Greetings one and all.....almost 2021!
Are you ready? My hope and prayer for all of us this coming year, can be summed up in the hymn, Just A Closer Walk With Thee....and that we can take the valuable lessons we have learned (thankfulness) being one of those, and the value and importance of (kindness.) These two will take us far in our spiritual every-day walk with Him....and with one another.
I pray for your overall well-being, your health and safety. I pray that God in His Way and through His Son blesses each of you in as many ways as you need.
God is with you, God is for you and God is in His Spirit is alive and in you.
In the love of our Lord, P. Tom
Are you ready? My hope and prayer for all of us this coming year, can be summed up in the hymn, Just A Closer Walk With Thee....and that we can take the valuable lessons we have learned (thankfulness) being one of those, and the value and importance of (kindness.) These two will take us far in our spiritual every-day walk with Him....and with one another.
I pray for your overall well-being, your health and safety. I pray that God in His Way and through His Son blesses each of you in as many ways as you need.
God is with you, God is for you and God is in His Spirit is alive and in you.
In the love of our Lord, P. Tom
Hello All Church Family and Friends...!
I am thanking you deeply for your prayers, hopes and desires for my continued recovery. God is using this event to draw this man back to a closer, deeper and definitely more intimate walk with his Son, my Lord.
Following two light strokes and their consequences.....I have been healing quickly. My vision has been restored completely in my left eye. I can still talk, walk, swallow, think and rejoice in the JOY of my Salvation. I can also rejoice in Him giving me the gift of all of you. That I can still do what I love at the Little Church is, well, a thrill.
My hope and prayer is that I can be a better example to all of you, as a representative and representation of Jesus.
Please feel free to get in touch....
I pray for your physical health and spiritual life. That God will bless you, hold you close, and walk with you every precious day.
That He will minister to you through His light and Spirit, drawing you closer to Him through His grace, mercy, patience, Joy and peace.
May the JOY of the Lord be your strength.
All my love in Jesus
Pastor Tom
I am thanking you deeply for your prayers, hopes and desires for my continued recovery. God is using this event to draw this man back to a closer, deeper and definitely more intimate walk with his Son, my Lord.
Following two light strokes and their consequences.....I have been healing quickly. My vision has been restored completely in my left eye. I can still talk, walk, swallow, think and rejoice in the JOY of my Salvation. I can also rejoice in Him giving me the gift of all of you. That I can still do what I love at the Little Church is, well, a thrill.
My hope and prayer is that I can be a better example to all of you, as a representative and representation of Jesus.
Please feel free to get in touch....
I pray for your physical health and spiritual life. That God will bless you, hold you close, and walk with you every precious day.
That He will minister to you through His light and Spirit, drawing you closer to Him through His grace, mercy, patience, Joy and peace.
May the JOY of the Lord be your strength.
All my love in Jesus
Pastor Tom
Hi everyone....I hope this note finds all of you healthy, happy, blessed and wise! It has been quite the week. Though I am not especially looking forward to the advent of winter, I am looking forward to less traffic, numbers of people and less smoke. We need a nice storm to come through and clear things up and out!
Know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I miss seeing and talking with you, hoping and praying that soon we can once again be together. The Little Church without people is sad.
Remember, we are still holding our ‘distancing’ and ‘masked’ Bible study on Friday’s at 9:30.
I just emailed Sunday’s sermon to Connie F.unkhouser so you should be able to access it tomorrow on the church website.
Let’s remember to pray for one another. Also, the new directories are here, so you can stop by on Thursday - Saturday to pick one up. I am here most of that time, but you might want to call or text first just to make sure.
God bless you and keep, may His mercies be new every morning. Great is His faithfulness!
Live in Jesus, P. Tom
Know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I miss seeing and talking with you, hoping and praying that soon we can once again be together. The Little Church without people is sad.
Remember, we are still holding our ‘distancing’ and ‘masked’ Bible study on Friday’s at 9:30.
I just emailed Sunday’s sermon to Connie F.unkhouser so you should be able to access it tomorrow on the church website.
Let’s remember to pray for one another. Also, the new directories are here, so you can stop by on Thursday - Saturday to pick one up. I am here most of that time, but you might want to call or text first just to make sure.
God bless you and keep, may His mercies be new every morning. Great is His faithfulness!
Live in Jesus, P. Tom
Dear Home Church Family,
Greetings…. has not this weather been awesome! I sat on my porch as the thunder and lightning crashed all around me. It was so fun, and my grass seemed to sprout overnight.
I hope this note finds you well. You are missed! One day we hope to see you here, but fully support your choice.
I have restored our original bulletin format this week and will continue to do so.
Also, on June 19th at 9:30 we will resume our Bible Study, meeting, weather permitting around the fire-circle, outside.
If you have questions, thoughts, observations, comments, please pass them on.
Enjoy your Sunday and God Bless and Keep you!
