Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
November 3, 2024
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
November 3, 2024
Little Church in the Pines
August 11, 2024
Steering Committee Meeting
August 11, 2024
Steering Committee Meeting

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Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee 1st Quarter Meeting
January 21, 2024
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
October 15, 2023 Meeting Minutes Approved & Accepted via Email
Old Business;
New Business;
Chair - Committee Reports:
Next Meeting;
2nd Quarter – 3rd week of April/or early May after Worship Service
Steering Committee 1st Quarter Meeting
January 21, 2024
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
October 15, 2023 Meeting Minutes Approved & Accepted via Email
Old Business;
- Kris Burgemeister – Sister of Kari Williams decided to do something else with the donation funds
- We need assistance with Sunday pre and post Worship
New Business;
- Pastor Tom April 2025/Contract expires
- Connie Himes April 2025/Resigning (if I have not been replaced by then).
Chair - Committee Reports:
- Pastor Tom – Year-round Minister
- Chair - Connie Himes
- Secretary – Louise Neal - Oregon
- Finance – Neal Humphrey/Greg Neal - Oregon
- Membership – Pat Ritari/Absent
- Programs – George Tway
- Worship – Vacancy
- Liaison between LCIP and RCCM – Neal Humphrey
Next Meeting;
2nd Quarter – 3rd week of April/or early May after Worship Service
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee 4th Quarter Meeting/ October 15, 2023
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
August 20, 2023, Meeting Minutes Approved & Accepted via Email
Old Business;
New Business;
Jan Brown's resignation/Neal Humphrey
Memorial for Kari Willians (request by Kari’s sister)
Chair - Committee Reports:
Pastor Tom – Year-round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser
Secretary – Louise Neal
Finance – Greg Neal & Neal Humphrey
Membership – Pat Ritari emailed a report
Programs – George Tway
Worship – Vacancy
RCCM Liaison
Next Meeting;
1st Quarter – January 21, 2023, after Worship Service
Steering Committee 4th Quarter Meeting/ October 15, 2023
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
August 20, 2023, Meeting Minutes Approved & Accepted via Email
Old Business;
New Business;
Jan Brown's resignation/Neal Humphrey
Memorial for Kari Willians (request by Kari’s sister)
Chair - Committee Reports:
Pastor Tom – Year-round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser
Secretary – Louise Neal
Finance – Greg Neal & Neal Humphrey
Membership – Pat Ritari emailed a report
Programs – George Tway
Worship – Vacancy
RCCM Liaison
Next Meeting;
1st Quarter – January 21, 2023, after Worship Service

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Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee
August 20, 2023
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Old Business;
New Business;
Chair - Committee Reports;
Pastor Tom – Year-round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser
Secretary - Louise Neal
Finance – Greg Neal/Neal Humphrey
Membership – Pat Ritari
Worship – Pam White
Year-Round Programs – George Tway
End of summer BBQ
Building – Pastor Tom, Greg, and George
Jan Brown – Liaison RCCM (will be absent. Submitting report via email)
Next Meeting;
October 15, 2023 (Third Sunday * Tentative)
Steering Committee
August 20, 2023
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Old Business;
New Business;
- Pancake Breakfast/Saturday, August 26, 8am – 10am
- Commitment from existing Chairs for the next year. Discussion.
Chair - Committee Reports;
Pastor Tom – Year-round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser
Secretary - Louise Neal
Finance – Greg Neal/Neal Humphrey
Membership – Pat Ritari
Worship – Pam White
Year-Round Programs – George Tway
End of summer BBQ
Building – Pastor Tom, Greg, and George
Jan Brown – Liaison RCCM (will be absent. Submitting report via email)
Next Meeting;
October 15, 2023 (Third Sunday * Tentative)

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Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee 2nd Quarter Meeting/ May 21, 2023
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Old Business;
2023 Summer Posters/Brochures
Campfire Service(s) Contemporary younger generation
New Business;
Kari William’s Medical Fund
Allen Gibbs – No charge for snow removal Kelley Figg
LCIP Property Assessment – Jake Johnson – No Charge
Suggestion(s) from Member
Chair - Committee Reports;
Pastor Tom – Year-round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser – Turn in website receipt
Secretary - Louise Neal - Absent
Finance – Greg Neal – Absent
Neal Humphrey (Co-Finance Committee)
Membership – Pat Ritari - Absent
Worship – Pam White
Year-Round Programs – George Tway
Summer Events
Building – Pastor Tom, Greg, and George
Jan Brown – Liaison RCCM
Next Meeting;
Tentative: August 13, 2023 *3rd Quarter Meeting*
**Adjourn/Closing Prayer**
Steering Committee 2nd Quarter Meeting/ May 21, 2023
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Old Business;
2023 Summer Posters/Brochures
Campfire Service(s) Contemporary younger generation
New Business;
Kari William’s Medical Fund
Allen Gibbs – No charge for snow removal Kelley Figg
LCIP Property Assessment – Jake Johnson – No Charge
Suggestion(s) from Member
Chair - Committee Reports;
Pastor Tom – Year-round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser – Turn in website receipt
Secretary - Louise Neal - Absent
Finance – Greg Neal – Absent
Neal Humphrey (Co-Finance Committee)
Membership – Pat Ritari - Absent
Worship – Pam White
Year-Round Programs – George Tway
Summer Events
Building – Pastor Tom, Greg, and George
Jan Brown – Liaison RCCM
Next Meeting;
Tentative: August 13, 2023 *3rd Quarter Meeting*
**Adjourn/Closing Prayer**

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Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee 1st Quarter Meeting/ January 15, 2023
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Old Business;
New Business;
Chair - Committee Reports;
Chili, Pie and Ice Cream Social * Wednesday, Feb. 8, 6pm *
Next Meeting;
Tentative: April 16, 2023 *2nd Quarter Meeting*
**Adjourn/Closing Prayer**
Steering Committee 1st Quarter Meeting/ January 15, 2023
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Old Business;
- Sound System
- Vouchers – Robin Roost
New Business;
Chair - Committee Reports;
- Pastor Tom – Year-round Minister
- Chair - Connie Funkhouser
- Secretary - Louise Neal - Absent
- Finance – Greg Neal – Absent
- Membership – Pat Ritari - Absent
- Worship – Pam White
- Year-Round Programs – George Tway
Chili, Pie and Ice Cream Social * Wednesday, Feb. 8, 6pm *
- Building – Pastor Tom, Greg, and George
- Jan Brown – Liaison RCCM
Next Meeting;
Tentative: April 16, 2023 *2nd Quarter Meeting*
**Adjourn/Closing Prayer**
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Meeting/ October 16, 2022
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
August 21, 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes Approved & Accepted via Email
Old Business;
New Business;
Chair - Committee Reports:
Next Meeting; 1st Quarter – January 15, 2023 after Worship Service
Steering Committee Meeting/ October 16, 2022
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
August 21, 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes Approved & Accepted via Email
Old Business;
- Building Improvements – Homework
- Snow Removal – Greg Walker
- Staining Sanctuary
- Parking Lot
- Carpet - Greg & Pastor Tom
- Sound System – Connie
- Outside Lights – Connie/Issue Invoice
- Window Blinds/Cross on top of Sanctuary – Pastor Tom
New Business;
- Discussion – Non-Denominational vs Inter-Denotational
- Purchase of new vacuum cleaner
- Removing vinyl Church Family Tree
Chair - Committee Reports:
- Pastor Tom – Year-round Pastor
- Chair - Connie Funkhouser
- Secretary – Louise Neal
- Finance – Greg Neal (Neal Humphrey)
- Membership – Pat Ritari
- Worship – Pam White
- Programs/Special Events – George Tway
- Jan Brown – Liaison between LCIP and RCCM
Next Meeting; 1st Quarter – January 15, 2023 after Worship Service
Minutes of Annual Steering Committee Meeting
August 21, 2022 11:50 AM
Little Church in the Pines
Members Present: Tom Shanor, Connie Funkhouser, Pam White, Greg Neal, Pat Ritari, Louise Neal, Jan Brown, George Tway.
The meeting was called to order at 11:50 with a prayer offered by Connie.
Old Business:
New Business:
Reports from Committees and Chairpersons:
Pastor Tom Shanor
The meeting was adjourned at 1:58 by motion from Pam, seconded by Greg, and unanimously approved.
The next Little Church Annual Meeting is set for October 16, 2022 after our worship service. All new bids for services and other purchases will be presented at that time.
August 21, 2022 11:50 AM
Little Church in the Pines
Members Present: Tom Shanor, Connie Funkhouser, Pam White, Greg Neal, Pat Ritari, Louise Neal, Jan Brown, George Tway.
The meeting was called to order at 11:50 with a prayer offered by Connie.
Old Business:
- This meeting was announced several weeks prior, and it was posted on the website. Since it involves the election and retention of committee members, the duties of each chairperson were available by email or from Connie Funkhouser directly.
- Pam suggested that we could invite non-RCCM churches to come for summer hosting opportunities.
- George Tway has learned to count the offering money and will help when Greg and Gin are absent.
- Nathaniel Harvey has agreed to stain the church exterior. He will do it this year, if time allows. Otherwise, he will stain the church next summer. His bid is for $2600. We will pay labor and we will buy the materials. Greg moved that we accept this bid, and George seconded the motion. The vote was approved unanimously.
New Business:
- George Tway has offered to chair the Special Events committee. Pat moved that we accept his nomination and Pam seconded. The vote was unanimously in favor.
- Greg, George, and Connie F have volunteered to take trash away each week after Sunday services.
- Tom pointed out that the parking lot needs repairs. Jan will explore grant possibilities for the repair. Greg will get bids and look for opportunities to use paving companies that may already be doing work in the area.
- Greg will contact Greg Walker for a snow plowing commitment for next winter.
- Tom wants to replace carpet in the church. He will get samples and a bid. Greg will assist in getting bids for carpet.
- Tom would like to install blinds in the sanctuary windows for use in services during which light would interfere.
- The cross on the church top is unsteady and perhaps dangerous in bad weather. Tom suggested that we consider an I-beam metal cross replacement.
- The Sound system is not working well. Connie has a person who worked on the sound in her business. That person will look at our system and make recommendations.
- Lighting outside the church for evening and winter services is needed. Jan will see if there is grant money for this.
- Our 4th Quarter Meeting will be on October 16, 2022. All bids and information about these items will be due at that time.
- Nathaniel Harvey restained and repainted the benches and firepit metal. Tom requested payment of $125 for this service.
- The toilet downstairs is not working. (Note: George fixed it.)
- Routine maintenance decisions will be made and carried out without a vote from the Steering Committee. Tom and George will work on these. This was a motion by George and seconded by Pat. The vote was carried unanimously.
- Greg explained that Tom’s contract has never increased his pay, even though costs of living have increased over these years. We also will eventually need to hire a replacement pastor, and we need to provide a reasonable salary that can be offered to a new pastor in the future. An increase of $500 per month would have an adjustment effect through the end of Tom’s contract. Greg moved the salary increase and George seconded the motion. The vote carried.
- The stipend for playing piano for church services was approved at $60 per service. It will take effect immediately and will be paid to each person who plays the piano for services. The rate was moved by Jan and seconded by George. The vote carried.
Reports from Committees and Chairpersons:
Pastor Tom Shanor
- Pastor Tom says there has been higher attendance, less contention, and better offerings over the summer. Bible studies are going well. The barbeques are pulling in more guests. The reflections articles in the newspaper are well received. He thanked Connie for her work on those. Kelley is still cleaning the church as long as she feels able. The new landscaping is very attractive. Tom gets confirmation about his sermons. Tom acknowledges Pam and Neal Humphries for their contributions to worship services. He will be open to suggestions anyone would like to offer. Tom would like to consider opening the church during scheduled times for a casual place for people to come to chat or to worship/reflect privately. He would like the narthex to be a comfortable place for people to use. He will look at a schedule that can be posted on the website.
- Connie Funkhouser would like suggestions for the appearance and function of our church website.
- She is keeping the website updated.
- Connie is writing Reflections articles in the newspaper.
- She is not able to come to some of the special events when she is required to be at her business.
- Our email system for submitting and approving our minutes is working well. We have a week to submit additions and corrections to the minutes after they have been emailed to members. All corrections and comments are appreciated.
- Greg said that we are still in good shape financially. We can afford capital improvements and the raise in Tom’s salary.
- Both Jan and Greg plan providing instruction to members about giving opportunities such as required withdrawals from 401K retirement savings for tax-free giving to the church. Greg will draw up an informational brochure for tax-free giving. He may include Neal Humphries in this. This could also be displayed on the website and in our newsletter.
- Greg explained how we give and receive financial data to and from the RCCM.
- Attached is Greg’s financial report.
- Pat is updating the directory, even after it was published. There are still a few people who need changes in their information.
- Ursula Porter will head up the September roadside cleanup.
- Newsletter information should be submitted by Sept 23, 2022 to give time for publishing.
- Pat will send a PDF copy of the membership by email to Steering Committee members.
- Pam has organized Special Events over the summer, and she was pleased with the amount of help she received.
- Pam will be away from Island Park for a while, but she has all the arrangements covered for services.
- George will be helping to arrange special events.
- Jan updated the business of the RCCM.
- There is a new administrator, Jill Landon.
- The RCCM office is moving to the Community Food Basket Warehouse.
- The RCCM Board is discussing more administrative cost sharing among the RCCM churches.
- The RCCM has paid off their mortgage.
- The Food Basket ministry is growing at a fast rate. The RCCM is now more involved in the Idaho Falls Soup Kitchen. Gardening projects are implemented. This summer Lunch in the Park is popular for children who usually depend on school meals for food.
- The RCCM is now considering inviting nondenominational churches to join.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:58 by motion from Pam, seconded by Greg, and unanimously approved.
The next Little Church Annual Meeting is set for October 16, 2022 after our worship service. All new bids for services and other purchases will be presented at that time.

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Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Annual Meeting/ August 21, 2022
Opening Prayer
Heavenly Father, Thank You for each mind and heart that fills the presence of our meeting. We come to You today asking for Your guidance, wisdom, and support. Help and encourage us to engage in meaningful discussion and allow us to grow closer as a group and nurture the bonds of church and community.
In Jesus' Perfect Name, Amen!
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
May 15, 2022 Meeting Minutes Approved & Accepted via Email
Old Business;
Host Churches/Jan Brown
George Tway
New Business;
Building Improvements
Pastor Tom – Year-round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser
Secretary – Louise Neal
Finance – Greg Neal (Neal Humphrey)
Membership – Pat Ritari
Worship & Programs – Pam White
Jan Brown – Liaison between LCIP and RCCM
Next Meeting;
4rd Quarter – October 16, 2022 after Worship Service
Steering Committee Annual Meeting/ August 21, 2022
Opening Prayer
Heavenly Father, Thank You for each mind and heart that fills the presence of our meeting. We come to You today asking for Your guidance, wisdom, and support. Help and encourage us to engage in meaningful discussion and allow us to grow closer as a group and nurture the bonds of church and community.
In Jesus' Perfect Name, Amen!
