Pastor Tom, the Fire, and How You Can Help
As most of you are aware, Pastor Tom Shanor of the Little Church in the Pines lost his
home to a fire last Thursday. In the early morning, he smelled smoke and saw it pouring
out of his stove vent. He looked outside and saw a pine tree glowing orange. He
grabbed his cat, his hat, slippers, coat, wallet, and phone and escaped what became an
instant inferno. The fire fighters couldn’t save any part of the home. That same day, Tom
was in an accident with his car when a deer ran in front of him. He still is okay, but this
has been a very trying time. You might be glad to know that Tom has been offered
places to live for the winter, and is staying in a warm, safe place now. His cat is just
fine. As you can imagine, he must replace almost everything he owns. The Island Park
Community has been amazing in their support. There are GoFundMe, Venmo, and mail-
in donations to aid him. Café Sabor is donating a night’s proceeds. At present, he
doesn't wish for material gifts. He has replaced clothes and other personal items that he
needs just now. Since he will be moving again soon, he does not wish to accumulate
blankets, kitchen items, or other belongings he'll have to move and may not be able to
store. If you wish to help, here is a list of ways to donate for him:
GoFundMe. Help Pastor Tom Rebuild After Fire
Venmo account is @Tom-Shanor
Checks made out to Tom Shanor can be sent to Little Church in the Pines, PO Box 292,
Island Park, Idaho 83429.
Café Sabor will donate all the proceeds from sales this Thursday, November 7 to help
Tom. Please eat out with them that night!
Thank you to all who have already contributed! Your generosity is appreciated more
than you can know! Please continue to pray for Tom as he navigates the intricacies of
recovery. The strength of this community is its caring, "Help Pastor Tom Rebuild After Fire"
Venmo account.
As most of you are aware, Pastor Tom Shanor of the Little Church in the Pines lost his
home to a fire last Thursday. In the early morning, he smelled smoke and saw it pouring
out of his stove vent. He looked outside and saw a pine tree glowing orange. He
grabbed his cat, his hat, slippers, coat, wallet, and phone and escaped what became an
instant inferno. The fire fighters couldn’t save any part of the home. That same day, Tom
was in an accident with his car when a deer ran in front of him. He still is okay, but this
has been a very trying time. You might be glad to know that Tom has been offered
places to live for the winter, and is staying in a warm, safe place now. His cat is just
fine. As you can imagine, he must replace almost everything he owns. The Island Park
Community has been amazing in their support. There are GoFundMe, Venmo, and mail-
in donations to aid him. Café Sabor is donating a night’s proceeds. At present, he
doesn't wish for material gifts. He has replaced clothes and other personal items that he
needs just now. Since he will be moving again soon, he does not wish to accumulate
blankets, kitchen items, or other belongings he'll have to move and may not be able to
store. If you wish to help, here is a list of ways to donate for him:
GoFundMe. Help Pastor Tom Rebuild After Fire
Venmo account is @Tom-Shanor
Checks made out to Tom Shanor can be sent to Little Church in the Pines, PO Box 292,
Island Park, Idaho 83429.
Café Sabor will donate all the proceeds from sales this Thursday, November 7 to help
Tom. Please eat out with them that night!
Thank you to all who have already contributed! Your generosity is appreciated more
than you can know! Please continue to pray for Tom as he navigates the intricacies of
recovery. The strength of this community is its caring, "Help Pastor Tom Rebuild After Fire"
Venmo account.
Please Join Us!
Worship Service
Sunday 10:00am
Worship Service
Sunday 10:00am
"All of you together are Christ's body, and each one of you is a
separate and necessary part of it."
(1 Corinthians 12:17 NLT)
We were camping in Island Park, Idaho in late June while seeing Yellowstone and Grand Teton NP. We went to this little church, closest to our campground. We have... never felt more welcomed, during our travels across the country. Will never forget the kindness of strangers who gave handshakes & hugs to a couple far from home. God bless all the pastor and parishioners,
such friendly and loving people.
Joan Potter Kramer · June 26, 2016
such friendly and loving people.
Joan Potter Kramer · June 26, 2016