Pastor Tom
Greetings…. has not this weather been awesome! I sat on my porch as the thunder and lightning crashed all around me. It was so fun, and my grass seemed to sprout overnight.
I hope this note finds you well. You are missed! One day we hope to see you here, but fully support your choice.
I have restored our original bulletin format this week and will continue to do so.
Also, on June 19th at 9:30 we will resume our Bible Study, meeting, weather permitting around the fire-circle, outside.
If you have questions, thoughts, observations, comments, please pass them on.
Enjoy your Sunday and God Bless and Keep you!
Pastor Tom
Dear Home Church Family and Friends,
Again, this week we send greetings in the Lord, hoping you are all healthy and adjusting to the new norm….and finding creative and new ways in your adjustments.
For those of us who meet every Sunday in the sanctuary of the Little Church, we miss you, but understand and back your choices. We, like all of you hope and pray for a timely and adequate solution to our situation. These are not easy adjustments to make, but with wisdom and help from the Lord and one another we can do so.
Our prayers should be focused on those struggling to survive and for those who have lost people they know and love. We continue to pray for the scientists who are working long hours to come up with a vaccine.
If you have not heard, we have cancelled all BBQ’s for the summer and our pancake breakfast in September. We also will not be having guest churches from the Valley helping us in our summer ministry. We may revisit the BBQ’s, depending on how the summer unfolds.
On a sad note, Willie Scheel went to be with the Lord Friday night. Jim said she went home peacefully and without struggle. Our prayers go out to Jim and their children.
God bless and be with you as you join us in your own way this Sunday worship hour.
Love in our Lord….P.Tom
Again, this week we send greetings in the Lord, hoping you are all healthy and adjusting to the new norm….and finding creative and new ways in your adjustments.
For those of us who meet every Sunday in the sanctuary of the Little Church, we miss you, but understand and back your choices. We, like all of you hope and pray for a timely and adequate solution to our situation. These are not easy adjustments to make, but with wisdom and help from the Lord and one another we can do so.
Our prayers should be focused on those struggling to survive and for those who have lost people they know and love. We continue to pray for the scientists who are working long hours to come up with a vaccine.
If you have not heard, we have cancelled all BBQ’s for the summer and our pancake breakfast in September. We also will not be having guest churches from the Valley helping us in our summer ministry. We may revisit the BBQ’s, depending on how the summer unfolds.
On a sad note, Willie Scheel went to be with the Lord Friday night. Jim said she went home peacefully and without struggle. Our prayers go out to Jim and their children.
God bless and be with you as you join us in your own way this Sunday worship hour.
Love in our Lord….P.Tom
Greetings “Little Churches at Home” and all our family and friends!
This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Amen
I just received a text from Joyce stating that our Beloved Willie is now in hospice care and possibly soon will be with the Lord. When I heard this, Isaiah 55:12 immediately came to me. This is the song based on the King James version.
“You shall go out with Joy
And be led forth in peace
The mountains and the hills
Will break forth into singing before you
And the trees of the field will clap their hands!
This is how I see heaven receiving this special and precious sister in the Lord when the time comes. Please pray for our brother and friend Jim. A loving and godly man who loves his wife deeply and dearly.
Our individual and collective lives continue to evolve and change due to this world-wide crisis. As in all things, even amongst ourselves, we have widely different opinions and ways of dealing with it; some due to compromised immune systems and others just out of caution. All is good.
We are meeting now at the church building, limiting, and distancing according to regulations. It has been a joy to be together with those who are choosing to meet, and we miss those of you who are choosing not to, and both happy and pleased that you are joining us in your own chosen way.
We are asking those of our summer residents to first isolate for two weeks before coming to a service, and are asking visitors coming in from out of state to choose not to join with us this summer, unless they are here for the two week isolation period. This is an exceedingly difficult thing to have to do, but necessary for the health and welfare of our summer residents and year-round residents who choose to attend our gatherings.
We will be posting more after our Steering Committee meeting this Sunday after our regular worship service.
God bless and keep each and all of you safe and well,
Pastor Tom
This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Amen
I just received a text from Joyce stating that our Beloved Willie is now in hospice care and possibly soon will be with the Lord. When I heard this, Isaiah 55:12 immediately came to me. This is the song based on the King James version.
“You shall go out with Joy
And be led forth in peace
The mountains and the hills
Will break forth into singing before you
And the trees of the field will clap their hands!
This is how I see heaven receiving this special and precious sister in the Lord when the time comes. Please pray for our brother and friend Jim. A loving and godly man who loves his wife deeply and dearly.
Our individual and collective lives continue to evolve and change due to this world-wide crisis. As in all things, even amongst ourselves, we have widely different opinions and ways of dealing with it; some due to compromised immune systems and others just out of caution. All is good.
We are meeting now at the church building, limiting, and distancing according to regulations. It has been a joy to be together with those who are choosing to meet, and we miss those of you who are choosing not to, and both happy and pleased that you are joining us in your own chosen way.