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
May 15, 2022 Meeting Minutes Approved & Accepted via Email
Old Business;
Host Churches/Jan Brown
George Tway
New Business;
Building Improvements
- Bear Proof Dumpster
- Staining of our Sanctuary
- Carpet/Sound System
- Steering Committee Elections/Volunteers
- Cost of Living Increase Pastor Tom
Pastor Tom – Year-round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser
Secretary – Louise Neal
Finance – Greg Neal (Neal Humphrey)
Membership – Pat Ritari
Worship & Programs – Pam White
Jan Brown – Liaison between LCIP and RCCM
Next Meeting;
4rd Quarter – October 16, 2022 after Worship Service
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Meeting/ May 15, 2022
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
March 9, 2022 Meeting Minutes Approved & Accepted via Email
Old Business;
Host Churches
George Tway (substitute Offering recorder)
New Business;
3rd Quarter Newsletter
Steering Committee Elections/Volunteers
Reinstating Outreach Chair Position
Landscaping the Sanctuary Grounds – update
Chair - Committee Reports:
Pastor Tom – Year-round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser
Secretary – Louise Neal
Finance – Greg Neal
Membership – Pat Ritari – Issued Report
Worship & Programs – Pam White
Jan Brown – Liaison between LCIP and RCCM
Next Meeting;
3rd Quarter – August 21st after Worship Service
Steering Committee Meeting/ May 15, 2022
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
March 9, 2022 Meeting Minutes Approved & Accepted via Email
Old Business;
Host Churches
George Tway (substitute Offering recorder)
New Business;
3rd Quarter Newsletter
Steering Committee Elections/Volunteers
Reinstating Outreach Chair Position
Landscaping the Sanctuary Grounds – update
Chair - Committee Reports:
Pastor Tom – Year-round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser
Secretary – Louise Neal
Finance – Greg Neal
Membership – Pat Ritari – Issued Report
Worship & Programs – Pam White
Jan Brown – Liaison between LCIP and RCCM
Next Meeting;
3rd Quarter – August 21st after Worship Service
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Meeting/ March 9, 2022
Pam will you please take minutes?
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
November 14, 2021 Meeting Minutes Approved & Accepted via Email
Old Business;
Individual to assist with counting/recording/depositing weekly Offerings
New Business;
Chair - Committee Reports:
Pastor Tom – Year-round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser
Secretary – Louise Neal - Absent
Finance – Greg Neal – Absent: Emailed Financials to Connie/Available by phone
Membership – Pat Ritari – Absent
Worship & Programs – Pam White
Jan Brown – Liaison between LCIP and RCCM - Absent
Next Meeting; ** Reschedule if need be **
2nd Quarter - May 15, 2022 after Worship Service
Steering Committee Meeting/ March 9, 2022
Pam will you please take minutes?
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
November 14, 2021 Meeting Minutes Approved & Accepted via Email
Old Business;
Individual to assist with counting/recording/depositing weekly Offerings
New Business;
- Holy Week/Easter Services
- No Catholic Services
- Pie Social/Pot Lucks/Pancake Breakfast
Chair - Committee Reports:
Pastor Tom – Year-round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser
Secretary – Louise Neal - Absent
Finance – Greg Neal – Absent: Emailed Financials to Connie/Available by phone
Membership – Pat Ritari – Absent
Worship & Programs – Pam White
Jan Brown – Liaison between LCIP and RCCM - Absent
Next Meeting; ** Reschedule if need be **
2nd Quarter - May 15, 2022 after Worship Service
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Meeting/ November 14, 2021
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
Old Business
Chair - Committee Reports:
Next Meeting; ** Reschedule if need be **
January 23, 2022
**Adjourn **
Steering Committee Meeting/ November 14, 2021
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
- August 29, 2021 Annual Meeting Minutes Approved & Accepted via Email
Old Business
- Individual to assist with counting/recording/depositing weekly Offerings
- Christmas Eve Service
Chair - Committee Reports:
- Pastor Tom – Year-round Minister
- Chair - Connie Funkhouser
- Secretary – Louise Neal
- Finance – Greg Neal
- Membership – Pat Ritari (Absence emailed Connie report)
- Worship & Programs – Pam White
- Jan Brown – Liaison between LCIP and RCCM
Next Meeting; ** Reschedule if need be **
January 23, 2022
**Adjourn **
Minutes of Steering Committee
August 29, 2021 11:25 PM
Little Church in the Pines
Members Present: Tom Shanor, Connie Funkhouser, Greg Neal, Pam White, Louise Neal, Nancy Leonard, Pat Ritari. Also present, Tom Leonard, Neal Humphrey, and Jan Brown, guests.
The meeting was called to order at 11:25 with a prayer offered by Connie.
Old Business:
New Business:
Reports from Committees and Chairpersons:
Pastor Tom Shanor
The next meeting is scheduled for October 17, 2021.
Greg moved the meeting to be adjourned, Nancy seconded the motion, and the vote carried.
August 29, 2021 11:25 PM
Little Church in the Pines
Members Present: Tom Shanor, Connie Funkhouser, Greg Neal, Pam White, Louise Neal, Nancy Leonard, Pat Ritari. Also present, Tom Leonard, Neal Humphrey, and Jan Brown, guests.
The meeting was called to order at 11:25 with a prayer offered by Connie.
Old Business:
- We need another person to help with counting the offering and making deposits. Greg says he will work on finding this help.
- As a review for guests, the Little Church’s relationship with the Regional Council of Christian Ministries was explained. Our Steering Committee meetings are held once a quarter, with special meetings called as needed.
New Business:
- The Pancake Breakfast was successful, thanks to volunteers and committee members.
- There was a review of items used and recommendations were made for supplies needed for next year’s pancake breakfast.
- We should consider having this event earlier in August to distance it a little more from the last BBQ event.
- Free will offerings totaled $691.
- Tom Shanor suggested giving ½ of that money to the Island Park Charter School. Greg moved that we do this, and Nancy seconded the motion. The vote passed.
- Nancy suggested that “buyers” or “procurers” of church supplies be recognized as a separate chairmanship position from Year-Round Programs on the Steering Committee. There was a general discussion of this idea. It was decided to leave buying church supplies within the purview of Year-Round Programs.
Reports from Committees and Chairpersons:
Pastor Tom Shanor
- It has been another interesting year for Tom and the Little Church. Tom has had personal and health ups and downs, so he invites conversations about his performance as our pastor. He loves our congregation and hopes to continue with his church responsibilities.
- Connie feels that we’ve dealt well with Covid challenges so far.
- Connie has taken on more responsibility with bulletins and name tags.
- She is still studying with her ministry courses.
- She changes our church website and keeps it current. There are many “hits” on it from both new and returning visitors. The pastor’s messages are kept current.
- She noted that we had all said we could continue our current positions on the Steering Committee. Kari Williams, however, has asked to be released from the finance committee due to poor health. Connie will send her a card thanking her for her service to the Little Church.
- We have had requests to continue streaming our Sunday services live.
- Jan Brown volunteered to attend RCCM meetings as a member of the Little Church in the Pines, since she lives in Idaho Falls.
- Reviewing the minutes of Steering Committee meetings is very smooth by email. Members have a week to offer suggestions for additions or corrections. The minutes of each formal meeting are posted in the church’s binder for public inspection, including supplemental materials such as budget reports.
- Greg submitted his detailed report and showed it on the screen for clear viewing. The report is attached. Briefly, our church’s outlook is solid financially.
- Rev. Neal Humphrey discussed some of his perspectives from his experiences with his former churches. Jan Brown asked for clarification on our roof replacement expenses.
- Pam acknowledged the efforts to keep church open and safe through Covid challenges.
- The arrival of the baby grand piano from Shelley United Methodist Church has added to the quality of our music at church. The piano, donated by Pam and Gary White to the Shelley church, replaced our old upright piano, which was taken back to Shelley for the Heart to Hand Outreach as a community center.
- We are trying to include more people in each service. People are chosen to lead the Call to Worship, Usher, and read Scripture. Lorrie Robb continues to sing our benediction.
- Pat is producing a quarterly newsletter. She checked for holiday services and suggestions for the calendar.
- She asked for Pastor Tom and Connie’s letters to be given to her by September 17.
- We have new members, Brad and Janet Rogers.
- She will send newsletters to the RCCM at [email protected].
- She will update the church directory on the even-numbered years, starting in 2022.
- Nancy noted the successful BBQ events and the Pancake Breakfast. The last BBQ event will be a goodbye for our summer people. It will be held at 5:00 on September 17, 2021. The Leonard's will be out of town, so volunteers should step up to help. Nancy will leave all the supplies.
- Nancy is retiring from the Steering Committee as of this day. We thank her and Tom for their service to the church. We will need to find a new Year-Round Programs chair. Nancy and Tom will leave the list of church supplies.
- Larry Johnson and Jeff Crabtree work with the church on a consultant basis rather than as committee chairs. Barry Phillips can also be called to consult on church facility issues.
The next meeting is scheduled for October 17, 2021.
Greg moved the meeting to be adjourned, Nancy seconded the motion, and the vote carried.

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Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee 2021 - Annual Meeting
August 29, 2021
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Old Business;
Pastor Tom – Year-round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser
Secretary - Louise Neal
Finance – Greg Neal
Membership – Pat Ritari
Worship – Pam White
Year-Round Programs – Nancy Leonard
* Friday, Sept. 17 5pm End of summer BBQ
Building – Larry Johnson & Jeff Crabtree (consultants)
Next Meeting;
October 17, 2021 (Third Sunday * Tentative)
**Adjourn/Closing Prayer**
Steering Committee 2021 - Annual Meeting
August 29, 2021
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Old Business;
- Deposits
- Re-cap Pancake Breakfast
- Proceeds from Free-Will Offering
Pastor Tom – Year-round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser
Secretary - Louise Neal
Finance – Greg Neal
Membership – Pat Ritari
Worship – Pam White
Year-Round Programs – Nancy Leonard
* Friday, Sept. 17 5pm End of summer BBQ
Building – Larry Johnson & Jeff Crabtree (consultants)
Next Meeting;
October 17, 2021 (Third Sunday * Tentative)
**Adjourn/Closing Prayer**
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee 2nd Quarter Meeting/ June 13, 2021
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Old Business;
Pastor Tom – Year-round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser
Secretary - Louise Neal
Finance – Kari Williams & Greg Neal
Membership – Vacant
Worship – Pam White
Year-Round Programs – Nancy Leonard
Next Meeting;
August 15, 2021 *Annual Meeting*
**Adjourn/Closing Prayer**
Steering Committee 2nd Quarter Meeting/ June 13, 2021
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Old Business;
- Community Contributions/Donations – Cap/Limit
- Standard Monthly Contribution
- Summer Hosts Churches
- Steering Committee Positions
- Representation @ the Island Park Sawtelle Fun Run
Pastor Tom – Year-round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser
Secretary - Louise Neal
Finance – Kari Williams & Greg Neal
Membership – Vacant
Worship – Pam White
Year-Round Programs – Nancy Leonard
- Monthly BBQ’s
- Pancake Breakfast – August 28th
Next Meeting;
August 15, 2021 *Annual Meeting*
**Adjourn/Closing Prayer**

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Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee 1st Quarter Meeting/ March 17, 2021
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
New Business;
Jo Daniels will be sending out an invitation for Summer Host Churches
Chair - Committee Reports;
5k Water Station July 3rd – Island Park Sawtelle Fun Run
Carolyn & Yeuleta Sunday School is a possibility
Pancake Breakfast - August
Next Meeting;
June 6th or 13th , 2021 - Tentative
**Adjourn/Closing Prayer**
Steering Committee 1st Quarter Meeting/ March 17, 2021
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
New Business;
- Mona Caldwell
- Liberty Quartet
- Standard/Monthly Contribution to an Organization
Jo Daniels will be sending out an invitation for Summer Host Churches
Chair - Committee Reports;
- Pastor Tom – Year-round Minister
- Chair - Connie Funkhouser
5k Water Station July 3rd – Island Park Sawtelle Fun Run
Carolyn & Yeuleta Sunday School is a possibility
- Secretary - Louise Neal
- Finance – Kari Williams & Greg Neal
- Membership – Drew Menkhaus
- Worship – Pam White
- Year-Round Programs – Nancy Leonard
Pancake Breakfast - August
- Building – Larry Johnson & Jeff Crabtree
Next Meeting;
June 6th or 13th , 2021 - Tentative
**Adjourn/Closing Prayer**
Minutes of Steering Committee
August 2, 2020 11:15 PM
Little Church in the Pines
Members Present: Tom Shanor, Connie Funkhouser, Irene Himes, Greg Neal, Pam White, Drew Menkhaus, Kari Williams, Louise Neal. Also, there were two guests: Nancy Leonard and Tom Leonard
The meeting was called to order at 11:15 with a prayer offered by Connie.
Purpose of Meeting: Revision and Clarification of Steering Committee Chair Duties
All Steering Committee members were sent email proposals of the revisions and changes well in advance of the meeting. All were encouraged to make comments about any items as they were discussed in the meeting.
Steering Committee Chairperson:
New Business:
Finance Report:
Greg moved that the meeting be adjourned. Kari seconded the motion, which was carried by vote.
August 2, 2020 11:15 PM
Little Church in the Pines
Members Present: Tom Shanor, Connie Funkhouser, Irene Himes, Greg Neal, Pam White, Drew Menkhaus, Kari Williams, Louise Neal. Also, there were two guests: Nancy Leonard and Tom Leonard
The meeting was called to order at 11:15 with a prayer offered by Connie.
Purpose of Meeting: Revision and Clarification of Steering Committee Chair Duties
All Steering Committee members were sent email proposals of the revisions and changes well in advance of the meeting. All were encouraged to make comments about any items as they were discussed in the meeting.
Steering Committee Chairperson:
- Position filled by Connie Funkhouser
- There was a discussion of the relationship and communications between and the Little Church and the RCCM.
- The Committee Chairperson will no longer be required to attend RCCM monthly meetings. Pastor Tom will attend the next meeting to gauge RCCM’s opinion about our relationship with them.
- The description of “ordained pastor” will remain in place for the year-round pastor position. Substitute pastors will not have to be “ordained pastors.”
- Motion to approve the revised duties of the Steering Committee Chairperson was made by Louise and seconded by Pam. The motion was approved by vote.
- In several of the previous meetings it was proposed that this position could be omitted because there were few duties, and they could be easily taken by other chairpersons. This had been considered informally and found to be a reasonable idea. In this meeting the issue was voted upon.
- Motion to remove the position of Co-Chairperson from the Steering Committee was made by Greg and seconded by Kari. The motion was approved by vote.
- Position filled by Louise Neal
- The Secretary will not oversee scheduling of treats for Sunday service social times.
- Motion to accept the Secretary’s duties as revised was made by Pam and seconded by Drew. The motion was approved by vote.
- Positions filled by Greg Neal and Kari Williams
- Duties in the revised description will remain as written.
- Motion to accept the Finance Chair duties as revised was made by Greg and seconded by Drew. The motion was approved by vote.
- Position filled by Pam White
- Worship Chair will not oversee arrangements for communion.
- Worship Chair will work with the Pastor to invite RCCM churches to participate in summer services.
- Motion to accept the Worship Chairperson’s duties as revised was made by Greg and seconded by Louise. The motion was approved by vote.
- Nancy Leonard volunteered to chair this committee. Motion to accept Nancy to the Steering Committee as the Chairperson of Year-Round Programs was made by Kari and seconded by Pam. The motion was approved by vote.
- Summer Bible School will be eliminated from the programs.
- This Chairperson will oversee scheduling of treats for Sunday service social times.
- Motion to accept the Year-Round Program Chairperson’s duties as revised was made by Drew and seconded by Greg. The motion was approved by vote.
- Position filled by Drew Menkhaus
- The Membership Committee will work with the Pastor to distribute responsibilities for writing notes to friends and members as needed.
- The Membership Chairperson will keep a record of members. (Members are those who request and fill out a membership card.)
