outcome or likely to happen. As we are faithful in keeping our promises, by doing what we are supposed to do, thereby showing Him our love and true consistent loyalty, for in doing so, the results will be beneficial and both helpful and good.
In Jesus’ teachings there have been determined by scholars to be thirty-eight actual commandments. These commandments in their totality, offer to us ‘the way of life’ that if followed, will bless, and enrich us that no other way offered to us can give us.
My question at this point is, is this easy? and my answer is no, but it is also not impossible. For in Christ we are told, all things are possible. This, friend, is the crux on which all of these and their successes or failure depends. Do we want to please God or ourselves? Do we want to have full and rich lives or not? What must come about first, is the desire to love and worship Him, or ourselves. When the desire of our focus is settled, that is the first step toward pleasing God. These virtues can be woven into the very fabric of our lives if we but desire them to be there, for God will enable us to become master weavers of our own lives when He is working the shuttle.
Jesus said, “IF…you indeed love Me, keep my commandments.” John 14:15
These teaching of His will clearly tell us if we follow a form of religion, or instead true followers of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.
We can be like Old Faithful in Yellowstone, or like all the rest of the geysers., for it is not the largest in the Park, but certainly the most predictable or reliable.
As Christians, if we adhere to the commandments of Jesus, desiring to follow them, we too can be relied upon to be faithful and true because of the requirement and expectation that are being fulfilled. These, flowing from Him through us, as we interact with one another, with strangers and family members making changes for the better! Not only our lives and world, but all those whom we touch every day will benefit from our adherence to these virtues. Being Faithful is the key.
As we learn by studying His Commandments or requirements, it will also become noticeably clear to us, that God, being the God of expectations, is also the God of grace, justice, mercy, and humility, as exampled in Jesus when He washed the feet of His disciples.
Of the acknowledged thirty-eight commandments, there is one that in the past several decades became quite unpopular to speak of, and we find that one in John 3:7 – “You must be born again” (I have heard too many Christians speak against this statement, yet it was Jesus Himself who said it, and He NEVER said anything He did not mean. Just one of those requirements.) The benefits we are told is when doing so, (being born again) we receive eternal life, but not only eternal life, but eternal life with God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in a place called Heaven. This is as opposed to the alternative, for it seems everyone born has an eternal life….the difference being, where one spends it. These are not my words, but I sure do not mind saying them.
Do you remember the man reaching out to Jesus when He stated this to him? John 3:4, Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born again when he is old? Can he enter back into his mother’s womb and be re-born. Well, that was rational question.
In John 3:5, Jesus replies, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water (baptism) and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” Let us put it all together here….and this is called the “Message of the Kingdom.”
Upon repentance, (asking for the forgiveness of a person’s personal sins) then accepting what the Bible says about who Jesus the Christ as…(the begotten Son of God) and then turning to God in a new faith or belief in Him, for salvation. (benefit!) Acts 3:19. Turning from sin is NOT the definition of repentance but it is one of the results of genuine faith-based belief.
I will try to sum it up as best I can. “Upon repentance, a new order of life opens up to the new believer in Jesus Christ. Jesus used the term “new birth” to dramatically indicate three things.
1. Without a new birth there is no life, and no relationship with God, through His Son Jesus Christ.
2. In a New Birth, a new perspective is born as we now begin to see with new eyes and hear with new ears, the truth of the Kingdom of God. God’s Word becomes alive and clear, as the Holy Spirit brings us fresh revelations of truths.
3. Through this new birth we are given a second birth, not literally physically, yet literally in the Spiritual realm, by entering that new realm of growing faith, where God’s position in our lives is now being realized. (2nd Corinthians 5:17) It is now a re-qualifying experience, opening the possibilities, of our existence to a new supernatural dimension of life, and outfitting us for our new and vital spiritual journey.
Over the years there was formed a pattern that still exists in some religious circles, as to how to be born again. You had to get up, walk down an aisle (if there was one) to the front of the church building, and confess (in front of the congregation that indeed you were a sinner) inviting Jesus into your heart, so to speak. This I experienced personally at the age of 12 and found it to be a most memorable and wonderful experience. But in my opinion, this is but one way, this is not the only way. What occurs between you and God is between you and God, and to how this relationship comes about. One fact is that indeed it is through Christ and Christ alone. Publicly, privately, in a dump or in a mansion, a church, or a pool hall, it just does not matter. The moment you realize you by faith you believe, you at that moment are born again.
From that moment on it is a time to recognize that indeed, God will require of you, me, and all of us that call upon HIM, that we begin to live out Micah 6:8, and, that our new attitude and outlook, is focused on becoming like Jesus, who lived out and continues to live out humility, justice, and mercy as well as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
We are also told this beautiful revelation in Romans 8:1, “There is NOW no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus!” Nada, never, no way, NO condemnation! God now sees us solely through the eyes of His Son. Justified and whole.
Is your place a small place?
Tend it with care!
For, He set you there.
Is your place a large place?
Guard it with care!
For He set you there.
Whatever your place,
You are not alone,
But His place, and
He set you there.
Therefore. Tend it with care…………
Wherever we are now, is where we are supposed to be. It is here and now that God called us to be His followers, doing His will, learning His ways, so that His Son is given the freedom by us, to work through us, in assisting and loving others into the Kingdom of God.
A Prayer
Lord Jesus Christ…help us to learn from You, opening our minds and spirit to your Holy Spirit…who teaches us in all things….also helping us to remember Micah 6:8. “He has told you, O mankind, what is good and what the Lord ‘requires’ of you, and that is to act with justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly….with your God. Amen
Story…….read. . . .
March 21, 2021
Is it Possible? Absolutely!
Micah 6:8
by; Pastor Tom Shanor
As we know by experience, life is full of requirements and expectations, it just is, if we are going to live together in community and harmony. There are realistic and applicable expectations, fundamental ones as well as unrealistic and absurd ones. When they come from God Himself though, we had better listen for our own good. His are never unrealistic, absurd, or irrelevant. They are always life-applicable and necessary for the well-being of we as individuals, and for humanity-as-a-whole.
MICAH 6:8 – “He has told you, O mankind, what is good and what the Lord ‘requires’ of you, and that is, to act with justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly….with your God.”
This verse encapsulates the heart of God, and with that my goal and our eventual destination in today’s message. We will now go over these again, one by one.
a. We have been told!
b. What is good in the sight of God.
c. What our requirements are that need to be fulfilled in us being accepted by Him and they are:
d. Justice
e. Mercy
f. Humility
Think about just these three requirements and expectations, that if indeed they and they alone were fulfilled by us, how different the world would be. We need to look deep within our hearts and lives, examining ourselves through the eyes of the Spirit and see where we fall short.
We will become more intimate with this verse and these words as we go along in today’s message, for they are foundational to our Christian journey in making us more like Jesus.
I am now going to do a bit of what I call ‘a weaving’ of these words into a tapestry of a good life for each and all of us.
A requirement is in its essence a commandment.
Here is the meaning of each in their simplest definition.
1. Commandment, an important ‘rule’ given by God that tells us how to behave.
2. Rule, a statement that tells us what is or is not permitted, in-any-given situation we find ourselves in as Believers.
3. Requirement, something that must be done.
4. Expectation, a belief that something will happen or is likely to happen, if stated clearly what is expected.
5. Faithful; keeping our promises and doing what we are supposed to do, thereby showing true and constant loyalty to God.
6. Benefits, a good or helpful result or effect of doing what is expected.
Weaving these six together in a complete paragraph comes next!
“Commandments are important rules given by God, instructing us as to how to live our lives, and these rules or commandments tell us what is, or even perhaps what is not expected in our daily living, requiring of us, the needed musts that He instructs us in His expectations, of what will be the outcome or likely to happen. As we are faithful in keeping our promises, by doing what we are supposed to do, thereby showing Him our love and true consistent loyalty, for in doing so, the results will be beneficial and both helpful and good.
In Jesus’ teachings there have been determined by scholars to be thirty-eight actual commandments. These commandments in their totality, offer to us ‘the way of life’ that if followed, will bless, and enrich us that no other way offered to us can give us.
My question at this point is, is this easy? and my answer is no, but it is also not impossible. For in Christ we are told, all things are possible. This, friend, is the crux on which all of these and their successes or failure depends. Do we want to please God or ourselves? Do we want to have full and rich lives or not? What must come about first, is the desire to love and worship Him, or ourselves. When the desire of our focus is settled, that is the first step toward pleasing God. These virtues can be woven into the very fabric of our lives if we but desire them to be there, for God will enable us to become master weavers of our own lives when He is working the shuttle.
Jesus said, “IF…you indeed love Me, keep my commandments.” John 14:15
These teaching of His will clearly tell us if we follow a form of religion, or instead true followers of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.
We can be like Old Faithful in Yellowstone, or like all the rest of the geysers., for it is not the largest in the Park, but certainly the most predictable or reliable.
As Christians, if we adhere to the commandments of Jesus, desiring to follow them, we too can be relied upon to be faithful and true because of the requirement and expectation that are being fulfilled. These, flowing from Him through us, as we interact with one another, with strangers and family members making changes for the better! Not only our lives and world, but all those whom we touch every day will benefit from our adherence to these virtues. Being Faithful is the key.
As we learn by studying His Commandments or requirements, it will also become noticeably clear to us, that God, being the God of expectations, is also the God of grace, justice, mercy, and humility, as exampled in Jesus when He washed the feet of His disciples.
Of the acknowledged thirty-eight commandments, there is one that in the past several decades became quite unpopular to speak of, and we find that one in John 3:7 – “You must be born again” (I have heard too many Christians speak against this statement, yet it was Jesus Himself who said it, and He NEVER said anything He did not mean. Just one of those requirements.) The benefits we are told is when doing so, (being born again) we receive eternal life, but not only eternal life, but eternal life with God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in a place called Heaven. This is as opposed to the alternative, for it seems everyone born has an eternal life….the difference being, where one spends it. These are not my words, but I sure do not mind saying them.
Do you remember the man reaching out to Jesus when He stated this to him? John 3:4, Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born again when he is old? Can he enter back into his mother’s womb and be re-born. Well, that was rational question.
In John 3:5, Jesus replies, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water (baptism) and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” Let us put it all together here….and this is called the “Message of the Kingdom.”
Upon repentance, (asking for the forgiveness of a person’s personal sins) then accepting what the Bible says about who Jesus the Christ as…(the begotten Son of God) and then turning to God in a new faith or belief in Him, for salvation. (benefit!) Acts 3:19. Turning from sin is NOT the definition of repentance but it is one of the results of genuine faith-based belief.
I will try to sum it up as best I can. “Upon repentance, a new order of life opens up to the new believer in Jesus Christ. Jesus used the term “new birth” to dramatically indicate three things.
1. Without a new birth there is no life, and no relationship with God, through His Son Jesus Christ.
2. In a New Birth, a new perspective is born as we now begin to see with new eyes and hear with new ears, the truth of the Kingdom of God. God’s Word becomes alive and clear, as the Holy Spirit brings us fresh revelations of truths.
3. Through this new birth we are given a second birth, not literally physically, yet literally in the Spiritual realm, by entering that new realm of growing faith, where God’s position in our lives is now being realized. (2nd Corinthians 5:17) It is now a re-qualifying experience, opening the possibilities, of our existence to a new supernatural dimension of life, and outfitting us for our new and vital spiritual journey.
Over the years there was formed a pattern that still exists in some religious circles, as to how to be born again. You had to get up, walk down an aisle (if there was one) to the front of the church building, and confess (in front of the congregation that indeed you were a sinner) inviting Jesus into your heart, so to speak. This I experienced personally at the age of 12 and found it to be a most memorable and wonderful experience. But in my opinion, this is but one way, this is not the only way. What occurs between you and God is between you and God, and to how this relationship comes about. One fact is that indeed it is through Christ and Christ alone. Publicly, privately, in a dump or in a mansion, a church, or a pool hall, it just does not matter. The moment you realize you by faith you believe, you at that moment are born again.
From that moment on it is a time to recognize that indeed, God will require of you, me, and all of us that call upon HIM, that we begin to live out Micah 6:8, and, that our new attitude and outlook, is focused on becoming like Jesus, who lived out and continues to live out humility, justice, and mercy as well as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
We are also told this beautiful revelation in Romans 8:1, “There is NOW no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus!” Nada, never, no way, NO condemnation! God now sees us solely through the eyes of His Son. Justified and whole.
Is your place a small place?
Tend it with care!
For, He set you there.
Is your place a large place?
Guard it with care!
For He set you there.
Whatever your place,
You are not alone,
But His place, and
He set you there.
Therefore. Tend it with care…………
Wherever we are now, is where we are supposed to be. It is here and now that God called us to be His followers, doing His will, learning His ways, so that His Son is given the freedom by us, to work through us, in assisting and loving others into the Kingdom of God.
A Prayer
Lord Jesus Christ…help us to learn from You, opening our minds and spirit to your Holy Spirit…who teaches us in all things….also helping us to remember Micah 6:8. “He has told you, O mankind, what is good and what the Lord ‘requires’ of you, and that is to act with justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly….with your God. Amen
Story…….read. . . .
The Little Church in the Pines
March 14, 2021
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
What is so amazing about Grace ties into what is so amazing about Life. Really, life is simply (but not so simply) a fact I am not always able to grasp even though
I live. The enormity of space…eternity…this amazing little dot we live on…amazing! That not only the mere fact of life, on earth, but the resources to sustain life and for it to prosper are all here. We take for granted all these facts, and live as if what? That life is our due? I tell you this, it is a gift, and should be recognized as such. A gift that we should use in the very-best ways possible as a means of giving thanks to God for it.
At the center of this amazing thing called life is God. Not a god, but THE GOD, for God is not a concept but a reality. We know it, we sense it, we feel Him. The order of life, the body we live in, so amazing! From dust and water…and the elements that God used to create both the Universe and us, amazing. Not only us, but from the mite to the mighty, amazing, the diversity of life, PERFECT in Creation, but when the perfect went awry through man who not being content to live in peace, harmony, and unity with all that God gave him, because he wanted to be like God…. came the fall. Unity, harmony became disunity and confusion resulting in a rift, when Gods and our enemy entered the picture and, as a result, the need for mankind, now exploding upon the earth to be able to become once again reconciled to the Creator through what and who? Through Jesus Christ and GRACE, because of His great life and sacrifice of that life for us. GRACE and RECONCILIATION THROUGH HIS SACRIFICE is nothing short of AMAZING. And all it takes is acknowledgment of the Savior with the forgiveness of sins, and the GRACE that separates them from us as far as the East is from the West! Vanished forever…that is Grace. God planted within us the desire for Him, for His Son at the very beginning of Creation. Many of us have tried to fill that space with so many other things.
And people….and yet the hunger for God, un-satiated, remains in us, which drives us on and up and into, finally, hopefully, the One who breathed life into us.
Amazing Grace……how sweet the sound ~ that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see.
Twas GRACE that taught my heart to fear, and “grace” my fears relieved; how precious did that “Grace” appear…the hour I first believed.
He will my shield and portion be, as long as life endures.
Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come;
His Grace hath brough me safe thus fare, and Grace will lead me home.
When we’ve been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun, we’ve not less day to sings God’s praise, than when we’d first begun.
Yes, I have spoken on GRACE before and will again, but it has been a while since a singular topic, and feel deeply the need for myself and all of us to simply remember the great and mighty “gift” that it is, and as we draw close to Easter and what it cost our Lord to bestow on us this gift….and what it cost Him to give it.
The first stanza of the hymn speaks of fear, so I am going to try and clarify the meaning of that fear. I believe what Newton is saying here is that without GRACE, with the GRACE given freely to all who come to that Saving Grace in Jesus, here, in this stanza is specific to himself. That the acknowledgment of his own sins…the weight of not having that GRACE…would cause him to be swallowed up by the sins that weighed on him, causing fear to rise within him to the degree of an it, then becoming a great fear, an awful fear, and that the result without this free grace ultimately….is not just physical death, but a total separation of himself from God in Christ. Do you understand….it would mean conscious separation, because Scripture tells us all will live forever, no annihilation, but conscious separation from the Savior. John Newton came deeply into the understanding of what GRACE meant to him. Freedom, freedom from fear, darkness, separation, and death.
He goes on to say…. how precious, how valuable, how light-filled Grace is, when both received….and then given to others, when through us, by way of witness of our lives and words………………
John Newton, following a difficult upbringing, his mother dying when he was but seven, because of the choices he made as a young man eventually let to his deep conversion…once recognizing his then immediate and eternal value of this GRACE.
Freely, freely you have received…freely, freely give. Go in my name and because you believe…. others will know that I live.
I have mentioned Philip Yancy before…because of his book he wrote and published called “What’s So Amazing About Grace.” I recall a line he wrote saying, “Little did I know what I was getting into when I began writing a book on the word grace. He goes on to say, “I chose the topic out of my concern that some of us in the U.S. Church have lost our way, and that we stand in danger of losing our most important contribution to the world, (along with the message of reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ) because we fail…we fail…to both understand and live out the grace given to us in our everyday interactive lives with each other and our neighbors.”
Philip also says, “I truly believe that the future of the church in America and the world, depends on how we master the ‘gift’ of giving Grace, not His grace for only He can give that, but the grace given to us working out through us to others…being grace-filled.
What makes Christianity so radically different from all the other religions in the world. C.S. Lewis put it this way. “Grace”
Think about this…. where in the Muslim religion is grace ever mentioned. The entire world and all its religions are considered by them as faithless infidels, worthy of being if not converted, killed. Without one iota of mercy or grace.
There are a few religions such as Buddhists, which incorporate peace into their faith, and here the four notables of that religion.
1. Existence is suffering.
2. Suffering has a cause, namely craving and attachment, (sin)
3. There is a cessation to suffering that can be reached in life. And that is called Nirvana.
4. There is a pathway to Nirvana, but only a few can find within themselves the discipline to achieving it. Nirvana is being One with all of creation.
There is the Bahai Faith…. which is a new religion, (19th Century) teaching the essential worth of all religions and the unity of all people. They acknowledge Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad as predecessors to “the Bab, who is the one yet to come, called Bahuaullah, who will unify the world under one all-knowing God. Unknown to them, this is true as Jesus Christ will do so when He returns to earth.
If you adhere to any one of these faiths only…. then there is no grace extended…the idea is to incorporate the best of them all if indeed they can be found.
GRACE….as you know or perhaps do not know, cannot be earned…for in Western Christian theology, Grace is “the love and mercy given to us by God, because God desires us to have it, not because of anything we have, will do or can earn it”. Undeserved, but given freely.
Christ paid for it…. period. Be grateful and accept it…. please.
Why do we sometimes find it so hard to extend to others this GRACE in us (having been forgiven ourselves by Christ) who have offended us?
Because it is beneath us to condescend to do so?
Because they offended us and therefore do not deserve it?
Because we want to feel superior to them…add infinitum.
Because of this, we often nurture the offense to the point where It rules our lives.
These among many others…. if not reconciled, become chains around our mind, heart and spirit that can blind and bind us to the need of letting the offense go. No longer walking in grace, it soon becomes almost possible to live without our self-righteousness indignation, hurt, anger…thereby making reconciliation next to impossible.
It is not out business to go around pointing fingers at others, pointing out their failures or sins…. but, for the most part we have all on occasion done so. In this area we don’t need any training either, as it seems to come naturally. Experience comes quickly and can be fed to the degree of becoming a ravaging beast. Then too often our tongue gets involve, blaming, accusing, gossiping, condemning for these actions keep us in control….and we like being in control.
I have mentioned Corrie Ten-Boom and her sister Betsy who from Holland ended up in a concentration camp for aiding Jews fleeing from Nazi persecution. It is all about grace……. titled, “The Deepest Pit of All” READ (from
One last illustration;
On April 4th, 1968, American Civil Rights Leader, known as Martin Luther King Jr., was assassinated, leaving millions angry and disillusioned. In Indianapolis, a largely African American crowd had gathered to hear Robert F. Kennedy speak. They had not yet heard of Dr. King’s death, so Kennedy (heart-broken and shattered himself,) chose to share the tragic news. He appealed for calm by acknowledging not only his, but their loss……the country’s loss and his, having lost his own brother President Kennedy, and the abiding pain he carried within himself.
Kennedy then quoted a variation of an ancient poem.
Even in our sleep,
Pain which we cannot forget,
Falls, drop by drop upon our heart,
Until in our own despair, against our will,
Comes wisdom…through the awful grace of God,
“Wisdom through the ‘awful Grace of God’ is a remarkable statement. It means this…. that God’s Grace should fill us with awe, for it gives us the opportunity to grow in wisdom and Grace itself, during life’s most difficult times, will, when receiving and giving, change our lives for the better, and make us into men and women of gratitude and grace…. not judgment.
It will make us into kinder and gentler people…. with the side effect of doing the same to others when they see us being like our Lord.
God help us all…every one of us…to live such lives that in turn will bring us, us, health, peace and even joy, where no matter what comes our way, we can say and sing as we did last week. “It is Well with My Soul” for it will be well with your soul because of being men and women of God’s grace through Christ.