We are asking those of our summer residents to first isolate for two weeks before coming to a service, and are asking visitors coming in from out of state to choose not to join with us this summer, unless they are here for the two week isolation period. This is an exceedingly difficult thing to have to do, but necessary for the health and welfare of our summer residents and year-round residents who choose to attend our gatherings.
We will be posting more after our Steering Committee meeting this Sunday after our regular worship service.
God bless and keep each and all of you safe and well,
Pastor Tom
May 10, 2020
Hello Church Family and Friends,
Hope (reflecting on last week’s sermon) that each of you remain healthy and *HOPEFUL. It has been a long 5-6 weeks, full of potential illness and even death. We up here in the Caldera have been so deeply blessed that thus far all remain free of Covid-19, that we know of.
Also considering how many people from the outside come through our small community, again, we have been blessed. May we continue to be careful, alert and doing what we need to do to remain as we are. Given the ages of so many of us (many living in retirement) our vulnerability is compromised by many factors related to our “condition.”
Having spoken with some of you, I am impressed by your continued upbeat attitudes.
Today in my “message” to you, “In Everything Give Thanks.” I have like HOPE last week, spoken on today’s topic in the past, and being sort of an upbeat guy, I make myself focus on the positive side of events, people and even such things as this dilemma we find ourselves in.
My condition is called by some, “a half glass full kind of person.” In being this way I in no way diminish the serious side and its ramifications. Knowing that God knows the beginning from the end, and all in between. by our outlook/attitude, even in tough times can help us through. Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not depend on your own understanding.” Understanding is often elusive and sometimes simply not accessible, so we live and breathe faith and hope.
Trust, Prayer, Hope and Faith are attitudes and actions that need put into, again, ACTION! Try one or try all….and see what changes come your way in attitude.
Soon I HOPE, we will all be together under the roof of our special church building, worshiping, thanking and praising our Lord and God.
Following what we hear from our Governor this coming week, and testing the waters of our high valley there may be some changes coming.
Whether you remain home or come to our service on Sundays know that you are loved, blessed and missed.
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
P. Tom
Hello Church Family and Friends,
Hope (reflecting on last week’s sermon) that each of you remain healthy and *HOPEFUL. It has been a long 5-6 weeks, full of potential illness and even death. We up here in the Caldera have been so deeply blessed that thus far all remain free of Covid-19, that we know of.
Also considering how many people from the outside come through our small community, again, we have been blessed. May we continue to be careful, alert and doing what we need to do to remain as we are. Given the ages of so many of us (many living in retirement) our vulnerability is compromised by many factors related to our “condition.”
Having spoken with some of you, I am impressed by your continued upbeat attitudes.
Today in my “message” to you, “In Everything Give Thanks.” I have like HOPE last week, spoken on today’s topic in the past, and being sort of an upbeat guy, I make myself focus on the positive side of events, people and even such things as this dilemma we find ourselves in.
My condition is called by some, “a half glass full kind of person.” In being this way I in no way diminish the serious side and its ramifications. Knowing that God knows the beginning from the end, and all in between. by our outlook/attitude, even in tough times can help us through. Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not depend on your own understanding.” Understanding is often elusive and sometimes simply not accessible, so we live and breathe faith and hope.
Trust, Prayer, Hope and Faith are attitudes and actions that need put into, again, ACTION! Try one or try all….and see what changes come your way in attitude.
Soon I HOPE, we will all be together under the roof of our special church building, worshiping, thanking and praising our Lord and God.
Following what we hear from our Governor this coming week, and testing the waters of our high valley there may be some changes coming.
Whether you remain home or come to our service on Sundays know that you are loved, blessed and missed.
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
P. Tom
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Dear Church Family and Friends…. I HOPE this day finds each and all of you well and joyous! It is a beautiful sunny day with mild temperatures, and a good day for a walk.
I HOPE one day soon we will ALL be at peace, and able to gather- together to Worship our Lord. You are sorely missed by me. I am pleased that most of you have spouses and or companions in your lives, which give you the joy of communication daily…. face to face. Fortunately, I do have DeDe, my adopted dog, and my cat Churchill. They are helping quite a bit. I am learning more of their language as they continue to train me as to their wants and needs!
I am looking forward to the ten or so of us that will be gathering (but NOT too close) tomorrow in our sanctuary. Those who have come in from out of state have quarantined the allotted time, and those who live here like me are mostly single. Each person or couple will have the choice of an entire pew upon which to sit. Visitors, if any show up and have not quarantined the two weeks will not be permitted in the building. Sad as that is….it must be.
We will be singing a Capella (led by me) hymns that are reflective and not needing to be belted out. Communion will be set up in each pew, so that no one will need to leave where they are within the six-foot allotted space (actually more). There will be no gathering afterwards in the back of the church after the service or before the service but going straight to a pew. Everyone will be able to communicate by talking across the space…. might be interesting and perhaps there will be some humorous moments as well. I am sure there will be.