- Motion to accept the Membership Chairperson’s duties as revised was made by Louise and seconded by Tom. The motion was approved by vote.
- Jeff Crabtree has expressed an interest in helping with Maintenance.
- Pastor Tom will also call for assistance from other members who have interest in or expertise with our church facility.
- Motion to accept the Maintenance Committee Chairperson’s duties as revised was made by Louise and seconded by Kari. The motion was approved by vote.
- At present, because of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is considered appropriate to eliminate this position from the Steering Committee until such time as Outreach programs are again practicable.
- Motion to eliminate the Outreach position was made by Greg and seconded by Drew. The motion was approved by vote.
New Business:
Finance Report:
- The Finance Report is attached.
- Greg says that although we can anticipate reduced attendance and giving during the Covid-19 outbreak, we are in good shape to weather the probable shortfall.
- We should remove a stump this summer before the winter snow needs to be plowed. Greg Neal will call to get it removed. Motion to have the stump removed was made by Drew and seconded by Kari. The motion was approved by vote.
- Pastor Tom will ask for a bid to maintain plants in the front landscaped area of the church. Greg will ask for another such bid from whoever he gets to remove the stump.
Greg moved that the meeting be adjourned. Kari seconded the motion, which was carried by vote.
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee 3rd Quarter Meeting/ July 26, 2020
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
June 28, 2020 Minutes Approved & Accepted via Email
Old Business;
Per June 28th SCMeeting we voted to dedicate this meeting to “Revisions and Clarification of Steering Committee positions.”
New Business;
SC Chair Election/Selection/Volunteers
Chair - Committee Reports;
Pastor Tom – Year round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser
Secretary - Louise Neal
Finance – Kari Williams & Greg Neal
Membership – Drew Menkhaus
Worship – Pam White
Outreach – Irene Himes
Building –
Next Meeting;
September 20, 2020 Annual Meeting – Open for discussion. Pastor Tom will be on vacation.
**Adjourn/Closing Prayer**
Steering Committee 3rd Quarter Meeting/ July 26, 2020
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
June 28, 2020 Minutes Approved & Accepted via Email
Old Business;
Per June 28th SCMeeting we voted to dedicate this meeting to “Revisions and Clarification of Steering Committee positions.”
New Business;
SC Chair Election/Selection/Volunteers
Chair - Committee Reports;
Pastor Tom – Year round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser
Secretary - Louise Neal
Finance – Kari Williams & Greg Neal
Membership – Drew Menkhaus
Worship – Pam White
Outreach – Irene Himes
Building –
Next Meeting;
September 20, 2020 Annual Meeting – Open for discussion. Pastor Tom will be on vacation.
**Adjourn/Closing Prayer**
Little Church in the Pines
Minutes of Steering Committee
May 17, 2020 12:00 PM
Members Present: Tom Shanor, Connie Funkhouser, Irene Himes, Greg Neal, Pam White, Drew Menkhaus, Kari Williams, Joan Moore, Louise Neal
The meeting was held by Zoom computer conferencing for most attendees. Connie, Irene, and three guests attended at the church with the use of Connie’s computer. This arrangement was devised to accommodate personal distancing during the Coronavirus pandemic.
The meeting was called to order at 12:09 with a prayer for our church and our nation during these difficult times.
Old Business:
Connie asked that old business be tabled until our next meeting on July 19, 2020, the regular third quarter meeting of the Steering Committee. Irene moved, and Kari seconded that old business be tabled as stated. The motion was carried. Connie directed the committee to personally review the church bylaws and to be ready to vote on them in July. New Business:
Pastor Tom reviewed our guidelines for opening church services during Idaho’s loosening and changing of Coronavirus restrictions. There was discussion of the safety measures in place and suggestions for possible future accommodations to our members and guests.
o Newspaper and website information to familiarize members and visitors with our safety measures
o Use of outdoor speakers to allow visitors (for instance, those who come from other States and have not quarantined) to sit on our benches and hear the services (Tom will ask Larry Johnson about connecting and using the speakers.)
o Concerns about how the guidelines of the church can be enforced when others do not comply
o Discussion of personal choices about engaging in activities that require exposure to the public
Summer activities have been scheduled for the second Fridays of the month. After some comments Louise moved and Drew seconded the suspension of summer activities for 2020. The motion passed.
Pastor Tom will contact Father Kucera, who presides over LCP Catholic services in the summer, and express our wish that Father Kucera direct Catholic Mass to services in West Yellowstone for this summer. This motion was made by Greg, seconded by Joan, and passed.
AA meetings are now being held at Valley View, so it is not necessary to contact their representative. Pam moved that community groups who inquire about using the LCP facility for meetings should be directed to the Springfield Marriott for their facility’s use. Greg seconded this, and it was passed.
Pastor Tom wants to continue Bible studies, perhaps in the sanctuary or outside, where physical distancing is possible. The resumption of studies will be determined and posted in the calendar. Connie will continue to post sermons and other information on the church website.
Greg reported that people have been mailing in offerings, and we are “holding steady” financially in comparison to previous years. He presented the quarterly report, attached. He explained the differences in Pastor Tom’s housing expenses resulting from the new five-year contract. Greg also warned that the Coronavirus pandemic might result in a loss of income in 2020.
Pam discussed the need to reach out to members who are not coming to church because of Coronavirus. Connie suggested that Pastor Tom continue his calls to members to check in with them. Pastor Tom suggested that we all reach out to other members, as well. Irene said that outreach is more important at this time than ever. She suggested that we use our church directories to call people and to check that their email addresses are correct in the directory so that they can get church emails.
In building maintenance, Larry has met with Jason Green about the insulation in the church roof. We expect that this project will be scheduled and finished.
Pastor Tom said that a clean-up day will be announced. He said that Jeff Crabtree will also be helping with building and parking lot work. The benches outside need repair.
These minutes, once sent to the Steering Committee, will be accepted one week thereafter. Please notify Louise of corrections and additions within that week.
Irene moved the adjournment of the meeting; Drew seconded. The motion passed at 1:28.
Respectfully submitted, Louise Neal
Minutes of Steering Committee
May 17, 2020 12:00 PM
Members Present: Tom Shanor, Connie Funkhouser, Irene Himes, Greg Neal, Pam White, Drew Menkhaus, Kari Williams, Joan Moore, Louise Neal
The meeting was held by Zoom computer conferencing for most attendees. Connie, Irene, and three guests attended at the church with the use of Connie’s computer. This arrangement was devised to accommodate personal distancing during the Coronavirus pandemic.
The meeting was called to order at 12:09 with a prayer for our church and our nation during these difficult times.
Old Business:
Connie asked that old business be tabled until our next meeting on July 19, 2020, the regular third quarter meeting of the Steering Committee. Irene moved, and Kari seconded that old business be tabled as stated. The motion was carried. Connie directed the committee to personally review the church bylaws and to be ready to vote on them in July. New Business:
Pastor Tom reviewed our guidelines for opening church services during Idaho’s loosening and changing of Coronavirus restrictions. There was discussion of the safety measures in place and suggestions for possible future accommodations to our members and guests.
o Newspaper and website information to familiarize members and visitors with our safety measures
o Use of outdoor speakers to allow visitors (for instance, those who come from other States and have not quarantined) to sit on our benches and hear the services (Tom will ask Larry Johnson about connecting and using the speakers.)
o Concerns about how the guidelines of the church can be enforced when others do not comply
o Discussion of personal choices about engaging in activities that require exposure to the public
Summer activities have been scheduled for the second Fridays of the month. After some comments Louise moved and Drew seconded the suspension of summer activities for 2020. The motion passed.
Pastor Tom will contact Father Kucera, who presides over LCP Catholic services in the summer, and express our wish that Father Kucera direct Catholic Mass to services in West Yellowstone for this summer. This motion was made by Greg, seconded by Joan, and passed.
AA meetings are now being held at Valley View, so it is not necessary to contact their representative. Pam moved that community groups who inquire about using the LCP facility for meetings should be directed to the Springfield Marriott for their facility’s use. Greg seconded this, and it was passed.
Pastor Tom wants to continue Bible studies, perhaps in the sanctuary or outside, where physical distancing is possible. The resumption of studies will be determined and posted in the calendar. Connie will continue to post sermons and other information on the church website.
Greg reported that people have been mailing in offerings, and we are “holding steady” financially in comparison to previous years. He presented the quarterly report, attached. He explained the differences in Pastor Tom’s housing expenses resulting from the new five-year contract. Greg also warned that the Coronavirus pandemic might result in a loss of income in 2020.
Pam discussed the need to reach out to members who are not coming to church because of Coronavirus. Connie suggested that Pastor Tom continue his calls to members to check in with them. Pastor Tom suggested that we all reach out to other members, as well. Irene said that outreach is more important at this time than ever. She suggested that we use our church directories to call people and to check that their email addresses are correct in the directory so that they can get church emails.
In building maintenance, Larry has met with Jason Green about the insulation in the church roof. We expect that this project will be scheduled and finished.
Pastor Tom said that a clean-up day will be announced. He said that Jeff Crabtree will also be helping with building and parking lot work. The benches outside need repair.
These minutes, once sent to the Steering Committee, will be accepted one week thereafter. Please notify Louise of corrections and additions within that week.
Irene moved the adjournment of the meeting; Drew seconded. The motion passed at 1:28.
Respectfully submitted, Louise Neal
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Meeting/ May 17, 2020
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Old Business;
Constitution & By-Laws dated 03/11/2014
Review Chair Positions Combine a few Chair Positions
Motion/Vote to table both
New Business;
2020 Summer Worship Services/Adapting/Discussion
Summer Activities
Catholic Worship Services
SC Chair Election/Selection/Volunteers
Chair - Committee Reports; to simplify our meeting we can table all Chair Reports
Pastor Tom – Year-round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser
Co-Chair – Joan Moore – will join meeting via speaker phone
Finance – Kari Williams & Greg Neal
Membership – Drew Menkhaus
Worship/Secretary – Louise Neal
Programs – Pam White
Outreach – Irene Himes
Building – Larry Johnson has been in contact w/Jason Green
Next Meeting;
3rd Quarter Meeting July 19, 2020
**Adjourn/Closing Prayer**
Steering Committee Meeting/ May 17, 2020
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Old Business;
Constitution & By-Laws dated 03/11/2014
Review Chair Positions Combine a few Chair Positions
Motion/Vote to table both
New Business;
2020 Summer Worship Services/Adapting/Discussion
Summer Activities
Catholic Worship Services
SC Chair Election/Selection/Volunteers
Chair - Committee Reports; to simplify our meeting we can table all Chair Reports
Pastor Tom – Year-round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser
Co-Chair – Joan Moore – will join meeting via speaker phone
Finance – Kari Williams & Greg Neal
Membership – Drew Menkhaus
Worship/Secretary – Louise Neal
Programs – Pam White
Outreach – Irene Himes
Building – Larry Johnson has been in contact w/Jason Green
Next Meeting;
3rd Quarter Meeting July 19, 2020
**Adjourn/Closing Prayer**
Minutes of Steering Committee Special Meeting
4:00 PM, February 9, 2020
Little Church in the Pines
Members Present: Connie F., Greg, Pam, Drew, Kari, Louise, Irene, Louise. Joan attended by speaker phone.
The meeting was held at Connie’s Restaurant so that Connie could be present.
The special meeting was called to order to discuss arrangements for providing a pastor for the Little Church, since Pastor Tom’s contract will end in October this year. Since the last meeting of the steering committee, Pastor Tom has expressed an interest in staying with the church for another five years. He did not attend this meeting in order to allow the members to express their ideas freely.
All members participated in the examination of retaining Pastor Tom for another five years. Generally included in the discussion were the following:
Continuation of the Special Meeting
4:00 PM, February 11, 2020
Members Present: Connie F., Greg, Pam, Drew, Kari, Louise, Irene, Joan
The meeting was held at the Little Church in the Pines. Once again, Pastor Tom did not attend the meeting to allow members to express all their ideas freely. The meeting was called to order with a prayer from Connie Funkhouser.
The purposes of the meeting were reiterated as follows:
Greg had created pages showing the results of his further research into the following:
After a healthy discussion of all points, Irene moved that Pastor Tom be retained in service to the Little Church with a $26,000 yearly salary, a housing allowance of $1,000 per month, and five weeks of vacation time per year. The contract will start April 1, 2020. The motion was seconded by Louise, and the vote was carried unanimously.
On the second point of the loan to Pastor Tom with no interest for the purchase of alternate housing, there was open discussion. There was a desire to help with this venture, but since the loan from the church would be unsecured, the feeling was that Pastor Tom would need to find that loan on his own. Louise moved that the loan from the church be granted, and Joan seconded the motion. The motion was not passed, unanimously.
Last, Greg reminded the committee that we have been contributing Tom’s portion of the Social Security payment up to this point. Greg asked if we planned to continue this practice in the next contract. The cost would be an increase of approximately $50 per month. This was reviewed at length. Greg moved and Drew seconded the continuation of paying Tom’s portion of his Social Security payment. The vote was carried unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:04 p.m.
The next Steering Committee meeting is scheduled for May 17 after church.
Respectfully submitted: Louise Neal
4:00 PM, February 9, 2020
Little Church in the Pines
Members Present: Connie F., Greg, Pam, Drew, Kari, Louise, Irene, Louise. Joan attended by speaker phone.
The meeting was held at Connie’s Restaurant so that Connie could be present.
The special meeting was called to order to discuss arrangements for providing a pastor for the Little Church, since Pastor Tom’s contract will end in October this year. Since the last meeting of the steering committee, Pastor Tom has expressed an interest in staying with the church for another five years. He did not attend this meeting in order to allow the members to express their ideas freely.
All members participated in the examination of retaining Pastor Tom for another five years. Generally included in the discussion were the following:
- Pastor Tom’s service and benefits to the Little Church congregation
- The process of mounting a new pastor search
- Effects of both change and stability on our church community
- Effects on the Island Park community of retaining Pastor Tom or hiring another pastor
- The Little Church’s finances and the effect on them of retaining Pastor Tom or hiring another pastor
- A fair raise in pay
- Continuation of the present housing allowance
- Consideration of a loan from the church to Pastor Tom for the purchase of alternate housing, to be paid back with no interest in two years
Continuation of the Special Meeting
4:00 PM, February 11, 2020
Members Present: Connie F., Greg, Pam, Drew, Kari, Louise, Irene, Joan
The meeting was held at the Little Church in the Pines. Once again, Pastor Tom did not attend the meeting to allow members to express all their ideas freely. The meeting was called to order with a prayer from Connie Funkhouser.
The purposes of the meeting were reiterated as follows:
- Vote whether to retain Pastor Tom with a raise in pay and a continuance of the present housing allowance
- Vote whether to make a loan to Pastor Tom for two years to help with the purchase of alternate housing
Greg had created pages showing the results of his further research into the following:
- Comparable salaries for pastors of rural churches of about the same size
- Housing allowances
- Specifics of the proposed contract with Pastor Tom
- Estimation of effects of the proposed contract on the budget of the Little Church
- Brief summary of process and costs with calling for a new pastor
After a healthy discussion of all points, Irene moved that Pastor Tom be retained in service to the Little Church with a $26,000 yearly salary, a housing allowance of $1,000 per month, and five weeks of vacation time per year. The contract will start April 1, 2020. The motion was seconded by Louise, and the vote was carried unanimously.
On the second point of the loan to Pastor Tom with no interest for the purchase of alternate housing, there was open discussion. There was a desire to help with this venture, but since the loan from the church would be unsecured, the feeling was that Pastor Tom would need to find that loan on his own. Louise moved that the loan from the church be granted, and Joan seconded the motion. The motion was not passed, unanimously.