Acts of Grace begins with the small things, things as simple as small acts of kindness…so that when the big opportunities come, we will automatically do the right thing, because we were faithful in the small things. We will have stepped into that water I spoke of last week…. for we will have His Peace, Like a River in our soul.
What is so amazing about Grace……Everything!
March 14, 2021
by: Pastor Tom Shanor
What is so amazing about Grace ties into what is so amazing about Life. Really, life is simply (but not so simply) a fact I am not always able to grasp even though
I live. The enormity of space…eternity…this amazing little dot we live on…amazing! That not only the mere fact of life, on earth, but the resources to sustain life and for it to prosper are all here. We take for granted all these facts, and live as if what? That life is our due? I tell you this, it is a gift, and should be recognized as such. A gift that we should use in the very-best ways possible as a means of giving thanks to God for it.
At the center of this amazing thing called life is God. Not a god, but THE GOD, for God is not a concept but a reality. We know it, we sense it, we feel Him. The order of life, the body we live in, so amazing! From dust and water…and the elements that God used to create both the Universe and us, amazing. Not only us, but from the mite to the mighty, amazing, the diversity of life, PERFECT in Creation, but when the perfect went awry through man who not being content to live in peace, harmony, and unity with all that God gave him, because he wanted to be like God…. came the fall. Unity, harmony became disunity and confusion resulting in a rift, when Gods and our enemy entered the picture and, as a result, the need for mankind, now exploding upon the earth to be able to become once again reconciled to the Creator through what and who? Through Jesus Christ and GRACE, because of His great life and sacrifice of that life for us. GRACE and RECONCILIATION THROUGH HIS SACRIFICE is nothing short of AMAZING. And all it takes is acknowledgment of the Savior with the forgiveness of sins, and the GRACE that separates them from us as far as the East is from the West! Vanished forever…that is Grace. God planted within us the desire for Him, for His Son at the very beginning of Creation. Many of us have tried to fill that space with so many other things.
And people….and yet the hunger for God, un-satiated, remains in us, which drives us on and up and into, finally, hopefully, the One who breathed life into us.
Amazing Grace……how sweet the sound ~ that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see.
Twas GRACE that taught my heart to fear, and “grace” my fears relieved; how precious did that “Grace” appear…the hour I first believed.
He will my shield and portion be, as long as life endures.
Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come;
His Grace hath brough me safe thus fare, and Grace will lead me home.
When we’ve been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun, we’ve not less day to sings God’s praise, than when we’d first begun.
Yes, I have spoken on GRACE before and will again, but it has been a while since a singular topic, and feel deeply the need for myself and all of us to simply remember the great and mighty “gift” that it is, and as we draw close to Easter and what it cost our Lord to bestow on us this gift….and what it cost Him to give it.
The first stanza of the hymn speaks of fear, so I am going to try and clarify the meaning of that fear. I believe what Newton is saying here is that without GRACE, with the GRACE given freely to all who come to that Saving Grace in Jesus, here, in this stanza is specific to himself. That the acknowledgment of his own sins…the weight of not having that GRACE…would cause him to be swallowed up by the sins that weighed on him, causing fear to rise within him to the degree of an it, then becoming a great fear, an awful fear, and that the result without this free grace ultimately….is not just physical death, but a total separation of himself from God in Christ. Do you understand….it would mean conscious separation, because Scripture tells us all will live forever, no annihilation, but conscious separation from the Savior. John Newton came deeply into the understanding of what GRACE meant to him. Freedom, freedom from fear, darkness, separation, and death.
He goes on to say…. how precious, how valuable, how light-filled Grace is, when both received….and then given to others, when through us, by way of witness of our lives and words………………
John Newton, following a difficult upbringing, his mother dying when he was but seven, because of the choices he made as a young man eventually let to his deep conversion…once recognizing his then immediate and eternal value of this GRACE.
Freely, freely you have received…freely, freely give. Go in my name and because you believe…. others will know that I live.
I have mentioned Philip Yancy before…because of his book he wrote and published called “What’s So Amazing About Grace.” I recall a line he wrote saying, “Little did I know what I was getting into when I began writing a book on the word grace. He goes on to say, “I chose the topic out of my concern that some of us in the U.S. Church have lost our way, and that we stand in danger of losing our most important contribution to the world, (along with the message of reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ) because we fail…we fail…to both understand and live out the grace given to us in our everyday interactive lives with each other and our neighbors.”
Philip also says, “I truly believe that the future of the church in America and the world, depends on how we master the ‘gift’ of giving Grace, not His grace for only He can give that, but the grace given to us working out through us to others…being grace-filled.
What makes Christianity so radically different from all the other religions in the world. C.S. Lewis put it this way. “Grace”
Think about this…. where in the Muslim religion is grace ever mentioned. The entire world and all its religions are considered by them as faithless infidels, worthy of being if not converted, killed. Without one iota of mercy or grace.
There are a few religions such as Buddhists, which incorporate peace into their faith, and here the four notables of that religion.
1. Existence is suffering.
2. Suffering has a cause, namely craving and attachment, (sin)
3. There is a cessation to suffering that can be reached in life. And that is called Nirvana.
4. There is a pathway to Nirvana, but only a few can find within themselves the discipline to achieving it. Nirvana is being One with all of creation.
There is the Bahai Faith…. which is a new religion, (19th Century) teaching the essential worth of all religions and the unity of all people. They acknowledge Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad as predecessors to “the Bab, who is the one yet to come, called Bahuaullah, who will unify the world under one all-knowing God. Unknown to them, this is true as Jesus Christ will do so when He returns to earth.
If you adhere to any one of these faiths only…. then there is no grace extended…the idea is to incorporate the best of them all if indeed they can be found.
GRACE….as you know or perhaps do not know, cannot be earned…for in Western Christian theology, Grace is “the love and mercy given to us by God, because God desires us to have it, not because of anything we have, will do or can earn it”. Undeserved, but given freely.
Christ paid for it…. period. Be grateful and accept it…. please.
Why do we sometimes find it so hard to extend to others this GRACE in us (having been forgiven ourselves by Christ) who have offended us?
Because it is beneath us to condescend to do so?
Because they offended us and therefore do not deserve it?
Because we want to feel superior to them…add infinitum.
Because of this, we often nurture the offense to the point where It rules our lives.
These among many others…. if not reconciled, become chains around our mind, heart and spirit that can blind and bind us to the need of letting the offense go. No longer walking in grace, it soon becomes almost possible to live without our self-righteousness indignation, hurt, anger…thereby making reconciliation next to impossible.
It is not out business to go around pointing fingers at others, pointing out their failures or sins…. but, for the most part we have all on occasion done so. In this area we don’t need any training either, as it seems to come naturally. Experience comes quickly and can be fed to the degree of becoming a ravaging beast. Then too often our tongue gets involve, blaming, accusing, gossiping, condemning for these actions keep us in control….and we like being in control.
I have mentioned Corrie Ten-Boom and her sister Betsy who from Holland ended up in a concentration camp for aiding Jews fleeing from Nazi persecution. It is all about grace……. titled, “The Deepest Pit of All” READ (from
One last illustration;
On April 4th, 1968, American Civil Rights Leader, known as Martin Luther King Jr., was assassinated, leaving millions angry and disillusioned. In Indianapolis, a largely African American crowd had gathered to hear Robert F. Kennedy speak. They had not yet heard of Dr. King’s death, so Kennedy (heart-broken and shattered himself,) chose to share the tragic news. He appealed for calm by acknowledging not only his, but their loss……the country’s loss and his, having lost his own brother President Kennedy, and the abiding pain he carried within himself.
Kennedy then quoted a variation of an ancient poem.
Even in our sleep,
Pain which we cannot forget,
Falls, drop by drop upon our heart,
Until in our own despair, against our will,
Comes wisdom…through the awful grace of God,
“Wisdom through the ‘awful Grace of God’ is a remarkable statement. It means this…. that God’s Grace should fill us with awe, for it gives us the opportunity to grow in wisdom and Grace itself, during life’s most difficult times, will, when receiving and giving, change our lives for the better, and make us into men and women of gratitude and grace…. not judgment.
It will make us into kinder and gentler people…. with the side effect of doing the same to others when they see us being like our Lord.
God help us all…every one of us…to live such lives that in turn will bring us, us, health, peace and even joy, where no matter what comes our way, we can say and sing as we did last week. “It is Well with My Soul” for it will be well with your soul because of being men and women of God’s grace through Christ.
Acts of Grace begins with the small things, things as simple as small acts of kindness…so that when the big opportunities come, we will automatically do the right thing, because we were faithful in the small things. We will have stepped into that water I spoke of last week…. for we will have His Peace, Like a River in our soul.
What is so amazing about Grace……Everything!
March 7, 2021
“Peace Like a River” Pastor Tom Shanor
Peace is described as a “State of Harmony, characterized by alack of conflict of violence, anger, retribution, and freedom from fear of any kind. I would further describe it as benign…. serenity….free from conflict within or without. “Still my heart” A state of being, characterized as place I love being in!
Its Spring…birds are singing, butterflies are flitting, bees are humming, in repose NEARBY under a tree, lies a young fawn, nestled up close to its mother. Both have their eyes shut…sunlight dappling through the branches of the tress as the river almost silently ripples by, as water bugs are scurrying across the ripples looking for something to eat. Mountains lie in the distance, still snow-cap covered. Lying on the cool grass is me…or you…free (for the moment) of pain or worry of any kind. So perfect, timeless and all enveloping is the feeling, that we hold on to as long as we possibly can letting go of even those unsettling things that often wait in the periphery of our mind.
Because being human, and recognizing by experience of daily living, all could change in the matter of one second. One nano second. We know this, which is why at that moment we are holding on to this all-encompassing peace as long as we possibly can. I call it “peace, but, with an edge,” for we cannot seem to do the impossible, the impossible of being totally and completely at peace without that edge, of the unexpected events, person or noise that is going to bring us back to the reality that all things are fleeting…the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. Us.
Yet…. Jesus said to us in John 14:27, My Peace I leave with you; “My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. (that is fleeting peace) Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid.” (NIV) WOW…if only.
The question is, if this peace is given to us, why then are we so little and seldom at peace? Is it our lack of understanding, lack of faith, of trust? What is it that allows fear at times to overwhelm us? Why is it we cannot seem to appropriate or hold onto this statement, planting it deeply within us, so that when occasions come, that take us by the mind and heart shaking us to the core of our being….or even lightly, how can we more fully hold on to this elusive thing place called Peace.
I know the answer….and when I fail to hold onto that peace, I can only point to myself, pointing out to myself, that it is simply because of those questions I posed above, where I lack the faith, and most of all I lack the radical trust…that Jesus who said these words meant them, and it is up to me to build and stabilize and deepen my one-on-one relationship with Him. And in doing this, I then will find His words resonating throughout my whole being, head to toe. fingertip to fingertip. (PRAYER)
Dear God…. In this season of Lent, we are reminded of our own difficulties and struggles. Sometimes the way has seemed too dark. Sometimes we feel like our lives have been marked by such grief and pain that we cannot see how our circumstances can ever change. But in the midst of our weakness and lack of that radical trust, we ask that You be strong for us on our behalf.
Lord, rise within us. and may Your Spirit shine through us, healing every broken place within us. Align Your power to be manifest through our own weaknesses and shortsightedness, so that other will recognize it is You who is at work on our behalf.
We ask that You, will trade the ashes of our lives for the beauty and Peace of Your Presence, not only at the moment of our greatest need but at every moment of our lives.
May we trade our mourning for dancing as David said, “Thou has turned my mourning into dancing for me, Thou has put off my sackcloth, and wrapped me in gladness. Our grief traded for the oil of Joy by inviting the Presence of Your Holy Spirit into us. We trade now, today, our despair for hope and because we can, we praise You. We choose to give You our thanks today and believe that this season of confusion and darkness will fade away, as You shine the light of Your face upon, us and upon this world.
That indeed You that are with us in whatever we face, and that You are greater than this or any trial we endure…because You and I and we, can face them together. We know and recognize that You are Sovereign, and we are grateful our victory is in Christ Jesus Your Son, our Friend, Lord, Savior and Advocate. On Christ the Solid Rock we stand…. all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand.
My we be confident that You still have Good in store for our future, “for You have not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love, and of a sound mind…. also, with a future and a hope. Amen
Given the events of my own life these past several months in particular, today’s message is based on my own need to come to a better place than I have been. To gain a deeper understanding, and a deeper radical faith, than heretofore that I have ever had, by listening and building new ways to look at my own life, and you, yours, seeing where we can garner some new insight. You see, it starts here (in our mind) fueled by the Spirit and by our Lord’s teachings and example, being fueled by our need. This message of PEACE began at the birth of our Lord and one day will be established forever at His second arrival. As I said, it starts (here in our minds) and then is taken hold of by our soul and spirit…seen by us as a possible major turning point in our lives.
We can spend time watching the news, reading online, or in the newspapers and magazines, telling us of all the horrible things that are happening in our world, the pain so many endure and succumb to every day, even though we allegedly here live in a visual paradise, we cannot escape the world, no matter how much or how hard we try…. the world will seek us out.
Interestingly, lately, I have read and heard so-called prophets today, who say our role as Christians is to take over the government by elections, etc., (called Kingdom Now theology) and as Christians, governmentally we are to turn our nation and then the world around, through our Christianity….yes, this is becoming a growing focus out there, as I have listened on the radio to a pastor in Idaho Falls, called the River of Life (of all things) a Geneva Bible preacher,, who talks more about the government and Constitution than he does about Scripture, but it is never going to happen. What happens by those means, pointed out to us by history itself never works, for power corrupts when good men become inflated by their own success, and begin to compromise their beginning high ideals, for the sake of staying and gaining more power. I stated this in a sermon not long ago, that religion and politics are an extremely dangerous combination, hence, not have a state recognized church. Religion marrying politics causes great division, authoritarianism…and just plain dangerous trouble. That we a nation proclaim to be under God, and that is good, as well as individuals in government who w profess allegiance to God…. that is good. Basing our moral society on God’s commandments…that too is good, but using religion, any religion in a world as to force its citizens to follow and obey it will only bring disaster.
UNTIL that is…. the One, the Son of God returns. Then according to Holy Scripture, He will reign with love, justice, and righteousness. The King of kings and Lord of lord.
These false prophets I speak of, have already drawn many into their web of idealism, and corrupted truth for lies. Jesus said these words to us, “For many will come in My name, claiming; ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that YOU are not deceived, for these things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in many places,” All these are the beginning of Sorrows. Matthew 24:5-7 See to it that you are not alarmed.
“Peace…. like a river (no matter our circumstances) attendeth our soul.”
The Puritan, Thomas Watson put it this way: “God the Son is called the Prince of Peace. He came into thew world with a song of peace: of “peace on earth, goodwill toward mankind.” He went out having preached a legacy of Peace, saying to us, “My peace I give unto you.” Christ’s earnest prayer was for peace; He prayed that his people might be one (Song)
We are one in the Spirit,
We are one in the Lord,
We are one in the Spirit,
We are one in the Lord.
And we pray that all unity may one day be restored,
And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love,
Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our Love.
Christ not only prayed for peace but bled for peace: having made peace through the blood of His Cross.” He died not only to make peace between God and man, but between man and man. Christ suffered on the Cross thereby He bought peace, paid for it, for you and for me when in our greatest time of need, He gives it to us, when we reach out…. taking and holding onto it. This He did for you and for me, and for all those who call upon His name…for He is there, here and everywhere, even now. For Scriptures say when two or three are gathered in His name…He is Present.
In the center of the whirlpool, while the waters rush around,
There’s a space of perfect stillness, though without turmoil it is found.
All is calm and all is quiet, scarcely even a sense of sound.
Who with us…despite the conflict…when in Christ our peace is found.
Have you seen the picture of a huge wave rushing around a towering lighthouse, where in an open doorway on the opposite side, at the bottom stands a man…unaware of what is coming?
I did a little research…and found that the man was unscathed, simply backing in…and closing the door….
THERE IS A RIVER OF LIFE….SO DIFFERENT THA THAT TOWERING WAVE…. for all we need to do is step up to the edge, trusting that it is not too cold or hot, not to swift or stagnant, wade in slowly as it drifts (this river of life) beckoning us to enter. First our feet…then up to our knees…thighs, waist, chest, neck….and allow ourselves to immerse ourselves into the current…of His river. Feeling no fear…. only trust and then joy…………………………
There is a river of life flowing over me….
Makes the lame to walk and the blind to see,
Open’s prison doors, sets the captives free,
There is a river of life flowing out of me.
When we observe the life of Jesus as He walked His journey to the Cross…. nothing is more noticeable than the quiet even poise, of His life. Never flustered whatever came His way, never taken off guard, however assailed by men or demons while in the midst of fickle, volatile people, hostile rulers, sometimes faithless disciples, always calm, always collected. Christ, tireless teacher, leader indeed…but doing no more, no less, than God had appointed Him to do, not restless, nor in a hurry, no worry.
Was ever…such a peaceful life up unto the end was lived, under conditions so intense, dangerous, and unsettling.
We might say, but He was God, and He could do all these things, and yet we know “He wept” He feared…He identified so with us while in this earthly journey he became as one of us, and so having gone through (as I said two weeks ago) the same things we go through, only more, He says to us…..We CAN do ALL Things
through He (Jesus the Christ) who will strengthen and enable us…to do.
The Lord is aware of how you feel when you are under pressure, when you are physically sick or mentally exhausted, or emotionally distraught.
You…. are precious to Him. He invites each of, in this crazy, chaotic, upside down world to join Him, in the River of His life….and to trust Him with all your heart, mind and strength…and to walk together, forever WITH Him…..
What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear,
What a privilege to carry,
Everything to God in prayer,
Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
Oh, what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry,
Everything to God in prayer,
Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged; but
Take it to the Lord in Prayer:
Can we find a friend so faithful?
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness;
Take it to the Lord in prayer,
Are we weak and heavy laden?
Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge;
Take it to the Lord in prayer……….
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
…Do you want peace…peace like a river in your soul? Do need peace with all the things and people in our everyday life?
Immerse yourself in Him………that River of Life, believing His parting words…. “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world give. Do not let your hearts be troubled, DO NOT BE AFRAID!”
The Lord who heals all your sins, bless you and keep you;
The face of the Lord who heals all your afflictions shine upon you and be gracious to you;
The Light of the countenance of the Lord who redeems your life, be lifted upon you…and give you peace………. Amen
March 7, 2021
“Peace Like a River” Pastor Tom Shanor
Peace is described as a “State of Harmony, characterized by alack of conflict of violence, anger, retribution, and freedom from fear of any kind. I would further describe it as benign…. serenity….free from conflict within or without. “Still my heart” A state of being, characterized as place I love being in!
Its Spring…birds are singing, butterflies are flitting, bees are humming, in repose NEARBY under a tree, lies a young fawn, nestled up close to its mother. Both have their eyes shut…sunlight dappling through the branches of the tress as the river almost silently ripples by, as water bugs are scurrying across the ripples looking for something to eat. Mountains lie in the distance, still snow-cap covered. Lying on the cool grass is me…or you…free (for the moment) of pain or worry of any kind. So perfect, timeless and all enveloping is the feeling, that we hold on to as long as we possibly can letting go of even those unsettling things that often wait in the periphery of our mind.
Because being human, and recognizing by experience of daily living, all could change in the matter of one second. One nano second. We know this, which is why at that moment we are holding on to this all-encompassing peace as long as we possibly can. I call it “peace, but, with an edge,” for we cannot seem to do the impossible, the impossible of being totally and completely at peace without that edge, of the unexpected events, person or noise that is going to bring us back to the reality that all things are fleeting…the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. Us.
Yet…. Jesus said to us in John 14:27, My Peace I leave with you; “My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. (that is fleeting peace) Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid.” (NIV) WOW…if only.
The question is, if this peace is given to us, why then are we so little and seldom at peace? Is it our lack of understanding, lack of faith, of trust? What is it that allows fear at times to overwhelm us? Why is it we cannot seem to appropriate or hold onto this statement, planting it deeply within us, so that when occasions come, that take us by the mind and heart shaking us to the core of our being….or even lightly, how can we more fully hold on to this elusive thing place called Peace.
I know the answer….and when I fail to hold onto that peace, I can only point to myself, pointing out to myself, that it is simply because of those questions I posed above, where I lack the faith, and most of all I lack the radical trust…that Jesus who said these words meant them, and it is up to me to build and stabilize and deepen my one-on-one relationship with Him. And in doing this, I then will find His words resonating throughout my whole being, head to toe. fingertip to fingertip. (PRAYER)
Dear God…. In this season of Lent, we are reminded of our own difficulties and struggles. Sometimes the way has seemed too dark. Sometimes we feel like our lives have been marked by such grief and pain that we cannot see how our circumstances can ever change. But in the midst of our weakness and lack of that radical trust, we ask that You be strong for us on our behalf.