The Order of Service and the Sermon will follow this letter as previous done. I am thankful that Connie F. has stepped in to help me. I have been also grateful that many of you are using our Connections group on Facebook.
Communion is part of this week’s service, so if you choose to participate in that please have the bread, wine or juice ready when you come to the celebration.
I pray for the Lord to watch over each of you and protect you, and again, give you peace until we can all meet again together in the house of the Lord.
P.S. I am glad I have pictures of all of you to look at on our Little Church Family Tree. You are a handsome group of people!!!!
Thank you and I am certainly blessed to be your,
Pastor Tom
Dear Church Family and Friends…. I HOPE this day finds each and all of you well and joyous! It is a beautiful sunny day with mild temperatures, and a good day for a walk.
I HOPE one day soon we will ALL be at peace, and able to gather- together to Worship our Lord. You are sorely missed by me. I am pleased that most of you have spouses and or companions in your lives, which give you the joy of communication daily…. face to face. Fortunately, I do have DeDe, my adopted dog, and my cat Churchill. They are helping quite a bit. I am learning more of their language as they continue to train me as to their wants and needs!
I am looking forward to the ten or so of us that will be gathering (but NOT too close) tomorrow in our sanctuary. Those who have come in from out of state have quarantined the allotted time, and those who live here like me are mostly single. Each person or couple will have the choice of an entire pew upon which to sit. Visitors, if any show up and have not quarantined the two weeks will not be permitted in the building. Sad as that is….it must be.
We will be singing a Capella (led by me) hymns that are reflective and not needing to be belted out. Communion will be set up in each pew, so that no one will need to leave where they are within the six-foot allotted space (actually more). There will be no gathering afterwards in the back of the church after the service or before the service but going straight to a pew. Everyone will be able to communicate by talking across the space…. might be interesting and perhaps there will be some humorous moments as well. I am sure there will be.
The Order of Service and the Sermon will follow this letter as previous done. I am thankful that Connie F. has stepped in to help me. I have been also grateful that many of you are using our Connections group on Facebook.
Communion is part of this week’s service, so if you choose to participate in that please have the bread, wine or juice ready when you come to the celebration.
I pray for the Lord to watch over each of you and protect you, and again, give you peace until we can all meet again together in the house of the Lord.
P.S. I am glad I have pictures of all of you to look at on our Little Church Family Tree. You are a handsome group of people!!!!
Thank you and I am certainly blessed to be your,
Pastor Tom
Hello Everyone and Greetings in the name of the Lord,
Wow…. what a month! So many have lost their lives and many more their jobs, therefore so many who suffered their loss are in mourning. Many have recovered and the memories for them and for all of us will remain for the rest of our lives. Out of this I have recognized, just how valuable relationships/friendships and communication is.
Not being great at understanding the ins and outs of using all the tools available to us through the internet, electronics, and more, having had to have help from Connie Funkhouser and Pastor Connie just maintain a modicum of connection with all of you (other than phone calls) I am grateful to them. Thank you……
I told Connie F. that I am not wired for using wiring, or even air transmissions, Zoom as an example. I do not even do Facebook well, as I start to sweat when I even think of trying to figure it all out.
I do hope the Sunday methods and format that we came up with have been enough for each and all of you, to know that your spiritual and social health are vitally important to me. They are! I have missed each one of you very much.
Having just heard of Governor Little’s changes for us, starting May 1, I am looking forward to seeing you again. Connie F. and I were talking last evening, and both believe we can begin to meet again on Sunday, May 1st adhering to the social distancing laid out for us. There are so few of us at this time of year, that we do not see the distancing as an issue, though we would enjoy greeting and hugging one another as we normally do with the exception of Carl of course! ; ) (smiling) Masks, gloves, and hand wipes are up to you, though we will have our large bottle of Purell in a readily available place to use if you so desire. If the weather is good, perhaps we will have the coffee set up outside, so we have a place to socialize if you care to do so. Still working out the details.
I am aiming for May 15 to restart our Friday morning Bible studies, perhaps also outside. The next few weeks, and your input will determine that. Our Steering Committee will determine the rest of our planned summer activities if any are to happen, and we of course will let you know.
Have a wonderful day today….and may God bless each one of you with good health and His continued and growing presence in your life.
You are loved…….and missed!!!!
In our Lord Jesus Christ,
Pastor Tom
Hello Everyone and Greetings in the name of the Lord,
Wow…. what a month! So many have lost their lives and many more their jobs, therefore so many who suffered their loss are in mourning. Many have recovered and the memories for them and for all of us will remain for the rest of our lives. Out of this I have recognized, just how valuable relationships/friendships and communication is.
Not being great at understanding the ins and outs of using all the tools available to us through the internet, electronics, and more, having had to have help from Connie Funkhouser and Pastor Connie just maintain a modicum of connection with all of you (other than phone calls) I am grateful to them. Thank you……
I told Connie F. that I am not wired for using wiring, or even air transmissions, Zoom as an example. I do not even do Facebook well, as I start to sweat when I even think of trying to figure it all out.