Last, Greg reminded the committee that we have been contributing Tom’s portion of the Social Security payment up to this point. Greg asked if we planned to continue this practice in the next contract. The cost would be an increase of approximately $50 per month. This was reviewed at length. Greg moved and Drew seconded the continuation of paying Tom’s portion of his Social Security payment. The vote was carried unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:04 p.m.
The next Steering Committee meeting is scheduled for May 17 after church.
Respectfully submitted: Louise Neal
Minutes of Steering Committee Meeting 4:00pm
January 14, 2020
Little Church in the Pines Members
Present: Pastor Tom, Connie F., Greg, Pam, Drew, Joan, Kari, Louise
The meeting was held at Connie’s Restaurant because the snow in the LCIP parking lot made access to the church limited.
After the opening prayer, it was decided that Louise would take on the duty of taking minutes of meetings. The minutes of the previous meeting had been approved by email.
Old Business:
The pancake breakfast was a success and brought in over $700 in donations. There were two cookbooks sold, as well.
There is an established Benevolent Fund of $150 to be used for small requests to meet immediate needs of indigent or traveling people who need food, gas, diapers, etc. For larger needs such as the $500 donations to two families whose homes burned last year, the church can elect to provide assistance. Last year we set up snow removal for three of our elderly members, one of whom receives that service again this winter.
The Christmas Eve service had 134 attendees and was an inspirational event. The website has photos from the service. The counter on the website has registered 2100 hits.
Kellie Figg has been cleaning the sanctuary weekly for a $50 fee. She will continue doing this job until she feels it’s time to quit because of her health. DuroBrite Cleaning cleaned our sanctuary and parsonage free of charge. They did excellent work.
New Business:
Pay for Substitute Pastors: To avoid confusion in the future, the committee discussed establishing a set amount for substitute pastor pay. After thorough examination of comparable data in our area, it was decided that $200 per Sunday plus travel expense (if applicable) would be our set amount. Irene moved and Kari seconded the motion, which was passed by vote.
Changes in chairperson responsibilities: New member, Jeff Crabtree has volunteered to be responsible for church maintenance when he and his wife, Lana, move to Island Park in May. Louise is combining chairs by keeping the Worship Committee and taking notes of the minutes of the meetings as Secretary. In the quarterly newsletter, Drew will ask for more people to express interest in Steering Committee positions which could use more participation. Of special interest are Year-Round Programs and Membership. By our next meeting on May 17, 2020, we will review, revise, and accept our LCIP by-laws. Each person will read and submit recommendations in email before that date. We will also review the list of duties and responsibilities of each Steering Committee Chair. These may be revised or restructured as needed.
Pastor Tom’s contract with the Little Church in the Pines will end in late October. We can look at options for filling his position in the coming months. Father McClure, an Episcopal priest in Nebraska has expressed an interest in coming to LCIP. His resume will be sent to the Steering Committee. There may be other options to be examined among our present members and Pastor Tom. Once more information is available, we will hold a special meeting in February to discuss these options.
Pastor Tom would like to put five bistro tables in the narthex area for people stand around and use for drinks and treats while talking. People could still sit if desired. They could move from table to table to converse. Tom would like us to think about this. He enjoyed having this set-up in his previous churches. There are three main church facility expenses that we will incur. Funds are set aside to help with these costs. 1. Insulation of the roof, which we’ve needed for years but have not had a service provider 2. Staining the church exterior 3. Painting parking lot stripes We need a new pop-up canopy for summer events to replace one which was damaged. It was moved by Greg and seconded by Joan that this expense be authorized. The motion was approved. Pastor Tom would like to have an enclosed storage area in the northeast corner of the basement for larger items. This will include cabinets and shelves. Tom will get estimates for the cost of this project. Summer BBQs will be held on the second Fridays of months June through September. The 2020 Pancake Breakfast will be on August 22, 2020.
Chair Reports:
Pastor Tom: Sermons have been received well. Bible studies have good attendance. The Advent season progressed well, and the Christmas Eve service was great! Tom’s “Reflections” section of the newspaper has been well-read. His house has had a few problems, but they have been mostly resolved. Tom has written thank you notes to people who have donated generously to the church. He anticipates having both an Easter sunrise service and 10:00 Easter service, though he will probably dispense with the Tenebrae service this year.
Connie Funkhouser: The website is up-to-date and being well viewed. She would like new photos of the church in winter for the website. The church Facebook site is doing well. Connie is now working on courses for her bachelor’s degree in theology. (We expressed pride in her accomplishments!) She has printed thank-you cards for Tom’s use in thanking donors. Connie suggests that we ask in the Bible study group if anyone would like to assist in church correspondence. Joan: No report was needed.
Finance/Greg: Greg observed that after tracking the church finances for the last three years, our finances are “on par” in general. He presented the 2019 statement (attached), which show that LCIP assets have increased and the church is in a good financial position. We can expect expenses on church maintenance, which have been anticipated. He expressed his thanks to the committee for their attention to fiscal details of the church.
Membership: Drew will continue to provide name tags for members, as needed. Photos will be added to the “family church tree” in the narthex. Drew has provided monthly calendars and quarterly newsletters all year. Worship: We had a community choir for Christmas, consisting of singers from LCIP and other churches. This choir practiced at the Little Church and sang for the Himes’ Community Christmas Celebration. Our own choir has sung for regular Sunday services at times throughout the year. We are grateful to have Pam White as accompanist.
Programs: The next Pie Social will be on Wednesday, February 12 at 6:00 p.m. There will be a birthday party to celebrate Jerry Russell’s 90th birthday. We will consider having a pot luck lunch once a month after church.
Outreach: Irene said there were 80 people at the Community Christmas Celebration. Many new people attended. There is a State-funded group building three group homes for people aged 12-17 years who have been released from the Juvenile Correction Center and other facilities. These group homes will allow the juveniles to transition in a highly structured facility rather than going back to the unhealthy environments they came from.
Our next meeting will be on May 17, 2020.
Irene moved that the meeting be closed, and Pam seconded the motion.
The motion passed at 5:50 p.m.
January 14, 2020
Little Church in the Pines Members
Present: Pastor Tom, Connie F., Greg, Pam, Drew, Joan, Kari, Louise
The meeting was held at Connie’s Restaurant because the snow in the LCIP parking lot made access to the church limited.
After the opening prayer, it was decided that Louise would take on the duty of taking minutes of meetings. The minutes of the previous meeting had been approved by email.
Old Business:
The pancake breakfast was a success and brought in over $700 in donations. There were two cookbooks sold, as well.
There is an established Benevolent Fund of $150 to be used for small requests to meet immediate needs of indigent or traveling people who need food, gas, diapers, etc. For larger needs such as the $500 donations to two families whose homes burned last year, the church can elect to provide assistance. Last year we set up snow removal for three of our elderly members, one of whom receives that service again this winter.
The Christmas Eve service had 134 attendees and was an inspirational event. The website has photos from the service. The counter on the website has registered 2100 hits.
Kellie Figg has been cleaning the sanctuary weekly for a $50 fee. She will continue doing this job until she feels it’s time to quit because of her health. DuroBrite Cleaning cleaned our sanctuary and parsonage free of charge. They did excellent work.
New Business:
Pay for Substitute Pastors: To avoid confusion in the future, the committee discussed establishing a set amount for substitute pastor pay. After thorough examination of comparable data in our area, it was decided that $200 per Sunday plus travel expense (if applicable) would be our set amount. Irene moved and Kari seconded the motion, which was passed by vote.
Changes in chairperson responsibilities: New member, Jeff Crabtree has volunteered to be responsible for church maintenance when he and his wife, Lana, move to Island Park in May. Louise is combining chairs by keeping the Worship Committee and taking notes of the minutes of the meetings as Secretary. In the quarterly newsletter, Drew will ask for more people to express interest in Steering Committee positions which could use more participation. Of special interest are Year-Round Programs and Membership. By our next meeting on May 17, 2020, we will review, revise, and accept our LCIP by-laws. Each person will read and submit recommendations in email before that date. We will also review the list of duties and responsibilities of each Steering Committee Chair. These may be revised or restructured as needed.
Pastor Tom’s contract with the Little Church in the Pines will end in late October. We can look at options for filling his position in the coming months. Father McClure, an Episcopal priest in Nebraska has expressed an interest in coming to LCIP. His resume will be sent to the Steering Committee. There may be other options to be examined among our present members and Pastor Tom. Once more information is available, we will hold a special meeting in February to discuss these options.
Pastor Tom would like to put five bistro tables in the narthex area for people stand around and use for drinks and treats while talking. People could still sit if desired. They could move from table to table to converse. Tom would like us to think about this. He enjoyed having this set-up in his previous churches. There are three main church facility expenses that we will incur. Funds are set aside to help with these costs. 1. Insulation of the roof, which we’ve needed for years but have not had a service provider 2. Staining the church exterior 3. Painting parking lot stripes We need a new pop-up canopy for summer events to replace one which was damaged. It was moved by Greg and seconded by Joan that this expense be authorized. The motion was approved. Pastor Tom would like to have an enclosed storage area in the northeast corner of the basement for larger items. This will include cabinets and shelves. Tom will get estimates for the cost of this project. Summer BBQs will be held on the second Fridays of months June through September. The 2020 Pancake Breakfast will be on August 22, 2020.
Chair Reports:
Pastor Tom: Sermons have been received well. Bible studies have good attendance. The Advent season progressed well, and the Christmas Eve service was great! Tom’s “Reflections” section of the newspaper has been well-read. His house has had a few problems, but they have been mostly resolved. Tom has written thank you notes to people who have donated generously to the church. He anticipates having both an Easter sunrise service and 10:00 Easter service, though he will probably dispense with the Tenebrae service this year.
Connie Funkhouser: The website is up-to-date and being well viewed. She would like new photos of the church in winter for the website. The church Facebook site is doing well. Connie is now working on courses for her bachelor’s degree in theology. (We expressed pride in her accomplishments!) She has printed thank-you cards for Tom’s use in thanking donors. Connie suggests that we ask in the Bible study group if anyone would like to assist in church correspondence. Joan: No report was needed.
Finance/Greg: Greg observed that after tracking the church finances for the last three years, our finances are “on par” in general. He presented the 2019 statement (attached), which show that LCIP assets have increased and the church is in a good financial position. We can expect expenses on church maintenance, which have been anticipated. He expressed his thanks to the committee for their attention to fiscal details of the church.
Membership: Drew will continue to provide name tags for members, as needed. Photos will be added to the “family church tree” in the narthex. Drew has provided monthly calendars and quarterly newsletters all year. Worship: We had a community choir for Christmas, consisting of singers from LCIP and other churches. This choir practiced at the Little Church and sang for the Himes’ Community Christmas Celebration. Our own choir has sung for regular Sunday services at times throughout the year. We are grateful to have Pam White as accompanist.
Programs: The next Pie Social will be on Wednesday, February 12 at 6:00 p.m. There will be a birthday party to celebrate Jerry Russell’s 90th birthday. We will consider having a pot luck lunch once a month after church.
Outreach: Irene said there were 80 people at the Community Christmas Celebration. Many new people attended. There is a State-funded group building three group homes for people aged 12-17 years who have been released from the Juvenile Correction Center and other facilities. These group homes will allow the juveniles to transition in a highly structured facility rather than going back to the unhealthy environments they came from.
Our next meeting will be on May 17, 2020.
Irene moved that the meeting be closed, and Pam seconded the motion.
The motion passed at 5:50 p.m.
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Meeting/ January 14, 2020
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
September 15, 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes Approved & Accepted via Email
Old Business;
Pancake Breakfast Funds
Christmas Eve Service Re-cap
New Business;
Pay for Substitute Pastors
Combine a few Chair Positions
Cleaning of our Sanctuary
Chair - Committee Reports:
Pastor Tom – Year-round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser
Co-Chair – Joan Moore
Finance – Kari Williams & Greg Neal *Dura-Brite Carpet Cleaning Donation/Receipt
Membership – Drew Menkhaus
Worship – Louise Neal
Programs – Pam White
A few dates to look forward to;
January – Jerry Russell’s Spaghetti Dinner/Pie Social/Baby Pictures Guess Who?
Outreach – Irene Himes
Building –
Next Meeting; ** Reschedule if need be **
April 19, Sunday following Easter – 2nd Quarter Meeting
**Adjourn/Closing Prayer**
Steering Committee Meeting/ January 14, 2020
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
September 15, 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes Approved & Accepted via Email
Old Business;
Pancake Breakfast Funds
Christmas Eve Service Re-cap
New Business;
Pay for Substitute Pastors
Combine a few Chair Positions
Cleaning of our Sanctuary
Chair - Committee Reports:
Pastor Tom – Year-round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser
Co-Chair – Joan Moore
Finance – Kari Williams & Greg Neal *Dura-Brite Carpet Cleaning Donation/Receipt
Membership – Drew Menkhaus
Worship – Louise Neal
Programs – Pam White
A few dates to look forward to;
January – Jerry Russell’s Spaghetti Dinner/Pie Social/Baby Pictures Guess Who?
Outreach – Irene Himes
Building –
Next Meeting; ** Reschedule if need be **
April 19, Sunday following Easter – 2nd Quarter Meeting
**Adjourn/Closing Prayer**
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee ANNUAL Meeting/ September 15, 2019
Pledge of Allegiance - Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
July 21, 2019 Minutes Approved & Accepted via Email
Old Business;
Present Copies of Revised Constitution & By-Laws dated 03/11/2014
New Business;
SC Chair Election/Selection/Volunteers
Combine a few Chair Positions
Re-defining Ministry of Helps *Pastor Tom
Chair - Committee Reports;
Pastor Tom – Year round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser
Co-Chair – Joan Moore
Secretary – Candy Vroman
Finance – Kari Williams & Greg Neal
Membership – Drew Menkhaus/Absent
Worship – Louise Neal
Programs – Pam White
A few dates to look forward to;
After Thanksgiving – Decorate Sanctuary for Christmas/January – Pie Social/Baby Pictures Guess Who?
Outreach – Irene Himes
Building –
Next Meeting;
January 19, Sunday – 1st Quarter Meeting
**Adjourn/Closing Prayer**
Steering Committee ANNUAL Meeting/ September 15, 2019
Pledge of Allegiance - Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
July 21, 2019 Minutes Approved & Accepted via Email
Old Business;
Present Copies of Revised Constitution & By-Laws dated 03/11/2014
New Business;
SC Chair Election/Selection/Volunteers
Combine a few Chair Positions
Re-defining Ministry of Helps *Pastor Tom
Chair - Committee Reports;
Pastor Tom – Year round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser
Co-Chair – Joan Moore
Secretary – Candy Vroman
Finance – Kari Williams & Greg Neal
Membership – Drew Menkhaus/Absent
Worship – Louise Neal
Programs – Pam White
A few dates to look forward to;
After Thanksgiving – Decorate Sanctuary for Christmas/January – Pie Social/Baby Pictures Guess Who?