Lord, rise within us. and may Your Spirit shine through us, healing every broken place within us. Align Your power to be manifest through our own weaknesses and shortsightedness, so that other will recognize it is You who is at work on our behalf.
We ask that You, will trade the ashes of our lives for the beauty and Peace of Your Presence, not only at the moment of our greatest need but at every moment of our lives.
May we trade our mourning for dancing as David said, “Thou has turned my mourning into dancing for me, Thou has put off my sackcloth, and wrapped me in gladness. Our grief traded for the oil of Joy by inviting the Presence of Your Holy Spirit into us. We trade now, today, our despair for hope and because we can, we praise You. We choose to give You our thanks today and believe that this season of confusion and darkness will fade away, as You shine the light of Your face upon, us and upon this world.
That indeed You that are with us in whatever we face, and that You are greater than this or any trial we endure…because You and I and we, can face them together. We know and recognize that You are Sovereign, and we are grateful our victory is in Christ Jesus Your Son, our Friend, Lord, Savior and Advocate. On Christ the Solid Rock we stand…. all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand.
My we be confident that You still have Good in store for our future, “for You have not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love, and of a sound mind…. also, with a future and a hope. Amen
Given the events of my own life these past several months in particular, today’s message is based on my own need to come to a better place than I have been. To gain a deeper understanding, and a deeper radical faith, than heretofore that I have ever had, by listening and building new ways to look at my own life, and you, yours, seeing where we can garner some new insight. You see, it starts here (in our mind) fueled by the Spirit and by our Lord’s teachings and example, being fueled by our need. This message of PEACE began at the birth of our Lord and one day will be established forever at His second arrival. As I said, it starts (here in our minds) and then is taken hold of by our soul and spirit…seen by us as a possible major turning point in our lives.
We can spend time watching the news, reading online, or in the newspapers and magazines, telling us of all the horrible things that are happening in our world, the pain so many endure and succumb to every day, even though we allegedly here live in a visual paradise, we cannot escape the world, no matter how much or how hard we try…. the world will seek us out.
Interestingly, lately, I have read and heard so-called prophets today, who say our role as Christians is to take over the government by elections, etc., (called Kingdom Now theology) and as Christians, governmentally we are to turn our nation and then the world around, through our Christianity….yes, this is becoming a growing focus out there, as I have listened on the radio to a pastor in Idaho Falls, called the River of Life (of all things) a Geneva Bible preacher,, who talks more about the government and Constitution than he does about Scripture, but it is never going to happen. What happens by those means, pointed out to us by history itself never works, for power corrupts when good men become inflated by their own success, and begin to compromise their beginning high ideals, for the sake of staying and gaining more power. I stated this in a sermon not long ago, that religion and politics are an extremely dangerous combination, hence, not have a state recognized church. Religion marrying politics causes great division, authoritarianism…and just plain dangerous trouble. That we a nation proclaim to be under God, and that is good, as well as individuals in government who w profess allegiance to God…. that is good. Basing our moral society on God’s commandments…that too is good, but using religion, any religion in a world as to force its citizens to follow and obey it will only bring disaster.
UNTIL that is…. the One, the Son of God returns. Then according to Holy Scripture, He will reign with love, justice, and righteousness. The King of kings and Lord of lord.
These false prophets I speak of, have already drawn many into their web of idealism, and corrupted truth for lies. Jesus said these words to us, “For many will come in My name, claiming; ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that YOU are not deceived, for these things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in many places,” All these are the beginning of Sorrows. Matthew 24:5-7 See to it that you are not alarmed.
“Peace…. like a river (no matter our circumstances) attendeth our soul.”
The Puritan, Thomas Watson put it this way: “God the Son is called the Prince of Peace. He came into thew world with a song of peace: of “peace on earth, goodwill toward mankind.” He went out having preached a legacy of Peace, saying to us, “My peace I give unto you.” Christ’s earnest prayer was for peace; He prayed that his people might be one (Song)
We are one in the Spirit,
We are one in the Lord,
We are one in the Spirit,
We are one in the Lord.
And we pray that all unity may one day be restored,
And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love,
Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our Love.
Christ not only prayed for peace but bled for peace: having made peace through the blood of His Cross.” He died not only to make peace between God and man, but between man and man. Christ suffered on the Cross thereby He bought peace, paid for it, for you and for me when in our greatest time of need, He gives it to us, when we reach out…. taking and holding onto it. This He did for you and for me, and for all those who call upon His name…for He is there, here and everywhere, even now. For Scriptures say when two or three are gathered in His name…He is Present.
In the center of the whirlpool, while the waters rush around,
There’s a space of perfect stillness, though without turmoil it is found.
All is calm and all is quiet, scarcely even a sense of sound.
Who with us…despite the conflict…when in Christ our peace is found.
Have you seen the picture of a huge wave rushing around a towering lighthouse, where in an open doorway on the opposite side, at the bottom stands a man…unaware of what is coming?
I did a little research…and found that the man was unscathed, simply backing in…and closing the door….
THERE IS A RIVER OF LIFE….SO DIFFERENT THA THAT TOWERING WAVE…. for all we need to do is step up to the edge, trusting that it is not too cold or hot, not to swift or stagnant, wade in slowly as it drifts (this river of life) beckoning us to enter. First our feet…then up to our knees…thighs, waist, chest, neck….and allow ourselves to immerse ourselves into the current…of His river. Feeling no fear…. only trust and then joy…………………………
There is a river of life flowing over me….
Makes the lame to walk and the blind to see,
Open’s prison doors, sets the captives free,
There is a river of life flowing out of me.
When we observe the life of Jesus as He walked His journey to the Cross…. nothing is more noticeable than the quiet even poise, of His life. Never flustered whatever came His way, never taken off guard, however assailed by men or demons while in the midst of fickle, volatile people, hostile rulers, sometimes faithless disciples, always calm, always collected. Christ, tireless teacher, leader indeed…but doing no more, no less, than God had appointed Him to do, not restless, nor in a hurry, no worry.
Was ever…such a peaceful life up unto the end was lived, under conditions so intense, dangerous, and unsettling.
We might say, but He was God, and He could do all these things, and yet we know “He wept” He feared…He identified so with us while in this earthly journey he became as one of us, and so having gone through (as I said two weeks ago) the same things we go through, only more, He says to us…..We CAN do ALL Things
through He (Jesus the Christ) who will strengthen and enable us…to do.
The Lord is aware of how you feel when you are under pressure, when you are physically sick or mentally exhausted, or emotionally distraught.
You…. are precious to Him. He invites each of, in this crazy, chaotic, upside down world to join Him, in the River of His life….and to trust Him with all your heart, mind and strength…and to walk together, forever WITH Him…..
What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear,
What a privilege to carry,
Everything to God in prayer,
Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
Oh, what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry,
Everything to God in prayer,
Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged; but
Take it to the Lord in Prayer:
Can we find a friend so faithful?
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness;
Take it to the Lord in prayer,
Are we weak and heavy laden?
Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge;
Take it to the Lord in prayer……….
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
…Do you want peace…peace like a river in your soul? Do need peace with all the things and people in our everyday life?
Immerse yourself in Him………that River of Life, believing His parting words…. “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world give. Do not let your hearts be troubled, DO NOT BE AFRAID!”
The Lord who heals all your sins, bless you and keep you;
The face of the Lord who heals all your afflictions shine upon you and be gracious to you;
The Light of the countenance of the Lord who redeems your life, be lifted upon you…and give you peace………. Amen
Little Church in the Pines
February 28, 2021
Connie Funkhouser - subbing for Pastor Tom Shanor
No, my friends, I Am far from it. What you are seeing is a simple - weak person, with a very faithful and strong God.
When our Daisy's Angels' Ministry Team volunteered @ the Juvenile Correction Center, I wanted to be relatable. Not someone that they would think . . .. Lady you have no idea what I have done, or who we are. Of course, they were correct, but it was important that they knew who was behind the visual image of me. I knew they thought I was an individual that had it all together, composed, self-assured, wearing nice clothes, and once we were done with our 1-1/2hrs. of volunteer service we would not give them another thought until the following month. In those thoughts they were wrong. Extremely wrong.
I told them that I was an individual that lacked confidence, not a little, but a lot! So much so that I chose to find confidence not from myself, but from the Holy Spirit that resides within . . . . to “Be Confident in God!” It was important to our Team that we shared that confidence and how it was attainable.
So, we had them write out affirmation statements about themselves. We could see they were struggling so I showed them the one that I made for myself as an example. . .. show mine – we called them “I Am Statements” and I do have on there I Am Confident in God.
Their affirmation statements were not to be what they were, but what they could and would accomplish through the power of God. I do not know how many we made, but it was a lot. One cool thing was the JCC facility let the Teens tape their statements to the walls in their cottages. We requested that they read them morning and night to remind themselves of what they were capable of by remaining in faith and having an intimate and personal relationship with our Lord and Savior.
I often wonder how many Teens that have completed the program still have their I Am Statements and have checked off the desires of their hearts.
I am going to read 5 verses from Scripture then ask a question:
(New International Version and King James Version)
What is the one word that is missing from all these verses?
SELF – Correct ☺
What does it mean to have confidence in God?
God-confidence means depending completely upon God and His strength to handle the things in our lives. It is not about our strength or the confidence that we put into earthly things.
We all need confidence, but the question is where does true confidence come from? It only comes from Christ. If our confidence is coming from any other source it will fail in the end. When our confidence comes from anything other than God, we will never be satisfied. When we take our focus off God, our confidence will suffer. God needs to be our confidence. We need to get closer to Him. I do not think I am telling you anything new when I say, “He is” our everlasting source for all that we need.
We live in a world where self-confidence is the phrase of the 21 century. There is so much talk about self-confidence and how important it is. While yes, confidence is important, but as a Christian, do we really think we should be relying on ourselves instead of God? Absolutely not! There is a hierarchy God want us to follow. So, let us look @ God-confidence vs self-confidence and I will do my best to illustrate that God-confidence is truly the only way to go. gives us two definitions of self-confidence. The first definition is a realistic confidence in one’s own judgment, ability, and power. The second definition is excessive or inflated confidence in one’s own judgment or ability. First realistic and then excessive? In any event, it is all about us!
As a Christian, these definitions go completely against the grain of what God wants for us. It is not about our strength or the confidence that we put into earthly things like money, education, people, and appearance. Self-confidence has limited potential but – God-confidence has unlimited possibilities (Renee Swope). We must place no confidence in our own works, but only in God. Having a Godly focus means to seek those things from above.
The first step in God-confidence is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Once we have a personal relationship with our Lord, God-confidence starts with prayer.
When we get so focused on a trial, we will not be able to seek joy in the Lord. God helps to calm down our hearts. When we are confident in the Lord, we know that there are many promises in Scripture that we can pray for. “God you said my mind would be @ peace if I trust in you. Help me to trust.” God will honor that prayer and He will give us a special peace in Him. (Isaiah 26:3 “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in Him/God”).
Confidence in prayer is achieved by having special intimate alone time with God. There are many ppl that know what God can do and they know all about God, but knowing God intimately eludes them. They have never prayed for more of His presence in their lives. This is where confidence comes from, naturally prayer, but committing oneself to living in the Presence of God. We cannot afford not to be alone w/God. There must be an un-satisfied appetite for study, for God’s Word. The passion for truth in scripture is an extension of the passion we have for God.
Believing in God and Believing God are not the same, and it is important that we understand the distinction to live the victorious Christian life. Believing in God is saying, “I know God exists.” But believing God is trusting what He has said about Himself, about us, and about the relationship He desires to have with us. This goes beyond our basic salvation to having utmost faith and confidence in Jesus for every detail of our lives. Harboring full confidence that fear does not come from the Lord --- confidence, a sense of belonging, and clarity do. We can be sure that God is going to give us the strength, the love, the wisdom to face whatever may come.
We want confidence that our prayers will be answered. We want confidence in Him in the hardest of situations. We want a boldness in our lives that we never had before. Therefore, we must get alone w/God every day.
Personally, I have an open dialogue with God, I feel as though I pray my way through the day. So much so, I can pray as I am talking to someone and petitioning the Holy Spirit to guide my thoughts, which is a reflection on my words. A few summers ago, Pastor Tom recommended this book: 2 Chairs . . . I too recommend it. Crazy, I now brew my coffee and hightail it upstairs to spend time in my 2 Chairs before I begin the day. I look forward to that one-on-one intimate time with Jesus. And I admit, there have been times when I have said, I no longer know what to say or how to pray, please Holy Spirit who resides from within, take over for me, I am lost - I am crushed. And then I listen . . . .
Every time we are in personal contact with Jesus, His words are real to us. “My peace I give to you” (John 14:27) - - a peace which brings unconstrained confidence and covers us completely, from the tops of our heads to the soles of our feet.
Faith is not some casual emotion, but a strong, determined, and vigorous confidence built on the fact that God is Holy Love. Martin Luther said, “Faith is a living and unshakable confidence, a belief in the grace of God so assured that a man would die a thousand deaths for its sake.”
Faith is the supreme effort of our life’s – throwing ourselves with abandon and total confidence upon God. God ventured His “All” in Jesus Christ to save us, and now He wants us to venture our “All” with complete abandon confidence in Him.
The author of Hebrews tells us in 4:16 “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”
1 John 4:17 tells us, “This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment.” In this world we are called to be like Jesus. Every single verse that I have referenced so far, reinforces that we can have confidence because God is enough and, in Him, we are enough.
It is also important to remember that our worth does not come from our actions. Instead, our worth lies in God. He created us for His honor and glory and for His pleasure. He has known us from the very beginning and values us so very much that he created a plan for sinful mankind, even before the foundation of the world.
Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God, created him; male and female created he them.”
We are made, not if we are made, in the image of God, then why do we struggle with our worth? Obviously, because of sin. But our true basis of worth can only be found through faith in Jesus and by accepting His free gift of salvation. As a result, we are precious to God. We were and are so important to Him, that He sent His only begotten Son.
Our worth from our Lord is why in a contest of God-confidence vs self-confidence, God wins every time. Our worth upon acceptance of Jesus as our Savior will never change, unlike self-worth of the world, which can change by the minute.
One of the truths of our identity in Christ is that we can approach God with freedom and confidence and when we are secure in our identity in Christ, we have no need to promote, protect, or prove ourselves. We have His complete attention and unfailing love. We freely and humbly point to Jesus instead of ourselves. We rest in our relationship with God, humbly serving as Jesus did, wherever He leads us. His Spirit assures us that we belong to Him.
We are God’s masterpiece. God knows and loves us just the way we are. Sometimes, I do struggle with comparisons, which is a sin, I know . . . however in those times of doubt, my Heavenly Father is waiting for me, for us, to turn to Him for strength. God-confidence is not walking into a room checking everyone out or comparing yourself to everyone, it is walking in . . . not comparing yourself to anyone @ all.
To love, live and be an Apprentice of Jesus Christ, is more than a catchphrase, more than a lesson to be taught. Loving, living, and learning from God’s Word is an ongoing way of life. When we open our hearts to God’s life transforming work, the Spirit begins the process of reshaping us into the likeness of Jesus. The life poured into us gives us a new nature and overflows into our relationship with others. The Spirit’s transforming presence flows into every aspect of our lifes: personal, professional, public, and private. Concern for others, humility, and God-confidence reshapes our lives.
I am going to end with a story that I enjoy, and I am confident you will too ☺
Every month Martin’s parents took a trip too Grandmas and came home on the same train the next day.
One day Martin said to his parents, “I am all grown up. Can I ride the train and go to Grandma’s alone?”
After a brief discussion, his parents agreed. They stood with him as he waited for the train to arrive. They said goodbye to their son and gave him a few last-minute tips and instructions.
Martin repeated to them, “I know. I’ve been told this a thousand times.” As Martin was about to get onboard, his father murmured in his ear . . . “Son if you feel bad or insecure, this is for you.” And he put something in his pocket.
Now Martin was alone, sitting on the train as he had wanted, without his parents for the first time. He was admiring the landscape out the windows. Around him people pushed and shoved while getting on and off the train during each stop. The conductor made some comments about him being alone. One person looked @ Martin with eyes of sadness and pity.
Martin was feeling more uneasy and insecure, with every minute that passed, and now was scared. He felt concerned and alone. He put his head down, and with tears in his eyes, he remembered his Dad had put something in his pocket. Trembling, he searched for what his Dad had given him. Upon finding the piece of paper, Martin read, “Son, I am in the last train car.”
I read this and instantly thought, God is so like that. When we are going through moments or phases of insecurities, loneliness, questioning our life’s, may we always remember God is right with us. Not in the last train car, but sitting right beside us, His Spirit is so close to us that He resides within us. Always offering His support, His strength, even trusting that we will remain confident in Him, and loving us regardless of whatever situation we find ourselves.
Do not let obstacles along the road of eternity shake your confidence in God’s promises.
*** The HOLY SPIRIT is God’s SEAL that you will arrive ***
(David Jeremiah).
February 28, 2021
Connie Funkhouser - subbing for Pastor Tom Shanor
No, my friends, I Am far from it. What you are seeing is a simple - weak person, with a very faithful and strong God.
When our Daisy's Angels' Ministry Team volunteered @ the Juvenile Correction Center, I wanted to be relatable. Not someone that they would think . . .. Lady you have no idea what I have done, or who we are. Of course, they were correct, but it was important that they knew who was behind the visual image of me. I knew they thought I was an individual that had it all together, composed, self-assured, wearing nice clothes, and once we were done with our 1-1/2hrs. of volunteer service we would not give them another thought until the following month. In those thoughts they were wrong. Extremely wrong.
I told them that I was an individual that lacked confidence, not a little, but a lot! So much so that I chose to find confidence not from myself, but from the Holy Spirit that resides within . . . . to “Be Confident in God!” It was important to our Team that we shared that confidence and how it was attainable.
So, we had them write out affirmation statements about themselves. We could see they were struggling so I showed them the one that I made for myself as an example. . .. show mine – we called them “I Am Statements” and I do have on there I Am Confident in God.
Their affirmation statements were not to be what they were, but what they could and would accomplish through the power of God. I do not know how many we made, but it was a lot. One cool thing was the JCC facility let the Teens tape their statements to the walls in their cottages. We requested that they read them morning and night to remind themselves of what they were capable of by remaining in faith and having an intimate and personal relationship with our Lord and Savior.
I often wonder how many Teens that have completed the program still have their I Am Statements and have checked off the desires of their hearts.
I am going to read 5 verses from Scripture then ask a question:
(New International Version and King James Version)
- Philippians 1:6 “Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Christ Jesus.”
- Isaiah 30:15 “For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength.”
- Philippians 3:3a “Rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh.”
- Galatians 5:10 “I have confidence in you, in the Lord, that you will have no other mind.”
- 1 John 5:14 “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us."
What is the one word that is missing from all these verses?
SELF – Correct ☺
What does it mean to have confidence in God?
God-confidence means depending completely upon God and His strength to handle the things in our lives. It is not about our strength or the confidence that we put into earthly things.
We all need confidence, but the question is where does true confidence come from? It only comes from Christ. If our confidence is coming from any other source it will fail in the end. When our confidence comes from anything other than God, we will never be satisfied. When we take our focus off God, our confidence will suffer. God needs to be our confidence. We need to get closer to Him. I do not think I am telling you anything new when I say, “He is” our everlasting source for all that we need.
We live in a world where self-confidence is the phrase of the 21 century. There is so much talk about self-confidence and how important it is. While yes, confidence is important, but as a Christian, do we really think we should be relying on ourselves instead of God? Absolutely not! There is a hierarchy God want us to follow. So, let us look @ God-confidence vs self-confidence and I will do my best to illustrate that God-confidence is truly the only way to go. gives us two definitions of self-confidence. The first definition is a realistic confidence in one’s own judgment, ability, and power. The second definition is excessive or inflated confidence in one’s own judgment or ability. First realistic and then excessive? In any event, it is all about us!
As a Christian, these definitions go completely against the grain of what God wants for us. It is not about our strength or the confidence that we put into earthly things like money, education, people, and appearance. Self-confidence has limited potential but – God-confidence has unlimited possibilities (Renee Swope). We must place no confidence in our own works, but only in God. Having a Godly focus means to seek those things from above.
The first step in God-confidence is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Once we have a personal relationship with our Lord, God-confidence starts with prayer.
When we get so focused on a trial, we will not be able to seek joy in the Lord. God helps to calm down our hearts. When we are confident in the Lord, we know that there are many promises in Scripture that we can pray for. “God you said my mind would be @ peace if I trust in you. Help me to trust.” God will honor that prayer and He will give us a special peace in Him. (Isaiah 26:3 “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in Him/God”).
Confidence in prayer is achieved by having special intimate alone time with God. There are many ppl that know what God can do and they know all about God, but knowing God intimately eludes them. They have never prayed for more of His presence in their lives. This is where confidence comes from, naturally prayer, but committing oneself to living in the Presence of God. We cannot afford not to be alone w/God. There must be an un-satisfied appetite for study, for God’s Word. The passion for truth in scripture is an extension of the passion we have for God.