I do hope the Sunday methods and format that we came up with have been enough for each and all of you, to know that your spiritual and social health are vitally important to me. They are! I have missed each one of you very much.
Having just heard of Governor Little’s changes for us, starting May 1, I am looking forward to seeing you again. Connie F. and I were talking last evening, and both believe we can begin to meet again on Sunday, May 1st adhering to the social distancing laid out for us. There are so few of us at this time of year, that we do not see the distancing as an issue, though we would enjoy greeting and hugging one another as we normally do with the exception of Carl of course! ; ) (smiling) Masks, gloves, and hand wipes are up to you, though we will have our large bottle of Purell in a readily available place to use if you so desire. If the weather is good, perhaps we will have the coffee set up outside, so we have a place to socialize if you care to do so. Still working out the details.
I am aiming for May 15 to restart our Friday morning Bible studies, perhaps also outside. The next few weeks, and your input will determine that. Our Steering Committee will determine the rest of our planned summer activities if any are to happen, and we of course will let you know.
Have a wonderful day today….and may God bless each one of you with good health and His continued and growing presence in your life.
You are loved…….and missed!!!!
In our Lord Jesus Christ,
Pastor Tom
I hope this finds all of you well! It has and continues to be a very difficult time period in our lives as you well know.
Let’s continue to pray for all those who are physically, emotionally and spiritually being negatively affected. In other words, sickened by this virus. Let us also pray for those who are laying their lives on the line to help, from the medical angels to the clerks in our stores, law enforcement and many, many more.
It would of course be wonderful to be together, but some fine day we will be! Celebrating the resurrection of Christ in our hearts and minds, as well as alone or with someone is what this celebration is all about. Life lost here means gaining life there….in His resurrected Presence. I know…. for I have seen Him there.
In our service this morning, if you can, begin at ten o’clock. If not, that is just fine. Included in that which has been emailed to you, is a section for celebrating communion. I made a (rather awkward) video for that purpose. I believe it is cohesive enough to follow. ;) A video savvy person I am not……rather, the opposite. You are welcome to chuckle too, but not out loud! Kidding.
Actually, I am not sure I can even get it sent to Connie to send to you as I have had some serious computer and phone issues all afternoon.
Also, there should be a video of Pam and Pastor Connie with some music for you.
I want to thank Connie Funkhouser for working with me and for me, in putting this together. I feel like a fish out of water and could not have done what I have managed to do without her. My hope and prayer is that soon….and very soon, we can all be together again.
The Lord Bless you and keep you
The Lord make His face to shine upon you
To shine upon you and be gracious …unto you
The Lord lift up the light of His countenance upon you and give you peace. Amen
I hope this finds all of you well! It has and continues to be a very difficult time period in our lives as you well know.
Let’s continue to pray for all those who are physically, emotionally and spiritually being negatively affected. In other words, sickened by this virus. Let us also pray for those who are laying their lives on the line to help, from the medical angels to the clerks in our stores, law enforcement and many, many more.
It would of course be wonderful to be together, but some fine day we will be! Celebrating the resurrection of Christ in our hearts and minds, as well as alone or with someone is what this celebration is all about. Life lost here means gaining life there….in His resurrected Presence. I know…. for I have seen Him there.
In our service this morning, if you can, begin at ten o’clock. If not, that is just fine. Included in that which has been emailed to you, is a section for celebrating communion. I made a (rather awkward) video for that purpose. I believe it is cohesive enough to follow. ;) A video savvy person I am not……rather, the opposite. You are welcome to chuckle too, but not out loud! Kidding.
Actually, I am not sure I can even get it sent to Connie to send to you as I have had some serious computer and phone issues all afternoon.
Also, there should be a video of Pam and Pastor Connie with some music for you.
I want to thank Connie Funkhouser for working with me and for me, in putting this together. I feel like a fish out of water and could not have done what I have managed to do without her. My hope and prayer is that soon….and very soon, we can all be together again.
The Lord Bless you and keep you
The Lord make His face to shine upon you
To shine upon you and be gracious …unto you
The Lord lift up the light of His countenance upon you and give you peace. Amen
April 5, 2020
Good Morning Everyone................
I sure miss you all! My hope and prayer is that though we cannot be together physically, that we will be together as one in the Spirit and one in the Lord.
There has been a lot of shaking going on these days (in a number of ways) in practically every area of our lives. This is our opportunity to stand firm in our faith, and believe that God who is in everything (including us,) and who knows the beginning from the end will extend to us Grace, Mercy and Love.
As you follow the service put together, remember that others from our congregation are at the same time, in their own homes meeting with us. As we remember them, let's also pray for each other, that indeed the Lord will keep us in the Palm of His hand, safe and secure.