Outreach – Irene Himes
Building –
Next Meeting;
January 19, Sunday – 1st Quarter Meeting
**Adjourn/Closing Prayer**
Steering Committee Minutes
July 31, 2019
Revision of By-Laws * The Special Work Meeting
Meeting was called to order with an Opening Prayer by President Connie Funkhouser at 6:00 p.m. Present: Connie, Louise, Greg, Irene, Joan, Pam and Candace and Pastor Tom Shanor Absent: Kari, Drew and Chip. Connie asked for permission to explore the purchase of the Travel Trailer that has been in storage. Greg moved and Pam seconded a motion for her to move ahead with looking into it. Motion carried. Connie will be in touch via email once she and Jim and made a decision. The primary purpose of this meeting was to review the By-Laws and Constitution for the LCIP which were researched and created by a committee of Judy Koehly, Pam White and Bill Vroman in 2014 by then Church Council (Steering Committee) Chairman Brian Steadman. Discussion was held on each item within the document and suggestions made. Joan Moore volunteered to edit and revise the document based on the discussion and suggestions of Pastor Tom and the Steering Committee.
This should be ready by the Annual meeting on September 15, 2019.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30
July 31, 2019
Revision of By-Laws * The Special Work Meeting
Meeting was called to order with an Opening Prayer by President Connie Funkhouser at 6:00 p.m. Present: Connie, Louise, Greg, Irene, Joan, Pam and Candace and Pastor Tom Shanor Absent: Kari, Drew and Chip. Connie asked for permission to explore the purchase of the Travel Trailer that has been in storage. Greg moved and Pam seconded a motion for her to move ahead with looking into it. Motion carried. Connie will be in touch via email once she and Jim and made a decision. The primary purpose of this meeting was to review the By-Laws and Constitution for the LCIP which were researched and created by a committee of Judy Koehly, Pam White and Bill Vroman in 2014 by then Church Council (Steering Committee) Chairman Brian Steadman. Discussion was held on each item within the document and suggestions made. Joan Moore volunteered to edit and revise the document based on the discussion and suggestions of Pastor Tom and the Steering Committee.
This should be ready by the Annual meeting on September 15, 2019.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Meeting/ July 21, 2019
**We will need someone to take Minutes/Type/Email**
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
March 31, 2019 Minutes Approved & Accepted via Email
Old Business;
Membership Sub-Committee
Constitution & By-Laws dated 03/11/2014 up for review & discussion (Table until July)
(Both topics have been on our Agenda for months)
New Business;
Liberty Quartet/Friday Aug. 9/Free Will Offering/LCIP Meal & RV Spot
SC Chair Election Process
1 yr. Terms vs 2 yr. Terms
Pastor Tom’s Minister Contract
Chair - Committee Reports;
Pastor Tom – Year round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser
Co-Chair – Joan Moore
Secretary – Candy Vroman/Absent
Finance – Kari Williams & Greg Neal
Membership – Drew Menkhaus
Worship – Louise Neal
Programs – Pam White
Outreach – Irene Himes
Building – Chip Drerup
Next Meeting;
October 20, Sunday – 4th Quarter Meeting
**Adjourn/Closing Prayer**
Steering Committee Meeting/ July 21, 2019
**We will need someone to take Minutes/Type/Email**
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
March 31, 2019 Minutes Approved & Accepted via Email
Old Business;
Membership Sub-Committee
Constitution & By-Laws dated 03/11/2014 up for review & discussion (Table until July)
(Both topics have been on our Agenda for months)
New Business;
Liberty Quartet/Friday Aug. 9/Free Will Offering/LCIP Meal & RV Spot
SC Chair Election Process
1 yr. Terms vs 2 yr. Terms
Pastor Tom’s Minister Contract
Chair - Committee Reports;
Pastor Tom – Year round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser
Co-Chair – Joan Moore
Secretary – Candy Vroman/Absent
Finance – Kari Williams & Greg Neal
Membership – Drew Menkhaus
Worship – Louise Neal
Programs – Pam White
Outreach – Irene Himes
Building – Chip Drerup
Next Meeting;
October 20, Sunday – 4th Quarter Meeting
**Adjourn/Closing Prayer**
Minutes of Steering Committee Meeting March 31, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 11:42 a.m. In attendance were Pastor Tom Shanor, Pam White, Greg Neal, Kari Williams, Joan Moore, Irene Himes, Louise Neal, and 4 LCP member guests.
Pastor Tom began the meeting with a prayer.
Minutes of the previous meeting (sent by email to each member) were approved.
Old Business
Business from the subcommittee on membership was tabled until the next meeting, since Drew and Candy were absent.
The review of our constitution and bylaws from 2014 will be used to help determine what constitutes membership in LCP. Everyone was advised to read the constitution and bylaws before the next meeting in July. These materials will be distributed in email.
New Business
The Liberty Quartet is scheduled to perform at LCP on August 9. We will donate a meal to them before the concert. There will be flyers distributed and other promotions for the concert. Connie will contact Liberty’s promotion person to coordinate that.
The printing for the 400 donated mugs amounted to $362.52. Greg asked for a copy of the invoice.
Connie presented her copy of a simple renewal/extension of the lease agreement for Pastor Tom’s house, which starts immediately. The Eudeys, who own the house, are willing to renew. The RCCM will receive a notice of this transaction.
Pastor Tom reminded us that LCP has agreed to pay half his Social Security payment for the year. This amounts to $1,435. Tom asked that LCP also pay half of the quarterly estimated taxes, which amounts to $116 per month. Greg moved that Jo at RCCM pay half of Tom’s quarterly taxes. This was seconded by Kari and passed by vote.
Pastor Tom’s contract with LCP lasts until May, 2020.
Jo at RCCM is arranging the visitor church schedule for June, July, and August. This schedule will be distributed to us when complete.
Yeuleta will continue to bring birthday cakes on the last Sunday of each month, even during summer church visitors’ Sundays. She would not mind if someone else wanted to bring a cake instead.
Individual Reports
Pastor Tom
Attendance is up and Bible studies are well attended. Bible studies will continue. There will be a Tenebrae service on Good Friday and an Easter Sunrise Service prior to the 10:00 Easter Service. Tom welcomes critiques and suggestions. He would like to incorporate PowerPoints a few times and make other small changes in the service while keeping the flow of the service smooth, personal, intimate, and responsive.
Generally, things are running smoothly in the church. Daisy’s Angels are visiting the halfway house with some of the Juvenile Correction Center graduates. Other graduates will be visited, as well. Daisy’s Angels will take gifts and establish ongoing contact and support.
The kitchen supplies are being supplied well. The goodies after church are being supplied fairly well, but not all the dates have been covered. We should save cookies in the freezer for Sundays without signed hosts.
Kari and Greg
Jo at RCCM will be asked to cut a check weekly to pay Brittany Duran and Kelley Figg for cleaning services. Pastor Tom will arrange this.
Attached is Greg’s report on budget. There were changes in expenses for parsonage and church snow removal, propane tank refill, and snow removal for three of our lady members’ homes.
Greg anticipates that the summer months will make up for the normal winter shortfall of income. The comparison of assets from 2017-2018 show growth, and it is assumed that the same will hold true for the growth in 2019. This year we have adjusted accounting items’ titles to achieve more accurate tracking of expenses. Another year of tracking will make comparisons easier.
Shrove Tuesday’s pancake dinner went well.
A BBQ supper will be scheduled for the 2nd Friday of each month at 5:30 in June, July, August, and September. Pastor Tom suggested that July could be an ice cream social rather than a BBQ. Connie says that we will explore more ways to promote these events.
May 18 is the date for the Church Clean-up Day, followed by a Pot Luck meal. This starts at 10:00 a.m.
Pam will help with Holy Week services
Kari suggested that highway clean-up could be scheduled before Memorial Day if snow melting allows.
Daisy’s Angels will have sessions with 4 boys who are leaving the JCC with a goal of offering support and keeping in touch with them in the future. The boys will receive a backpack with a patriotic and inspirational notebook.
Many girls have already been supported as they have left the JCC.
Building (Chip was absent, but he noted items to report.)
We may need to replace the Little Church sign in front of the building. It’s wearing out. Suggestions are welcomed.
Chip has replaced light bulbs, and Larry fixed the heaters/thermostats.
Our next meeting will be July 21.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:50 after a closing prayer from Connie.
The meeting was called to order at 11:42 a.m. In attendance were Pastor Tom Shanor, Pam White, Greg Neal, Kari Williams, Joan Moore, Irene Himes, Louise Neal, and 4 LCP member guests.
Pastor Tom began the meeting with a prayer.
Minutes of the previous meeting (sent by email to each member) were approved.
Old Business
Business from the subcommittee on membership was tabled until the next meeting, since Drew and Candy were absent.
The review of our constitution and bylaws from 2014 will be used to help determine what constitutes membership in LCP. Everyone was advised to read the constitution and bylaws before the next meeting in July. These materials will be distributed in email.
New Business
The Liberty Quartet is scheduled to perform at LCP on August 9. We will donate a meal to them before the concert. There will be flyers distributed and other promotions for the concert. Connie will contact Liberty’s promotion person to coordinate that.
The printing for the 400 donated mugs amounted to $362.52. Greg asked for a copy of the invoice.
Connie presented her copy of a simple renewal/extension of the lease agreement for Pastor Tom’s house, which starts immediately. The Eudeys, who own the house, are willing to renew. The RCCM will receive a notice of this transaction.
Pastor Tom reminded us that LCP has agreed to pay half his Social Security payment for the year. This amounts to $1,435. Tom asked that LCP also pay half of the quarterly estimated taxes, which amounts to $116 per month. Greg moved that Jo at RCCM pay half of Tom’s quarterly taxes. This was seconded by Kari and passed by vote.
Pastor Tom’s contract with LCP lasts until May, 2020.
Jo at RCCM is arranging the visitor church schedule for June, July, and August. This schedule will be distributed to us when complete.
Yeuleta will continue to bring birthday cakes on the last Sunday of each month, even during summer church visitors’ Sundays. She would not mind if someone else wanted to bring a cake instead.
Individual Reports
Pastor Tom
Attendance is up and Bible studies are well attended. Bible studies will continue. There will be a Tenebrae service on Good Friday and an Easter Sunrise Service prior to the 10:00 Easter Service. Tom welcomes critiques and suggestions. He would like to incorporate PowerPoints a few times and make other small changes in the service while keeping the flow of the service smooth, personal, intimate, and responsive.
Generally, things are running smoothly in the church. Daisy’s Angels are visiting the halfway house with some of the Juvenile Correction Center graduates. Other graduates will be visited, as well. Daisy’s Angels will take gifts and establish ongoing contact and support.
The kitchen supplies are being supplied well. The goodies after church are being supplied fairly well, but not all the dates have been covered. We should save cookies in the freezer for Sundays without signed hosts.
Kari and Greg
Jo at RCCM will be asked to cut a check weekly to pay Brittany Duran and Kelley Figg for cleaning services. Pastor Tom will arrange this.
Attached is Greg’s report on budget. There were changes in expenses for parsonage and church snow removal, propane tank refill, and snow removal for three of our lady members’ homes.
Greg anticipates that the summer months will make up for the normal winter shortfall of income. The comparison of assets from 2017-2018 show growth, and it is assumed that the same will hold true for the growth in 2019. This year we have adjusted accounting items’ titles to achieve more accurate tracking of expenses. Another year of tracking will make comparisons easier.
Shrove Tuesday’s pancake dinner went well.
A BBQ supper will be scheduled for the 2nd Friday of each month at 5:30 in June, July, August, and September. Pastor Tom suggested that July could be an ice cream social rather than a BBQ. Connie says that we will explore more ways to promote these events.
May 18 is the date for the Church Clean-up Day, followed by a Pot Luck meal. This starts at 10:00 a.m.
Pam will help with Holy Week services
Kari suggested that highway clean-up could be scheduled before Memorial Day if snow melting allows.
Daisy’s Angels will have sessions with 4 boys who are leaving the JCC with a goal of offering support and keeping in touch with them in the future. The boys will receive a backpack with a patriotic and inspirational notebook.
Many girls have already been supported as they have left the JCC.
Building (Chip was absent, but he noted items to report.)
We may need to replace the Little Church sign in front of the building. It’s wearing out. Suggestions are welcomed.
Chip has replaced light bulbs, and Larry fixed the heaters/thermostats.
Our next meeting will be July 21.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:50 after a closing prayer from Connie.
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Meeting/ March 31, 2019
**We will need someone to take Minutes/Type/Email**
Pledge of Allegiance /Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
January 20, 2019 Minutes Approved & Accepted via Email
Old Business;
Membership Sub-Committee
Constitution & By-Laws dated 03/11/2014 up for review & discussion (Table until July)
New Business;
Liberty Quartet/Friday Aug. 9/Free Will Offering/LCIP Meal & RV Spot
Coffee Mugs = $362..52 ck made out to Corporate Image
Chair - Committee Reports;
Pastor Tom – Year round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser
Co-Chair – Joan Moore
Secretary – Candy Vroman/Absent
Finance – Kari Williams & Finance Advisor; Greg Neal
Membership – Drew Menkhaus/Absent
Worship – Louise Neal
Programs – Pam White
Outreach – Irene Himes
Building – Chip Drerup
Next Meeting;
July 7, 2019 Sunday – 3rd Quarter Meeting
**Adjourn/Closing Prayer**
Steering Committee Meeting/ March 31, 2019
**We will need someone to take Minutes/Type/Email**
Pledge of Allegiance /Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
January 20, 2019 Minutes Approved & Accepted via Email
Old Business;
Membership Sub-Committee
Constitution & By-Laws dated 03/11/2014 up for review & discussion (Table until July)
New Business;
Liberty Quartet/Friday Aug. 9/Free Will Offering/LCIP Meal & RV Spot
Coffee Mugs = $362..52 ck made out to Corporate Image
Chair - Committee Reports;
Pastor Tom – Year round Minister
Chair - Connie Funkhouser
Co-Chair – Joan Moore
Secretary – Candy Vroman/Absent
Finance – Kari Williams & Finance Advisor; Greg Neal
Membership – Drew Menkhaus/Absent
Worship – Louise Neal
Programs – Pam White
Outreach – Irene Himes
Building – Chip Drerup
Next Meeting;
July 7, 2019 Sunday – 3rd Quarter Meeting
**Adjourn/Closing Prayer**
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Approved Minutes
January 20, 2019
The meeting was called to order by President Connie Funkhouser at 11:55 a.m.
Present: Connie, Louise, Drew, Irene, Joan, Kari, Pam and Candy.
Absent: Barry
Pastor Tom Shanor and Financial Advisor Greg Neal, Chip Drerup
Guests: Yeuleta Bradley and Kay Drerup
A motion was made by Louise and seconded by Kari to accept the minutes of the November 4, 2018 meeting. To make the minutes timelier for posting on the website, Candace suggested that the minutes be voted on via email once final copies were distributed. All corrections or additions need to be sent to the Secretary within a week of the draft copy whereby Connie can call for a vote and the final draft of the minutes can be posted. Moved and seconded by Louise and Kari, the vote was favorable.
Old Business:
> Purchasing supplies for the church: Tom created three categories & lists of supplies as follows-
Tom will be responsible for purchasing office and communion supplies
Joan will be responsible for kitchen supplies
Candy will be responsible for cleaning supplies
Pam will be responsible for special event supplies
All supplies purchased must have a receipt, a reimbursement form, and be turned into Kari.
>Church Cleaning - Weekly cleaning is being done by either Brittany Duran or Kelley Figg at $50.00 per week. This will be revisited in six months when the $1,200 donation for cleaning runs out.
>Christmas Service – There were many positive remarks made about the service which had standing room only. The Christmas choir was made up of many community members. To sum it up, it was a “blessing!”
New Business:
>Barry would like to resign from the Building and Maintenance Committee. Connie and Tom asked Chip Drerup to be on the Steering Committee and work with Barry and Larry. Chip’s phone number is 208-514-7639. A motion was made to accept Chip to the Committee by Irene and seconded by Louise. The vote was favorable. We are happy to welcome him!