Believing in God and Believing God are not the same, and it is important that we understand the distinction to live the victorious Christian life. Believing in God is saying, “I know God exists.” But believing God is trusting what He has said about Himself, about us, and about the relationship He desires to have with us. This goes beyond our basic salvation to having utmost faith and confidence in Jesus for every detail of our lives. Harboring full confidence that fear does not come from the Lord --- confidence, a sense of belonging, and clarity do. We can be sure that God is going to give us the strength, the love, the wisdom to face whatever may come.
We want confidence that our prayers will be answered. We want confidence in Him in the hardest of situations. We want a boldness in our lives that we never had before. Therefore, we must get alone w/God every day.
Personally, I have an open dialogue with God, I feel as though I pray my way through the day. So much so, I can pray as I am talking to someone and petitioning the Holy Spirit to guide my thoughts, which is a reflection on my words. A few summers ago, Pastor Tom recommended this book: 2 Chairs . . . I too recommend it. Crazy, I now brew my coffee and hightail it upstairs to spend time in my 2 Chairs before I begin the day. I look forward to that one-on-one intimate time with Jesus. And I admit, there have been times when I have said, I no longer know what to say or how to pray, please Holy Spirit who resides from within, take over for me, I am lost - I am crushed. And then I listen . . . .
Every time we are in personal contact with Jesus, His words are real to us. “My peace I give to you” (John 14:27) - - a peace which brings unconstrained confidence and covers us completely, from the tops of our heads to the soles of our feet.
Faith is not some casual emotion, but a strong, determined, and vigorous confidence built on the fact that God is Holy Love. Martin Luther said, “Faith is a living and unshakable confidence, a belief in the grace of God so assured that a man would die a thousand deaths for its sake.”
Faith is the supreme effort of our life’s – throwing ourselves with abandon and total confidence upon God. God ventured His “All” in Jesus Christ to save us, and now He wants us to venture our “All” with complete abandon confidence in Him.
The author of Hebrews tells us in 4:16 “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”
1 John 4:17 tells us, “This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment.” In this world we are called to be like Jesus. Every single verse that I have referenced so far, reinforces that we can have confidence because God is enough and, in Him, we are enough.
It is also important to remember that our worth does not come from our actions. Instead, our worth lies in God. He created us for His honor and glory and for His pleasure. He has known us from the very beginning and values us so very much that he created a plan for sinful mankind, even before the foundation of the world.
Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God, created him; male and female created he them.”
We are made, not if we are made, in the image of God, then why do we struggle with our worth? Obviously, because of sin. But our true basis of worth can only be found through faith in Jesus and by accepting His free gift of salvation. As a result, we are precious to God. We were and are so important to Him, that He sent His only begotten Son.
Our worth from our Lord is why in a contest of God-confidence vs self-confidence, God wins every time. Our worth upon acceptance of Jesus as our Savior will never change, unlike self-worth of the world, which can change by the minute.
One of the truths of our identity in Christ is that we can approach God with freedom and confidence and when we are secure in our identity in Christ, we have no need to promote, protect, or prove ourselves. We have His complete attention and unfailing love. We freely and humbly point to Jesus instead of ourselves. We rest in our relationship with God, humbly serving as Jesus did, wherever He leads us. His Spirit assures us that we belong to Him.
We are God’s masterpiece. God knows and loves us just the way we are. Sometimes, I do struggle with comparisons, which is a sin, I know . . . however in those times of doubt, my Heavenly Father is waiting for me, for us, to turn to Him for strength. God-confidence is not walking into a room checking everyone out or comparing yourself to everyone, it is walking in . . . not comparing yourself to anyone @ all.
To love, live and be an Apprentice of Jesus Christ, is more than a catchphrase, more than a lesson to be taught. Loving, living, and learning from God’s Word is an ongoing way of life. When we open our hearts to God’s life transforming work, the Spirit begins the process of reshaping us into the likeness of Jesus. The life poured into us gives us a new nature and overflows into our relationship with others. The Spirit’s transforming presence flows into every aspect of our lifes: personal, professional, public, and private. Concern for others, humility, and God-confidence reshapes our lives.
I am going to end with a story that I enjoy, and I am confident you will too ☺
Every month Martin’s parents took a trip too Grandmas and came home on the same train the next day.
One day Martin said to his parents, “I am all grown up. Can I ride the train and go to Grandma’s alone?”
After a brief discussion, his parents agreed. They stood with him as he waited for the train to arrive. They said goodbye to their son and gave him a few last-minute tips and instructions.
Martin repeated to them, “I know. I’ve been told this a thousand times.” As Martin was about to get onboard, his father murmured in his ear . . . “Son if you feel bad or insecure, this is for you.” And he put something in his pocket.
Now Martin was alone, sitting on the train as he had wanted, without his parents for the first time. He was admiring the landscape out the windows. Around him people pushed and shoved while getting on and off the train during each stop. The conductor made some comments about him being alone. One person looked @ Martin with eyes of sadness and pity.
Martin was feeling more uneasy and insecure, with every minute that passed, and now was scared. He felt concerned and alone. He put his head down, and with tears in his eyes, he remembered his Dad had put something in his pocket. Trembling, he searched for what his Dad had given him. Upon finding the piece of paper, Martin read, “Son, I am in the last train car.”
I read this and instantly thought, God is so like that. When we are going through moments or phases of insecurities, loneliness, questioning our life’s, may we always remember God is right with us. Not in the last train car, but sitting right beside us, His Spirit is so close to us that He resides within us. Always offering His support, His strength, even trusting that we will remain confident in Him, and loving us regardless of whatever situation we find ourselves.
Do not let obstacles along the road of eternity shake your confidence in God’s promises.
*** The HOLY SPIRIT is God’s SEAL that you will arrive ***
(David Jeremiah).
The Little Church in the Pines
Macks Inn
Island park, Idaho 83433
♥ February 14, 2021 ♥
Valentine’s Day (it’s origin) You will be surprised & moved.
SERMON: PAIN (what good is it?)
I know, I know…. quite a topic for Valentine’s Day, but since Valentine’s Day is not a religious holiday, and this Wednesday is the beginning of the Lenten Season, called Ash Wednesday, I chose to talk about one of the most difficult parts of being a human being….one topic with two streams that come together in the place of pain in Lent and pain in our lives. Most of us (especially those of us who are older) are seldom pain free, choosing of course, which is simply common sense, to alleviate it as much as possible, but at times impossible to do so completely, so we adapt, and as long as we can, deal with it as best as we can and with as good an attitude…. that sometimes takes work.
As I said above, we are entering this Wednesday according to the Church calendar, the Lenten Season. During this six-week period (a sober one) leading up to the death of Jesus, we commemorate and eventually celebrate on Easter Sunday His journey of pain, sorrow and death…. all coming together victoriously in the Lord’s Triumphant Resurrection.
It is often a dark and troubling journey, one aspect of which we will be covering today, as we (the world) currently are in a time of travail, and a time of what I have come to call The Year of Tears. Eventually, Grace will enter the scene…eventually, there once again will be light and joy, and laughter. But, for now, let us continue by starting with Isaiah 52:14 which correlates to my sermon title and specifically Lent. It reads, “Many were amazed when they saw Him. His face was so disfigured He seemed hardly human, and from His appearance, one would scarcely know he was a man.” (direct quote from the Bible) In Mel Gibson’s movie “The Christ,” if you saw it you will remember that the Jesus was so disfigured by being beaten, cut and whipped so deeply, that indeed He was unrecognizable, and that yes, He barely seemed human. All for us.
Isaiah 53:2-5 continues, “There was nothing beautiful or majestic about His appearance, nothing to attract us to Him. He was despised and rejected, a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief. We turned our backs on Him and looked the other way. He was despised and we did not care. Yet, it was our weakness He carried, and we thought His troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for His own sins. But! He was pierced for our rebellion, He was crushed for our sins, and He was beaten so we could be made whole.”
Now, there is so much pain in the world that I am surprised the world itself is not groaning under its weight. I am going to give you these few verses to help sustain us, and help us overcome those events, people and pain that could overwhelm us, if we tried to bear the weight of it ourselves. Through this journey, especially now in this season let us look to Hebrews 2:17, for in these verses we hear of why and how, Jesus came to understand more fully by being one of us, what indeed it is to be human. Listen closely please. “Therefore, in all things He had to be made like us, that He might be a merciful and faithful High Priest in things pertaining to God, (for us) to make propitiation or atonement…. which means, appeasing God, and by doing so, incurring divine favor therefore avoiding divine retribution…all of it comes down to His sacrificing His life….to appease God for our sins.”
Knowing as He did, what lay ahead…. the pain He would have to endure, it was necessary for Him to be as human as we are, like us, His brothers, and sisters, and thereby literally by doing so, deepening His understanding by experiencing what we experience, so that, He could be our merciful and faithful High Priest as He stands before the judgement seat of God interceding on our behalf. Talking to God for us. (the man in the middle) so that when God sees us, He sees us of the faith, through the sacrifice and blood that he willingly bled for us. Because of this, Jesus says to us in His Word, that “therefore, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”
He knows…by experience our pain, deeply. He understands, yet, as in how own case, did not and does not always alleviate it, as His was not alleviated. Sometimes what we endure, teaches us valuable lessons of endurance, compassion, mercy, grace and understanding. When times like these come upon us….we can go to Him who Himself experienced emotional pain, the pain of rejection on the deepest level, pain from bodily injury, but as He cried out to His Father, “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me where I can hear and feel in his words the anguish in His cry….and in some small way we can identify with it…rejection is one of the most painful emotions that we as human being can experience. The loneliness of it at times crushing as it was to Him.
In using the words He expressed at that moment, literally quoting Scripture from the Old Testament in Psalm 22…a deep expression of the anguish he felt when He took the sins of the world upon Himself….which in doing so for that moment, caused a separation or rift from His Father….and then in Luke 24:46 Jesus then shouts out, the separation about to be healed with these words, “Father….Abba….I entrust my Spirit into Your hands.” And with these words he breathed His last…and in that moment, He was immediately back into the Presence of His Father.
When we are enduring pain, from the lightest to the deepest, it should give us a bit of comfort in knowing what we feel, He felt. At times such as these I have to attempt at least, to do what I spoke briefly of and of which we sang two weeks ago….I put my hands in the rough by tender hands of the man who stilled the water, calmed the sea…who raised the dead….who set and sets today, the captives free. Those bound by extremely difficult situations…. of so many different kinds.
Job, St. Augustine, C.S. Lewis, and others have contributed to the ongoing dialogue swirling around not only us, but the proverbial questions of those who doubt the existence of God. “Why do bad things happen to good people, let alone the so-called bad ones.’ For some, stories of personal suffering, persecution and martyrdom provide encouragement and a reminder of the pain He endured. Others suggest suffering is a character-building opportunity. This is all true…but it goes deeper, for pain is one of the most powerful tools for learning…both how to avoid it and if we cannot, endure it and learn what we can from it.
The upside of pain is this…. practically speaking, and on the lighter side of the subject. It tells us simply that something is wrong. If we did not feel pain, we would not know we were either sick or injured and would not seek and answer to find healing. This next thing I am saying to men mostly. They, we too often make the mistake of not addressing the pain in a timely manner, thinking erroneously a times that just to ignore it…until we cannot….and then in some cases it is too late to heal….and the consequences are never good. God made us smarter than that, and we need to address our fears instead of burying them….by sanely seeking help in all four arenas we experience pain in…those being physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
Jesus walked boldly and with pre-ordained purpose into His pain, embracing it, for the benefits that lay ahead for Him and us. Why God required His self-sacrifice through the death of His Son is because, He is a God of justice…. justice based on moral principles, whereas I said earlier there had to be by design and then planning, an atonement for sin. A sacrifice…. the greatest one that could be made. Otherwise, sin, error, evil would one day win out and God forbid, that just could not be allowed to happen.
Sin…is not a word we hear much about these days for the world has moved into a very gray area of right and wrong, often excusing behavior that needs to be defined as sin and is not….and this makes people uncomfortable and above all else human beings love to be comfortable.
You have the knowledge by observation alone, that we live daily in a world of opposites and sometimes deeply opposing forces. Duality is the nature of our world. Light and dark, earth and water, rain and drought, desert and jungle, mountains and plains, rich and poor, strength and weakness, health and illness, good and evil, war and peace, pain and comfort…and many more. Duality…. such as these
few mentioned co-exist, but in coexisting create both beauty and chaos.
Into this chaos came the God/Man, Jesus Christ, to reconcile the world through justice into wholeness. That day is yet physically to come, though spiritually it has been accomplished through His atonement.
There is much we can learn in and from pain that otherwise we would not learn, not only for ourselves but for others…. we can learn compassion, tenderness, gratefulness, kindness, mercy, even justice….and in doing so, we can also learn to appreciate our differences, join together in exhibiting and practicing these learned values. To appreciate this day, the day we currently have….and are gifted with. Looking through the big picture window of life in the Spirit, and not through the dirty window of emotion, where we do not clearly see things as they really are, we will at times allow ourselves due to our circumstances, choose the wrong attitude, even feeling justified in becoming, petty, vindictive, mean, angry, hateful, spiteful, and thereby even causing more pain, self-inflicted pain that can wash out and over on to others.
We all know by experience, that pain manifests itself in many different areas of our lives, to where we are affected, as I said earlier, emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Who can say with complete understanding which of these four areas are or can be, the most painful, or the most damaging, for all can be long term or temporary? Once having experienced it and then it is gone, we are grateful, incredibly grateful but what did we learn?
It is part of creation….and without its presence we would quickly destroy ourselves. Dr. Paul Brand, a deeply committed medical missionary works with lepers, and sees firsthand the suffering they endure. One of the problems with leprosy is that these people cannot feel pain in the affected part of their bodies. Dr. Brand speaks about what a tragedy it is for them that they cannot. He said, “If I had the power to eliminate pian, I would not exercise that right.’ Pain’s value is too great.
There is the necessary protective value of pain. He goes on to say, that when a healthy person has an injured leg as an example, he or she feel the pain and therefore does not put their weight on that injured leg. A leper not feeling the injury, wherever it is, will continue to use that injured limb to where it is destroyed, having never felt a thing.
We learn from our encounters or battles with it, in all the four areas I spoke of for it is a gift in our design from God. Pain unifies the body. Dr. Brand says, “I can tell the health of a human body by its reaction to pain. I f the body does not react, I know something is dreadfully wrong.”
Suffering….is a real and important element of our Faith. As the Apostle Paul wrote, “I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I choose to lose all else. Philippians 3:8
I am now going to read to you one of the most painful, yet beautiful true stories I have ever read, of a young woman’s long and difficult triumph over pain.
Kechi…like Jesus, was horribly disfigured…. both endured, both triumphed, each in their own way. Yet…it was He who having endured His pain, as she said…” enables her to walk with the confidence of one who knows that He sees her as beautiful, and instead of feeling resentment, she confesses “that all things work together for the good of those who love God.” Romans 8:28
God bless Kechi and all who endure great pain of any kind….and God bless you…each and all of you, with His great Grace and Mercy, but most of all His deep and everlasting love.
Amen (so be it)
Macks Inn
Island park, Idaho 83433
♥ February 14, 2021 ♥
Valentine’s Day (it’s origin) You will be surprised & moved.
SERMON: PAIN (what good is it?)
I know, I know…. quite a topic for Valentine’s Day, but since Valentine’s Day is not a religious holiday, and this Wednesday is the beginning of the Lenten Season, called Ash Wednesday, I chose to talk about one of the most difficult parts of being a human being….one topic with two streams that come together in the place of pain in Lent and pain in our lives. Most of us (especially those of us who are older) are seldom pain free, choosing of course, which is simply common sense, to alleviate it as much as possible, but at times impossible to do so completely, so we adapt, and as long as we can, deal with it as best as we can and with as good an attitude…. that sometimes takes work.
As I said above, we are entering this Wednesday according to the Church calendar, the Lenten Season. During this six-week period (a sober one) leading up to the death of Jesus, we commemorate and eventually celebrate on Easter Sunday His journey of pain, sorrow and death…. all coming together victoriously in the Lord’s Triumphant Resurrection.
It is often a dark and troubling journey, one aspect of which we will be covering today, as we (the world) currently are in a time of travail, and a time of what I have come to call The Year of Tears. Eventually, Grace will enter the scene…eventually, there once again will be light and joy, and laughter. But, for now, let us continue by starting with Isaiah 52:14 which correlates to my sermon title and specifically Lent. It reads, “Many were amazed when they saw Him. His face was so disfigured He seemed hardly human, and from His appearance, one would scarcely know he was a man.” (direct quote from the Bible) In Mel Gibson’s movie “The Christ,” if you saw it you will remember that the Jesus was so disfigured by being beaten, cut and whipped so deeply, that indeed He was unrecognizable, and that yes, He barely seemed human. All for us.
Isaiah 53:2-5 continues, “There was nothing beautiful or majestic about His appearance, nothing to attract us to Him. He was despised and rejected, a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief. We turned our backs on Him and looked the other way. He was despised and we did not care. Yet, it was our weakness He carried, and we thought His troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for His own sins. But! He was pierced for our rebellion, He was crushed for our sins, and He was beaten so we could be made whole.”
Now, there is so much pain in the world that I am surprised the world itself is not groaning under its weight. I am going to give you these few verses to help sustain us, and help us overcome those events, people and pain that could overwhelm us, if we tried to bear the weight of it ourselves. Through this journey, especially now in this season let us look to Hebrews 2:17, for in these verses we hear of why and how, Jesus came to understand more fully by being one of us, what indeed it is to be human. Listen closely please. “Therefore, in all things He had to be made like us, that He might be a merciful and faithful High Priest in things pertaining to God, (for us) to make propitiation or atonement…. which means, appeasing God, and by doing so, incurring divine favor therefore avoiding divine retribution…all of it comes down to His sacrificing His life….to appease God for our sins.”
Knowing as He did, what lay ahead…. the pain He would have to endure, it was necessary for Him to be as human as we are, like us, His brothers, and sisters, and thereby literally by doing so, deepening His understanding by experiencing what we experience, so that, He could be our merciful and faithful High Priest as He stands before the judgement seat of God interceding on our behalf. Talking to God for us. (the man in the middle) so that when God sees us, He sees us of the faith, through the sacrifice and blood that he willingly bled for us. Because of this, Jesus says to us in His Word, that “therefore, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”
He knows…by experience our pain, deeply. He understands, yet, as in how own case, did not and does not always alleviate it, as His was not alleviated. Sometimes what we endure, teaches us valuable lessons of endurance, compassion, mercy, grace and understanding. When times like these come upon us….we can go to Him who Himself experienced emotional pain, the pain of rejection on the deepest level, pain from bodily injury, but as He cried out to His Father, “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me where I can hear and feel in his words the anguish in His cry….and in some small way we can identify with it…rejection is one of the most painful emotions that we as human being can experience. The loneliness of it at times crushing as it was to Him.
In using the words He expressed at that moment, literally quoting Scripture from the Old Testament in Psalm 22…a deep expression of the anguish he felt when He took the sins of the world upon Himself….which in doing so for that moment, caused a separation or rift from His Father….and then in Luke 24:46 Jesus then shouts out, the separation about to be healed with these words, “Father….Abba….I entrust my Spirit into Your hands.” And with these words he breathed His last…and in that moment, He was immediately back into the Presence of His Father.
When we are enduring pain, from the lightest to the deepest, it should give us a bit of comfort in knowing what we feel, He felt. At times such as these I have to attempt at least, to do what I spoke briefly of and of which we sang two weeks ago….I put my hands in the rough by tender hands of the man who stilled the water, calmed the sea…who raised the dead….who set and sets today, the captives free. Those bound by extremely difficult situations…. of so many different kinds.
Job, St. Augustine, C.S. Lewis, and others have contributed to the ongoing dialogue swirling around not only us, but the proverbial questions of those who doubt the existence of God. “Why do bad things happen to good people, let alone the so-called bad ones.’ For some, stories of personal suffering, persecution and martyrdom provide encouragement and a reminder of the pain He endured. Others suggest suffering is a character-building opportunity. This is all true…but it goes deeper, for pain is one of the most powerful tools for learning…both how to avoid it and if we cannot, endure it and learn what we can from it.
The upside of pain is this…. practically speaking, and on the lighter side of the subject. It tells us simply that something is wrong. If we did not feel pain, we would not know we were either sick or injured and would not seek and answer to find healing. This next thing I am saying to men mostly. They, we too often make the mistake of not addressing the pain in a timely manner, thinking erroneously a times that just to ignore it…until we cannot….and then in some cases it is too late to heal….and the consequences are never good. God made us smarter than that, and we need to address our fears instead of burying them….by sanely seeking help in all four arenas we experience pain in…those being physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
Jesus walked boldly and with pre-ordained purpose into His pain, embracing it, for the benefits that lay ahead for Him and us. Why God required His self-sacrifice through the death of His Son is because, He is a God of justice…. justice based on moral principles, whereas I said earlier there had to be by design and then planning, an atonement for sin. A sacrifice…. the greatest one that could be made. Otherwise, sin, error, evil would one day win out and God forbid, that just could not be allowed to happen.