Lord, be with us today, Enfold us in Your presence and fill us with Your peace.
Pastor Tom
Also, please remember that you can call me anytime. 208-240-2327
**This is the preface to our Palm Sunday Worship Service which you can find under the Sermon navigation tab.
March 29, 2020
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding………….Proverbs 3:5
Morning Greetings to each and all, of our Little Church family,
This is an oft quoted verse for the reason it is often needed in this all too brief life. This is certainly one of those times. I hope this finds you all well and as much as possible, “staying in place,” and being very careful when you must go out.
I am feeling quite off my base, not being at the church already preparing for your arrival. You have no idea how much I miss (while preparing for our service) the sound of your voices. One by one, by two, your cheerful voices growing in volume while joining with one another. Your laughter and the sound of your voices always fills me up, taking away anything that may have been troubling or concerning me. Thank You All for That Gift!
Knowing that we are of one heart and mind as a church family, and one heart and mind in our Lord bring both joy and comfort to me this morning and beyond.
I came across a saying, also this morning that I am passing on to you.
“We are not human beings having a human experience, but we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
I am now going to share with you a sad and beautiful true story;
Butterfly Miracles
Cancer had reduced six-year old Christian to skin and bones. It was during his final days that nature bestowed its annual miracle. Millions of yellow butterflies invade northeast Oklahoma with a gentle firestorm of color and air-dance, covering the landscape and bringing unbridled joy after the bleakness of an Oklahoma winter. But this gift seldom lasts more than a week before the yearly exodus of butterflies leaves on spring breezes.
Some friends went to the hospital to visit Christian. Though most of the butterflies had already flown away, one friend managed to catch one for the dying boy. Christian peered at the imprisoned butterfly and then handed the jar to his mother. “Mommy, please set him free. He’s like me, in a place he doesn’t like to be.” Mom opened the window, took off the lid of the jar, and let the butterfly fly away. A wistful smile crossed Christian’s face. “I’m going to be like that butterfly when I fly away to Jesus in heaven.”
Christian died a few days later. There are few events filled with more anguish than a child’s funeral. Marsha and Gary dreaded going back to their home in the country filled with memories of their sweet boy. So, their friends drove them back to the home they hadn’t seen in weeks of being at the hospital.
As the car turned in to the long driveway, an amazing sight awaited. The lawn was covered with a carpet of beautiful yellow butterflies. They rose by the thousands in a joyous aerial ballet. Marsha ran into their swirling midst. For joyous moments, butterflies danced around her. She forgot her grief and began to laugh at the gift that God was giving her with child-like delight. Then they rose en-mass to catch winds to faraway places.
There is little understanding in what millions of we human-beings are going through at this time, but as Christians, we can do as this song says.
Put your hand in the hand of the man
Who stilled the water
Put your hand in the hand of the man
Who calmed the sea
Take a look at yourself
And you can look at others differently
Put your hand in the hand of the man from Galilee
From Galilee
Church Family….today, let us pray for one another both near and far, for prayer has no boundaries. Lets also think about our blessings, and give one another a call, text or email just to check in. You also will be hearing from me over the next couple of days.
Again…. you are missed, thought of and loved! I am hoping and praying for your health and look forward to when we can all be together again.
Your Pastor… Tom
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding………….Proverbs 3:5
Morning Greetings to each and all, of our Little Church family,
This is an oft quoted verse for the reason it is often needed in this all too brief life. This is certainly one of those times. I hope this finds you all well and as much as possible, “staying in place,” and being very careful when you must go out.
I am feeling quite off my base, not being at the church already preparing for your arrival. You have no idea how much I miss (while preparing for our service) the sound of your voices. One by one, by two, your cheerful voices growing in volume while joining with one another. Your laughter and the sound of your voices always fills me up, taking away anything that may have been troubling or concerning me. Thank You All for That Gift!
Knowing that we are of one heart and mind as a church family, and one heart and mind in our Lord bring both joy and comfort to me this morning and beyond.
I came across a saying, also this morning that I am passing on to you.
“We are not human beings having a human experience, but we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
I am now going to share with you a sad and beautiful true story;
Butterfly Miracles
Cancer had reduced six-year old Christian to skin and bones. It was during his final days that nature bestowed its annual miracle. Millions of yellow butterflies invade northeast Oklahoma with a gentle firestorm of color and air-dance, covering the landscape and bringing unbridled joy after the bleakness of an Oklahoma winter. But this gift seldom lasts more than a week before the yearly exodus of butterflies leaves on spring breezes.
Some friends went to the hospital to visit Christian. Though most of the butterflies had already flown away, one friend managed to catch one for the dying boy. Christian peered at the imprisoned butterfly and then handed the jar to his mother. “Mommy, please set him free. He’s like me, in a place he doesn’t like to be.” Mom opened the window, took off the lid of the jar, and let the butterfly fly away. A wistful smile crossed Christian’s face. “I’m going to be like that butterfly when I fly away to Jesus in heaven.”