>Tom said he wanted to have a vote on the steering committee. He said he would like to be “equal” to the members. After some discussion, Louise moved and Drew seconded a motion for him to be a voting member of the steering committee. The vote was favorable.
> Greg Neal , who works with Kari on the financial end of her job as treasurer, also became a member of the steering committee. The Finance Committee now has co-chairs. Moved by Kari and seconded by Chip, the vote was favorable.
>Charitable Giving: Tom suggested that winter assistance of snow removal be supported by the LCP. He recommended that the LCP provide for snow removal for Elsie, Missy and Marty (from house to car and brushing off car). Connie contacted Robert Illum who will provide this service at $30.00/hour. Greg moved and Pam seconded a motion to hire Mr. Illum from now until March 15. The vote was favorable. He will submit his bill to the church and will be sure their walk ways are cleared prior to the Sunday morning worship service.
Committee Reports:
Pastor Tom – A year - end report was given and a copy is available from Pastor Tom.
He also brought up the question of “What is a member?” What is their responsibility? A committee of Drew, Chairman, Tom and Joan volunteered to try to answer membership questions and perhaps come up with a policy regarding membership.
He said the sign in front of the church looks “run down”, a screen is needed in the basement to shield the churches supplies when there are meetings held downstairs, weather stripping is needed on the back door, two of the heaters are not working, and he needs a new chair with lumbar support. Kari moved and Greg seconded a motion to buy a chair which Tom will select. Chip will look into the other items.
Chair Connie- Enjoys her position as Chair for the Committee and is grateful for the people serving on the Steering Committee. She still needs current photos for the website which she is happy to keep updated.
Co-Chair Joan – Sign-ups are going well and thanked Greg for helping out in the mornings while the choir practices.
Co-Treasurers – Kari said her job was mainly one of being a Teller (keeping track of Sunday donations) and submitting bills to Jo at RCCM. Greg gave a short history of his new position stating it started with trying to determine if we could afford a parsonage. Currently we are $4,500 ahead of where we were last year at this time. Since he doesn’t have enough data to make an accurate budget for 2019, he suggested we put that on hold until next year. A copy of the financial report is attached to the minutes.
The annual Lease Agreement with Eudey’s needs to be reviewed at our next meeting.
Membership – Drew also expressed her gratefulness for her position on the Steering Committee. The Directory which has ongoing corrections will be printed every January with the next one coming out in 2020. Please get calendar information, front and back, to her by the last week of the month.
Worship – Louise thanked Pam for her gift of music and choosing the hymns for the Sunday services. The choir is notified of practice by text, email and on the calendar.
Programs – Pam is planning a program involving food for February and March. Barbeques will begin in June and the community pancake breakfast will be in August.
Outreach – Irene announced that Daisy’s Angels is looking into a backpack for young men leaving the JCC and the girls are still being dressed. All teens receive a “Teen Bible” and are involved in a project, “I AM Statements?” statements. After defining their career choice, they do a study of the bible to find biblical guidelines for the career and upon completion earn a T-Shirt.
>This spring Daisy’s Angels is looking into a Community Program for women in the Island Park area.
The next meeting will be March 31.
Kari moved and Chip seconded to adjourn at 1:45
Steering Committee Approved Minutes
January 20, 2019
The meeting was called to order by President Connie Funkhouser at 11:55 a.m.
Present: Connie, Louise, Drew, Irene, Joan, Kari, Pam and Candy.
Absent: Barry
Pastor Tom Shanor and Financial Advisor Greg Neal, Chip Drerup
Guests: Yeuleta Bradley and Kay Drerup
A motion was made by Louise and seconded by Kari to accept the minutes of the November 4, 2018 meeting. To make the minutes timelier for posting on the website, Candace suggested that the minutes be voted on via email once final copies were distributed. All corrections or additions need to be sent to the Secretary within a week of the draft copy whereby Connie can call for a vote and the final draft of the minutes can be posted. Moved and seconded by Louise and Kari, the vote was favorable.
Old Business:
> Purchasing supplies for the church: Tom created three categories & lists of supplies as follows-
Tom will be responsible for purchasing office and communion supplies
Joan will be responsible for kitchen supplies
Candy will be responsible for cleaning supplies
Pam will be responsible for special event supplies
All supplies purchased must have a receipt, a reimbursement form, and be turned into Kari.
>Church Cleaning - Weekly cleaning is being done by either Brittany Duran or Kelley Figg at $50.00 per week. This will be revisited in six months when the $1,200 donation for cleaning runs out.
>Christmas Service – There were many positive remarks made about the service which had standing room only. The Christmas choir was made up of many community members. To sum it up, it was a “blessing!”
New Business:
>Barry would like to resign from the Building and Maintenance Committee. Connie and Tom asked Chip Drerup to be on the Steering Committee and work with Barry and Larry. Chip’s phone number is 208-514-7639. A motion was made to accept Chip to the Committee by Irene and seconded by Louise. The vote was favorable. We are happy to welcome him!
>Tom said he wanted to have a vote on the steering committee. He said he would like to be “equal” to the members. After some discussion, Louise moved and Drew seconded a motion for him to be a voting member of the steering committee. The vote was favorable.
> Greg Neal , who works with Kari on the financial end of her job as treasurer, also became a member of the steering committee. The Finance Committee now has co-chairs. Moved by Kari and seconded by Chip, the vote was favorable.
>Charitable Giving: Tom suggested that winter assistance of snow removal be supported by the LCP. He recommended that the LCP provide for snow removal for Elsie, Missy and Marty (from house to car and brushing off car). Connie contacted Robert Illum who will provide this service at $30.00/hour. Greg moved and Pam seconded a motion to hire Mr. Illum from now until March 15. The vote was favorable. He will submit his bill to the church and will be sure their walk ways are cleared prior to the Sunday morning worship service.
Committee Reports:
Pastor Tom – A year - end report was given and a copy is available from Pastor Tom.
He also brought up the question of “What is a member?” What is their responsibility? A committee of Drew, Chairman, Tom and Joan volunteered to try to answer membership questions and perhaps come up with a policy regarding membership.
He said the sign in front of the church looks “run down”, a screen is needed in the basement to shield the churches supplies when there are meetings held downstairs, weather stripping is needed on the back door, two of the heaters are not working, and he needs a new chair with lumbar support. Kari moved and Greg seconded a motion to buy a chair which Tom will select. Chip will look into the other items.
Chair Connie- Enjoys her position as Chair for the Committee and is grateful for the people serving on the Steering Committee. She still needs current photos for the website which she is happy to keep updated.
Co-Chair Joan – Sign-ups are going well and thanked Greg for helping out in the mornings while the choir practices.
Co-Treasurers – Kari said her job was mainly one of being a Teller (keeping track of Sunday donations) and submitting bills to Jo at RCCM. Greg gave a short history of his new position stating it started with trying to determine if we could afford a parsonage. Currently we are $4,500 ahead of where we were last year at this time. Since he doesn’t have enough data to make an accurate budget for 2019, he suggested we put that on hold until next year. A copy of the financial report is attached to the minutes.
The annual Lease Agreement with Eudey’s needs to be reviewed at our next meeting.
Membership – Drew also expressed her gratefulness for her position on the Steering Committee. The Directory which has ongoing corrections will be printed every January with the next one coming out in 2020. Please get calendar information, front and back, to her by the last week of the month.
Worship – Louise thanked Pam for her gift of music and choosing the hymns for the Sunday services. The choir is notified of practice by text, email and on the calendar.
Programs – Pam is planning a program involving food for February and March. Barbeques will begin in June and the community pancake breakfast will be in August.
Outreach – Irene announced that Daisy’s Angels is looking into a backpack for young men leaving the JCC and the girls are still being dressed. All teens receive a “Teen Bible” and are involved in a project, “I AM Statements?” statements. After defining their career choice, they do a study of the bible to find biblical guidelines for the career and upon completion earn a T-Shirt.
>This spring Daisy’s Angels is looking into a Community Program for women in the Island Park area.
The next meeting will be March 31.
Kari moved and Chip seconded to adjourn at 1:45
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Meeting/ January 20, 2019
Pledge of Allegiance /Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
November 4, 2018 Minutes
Old Business;
Ordering Guide/Church Supply List - Connie
Weekly Cleaning of Church vs every other week
Summary/Comments Christmas Eve Service
New Business;
Building/Maintenance Chair - Chip Drerup
Chair - Committee Reports;
Pastor Tom – Year round Minister
Chair - Connie
Co-Chair – Joan
Secretary – Candy
Finance – Kari & Finance Adviser; Greg Neal
Membership - Drew
Worship – Louise
Programs – Pam (sch. additional meeting to discuss Good Friday, Easter Services)
Outreach - Irene
Building – Barry/Larry/Chip
Next Meeting;
March 31 – 2nd Quarter Meeting
**Adjourn/Closing Prayer**
Steering Committee Meeting/ January 20, 2019
Pledge of Allegiance /Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
November 4, 2018 Minutes
Old Business;
Ordering Guide/Church Supply List - Connie
Weekly Cleaning of Church vs every other week
Summary/Comments Christmas Eve Service
New Business;
Building/Maintenance Chair - Chip Drerup
Chair - Committee Reports;
Pastor Tom – Year round Minister
Chair - Connie
Co-Chair – Joan
Secretary – Candy
Finance – Kari & Finance Adviser; Greg Neal
Membership - Drew
Worship – Louise
Programs – Pam (sch. additional meeting to discuss Good Friday, Easter Services)
Outreach - Irene
Building – Barry/Larry/Chip
Next Meeting;
March 31 – 2nd Quarter Meeting
**Adjourn/Closing Prayer**
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes , Nov. 4, 2018
The meeting was called to order by President Connie Funkhouser with an Opening Prayer at 11:45 a.m.
Present: Connie, Louise, Drew, Irene and Candy
Absent: Joan, Kari, and Barry
Pastor Tom Shanor; Financial Advisor: Greg Neal
Guests: Pam White and Don Himes
The minutes of the August 26 meeting were read and approved.
Old Business:
Since we have a number of cups on hand, we will wait until we receive a bill for the donated printed cups.
We have had no luck finding a contractor and getting a bid on insulating the roof
New Business:
Pam White has volunteered to take the position vacated by Nancy Leonard for Special Events Programs. It was moved and seconded and the vote was unanimous. We welcomed Pam back and are delighted she is willing to be part of the committee again.
A Worship Committee meeting was set for Friday, 11/16 to make plans for the Advent Season.*
Brittany Duran will be cleaning the Little Church twice a month. As a result of a $1,200.00 anonymous donation given to the church for the purpose of assisting with the cleaning, Brittany Duran was hired to clean twice a month. Tom said on the alternate weeks a touch up will be done by signed up volunteers and a member of the Steering Committee will be responsible for the signup sheets.**
Concerns From Members:
Connie, Tom and Irene are going to work on ordering to avoid the large excess now on hand.
Comments have been made that groups using the church facility have not done a good job cleaning up following the activity.
Trash – all kitchen type garbage can be taken to Connie’s for pick up. Thank you Connie for offering this service to the Little Church. This concern arose from the IP Landfill’s new policy for charging.
Joyce Johnson has accepted all responsibility for the Altar. Please respect her responsibility and let her take care of the altar.
Committee Reports:
Pastor Tom: Read a letter he will be sending thanking and encouraging the summer host churches for participating in our summer services. He noted the number had fallen to just six churches.
Sermons – Asked for suggestions and was complimented by the group for his timely approach to topics. He is going to try to organize his services and messages on a three month rotation.
Bible Study – it is well attended with 8 – 10 depending on the day . Discussion followed on how to advertise his “Community Bible Study Class” and make the “non-attending churched” more involved. Connie reported that last week alone the website had 127 hits and this might be a way of reaching people.
Communion – Everyone was satisfied
Power Point Presentation – Tom would like to do a Power Point perhaps once a month in coordination with the service.
Tom feels Outreach is important for every church and suggested finding a young couple someplace, not necessarily in the Island Park area that is involved in ministry and could use some financial help from the Little Church. He also has a video he will distribute to the Steering Committee about a charity in Uganda. After much discussion, it was suggested we all be on the lookout for needs that we could consider helping with and discuss them at a later date.
Connie: Feels things are going well but does need some new seasonal photos to use to update the website. If you have any, please forward them to her.
Greg: Is pleased with our budget numbers which he distributed and are attached to these minutes. Our income is up over last year and as of October 31, 2018; LCP’s total financial assets are $102,829.14.
Drew: She has received compliments on her creation of the “the Family Tree” and said the photos are mostly up. Name tags are a continuous process. To get on a yearly schedule our new directory will be reprinted again in January (and every January thereafter) with any corrections or updates.
When time permits she will set up a Church Email List.
Pam: Thanked the group and said she was glad to join the Steering Committee. She noted that the decorating of the church for Advent will be on Dec. 1 at 10:00 a.m. followed by a soup luncheon for helpers. * Because the Pie Social was so much fun, it was suggested we do some type of potluck every month. Two ideas were presented – a chili challenge or because we have a lot of hot dogs in the freezer, a chili dog lunch.
Louise: She is attempting to schedule music now for Nov., Dec., and January. Choir practice is held at 9:00 on Sunday mornings.
Irene: The Christmas Party will be at 6:00 on December 15.
Irene moved and it was seconded by Louise to adjourn at 1:50 p.m.
The next meeting is January 20, 2019
*Additional Notes
The Worship Committee Meeting was changed to Nov. 11 from Nov. 16 due to scheduling conflict
Date for decorating the church for Christmas was changed from Dec. 1 to Nov. 25 due to scheduling conflicts.
**Following the mtg. the person requested their name be removed from the minutes
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes , Nov. 4, 2018
The meeting was called to order by President Connie Funkhouser with an Opening Prayer at 11:45 a.m.
Present: Connie, Louise, Drew, Irene and Candy
Absent: Joan, Kari, and Barry
Pastor Tom Shanor; Financial Advisor: Greg Neal
Guests: Pam White and Don Himes
The minutes of the August 26 meeting were read and approved.
Old Business:
Since we have a number of cups on hand, we will wait until we receive a bill for the donated printed cups.
We have had no luck finding a contractor and getting a bid on insulating the roof
New Business:
Pam White has volunteered to take the position vacated by Nancy Leonard for Special Events Programs. It was moved and seconded and the vote was unanimous. We welcomed Pam back and are delighted she is willing to be part of the committee again.
A Worship Committee meeting was set for Friday, 11/16 to make plans for the Advent Season.*
Brittany Duran will be cleaning the Little Church twice a month. As a result of a $1,200.00 anonymous donation given to the church for the purpose of assisting with the cleaning, Brittany Duran was hired to clean twice a month. Tom said on the alternate weeks a touch up will be done by signed up volunteers and a member of the Steering Committee will be responsible for the signup sheets.**
Concerns From Members:
Connie, Tom and Irene are going to work on ordering to avoid the large excess now on hand.
Comments have been made that groups using the church facility have not done a good job cleaning up following the activity.
Trash – all kitchen type garbage can be taken to Connie’s for pick up. Thank you Connie for offering this service to the Little Church. This concern arose from the IP Landfill’s new policy for charging.
Joyce Johnson has accepted all responsibility for the Altar. Please respect her responsibility and let her take care of the altar.
Committee Reports:
Pastor Tom: Read a letter he will be sending thanking and encouraging the summer host churches for participating in our summer services. He noted the number had fallen to just six churches.
Sermons – Asked for suggestions and was complimented by the group for his timely approach to topics. He is going to try to organize his services and messages on a three month rotation.