Sin…is not a word we hear much about these days for the world has moved into a very gray area of right and wrong, often excusing behavior that needs to be defined as sin and is not….and this makes people uncomfortable and above all else human beings love to be comfortable.
You have the knowledge by observation alone, that we live daily in a world of opposites and sometimes deeply opposing forces. Duality is the nature of our world. Light and dark, earth and water, rain and drought, desert and jungle, mountains and plains, rich and poor, strength and weakness, health and illness, good and evil, war and peace, pain and comfort…and many more. Duality…. such as these
few mentioned co-exist, but in coexisting create both beauty and chaos.
Into this chaos came the God/Man, Jesus Christ, to reconcile the world through justice into wholeness. That day is yet physically to come, though spiritually it has been accomplished through His atonement.
There is much we can learn in and from pain that otherwise we would not learn, not only for ourselves but for others…. we can learn compassion, tenderness, gratefulness, kindness, mercy, even justice….and in doing so, we can also learn to appreciate our differences, join together in exhibiting and practicing these learned values. To appreciate this day, the day we currently have….and are gifted with. Looking through the big picture window of life in the Spirit, and not through the dirty window of emotion, where we do not clearly see things as they really are, we will at times allow ourselves due to our circumstances, choose the wrong attitude, even feeling justified in becoming, petty, vindictive, mean, angry, hateful, spiteful, and thereby even causing more pain, self-inflicted pain that can wash out and over on to others.
We all know by experience, that pain manifests itself in many different areas of our lives, to where we are affected, as I said earlier, emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Who can say with complete understanding which of these four areas are or can be, the most painful, or the most damaging, for all can be long term or temporary? Once having experienced it and then it is gone, we are grateful, incredibly grateful but what did we learn?
It is part of creation….and without its presence we would quickly destroy ourselves. Dr. Paul Brand, a deeply committed medical missionary works with lepers, and sees firsthand the suffering they endure. One of the problems with leprosy is that these people cannot feel pain in the affected part of their bodies. Dr. Brand speaks about what a tragedy it is for them that they cannot. He said, “If I had the power to eliminate pian, I would not exercise that right.’ Pain’s value is too great.
There is the necessary protective value of pain. He goes on to say, that when a healthy person has an injured leg as an example, he or she feel the pain and therefore does not put their weight on that injured leg. A leper not feeling the injury, wherever it is, will continue to use that injured limb to where it is destroyed, having never felt a thing.
We learn from our encounters or battles with it, in all the four areas I spoke of for it is a gift in our design from God. Pain unifies the body. Dr. Brand says, “I can tell the health of a human body by its reaction to pain. I f the body does not react, I know something is dreadfully wrong.”
Suffering….is a real and important element of our Faith. As the Apostle Paul wrote, “I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I choose to lose all else. Philippians 3:8
I am now going to read to you one of the most painful, yet beautiful true stories I have ever read, of a young woman’s long and difficult triumph over pain.
Kechi…like Jesus, was horribly disfigured…. both endured, both triumphed, each in their own way. Yet…it was He who having endured His pain, as she said…” enables her to walk with the confidence of one who knows that He sees her as beautiful, and instead of feeling resentment, she confesses “that all things work together for the good of those who love God.” Romans 8:28
God bless Kechi and all who endure great pain of any kind….and God bless you…each and all of you, with His great Grace and Mercy, but most of all His deep and everlasting love.
Amen (so be it)
Macks Inn, Idaho 83433 Febraury 7, 2021
The Art and Discipline of Listening and Why it is Important
This morning….part of the reason you came was to hear, of all people, me, speak to you….to listen….perhaps expecting and hoping to carry away some encouragement, guidance, maybe even a little wisdom, as to how to live your lives. That, I have to tell you is my hope and expectation. Romans 10:17 says “So then, faith comes by hearing, and hearing from the Word of God.”
If we truly are hearing….it is because we are really listening…and really listening sometimes takes focus and discipline, for, “listening” most often must be sought after and then calls for focused development. I hope I have not lost you already.
Here is a short secular, rather off-beat illustration, as to whether this person listening really listened, and the consequences of not.
A couple of hunters, good friends, are out in the forest, when one of them simply falls to the ground. Checking on him, his friend notices He does not seem to be breathing, and his eyes are rolled back in his head.
His friend frantically calls 911 on his cell phone, blurting out to the operator, “My friend Jackson appears to be dead! What can I do?
The operator, trying to calm him down says, “Take it easy…. I can help, just listen to me, and follow my instructions sir, first, make sure he is dead.”
There is a short pause, and then the operator is puzzled when she hears a loud gunshot. The hunter comes back on the line and says breathlessly, “ok, now what?”
Sometimes…it is easy to hear the words being spoken to us, without hearing the real message being spoken.
We think that we know what is being said, but do not clarify it (because we are thinking as to how what is being said, does not fit our understanding) we stopped listening to the person speaking, missing perhaps much of what the person is saying to prove their position. Listening means listening, clear to the end of that person’s narrative before we hear the whole thing. This, when done this way can cause us to what is the term jump to conclusions” that are untrue, and sometime unwarranted.
Listen to this…..and this is true. We have been designed with two ears, one mouth for a reason. Two ears so we can hear better, and one mouth so we can speak less that what we hear. Let our goal be to strive to become better listeners, especially if we are going to repeat what we are hearing to others, and especially if we disagree….we will repeat with our own interpretation.
Another example many of us have taken part is a circle game called “the circle whisper.” All sitting in a circle one person turns to the next on the right and whispers something in their ear. That person then allegedly whispers the exact words they just heard to the person on their right, until the circle of passing the information on comes back to the original person.
So, what is usually the outcome? It barely resembles the original words, with perhaps just a small element of the original….and sometimes not at all.
James 3:6 reads, “How great a forest can be set ablaze by a small fire! And the tongue is a fire. The tongue is placed among our members as a potential for good or evil and can stain the whole body by setting on fire a cycle of burning…….at times by hell itself. “
Then there is Matthew 13:12-13, “to those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge. But, for those who are NOT listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away. Jesus goes on to say, “that is why I use these parables, for
the people look but they do not really see. They hear, but they are not really listening, therefore they are not able to comprehend or understand.”
This now is important to hear, so please listen closely. Who we are is reflected in both what we say, and what we do, if concerned at all about our personal reputation, and as Christians, our reputation either holds up or diminishes the very reputation of Christ Himself.
The words we speak puts accountability in our own laps, and no one else’s. Human ears hear many sounds but there is a deeper kind of listening that results in spiritual understanding. When speaking parables, Jesus was not cloaking or hiding truth from sincere seekers, but those who were receptive to spiritual truths and therefore understood His illustrations. To others they were just stories with little applicable meaning. We hear…. really hear, only when we really listen.
I know…I am being repetitive here…. but it is only because it is such a vital discipline in our lives…. that can change the course of our ever days lives, everyday….by the choices we make in listening and correctly and fully understanding.
Steven Covey….an educator, author, businessman and motivational speaker says, “seek first to understand, then….to be understood.” Only by listening can this happen.”
He also said this, “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to respond.” X2
1. Be aware of your body language. The effective use of body language is often discussed when teaching how to deliver a message, but not so much when receiving one. This means…. try not to fall asleep when the speaker is speaking. I once had a young woman (a teacher) in my congregation in Kentucky who for some reason was really ticked at me. So, she sat one Sunday in the back pew correcting her student’s papers, rustling them…. while I was preaching. That was a bit amusing in looking back, though not so at the time. I will say it was one of the most.
audacious ways of publicly telling me and everyone else her feelings toward me at that time.
2. Do not be afraid of silence. Sometimes we are so used to noise that we start to feel uncomfortable when there are pauses during a conversation. One of the important lessons to learn is to allow for moments of silence while listening to others.
3. Restrain yourself. Many times, we fall into the trap of thinking we have a funnier anecdote, more fascinating statistics, or sadder story than the person speaking. (and it may be true) but we need to hold our tongue.
4. A good way to start a conversation is to ask questions. Asking follow-up questions can be an excellent way of showing that you were listening. It might even be a point where you may disagree….and that is ok depending on your approach of course.
5. Get rid of distractions. Put your phone on silent when talking or listening to someone. Honor the person by giving them your undivided attention.
Here are a few Scriptures about the discipline of listening.
Proverbs 10:8 “The wise of heart will receive what is spoken, but a babbling fool will come to ruin.
Mark 4:24, and He said to them, “Pay attention to what you hear; and with the measure you apply what you receive, it will be measured back to you and still more will be added to that.”
Proverbs 20:12, “the hearing ear and the seeing eyes, the Lord has made them both. (Use them well)
Proverbs 18:5, “An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise…seeks knowledge.”
The last one. Proverbs 2:21-22 My son or daughter, if you receive my words and treasure my commandments, making your ear attentive to wisdom and incline your heart to understanding, if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then (and only then) …. will you understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God?
Did you get that?
We are now down to the last illustration….
But before that…. did you know that we think four times faster than we can talk, and I know some fast talkers! Their minds must be like a blur.
Ok…here is the illustration.
Franklin Roosevelt…. often endured long receiving lines as do all presidents at the White House with political and social events. He complained to his wife and staff, that no one really paid any attention to what was said by him in these lines. One day, during a reception, he decided to try an experiment. (loved it) To, every person whom he greeted while shaking their hand murmured, “I murdered my grandmother this morning.” The guests responded with phrases like, “marvelous!” Keep up the good work,” we are proud of you Mr. President.” God bless you sir,” and so on.
It was not until the end of the line, while greeting the ambassador from Bolivia that his words were heard. Non-pulsed, the ambassador leaned over and whispered, “I’m sure she had it coming.”
Remember…. who we are is reflected in what we say….and what we do, and they better be the same! Our reputation and our Lords are at stake.
Lord…give us the wisdom to help us, to both speak when we should and keep our mouths shut when we should. That is real wisdom! Amen
Macks Inn, Idaho 83433 Febraury 7, 2021
The Art and Discipline of Listening and Why it is Important
This morning….part of the reason you came was to hear, of all people, me, speak to you….to listen….perhaps expecting and hoping to carry away some encouragement, guidance, maybe even a little wisdom, as to how to live your lives. That, I have to tell you is my hope and expectation. Romans 10:17 says “So then, faith comes by hearing, and hearing from the Word of God.”
If we truly are hearing….it is because we are really listening…and really listening sometimes takes focus and discipline, for, “listening” most often must be sought after and then calls for focused development. I hope I have not lost you already.
Here is a short secular, rather off-beat illustration, as to whether this person listening really listened, and the consequences of not.
A couple of hunters, good friends, are out in the forest, when one of them simply falls to the ground. Checking on him, his friend notices He does not seem to be breathing, and his eyes are rolled back in his head.
His friend frantically calls 911 on his cell phone, blurting out to the operator, “My friend Jackson appears to be dead! What can I do?
The operator, trying to calm him down says, “Take it easy…. I can help, just listen to me, and follow my instructions sir, first, make sure he is dead.”
There is a short pause, and then the operator is puzzled when she hears a loud gunshot. The hunter comes back on the line and says breathlessly, “ok, now what?”
Sometimes…it is easy to hear the words being spoken to us, without hearing the real message being spoken.
We think that we know what is being said, but do not clarify it (because we are thinking as to how what is being said, does not fit our understanding) we stopped listening to the person speaking, missing perhaps much of what the person is saying to prove their position. Listening means listening, clear to the end of that person’s narrative before we hear the whole thing. This, when done this way can cause us to what is the term jump to conclusions” that are untrue, and sometime unwarranted.
Listen to this…..and this is true. We have been designed with two ears, one mouth for a reason. Two ears so we can hear better, and one mouth so we can speak less that what we hear. Let our goal be to strive to become better listeners, especially if we are going to repeat what we are hearing to others, and especially if we disagree….we will repeat with our own interpretation.
Another example many of us have taken part is a circle game called “the circle whisper.” All sitting in a circle one person turns to the next on the right and whispers something in their ear. That person then allegedly whispers the exact words they just heard to the person on their right, until the circle of passing the information on comes back to the original person.
So, what is usually the outcome? It barely resembles the original words, with perhaps just a small element of the original….and sometimes not at all.
James 3:6 reads, “How great a forest can be set ablaze by a small fire! And the tongue is a fire. The tongue is placed among our members as a potential for good or evil and can stain the whole body by setting on fire a cycle of burning…….at times by hell itself. “
Then there is Matthew 13:12-13, “to those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge. But, for those who are NOT listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away. Jesus goes on to say, “that is why I use these parables, for
the people look but they do not really see. They hear, but they are not really listening, therefore they are not able to comprehend or understand.”
This now is important to hear, so please listen closely. Who we are is reflected in both what we say, and what we do, if concerned at all about our personal reputation, and as Christians, our reputation either holds up or diminishes the very reputation of Christ Himself.
The words we speak puts accountability in our own laps, and no one else’s. Human ears hear many sounds but there is a deeper kind of listening that results in spiritual understanding. When speaking parables, Jesus was not cloaking or hiding truth from sincere seekers, but those who were receptive to spiritual truths and therefore understood His illustrations. To others they were just stories with little applicable meaning. We hear…. really hear, only when we really listen.
I know…I am being repetitive here…. but it is only because it is such a vital discipline in our lives…. that can change the course of our ever days lives, everyday….by the choices we make in listening and correctly and fully understanding.
Steven Covey….an educator, author, businessman and motivational speaker says, “seek first to understand, then….to be understood.” Only by listening can this happen.”
He also said this, “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to respond.” X2
1. Be aware of your body language. The effective use of body language is often discussed when teaching how to deliver a message, but not so much when receiving one. This means…. try not to fall asleep when the speaker is speaking. I once had a young woman (a teacher) in my congregation in Kentucky who for some reason was really ticked at me. So, she sat one Sunday in the back pew correcting her student’s papers, rustling them…. while I was preaching. That was a bit amusing in looking back, though not so at the time. I will say it was one of the most.
audacious ways of publicly telling me and everyone else her feelings toward me at that time.
2. Do not be afraid of silence. Sometimes we are so used to noise that we start to feel uncomfortable when there are pauses during a conversation. One of the important lessons to learn is to allow for moments of silence while listening to others.
3. Restrain yourself. Many times, we fall into the trap of thinking we have a funnier anecdote, more fascinating statistics, or sadder story than the person speaking. (and it may be true) but we need to hold our tongue.
4. A good way to start a conversation is to ask questions. Asking follow-up questions can be an excellent way of showing that you were listening. It might even be a point where you may disagree….and that is ok depending on your approach of course.
5. Get rid of distractions. Put your phone on silent when talking or listening to someone. Honor the person by giving them your undivided attention.
Here are a few Scriptures about the discipline of listening.
Proverbs 10:8 “The wise of heart will receive what is spoken, but a babbling fool will come to ruin.
Mark 4:24, and He said to them, “Pay attention to what you hear; and with the measure you apply what you receive, it will be measured back to you and still more will be added to that.”
Proverbs 20:12, “the hearing ear and the seeing eyes, the Lord has made them both. (Use them well)
Proverbs 18:5, “An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise…seeks knowledge.”
The last one. Proverbs 2:21-22 My son or daughter, if you receive my words and treasure my commandments, making your ear attentive to wisdom and incline your heart to understanding, if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then (and only then) …. will you understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God?
Did you get that?
We are now down to the last illustration….
But before that…. did you know that we think four times faster than we can talk, and I know some fast talkers! Their minds must be like a blur.
Ok…here is the illustration.
Franklin Roosevelt…. often endured long receiving lines as do all presidents at the White House with political and social events. He complained to his wife and staff, that no one really paid any attention to what was said by him in these lines. One day, during a reception, he decided to try an experiment. (loved it) To, every person whom he greeted while shaking their hand murmured, “I murdered my grandmother this morning.” The guests responded with phrases like, “marvelous!” Keep up the good work,” we are proud of you Mr. President.” God bless you sir,” and so on.
It was not until the end of the line, while greeting the ambassador from Bolivia that his words were heard. Non-pulsed, the ambassador leaned over and whispered, “I’m sure she had it coming.”
Remember…. who we are is reflected in what we say….and what we do, and they better be the same! Our reputation and our Lords are at stake.
Lord…give us the wisdom to help us, to both speak when we should and keep our mouths shut when we should. That is real wisdom! Amen
The Little Church in the Pines
Macks Inn, Island Park, Idaho
January 31, 2021
Pastor Tom A. Shanor
COURAGE….is the choice and willingness to confront agony, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation.
PHYSICAL COURAGE is bravery in the face of physical pain, hardship, even death or the threat of death.
MORAL COURAGE is the right to act rightly in the face for what may be popular opposition, shame scandal, discouragement, or personal loss.
The classical virtue of fortitude can also be translated “courage” but includes the aspects of perseverance and patience.
Patience being the topic on which I spoke last week.
…. Courage, in both small matters and large matters takes a measure of fortitude. Fortitude means “strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with COURAGE.”
1. “They showed fortitude in the face of a hostile encounter.”
2. We pray we have the fortitude to carry on fighting for what is right!
This calls for being brave in the face of difficulty, be it physical, mental, emotional, even verbal….in thought word or deed. It is the ability to act rightly in the face of opposition when we KNOW what we are saying is backed up let us say, by Scripture, even Jesus own words. Those in themselves are substantive enough to give us courage.
We are at times when right facing unpopular opposition which can be manifested in politics, religion or in any other realm or topic. It could also involve an aspect of patience and perseverance, in the ability to stay calm while in a crowd that is not, and even involved in a conversation where there are sometimes great differences in opinions and outlook in any of the above-mentioned topics. STAY CALM…is a great virtue to develop in any situation that has the potential to evolve quickly into a mob situation.
How about in being a part of a conversation where you or I disagree greatly with what is being spoken? Have we the ability to maintain a kind of reverse courage by listening all the way through the conversation until it is our time to speak, without interrupting the person speaking. It is what you would want when you speak so why not give the others person(s) the same respect and patience? One of the most courageous things you can do…. which will draw attention to you is to stand perfectly still…. eyes closed perhaps…and pray. I guarantee you will be noticed.
In the world of our Western tradition, notable thoughts on courage have come from philosophers Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas and Kierkregard as a few examples.
In the realm of Western Christianity…. we have such notables as Billy Graham, Philip Yancey (controversial) Max Lucado, Pope Francis, Joel Osteen, J.I. Packer, Joyce Meyer, Aimee Semple McPherson to name just a few. Few have had the impact that Billy Graham has had…being a simple man with a simple and clear message, and having lived a simple, honest, and upright life.
Yet each, in their own way and in their own words have been influential to a greater or lesser degree. Each also, having displayed courage at times by differing and speaking those differences in both words and the written word, that at times veered off from what then was the current mainstream of Christian thought, especially of course the women. Simply preaching publicly was enough to put them on the blacklist of many denominations. Heretics and tools of the devil.
Jesus said you will know them by their fruit….and each and all of these, produced good fruit that is utilized and cherished to this day, and will be tomorrow and beyond. That is often the problem, that we look at people through our prejudices and bias’s, seeing neither the person, or the truths they speak and live…. judging them instead on those prejudices and bias’s alone.
Gathered here today….in the Name and Person of Jesus Christ, we come from a broad collection of different doctrinal backgrounds, but the same faith.
The ancient APOSTLES CREED written by the forefathers of our faith, who labored over what would come to the cement or glue of that faith. With all our great variety of structures and methodology in expressing our faith…. these words bind all of together. Let’s read them….
I want to say and will, that there is a simple hymn in our hymnals that for me is the bottom line and essence of, Who, and what we believe in that binds us together….in love, which we shortly will sing acapella. “They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love”
Please think about what I am going to share next…. for it is very important, and for which I am and will be held accountable for.
If…I could get that across to people of faith, that though doctrine (important as it is) may give us comfort….it is the Lord Jesus Christ HIMSELF who saves us. We too often worship our doctrine above He, Himself. It is HIM whom we must find our security in. Doctrine is important…. please understand that…. but with our Lord, it was when in discourse with individuals or a crowd…. He saw the people, the pain, the heartache, the brokenness, and responded to those things. He always saw the person, even above the sin…. of what and who they could become, simply believing in and following Him.
In Luke 9:49-50, is a brief conversation between John and Jesus, (49) “Master, he says, we saw someone using your name to cast out demons, but we told him to stop, because he isn’t in our group.”
(50) But, Jesus said, do not stop him! Anyone who is not against you is for you.”
By using these words, He is saying, we are to embrace an open-arms attitude toward Christians outside our own group. Back then, there was not yet a bona-fide church of internal and external structure, and not the over 35,000 different Christian denominations that exist today. Yet…we are to rejoice with one another when we see the evidence of good fruit, being produced by any Christian gathering or denomination…. or for that matter, any individual. For we will know them by two things……their love of Christ and good that is produced by them in the name of Jesus Christ.