Christian died a few days later. There are few events filled with more anguish than a child’s funeral. Marsha and Gary dreaded going back to their home in the country filled with memories of their sweet boy. So, their friends drove them back to the home they hadn’t seen in weeks of being at the hospital.
As the car turned in to the long driveway, an amazing sight awaited. The lawn was covered with a carpet of beautiful yellow butterflies. They rose by the thousands in a joyous aerial ballet. Marsha ran into their swirling midst. For joyous moments, butterflies danced around her. She forgot her grief and began to laugh at the gift that God was giving her with child-like delight. Then they rose en-mass to catch winds to faraway places.
There is little understanding in what millions of we human-beings are going through at this time, but as Christians, we can do as this song says.
Put your hand in the hand of the man
Who stilled the water
Put your hand in the hand of the man
Who calmed the sea
Take a look at yourself
And you can look at others differently
Put your hand in the hand of the man from Galilee
From Galilee
Church Family….today, let us pray for one another both near and far, for prayer has no boundaries. Lets also think about our blessings, and give one another a call, text or email just to check in. You also will be hearing from me over the next couple of days.
Again…. you are missed, thought of and loved! I am hoping and praying for your health and look forward to when we can all be together again.
Your Pastor… Tom
March 28, 2020
Dear Church Family and Friends………….
My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Every day brings news that is often disturbing and difficult but yet, I attempt to look at the blessings in the midst of all that is going on, and certainly have found many. Attitude and gratitude!!!
Thank you for your responses to my letter sent out just yesterday. I appreciate your hearts and your support.
Yesterday also we received, as you well know Governor Little’s edict as to, as much as possible stay in place. Our needs for practical goods that keep us fed, medicated and connected still require that we leave home when necessary. Me, I bought some white cotton gloves (not unlike Michael Jackson’s.) that I can wash and wear again. I also (thank you Louise) carry sanitizer in a small bottle, and surface wipes for my steering wheel and other surfaces. If I had a mask, I would wear it when out, but instead attempt to keep the six-foot distance from those I encounter as much as possible. I also use a rag to hold the handle of the gas pump handle, then put it in the trunk when finished. Hoping you are doing the same.
Back to Governor Little’s edict. We are prohibited from gatherings inside our churches and other places inside. Therefore, we will not be able to meet for our regular church services. I have heard back from more than several people, they realized last Sunday just how much they miss that special time. Me too! I ask that each of us take time this Sunday morning to pray, reflect and read God’s written word, and then talk about it with each other as to what it means to you ,and how to put (if applicable) its application in your life.
As a suggestion, please consider reading Galatians 6:1-10, and see what and how you can apply those verses to your life. A lot of good words to apply in those 10 verses.
Please know that you are loved and missed.
The Lord bless you and keep you, and pour out His blessings and health upon you, and keep you safe, as well as at peace.
Love in our Lord Jesus Christ,
Pastor Tom
Side note;
The end of Pastor Tom’s message also included plans for a Sunrise Service. After further discussion and re-reading the key points of Governor Little’s stay at home order, we have decided to re-schedule.
To add a little novelty into your stay at home services, let’s take photos and share on how we chose to remember Jesus’ journey to the cross, and specifically Sunrise Service. Post away on Little Church in the Pines Facebook page, or forward to me. I would love to add a few to our website on how this mighty small-town community continued to Glorify their Lord and Savior during these trying times.
Pastor Tom will be composing a special bulletin for Sunrise Service that I will be emailing. Something that we can follow and add to our stay at home service.
May we all continue to be the Church. Let our faith and trust in God’s plan for us, our country, and world remain steadfast.
Continue to be a Blessing to your Family and Friends!
Connie Funkhouser
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Chair
Dear Church Family and Friends………….
My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Every day brings news that is often disturbing and difficult but yet, I attempt to look at the blessings in the midst of all that is going on, and certainly have found many. Attitude and gratitude!!!
Thank you for your responses to my letter sent out just yesterday. I appreciate your hearts and your support.
Yesterday also we received, as you well know Governor Little’s edict as to, as much as possible stay in place. Our needs for practical goods that keep us fed, medicated and connected still require that we leave home when necessary. Me, I bought some white cotton gloves (not unlike Michael Jackson’s.) that I can wash and wear again. I also (thank you Louise) carry sanitizer in a small bottle, and surface wipes for my steering wheel and other surfaces. If I had a mask, I would wear it when out, but instead attempt to keep the six-foot distance from those I encounter as much as possible. I also use a rag to hold the handle of the gas pump handle, then put it in the trunk when finished. Hoping you are doing the same.
Back to Governor Little’s edict. We are prohibited from gatherings inside our churches and other places inside. Therefore, we will not be able to meet for our regular church services. I have heard back from more than several people, they realized last Sunday just how much they miss that special time. Me too! I ask that each of us take time this Sunday morning to pray, reflect and read God’s written word, and then talk about it with each other as to what it means to you ,and how to put (if applicable) its application in your life.