Bible Study – it is well attended with 8 – 10 depending on the day . Discussion followed on how to advertise his “Community Bible Study Class” and make the “non-attending churched” more involved. Connie reported that last week alone the website had 127 hits and this might be a way of reaching people.
Communion – Everyone was satisfied
Power Point Presentation – Tom would like to do a Power Point perhaps once a month in coordination with the service.
Tom feels Outreach is important for every church and suggested finding a young couple someplace, not necessarily in the Island Park area that is involved in ministry and could use some financial help from the Little Church. He also has a video he will distribute to the Steering Committee about a charity in Uganda. After much discussion, it was suggested we all be on the lookout for needs that we could consider helping with and discuss them at a later date.
Connie: Feels things are going well but does need some new seasonal photos to use to update the website. If you have any, please forward them to her.
Greg: Is pleased with our budget numbers which he distributed and are attached to these minutes. Our income is up over last year and as of October 31, 2018; LCP’s total financial assets are $102,829.14.
Drew: She has received compliments on her creation of the “the Family Tree” and said the photos are mostly up. Name tags are a continuous process. To get on a yearly schedule our new directory will be reprinted again in January (and every January thereafter) with any corrections or updates.
When time permits she will set up a Church Email List.
Pam: Thanked the group and said she was glad to join the Steering Committee. She noted that the decorating of the church for Advent will be on Dec. 1 at 10:00 a.m. followed by a soup luncheon for helpers. * Because the Pie Social was so much fun, it was suggested we do some type of potluck every month. Two ideas were presented – a chili challenge or because we have a lot of hot dogs in the freezer, a chili dog lunch.
Louise: She is attempting to schedule music now for Nov., Dec., and January. Choir practice is held at 9:00 on Sunday mornings.
Irene: The Christmas Party will be at 6:00 on December 15.
Irene moved and it was seconded by Louise to adjourn at 1:50 p.m.
The next meeting is January 20, 2019
*Additional Notes
The Worship Committee Meeting was changed to Nov. 11 from Nov. 16 due to scheduling conflict
Date for decorating the church for Christmas was changed from Dec. 1 to Nov. 25 due to scheduling conflicts.
**Following the mtg. the person requested their name be removed from the minutes
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Meeting/ November 4, 2018
Pledge of Allegiance /Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
August 26, 2018 Minutes
Old Business;
New Business;
Year-Round Programs Chair
Concerns from Members – Connie
Donations/Contributions – Daily Bread, etc.
Chair - Committee Reports;
Pastor Tom – Year round Minister
Chair - Connie
Co-Chair – Joan
Secretary – Candy
Finance – Kari & Greg Neal
Membership - Drew
Worship – Louise
Programs – To be Announced
Outreach - Irene
Building – Barry
Next Meeting;
January 20. 2019, Sunday - 1st Quarter Meeting
**Adjourn/Closing Prayer**
Steering Committee Meeting/ November 4, 2018
Pledge of Allegiance /Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
August 26, 2018 Minutes
Old Business;
New Business;
Year-Round Programs Chair
Concerns from Members – Connie
Donations/Contributions – Daily Bread, etc.
Chair - Committee Reports;
Pastor Tom – Year round Minister
Chair - Connie
Co-Chair – Joan
Secretary – Candy
Finance – Kari & Greg Neal
Membership - Drew
Worship – Louise
Programs – To be Announced
Outreach - Irene
Building – Barry
Next Meeting;
January 20. 2019, Sunday - 1st Quarter Meeting
**Adjourn/Closing Prayer**
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Annual Meeting/ August 26, 2018
Pledge of Allegiance /Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
The June 24, 2018 Minutes
Old Business;
Property behind Church
New Business;
Year end Chair/Committee Reports;
Pastor Tom – Year round Minister
Chair - Connie
Co-Chair – Joan
Secretary – Candy
Finance – Kari & Greg Neal
Membership - Drew
Worship – Louise
Programs – Nancy
Outreach - Irene
Building – Barry * Connie will read report from Barry
Questions/Concerns from Guests;
Next Meetings;
October 7, 2018 * Last meeting of 2018 in the 4th Quarter
Adjourn/Closing Prayer
Steering Committee Annual Meeting/ August 26, 2018
Pledge of Allegiance /Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
The June 24, 2018 Minutes
Old Business;
Property behind Church
New Business;
Year end Chair/Committee Reports;
Pastor Tom – Year round Minister
Chair - Connie
Co-Chair – Joan
Secretary – Candy
Finance – Kari & Greg Neal
Membership - Drew
Worship – Louise
Programs – Nancy
Outreach - Irene
Building – Barry * Connie will read report from Barry
Questions/Concerns from Guests;
Next Meetings;
October 7, 2018 * Last meeting of 2018 in the 4th Quarter
Adjourn/Closing Prayer

lcip_sc_annual_meeting_minutes_aug._26_2018.pdf | |
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Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Meeting/ June 24, 2018
Pledge of Allegiance /Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
The March 24, 2018 Minutes
Old Business;
New Business;
October 7, 2018
Adjourn/Closing Prayer
Steering Committee Meeting/ June 24, 2018
Pledge of Allegiance /Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
The March 24, 2018 Minutes
Old Business;
New Business;
- Connie Funkhouser Approved and Final Signatures returned from RCCM
- Greg Neal – Budget Update 1st and 2nd Quarter Budget Reviews
- Report from Pastor Tom
- Connie – Website/Breakfast Cook-Off
- Co-Chair – Joan *Connie read report from Joan
- Secretary – Candy
- Finance – Kari
- Membership - Drew
- Worship – Louise
- Programs – Nancy
- Outreach - Irene
- Building – Barry
October 7, 2018
Adjourn/Closing Prayer
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Meeting/ March 24, 2018 Agenda
Pledge of Allegiance /Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
The March 18, 2018 Minutes
New Business;
Connie Funkhouser Share concerns that RCCM/Connie Day has about terminology of Parsonage Lease Agreement before RCCM signs agreement
Greg Neal – Budget Update/Revision Finances/Budget/What we as a Church are looking @ with additional expenses, etc.
Joan Moore Pastoral Contract – “Rough Draft” Discussion
Next Meetings;
June 24, 2018
October 7, 2018
Adjourn/Closing Prayer
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
March 24, 2018
The meeting was called to order by President Connie Funkhouser with the Pledge of Allegiance and opening prayer at 11:00.
Present: Connie, Joan, Kari, Candace, Drew, Nancy, Louise
Absent: Barry and Irene
Guests: 5
Connie announced that Pastor Tom would be available by telephone if we needed to talk to him, but that he declined to attend so everyone attending would be comfortable voicing their opinions.
Nancy compiled some comments from various congregants and these were circulated.
The minutes of the March 18, 2018 Steering Committee were read and approved.
Connie requested that a copy of these minutes and attached slides be sent to RCCM along with a copy of the Contract between LCP and Pastor Tom Shanor and a copy of the Lease agreement between the Eudeys and RCCM dba the Little Church in the Pines.
New Business
Connie brought up questions proposed by Connie Day, Chairman of RCCM concerning the Lease
1. Phraseology to clarify the responsibilities of the Tenant and the Owner
2. The Tenant should be RCCM dba The Little Church in the Pines
3. Points should be clarified before signing the Pastor’s Contract
4. The Lease should read, “Regional Council for Christian Ministries” a change from Regional Council of Christian Ministries.
Candy moved and Nancy seconded a motion to make these corrections. Carl, Judy, Greg and Joan will work together to make the necessary corrections.
Greg Neal reviewed and highlighted the updated slides that pertained to the budget and the housing expenses. The annualized compensation for the Pastor is $34,940.00. This includes salary plus ½ of the Social Security Tax obligation, rent, propane, and snow removal. There was discussion on how to compare this to previous years and Greg will be able to get together figures from RCCM’s 2017 Financial Report. This information will be added to our master notebook to be used for comparison. Some expenses will be shared with Pastor Tom as outlined in his contract. The goal of the committee was to be as “as generous as we could afford to be,” to promote a healthy relationship between the congregation and the Pastor. Greg’s updated slides are attached to these minutes.
Joe Eudey will arrange for the Ameri-Gas Propane tank to be picked up after it is replaced and pumped. Joan thought the replacement would probably be done by Fall River Electric. There is no charge for this service.
In Pastor Tom’s contract with the Little Church, the following was specified:
Pastor Tom will be responsible for Electricity, Phone and Internet.
The LCP will be responsible for Rent, Propane, Snow Removal
Louise moved and Kari seconded the motion to accept the Contract as it was revised. Motion carried.
A copy of the contract is attached to these minutes.
Pastor Tom requested the LCP pay ½ or $620.00 of his Social Security liability for 2017. Much discussion followed and Candace moved and Joan seconded that we pay it on a one time basis. Connie called for a vote and then polled the committee.
Voting Yes were: Joan, Kari, Candace, Drew, Louise. Voting No was: Nancy. Motion carried.
Kari moved and Louise seconded a motion to adjourn at 12:50 p.m. with Drew giving the closing prayer.
________________________________ ______________
Candace Vroman, Secretary Approved
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
March 24, 2018
The meeting was called to order by President Connie Funkhouser with the Pledge of Allegiance and opening prayer at 11:00.
Present: Connie, Joan, Kari, Candace, Drew, Nancy, Louise
Absent: Barry and Irene
Guests: 5
Connie announced that Pastor Tom would be available by telephone if we needed to talk to him, but that he declined to attend so everyone attending would be comfortable voicing their opinions.
Nancy compiled some comments from various congregants and these were circulated.
The minutes of the March 18, 2018 Steering Committee were read and approved.
Connie requested that a copy of these minutes and attached slides be sent to RCCM along with a copy of the Contract between LCP and Pastor Tom Shanor and a copy of the Lease agreement between the Eudeys and RCCM dba the Little Church in the Pines.
New Business
Connie brought up questions proposed by Connie Day, Chairman of RCCM concerning the Lease
1. Phraseology to clarify the responsibilities of the Tenant and the Owner
2. The Tenant should be RCCM dba The Little Church in the Pines
3. Points should be clarified before signing the Pastor’s Contract
4. The Lease should read, “Regional Council for Christian Ministries” a change from Regional Council of Christian Ministries.
Candy moved and Nancy seconded a motion to make these corrections. Carl, Judy, Greg and Joan will work together to make the necessary corrections.
Greg Neal reviewed and highlighted the updated slides that pertained to the budget and the housing expenses. The annualized compensation for the Pastor is $34,940.00. This includes salary plus ½ of the Social Security Tax obligation, rent, propane, and snow removal. There was discussion on how to compare this to previous years and Greg will be able to get together figures from RCCM’s 2017 Financial Report. This information will be added to our master notebook to be used for comparison. Some expenses will be shared with Pastor Tom as outlined in his contract. The goal of the committee was to be as “as generous as we could afford to be,” to promote a healthy relationship between the congregation and the Pastor. Greg’s updated slides are attached to these minutes.
Joe Eudey will arrange for the Ameri-Gas Propane tank to be picked up after it is replaced and pumped. Joan thought the replacement would probably be done by Fall River Electric. There is no charge for this service.
In Pastor Tom’s contract with the Little Church, the following was specified:
Pastor Tom will be responsible for Electricity, Phone and Internet.
The LCP will be responsible for Rent, Propane, Snow Removal
Louise moved and Kari seconded the motion to accept the Contract as it was revised. Motion carried.
A copy of the contract is attached to these minutes.
Pastor Tom requested the LCP pay ½ or $620.00 of his Social Security liability for 2017. Much discussion followed and Candace moved and Joan seconded that we pay it on a one time basis. Connie called for a vote and then polled the committee.
Voting Yes were: Joan, Kari, Candace, Drew, Louise. Voting No was: Nancy. Motion carried.
Kari moved and Louise seconded a motion to adjourn at 12:50 p.m. with Drew giving the closing prayer.
________________________________ ______________
Candace Vroman, Secretary Approved
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Meeting/ March 18, 2018
Pledge of Allegiance /Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
January 7, 2018 Minutes
Financial Report;
Kari Williams
Old Business; Connie – Printer **Committee** votes to Purchase. Drew & I will meet in May/Family Tree
New Business;
Carl Koehly
Parsonage – Lease/Committee needs to vote & approve Lease Agreement before we submit to RCCM
Greg Neal
Finances/Budget/What we as a Church are looking @ with additional expenses, etc.
Chair/Committee Reports;
June 24, 2018
October 7, 2018 Adjourn/Closing Prayer
Steering Committee Meeting/ March 18, 2018
Pledge of Allegiance /Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
January 7, 2018 Minutes
Financial Report;
Kari Williams
Old Business; Connie – Printer **Committee** votes to Purchase. Drew & I will meet in May/Family Tree
New Business;
Carl Koehly
Parsonage – Lease/Committee needs to vote & approve Lease Agreement before we submit to RCCM
Greg Neal
Finances/Budget/What we as a Church are looking @ with additional expenses, etc.
Chair/Committee Reports;
- Connie - Website
- Co-Chair – Joan
- Secretary – Candy
- Finance – Kari
- Membership - Drew
- Worship – Louise *Holy Week – Sunrise Service
- Programs – Nancy (Remind me who will reserve RV spot Liberty Quartet 08/10 Friday/Campsite @ $45.00 & Meals/Free Will Offering) Various Summer Programs
- Outreach - Irene
- Building – Barry *Connie has report from Barry
June 24, 2018
October 7, 2018 Adjourn/Closing Prayer
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
March 18, 2018
The meeting was called to order by President Connie Funkhouser with the Pledge of Allegiance and opening prayer at 11:46 a.m.
Present: Connie, Joan, Kari, Candace, Drew, Irene, Nancy, Louise and Pastor Tom. Absent: Barry.
Guests: Eleven
The minutes from the January 7, 2018 meeting were approved as corrected. Nancy moved and Irene seconded the motion to accept them.
Old Business: Drew asked for a motion to purchase a Canon PIXMA printer for $80.00 for the church office. This will replace the “old” one which is still working and will be kept as a back up. The motion was made by Connie and carried.
Carl Koehly reported on the parsonage. The committee, husband and wife teams of the Johnsons, Himes, Neals, Koehlys and Moores met with Joe and Derinda Eudey and finalized a contract for the one year rental of their property at 3808 Moccasin Road, Island Park. There is a wood storage shed which the church will enclose on three sides to be used for a garage. Estimated cost is $500.00. The house will be ready May 1 and the Eudey’s will have the carpets cleaned and septic tank pumped this spring. They also made note that one side of the house will be sand blasted and painted this summer.
The Little Church will be responsible for utilities (including snow plowing). It is yet to be determined as to the responsibility of the phone line, internet and propane. The home has 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and the rent is $900.00 a month. A motion was made by Louise and seconded by Kari that the LCP accept this contract. Motion carried.
New Business:
Greg Neal gave a PowerPoint presentation on the Llittle Church’s financial situation and the proposed budget for 2018. This report is attached to these minutes.
Committee Reports:
Chairman - Connie reported that the website is updated monthly and sometimes weekly. It has the church calendar with special events.
Co-Chair Joan reported that coffee hour hosting is going fine. She also reported that “the project of finding Pastor Tom a home was moving right along.”