I do not know if you are aware of this, but several times, people of different denominations and even faiths in Idaho Falls, gather to discuss their commonalities and differences. It has brought together, many people who desire to be healers, finding understanding and therefore being not dividers. Some hundreds have attended, and it has been a blessing as it builds bridges, and not walls. It is about having courageous conversations in a godly and peace-filled setting and manner, in order to learn about each other, love and accept each other in an atmosphere of grace and kindness.
Now, somewhat briefly, (I think) I am going to turn this conversation to a place that is practical, personal, and potentially courageous, for the finger is now going to point to you…and me, of course, in our personal, interactive everyday relationships with one another and, in regard to family, friends, neighbors and even political adversaries.
WE ARE TOLD….”to love our neighbor as we love ourselves”, (who is our neighbor?) Mark 12:31…this is not a narcissistic love, self-ego love, prideful self-love…but a humble love in understanding that we are first loved by Him, and if indeed we are, and He loves us, having proven it by His great sacrifice…. knowing we are loved, enables us to love the self/person that we sometime do not love. He died for us which proves we are loved and lovable…. just as we are, seen by Him in His eyes. He made us worthy of His great love, otherwise why would He have done what He did for us?
We are also TOLD (dang) to love our enemies….and yet He goes further than that, by saying (as His finger points to us) do good to those who would harm us, and spitefully use us.
Well, we know, that just does not sit well with us, but, as He, (from the human point of view, did the impossible, by forgiving those who crucified Him…while hanging from that cross they put Him on…. He is telling us through this graphic example….TO DO THE SAME, no matter how much it costs us (our egos and sometimes pride)
That…is the sort of action that can change an adversary’s life as well as our own.
He asks us to do at times what seems the impossible…. but,
remember these words…if we are willing, “WE CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO WILL GIVE US THE ABILITY AND STRENGTH TO DO SO)” if, we are but willing.
So…I am now going to make a recommendation here. At home, set aside some time. Get out a pen and paper and sit at your table or desk. Ask the Lord by His Spirit to assist you…… (not in guilt or punishment) but out of need, show you those things and people in your life, that you need to make amends to, change your mind about, stop judging, whatever! Write on paper or on your computer or phone, this list. Then ask the Spirit now, as to how you can make right that which is not right but wrong, and, that He will give you the wisdom as to how to do so. Remember…. we are weak, but He is strong. In being willing…. much like admitting (if an alcoholic, or addict of any kind) being willing to admit our condition, is the first step toward healing and wholeness.
I can guarantee…. He WILL assist you in this endeavor. The reason is that He wants you whole, and He wants you healed of events such as estrangements, hurts, abuse either given or received. Give to Him those events, people, and pain, willingly and watch what He can and will do…. the key? WILLING
If you are in trouble in your marriage and communication is not exceptionally good…. sit down together and have a courageous conversation.
Your children…your neighbor, co-worker, etc., etc.
God…continually will give us the opportunity to be healthy, happy, whole people, whom He loves without prejudice or judgement….NO MATTER WHAT YOU HAVE DONE that has caused sin, sorrow, pain or rejection. ALL can be forgiven and healed. ALL.
If…your request for forgiveness from someone is rejected, it lay on them and no longer on you, for you will have done that which God in Christ expects you to do.
In having some of these courageous conversations, they will not at times go as we hope and pray, they will. That comes with being courageous…. but, we will have done what we were willing and courageous enough to do. I can tell you, God will honor our efforts, as we attempt to make things right. That is who He is….and He desires we be like Him as His dear Son exemplifies.
Well…that about wraps it up for today…. hopefully, I have given you some food for thought, with the intention of good and not evil. A way to please God and ease some of the burdens you just may be carrying around. They do not get any lighter.
As we now, as part of our service head to the Table of the Lord, there is something I am going to read to you that a childhood friend sent me yesterday.
It is about God…through the eyes of an 8 year old child….I think this will bless you…as it did and does me. (READ)
I have had a couple of interesting months…and through it all have found myself more emotional than usual….this really touched me in a beautiful way….and so I hope it does you as well.
God loves you….as do I, and God bless you…….
Macks Inn, Island Park, Idaho
January 31, 2021
Pastor Tom A. Shanor
COURAGE….is the choice and willingness to confront agony, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation.
PHYSICAL COURAGE is bravery in the face of physical pain, hardship, even death or the threat of death.
MORAL COURAGE is the right to act rightly in the face for what may be popular opposition, shame scandal, discouragement, or personal loss.
The classical virtue of fortitude can also be translated “courage” but includes the aspects of perseverance and patience.
Patience being the topic on which I spoke last week.
…. Courage, in both small matters and large matters takes a measure of fortitude. Fortitude means “strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with COURAGE.”
1. “They showed fortitude in the face of a hostile encounter.”
2. We pray we have the fortitude to carry on fighting for what is right!
This calls for being brave in the face of difficulty, be it physical, mental, emotional, even verbal….in thought word or deed. It is the ability to act rightly in the face of opposition when we KNOW what we are saying is backed up let us say, by Scripture, even Jesus own words. Those in themselves are substantive enough to give us courage.
We are at times when right facing unpopular opposition which can be manifested in politics, religion or in any other realm or topic. It could also involve an aspect of patience and perseverance, in the ability to stay calm while in a crowd that is not, and even involved in a conversation where there are sometimes great differences in opinions and outlook in any of the above-mentioned topics. STAY CALM…is a great virtue to develop in any situation that has the potential to evolve quickly into a mob situation.
How about in being a part of a conversation where you or I disagree greatly with what is being spoken? Have we the ability to maintain a kind of reverse courage by listening all the way through the conversation until it is our time to speak, without interrupting the person speaking. It is what you would want when you speak so why not give the others person(s) the same respect and patience? One of the most courageous things you can do…. which will draw attention to you is to stand perfectly still…. eyes closed perhaps…and pray. I guarantee you will be noticed.
In the world of our Western tradition, notable thoughts on courage have come from philosophers Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas and Kierkregard as a few examples.
In the realm of Western Christianity…. we have such notables as Billy Graham, Philip Yancey (controversial) Max Lucado, Pope Francis, Joel Osteen, J.I. Packer, Joyce Meyer, Aimee Semple McPherson to name just a few. Few have had the impact that Billy Graham has had…being a simple man with a simple and clear message, and having lived a simple, honest, and upright life.
Yet each, in their own way and in their own words have been influential to a greater or lesser degree. Each also, having displayed courage at times by differing and speaking those differences in both words and the written word, that at times veered off from what then was the current mainstream of Christian thought, especially of course the women. Simply preaching publicly was enough to put them on the blacklist of many denominations. Heretics and tools of the devil.
Jesus said you will know them by their fruit….and each and all of these, produced good fruit that is utilized and cherished to this day, and will be tomorrow and beyond. That is often the problem, that we look at people through our prejudices and bias’s, seeing neither the person, or the truths they speak and live…. judging them instead on those prejudices and bias’s alone.
Gathered here today….in the Name and Person of Jesus Christ, we come from a broad collection of different doctrinal backgrounds, but the same faith.
The ancient APOSTLES CREED written by the forefathers of our faith, who labored over what would come to the cement or glue of that faith. With all our great variety of structures and methodology in expressing our faith…. these words bind all of together. Let’s read them….
I want to say and will, that there is a simple hymn in our hymnals that for me is the bottom line and essence of, Who, and what we believe in that binds us together….in love, which we shortly will sing acapella. “They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love”
Please think about what I am going to share next…. for it is very important, and for which I am and will be held accountable for.
If…I could get that across to people of faith, that though doctrine (important as it is) may give us comfort….it is the Lord Jesus Christ HIMSELF who saves us. We too often worship our doctrine above He, Himself. It is HIM whom we must find our security in. Doctrine is important…. please understand that…. but with our Lord, it was when in discourse with individuals or a crowd…. He saw the people, the pain, the heartache, the brokenness, and responded to those things. He always saw the person, even above the sin…. of what and who they could become, simply believing in and following Him.
In Luke 9:49-50, is a brief conversation between John and Jesus, (49) “Master, he says, we saw someone using your name to cast out demons, but we told him to stop, because he isn’t in our group.”
(50) But, Jesus said, do not stop him! Anyone who is not against you is for you.”
By using these words, He is saying, we are to embrace an open-arms attitude toward Christians outside our own group. Back then, there was not yet a bona-fide church of internal and external structure, and not the over 35,000 different Christian denominations that exist today. Yet…we are to rejoice with one another when we see the evidence of good fruit, being produced by any Christian gathering or denomination…. or for that matter, any individual. For we will know them by two things……their love of Christ and good that is produced by them in the name of Jesus Christ.
I do not know if you are aware of this, but several times, people of different denominations and even faiths in Idaho Falls, gather to discuss their commonalities and differences. It has brought together, many people who desire to be healers, finding understanding and therefore being not dividers. Some hundreds have attended, and it has been a blessing as it builds bridges, and not walls. It is about having courageous conversations in a godly and peace-filled setting and manner, in order to learn about each other, love and accept each other in an atmosphere of grace and kindness.
Now, somewhat briefly, (I think) I am going to turn this conversation to a place that is practical, personal, and potentially courageous, for the finger is now going to point to you…and me, of course, in our personal, interactive everyday relationships with one another and, in regard to family, friends, neighbors and even political adversaries.
WE ARE TOLD….”to love our neighbor as we love ourselves”, (who is our neighbor?) Mark 12:31…this is not a narcissistic love, self-ego love, prideful self-love…but a humble love in understanding that we are first loved by Him, and if indeed we are, and He loves us, having proven it by His great sacrifice…. knowing we are loved, enables us to love the self/person that we sometime do not love. He died for us which proves we are loved and lovable…. just as we are, seen by Him in His eyes. He made us worthy of His great love, otherwise why would He have done what He did for us?
We are also TOLD (dang) to love our enemies….and yet He goes further than that, by saying (as His finger points to us) do good to those who would harm us, and spitefully use us.
Well, we know, that just does not sit well with us, but, as He, (from the human point of view, did the impossible, by forgiving those who crucified Him…while hanging from that cross they put Him on…. He is telling us through this graphic example….TO DO THE SAME, no matter how much it costs us (our egos and sometimes pride)
That…is the sort of action that can change an adversary’s life as well as our own.
He asks us to do at times what seems the impossible…. but,
remember these words…if we are willing, “WE CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO WILL GIVE US THE ABILITY AND STRENGTH TO DO SO)” if, we are but willing.
So…I am now going to make a recommendation here. At home, set aside some time. Get out a pen and paper and sit at your table or desk. Ask the Lord by His Spirit to assist you…… (not in guilt or punishment) but out of need, show you those things and people in your life, that you need to make amends to, change your mind about, stop judging, whatever! Write on paper or on your computer or phone, this list. Then ask the Spirit now, as to how you can make right that which is not right but wrong, and, that He will give you the wisdom as to how to do so. Remember…. we are weak, but He is strong. In being willing…. much like admitting (if an alcoholic, or addict of any kind) being willing to admit our condition, is the first step toward healing and wholeness.
I can guarantee…. He WILL assist you in this endeavor. The reason is that He wants you whole, and He wants you healed of events such as estrangements, hurts, abuse either given or received. Give to Him those events, people, and pain, willingly and watch what He can and will do…. the key? WILLING
If you are in trouble in your marriage and communication is not exceptionally good…. sit down together and have a courageous conversation.
Your children…your neighbor, co-worker, etc., etc.
God…continually will give us the opportunity to be healthy, happy, whole people, whom He loves without prejudice or judgement….NO MATTER WHAT YOU HAVE DONE that has caused sin, sorrow, pain or rejection. ALL can be forgiven and healed. ALL.
If…your request for forgiveness from someone is rejected, it lay on them and no longer on you, for you will have done that which God in Christ expects you to do.
In having some of these courageous conversations, they will not at times go as we hope and pray, they will. That comes with being courageous…. but, we will have done what we were willing and courageous enough to do. I can tell you, God will honor our efforts, as we attempt to make things right. That is who He is….and He desires we be like Him as His dear Son exemplifies.
Well…that about wraps it up for today…. hopefully, I have given you some food for thought, with the intention of good and not evil. A way to please God and ease some of the burdens you just may be carrying around. They do not get any lighter.
As we now, as part of our service head to the Table of the Lord, there is something I am going to read to you that a childhood friend sent me yesterday.
It is about God…through the eyes of an 8 year old child….I think this will bless you…as it did and does me. (READ)
I have had a couple of interesting months…and through it all have found myself more emotional than usual….this really touched me in a beautiful way….and so I hope it does you as well.
God loves you….as do I, and God bless you…….
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The Little Church in the Pines,
January 17, 2021
…. in its most basic form is simply communication.
…. communication is life!
…. communication is expressed in a multitude of means and is self-aware and self-realized. Without it we are dead, whether we are alive physically or physically dead.
~Prayer is an invocation (invocation being the act of invoking or seeking someone of higher authority and power) God as an example, for the purpose of activating a rapport or connection so to speak, through deliberate communication. Prayer can be a form of religious “practice” and may be either individual or communal, taking place in private or in a public setting. It may involve the use of words understood, or in feelings. When language is used, prayer may take the form of a hymn, a psalm, incantation, formal doctrinal or creedal statement, such as in the case of, as Christians, the Nicene or Apostle’s Creed, or it can be totally spontaneous.
~Scriptural references of prayer……………. include these four words.
PRAYER (I believe) is literally our most neglected tool in the tool box of a Christian, and I believe it to be so, because #1, we are too busy and #2, we fail to fully grasp its vital importance. As I said above, it is all about communication, and without communication, good communication, real and honest communication, explicit and pointed communication, with a person or with our Lord and God…. we really do not KNOW him (in the intimate biblical sense) but mostly know only about him.
2nd Chronicle 4:14 so beautifully lays the foundation of the importance and necessity for prayer.
“Then…. if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face…and turn from their ways of sin. I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land and life. My eyes will be open and my ears attentive to every prayer made.”
…………a key, is coming to the Lord with a heart that is open and honest, and believing that he does hear us……as it is said, “my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to your every prayer.”
~ WE cannot expect a return on our prayers if we do not believe that they are being heard, so faith is indeed an important factor. I say this because it is true, that unless you or I take the time to get to know God personally through His Son Jesus Christ…. we will not and cannot have the faith necessary to effectively pray. So…discipline, time out for this purpose of knowing him, is essential to not only prayer, but to deep, basic relational friendship with God. Once we draw closer to him…. our faith will grow, and our prayers will be not only more effective, but deeper and self-realized.
~ Like Brother Lawrence…. we will “feel” his Presence. Prayer is simply talking to God. As Brother Lawrence, a worker in the kitchen (his ministry) in a Carmelite Monastery in Paris, is remembered for the intimacy he expressed concerning his relationship to God, as recorded in a book compiled from his journals after his death; the book being “The Practice of the Presence of God.” This little book is a classic example of being in the presence of God all day and every day…and the joys experienced by being so. His whole monastic life was a living prayer of praise and intercession.
~ We are given permission to ‘pray for anything,’ but there is a prerequisite which is found in mark 11:24-25. “I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you have received it, it will be yours. But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins also.”
~My actual desire in talking on Prayer today is that we see it as a real and practical reality in our every day lives. Is it spiritual in essence, yes, but it is also practical in outcome, and vital to our lives and the lives of those whom we pray for…. including ourselves.
~ My real hope is that I can with the help of the Spirit, and Scripture accomplish this.
~ So…. how many of you have a cell phone?
~ When you desire to communicate with a friend, a family member, a business, etc., etc. It is one of the best means of immediate communication (unless of course the line is busy or disconnected) for whatever it is you wish to communicate. But…until you pick the phone up, making sure it is charged and powered up….it is just a dormant communication device lying there, wherever, doing nothing. But pick it up, turn it on and punch in the number…you are in touch…you are ready to communicate…ready to get down to business!
~ And, so it is the same with God. He’s there, just waiting for you to pick up the phone, power it up and talk to him. That is prayer…. talking to him. Now whatever you wish to talk about, implore, intercede, ask, cry out…. take a deep breath, knowing you are talking to a friend, (so you can be completely honest) and talk. You can laugh, you can cry, you can yell, you can ask questions, make your request known….so, just be yourself. No contrived religious talk, full of platitudes and sometimes high-sounding religious stuff….no contrived King James language…. quite simple, straight-forward communication is best.
~ You see…God is on the line all the time, fully charged and, looking forward to spending some time with you. Cool, huh!
~ He is like a fully powered atomic generator…. ready to light up the world, our world…. but until we turn the on switch on….it just sits there and quietly hums…. he saying to himself, somebody plug in, come on, somebody hit the on switch!
~ When we come together on Sundays, one of our group participatory actions is to both share our blessings….and the other to pray for those whom we know or don’t know, and who we do know, needs support through prayer. So…you speak, I pray, out loud, (and I’ve never been eloquent at it) but pray none-the-less, praying also that God will see my motivation and desire more than my lack of eloquence. Remember, I said he simply wants us to be honest and real. So…then, as I pray, you join with me in spirit, which makes it then a conference call/prayer…. for we are all on the line together. It’s kind of amazing and a good thing.
~ We have seen positive results, and some not so…. we are glad when we hear of progress and then in turn, thank God for intervening through our prayers, but disappointed when it doesn’t happen, as we had hoped and prayed, but the thing is, not to grow weary and stop when things do not turn out as we had hoped. We…. are not God, but are his people, and because we are, just as in the case of our parents when things did not go as we had hoped, though we may not understand, we accept and go on. Papa God.
~ Do I like it that some prayers are not answered? No, but, then what I need to do is some self-examination, referring to my earlier paragraph…. that obstacles of un-forgiveness, anger, hatred, etc. and sin, stand at times in the way, but it does not change my mind about prayer and the power to bring about change….and speaking of change…can I change God’s mind or pre-disposed actions. Yes…. God is not a puppet attached to our strings and we control him…. nor are we puppets, where he does this movement with his hand and we move this way or that way. No…. he gives us freedom and the ability to make choices, and that is in regards to prayer as well. But…we can move him by prayer.
~ an example can be found in the story of Lot and his family in Sodom. There is verse after verse of Abraham interceding on behalf of the righteous who were living among them…that God would not destroy everyone including Lot and his family. Abraham started with 50 righteous people…then continued to coax God by intercession, getting the number down to 10, and ultimately four.
~ Abraham’s prayer for Lot and his family…is a revelation of the faith of one man in the face of great odds. Abraham is an example to us that as he stood alone before God, he wielded a significant spiritual/practical influence over God’s actions. Lot and his family were saved. FYI, Sarah was a close blood relative of Lot, hence because of being family, Abraham interceded on their behalf.
~ There is one more element that is a bit more difficult (for me) to grasp, regarding unanswered prayer. That being that God desires to at times (test our faith) and as an extreme example, and, to understand this example, we must read the progressive story of Job. Job was caught in between basically a bet between God and Satan. The crux of the illustration being that most ALL of Job’s blessings were to be taken away, including all his children, his riches, his health and more…. his unkind and unsupportive friends. If, Job stood strong in his faith, and endured to the end of the test…. not only would Job win, but God would win too! This bet! And God won…. his faith in Job was verified.
So…hopefully, we are out of Job’s league, and the time of testing for our faith does not encompass those extremes.
A few verses on prayer and I will be close to finishing up, for today! Close!
To earnestly pray takes discipline, and an effort of the will, but once involved it will flow from you to God…because like the phone illustration, you will be connected.
Conversational prayer can happen throughout your day, everyday and like it was with Brother Lawrence, simply become a part of your relationship with God in Christ.
Intercessory Prayer….is a step deeper than earnest prayer…and an illustration is praying in the Holy Spirit…meaning you sometimes may move out of your understanding into a place in the Spirit, where you sense you are one with God, and perhaps even praying in utterances that you do not understand.
Life is not without uncertainties, whether they come in the form of a major life transition, family issues, health scares and or financial trouble. What we should continue to learn is that God cares, about even the smaller issues in our lives, he asks us, and even invites us to let go of our fears on all levels, by giving them to him. When we do truly let go……he, who knows all things, promises that his peace, “which is transcends all understanding, will guard our heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
To that, I say Amen
January 17, 2021
…. in its most basic form is simply communication.
…. communication is life!
…. communication is expressed in a multitude of means and is self-aware and self-realized. Without it we are dead, whether we are alive physically or physically dead.
~Prayer is an invocation (invocation being the act of invoking or seeking someone of higher authority and power) God as an example, for the purpose of activating a rapport or connection so to speak, through deliberate communication. Prayer can be a form of religious “practice” and may be either individual or communal, taking place in private or in a public setting. It may involve the use of words understood, or in feelings. When language is used, prayer may take the form of a hymn, a psalm, incantation, formal doctrinal or creedal statement, such as in the case of, as Christians, the Nicene or Apostle’s Creed, or it can be totally spontaneous.
~Scriptural references of prayer……………. include these four words.
- Pray
- Prayed
- Prayers
- Praying
PRAYER (I believe) is literally our most neglected tool in the tool box of a Christian, and I believe it to be so, because #1, we are too busy and #2, we fail to fully grasp its vital importance. As I said above, it is all about communication, and without communication, good communication, real and honest communication, explicit and pointed communication, with a person or with our Lord and God…. we really do not KNOW him (in the intimate biblical sense) but mostly know only about him.