As a suggestion, please consider reading Galatians 6:1-10, and see what and how you can apply those verses to your life. A lot of good words to apply in those 10 verses.
Please know that you are loved and missed.
The Lord bless you and keep you, and pour out His blessings and health upon you, and keep you safe, as well as at peace.
Love in our Lord Jesus Christ,
Pastor Tom
Side note;
The end of Pastor Tom’s message also included plans for a Sunrise Service. After further discussion and re-reading the key points of Governor Little’s stay at home order, we have decided to re-schedule.
To add a little novelty into your stay at home services, let’s take photos and share on how we chose to remember Jesus’ journey to the cross, and specifically Sunrise Service. Post away on Little Church in the Pines Facebook page, or forward to me. I would love to add a few to our website on how this mighty small-town community continued to Glorify their Lord and Savior during these trying times.
Pastor Tom will be composing a special bulletin for Sunrise Service that I will be emailing. Something that we can follow and add to our stay at home service.
May we all continue to be the Church. Let our faith and trust in God’s plan for us, our country, and world remain steadfast.
Continue to be a Blessing to your Family and Friends!
Connie Funkhouser
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Chair
**Special Note from Pastor Tom**
Greetings to each and all of you, who are a WONDERFUL part of the Little Church in the Pines.
Certainly, difficult and uncertain times are on us. Like the disciples crossing the Sea of Galilee while Jesus slept, (exhausted from ministering) they watched a storm quickly build to where it suddenly burst upon them.... causing fear for their lives. Knowing Jesus was the only one who could save them, they woke Him up shouting over the storm, now in terror. "Lord save us!" He did!
He also chastised them a bit for not having faith in Him, that He would not allow them to perish no matter the circumstances. We too are to have faith during these times, that all events, people and things are in His hands and He will never abandon us.
We followed the news when it broke from China, just perhaps a bit nervous, never thinking (though we have been told for years that just such a thing could happen) that it would bring this nation and us to our knees. Well, as long as we are on our knees, let's in faith pray that according to His Word, "all things will work out for good, to those who love God and are called according to His purpose." All of us who believe in and follow our Lord and Savior, are 'called ONES!'
This is a time to put our faith into use, and in as many ways that we can, reach out to one another with encouraging words, focusing on how many ways we are blessed and have been blessed, and if there is a way to emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually, help one another, along with prayer, let's do so.
This too will pass, and we will I believe, come out on the other side a better people. Let us continue to hope and pray, especially for those who are sick and for the families of those who have lost someone they love. Protect us oh Lord.
Song....God will make a way, when there seems to be no way,
He works in ways we cannot see; He will make a way for me.
He will be our guide, hold us closely to our side,
With love and strength for each new day,
He will make a way; He will make a way!
I miss our studies together, our every-day interactions, our services and all other activities that bring us together as our church family, friends and neighbors. We ARE blessed!
God protect and give each of you a peaceful spirit.... filled with His Grace, Goodness and Mercy.
Love to all of you in His Precious Name........
Pastor Tom
Greetings to each and all of you, who are a WONDERFUL part of the Little Church in the Pines.
Certainly, difficult and uncertain times are on us. Like the disciples crossing the Sea of Galilee while Jesus slept, (exhausted from ministering) they watched a storm quickly build to where it suddenly burst upon them.... causing fear for their lives. Knowing Jesus was the only one who could save them, they woke Him up shouting over the storm, now in terror. "Lord save us!" He did!
He also chastised them a bit for not having faith in Him, that He would not allow them to perish no matter the circumstances. We too are to have faith during these times, that all events, people and things are in His hands and He will never abandon us.
We followed the news when it broke from China, just perhaps a bit nervous, never thinking (though we have been told for years that just such a thing could happen) that it would bring this nation and us to our knees. Well, as long as we are on our knees, let's in faith pray that according to His Word, "all things will work out for good, to those who love God and are called according to His purpose." All of us who believe in and follow our Lord and Savior, are 'called ONES!'
This is a time to put our faith into use, and in as many ways that we can, reach out to one another with encouraging words, focusing on how many ways we are blessed and have been blessed, and if there is a way to emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually, help one another, along with prayer, let's do so.
This too will pass, and we will I believe, come out on the other side a better people. Let us continue to hope and pray, especially for those who are sick and for the families of those who have lost someone they love. Protect us oh Lord.
Song....God will make a way, when there seems to be no way,
He works in ways we cannot see; He will make a way for me.
He will be our guide, hold us closely to our side,
With love and strength for each new day,
He will make a way; He will make a way!
I miss our studies together, our every-day interactions, our services and all other activities that bring us together as our church family, friends and neighbors. We ARE blessed!
God protect and give each of you a peaceful spirit.... filled with His Grace, Goodness and Mercy.
Love to all of you in His Precious Name........
Pastor Tom