Secretary – Candy – No Report
Finance – Kari thanked Greg and reported that she would be posting the monthly financials. The price for RCCM’s administration will be reduced to $180.00/month from $232/month and it will be retroactive to Jan. 2018
A motion was made by Candy that all bills and all receipts be given to Kari and she will send them to RCCM. Each one must designate in writing the church program it is for. Kari will then send the bill or receipt to Jo Daniels for payment. Motion carried. Candy asked the group to establish a category within the budget for monetary gifts given to memorialize people who have passed on. This fund could be used only for items the family requests for the church or if there are no requests, then items that are needed, but not operating funds. [ Examples could be items such as bell repair, musical instruments or music, alter needs or service ware, specific kitchen appliances, scholarships, etc] The purpose of this fund is to memorialize the person for which it was given.
Membership – Drew reported that she has the “Tree for the Family Tree” and hopes to have it up by May. It was suggested by Candy that our resident photographer, Jerry Russell be asked to take the photos to maintain consistency. 60 calendars were printed for February and March. There are 72 entries in our Directory. Yeuleta and Joan volunteered to help Drew with the proofreading before it is printed in June. A new membership card was passed around and it received everyone’s approval.
Worship – Louise reported the choir would be singing for Palm Sunday, the Tenebrae Service and the Easter service.
Programs – Nancy reported that a campsite for Liberty Quartet will be provided by the LCP and Connie’s Restaurant will donate their meal. Summer Bar-B-Ques are planned for June, July and August. Candy suggested the August barbeque be in conjunction with the Liberty Concert and be advertised as a Community Barbeque and Concert. Nancy also mentioned a potential Farewell Luncheon in September.
Outreach – Irene offered to help with the upcoming Community Bible Study. JCC has new Daisy’s Angels T Shirts helping the JCC participants to “Establish Pride”.
Building – Barry via email – Eastern Idaho Dept of Health said we have no legal requirement to test our water unless we are serving large groups, 25 attending for 60 days or more per year. Right now we don’t meet that criteria. However I will have it tested. And on Feb. 28, 2018 the report for the water samples were clear – no coliforms and no nitrates. No report on the sound system as the guy never got back to me. Larry and I recommend holding off for now on a new system as the current one is working.
Next meeting – June 24, 2018
Joan moved and Louise seconded a motion to adjourn at 1:25 p.m. with Pastor Tom giving the closing prayer.
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
March 18, 2018
The meeting was called to order by President Connie Funkhouser with the Pledge of Allegiance and opening prayer at 11:46 a.m.
Present: Connie, Joan, Kari, Candace, Drew, Irene, Nancy, Louise and Pastor Tom. Absent: Barry.
Guests: Eleven
The minutes from the January 7, 2018 meeting were approved as corrected. Nancy moved and Irene seconded the motion to accept them.
Old Business: Drew asked for a motion to purchase a Canon PIXMA printer for $80.00 for the church office. This will replace the “old” one which is still working and will be kept as a back up. The motion was made by Connie and carried.
Carl Koehly reported on the parsonage. The committee, husband and wife teams of the Johnsons, Himes, Neals, Koehlys and Moores met with Joe and Derinda Eudey and finalized a contract for the one year rental of their property at 3808 Moccasin Road, Island Park. There is a wood storage shed which the church will enclose on three sides to be used for a garage. Estimated cost is $500.00. The house will be ready May 1 and the Eudey’s will have the carpets cleaned and septic tank pumped this spring. They also made note that one side of the house will be sand blasted and painted this summer.
The Little Church will be responsible for utilities (including snow plowing). It is yet to be determined as to the responsibility of the phone line, internet and propane. The home has 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and the rent is $900.00 a month. A motion was made by Louise and seconded by Kari that the LCP accept this contract. Motion carried.
New Business:
Greg Neal gave a PowerPoint presentation on the Llittle Church’s financial situation and the proposed budget for 2018. This report is attached to these minutes.
Committee Reports:
Chairman - Connie reported that the website is updated monthly and sometimes weekly. It has the church calendar with special events.
Co-Chair Joan reported that coffee hour hosting is going fine. She also reported that “the project of finding Pastor Tom a home was moving right along.”
Secretary – Candy – No Report
Finance – Kari thanked Greg and reported that she would be posting the monthly financials. The price for RCCM’s administration will be reduced to $180.00/month from $232/month and it will be retroactive to Jan. 2018
A motion was made by Candy that all bills and all receipts be given to Kari and she will send them to RCCM. Each one must designate in writing the church program it is for. Kari will then send the bill or receipt to Jo Daniels for payment. Motion carried. Candy asked the group to establish a category within the budget for monetary gifts given to memorialize people who have passed on. This fund could be used only for items the family requests for the church or if there are no requests, then items that are needed, but not operating funds. [ Examples could be items such as bell repair, musical instruments or music, alter needs or service ware, specific kitchen appliances, scholarships, etc] The purpose of this fund is to memorialize the person for which it was given.
Membership – Drew reported that she has the “Tree for the Family Tree” and hopes to have it up by May. It was suggested by Candy that our resident photographer, Jerry Russell be asked to take the photos to maintain consistency. 60 calendars were printed for February and March. There are 72 entries in our Directory. Yeuleta and Joan volunteered to help Drew with the proofreading before it is printed in June. A new membership card was passed around and it received everyone’s approval.
Worship – Louise reported the choir would be singing for Palm Sunday, the Tenebrae Service and the Easter service.
Programs – Nancy reported that a campsite for Liberty Quartet will be provided by the LCP and Connie’s Restaurant will donate their meal. Summer Bar-B-Ques are planned for June, July and August. Candy suggested the August barbeque be in conjunction with the Liberty Concert and be advertised as a Community Barbeque and Concert. Nancy also mentioned a potential Farewell Luncheon in September.
Outreach – Irene offered to help with the upcoming Community Bible Study. JCC has new Daisy’s Angels T Shirts helping the JCC participants to “Establish Pride”.
Building – Barry via email – Eastern Idaho Dept of Health said we have no legal requirement to test our water unless we are serving large groups, 25 attending for 60 days or more per year. Right now we don’t meet that criteria. However I will have it tested. And on Feb. 28, 2018 the report for the water samples were clear – no coliforms and no nitrates. No report on the sound system as the guy never got back to me. Larry and I recommend holding off for now on a new system as the current one is working.
Next meeting – June 24, 2018
Joan moved and Louise seconded a motion to adjourn at 1:25 p.m. with Pastor Tom giving the closing prayer.
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Meeting Agenda
January 7, 2018
Pledge of Allegiance /Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
Kari Williams
Old Business;
New Business;
**Need to discuss dates/conflict w/JCC Sunday Services
April 8, 2018 - change
July 8, 2018 - change
October 7, 2018 - ok
Adjourn/Closing Prayer
Steering Committee Meeting Agenda
January 7, 2018
Pledge of Allegiance /Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
- October 1, 2017 Minutes
Kari Williams
Old Business;
New Business;
- Carl Koehly/LCIP Member Concerns - Parsonage, Finances
- Co-Chair – Joan
- Secretary – Candy
- Finance – Kari
- Membership - Drew
- Worship – Louise
Schedule Holy Week – Sunrise Service - Programs – Nancy
Liberty Quartet/Aug. 10 Friday/Campsite @ $45.00 & Meals/Free Will Offering - Outreach - Irene
- Building – Barry
Upgrade Sound System/Speakers Kitchen, Downstairs & Outside
**Need to discuss dates/conflict w/JCC Sunday Services
April 8, 2018 - change
July 8, 2018 - change
October 7, 2018 - ok
Adjourn/Closing Prayer
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Meeting
October 1, 2017
*Will need someone to take Minutes since Candy/Secretary will be absent*
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
Kari Williams
Old Business;
Next Meetings;
December – Special meeting to organize Christmas Eve Service
January 7, 2018
April 8, 2018
July 8, 2018
October 7, 2018
Closing Prayer
Steering Committee Meeting
October 1, 2017
*Will need someone to take Minutes since Candy/Secretary will be absent*
Opening Prayer
Call to Order
Approve/Accept Minutes;
- August 10, 2017 Minutes
- August 27, 2017 Annual Meeting Minutes
Kari Williams
Old Business;
- Review and Approve Chair Duties
- Website Tab – Committee Chair contact info
- LCIP Master Notebook
Next Meetings;
December – Special meeting to organize Christmas Eve Service
January 7, 2018
April 8, 2018
July 8, 2018
October 7, 2018
Closing Prayer
Little Church in the Pines
Steering Committee Meeting
October 1, 2017
Members in attendance: Connie Funkhouser – Chair Pastor Tom Shanor
Irene Himes, Louise Neal, Kari Williams, Drew Menkhaus
Absence from the meeting: Candy Vroman Joan Moore, Nancy Leonard, Barry Phillips
The meeting was called to order at 11:45 by Chair Connie Funkhouser. Opening Prayer was offered by Pastor Tom Shanor
Minutes: Because there was not a full quorum of the committee at today’s meeting it was agreed that we would go ahead and approve the minutes from the August 10th meeting as they stand. Louise approved the agreement and Drew seconded the agreement. Also, the minutes from the August 27th Annual Meeting were approved in the same manner. Louise motioned to approve the minutes as they stand. Irene seconded the motion. All members approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Kari had copies of the financial reports from August 31, 2017 and the YTD through August 31, 2017 for each of the Steering Committee Members. Kari reported that the church finances are in decent shape. A copy of the Financial Statement is made to the congregation as requested. Kari also reported that a $200 donation was made in the name of Nancy Phillips. Pastor Tom will check with Barry to see what he would like to do with the donation.
Membership Report: Drew reported that she published her first “Quarterly Newsletter” and was distributed. Also, the October Calendar was distributed. Total number of cards sent were seven and flowers were sent to Jack and Julie Newsom in remembrance of their daughter. Drew asked the committee what they thought about making a “Family Tree” to use to display the membership photos. Kari mentioned it may be a problem to use the wall for such. The committee was asked to think about it and we will address it at another time.
Building/Maintenance: Because of Barry’s personal situation and his travel, maintenance is on hold right now. The “WELL” issues will be addressed in the spring. The lighting for the Flag Pole will also be addressed.
Outreach: Irene reminded us of the upcoming wedding in December. Pastor Tom will officiate. Irene also was concerned about the “welcome gifts” that we give to visitors. She noticed that they are all gone. It was agreed that Irene will make 12 more bags and bring six to the church and save the other six to be used as needed.
Worship: Louise reported that Candy gave Louise the name of a contact at BYU-Idaho to consider finding a piano player for our Sunday Services. Another name was given that may help find a piano player. The issue is that the player would be missing attendance at their own church meeting. Louise suggested that there be more than one player so they could share and not miss many of their own meetings. Louise also told the contact that a stipend and travel would be allowed. Perhaps even housing from one of our own members if the situation arose.
Old Business: Roof repairs are on hold until next spring.
New Business: Connie distributed a list of the chair duties as she made some clarifications. As they were reviewed, a motion was made by Drew to accept the Chair Duties to be approved as written. Louise seconded the motion. All members approved.
A “Pastor Appreciation Dinner” will be held at the home of Drew on Saturday, October 14th at 5:00 PM. Drew will furnish the meat to be determined and beverages. Those who wish to attend will be asked to bring a side dish and desserts. At the dinner the Steering Committee will also acknowledge the outgoing Steering Committee members. Special recognition to Larry Johnson and Barry Phillips for long time dedicated service to our LCIP.
At 1:50 Drew made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kari Seconded the motion. All approved.
Connie offered our closing prayer.
Steering Committee Meeting
October 1, 2017
Members in attendance: Connie Funkhouser – Chair Pastor Tom Shanor
Irene Himes, Louise Neal, Kari Williams, Drew Menkhaus
Absence from the meeting: Candy Vroman Joan Moore, Nancy Leonard, Barry Phillips
The meeting was called to order at 11:45 by Chair Connie Funkhouser. Opening Prayer was offered by Pastor Tom Shanor
Minutes: Because there was not a full quorum of the committee at today’s meeting it was agreed that we would go ahead and approve the minutes from the August 10th meeting as they stand. Louise approved the agreement and Drew seconded the agreement. Also, the minutes from the August 27th Annual Meeting were approved in the same manner. Louise motioned to approve the minutes as they stand. Irene seconded the motion. All members approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Kari had copies of the financial reports from August 31, 2017 and the YTD through August 31, 2017 for each of the Steering Committee Members. Kari reported that the church finances are in decent shape. A copy of the Financial Statement is made to the congregation as requested. Kari also reported that a $200 donation was made in the name of Nancy Phillips. Pastor Tom will check with Barry to see what he would like to do with the donation.
- Connie reported that the Organ is “gone”.She said a family member came and picked up the organ and donated it to the LDS Church.
- Pastor Tom mentioned that he had a member of the church approach him to ask for financial assistance to get a muffler for the members vehicle.The member said it would cost $150 to replace the muffler.Pastor Tom agreed to pay for the muffler even if out of his own pocket.Connie made a proposal to reimburse Pastor Tom for the charges.Louise seconded the motion.All members approved.
Membership Report: Drew reported that she published her first “Quarterly Newsletter” and was distributed. Also, the October Calendar was distributed. Total number of cards sent were seven and flowers were sent to Jack and Julie Newsom in remembrance of their daughter. Drew asked the committee what they thought about making a “Family Tree” to use to display the membership photos. Kari mentioned it may be a problem to use the wall for such. The committee was asked to think about it and we will address it at another time.
Building/Maintenance: Because of Barry’s personal situation and his travel, maintenance is on hold right now. The “WELL” issues will be addressed in the spring. The lighting for the Flag Pole will also be addressed.
Outreach: Irene reminded us of the upcoming wedding in December. Pastor Tom will officiate. Irene also was concerned about the “welcome gifts” that we give to visitors. She noticed that they are all gone. It was agreed that Irene will make 12 more bags and bring six to the church and save the other six to be used as needed.
Worship: Louise reported that Candy gave Louise the name of a contact at BYU-Idaho to consider finding a piano player for our Sunday Services. Another name was given that may help find a piano player. The issue is that the player would be missing attendance at their own church meeting. Louise suggested that there be more than one player so they could share and not miss many of their own meetings. Louise also told the contact that a stipend and travel would be allowed. Perhaps even housing from one of our own members if the situation arose.
Old Business: Roof repairs are on hold until next spring.
New Business: Connie distributed a list of the chair duties as she made some clarifications. As they were reviewed, a motion was made by Drew to accept the Chair Duties to be approved as written. Louise seconded the motion. All members approved.
- Connie created a “TAB” on the LCIP website which included the Steering Committee Chair information.This will give viewers another option to have contact information if needed.
- It was suggested by Candy that we have a copy of the LCIP Master Notebook available at the Church.Connie prepared the notebook and it will be available in the bookcase in the Pastor’s office.
- Pastor Tom mentioned that we need to think about getting a new copier for the office.Pastor Tom will contact Carl Koehly to see if Carl will assist in the research in finding what is best suited for the church needs.
- A Petty Cash fund will be made available for Pastor Toms incidental needs in the amount of $200.
- Pastor Tom will consider assigning a new person(s) to give the “Welcome” and announcements at our Sunday service.Also, he will assign someone to handle the “Prayer Circle” requests.
- A meeting will be held November 11th at the home of Louise to make Christmas Worship Service plans.
- January 7, 2018 will be the next Steering Committee Meeting after services.
A “Pastor Appreciation Dinner” will be held at the home of Drew on Saturday, October 14th at 5:00 PM. Drew will furnish the meat to be determined and beverages. Those who wish to attend will be asked to bring a side dish and desserts. At the dinner the Steering Committee will also acknowledge the outgoing Steering Committee members. Special recognition to Larry Johnson and Barry Phillips for long time dedicated service to our LCIP.
At 1:50 Drew made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kari Seconded the motion. All approved.
Connie offered our closing prayer.