2nd Chronicle 4:14 so beautifully lays the foundation of the importance and necessity for prayer.
“Then…. if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face…and turn from their ways of sin. I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land and life. My eyes will be open and my ears attentive to every prayer made.”
…………a key, is coming to the Lord with a heart that is open and honest, and believing that he does hear us……as it is said, “my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to your every prayer.”
~ WE cannot expect a return on our prayers if we do not believe that they are being heard, so faith is indeed an important factor. I say this because it is true, that unless you or I take the time to get to know God personally through His Son Jesus Christ…. we will not and cannot have the faith necessary to effectively pray. So…discipline, time out for this purpose of knowing him, is essential to not only prayer, but to deep, basic relational friendship with God. Once we draw closer to him…. our faith will grow, and our prayers will be not only more effective, but deeper and self-realized.
~ Like Brother Lawrence…. we will “feel” his Presence. Prayer is simply talking to God. As Brother Lawrence, a worker in the kitchen (his ministry) in a Carmelite Monastery in Paris, is remembered for the intimacy he expressed concerning his relationship to God, as recorded in a book compiled from his journals after his death; the book being “The Practice of the Presence of God.” This little book is a classic example of being in the presence of God all day and every day…and the joys experienced by being so. His whole monastic life was a living prayer of praise and intercession.
~ We are given permission to ‘pray for anything,’ but there is a prerequisite which is found in mark 11:24-25. “I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you have received it, it will be yours. But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins also.”
- So, an obstacle of effective prayers lies in un-forgiveness, resentment, anger, hatred and oh so many other negative behaviors that we humans can come up with, and all of these are in truth designated as sin.
- Doing what we do prior to taking part in Communion, is exactly what this is all about…. cleansing our minds, hearts, and spirits before God and each other…. praying along with David when he says to God…. “create in me a clean heart O God, take not your Holy Sprit from me, cast me not away from thy Presence O Lord, renew a right spirit, mind, heart and attitude within me.” Psalm 51:10-12
~My actual desire in talking on Prayer today is that we see it as a real and practical reality in our every day lives. Is it spiritual in essence, yes, but it is also practical in outcome, and vital to our lives and the lives of those whom we pray for…. including ourselves.
~ My real hope is that I can with the help of the Spirit, and Scripture accomplish this.
~ So…. how many of you have a cell phone?
~ When you desire to communicate with a friend, a family member, a business, etc., etc. It is one of the best means of immediate communication (unless of course the line is busy or disconnected) for whatever it is you wish to communicate. But…until you pick the phone up, making sure it is charged and powered up….it is just a dormant communication device lying there, wherever, doing nothing. But pick it up, turn it on and punch in the number…you are in touch…you are ready to communicate…ready to get down to business!
~ And, so it is the same with God. He’s there, just waiting for you to pick up the phone, power it up and talk to him. That is prayer…. talking to him. Now whatever you wish to talk about, implore, intercede, ask, cry out…. take a deep breath, knowing you are talking to a friend, (so you can be completely honest) and talk. You can laugh, you can cry, you can yell, you can ask questions, make your request known….so, just be yourself. No contrived religious talk, full of platitudes and sometimes high-sounding religious stuff….no contrived King James language…. quite simple, straight-forward communication is best.
~ You see…God is on the line all the time, fully charged and, looking forward to spending some time with you. Cool, huh!
~ He is like a fully powered atomic generator…. ready to light up the world, our world…. but until we turn the on switch on….it just sits there and quietly hums…. he saying to himself, somebody plug in, come on, somebody hit the on switch!
~ When we come together on Sundays, one of our group participatory actions is to both share our blessings….and the other to pray for those whom we know or don’t know, and who we do know, needs support through prayer. So…you speak, I pray, out loud, (and I’ve never been eloquent at it) but pray none-the-less, praying also that God will see my motivation and desire more than my lack of eloquence. Remember, I said he simply wants us to be honest and real. So…then, as I pray, you join with me in spirit, which makes it then a conference call/prayer…. for we are all on the line together. It’s kind of amazing and a good thing.
~ We have seen positive results, and some not so…. we are glad when we hear of progress and then in turn, thank God for intervening through our prayers, but disappointed when it doesn’t happen, as we had hoped and prayed, but the thing is, not to grow weary and stop when things do not turn out as we had hoped. We…. are not God, but are his people, and because we are, just as in the case of our parents when things did not go as we had hoped, though we may not understand, we accept and go on. Papa God.
~ Do I like it that some prayers are not answered? No, but, then what I need to do is some self-examination, referring to my earlier paragraph…. that obstacles of un-forgiveness, anger, hatred, etc. and sin, stand at times in the way, but it does not change my mind about prayer and the power to bring about change….and speaking of change…can I change God’s mind or pre-disposed actions. Yes…. God is not a puppet attached to our strings and we control him…. nor are we puppets, where he does this movement with his hand and we move this way or that way. No…. he gives us freedom and the ability to make choices, and that is in regards to prayer as well. But…we can move him by prayer.
~ an example can be found in the story of Lot and his family in Sodom. There is verse after verse of Abraham interceding on behalf of the righteous who were living among them…that God would not destroy everyone including Lot and his family. Abraham started with 50 righteous people…then continued to coax God by intercession, getting the number down to 10, and ultimately four.
~ Abraham’s prayer for Lot and his family…is a revelation of the faith of one man in the face of great odds. Abraham is an example to us that as he stood alone before God, he wielded a significant spiritual/practical influence over God’s actions. Lot and his family were saved. FYI, Sarah was a close blood relative of Lot, hence because of being family, Abraham interceded on their behalf.
~ There is one more element that is a bit more difficult (for me) to grasp, regarding unanswered prayer. That being that God desires to at times (test our faith) and as an extreme example, and, to understand this example, we must read the progressive story of Job. Job was caught in between basically a bet between God and Satan. The crux of the illustration being that most ALL of Job’s blessings were to be taken away, including all his children, his riches, his health and more…. his unkind and unsupportive friends. If, Job stood strong in his faith, and endured to the end of the test…. not only would Job win, but God would win too! This bet! And God won…. his faith in Job was verified.
So…hopefully, we are out of Job’s league, and the time of testing for our faith does not encompass those extremes.
A few verses on prayer and I will be close to finishing up, for today! Close!
- Philippians 4:6 “Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”
- 1st Timothy 2:1, “I urge you, first-of-all to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf and give thanks for them.”
- James 5:13-16, “Are any of you suffering hardships? You should pray. Are any of you happy? You should sing praises. 14 Are any of you sick? You should call for the elders of the church to come and pray over you, anointing you with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 Such a prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make you well. And if you have committed any sins, you will be forgiven. 16 Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.”
- 17b, “The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.”
To earnestly pray takes discipline, and an effort of the will, but once involved it will flow from you to God…because like the phone illustration, you will be connected.
Conversational prayer can happen throughout your day, everyday and like it was with Brother Lawrence, simply become a part of your relationship with God in Christ.
Intercessory Prayer….is a step deeper than earnest prayer…and an illustration is praying in the Holy Spirit…meaning you sometimes may move out of your understanding into a place in the Spirit, where you sense you are one with God, and perhaps even praying in utterances that you do not understand.
Life is not without uncertainties, whether they come in the form of a major life transition, family issues, health scares and or financial trouble. What we should continue to learn is that God cares, about even the smaller issues in our lives, he asks us, and even invites us to let go of our fears on all levels, by giving them to him. When we do truly let go……he, who knows all things, promises that his peace, “which is transcends all understanding, will guard our heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
To that, I say Amen
January 10, 2021
The Little Church in the Pines
Macks Inn, Island Park, Idaho
(Why wouldn’t I want to?)
Then Jesus told him, “Follow Me.” John 21:19b
“Timothy will remind you of how I follow Christ Jesus, just as I teach in all the churches wherever I go? 1st Cor. 4:17b
But…even as He spoke, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, “this is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy. Listen to and follow him.”
Matthew 17:5
I have saved the last part of this verse to emphasize it….so think about it as you hear it, including the fact that all the disciples heard the voice, and their reaction to hearing it. “The disciples were terrified…and fell face down on the ground.”
Take a moment and with your active imagination, imagine the surprise, even shock of this voice coming out of the sky. Then, imagine the timbre, tone, and resonance of that voice…. the voice of God Himself.
What do you think your reaction would have been? I know what mine would have been, I would be right down there with the disciples…. face flat on the ground and quaking in my sandals.
There are some key words in these verses I am going to point out before giving you a composite illustration of those words. They are as follow, Son, Great Joy and Terrified.
Four words…so vastly different in meaning, yet bound together in intent…simply say, PAY ATTENTION!
Pay attention to who is speaking and what I am about to say.
~ <>~
A question?
How many of your have planted a Sunflower seed and watched it grow over the course of its growing season?
GOOD…a few, but we all know they are hardy flowers with strong stems and deeply rooted.
There are several characteristics of sunflowers that make them unique and stand out, for when in bloom, it is usually a large bloom that literally stands as a symbol for the sun and its beauty, form and colors.
This sentence brings us back to the title of today’s Message….”DO I WANT TO follow Him?” (but why wouldn’t I want to?) There are some self-centered reasons that I might not want to, or you might not want to, taking into account something or someone we desire that we know would go contrary to following Him, His teaching and His examples. If so, we then must go back to THE VOICE from heaven that said…. “Listen to and follow Him.” Most of the trouble in my life stems back to where I did not heed the words of that voice, and instead chose, oh so stupidly sometimes to follow my desires, over what I KNEW I should have chosen to do, therefore reaping the consequences, some of which I still endue to this day.
Remember Jesus’ own two words in John 21... “Follow Me.”
We just came through weeks of preparation, then celebrations of the birth of Jesus, this Son of God in whom He is well pleased…. who throughout human history the past 2000 years has brought the world, both GREAT JOY amidst GREAT TERROR.
This past year has seemed at times on the brink of being apocalyptic socially and governmentally. It still has that feeling to a certain extent, even with the vaccine now being administered for COVID-19, for there is confusion and fear in that area, some conspiratorial and others seeming factual. Sorting it all out if (I’m sorry) is almost impossible, which brings us back to individual choice.
There has been great terror and great joy for those who have pulled through….and joy in my heart for those serving at their own risk, people just like me who ended up several times in the ER and overnight, in the midst of it all, and in the center of those dear people, both men and women ministering to me.
As a result, I and we go through a myriad of emotions…. from the mundane to extraordinary, much like being on one of those new high-tech rollercoasters with loops and turns that scare the (blank our of me) having ventured once onto one….and NEVER AGAIN.
BUT…IN THE CENTER OF ALL OF THIS. WE CAN BE…like that follower of the sun, the Sunflower. When we awake in the morning, as I do, facing the sun and before getting out of bed, say a prayer of thanksgiving with gratefulness in my heart and mind….as my soul and spirit reach out to Jesus.
We live in a world of opposites. Day and night, desert and tropical, wet and dry, cold and heat, wind and perfect stillness, good and evil, and the list goes on.
YET… the center…the center of all that we know… that sunflower we are positionally able (by choice) to follow the Son, through all the changes and opposites…to follow the Son.
We are but days into another so called “NEW YEAR,” not knowing as we did not know last year at this time. what would unfold.
Today…is an ideal time for serious introspection, laced with HOPE for a better year.
Solomon said it so well as he wrote, “For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.
A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest.
A time to kill and a time heal. A time to tear down and a time to build up. A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones and a a time to gather. A time to embrace and a time to turn away. A time to search and a time to quit searching. A time to keep and a time to throw away. A time to tear and a time to mend. A time to be quiet and a time to speak.
A new year, a new month, a new day, a new hour, a new minute, a new second, the same life, but ever changing as time advances, yet all we have is what we have at this very moment…in time. Where both joy and sorrow came hand in hand…where laughter and tears co-mingled, flowing from the same eyes…where pain and peace seemed just a heartbeat apart. Such is life on planet earth.
Have you ended the year knowing what you now know that the choices you made were the right ones? A year where you kept the Lord at the center of your daily life, putting your hand daily in the hand of the man who stilled the water, put your hand in the hand of the man who calmed the sea. Take a look at yourself, and you will look at others differently, put your hand in the hand of the man from Galilee.
My closing question to each of us this morning is…in following this Son of God…Son of Man….DO YOU REALLY WANT TO? Are you willing to do what is necessary….no matter what it takes? You see, there is a difference between following a religion than in following the Savior. The first can be ceremonial and ritual, comforting and predictable. The second sometimes takes blood, sweat and tears along with the laugher, joys and celebration... Christianity in as true and deep followers of Jesus is not for wimps, for in the process you will build character, stamina, patience, grace, justice, goodness, mercy and kindness, of which these are but a few of the benefits of this journey, fraught though it also may be with trials, temptations and pain.
My question now becomes another question. Why wouldn’t you want to? You see…the benefits (in the long term) far outweigh the immediate pleasures that we might have otherwise.
As the years wind down, and we all get closer and closer to that day…. that day of accountability, what should be our highest and deepest priority? In the daily devotional we are now reading, studying, and discussing on Friday mornings…. titled, MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST. Should that not be our motto, for often we leave the highest and best our lowest priority….
This now is a challenge and not a question. Take your personal one-on-one relationship with Jesus to the highest level of priorities and I guarantee you…. your life will change for the better in so many, many ways.
No matter our physical, emotional state of being we find ourselves in, our lives can be better, deeper, richer, livelier, happier, more content, IF, we but set apart some small amount of time (determined by you_ to spend with Him and Him alone. It can simply be sitting in our favorite spot, reading even Our Daily Bread, or some other devotional, but taking that quiet time, one on one with Him. Read, talk to Him as you would talk to your best Friend, and in the spirit also, listen, for He will speak to you. It could be through your devotional, through Scripture or that “still, quiet, small voice deep in your heart.
Be grateful and speak your gratefulness in prayer and in quiet worship.
A merry heart (Proverbs 17:22) does good like a medicine, like a medicine in a merry heart, but a broken spirit, drieth up the bones….a merry heart…is the Joy of the Lord.
Selah (pause and think about it)
Amen (so be it)
Here is a little song…that many years ago came from the musical called God Spell.
Oh, dear Lord…three things I pray………….
To see Thee more clearly….
Love Thee more dearly….
Follow Thee more nearly…..
Day by day, by day.
Again, I say…. Amen
The Little Church in the Pines
Macks Inn, Island Park, Idaho
(Why wouldn’t I want to?)
Then Jesus told him, “Follow Me.” John 21:19b
“Timothy will remind you of how I follow Christ Jesus, just as I teach in all the churches wherever I go? 1st Cor. 4:17b
But…even as He spoke, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, “this is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy. Listen to and follow him.”
Matthew 17:5
I have saved the last part of this verse to emphasize it….so think about it as you hear it, including the fact that all the disciples heard the voice, and their reaction to hearing it. “The disciples were terrified…and fell face down on the ground.”
Take a moment and with your active imagination, imagine the surprise, even shock of this voice coming out of the sky. Then, imagine the timbre, tone, and resonance of that voice…. the voice of God Himself.
What do you think your reaction would have been? I know what mine would have been, I would be right down there with the disciples…. face flat on the ground and quaking in my sandals.
There are some key words in these verses I am going to point out before giving you a composite illustration of those words. They are as follow, Son, Great Joy and Terrified.
Four words…so vastly different in meaning, yet bound together in intent…simply say, PAY ATTENTION!
Pay attention to who is speaking and what I am about to say.
~ <>~
A question?
How many of your have planted a Sunflower seed and watched it grow over the course of its growing season?
GOOD…a few, but we all know they are hardy flowers with strong stems and deeply rooted.
There are several characteristics of sunflowers that make them unique and stand out, for when in bloom, it is usually a large bloom that literally stands as a symbol for the sun and its beauty, form and colors.
- It has a strong stem that can sufficiently carry the weight of the large, heavy flower itself.
- It also follows the path of the sun it…all day long. It greets the morning sun, and as the sun traverses across the sky, it faces up ever so slightly…. then more and more as the bloom follows the traversing sun, facing it at the end of the day as it did in the morning. East to west.
- That means in the early morning, as it senses the rising of the sun, it turns back around to once again greet the day.
This sentence brings us back to the title of today’s Message….”DO I WANT TO follow Him?” (but why wouldn’t I want to?) There are some self-centered reasons that I might not want to, or you might not want to, taking into account something or someone we desire that we know would go contrary to following Him, His teaching and His examples. If so, we then must go back to THE VOICE from heaven that said…. “Listen to and follow Him.” Most of the trouble in my life stems back to where I did not heed the words of that voice, and instead chose, oh so stupidly sometimes to follow my desires, over what I KNEW I should have chosen to do, therefore reaping the consequences, some of which I still endue to this day.
Remember Jesus’ own two words in John 21... “Follow Me.”
We just came through weeks of preparation, then celebrations of the birth of Jesus, this Son of God in whom He is well pleased…. who throughout human history the past 2000 years has brought the world, both GREAT JOY amidst GREAT TERROR.
This past year has seemed at times on the brink of being apocalyptic socially and governmentally. It still has that feeling to a certain extent, even with the vaccine now being administered for COVID-19, for there is confusion and fear in that area, some conspiratorial and others seeming factual. Sorting it all out if (I’m sorry) is almost impossible, which brings us back to individual choice.
There has been great terror and great joy for those who have pulled through….and joy in my heart for those serving at their own risk, people just like me who ended up several times in the ER and overnight, in the midst of it all, and in the center of those dear people, both men and women ministering to me.
As a result, I and we go through a myriad of emotions…. from the mundane to extraordinary, much like being on one of those new high-tech rollercoasters with loops and turns that scare the (blank our of me) having ventured once onto one….and NEVER AGAIN.
BUT…IN THE CENTER OF ALL OF THIS. WE CAN BE…like that follower of the sun, the Sunflower. When we awake in the morning, as I do, facing the sun and before getting out of bed, say a prayer of thanksgiving with gratefulness in my heart and mind….as my soul and spirit reach out to Jesus.
We live in a world of opposites. Day and night, desert and tropical, wet and dry, cold and heat, wind and perfect stillness, good and evil, and the list goes on.
YET… the center…the center of all that we know… that sunflower we are positionally able (by choice) to follow the Son, through all the changes and opposites…to follow the Son.
We are but days into another so called “NEW YEAR,” not knowing as we did not know last year at this time. what would unfold.
Today…is an ideal time for serious introspection, laced with HOPE for a better year.
Solomon said it so well as he wrote, “For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.
A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest.
A time to kill and a time heal. A time to tear down and a time to build up. A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones and a a time to gather. A time to embrace and a time to turn away. A time to search and a time to quit searching. A time to keep and a time to throw away. A time to tear and a time to mend. A time to be quiet and a time to speak.
A new year, a new month, a new day, a new hour, a new minute, a new second, the same life, but ever changing as time advances, yet all we have is what we have at this very moment…in time. Where both joy and sorrow came hand in hand…where laughter and tears co-mingled, flowing from the same eyes…where pain and peace seemed just a heartbeat apart. Such is life on planet earth.
Have you ended the year knowing what you now know that the choices you made were the right ones? A year where you kept the Lord at the center of your daily life, putting your hand daily in the hand of the man who stilled the water, put your hand in the hand of the man who calmed the sea. Take a look at yourself, and you will look at others differently, put your hand in the hand of the man from Galilee.
My closing question to each of us this morning is…in following this Son of God…Son of Man….DO YOU REALLY WANT TO? Are you willing to do what is necessary….no matter what it takes? You see, there is a difference between following a religion than in following the Savior. The first can be ceremonial and ritual, comforting and predictable. The second sometimes takes blood, sweat and tears along with the laugher, joys and celebration... Christianity in as true and deep followers of Jesus is not for wimps, for in the process you will build character, stamina, patience, grace, justice, goodness, mercy and kindness, of which these are but a few of the benefits of this journey, fraught though it also may be with trials, temptations and pain.
My question now becomes another question. Why wouldn’t you want to? You see…the benefits (in the long term) far outweigh the immediate pleasures that we might have otherwise.
As the years wind down, and we all get closer and closer to that day…. that day of accountability, what should be our highest and deepest priority? In the daily devotional we are now reading, studying, and discussing on Friday mornings…. titled, MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST. Should that not be our motto, for often we leave the highest and best our lowest priority….
This now is a challenge and not a question. Take your personal one-on-one relationship with Jesus to the highest level of priorities and I guarantee you…. your life will change for the better in so many, many ways.
No matter our physical, emotional state of being we find ourselves in, our lives can be better, deeper, richer, livelier, happier, more content, IF, we but set apart some small amount of time (determined by you_ to spend with Him and Him alone. It can simply be sitting in our favorite spot, reading even Our Daily Bread, or some other devotional, but taking that quiet time, one on one with Him. Read, talk to Him as you would talk to your best Friend, and in the spirit also, listen, for He will speak to you. It could be through your devotional, through Scripture or that “still, quiet, small voice deep in your heart.
Be grateful and speak your gratefulness in prayer and in quiet worship.
A merry heart (Proverbs 17:22) does good like a medicine, like a medicine in a merry heart, but a broken spirit, drieth up the bones….a merry heart…is the Joy of the Lord.
Selah (pause and think about it)
Amen (so be it)
Here is a little song…that many years ago came from the musical called God Spell.
Oh, dear Lord…three things I pray………….
To see Thee more clearly….
Love Thee more dearly….
Follow Thee more nearly…..
Day by day, by day.
Again, I say…. Amen
Little Church in the Pines
~ Advent ~
Sermon by; Pastor Tom
Luke 15:6-7
“I once was lost but now am found”
In John 9:5, during the miracle of healing the blind at birth, saying “When I am in the world, I am the LIGHT of the world”. This episode leads into John 9:39 where Jesus metaphorically explains that He came into this world, so that the blind may see. Isaiah 9:2
“The people who have walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who swell in a land of deep darkness…to proclaim the virtues of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”
A Marvelous Light!
The arrival of a notable person, thing or event
Christian Theology
The coming (in the case of Christmas) of the Light of the world, the Messiah, The Christ Child….as spoken by the prophets of God…. the only Begotten Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a young virgin girl…Mary
Looking forward to
With each passing minute, hour day, weeks…
This season is the period of four Sundays and weeks before Christ-mass, or Christmas.
All this condensed down to one word and that word is “coming”.
Not only are these weeks a time of anticipation, buy in those week, days, hours, and minutes we feel His light within us and in the getting brighter and brighter.
His birth, life, death, and resurrection all build to an even greater anticipation. That anticipation one day will be fulfilled in His Second Coming, when indeed the whole world will be awash with His light, bathed in glorious brightness, cleansed from all darkness, made new in the Glory of His Presence.
All things…all things will be new!
A new heaven, a new earth…. all of Creation will sing a song of praise, harmony will reign and finally there will be PEACE ON EARTH AND GOOD WILL TOWARD ALL OF MANKIND…FOREVER
“The celebration and full understanding of Advent is possible only for those of us who are troubled in soul, those who consider themselves sinners apart from Him and who know themselves to be needy and even imperfect, and who look forward to someone and something greater to come.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer
“God of hope, we look to you with an open heart and yearning spirit. During this Advent season, we will keep alert and awake, listening for Your Word, looking for Your Presence even in the unlovely, the harsh, the mean, the unkind, for they, like us are of the same need. YOU!
Our hope is in You, Lord
Our life is in You, Lord,
In you, It’s in You~
Today is no different from yesterday, nor tomorrow as our hope rises this time of year in anticipation of those who like us, will open their hearts and minds to receive Him as the Savior of every individual man, woman and child who live and breathe.
How will they hear of him, how will they come to know Him, but through those of us who are living images of Him….and who are unafraid to speak of what He has done and continues to do in our hearts and lives.
For those of us who celebrate the coming of the Christ Child…the Light of the World…. this ‘season’ last for four Sundays leading up to Christmas Day, starting on Sunday, November 29th, and ends on Thursday, December 24.
As we celebrate Advent, as in past years we will light each week one candle, representing HOPE, then LOVE, then JOY AND then PEACE…. the fourth candle also representing purity of heart, mind soul and body…. then a fifth candle will be set to light and it becomes the brightest flame of all, the LIGHT of Christ…a flame that we are to light our own candle (life) with as we are individually and collectively as the Body of Christ shine into the darkness of the world.
There is much darkness today, so very much, but there is also Light, and that light is THE LIGHT of God in Christ that shines through us…. from Him. A GREAT and MARVELOUS LIGHT that comes from the very center of the Universe He created and given to us freely…. freely, for freely we have received, and freely we are to give.
All His gifts come from the greatest gift of all, the GIFT OF LOVE, for of these three: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is LOVE.
These past several weeks I have been the recipient of His love, your love, strangers love, and my life has been changed because of it. This Advent Season, my hope is that we all “love one another. John 13:34-35 “A new command I give you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.”
Let us share in a blessed and beautiful Advent Season together!
Pastor Tom
~ Advent ~
Sermon by; Pastor Tom
Luke 15:6-7
“I once was lost but now am found”
In John 9:5, during the miracle of healing the blind at birth, saying “When I am in the world, I am the LIGHT of the world”. This episode leads into John 9:39 where Jesus metaphorically explains that He came into this world, so that the blind may see. Isaiah 9:2
“The people who have walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who swell in a land of deep darkness…to proclaim the virtues of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”
A Marvelous Light!
The arrival of a notable person, thing or event
Christian Theology
The coming (in the case of Christmas) of the Light of the world, the Messiah, The Christ Child….as spoken by the prophets of God…. the only Begotten Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a young virgin girl…Mary
Looking forward to
With each passing minute, hour day, weeks…
This season is the period of four Sundays and weeks before Christ-mass, or Christmas.
All this condensed down to one word and that word is “coming”.
Not only are these weeks a time of anticipation, buy in those week, days, hours, and minutes we feel His light within us and in the getting brighter and brighter.
His birth, life, death, and resurrection all build to an even greater anticipation. That anticipation one day will be fulfilled in His Second Coming, when indeed the whole world will be awash with His light, bathed in glorious brightness, cleansed from all darkness, made new in the Glory of His Presence.
All things…all things will be new!
A new heaven, a new earth…. all of Creation will sing a song of praise, harmony will reign and finally there will be PEACE ON EARTH AND GOOD WILL TOWARD ALL OF MANKIND…FOREVER
“The celebration and full understanding of Advent is possible only for those of us who are troubled in soul, those who consider themselves sinners apart from Him and who know themselves to be needy and even imperfect, and who look forward to someone and something greater to come.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer
“God of hope, we look to you with an open heart and yearning spirit. During this Advent season, we will keep alert and awake, listening for Your Word, looking for Your Presence even in the unlovely, the harsh, the mean, the unkind, for they, like us are of the same need. YOU!
Our hope is in You, Lord
Our life is in You, Lord,
In you, It’s in You~
Today is no different from yesterday, nor tomorrow as our hope rises this time of year in anticipation of those who like us, will open their hearts and minds to receive Him as the Savior of every individual man, woman and child who live and breathe.
How will they hear of him, how will they come to know Him, but through those of us who are living images of Him….and who are unafraid to speak of what He has done and continues to do in our hearts and lives.
For those of us who celebrate the coming of the Christ Child…the Light of the World…. this ‘season’ last for four Sundays leading up to Christmas Day, starting on Sunday, November 29th, and ends on Thursday, December 24.
As we celebrate Advent, as in past years we will light each week one candle, representing HOPE, then LOVE, then JOY AND then PEACE…. the fourth candle also representing purity of heart, mind soul and body…. then a fifth candle will be set to light and it becomes the brightest flame of all, the LIGHT of Christ…a flame that we are to light our own candle (life) with as we are individually and collectively as the Body of Christ shine into the darkness of the world.
There is much darkness today, so very much, but there is also Light, and that light is THE LIGHT of God in Christ that shines through us…. from Him. A GREAT and MARVELOUS LIGHT that comes from the very center of the Universe He created and given to us freely…. freely, for freely we have received, and freely we are to give.
All His gifts come from the greatest gift of all, the GIFT OF LOVE, for of these three: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is LOVE.
These past several weeks I have been the recipient of His love, your love, strangers love, and my life has been changed because of it. This Advent Season, my hope is that we all “love one another. John 13:34-35 “A new command I give you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.”
Let us share in a blessed and beautiful Advent Season together!
Pastor Tom
Shekinah * Shekinah Glory
Homily by; Connie Funkhouser
November 29, 2020
Last Sunday Pastor Tom mentioned the term “Shekinah” followed with a brief explanation and a story of a friend experiencing, “Shekinah Glory.” I was immediately captivated, for I felt I had witnessed something similar. I have not been able to get the word Shekinah (shuh•kai•nuh) off my mind, nor do I want too. My inquiring mind began researching my textbooks and various resources.
What is Shekinah Glory? Shekinah Glory is a visible manifestation of God on earth, whose presence is portrayed through a natural occurrence. The word shekinah is a Hebrew name meaning “dwelling, one who dwells, to reside, or permanently stay.” Shekinah Glory means “He caused to dwell” referring to the divine presence of God.
If you read my “I Have a Secret” homily dated October 22, or attended church a couple of Sundays ago when I subbed for Pastor Tom, you know that the Holy Spirit, God’s Spirit, His Spirit dwelling within us, and Living in the Presence of God are two of my favorite topics. Now add the words, Shekinah Glory, and I am now on a natural high.
The word Shekinah, and Shekinah Glory is not in the Bible, but the description is. The divine presence of God on earth is portrayed through the following:
As a cloud (Exodus 24:16-18; Exodus 33:9; 1 Kings 8:10-13).
As a pillar of smoke and fire (Exodus 13:21-22).
As a fire and burning bush (Zechariah 2:5; Exodus 3:2).
Not only is the holy manifestation of God depicted through Shekinah Glory, but it also entails the practice of honoring and praising God by exemplifying His glory. “For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:6 NKJV). Jesus’ ministry is the ultimate encounter of Shekinah Glory that God has ever had with man on earth.
Some describe as like gold dust suspended in the air – filled with shimmering light. Visualizing gold dust suspended in the air, think to the moments when you have been outside on a bright sunny, clear, cold winter day, and there are glimmering snow crystals falling around you. I find it to be magically, makes me lift my arms up to raise a Hallelujah to Heaven. My limited mind did not know how this could be, but I chose to marvel in the glimmering light that surrounded me. Could this be something like Shekinah Glory, or is it Shekinah Glory? We are the church, we are God’s Temple that houses His Holy Spirit, with keeping our hearts and thoughts toward God, we are able to feel the Presence of God, and on occasion see a Shekinah light, the Shekinah Glory.
Regardless of what type of day is before us, and as we prepare for Advent season, let the divine presence of God dwell, settle in your very soul. We are God’s vessels, as broken as we may be, remain focused on God’s One and Only Son, the Light of the World who shines through us as we Live in the Presence of God.
Continue to Bless those that are fortunate to be in your presence. Upon doing so, others will notice there is something illuminating from within. It is up to us to let God’s Spirit shine. Shekinah Glory Be Yours!
Connie Funkhouser
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Chair
Homily by; Connie Funkhouser
November 29, 2020
Last Sunday Pastor Tom mentioned the term “Shekinah” followed with a brief explanation and a story of a friend experiencing, “Shekinah Glory.” I was immediately captivated, for I felt I had witnessed something similar. I have not been able to get the word Shekinah (shuh•kai•nuh) off my mind, nor do I want too. My inquiring mind began researching my textbooks and various resources.
What is Shekinah Glory? Shekinah Glory is a visible manifestation of God on earth, whose presence is portrayed through a natural occurrence. The word shekinah is a Hebrew name meaning “dwelling, one who dwells, to reside, or permanently stay.” Shekinah Glory means “He caused to dwell” referring to the divine presence of God.
If you read my “I Have a Secret” homily dated October 22, or attended church a couple of Sundays ago when I subbed for Pastor Tom, you know that the Holy Spirit, God’s Spirit, His Spirit dwelling within us, and Living in the Presence of God are two of my favorite topics. Now add the words, Shekinah Glory, and I am now on a natural high.
The word Shekinah, and Shekinah Glory is not in the Bible, but the description is. The divine presence of God on earth is portrayed through the following:
As a cloud (Exodus 24:16-18; Exodus 33:9; 1 Kings 8:10-13).
As a pillar of smoke and fire (Exodus 13:21-22).
As a fire and burning bush (Zechariah 2:5; Exodus 3:2).
Not only is the holy manifestation of God depicted through Shekinah Glory, but it also entails the practice of honoring and praising God by exemplifying His glory. “For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:6 NKJV). Jesus’ ministry is the ultimate encounter of Shekinah Glory that God has ever had with man on earth.
Some describe as like gold dust suspended in the air – filled with shimmering light. Visualizing gold dust suspended in the air, think to the moments when you have been outside on a bright sunny, clear, cold winter day, and there are glimmering snow crystals falling around you. I find it to be magically, makes me lift my arms up to raise a Hallelujah to Heaven. My limited mind did not know how this could be, but I chose to marvel in the glimmering light that surrounded me. Could this be something like Shekinah Glory, or is it Shekinah Glory? We are the church, we are God’s Temple that houses His Holy Spirit, with keeping our hearts and thoughts toward God, we are able to feel the Presence of God, and on occasion see a Shekinah light, the Shekinah Glory.
Regardless of what type of day is before us, and as we prepare for Advent season, let the divine presence of God dwell, settle in your very soul. We are God’s vessels, as broken as we may be, remain focused on God’s One and Only Son, the Light of the World who shines through us as we Live in the Presence of God.
Continue to Bless those that are fortunate to be in your presence. Upon doing so, others will notice there is something illuminating from within. It is up to us to let God’s Spirit shine. Shekinah Glory Be Yours!
Connie Funkhouser
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Chair
Little Church in the Pines
November 22, 2020
1 Thessalonians 5:18
“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
Sermon by; Pastor Tom Shanor
**This was Pastor Tom's first Sunday back after suffering a mild stroke. Understandably so, he was a bit weak, but was a pillar of strength. For those that were not in attendance, his message was from his heart, raw, passionate, filled with emotion, and beautiful. Sunday was a witness of Pastor Tom doing what he wants to do serving our community and Church Family in the place that he wants to be.
Your Prayers are sincerely appreciated Please continue to Pray ~ Thank You!
I am happy and thrilled to simply be here today – to see each and all of you! Been a rather unusual, sometimes scary, and even over the top in fright at moments. Moments lasting an exceptionally long time due to panic attacks, but more on that later – but not too much later.
Before leaving for Oregon, there were two topics I spoke on, two separate Sundays. One; The Church – as a community, purpose, and function. Then two; as a Sanctuary – described as a holy place, set apart for worshiping God and as a place or location that is a refuge from danger.
The main Scripture verses for today is; 1 Chronicles 29:16-18 (Read). Lord our God, all our abundance that we have provided, for the building of your temple to worship your holy name, comes from your hand, and all of it belongs to You.
I know my God, that you test the heart, and are pleased with integrity. All these things have willingly been given back to You. Lord God, the Father of our fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel may we hold these desires and thoughts in the heart of we, your people today, forever.
All of what is spoken towards a temple, the Sanctuary to house and worship God whose Presence would fill His holy tabernacle - in doing so – in keeping their hearts and thoughts toward Him – thereby often literally able to feel the Presence of God, and on rare occasion see a shekinah light or also called “Glory.” Some describe as like gold dust suspended in the air – filled with shimmering light.
There is in our Book a rather amazing collection of words spoken to us in 1 Corinthians 6:19 in reference to another temple – a deeper illustration and understanding of God’s greatest and most amazing temple – where the desires above all other places to live – for the temple or sanctuary is a living and breathing one.
You must understand – I must understand that our bodies, mind, spirit, and soul have been redeemed or purchased at an extremely high cost. That being Jesus Christ, His only begotten son, by His death, the ultimate sacrifice.
Knowing, grasping this singular truth should compel us to treat it accordingly. We do not own this body, for it is a temporary dwelling place, and we are told someday we will receive a new and eternal one. (Thank goodness 😊)
How do we take care of this one? By treating it as a sanctuary, meeting place, a place of worship and with great gratitude.
I have failed often, all too often to do so, and in a very real sense have suffered the consequences by my own choices, the ramifications of poor actions and even thoughts.
We must pay attention to not only how we use this body, but what we put into it. We must feed our minds with healthy intellectual food. Our spirits with God’s word and clean books, articles that are proven to be healthy and beneficial to our minds and spirits.
This body is made up of more than flesh and blood, water, and dust, but of mind, spirit, heart, and soul. In taking care of it properly, we make right choices as how to nourish it.
We are to do more than just gather on Sundays for our services but count every day as a gift from God.
This does not mean that we cannot enjoy or forego pleasure, it just means we must choose appropriate and right pleasure. Fun, family, even foods, friends, the great beauty we have been given to flourish in and with. The good things bestowed on us to enrich our lives with which bright health, happiness, joy, and ultimately true and rich worship of God for all He is and all He does, for we, His ultimate creation.
Joy is a word that I love – the hymn sings out through us. The joy of the Lord is my strength sustained by the Joy of my salvation.
This coming week is Thanksgiving – giving thanks to our God, even with this pandemic. Even with the state of our government and nation, even with personal differences and all the things and people that could and do separate us.
Our mouths, minds, soul and spirits should shout unto God – the joy of our salvation – for Scripture says;
Romans 8:35-39 (Read)
Remember these words and thank God for all the people, things, and places He has given you.
I thank Him for what has happened to me, for it was what I prayed for. When I asked Him about a month or so ago to change my heart, to help me become the person He made me to be, to use David’s prayer, I prayed, because I was sick and tired of who I had become. Psalm 51:1-2 (Read).
God loves you and me ~ Prayers for All!
November 22, 2020
1 Thessalonians 5:18
“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
Sermon by; Pastor Tom Shanor
**This was Pastor Tom's first Sunday back after suffering a mild stroke. Understandably so, he was a bit weak, but was a pillar of strength. For those that were not in attendance, his message was from his heart, raw, passionate, filled with emotion, and beautiful. Sunday was a witness of Pastor Tom doing what he wants to do serving our community and Church Family in the place that he wants to be.
Your Prayers are sincerely appreciated Please continue to Pray ~ Thank You!
I am happy and thrilled to simply be here today – to see each and all of you! Been a rather unusual, sometimes scary, and even over the top in fright at moments. Moments lasting an exceptionally long time due to panic attacks, but more on that later – but not too much later.
Before leaving for Oregon, there were two topics I spoke on, two separate Sundays. One; The Church – as a community, purpose, and function. Then two; as a Sanctuary – described as a holy place, set apart for worshiping God and as a place or location that is a refuge from danger.
The main Scripture verses for today is; 1 Chronicles 29:16-18 (Read). Lord our God, all our abundance that we have provided, for the building of your temple to worship your holy name, comes from your hand, and all of it belongs to You.
I know my God, that you test the heart, and are pleased with integrity. All these things have willingly been given back to You. Lord God, the Father of our fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel may we hold these desires and thoughts in the heart of we, your people today, forever.
All of what is spoken towards a temple, the Sanctuary to house and worship God whose Presence would fill His holy tabernacle - in doing so – in keeping their hearts and thoughts toward Him – thereby often literally able to feel the Presence of God, and on rare occasion see a shekinah light or also called “Glory.” Some describe as like gold dust suspended in the air – filled with shimmering light.
There is in our Book a rather amazing collection of words spoken to us in 1 Corinthians 6:19 in reference to another temple – a deeper illustration and understanding of God’s greatest and most amazing temple – where the desires above all other places to live – for the temple or sanctuary is a living and breathing one.
You must understand – I must understand that our bodies, mind, spirit, and soul have been redeemed or purchased at an extremely high cost. That being Jesus Christ, His only begotten son, by His death, the ultimate sacrifice.
Knowing, grasping this singular truth should compel us to treat it accordingly. We do not own this body, for it is a temporary dwelling place, and we are told someday we will receive a new and eternal one. (Thank goodness 😊)
How do we take care of this one? By treating it as a sanctuary, meeting place, a place of worship and with great gratitude.
I have failed often, all too often to do so, and in a very real sense have suffered the consequences by my own choices, the ramifications of poor actions and even thoughts.
We must pay attention to not only how we use this body, but what we put into it. We must feed our minds with healthy intellectual food. Our spirits with God’s word and clean books, articles that are proven to be healthy and beneficial to our minds and spirits.
This body is made up of more than flesh and blood, water, and dust, but of mind, spirit, heart, and soul. In taking care of it properly, we make right choices as how to nourish it.
We are to do more than just gather on Sundays for our services but count every day as a gift from God.
This does not mean that we cannot enjoy or forego pleasure, it just means we must choose appropriate and right pleasure. Fun, family, even foods, friends, the great beauty we have been given to flourish in and with. The good things bestowed on us to enrich our lives with which bright health, happiness, joy, and ultimately true and rich worship of God for all He is and all He does, for we, His ultimate creation.
Joy is a word that I love – the hymn sings out through us. The joy of the Lord is my strength sustained by the Joy of my salvation.
This coming week is Thanksgiving – giving thanks to our God, even with this pandemic. Even with the state of our government and nation, even with personal differences and all the things and people that could and do separate us.
Our mouths, minds, soul and spirits should shout unto God – the joy of our salvation – for Scripture says;
Romans 8:35-39 (Read)
Remember these words and thank God for all the people, things, and places He has given you.
I thank Him for what has happened to me, for it was what I prayed for. When I asked Him about a month or so ago to change my heart, to help me become the person He made me to be, to use David’s prayer, I prayed, because I was sick and tired of who I had become. Psalm 51:1-2 (Read).
God loves you and me ~ Prayers for All!
Little Church in the Pines